Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Amar Sin Limites, Tuesday, October 23. Arnaldo and Julio Clear Things Up -- No Such Luck With Azul and Diego

Previously, Arnaldo slammed Julio in the face with a cake after mistaking Julio's lunch with Burgay as a téte á téte. (But seriously, who could be jealous of Burgay, the Rodney Dangerfield of this novela?) Meantime, Azul threatens Eva with the police or the media if she tries to harm GSD. Eva responds by almost telling Azul she is infected. After Azul and GSD leave, Diego goes off on Eva warning her not to interfere with GSD or she won't live to tell the story. Naturally Ivan jumps to Eva's defense revealing that the head of their organization wants to kill Eva for trying to get the proof of Mo's shenanigans for Diego. Diego thinks all this is just a cover for them not having the proof in hand and warns Eva that she has one last opportunity to get the documents or he'll never believe her again. Well, at least that's milder than his previous death threat.

First new scene: Ceci calls Azul from the restaurant where she and Arnaldo pulled the Julio caper and tells her she needs Azul to bring money to help her out of a jam as Andres is not answering his cell.

(Neo)Leo's room: (Warning: brain bleach moment coming up!) We now see why Andres is not answering his cell, as he is under the sheets with Leo in his boxers, after one of their kinky sessions. Andres says Leo promised this would be the last time, but Leo says she was just drunk and telling lies. She wants Andres to continue their affair but gives him permission to sport around with Ceci every now and again. Andres angrily leaps out of bed, pulling on his pants and saying that he's not Leo's property to be given her permission or not. He says this brief relapse into passionate depravity wil not happen again as he loves Ceci. (I played this scene over several times, but just go get the dialog correct, you understand.)

Arnaldo and Julio are having a confrontation in some part of the restaurant. Julio's face is still dripping with frosting, but he's doing his best to mantain dignity while trying to convince Arnaldo that Burgay is a business associate and not a lover. Arnaldo is hurt that Julio will not tell him the exact nature of the business he is conducting with Burgay. He breaks off their relatiionship (again) and walks away. Julio calls him back and says he'll tell him everything.

Eva's balcony: Ivan apologizes for spilling the beans to Diego about the threat on Eva's life, but says he could not contain himself when Diego disrespected Eva who loves him so much. Eva then defends Diego, saying he has values and principles enough to confront her and her group without even realizing how really dastardly they are. Ivan is like, "Yeah, he's not like me, you mean." I was feeling sorry for Ivan about then, but he soon starts saying they should use Azul to keep pressuring GSD, and Eva should forget about competing fairly with Azul woman to woman for Diego. In fact, it would be more convenient for Azul to die. That way they could continue their plan to pretend Eva is dead, let Ivan get the Mo-destroying proofs for Diego who would then escape with Eva to some far off mafia-free land where they'd live happily ever after. Eva seems to be considering this idea.

Casa Mo 2: Mo gets a call from Azul who fills him in on how Diego intervened to save GSD and was even injured in the action. Mo accuses Diego of having pretended to be on Azul's side. He then lies, saying that he (Mo) had called Eva and threatened her with the police if she didn't release GSD. Dumb-dumb Azul believes him and says she'll see him after she resolves Ceci's restaurant problem.

Lucia's house: Manuel seems to be about to pocket a silver ashtray he spies on a coffee table when Lucia comes into the room and warns him not to touch anything in her house. He tries to act offended she thinks he's a thief as well as a sleaze ball. Lucia is angry that Piero is still seeing Lidia and thinks Manuel is not doing his job in separating them. She finally agrees to insure that Lidia will be well taken care of financially if she leaves Piero alone forever. Manuel agrees to continue his dirty work in this regard. He leaves, while Lucia shakes her head at him disgustedly. Manuel is not exactly an abuelo-killer, but still, he's crying out for a mighty comeuppance.

Restaurant: The manager is explaing to a shocked Azul and GSD that Ceci and an accomplice had attacked two prized customers, Señor Burgay and Señor Julio Curso. Azul and GSD are impactados that Burgay and Julio even know each other. Ceci then admits that Arnaldo was her accomplice and thought he'd catch Julio in the midst of a rendezvous with another lover.

Casa Diego and Chucho: Diego tells Chucho about the GSD rescue and Chucho says Azul owes her father's life to Diego. Silvana arrives and is horrified to find Diego wounded. She sends Chucho off to get first aid stuff and tends to her little Diego while gazing soulfully into his eyes.

Casa Mo 2: Mo is all worked up telling Andres how Diego came off as a hero in the GSD incident while Andre was off lollygagging with Leo. However, he soon is downright chuckling when he and Andres celebrate how easy it was to manipulate gabby Ceci into telling Azul the fake story that Eva and Diego had conspired to have Diego pretend to fall in love w ith Azul. Andres can't believe that Ceci has already blabbed, but Mo says the proof is that Azul now wants to marry him.

Casa Moran: Manuel tells Lidia he knows that she and Piero are not living as husband and wife but just as lovers. He pretends he knows this just because he's so attentive to her as a father and promises to keep the information from Clemencia and Diego, who wouldn't understand. He then lies to Lidia, saying Lucia approached HIM with a deal to give him money to separate Lidia and Piero. He tells Lidia he'll pretend to go along with Lucia in order to get the money that rightfully should be Piero's. Does Manuel even know when he's lying, or is always lying?

Piero's Office: Piero is annoyed that Lucia keeps pretty short hours for a secretary as she announces she's leaving for the day to pick up her daughter. Since she's taking their only car, Piero is reduced to taking public transportation which he hotly protests as being beneath his executive dignity. He demands to know where his promised new car is. Lucia roughly tweaks his nose and says she's no longer going to buy him expensive gifts or give him the life of a milliionaire he previously enjoyed with her since she's paying so much to resolve his immigration problems.

Boutique: Julio and Arnaldo are glad they have cleared up their misunderstanding, and Arnaldo proposes that they begin a new formalized stage of their relationship by living together. Gaspar overhears them and laments that unlike the lucky couple, he is alone without even his work pal at the moment. It's then Arnaldo and Julio realize they've left poor Ceci at the restaurant holding the cake plate, so to speak.

In Mo's chauffered car, GSD is holding forth about how humiliated he was in the restaurant that the staff and "half the world that was there" now know that his son is a "deviant". (This man was just kidnapped by masked men, drugged, threatened with a gun in his face, and was witness to a shooting, not to mention having his daughter and former lover supposedly dying, and this is all he has to worry about? Why don't you get back to the lab, you dolt.) Anyhow, Azul says that what's really important is knowing why Julio was with Burgay, one of Eva's criminal cohorts. GSD grumps that someone of Julio's caliber would quite naturally hobnob with criminals. Ceci suggests that Burgay was just on a clothes buying errand for Eva. GSD and Azul look skeptical.

Casa Diego & Chucho: Silvana tells Diego she doen't want him to work for Eva anymore, even to get proof agaisnt Mo, as it's too dangerous and she doesn't want to lose him as she did her son. He tells her not to worry as he's no longer working for Eva since she has not come up with the promised proof against Mo. Silvana is absently stroking Diego's arm. He notices.

Casa Mo 2: Mo and Andres are discussing some plan to have Piero construct secret laboratories when Leo walks in. Mo, pretending he can only see shadows, asks if Leo has indeed glamorized her wardrobe and hairstyle. He asks Andres how she looks, and Andres glumy answers that she looks fine. Leo then tells Mo that she and Andres are going to relive all their kinky moments together. Mo, like the rest of us, doesn't want to hear the gory details. Andres looks daggers at Leo, saying he's cleared all that up with Leo and hopes she understands. Mo then tells Leo the happy news of his impending nuptials and how Leo will be helping with the preparations. She tries to sound happy for him and asks what he wants for a wedding gift. Mo says Boris is giving him the best gift of all: Geting rid of Eva and putting Mo in her place. Mo says all he has to do now is tighten the screws. Cue trademark evil smirk.

Eva's balcony: Burgay is giving Eva the documents signed by Julio at the resaurant. Eva has apparently heard about the cake-in-the-face incident and scolds Burgay that her image at the restaurant may have been tarnished. Burgay says it's not his fault Julio's little boyfriend thought he was Julio's lover. I think he says something like, "Give me a break!", as if the thought of him as Julio's lover was a most ridiculous notion.

Boutique: Julio clarifies with Azul that he loves Arnaldo and no one else, and was just having a business lunch with Burgay. Azul then demands to know the nature of his Burgay business. Julio seems a little taken aback by her bossiness.

Casa Mo 2: I believe Mo lies to GSD saying that out of concern for GSD and Azul, he told Eva and her group that GSD would continue to cooperate with the toxin investigation. GSD reproches Mo for planning to marry Azul knowing she doesn't love him. Mo readily admits he knows that but wants to separate her from Diego whom he and GSD despise and provide a guardian for Caty. GSD bluntly tells him that might not happen as Azul as well as Mo may not survive if he doesn't find a cure. Mo says he had decided to tell Azul she's infected as then she won't want to go through with the marriage. He's just pretending he'd let her slip through her fingers. A commercial comes up, just when we need time to prepare for more Mo melodrama.

Sure enough, after the commercial, Mo tells GSD it was Azul who in fact did the proposing. GSD is surprised as he thought she still loved Diego. Mo says he's tried to convince Azul that this is not the right time for a marriage, what with all the Eva and Diego drama. He reaches his emotional sride, declaring his love for Azul and his wish to protect her from harm. GSD sensibly points out that it's a little late for that as "they" have already infected Azul. Mo whines about how he shares Azul's suffering from this horrible disease and could not even muster the strength to rescue GSD as he would have wanted to, but still it unites him and GSD in their noble fight against the disease. GSD, as gullible as his daughter, falls for Mo's faux earnestness and vows to fight on to find the cure. Mo says, while you're off doing the cure finding, I want to offer Azul peace and refuge here in my cozy household of loonies.

Boutique: Julio tries to convince Azul that he is only supplying clothes for Eva and Burgay. Azul warns him these two are dangerous and that he should avoid letting himself or Arnaldo get mixed up with them.

Eva's Suite: Ivan and Eva are discussing having Eva's fake death take the form of an explosion so Boris wouldn't be expecting to see any remains. Ivan says she'll then be free to start her new life with Diego. Eva thanks Ivan for being the only person in the whole world whose love could free her, allowing her to die and be resurrected, as it were. He says that she too has given him a wonderful gift, albeit only once. I guess he means the tumble in the woods. Eva gets a gleam in her that I thought might have meant she was preparing to surprise him with an encore.

Boutique: Azul is filling Ceci in on the horror of GSD's kidnapping and tells her to thwart any reprisal from Eva & Co., she and Ceci will stay at Mo's for a few days. Ceci smiles at the idea. Azul takes a call from Diego. They tentatively ask each other how they're doing after the kidnapping/rescue ordeal. At Diego's end, we see Silvana modeling a dress and anxiously easedropping on the phone call. Azul quickly hangs up and collapses in tears as she recounts Diego's heroics and wounding to Ceci. Azul believes it proves Diego's love for her but Ceci does not want to board that roller coaster again and mocks Diego as being a wannabe Batman who appeared out of nowhere to save GSD. She even doubts he was in danger, noting that Ivan barely grazed him.

Casa Diego & Chucho: Silvana is modeling a gauzy whitr dress from the Diego-Chucho Collection when Diego approaches with scissors and snips at the halter top neckine, exposing a little cleavage. Chocho declares Diego "daring" and Silvana teases that if he gets any more daring, he'll have to find a new model. Diego goes out for a bit, much to Silvana's disappointment, but she and Chucho celebrate that he and Diego will be working out of Julio's boutique. They are both proud of Diego's designer skills.

Arnaldo's job: GSD stops by the restaurant to talk to Arnaldo about the scene with Julio and winds up insulting his relationship as being "perverse". Arnaldo holds his own, saying that even if he were to break up with Julio, he'd still be with a man as this is who he rally is. GSD looks disgruntled, but that's pretty much his normal expression.

Boutique: Julio asks Ceci if she's finally finished gabbing with Azul and can, you know, get to work. He also docks her salary for all the times she's come in late or left early, and especially for going around spying on innocent people in restaurants. To me, Ceci seems to have a pretty cavalier attitude about holding down a job. I'd have fired her little busybody self.

Casa Moran: Manuel and Lidia come in from somewhere and both comment that they want Clemencia to come back as the house is a mess. How sentimental.

Anibal's office: Silvana drops by to clear up matters with Clemencia regarding Isela as she loves both of them. She says that Isela resented Clemencia for stealing Manuel away from her when they were young, but regets having an affair with him after he was married to Clemencia. Clemencia tells Silvana she knows Manuel made up the story about getting together with Isela at the billar, and in fact, she and Manuel are meeting later in the evening to try to reslove their marital issues. Silvana says she's glad as she knows Clemencia's marriage means a lot to her. Clemencia does not look too sure of this at the moment.

Casa Moran: Manuel pursuades Lidia to try to iron a few shirts for him as he hasn't been able to manage this task in Clemencia's absence. Lidia has no clue how to iron but courageously agrees to give it a shot. Manuel tries to borrow a little money from Lidia for his dinner date with Clemencia. What a loser. In fact, what a pair of losers.

Anibal's office: Clemencia tells Silvana she's kind of sorry to hear Silvana has a boyfriend even though she is happy Silvana has someone who appreciates her. It's just that she had thought Silvana would be the perfect woman for Diego and can't understand why Diego is still so attached to that Azul girl. Silvana is practically purring.

Casa Azul & Ceci: Diego is waiting at the front door when Azul arrives and asks him sharply what he wants. He says he had to come to see for himself how she is doing. She sarcastically notes that he seems to be recuperating since Eva attended him. He corrects her that it was Silvana who did the attending. Azul wonders what he wants from her since he is surrounded by all these concerned women. They do their usual tiresome routine. She says she's engaged now and this time won't fall into the game of thinking that Diego is her true love. She slams the door in his face. He does a quick nose wrinke of sadness; she tries to squeeze out a tear.

Casa Mo 2: Mo sends Andres to pick up Ceci from the boutique and tells him to send the chauffer for Azul. After Andres leaves, Leo says she's sick of all this crap. Mo promises that as soon as he marries Azul, they can rid themselves of Ceci. Leo says she's been loyal to Mo all these years and hopes he'll pay her back in kind. Mo just kind of smiles to himself and you just don't know what he might be thinking.

Casa Azul & Ceci: Arnaldo tells Azul of his meeting with GSD. He also reveals that he and Julio are thinking of making their relationship more formal. Azul is happy for him.

Anibal's office: Anibal offers Clemencia and Silvana a ride home. He is on his way to take Isela to a movie.

Casa Azul & Ceci (Final scene): Azul continues to worry to Arnaldo that Julio is involved with Eva and Burgay who are criminals and part of a mafia. Finally, to relieve her mind, Arnaldo spills the details of the supposed secret Julio told him. So much for trust within a relationship. So Arnaldo reveals that Julio said he was approached by Burgay on orders of Eva, and that Eva has bought one half of the boutique to for Diego. Azul is way impactada.


Thanks once again, Jestena for a rippin' good recap. I guess the Andres/Leo bed scene is to keep us reminded that behind that beautiful body and face is a sick, sick man who would kill your grandpa or commit sordid S&M sex acts on a whim. Run Ceci, Run!! Arnaldo and Julio have the only halfway decent relationship and I like them better than the other characters at the moment. I do wish Eva would just disappear with Ivan, they have so much more in common like culture and intelligence but Eva has this sick streak of wanting to cling to someone she thinks is good and pure. But why? Her evil life is much more luxurious than the one that the poor tailor could ever provide....

Ha ha! I love your opening line!

Another good one - "this brief relapse into passionate depravity will not happen again". I had to explain to my boss why I was laughing so hard.

I think is is an excellent recap and I don't even watch this show.

I have just started watching this show by accident, as I'vc been getting up earlier and falling asleep at or before my usual novela, Destilando Amor, starts.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you so much for producing such an amazingly good and thorough recap. You've also made it pretty easy to understand what's going on in this rather complicated story with it's large cast of characters.

''a brief relapse into passionate depravity''...yeah...sure..that's what they all say. Annndresss, in addition to being a abuelo-murdering tialover, you are a big disappointment to me. You are a goodlooking hombre, but you are doomed.

Thanks for all your comments and positive feedback, guys. I always look forward to reading what everyone is thinking. I too like the Julio-Arnaldo pairing as they both seem to be making an effort to move forward. Re: Eva and Ivan, at least he got something for all his loyalty and love for her. He's much more of a man than Diego, and is her mirror image. As for Andres. I know he's beyond redeption and is doomed, but I just can't take my eyes off him when he's on screen. Last night we even got a dimple flashing moment. I'm still hoping for an Amar road tour or book signing so I can practice my Spanish on him. :) Sylvia & Anonymous, maybe you'll get hooked on Amar after all. I have a love/hate relationship with it, but I'll watch until the fin.

The one point in the dialog of this epi I couldn't figure out was when Mo and GSD were talking about Mo and Azul's impending nuptials and Mo insists with much gravity that he has to tell Azul that she's infected so that she won't want to marry him. Now I know he is a master of reverse psychology but this seems kind of over the top. If she thinks she's dying and Mo's dying might she try to get somebody else in the picture to take care of Katy? Ceci? Emilia? GSD? Arnaldo?

Margaret, I also thought MO was using reverse psychology on GSD, knowing that GSD did not approve of the marriage...playing him as you saw him do Azul in the previous episode. Mo wants to marry Azul for his own reasons, one of which is his hatred of Diego. And being Mo, he doesn't really care that if Azul were to die, Caty would still be motherless. After all, he's the one who infected her. All he cares about is getting GSD to work on the cure and he's close to his goal of marrying Azul to keep GSD even closer. There may be other thoughts on why Mo wants to marry Azul. I'd be interested to know what others think he's up to.

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