Tuesday, October 02, 2007

AMAR SIN LIMITES, TUESDAY OCTOBER 2: MO wakes up and sells Azul the Brooklyn Bridge

My first attempt at posting a recap, so please bear with me, mis amigos.

Previously, at Eva's suite, Eva has told Ivan not to "disappear" Andres, as Diego does not want blood on his hands and would rather Andres suffer in the here-and- now for killing Paco and Abuelo rather than in the hereafter. Eva also tells Ivan she is feeling extra cheerful because she believes that Diego and Azul have broken up for good. (She obviously hasn't checked the breakup/makeup scorecard lately.) Meantime, at Casa Azul & Ceci, the hospital calls to give Azul information about Mo.

First new scene is at the hospital where the doctor is telling Azul and Ceci that there has been a change in Mo's condition. After a few tense minutes where Azul thinks the worst, the doctor finally announces that Mo has awakened but is still weak and confused. The doctor believes that as Mo's fiancee, Azul will do him a world of good at this time. Azul looks uncomfortable since that's not exactly her title anymore, but she asks to see him. She has a sudden dizzy spell but tells the doctor it's just the scare from Mo's illness. Ceci knows better.

Casa Moran: The uproar over Piero's imprisonment continues with Lidia and Diego yelling at each other while Papa enables Lidia and Mama has Diego's back. Diego is running down Piero's crimes but since he's not charged with murder, Lidia just wants her hubby out of jail. Papa shouts that he also would like this outcome so he can go back to work for Piero and put food on the table. Diego is disgusted that his sister is married to a lowlife and that she and Papa are determined to get Mo to help them spring Piero from jail. He yells that they should stay away from Mo and that Papa should quit the job. Papa says, no way, no how.

Julio's Boutique: Gaspar notices that Arnaldo is looking kind of down and asks why. Arnaldo tries to play it off by saying he's worried about his aunt, but Gaspar knows him too well and guesses that it's about Julio. Arnaldo confesses that he wants a commited relationship and Julio wants to be free. Gaspar agrees with Arnaldo and then suggest that to cheer him up they should go see a movie that I think is called, "How to Catch a Man in Four Short Lessons". That's cute. Aranaldo manages the glimmer of a smile.

Casa Moran: Diego says he can't believe Papa is so unscrupulous as to work with Piero. Papa says it's better to fight to keep a job than to lose it like Diego over un asunto de faldas, a woman. (That was a low blow, Papa. ) Diego shoots back that he was not fired by Mo, but Papa says anyway Diego shouldn't be trying to stop him from dealing with Mo & Co. when his jefa, Eva, is also involved with them. Diego says there is a reason he's working with Eva and Papa sneers, we know, it's that big salary you're getting. Diego says Papa's wrong and he'll prove it.

Eva's Suite: Eva is on the phone with Boris/Dad telling him that she'll e-mail him the files and information Ivan copied from Mo's lab. In the background Ivan is shaking his head and looking panicky (for him). He tells Eva that there was no information on the computer or in the depository. I'm not sure what happened here. Didn't he see what he was copying? Eva looks muy pissed off.

Casa Emilia: Emilia gives GSD some documents she has hidden for him which I presume are the documents Ivan was looking for. GSD apologizes for bothering her but he has to confide in someone. She says, whatever you need. GSD says, "Well, now that you mention it, what I really need is ....." and tries to embrace her, but Emilia is not up for hanky panky and turns her head away. After commercial break we are back at Casa Emilia where GSD is reading over the laboratory documents and nonchalantly trying to take Emilia's hand but she once again rebuffs him, asking him instead how he got the papers out of the lab. He explains that he concealed them in the folder of Mo's medical records that he was taking to the hospital. They agree he must keep these documents away from Mo and from the Eva cartel.

Mo's hospital room: Mo has been sleeping and wakes to see Azul sitting near him. He weakly calls out to her and asks what happened to him. Azul starts to have an attitude with him, like, you really don't know, but she softens and tells him to stay calm. Mo asks for Caty and is reassured by Azul that Caty was frightened for him but is o.k. Mo thanks her for looking out for Caty and for visiting him. She says that he was once someone important in her life, emphasis on past tense, and that she still wishes only the best for him. He says he'll get well for his daughter and for her. She tells him, no, get better for yourself but he just smiles at her weakly and say, no, for you. Azul looks uncomfortable again.

Case Emilia: GSD and Emilia are having coffee and considering whether Mo might be telling the truth about just wanting to find a cure and Eva being in it only for the money. GSD says that judging by how scared Leo is of Eva, he thinks Mo has some cred. He also tells her that Azul now knows that Mo has a life threatening illness but that he did not have the heart to tell her that she too has this disease and that with her blood type she is more vulnerable than Mo and could even die before him. (I agree that would have been a lot to take in.)

Eva's suite: Eva and Ivan brainstorm on how to buy a little time before brutal Boris comes down on them for not producing results. Ivan declares that he'll rummage around the homes of Mo and GSD without leaving a trace and do whatever it takes until he finds out where the missing documents are.

Case Emilia: GSD confides to Emilia that the blood samples from the lab (that were once in her frig.) are now hidden in the lab of his old job at the university, and that in exchange for helping his former colleague on a project, he can use the university lab at night to secretly work on the toxin. Since he'll still be working at Mo's lab during the day, he'll be working 24 hours a day, I guess. And it doesn't seem to dawn on him that Ivan and the rest of the ear-piece crew could follow him to the night lab. I know it's the first place I'd look. So, anyway, is he working on the cure in two places? I'm confused. Emilia warns GSD that he is putting his life at risk by this subterfuge and he tells her that if something happens to him, she must do all she can to see that a cure is found for Azul's illness. Somehow all this talk of risk and possible murder is a turn-on and they begin to passionately kiss.

Hospital waiting room: Ceci has been dozing off waiting for Azul. When Azul comes back from Mo's room Ceci asks her flippantly how her "Romeo" is doing. She can't believe that Azul did not take the opportunity to chew him out for withholding the news about his illness. Azul explains that Mo was just too sick for recriminations and that'll have to wait until he recuperates. They go home, planning to call Leo & Andres with the news that Mo is awake.

Eva's suite: Eva is worrying to Ivan that she can't control what's happening with Mo at the hospital, especially with GSD and Leo giving who knows what information to the doctors. Ivan gets a call on his earpiece that both Burgay and Diego are outside waiting to see Eva. Isn't it the middle of the night? Ivan is summoned into Eva's presence first and gives the disheartening report that Julio is not willing to have investors in his boutique after all. So much for Diego's clean future company. Eva says they'll go Godfather on him, making him"an offer he can't refuse".

Casa Moran: Lidia is still wailing and bitching about Piero's situation and how Fate has dealt her a cruel blow. She rants that Mo has the nerve to be in the hospital when they need his help and that Lucia is behind all this and is a homewrecker. Mama tries to point out that it might be the other way around as Lidia first did the homewrecking. Papa defends Lidia as the only true wife but seems none too optimistic that Piero can be sprung. Papa complains about Diego's lukewam help. (But he did hire a lawyer, dude. How about a little gratitude.)

Eva's suite: After Burgay leaves, Diego storms in all macho and demands that Eva revise his contract. He'll still work for her but only if she...lowers his salary to an amount commensurate with the non-duties he's performing for her. He also gives back the keys to the 'Stang. Eva is like, whatever you say little Diego. In fact you won't be needing a car as you'll be my chauffeur. Diego: "Fine". Eva: "Fine". So now, he's officially not a boy toy anymore. Fine.

Casa A & C: Caty wakes up from a nightmare crying for her papi. Azul and the nanny (who also spent the night) comfort her. Azul gives her the good news that Mo is awake and pinky-promises to take her to visit in the morning.

Eva's suite: Eva wants to chat with Diego about his breakup with Azul. Diego sternly declares he'll never discuss this matter with her and then proceeds to dish. Eva suggests that if Mo dies, Azul will be available, but Diego says he doesn't want anything to do with a woman who prefers someone else even if it's for his money and even if that someone should no longer be with us. Eva is wide-eyed (and pleased).

Mo's hospital room: Leo and Andres are visiting Mo. They all discuss Mo's worsening condition and why Andres looks so golpeado. Actually Andres looks a trifle better this morning. Leo and Andres inform Mo that Diego beat up Andres because he found out from Eva, his protector, that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco. The wheels turn in Mo's head and he thinks he can use the Diego-Eva tie in his plot to fool Azul.

Isela's Cantina: Diego is meeting with the lawyer he hired for Piero. The lawyer reprts that he hasn't been able to see Piero because another lawyer, Castelar, is already working with him. Diego says he'll investigate who Castelar is and he asks the lawyer to please retain the case.

Eva's suite: Eva is meeting with Castelar to get a report on Piero. He tells her that, per her orders, he is pretending Mo sent him and is getting information from Piero about his dirty dealings with Mo. He tells Eva that Mo is funding Piero's company and also arranged the marriage to Lidia to trap Diego and his family. Eva gives Castelar further instructions that we don't hear.

Mo's hospital room: Leo and Andres inform Mo that Azul now knows about his life threatening illness. Mo orders them to pretend he doesn't know that Azul has found out, as Mo wants to deal a premptive strike and "tell" Azul himself. Leo also assures Mo that she has told the doctors as little as possible about his true health condition.

Eva's suite: Castelar is leaving and bumps into Diego who is arriving. Eva later tells Diego that Castelar is working to get the neighbor framed for killing Abuelo out of jail. Diego looks suspicious.

Hospital lobby: Leo and Andres are loitering near the reception desk. They hear Lidia asking for Mo and ask her what she wants. Lidia recognizes Leo and tells her she is there to get Mo's help to get her husband out of jail as he has been accused of killing her brother's best friend, Paco. Leo's wheels start turning, turning.

Piero's prison: Piero gets a visit from Lucia who is gazing at him adoringly through the glass partition.

Mo's hospital room: Azul comes in for a visit and Mo immediately launches into his "confession" about his illness. He feigns surprise that Azul already knows. He starts weaving his story that l) Eva and Co. have threatned him into keeping quiet; 2) Eva is using him as a guinea pig in her plan to infect the world with this mysterious illness and then make a fortune with a cure.

Back in Mo's room after a commerical break, Azul finds Mo's story incredible, like a movie. Mo offers as proof that he is flat on his back in a hospital bed and also swears on Caty that he is not lying. "Would I like to you about this?" Um, yeah.

Prison: Lucia is declaring that she'll use all her money and influence to get her beloved Piero out of jail. (But why, Lucia, why?) Piero rightly enough reminds her that she's the reason he's in there. Lucia apparently does believe he may have killed Paco, instigated by his "tramp", Lidia. Piero yells some more that he's going to be in jail for a while until he's cleared and then deported. Lucia doesn't seem to have considered that angle and wants him to stay in Mexico. She says he's been ungrateful for her "investment" in him and now will be abandoned by Lidia who is a golddigger. Piero throws her out of his jail.

Hospital lobby: Leo has convinced Lidia that she and Andres are Mo's nearest and dearest and will be the ideal liason between Lidia and Mo. Leo gets Lidia's address and telephone number and tells her to wait by the phone as Mo is now recuperating and will be able to help her get Piero out of jail any minute now. After Lidia leaves, Leo tears up the paper with the telephone number. Andres asks why Leo was giving that B.S. to Lidia about helping her and Piero. Leo says, no my dear, we aren't going to help them, they will help us. She explains that as long as the police believe Piero killed Paco, Andres cannot be implicated. Andres looks impressed by Leo's conniving brilliance.

Mo's hospital room: (Final Scene) Mo continues with his melodrama, stating that he had only wanted to help mankind by finding a cure for this terrible disease and found out too late that Eva's cartel was only interested in dirty profits. He ups the horror quotient here by claiming that Eva had purposely infected him to force him to keep working with her on the toxin. (Why does this sound familiar? Oh, that's right, that's what Mo did to Azul.) Azul wants to know why he didn't denounce them to the police, and Mo says that Ivan had threatened to harm Caty. This sends Azul into hysterics and Mo asserts that everyone involved with Eva is a criminal. When Azul tries to defend Diego as being innocent, Mo messes with her mind, asking why Eva is paying Diego such a high salary for a job he is not qualfied for. Aat the end, Mo pulls out all the stops, sobbing like a baby and saying that Azul was the light at the end of a dark tunnel that came into his life. Azul is sobbing too and says that if only he had confided in her, their relationship might still be going strong. Mo gasps and begs her not to abandon Caty if anything should happen to him. He claims that Eva and Co. are planning to get him out of the way. He's doomed. Azul looks sorrowful some more.

Too much melodrama for me. At this point I was ready to throw something at the television.


Yeah, mo was really selling it. A little bit of truth mixed in with lots of lies. Picking a guy who usually plays galans was a really good casting move for this novela. We don't really know when Mo is telling the truth about his feelings for Azul and Caty and when he's lying.

Piero's fate is looking even more uncertain. Andres and Leo are going to work to keep him right where he is.

Somehow all this talk of risk and possible murder is a turn-on and they begin to passionately kiss.

Haaaa - that belongs in the next 'out of context' post. Hilarious. Great recap.

I'm confused too, Jestena, about why Piero's wife has suddenly turned around. If she really wants him back, why? If she is just pretending, why? I can' see what the benefit is to her either way.

Mo woke up weak and confused???? This show makes me feel weak and confused, too. The plot is getting Byzantine and weird. I miss Anndresss's pretty face. Diego is now a chauffeur having given up his boytoy position [or would that be ''positions'' ????]and turned in the keys to the stang ...ah...how noble. Azul continues to jump on my last nerve...booohoohoo..poor me. GSD is more interested in getting busy with Emilia than in finding a cure for his daughter...what a prince. Auxilio.

Thanks for your comments, guys. Re Lucia: I just get that she's obsessed with Piero for some odd reason. He's undocumented, unlicensed, unemployed, unfaithful and uninterested in her or her daughter, so I don't understand the attraction. I was also wondering how long it will take Azul to connect the dots about how she was swept off her feet by someone who just happened to badly need the help of her scientist father. So far she's totally buying the story.

Excellent recap. I have to agree with Susanlynn, the plot has gotten very complicated and strange. It's getting to the point that it's hard to tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys".

Lidia and Manuel - just can't stand these two. They are both losers, like father like daughter, and ingrates. Gee Diego, with family like that, who needs enemies?

Jestena, your comment about the breakup/makeup scorecard was too funny and right on target.


I find Gaspar very likeable, Jen, but he's just a minor character. Maybe some of us should form a support group to help us get through the twists of this novela (or maybe a drinking game would do!)

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