Thursday, October 04, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #56, Wednesday 10-3: Fiera vs. Fiera

First, we get a replay of Mauricio's excellent melodramatic BS-ing, which is only helped by his pallor and the rivers of Glycerin Tears of Pure Dolor running down his pale cheeks.

Back at Eva's terrace: Eva informs Ivan that from now on Diego will be her chauffeur/bodyguard and Ivan should teach Diego everything he needs to know about security. Show of hands: How many people would like that to include shirtless martial arts training? Just checking. For now, though, Eva tells Ivan that Diego is checking to see that Perez-Castelar is actually working on freeing the guy unfairly accused of killing Abuelo. Ivan seems surprised that Eva would approve of that.

Jail: Diego tells Piero he only got him a lawyer because of Lidia. Diego's sure Piero didn't do it. Piero suggests that if his ex-non-wife could accuse him without proof, perhaps Diego could accuse the person he thinks actually did kill Paco. Diego refuses. Piero tells Diego that he already has a lawyer, Perez-Castelar, who Mauricio sent. Now Diego believes Eva about the lawyer. Piero tells Diego he'll stick with Perez-Castelar because he doesn't want to owe Diego anything. Diego tells Piero he hopes he gets out, but if he ever hurts Lidia….Yeah, try that again after you've had some training from Ivan and ditched the sweater and we'll see if it's any more convincing.

Hospital: Mauricio's doctor is telling GSD and Leo that they're still stumped about what Mauricio's got. He wonders if either of them could tell him how Mauricio caught the disease. Heh, GSD's been lobbying for that information for weeks now (in TV time anyway) and still hasn't gotten it. GSD says they're still working on the answer to that question. Doc tells them he'll have to make a report to the health authorities and GSD agrees he should do that. Doc leaves. Leo is not happy about the reporting thing and reminds GSD that Eva won't like it either. GSD is unconcerned, and he thinks it will get more people involved in looking for a cure, but also that once the authorities find out about all the shifty stuff going on, they'll protect "us" (I guess he means Mauricio, Leo, GSD, and Azul?). Leo says he's only thinking about Azul and not worrying about the consequences, but GSD reminds her he's also concerned about her and Mauricio and all the people who could get sick with this disease. I'm going to give it a name…Melodramitis. GSD tells Leo to think of all the people who could die if Melodramitis spreads worldwide. Leo looks like she's trying to remember what her face is supposed to look like if she wants to look like she gives a damn.

Eva's terrace: Burgay calls Eva to tell her Doc is asking too many questions. Eva gets off the phone and tells Ivan they've got to go resolve this thing. Ivan looks like he's thinking "Can't we just kill them all?" She tells Ivan to have Diego meet them at the hospital. Ivan tries to snark about Diego needing to be around if he's going to be Eva's "bodyguard" but Eva nips that right in the bud. Ivan looks pouty, but, you know, in a really manly, I-could-kill-you-without-breaking-a-sweat kind of way.

Hospital: Azul is sitting in one of the lobby areas when Ceci comes in with Caty. Caty wants to see her dad, but she wants Azul to take her to the park nearby to buy something for him. Azul agrees, but Ceci says she can't go with them--she needs to go to work. Azul gets all pouty because she has so much to talk to Ceci about, but Ceci says she doesn't want to lose this job. Ceci's a better woman than I am--she didn't say, "I don't want to lose this job on account of you like I lost the last one." Azul and Caty are off to the park. Ceci runs into Andres and accepts his offer to take her to work. Awww, I see that "friendship" thing is working out for them so far.

Jail: Perez-Castelar tells Piero that it's Eva Santoro he should be grateful to, not Mauricio, and he'll get Piero out of jail on the following conditions: (a) he leaves Lidia, (b) he gets back together with his ex-non-wife, and (c) he can't tell anybody that was the deal. And no, he may not have any information about why this is the deal. Piero is understandably confused.

Hospital: Eva and Ivan find GSD and Leo in one of the many waiting areas. Eva wants to know what information GSD gave the doctors. He says it was just what was necessary to save Mauricio's life. Eva informs him they have to fix that error by getting Mauricio out of the hospital ASAP. Azul comes up, having heard the last bit, and she and Eva play a round of "Whose is bigger?" over whether or not Mauricio will be taken out of the hospital. Diego joins the group in time to hear Azul swear that she'll keep them away from Mauricio. Eva feigns amused disbelief and Diego looks brooding. Commercials. When we come back, Eva's asking what authority Azul has. Diego helpfully, if grouchily, says Azul is Mauricio's fiancée. Azul agrees that on her authority as fiancée, she'll be the one making the decisions around here. Eva laughs that Azul is so far from being able to make decisions, all she should do for the moment is "acatar" (comply with) them (I'm assuming by "them" she means "the ones I make"). Azul declares that Eva better check herself, because she still doesn't know what Azul's capable of (ummm, making bad decisions, believing people's lies, breaking up with Diego repeatedly, pouting…no I'm pretty sure she knows Azul's capable of all that). Azul grabs Caty (who was apparently standing behind everyone throughout all this) and says "let's go, you don't have to hear this." Ivan starts to go after her, but Eva stops him, saying this is a woman-to-woman thing. Poor Ivan, he's a badass, but even he can't spontaneously change sex. He looks disappointed. Diego looks grim. Leonarda looks like she'd like to have an expression, but the Botox froze her eyebrows up like that permanently.

Jail: Piero still doesn't understand why Eva wants him to leave Lidia and go back to his ex-not-wife and Perez-Castelar is still not answering him. There's mention of Piero not wanting to go back to Spain because he has "cuentos pendientes" (unfinished business) there too. Perez-Castelar gives him the hard sell. I think this guy tried to sell me and Mr. 5ft a time share apartment once. We barely got out with our lives. Piero is not so lucky. He finally agrees to leave Lidia, but tries to weasel out of going back to Lucia (e-n-w). Perez-Castelar tells him there's no negotiating with Eva--you take the full package.

Casa Moran: Lidia is telling Mama and Papa about her visit to the hospital. She says she left a message with Leo and Andres and Papa says she done good. Mama disagrees and says Diego won't like it. Well, ok, but that's hardly a sound argument.

Hospital: GSD explains to Eva that Azul is upset because she "found out" the truth about Mauricio's illness, by accident, when he and Leo were talking to Doc. Eva says she understands Azul's attitude, but GSD needs to get her to back off if he wants to keep being able to look for a cure for her. Eva says she's going to go find a way to fix this mess.

Caty and Azul come into Mauricio's room with a big bunch of blue and silver Mylar balloons. That's cute, actually. Sometimes I almost find myself liking the moppet…but then she speaks and it's all over again. She wants Mauricio to, like, hurry up and get better already, but in the meantime she weasels her way into staying at Azul's place. GSD and Leo come in and GSD tells Mauricio he's looking better. Mauricio says he just woke up that morning feeling better. Azul points out there are too many of them in the room and GSD says he needs to talk to her, so the two of them leave Leo and Caty with Mauricio. Oddly, though, after they leave Caty seems to disappear. Leo pulls up a chair and fills in Mauricio about Eva wanting to move him and Azul fighting with her. She also tells him Azul called herself Mauricio's fiancée in front of Diego. Screw the balloons, Mauricio likes that present much better.

Out in the waiting area, GSD tells Azul she shouldn't get into it with Eva. Azul, however, is only concerned about what Diego thought. Allegedly, GSD taught Azul that nothing is more important than a human life (which, of course, is why he chain smokes) so she's just sticking up for Mauricio since he's too weak to do it himself. GSD says if anything happens to her, he'll die. Azul tells him that she's determined to make sure Caty keeps her dad because she needs him, just like Azul needs GSD. Awww.

Eva and Diego go to the waiting area outside Dr. Linares' office (the doctor who's been treating Mauricio). Eva needles Diego about how Azul stuck up for Mauricio. Diego doesn't want to talk about her. Eva questions whether Diego would have done his job and defended her from Azul, but Diego says that even in the line of duty, he won't disrespect Azul or any other woman. Ivan comes up to tell Eva that Dr. Linares is on his way. She asks Ivan to let her know when Azul leaves Mauricio's room. She needs to speak to him and with his FIANCÉE there she won't be able to do it. Emphasis on fiancée is hers, not mine. She's really enjoying this far too much.

Julio's boutique: Andres is walking Ceci in to work. She's gabbing about Azul and Mauricio, but Andres wants to talk about "us". *swoon* He thinks they're getting along much better as "friends". Ceci says she wants to do what she's never done in a previous relationship. Andres is willing to do whatever she wants. She wants to have a long "friendship" and get to know him little by little. She pokes at his cut lip, which for some reason makes them both giggly.

Hospital: Eva and Diego are still waiting for Dr. Linares. Eva wants to know if the confusion about Perez-Castelar was cleared up. Diego says Mauricio's the one who sent him to defend Piero, but he's confused about why Mauricio and Eva would share a lawyer. Eva says he's a good lawyer and she once recommended him to Mauricio and no, she doesn't care if he works for them both. She asks Diego to leave so she can speak to Dr. Linares alone, but she doesn't like it when he says "yes, boss". She reminds him he has to stick close by now that he's her bodyguard and her life is in his hands. Diego leaves and Eva says that her life really does depend on him more than he thinks.

Casa Moran: Mama tells Lidia she should go visit her hubby in jail, but Lidia's all "jail? Gross!" Mama gives her the "Stand By Your Man" speech and says if she's going to go around saying she supports her husband, she'd better do it in deeds, not just words. Lidia looks unconvinced.

Hospital, and a scene in which Azul and Leo actually get along: Azul lets Leo know Caty's in the room. Leo passes on the message from GSD that he's gone to visit Tia Inés. Azul's going to go do the same, after she finds a nurse to give her something for all the crappiness she's feeling…why, she thinks she may even be running a slight fever. Azul asks Leo to stay there and guard Mauricio. She wonders if Eva has left and Leo says she thinks so.

Dr. Linares' office: Eva tells him her company has invested a lot of time and money researching Mauricio's illness. She wants to move him out of the hospital and that way poor Dr. L can avoid having to do all that nasty reporting paperwork. Besides, he gave Mauricio a transfusion before making the report and, oh, won't that make things even messier?

One of the many waiting rooms: Leo is on the phone to Andres, giving him an update, but Andres is barely listening because he's at Julio's boutique with Ceci. Leo asks where he is and says "brillas por tu ausencia" (you are conspicuous by your absence). She tells him to get back there right away and he hangs up on her mid-sentence. Ceci makes a face as he gets off the phone and he tells her he has to get back to the hospital. Ceci asks him not to disappear on her and he says he's going to come find her later…he wouldn't want to lose this wonderful "friendship". He gives her a kiss with the un-bruised side of his mouth and leaves.

Julio's boutique: Ceci comes in, to Gaspar's surprise. She tells him Azul has been sick, with what no one knows, but she refuses to rest so…. Gaspar says he hopes Azul gets better and Ceci gets to work! But in a nice way.

Dr. Linares' office: He'll let Mauricio leave, as long as Eva takes responsibility. She says she'll set him up in a house close by and pay Dr. L to keep an eye on him. Then she offers him a job with the company and says all he's got to do is keep his mouth shut. Dr. L is considering it. (I had typed "keep his mouth shot", but shhhhh…don't tell Dr. L his life is now in danger, he'll figure it out soon enough.)

Hospital hallway: Azul bums something off a nurse for pain and fever. It's not clear whether she actually takes it, as she sees Diego and has to go find him to tell him Eva's a bad, bad woman. Diego's like, whatever, you don't get to tell me what to do. Ivan's standing in the hallway watching them. Diego tells her she's out of his life and Eva has only tried to help him--whereas Azul broke her promise and got back together with Mauricio. Diego says he's staying with Eva. Commercials. Ivan leaves the hallway. Diego says he's going to stay by Eva's side "in everything". Azul weeps that he needs to understand, blah, blah, blah. He says she's not going to get him away from Eva. Azul asks when he sold himself to Eva. Diego pushes her up against the wall and says he did it when she went back to Mauricio. Lots of heavy breathing. He backs off and says the marriage is a good business arrangement for her and she slaps him. He pushes her back up against the wall (hello, security? This place is as bad as Telemiami General!) and there's more heavy breathing.

Outside Dr. Linares' office: Eva tells Ivan that Dr. L will let Mauricio be moved and won't report his illness to the authorities. She says he might help them out, but if he becomes a liability Ivan gets to take care of him. Ivan looks giddy at the prospect. Eva wonders where Diego is and Ivan fills him in. Just about him being with Azul, though, since he wasn't around to see the heavy breathing.

Hallway: Diego tells Azul not to lay a hand on him again; she replies she'll hit him harder next time. She says she understands his relationship with Eva now: she pays him too much money and has given him a job he's not qualified for. Diego tells her she's lost him and one day she'll be sorry. He's going to make lots of money and one day he'll be able to buy what Mauricio bought--a woman like Azul. Azul says he's the one who's going to be sorry one day. Azul leaves and Diego smacks the wall in frustration, and then leans against it breathing hard. I bet his ambition is to one day play Heathcliff. He's really working on the tortured brooding.

Julio's boutique: Ceci is showing a dress to a customer when Arnaldo walks in. Gaspar wonders why he's there since Julio wasn't expecting him. Gaspar calls Arnaldo on coming by to surprise Julio--he says if you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, you should always call ahead. Arnaldo wants to know if Julio's seeing someone else. Gaspar doesn't think so, and he also wouldn't lie to Arnaldo. Arnaldo wants to know if Gaspar would let him know if Julio was cheating on him and Gaspar wonders if Arnaldo would put him in that position. Arnaldo points out that Julio went out for dinner last night with someone and now coffee with that same someone. Gaspar says that doesn't mean anything. Ceci, that metiche (busybody) wants to know what's going on. Arnaldo says Gaspar already answered his question. Hm, do you get the feeling Julio cheated on Arnaldo before and that's why they broke up the first time? Either that or Arnaldo thought he was cheating and made a big stink about it, as members of the Toscano family are wont to do.

Café: Julio and Burgay are talking business again. Julio still doesn't want the offer. Burgay says he's got a better offer: he'll give Julio however much money he wants and in exchange, Julio hires a certain person to work in the boutique. Julio assumes it's Burgay's boyfriend, but Burgay explains he's representing a rich woman. Burgay says whatever sum of money Julio needs, he can have it right away. Julio looks doubtful.

Mauricio's hospital room: Caty and Leo are leaving as Eva is coming in. Eva tells Mauricio he's got to get Azul to back off. Plus he's being moved to a house nearby. Mauricio doesn't want to leave his house, but Eva reminds him it's not really his. She tells him he's worth more to them alive than dead, but just for now.

Inéz hospital room: Azul laments that she'd been so busy with Mauricio that she forgot about her poor, beloved Tia Inéz. GSD says they should go, all this emotion is bad for her. She complains about Diego being with Eva. GSD says Diego seems like an honest person. Azul says he's on the side of "that woman" who infected Mauricio and threatened to infect Caty. GSD asks if that's what Mauricio told her. He has a worried and/or suspicious look on his face. Azul cries that this guy who she thought was "different" turned out to be a "patán" (a guy who will do whatever to get what he wants, but tries to come off looking like a gentleman) with no scruples.

Tomorrow: more Fiera-on-Fiera action, or so we're promised.


What? How did this excellent recap go by with no comments? Sorry 5ft. I was busy all week or I would have said something. Too bad the episode was so much talking about nothing, but you did a great job, thanks!

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