Thursday, October 25, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #71, Wednesday 10-24: The body count is up by another one

Recap from last night: Mauricio promises Leo that once he gets married, they can get rid of Ceci. Arnaldo and Julio are moving in together. Doña Clemencia is convinced to let Anibal give her a ride home. Azul warns Arnaldo about "those people". Arnaldo tells Azul that half the boutique has been purchased for Diego.

Casa A&C: Azul takes this as proof that Diego's with Eva. She tells Arnaldo she's going to marry Mauricio. She says she fell in love with the wrong person. She wants to make Mauricio happy and find some peace.

Emilia's: GSD finally admits he smells bad. He complains about his research and his kids. Emilia rubs his shoulders while he complains about Arnaldo being gay and Azul getting married. Emilia is surprised, but not necessarily impactada.

Boutique: Andres lies about why he didn't answer his cell phone. He swears he only loves Ceci, which makes her a little suspicious, but not suspicious enough.

Emilia's: GSD is worried Azul's getting married for the wrong reasons. Emilia tries to talk GSD into telling Azul she's sick, but GSD doesn't think it's a good idea.

Casa Moron: Diego has come to gripe Manuel out about making up with Clemencia. He warns Manuel that if they break up for realz, Manuel's the one who has to leave the house. Clemencia walks in and gets a slightly desperate greeting from Manuel and a protective stance from Diego.

Emilia's: Emilia tries to explain to GSD that he needs to accept Arnaldo's homosexuality. GSD is as hard-headed as usual. He wants to introduce Arnaldo to a hot chick who can get him to switch teams. Seriously, the level of stupidity of this man who's supposed to be such a hot shot scientist just blows my mind. This barely fazes Emilia. I think she's getting the idea that for a smart guy, he's really pretty stupid.

Casa E&G: Gaspar and Arnaldo have brought home groceries and wine for the dinner Arnaldo's going to cook for Gaspar. Gaspar sighs that since his sainted mother died, qdep, nobody's cooked a meal especially for him. On behalf of his dear dad, Hey! I doubt Emilio ordered out every single day.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Mauricio tells Azul that he's asked GSD to hand over all the information to Eva because he doesn't want Azul to be in danger. I don't know quite how this is a "speaking of", but Azul tells him she wants to get married ASAP, like this weekend, if possible. Mauricio is thrilled and would do it right now if he could. Azul thinks they should talk about their expectations for the marriage. Azul says she agrees with him about not having sex…wait a second, when did they have this conversation? I'm sure I would have remembered something like that! She also wants to finish her degree. I'm not sure what that has to do with either getting married OR not having sex. Mauricio agrees…cause what guy wouldn't give her everything in return for no sex. Mauricio wants honesty and whatever crumbs of affection she can spare. Azul starts with the honesty by saying she wants to get married this quickly so that Diego will stay away from her. Mauricio says she should move in as of this minute instead of later.

IHoP: Silvana fills Isela in on her meeting with Clemencia. Anibal's there too, so now he gets filled in on the gossip. Anibal says that the shadow of Isela and Manuel not getting married way back when is what keeps Anibal and Isela from being happy. Silvana takes that as her cue to disappear, borrowing Paola (aka Peyote)'s favorite phrase "multiplicarme por cero" ("multiply myself by zero"). Anibal wants to talk about "the shadow," but Isela says she never wants to talk about Manuel again…it's over forever. Anibal's happy about that and they both look hopeful.

Casa Moron: Manuel admits he was stupid. Clemencia lectures him about truth, faithfulness, and respect. Manuel says Isela's out of his life and promises they won't have any more problems. Clemencia says they can start over. No! Run, Clemencia! Run the other way! She says she needs to know he really loves her, but not in the sex way. I think she wants to date again. Manuel suggests they start by going out to celebrate. He can pay for this because he claims to have found a job and Clemencia believes him.

Emilia's: GSD has fallen asleep in front of the couch while still holding a cigarette. Emilia lovingly plucks it from his fingers rather than slapping him upside the head and screaming at him for almost burning down her house. He wakes up and she complains about how hard it is not to tell Azul that she's infected. She starts telling a story about her ex-sister-in-law (Silvana) while grabbing a piece of cheese off a plate, putting it in her mouth, and having him bite off half. I will admit that I myself have done this with my husband, but at least I never forced anyone to watch. Anyway, she tells him about the kid dying and the couple breaking up and he wants to know who it is, but she won't say. She says it's hard for her to know all this stuff and keep the personal separate from the professional and she knows some poor girl's having problems because of her e-s-i-l and it would be better if the girl were her client instead of the e-s-i-l, but she's not. GSD takes away her glass of wine and says she's had enough and isn't making sense anymore. Word. Ew, I just agreed with GSD.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Caty wants Azul to put her to bed so she won't have bad dreams. Azul makes a bunch of promises about not letting anything bad happen to her. Caty goes off to have her bath and Mauricio comes in to give Azul the good "news" that he's starting to get his sight back.

IHoP: As Silvana's returning some empty glasses to the bar, Flavio takes advantage of the absence of his "mother-in-law" and Anibal to smush his face against Silvana's. And she's about that into it. Diego sees them and backs away, but then peeks around the corner to watch before he knocks on the wall to interrupt them.

MM v 2.0: Maurico had Leo write a check to Azul so she can open her own account and have some money for her expenses, or for the wedding, or for whatever dang it, just take the money! She tells him she'll let him know how much the wedding dress costs and he can pay for that, but she doesn't take the check.

Casa E&G: Dinner is ready and Gaspar is bragging about how much he can eat when there's a knock at the door. Uh-oh. It's Julio. Gaspar goes into overdrive trying to explain, but Arnaldo had actually called Julio already and invited him to dinner. Oh, bless him for that. I was afraid they were going to keep going the way of Diego and Azul.

IHoP: Silvana actually thanks Diego for busting up Flavio's face smushing. Diego makes an inappropriate comment about wishing he'd met Silvana before Azul. He mopes and whines about Azul, her impending marriage, and how he can't let her get married.

MM v 2.0: Team Mauricio plus Ceci and Azul are at the dinner table. Caty is excited about the wedding and she wants to hold the train of Azul's dress. Azul breaks the news that she wants to have the wedding this weekend, but Ceci protests. Saturday is Julio's fashion show and she and Arnaldo can't be in two places at once. Azul says that Ceci will be the maid of honor and Mauricio and Leo exchange a look.

Casa E&G: Now Efrain's at the dinner too. It's kind of sad that Arnaldo's getting more support from his partner's employee's dad than from his own. Arnaldo tells Efrain that both he and Azul are getting married. We get a PSA about civil unions in Mexico City ( and how they're not just for gay couples, but any two people who live under the same roof, but don't share blood. Efrain says it's only right that there should be legal protections for the people you love and share your life with. The guys toast. That was sweet.

MM v 2.0: Ceci is vainly attempting to toast the happy couple, but she sticks her foot in it with a wish for a long life together. She wishes they have lots of happiness and surprises, which ha!, and Andres says he'd like nothing more than to marry Ceci. Whoa, was that an actual proposal? Caty seems to think so. Leo gets really pissy and storms out of the room. Mauricio says not to let Leo spoil everyone's happiness, he'll send her on vacation for a few days. I swear Mauricio's feeling guilty about either having to kill Ceci like he promised or intending to break his promise and not kill Ceci, I'm not sure which.

Emilia's: Emilia has to bring GSD his glasses so he can see the screen on his laptop. She doesn't want him to turn over the information, but he says he has to. Emilia wants him to hide out at her place, but he doesn't want to put her in danger. He says he's going to stay up all night, finish what he's doing and turn over the information--then everyone can stop worrying. The orchestra disagrees.

Eva's suite: Ivan has finished putting away Eva's clothes (or at least that's what I thought he said…shouldn't he be out killing someone with only his left pinky?). Eva muses that she's silly to think Diego would run off with her since he's in love with Azul. Ivan suggests killing Azul. Eva finally agrees. Yaaaay! Mr. 5ft thinks Azul should serve as the body double for the Allegedly-Dead version of Eva. Waste not, want not.

MM v 2.0: Caty, Ceci, Azul, and Mauricio are all in one of the guest rooms and Caty is begging to be allowed to stay. Azul says she promised she would put Caty to bed either there or in Caty's room. Mauricio fumes that Azul is spoiling Caty too much. Ceci says if they're all going to stay there, she'll need to find another room to sleep in ha, ha, just kidding…but she does leave and say she'll be right back. As Azul gives Caty a bunch of kisses, Mauricio looks furious.

Casita Malicia v 2.0: Andres says it's the last time Leo is going to make a scene in front of Ceci. He reiterates that what they did earlier wasn't "love" and Leo slaps him. He goes on and on about how he wants out of the relationship. Why does he have 5 o'clock shadow? Is that part of the new younger look? Leo throws their/his past in his face and says she's not going to allow him to put the past behind him. She's going to tell Ceci that Andres is an Abuelo killer and also a Paco killer. Andres really chokes Leo long and hard enough that she could possibly be dead, but I kind of doubt it. We'll see after commercials. Well, she's passed out, at least, and she won't come to. Andres cries and begs for forgiveness. He starts kissing her and asking her to talk to him and saying he loves her and he's sorry, but surprisingly she doesn't wake up. Andres cries and freaks out. Okay, it's not that I'm a heartless beeyotch, but she did make him what he is, so I'm not really feeling the sympathy for Leo. Mostly I feel sorry for Andres, who's so screwed up, and Ceci who's going to end up suffering for it.

Ceci comes looking for Andres in some part of the house, but doesn't see him. Um, he may be starting a new rose garden out back, if you know what I mean.

Eva's suite: Eva confirms that she does, in fact, want Azul dead. She's not ready to order the actual death yet, though. She wants to wait until after they fake her (Eva's) death and then do it and make it look like Mauricio did it. That will be her revenge. And also, if she's allegedly dead, that's supposed to convince Diego that she had nothing to do with it. And when she miraculously returns from the dead, then what?

MM v 2.0: Ceci's outside looking for Andres. He comes up behind her and scares her. He says he was in the kitchen getting water. He says he doesn't know how it happened, but he feels like crap all of the sudden and is looking for some medicine. Ceci leads him inside to lie down for a bit. No, not like that… but I was thinking it too. So, did he bury the body already or just leave it there?

Casa E&G: Julio and Arnaldo take their leave. Awww, Gaspar's all weepy cause he hasn't found his prince yet. Efrain has, I swear, the exact same conversation my dad used to have with me when I'd come home all weepy from a school dance:

G: Good night, dad.
E: Wait, son. I know one day you'll find someone who loves you and you'll make a good couple.
G: You really believe that, dad?
E: Of course, son. My gordito is worth his weight in gold.
G: You think I should go on a diet?
E: No, it's not a diet thing, taking care of your appearance is important, but it's not for your body that someone's going to love you. Someone will come, son, cause Arnaldo? He's not for you, son. Don't cry on me! Be macho!...Okay, well, whatever, but you're my son.

Okay, maybe not exactly the same conversation, but close enough.

MM v 2.0: Ceci brings Andres into his room and tells him to rest for a minute. He flips out a little bit and says he wants to take a bath and go to sleep. Ceci keeps trying to pet him and get him to relax, but it just makes him even more jumpy. He tells her he wants to be alone. She tells him she's happy that he said he wants to marry her and it's the first time she's really felt like his relationship with Leo is DEAD AND BURIED. Oh. My. Choice of words! I don't know whether to be impactada or laugh. I'm doing both. Andres just stares off into space while his facial hair gets longer. Truly.

Casa S&I: Anibal walks Isela to the door. She had a good time. He thinks they can have a good time all the time. Awwwww, middle-aged-couple smoochies! They get busted by Flavio and Silvana. Hey, Flavio, you could learn a thing or two here, so take notes. Silvana gives them a hard time and as Anibal moves to stand against the wall with Isela, it looks like Isela's still really affected, like maybe she shouldn't move too fast or her knees will give out. Flavio tells Isela that when she busts him and Silvana she won't be allowed to give them a hard time. Yeah, good luck with that fantasy Flavio, since I think Silvana's just stringing you along until she can get Diego back. What? You were thinking it. Isela and Anibal grin giddily.

MM v 2.0: In Mauricio's office, Andres tells him, after some incoherent babbling, that he killed Leonarda. He says he doesn't know what happened, it was a fit (un arrebato), they argued, she threatened him, she said she'd never let him be happy with Ceci, she'd tell Ceci he's an Abuelo killer and a Paco killer. Mauricio screams at him that Leo would never betray them, but Andres is convinced that Leo really meant it and he tries to convince Mauricio of this. He says he tried to keep her from going off and he couldn't stop himself. Mauricio tells him not to try to justify his actions. Andres cries that he loved her, but he's an animal and he and Leo could never control themselves (ew!). Mauricio says he's always been able to control them both and Andres didn't need to kill her. Mauricio says Andres has fallen very low. Okay, okay, I know, killing is wrong, but I'm sort of glad she's dead, I can't help it!

Azul and Caty kneel by the bed and pray before Caty goes to bed. Azul asks about Caty's nightmares (which she says she's still having) and whether she remembers everything about the accident, but Ceci walks in before she gets an answer. Ceci jokes about it being 12 and her prince turning into a pumpkin. Caty says she wants to hear the story of the prince who turned into a pumpkin and Ceci and Azul laugh.

Casa S&I: Isela explains to Flavio and Silvana that Anibal asked for another chance and she couldn't say no. Flavio gets cheeky, but Isela says that whether she "couldn't" say no or "didn't want to" doesn't matter since Flavio and Silvana busted up the party. Flavio says it's time for him to go, so Isela leaves so that can say goodbye without any spectators interrupting them. Flavio is way happier about this than Silvana is. The end is near for these two, I predict. Silvana won't even let Flavio give her a kiss on the cheek without complaining that they're not alone. Flavio complains that he really, really wants her and he's a man, not a saint. She gives him a look and he says it's fine, he'll be patient and wait until she wants him too. He knows she still has feelings for Diego, but he's determined to win her over. He leaves.

Casa C & D: Diego is drawing and Chucho is packing their stuff to move it to the boutique. Chucho likes the new design. Diego crumples it up and says it's for no one. He was thinking about Azul getting married, so he drew a wedding dress. It's not his head he can't get her out of, it's his heart. He goes off to bed and Chucho rescues the drawing and sticks it in a folder that's going with them to Julio's.

Casa Julio (soon to be Casa J&A): Arnaldo tells Julio that he passed on the information that Eva bought half the boutique for Diego. He couldn't let Azul think the Julio was cheating on him. Julio seems only mildly annoyed, even though it was supposed to be a secret.

MM v 2.0: While Caty sleeps, Azul and Ceci sit at the foot of her bed whispering. Azul fills Ceci in about Eva buying half the boutique for Diego. Ceci thinks that makes a lot of other things make sense, like why Julio is making such a fuss over Diego's work.

Mauricio says they've got to do something with the body. Andres very nonchalantly says he would have liked to give her a big funeral, but he supposes they'll just have to bury the body in the garden so no one will know. Mauricio objects to burying her as if she were a dog, but he says there's no other option and Andres better do it carefully so Azul and Ceci don't realize it. Andres says he'll be careful and quiet. Mauricio says he shouldn't leave any traces, because if anyone finds out, this time he'll turn his back on Andres. Mauricio says he would have backed Andres for killing anyone but Leonarda. He says he'll never forgive Andres. Dun dun dun.


"Emilia's: GSD has fallen asleep in front of the couch while still holding a cigarette. Emilia lovingly plucks it from his fingers rather than slapping him upside the head and screaming at him for almost burning down her house."

ha ha - I was thinking the exact same thing 5ft - but you said it better!

I also laughed hard when you said "the orchestra disagrees!"

Very funny recap! I have to say though, I am impactada about Leo being dead. Did not see that one coming and, even though she creeped me out, I feel oddly sad for her now. What a good actress that botox lady is.

Uh . Oh. The gorgeous Anndress is certainly doomed now. Not that NeoLeo did not deserve strangling, but Anndress doesn't realize that just because someone deserves strangling that you cannot REALLY strangle them. One has to strangle them figuritively in one's warped, manical, vivid imagination. I guess NeoAnndress does not get the concept of figuratively killing someone. He must be a very literally oriented guy. You tell him, ''Go jump in a lake.'' And the next thing you know , he's in a lake..or at least the pool.''[I, personally, have strangled several bosses, coworkers, relatives, former friends, and acquaintances, but...and here's the key....always in my imagination.] Que lastima...Anndress was looking fine in the new tight tees with the Sonny Crockett/Miami Vice five o'clock shadow and excellent gelled hairstyle. For her part, NeoLeo should have at least had the sense to put on one of her spiffy black leather outfits and held that whip before starting to scream and threaten Anndress. Now, the next question is ..Where will he bury the body ??? The garden is getting a little crowded with Abuelo and Paco and who knows else there.

Well, I too am having trouble juggling the pleasure of seeing someone throttle Leo who did deserve to go but I wish she would come back in an impactada in the hospital bed so she couldn't tell on Andres just yet kind of way. I know pretty boy Andressss' days are numbered but I thought we might get a few more wardrobe scenes before the anvil falls on his most handsome face. susanlynn, I agree that Andres does not have a sense of figurative or ironic reality. I too have closets full of bodies, body parts and occasionally the male appendage coming right out of someone's head after I have cursed them with the all but fatal dickhead spell....

You know, I wonder if maybe when he goes back to get the body it won't be there. Either because she wasn't quite as dead as he thought, or because Jacinto saw the whole thing and removed the body for more ammo against Mauricio and crew. The writers have been less-than-predictable so far, so I'm interested to see if they'll take the opportunity.

Did I miss anyone?

Main Character Deaths
1. Paco
2. Abuelo
3. Leonarda

Supporting Dead (short roles and walk ons)

1. Guy accused of trying to kill Mauricio when it was really Silvana

Flashbacked Dead (died before novela began but whose death was shown on tv)
1. Liliana
2. Nico
3. Andres' uncle/Leo's pareja

Grand total of 7, Andres =4, Mauricio =2 (with help from Leo and Andres)

5ft, you may be right. It did seem a little unreal. Although so did Paco's and abuelo's deaths. I was sure Ceci would buy the farm long before Leo.

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead....The
Wicked Bitch Is Dead!
I so wanted Leo to die, her charater was too damn creepy.
However, I know that it is wrong.
yet, I do feel bad for and Adreas.
He is twisted, yes. However, something in me wants him to somehow escape all punishment for
his misdeeds and be redeemed. I was
hoping he and Ceicei could have a decent life together. All he needs is LOVE.
The 5 o'clock shadow is working for
me. Now, can they find a reason for
Andreas to spend shirtless? Please novela gods, help a woman out! Give him and Ciecie more love scenes, show him burying Leo bare
chested all sweaty and hot. Someting, Anything.
Okay, I know there are other charaters on this novela. I am sorry people, I am just blinded by
that man's Fineness!

Thank You 5ft for the great recap.
You and all the talented recapers
gift for writing are greatly appreciated.

"multiplicarme por phrase, I like it.

Sounds like the body count on this one may rival, or surpass, Duelo.

Excellent recap, and you commenters are a scream.

I too am glad to see Leo gone. That whole deal was getting annoying. It occurs to me that the annoying storylines would all be resolved by someone dying. Mo or Eva dying would clear up the Diego/Azul mess, GSD dying would help Arny and Julio, etc. Or they could all learn to not just believe everything everyone says and use their brains. great recap 5ft, I loved it.

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