Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Destilando 10/3: "Really, Sofia, you'd better stop lending my things to your brother."

UPDATE: As people have been too nice to point out directly, I erred big time - it's a Frankie hankie, not a necktie, which fell behind the couch. I have a very small tv far from my aging eyeballs - and I kept ignoring that panuelo - in other shows, it's usually a necktie. Thanks for the correction.

Rod repeats his Oscar-winning crying scene, in shuddering gasps telling Dani he needs an exorcism, he must drive Gaviota from his soul so he can leave her in peace and also not end up in a straitjacket himself. He says he doesn't want to stalk her and fight with her. He snarls YET AGAIN about Dr. Blondie's luggage. "This was the worst day of my life - I was ridiculous, I was such a dummy, I'm falling into a bottomless pit, I'm going crazy, please help me." [If this was the worst day of his life, he's been awfully lucky. -- Ed.]

Daniela's choreographer had recommended psychologist Dr. Erika, who in fine telenovela style is a babe, to treat the tortured sex-deprived manchild.

So Dani goes to see Rod at his office next morning (greeting Aaron, who's smirking at what a mess Rod is, as "the most sinister member of the family").

Rod, all rumpled and hungover (getting a lot of work done no doubt) shouts he won't see the shrink after all (he waits till Dani has Dr. Erika on the phone, of course, so she hears the whole thing) - Dani is annoyed - he says, "well, I won't see her in an office, because I'm not just any regular kind of guy and I don't like rules." [Are you Rod Rangerettes STILL liking him?] Dr. Erika agrees to see him, instead, at 8 that night at a fancy restaurant.

The odd spasm of jealousy which caused Elvis to say Adios the other night is over. He comes back into the room (still in the same shirt so it hasn't been long), asks Daniela's pardon, and they embrace in mutual distress over poor Rodrigo.

What's the name of that high-rise where Rod and Isa live, Basurio? I always misread it basura, garbage. So in the House of Garbage Frankie is drinking his rosé wine (because he's tired of the champagne Isa is always offering) and she is chugging the champagne (cause she's drinking for two). He says he has to go back to the missus cause it's 11:00. Isa wheedles him into staying longer. He (cymbal crash) drops his tie in the corner just before he leaves.

Hilario and two of his dames are sitting in some coffeehouse, he doesn't want to go home because San Juana is there. They warn him he won't be quit of her by making her angry. Cut to her, angrily stuffing his half of the dinner into her gullet and saying in the end she will be mistress of his bones. (It sounds sort of scary in English.) Hil's boss Cassandra (who also would like to be mistress of his bones) calls and SanWanna gives her a pointless earful.

And now to dispose of Gaviota, Clara, Dr. Blondie, and the placid herd of rich international investors. Clara is nervous, wondering if - after the previous night's debacle - Rod will show up to take her to the airport. Gav is sure he will, but Roman shows up instead and informs us all that Rod has gone back to the city and that he, Roman, has been charged with taking Clara to the airport.

However, she decides to go with the investormobile instead (Dr. Blondie invited her).

Gav is impactada - "He left, he left!" she thought bubbles (I know Ferro is very fond of these moments of crystalline obviousness).

The herd crosses the plains to Teuchitlán, which is very pretty, and gets yet another Chamber of Commerce moment. [BTW I've seen similar 'sacred ball fields' in Puerto Rico. They are not impressive in the slightest, in fact the guards at the gate couldn't keep from cracking up at the idea we were going to pay good money to see them. --Ed.]

At the herd's last stop, CRT (I believe those might be real, actual CRT bureaucrats making cameo appearances, they appear so stiff and false), Gaviota decides: "If Rod believes Aaron rather than me about that damn luggage, then he doesn't really love me."

Elsewhere, Sofia yells at Francisco for being so late coming home last night, no doubt he was with his "panther." He says, "Sofia, mon cherie, you know you're the only woman in my life, in future I'll be home at 11..." (seeing the unplacated look on her face...) "... 10..." she yells, "NINE O'CLOCK AND NOT A MINUTE LATER!!"

Daniela enters, asks Francisco to leave so she can talk to her sister, and pleads that (at least while Rod is blubbering insanely) Sofia be an ally to her brother rather than to Minerva and Isa. He needs peace and less pressure, Sofia should talk Isa down out of her Amazonian frenzies of jealousy and castigation.

So off Sofia goes to do just that. When she rings the bell Isa rushes around to hide the champagne bottles etc. Hearing about Rodrigo's increased instability and woe, Isa of course wants to go on about Gaviota. She shamelessly thunders: "How would you feel if your husband Francisco were to be involved with another woman? But if you think the shrink can pry my husband out of Gaviota's clutches, I'll support this plan."

Then - cymbals crash - Sofia finds the tie. Isa says it must be Rod's; however, that obviously won't fly because it's expensively embroidered with Frankie's initials. "Well, you certainly don't think I was alone with your husband, do you?? He must have forgotten it here that night we dames were so drunk." "...the first, and last, time for me..." reminisces Sofia... who, then, icy and stricken, mutters that she has to go pick up Frankie's special delectable tidbits and stalks out.

Isa calls Frankie, who is sleeping and hence misses the point of her hysterical report. "Oh, my special green silk tie has been found? Thank goodness, it was so expensive!"

He is sleeping yet again, with cucumbers on his eyes, when Rod bursts into the room. At first Frankie thinks he's about to get separated from his family jewels - in every sense - because surely Rod has found out about his dalliances with Isa - but no, Rod has just come to yell about the two little hotties who were asking about Frankie - in a very familiar way - yesterday on the plaza. Rod says he'll kill Frankie if he ever betrays Sofia, and leaves. Frankie is relieved.

Isa paces until Belisario, maybe he's the building superintendant, answers her summons. She asks for a bunch of phone numbers and clearly has some ass-covering maneuver in mind. It will be revealed in some subsequent episode.

"Where's the chauffeur? I certainly can't be expected to carry these bags!" Yes, it's Frankie! Waiting impatiently for Sofia to return so they can get to the airport... She arrives with a threatening look...

This is his finest hour! What an experienced bluffer he is! He yells at her for being late! She asks if he's been missing a tie. "Why, yes, a special green silk one, I think the employees here can't be trusted"

She pulls it out of her bag. "Oh mon petit fleur, thank goodness! It's such a special expensive tie, 200 Euros, it would be so hard to get it duplicated!"

She asks why it was behind Isa's sofa on the ground! He says, "My special tie, 200 Euros, on the Ground!?? Really, it's TOO bad of you, it's your fault, after all, you're in charge of taking care of my special things! So you better stop lending my special things to your brother! Be more careful in the future!"

Frankie exits, wincing as he ostentatiously picks up some small item to carry out to the car. "Careful, don't wreck your manicure," warns Dani on the way in. She tells Sofia, "Now that we're really sisters again, you can count on me any time." They embrace.

And it's night-time, and Rod and Dr. Erika meet at the restaurant.

Tomorrow: more of the same.


Thank you Melinama for the excellent, consise recap.

I loved it when Rod grabbed Frankie's hair. (It's the little things that make me smile!)

At the risk of being driven out by torch wielding villagers, I think Rod and Erica make a beautiful couple and I'm going to enjoy the coming episodes with them.

Nice job, Melinama!

The hair tugging was sooooo cool! I think Frankie pooped his fancy pants. hee hee!

I noticed that when Gavi was on the bus remembering Rod talking about his new tequila, he said it was a tequila con aroma de mujer... a nice tribute to the original novela this one is based on.

Too bad Rod then followed that nice tribute by giving Gavi whiplash with his insecure insanity!

I'm just wondering how much worse Frankie has to get before people will take his screwups seriously. All it would take would be for a few people to start comparing notes, and they'd quickly realize that there's something wrong.

I think that suitcase (on wheels, with a retractable handle for pulling, so that even little old ladies can easily move it around) was originally carried in by one of the maids. Making it that much funnier when it nearly gave Frankie a hernia. :)

Truly. As much as I appreciate the talents of the other actors on this show, I am still the most impressed by the guy who plays Frankie. He never breaks character, and he often comes dangerously close to overplaying it.

I could go on and on about how he reminds me of Shatner as Denny Crane on Boston Legal (I'm referring to the actors' approaches to their roles, not their looks or the roles themselves), but I won't. Y'all will think I'm insane. :-) But just wait until he's in his 60s, and all the directors are begging him to make little scenery-chewing cameos in their films.

you called it..that is it, he is oblivious to others around him..he does have the Denny Crane thing going. He was only concerned about getting his hankie back.

Alma..I said the exact thing to my husband..that he looked like he could pee his pants.

Well all said, Gavi should have kicked Rod's Ass to the curb four years ago, when he married Isa. But No she ran off to DF, lied got a job & groped by Aaron. All cause she never wanted to see him again. Whatever..
Then after the fatal Gilligan's Isle debacle, she was so willing to believe that he bought that island lied to her mother and set the whole thing up cause she was really that hot and he just want to bang her for a week. Remember she ran off, not him...he came to talk to her, but she wouldn't see him.

Now finally when it looks like everything is coming together, she allows herself to be caught in the situations with Dr Blondie (say what you want, Dr. Blondie is well aware they are in love and plan to be together).

I think Rod just had this major breakdown..the whole evil mujers, the turning his back on his family and so on. He considered the Tequila their project, but really it was all for Gavi.

Gavi has put up with this nonsense for four years and to pull the "Dr Blondie, is not trying to hit on me", just doesn't ring true.

I am still a Rangerette and don't care if he was Snotty about the shrink, I imagine they deal with a lot of snotty people. If the people they dealt with were normal courteous polite citizens, well then they wouldn't need a shrink.

Thanks Melinama, I am beginning to think that Rod is a neurotic nutjob and not husband material. As much as I have loved their chemistry and passion for each other, he would be a real pain as a husband with his raging insecurities about everything. Good grief!

Your recaps are too funny. But,
let's get real! The only reason why Gavi and her mom puts up w/ Rod's behavior is because he is "fine" and has status/money.
She is more in love with who she wishes he would be vs. who he REALLY is (emotionally immature and by the way, mentally ill aka CRAZY in a Lety la FEA kind of way) To get a reality check, if Rod looked like Danny Devito and was handing her catus plants for gifts Gavi would have a restraining order as large as a billboard against him.

But I was really impressed with Rod's dramatic crying episode (felt too real which started to have me worried on how this role is impacting the actor emotionally), but soon began to have visions of 10 years later Rod and Lety la Fea wailing on a outdoor bench at a mental institution both crying crazyly together while a fatigued Fernando and Gavi watch them together from afar, Fernando and Gavi gaze into each others eyes and say what in the #$@! were we thinking of and run off together into the sunset.
The 1-2 days of sudden sanity that usually comes at the end of these novellas just ain't worth the grief before and most likely after these characters would display. Eventually if you live long enough, there comes a point in your life where ya just want peace and serenity and crazy, no matter how good it looks just isn't worth it.
Sistah VAL

Sistah Val, you should be writing for us. I love your too-rare appearances. I also agree about peace. It's become my number-one priority which is why I've given up on men and gotten a donkey instead.

Great recap. Isn't Dr. Erika the same Dr. that Gavi talked to while in Guadalajara when she and Clarita were visiting her restauranteur friend from Italy that rescued her when she was in Europe? And Dr. Erika knows full well who Rodrigo is per her conversation with Gavi?

Thanks for the recap Melinama.
I for one find it very sexy when a
man can be vulnerable enough,to cry due to his strong feelings over
his woman,(Don Fernando LFMB and the guys who I've known personally) however,I believe Rod's crying is anything but.
It screams insaneity. He is an idiot. Who I would imagine that once married, he would become jealous over his wife breast feeding the baby. Run Gavi Run!

Good job, Melinama! Frankie and Isa are so getting on my nerves. I can't wait for Frankie to go down... And Rod with his incessant crying/whining. I am ready for him to grow up!

Thanks Melinama for an always splendid recap. I think you got a good trade in.

Sistah Val, said it perfectly for me. Rod's spoiled, self-centererd rants have taken him to the edge. Maybe the psychiatrist will fix him in a day just like she did for Gavi...

Great recap Melinama....glad to see my old buddy Evlis back. the scene w/ Rod blubbering to Dani was a bit uncomfortable-he did a great job, Dani, too. I'm really looking forward to Rod/Erika. My bet is that her calm demeanor won't be enough for the adrenaline junky Rod, he needs unlimited access to a roller coaster for his life, and ofcourse, he and Gavi HAVE to end up together. Just think of all the trouble that could have been avoided if Gavi had given Rod a few cahnces to explain himself (and vice versa), and that Gavi would have told Dr. Cafe' to back off; especially her knowing how jealous/explosive/insecure her hot Rod is. There are some lessions here for all of us. As Sistah Val said,and a s I have come to realize, peace and serenty do win out over craziness, any day. I've come to find that boring is not bad. I AM looking forward to watching Erika- the only dark-haired beauty on the cast. Last night's "como asi" count...2 dorado dave

Thanks for the recap, but I'm almost scared to make this comment. Bottom line, Rod and Gavi love each other. It's so easy to be critical when you're "of it," but not "in it." The road to real, lasting love, in my experience has never been easy. Still takes work, and I'm married 15 years. Yeah, Rod and Gavi make stupid mistakes, say and do stupid things, but in the end they love one another. Yeah, peace and serenity are wonderful, that's why I take mental health days when I need to. This happens to be Rod's mental health day, and if it makes him a better, more grounded person, then it is worth be it. And all of us, I'm sure, have one to multiple family members that complicate our lives more than absolutely necessary.(friends and co-workers included!) It takes time and experience to learn these lessons, and my money is on the fact that Rod and Gavi are on their way. They'll continue to make stupid mistakes until they get it right, and at the end of the day, that's what it's all about!

Melinama^^^Great recap ! I,too, always think ''Hotel Garbage'' when I see Rod and Isa's building. I am still a Rangerette. It's a telenovela ...we must expect this wild and crazy drama...and Rod is my telenovio [at least until I set sail with Fernandito on ther PIRATE ship.] I am cangerously loyal...and tolerant. Oddly, Hub is a big guy like Rod with the same coloring, but the polar opposite in personality. My friends call him the big teddybear. So when I watch Rod raging, I just smile and thank my lucky stars that I got the sane, quiet, easygoing version. He doesn;t drink tequlia [he prefers milk and iced tea] and he doesn't wear cowboy hats [he prefers baseball hats]. As for these love stories...the lovers are ALWAYS starcrossed [Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde]. Nobody is going to watch a show about someone who married a high school sweetheart, had kids, paid taxes, and lived fairly happily ever after. I knew a couple in high school who broke up and the guy [a funny, witty, popular, easygoing dude] shot himself in the stomach. Guess what...they got back married... and now they have 2 daughters and live about 2 miles from me. The girl looked like Jackie Kennedy. Life is sometimes crazier than fiction. The angst is part of the exciting rollercoaster ride of despair to pleasure and back to despair. Personally, I think the abstinance thing is really getting to many years is it???...3???? I think that Dr. Erika took one look at him and thought, ''Woweewow.'' She may try to offer him the healing power of sex cure. I'm just saying. My favorite moment of this episode was Rod pulling himself out of his pit o' doom long enough to fling open the door of Frankie's room and hurl himself at him. It must have looked like a freight train coming at little Frank. I think that he got his attention. I liked that Rod did not knock. As if to say ''This is my place ,and I own this room.'' I wish that he would have punched him like he punched old AAron in the pool.

Add me to the list of people who see "Basurio" and think "trash." (Or "trash bin.") When you think of how that's where Isa and Frankie met, it doesn't seems so inappropriate.

Frankie is just asking for a beat down from Rod for messing around with Isa and Sofia~! He is so full of himself thinking that he will never get caught- Rod could break him like a twig. The actor who plays Frankie is the best actor in the novela- in my opinion. That is exactly how those type of men are- they believe they will never get caught because they are SOO much smarter than others...I think that Rod's crazy moment was also right on...sometimes love makes you go crazy for a moment and you think you can't go on...but its more common in teenagers NOT ALMOST 50 YR OLDS!


Regarding the boink-free zone:
If my TeleNovela calendar of doomed promises is seems like it should be a year maybe year and half since the Island of Misfit Dreams..cause Isa got pregnant at the same time when she was off with Frankie and it was like the week after Christmas..last year. So that kid should have been born around the end of Sept or beginning of Oct, I'm not sure how old the kid is cause he always looks different, but we are coming up on the 4 year anniversary of Dead Gramps...and the reading of the will.

Last night when they were showing Jal, it looked really green. I think this was filmed in late June or July, maybe Aug. The rainy season, cause it is like Guerrero and dry the rest of the year. The rain comes during the normal Hurricane season. June-Oct.

I was hoping they would show Acacia sending out little baskets that she had woven full of festive feliz navidad presents

Actually I think both Isa and Frankie have such inflated ideas of themselves they believe they can get away with anything, and have up to this point. When Slow Sofia found the hankie you could almost see Isa thinking what bucket load of crap can I think of that this nitwit will believe. She is going to have to do some fast thinking tonight because it looks like Frankie boy drank up all of Gramps' special bottle of red wine. I have noticed that Frankie takes better care of his skin and appearance then most of the women espeically Sofia who looks more and more like a maid with her frumpy duds.

I keep trying to buy into the undying love number that is a feature of all novelas but continue to have problems with Gavi hanging on for years when Rod is technically a married man. To me she has no pride or self respect and while she'll get into it verbally with him she continues to let him ride roughshod over her feelings. Quit your job, lower your hems and I don't believe as word you say. None of that bodes well for a lifetime together. One hopes the sexy doctor can help him get a grip and grow up or Gavi is in for a lifetime of misery.

Sistah Melinama and to all of my Sistah's on this website: I am with you daily, and love reading your recaps/comments. I will try to comment and contribute more regularly.

These novella characters are like expensive beautiful mansions that you drive by in Beverly Hills. Great to look at but just too much work to really enjoy! Having visited friends who own them, many would rather run away for a simplier life if it wasn't so dog gone inconvient.
I guess that how I feel after I look at a novella is, I am glad to return to my peaceful life, because any life outside of their world has to be more peaceful.

Sistah Val

Thanks for the really great recap. I know I sound like a broken record but you all are so good. In fact, the recaps are the reason for my addiction. I always love the comments also. There's always the ones that are expressed in a way that I feel I could not have said it better. There's others that I see as very different from my way of thinking. For one thing, there are muchas mujeres involved with married men. To say that these women don't have self respect or self esteem is making a judgement based on one's personal morals, religion, insecurity or whatever. Many second marriages are products of affairs that started while one or the other was still married (mine for example).
Oh, one more comment. I disagree that Rod and the shrink would make a good couple. Rod has screwed up two people's lives already. Many of you Rangerettes could have a field day at our local jail. Many of the detainees are well built, very handsome, a little crazy but all of their faults are really someone else's fault. But what the heck if you're just looking for a good looking well built man, do consider giving the incarcerated a chance.

Wasn't that Patty Manterola playing the new good Doctor?
Kim P.

I love the variety of viewpoints and comments here!

I wanted to add to the mix that for me, and probably others, my comments come from my view of the telenovela as pure entertainment. My ability to take these characters seriously, especially Rod and Gavi's relationship, went away a few months ago. The character of Rod is unbalanced, immature and at times scary. In my opinion absolutely no one should be married to someone like him. Ok, maybe Isa kind of asked for it.

Although Gavi has some admirable traits - she's worked hard and is a survivor - I've never warmed to her character. I've watched regularly from the beginning, but her and Rod's relationship has never quite rung true for me. And the warning bells going off in her head should be deafening by now.

But I enjoy Destilando for the exposure to something different, a different language, a different culture. I like the outlandish behavior of Aaron (most of the time. And superficially, I think Rod and Erica are really attractive and I look forward to seeing their scenes together. It has nothing to do with who their characters are.

Personally, Frankie reminds me, physically, of someone that actually stalked me 20 years ago and remembering it still today gives me the serious "icks". So I never enjoy him. And back to how I started this ramble, that is an example of how our personal experiences account for our varying viewpoints.

Thanks for the excellent recap, Melinama. I think Gaviota has also traded a man for a donkey, or shall we say a jackass. Sorry, all you rangerettes, Rod has some good moments, but he turns into a total idiot so quickly that he annoys me. My real faves in this tnvla are the secondary characters and the scenery.
I was amazed/amused at Frankie's chutzpa (sp?) when he accused Sofi of failing to take care of his expensive haberdashery. He has to be an adrenaline junkie, living on the edge like he does, inventing a whole web of lies. Maybe granny Pilar will cut him down one day.

Melinama - thanks for the recap. I still do a double take and laugh each time at Basurio, thinking it's Basura, which it should be.

Kim P - yes, the psyc. is Paty Manterola (Apuesta por un Amor). I wonder if she'll ever get to be the lead actriz in a novela again.

I watched the whole show last night, except for a five min. phone call, and OF COURSE, that must have been when Rod grabbed Frankie's hair. Darn it !

Rhonda, I'm like you - for me, there's "no there there" with Gavi, or maybe it's A. Rivera's portrayal. Something is missing.
I'm rooting for her, but from an intellectual more than emotional place.

How did Sofie let Frankie blame her for his hankie being at Isa's?
She was like Acacia - abused and mute. James to the rescue!

I'm hoping for some fun distraction with Erica and Rod before he inevitably ends up with Gavi. I really want him to get over feeling inadequate with women other than Gavi, and hope Dr. E can help with that. That would lessen his insecurity and jealousy.

Anya, I agee. Maybe Rod needs "lessons in love" because he is so obsessed with Gavi because she has been the only woman he is able to 'perform' with. Gavi is in love with her first guapo, rich man. I don't believe she has too much love experience, either. Like a couple of virgins with eyes only for each other. I do believe that they truly love each other and the fact that Gavi is a capable woman made Rod proud.
B in Mass.

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