Saturday, October 20, 2007

Destilando Amor, 10/19/07: No Gavi, None of the Time!

Rod has surprised Erika in her office and is pacing back and forth excitedly jabbering a hundred miles an hour to her about the fabulous success and acceptance that he had promoting his new tequila. He says it is just the moment to make a change in his life since Ricardo will pay off his debt shortly and then he will be able to get his freedom from Isadora.

His priority will now be himself. (Sorry, but what is new about that, Rod?) He'll become an independent businessman and own his own tequila manufacturing and distributing company. It's all due to her coaching and advice. Erika, secretly crossing all her fingers and toes, asks him where Gaviota fits into his plans. Rod says later on they will have to think about what will happen with Gaviota since now, no she is clearly not a part of his future.

Back at the hacienda, an angry Frankie asks Ofelia who opened his mail and when she says it was Sofia he orders her to go fetch her for him. James walks in to remind Francisco that the copper sulfate has to be sprayed again, and it's particularly important now since there have been outbreaks in the surrounding area reported recently. Frankie rudely tells him he knows by now what his responsibilities are. James backs off and grumbles under his breath.

Back to Erika's office. For spite, in a gesture that definitely rates a 12+ on the mean and nasty scale of 1-10, Rod gives Erika his recognition award from the promotional tour. (Rod, I am so going to enjoy it when the anvils of retribution right the wrongs you have so ruthlessly committed these past four years, and especially these past few weeks. You're gonna be eatin' so much humble tarta. I have grand visions of plagued agave plants, bankruptcy, and much grovelling at the feet of the new head of P.R. at the CRT while you're desperately trying to save the reputation of the Montalvo brand....) Erika, somewhat brighter than the average Burly Bear, doesn't accept it at first and demurely says it should go to Gaviota.

Rod tells Erika that he will take her rejection as a slight. "Why don't you want it, because it has my name on it?" He says it should be hers for having "cured" him through her (miraculous, condensed and transient) therapy sessions. She must agree 'cuz she accepts the gift immediately, throwing any semblance of caution out the proverbial window, and places it on the credenza behind her desk.

Rod insists on seeing her again the next day. She gives him a feeble "I'll be too busy". He asks if she doesn't want them to see each other anymore. She stutters over some non-answer which he cavalierly ignores. He kisses her on the cheek and walks out the door saying he'll call her tomorrow. (What?? Dr. Erika, therapeutic top doc of the D.F., doesn't see the pattern in his manic behavior?? To wit: Rod feeling insecure; Rod hearing bad gossip about his girlfriend; Rod believing gossip and not girlfriend; Rod running to nearest gorgeous available female; Rod spitefully entering relationship with said "other woman"; Rod devastating girlfriend but later wanting her back; and Rod saying to hell with the other woman in totally jackass-style chauvinistic, spoiled, rich-boy triumph.) Erika hugs the plaque looking like she's just hit the sexy charm jackpot with Mr. Mania. (And now he's her man-ia.)

Frankie confronts Sofia for opening his mail and calls it a crime (who should know better than the Fraudster?) and a nasty invasion of his privacy. "Oh, so now I'll have to deal with your lawyer?" "--Don't kid around, Sofie." Sof says it shouldn't matter unless he's got something to hide and by the way, just why does he owe so much money and why is he behind on his payments? Frankie is so damn fast on his feet, he never fails to entertain with chutzpah up to his eye-balls and then some. "--Well, to keep up my image, of course!" Then the weasle throws the blame onto greedy BIL, Rod.

In yet another oscar-winning performance the great de la Vega complains that HE could have taken a great paying job in Japan, but NO-O-O!! HE chose to stay there sweating like a horse on the hacienda to please Sofia. However, don't worry about him. He plans to take out a loan from the bank to pay it all off, even has a lunch meeting with the bank manager planned to discuss it. Why??? Because HE IS NOT A KEPT MAN! And with that he exits, stage right.

Rod arrives home and spies the brand new BMW sedan sitting in Isadora's parking space. Belisario reports to him that the car was purchased the past week by his wife and that nobody visited her except Minnie and Fedra. In fact she has to be pretty lonely because she hardly even left the apartment. Rod considers this as strangely suspicious.

Across town Hilario is playing Truth or Dare with his two little girlfriends. He answers their question about wanting to ever get married. "Not in your wildest dreams."

We cut to the couch at Casandra's where San Juana is caught napping as the boss lady walks in. San Juana says she's been extremely tired lately, figures it's worms and is ready to take a home remedy. Casandra says she has a much better idea and will take her to the doctor's office instead. (That works for me.....)

Rod gets home and begins playing with little Ricky. He shows him the presents that he brought home for him and pointedly gives the maid a gift of perfumed lotion, but he purposely ignores Isa. She has to ask twice if there is a little something for her. Rod says no, since he has no idea what she likes and besides she has a credit card for things she wants, like the pretty car she just bought. (And he had the gall to tell Gavi that he wasn't a millionaire?) Isa gets her nose all out of joint and says she got tired of waiting for him to trade in the other and anyway, she deserves something for being the mother of his child. She walks out and leaves Rod to smirk.

Next morning Aaron has another fit about the fall in prices on the market and is ranting at the traders who are apparently speculating on the futures market. Bruno walks in about this time with Medina to assist in getting his books in order for review and repayment of Aaron's loan during tomorrow's business meeting. Aaron screams he wants to wait till Friday when Oñate returns, but Bruno refuses. As he leaves he says hopefully what Aaron's just lost won't interfere with the repayment of the loan to the corporation.

Aaron breaks another cell phone on Medina's desk and screams at the traders to start buying even though they're telling him to sell everything. Rod walks in and complains that whatever Aaron's doing it is risking the solvency of the corporation. They snipe at each other and Rod asks if it's true he'll be repaying the loan the next day. Aaron screams frantically to let him just do his job. Rod leaves.

Rod asks Margarita again if there were any calls from the CRT. She reports that there was one call. He is extremely interested in knowing who it was from and gets depressed after hearing that it was only Nancy calling on behalf of Dr. Santoveña, and that no, she didn't leave a message. He of the brutal, major league brush-off last month says to himself that it's clear, as far as he's concerned, that Gavi has completely forgotten him. (Dunno, but it seems this guy's elevator is still stuck somewhere a floor or two shy of the penthouse.)

At the same time over at the CRT's P.R. department, Gavi is asking Nancy who called so far for her. Nancy answers everybody except Ing. Montalvo. She tells Nancy it doesn't matter now that the so-and-so means nothing to her anymore.

Dani is waiting for Rod in his office. She's impactada to hear that Rod gave his award to Erika. Dani asks Rod what he's going to do about the hacienda if he stays in the city to start his own tequila business. He says he'll leave it in James' hands. She asks if his plans include Gavi. He says he's decided to kick her to the curb. He refuses to fall into that same deep, dark pit and jealous Hell. He doesn't need or want the upset. Anyway, it was Dani who set him up with the great Dr. Erika Robledo to help him solve his problems and he's supposed to be getting over Gaviota. Rod refuses to continue to talk about her anymore, ever.

Nestor Videgarray, the ever charming, dependable and loyal old legal eagle, arrives for his appointment. Rod has Dani sit in. Nestor tells Rod that Isa's daddy hasn't paid a dime towards the principal and the best they can do is wait the remaining few days till the deadline has passed. He is certain Ricardo's banker buddy will make him the loan like he said.

That's not enough for Rod. He explodes over the thought of what it will mean if Ricardo Duarte defaults on his debts beforehand: a full year's earnings of the hacienda's and no capital to supply his organic tequila to his new American or European customers. Rod, conveniently forgetting that he, an arrogant jack-ass, chose to sign the papers in a fit of ego-maniacal machismo, orders Nestor to make sure that Ricardo's banker buddy authorizes that loan and that he gets it signed and in writing on his desk ASAP. (Talk about your cuckoos fouling their own nests.....)

Nancy informs Gavi that she sent the invitations to the bevy of brujas de Montalvo by special messenger. Neither of them are looking forward to hosting them. Gavi tells Nancy that if Rod should call to tell him she's not in. Nancy says well, seems like she still hasn't given up hope.

Finally, the prodigiously pedantic Professor Santoveña, having shown himself to be a totally disappointing dud as a romantic rival, arrives back at the office with another predictable "pffft." (Rod, if you only knew.....) Gavi greets Alonso politely and ignores the embarrassing declaration he made to her a month earlier. They discuss the matter of the invitations and she assures him it went by messenger, signature only, so that the women couldn't cause trouble saying that they never received them.

Avellaneda sends Nancy in to tell Alonso he needs to drop everything and come to his office immediately. Gavi stays to file something. Out in the hallway Nancy tells Alonso that Rod hasn't called Gavi once and that Gavi seems resigned to the fact it's over, since she ordered her not to put Ing. Montalvo through to her if and when he does call. Alonso starts smiling from ear to ear.

Frankie is at his office in town and orders Basilio, his crooked foreman, to advise him when the copper sulfate shipment arrives. The foreman warns him that they have had outbreaks of Brotes de Erwina and Picudo in the area, but Frankie brushes him off and says that the agave is healthy enough. It won't matter a bit if they continue spraying at half concentration. He bribes Basilio with a percentage of his cut to "quiet his conscience."

Isa calls right then and tells Frankie that she's deposited the money into his account and in exchange she is demanding he gets divorced from Sofia immediately. Frankie 's jaw drops down to his drawers.

Avellaneda tells Alonso he's got to go to some global warming summit and present against the U.S. since, darned if it isn't the good ol' U.S. of A. who is the biggest baddest CO2 producer/polluter worldwide. (This is presumably the reason their agave, according to this farcical fantasy, would need 2-4 years less growing time. Damn! Count your blessings, man!) Alonso mentions that global warming is complex and numerous other interests are involved in it.

In the meantime, Don Roberto informs Alonso that the London delegate feels overburdened and is considering resigning. He could do so at any minute. They've decided that the best possible replacement for this post would be Alonso himself, leaving Gaviota to take his place as director of P.R. for the CRT in Mexico City. Alonso, impactado at the horrid thought of his leaving Gavi forever, insists that for him to accept this highly prestigious position, Gavi will be leaving with him!

Avellaneda replies that it looks as if Mariana has proven absolutely indispensable to him and they'll discuss it further later. It's best he be prepared. Alonso is left alone and he starts imagining himself in London together with Gaviota. On the other side of the building, though, Gavi is in her office complaining to herself that she can't concentrate because of Rod invading her thoughts.

Frankie tells Isa she's asking the impossible right now. Isa says do it or else. He says he refuses to become hers exclusively. She should just forget him for good. Isa gets incensed and screams back that he's hers and she is not about to share him with that dimwit, Sofia! He calms her down by telling her that they haven't had intimate relations for a long while now. It gets thick in there as he tells Isadora he's only been keeping himself for her. Right then the maid comes back with Ricky and her invitation to the CRT Grand Assembly. Isa covers quickly and hangs up.

Back at Montalvo Corp. Rod gets his current bank statements from Margarita and looks through them. He notices the huge amount of money Isa took out recently and wonders what's up.

At the Mexico City manse, Pilar gets alarmed when she sees an invitation arrive addressed to Elvis Perez III and wife since he and Daniel aren't married, and we get a nod to free love from Dani. Elvis says he will definitely be attending the Grand Assembly with them all. It would be a major snub to the family not to go. A bit later Dani reminds Grammy P. that Mariana complied with her request to invite the Montalvo wives. Pilar admits Mariana had no choice.

At their penthouse, Minnie gets a call from Fedra to tell her she's received her invitation to the CRT's Grand Assembly honoring Don Amador after all. She tells Minnie that she has an idea for a major snub of Mariana Franco during the event. They plan to invite Sofia and Isa over to discuss it. Minnie is eager to finally confront the famous husband stealing hussy and, speaking of husband-stealing, we can only hope Pammy doesn't pull a sick-out for this event.

Alonso and Gavi discuss if Avellaneda asked about the invitations to the Montalvo wives to the Grand Assembly. She reiterates they were sent by special messenger, signature only. He tells Gavi that it's possible he'll be transferred to London. He asks her what she thinks. She's muy impactada at the news and says that when they put another executive in charge, the person will be very capable, but the department will not be the same without him. Alonso says nobody's indispensable. She tells him that for her, he is indispensable. This chokes him up. Embarrassed, he takes her advice to go home to rest up after 14 hours in the air nonstop. She's left thinking to herself that now this one's leaving her too.

Dr. Manzano tells SJ that she's a bit anemic and sleepy because she is about 7 weeks pregnant. Happy happy joy joy. San Juana now has a hook in Hilario. Across town, meanwhile, Hilario is getting a massage and enjoying the idle lifestyle of the rich and single.

Frankie meets with the black market copper sulfate buyer in town and gets his cash literally under the table. This time they plan to pick it up in front of the chemical plant.

Aaron has another fit over the losses he's incurred that day. The trader warns him to sell so at least he can recover some of the losses. Aaron tells his trader he is an idiot and ignores his professional advice. Rod comes in at this point to check on Medina's progress and Aaron chases him out of the trading room again.

Casandra drops San Juana off at Hilario's apartment. SJ is dreamy eyed thinking he'll be jumping for joy when he finds out he's going to be a daddy. Casandra says he'll be jumping up and down all right, but probably not because he likes the idea. He is not ready for this kind of responsibility. SJ doesn't listen and tells her she'll be fine and he'll be fine. Casandra leaves and San Juana takes her regular place back on the couch and waits for him to come home. The housekeeper comes in and she tells her she's waiting for her boss, then orders the woman to bring her popcorn cuz she's got a heck of a craving. She rubs her belly and smiles to herself.

That night at the hacienda Frankie gets home to find Sofia and James in the living room chatting. Sofia reminds him that they're supposed to leave for Mexico City in the morning. Frankie says he can't because he has to meet the copper sulfate delivery. He makes a big deal for James' benefit about needing to stay to supervise the mixing as well as the spraying especially because of all the reports of infestations around the region lately. Sofia says James can handle the delivery, but Frankie obviously can't allow that and refuses his help. They finally agree on changing the flight to midday and he goes up to take a bath.

Sofia tells James that she's feeling confused after getting on Frankie, especially about suspecting Isadora, and wonders if it wasn't just a ridiculous fit of jealousy. James tells her he thinks Frankie is truly committed to his job at the hacienda and asks why the sudden change of heart. Sofia smiles conspiratorially and says she thinks she's pregnant. Now James' jaw drops to his drawers.

Gavi goes home that night and tells Clarita the depressing news about Alonso being sent to head the London office. Clarita wonders if she told him she'd be upset to see him go so far away. Gavi says no, because although she'll miss him, it would have probably caused him to start telling her things that she wasn't in the mood to hear.

Erika's in her apartment on the phone with a friend telling said friend how Rod surprised her earlier and that she knows she's playing a dangerous game with him so any therapy she gets for herself will have to be with her pillow. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door. She opens and a fully catered Japanese meal is brought in and set up by Geishas.

The Geishas leave and Rod appears. They sit down and flirt about her actually letting him in or even being sure she was home that night (we know how he finds that out, don't we?) and him not wanting to run the risk of her leaving him out in the hallway. She asks where his shyness around women went and he tells her that since the therapy she applied was totally a success it is gone. They toast each other all smiles.


Thanks for the great recap Jardinera! Rod is at an all time low in my eyes, he's like the crud I can't scrape off the bottom of my shoe. He's giving Erika credit, where credit is not due after spending 3-4 nights, a week maybe, in therapy! I mean he was away for a month by himself, the idiot! Gavi does not deserve this. When payback time comes, I would love to see Gavi rip into him, then walk away! But I know that is not going to happen, which irks me a lot! Rodrigo is a childish, foolish, self-absorbed cretin! I am really hating him! Also, please, please don't let Sofia take 12 steps backward. She knows in her heart that Frankie is a cheating, lying snake-breeder! One last thing, last night's episode really reminded me how much I dislike SanJuana....I almost felt sorry for her...for a minute...

Lisa from Alpena

Jardinera, Thanks for the fabulous and detailed recap but: Rod, you are so dead to me!! Que bastardo y canalla, no? I have to go to a meeting so will post more later. I am too incensed to write now. Jardinera, your writing is so good it made me mad all over again!! Holy cats!

Another vote for hating Rod to the max. If I'd had my hand phone handy and could have gotten to him I would have bashed him over the head several times. Lately all galans have become total idiots but he is so self absorbed and smug just seeing him is affects me like fingernails on a chalk board. He deserves to lose Gavi and the hot doc forever as well as the business and the hacienda. He has lifted jerkdom to new highs. I'm wondering if he will take Erica to the Grand Assembly and really humiliate Gavi and what will the doc do when she recognizes her former patient (I'm guessing there were no low cut frocks and late night suppers with that one).

Poor Gavi saddled with the lumpy coffee addict just when she needs someone really hot to throw in randy Rod's face.

I've also come to detest Hilario who seems to have let success go to his head. Now let me see we have Sofia and SJ pregnant. Unfortunately both those babies are probably doomed to never be born in true novela form.

I quit watching these episodes 'cause I can't stand Rod mooning over Erika. What a loser! I hate him right now and wish Gavi would take on Dr. Blondie. As for Erike...what a pathetic Psycho she is.

Thanks for all the details Jardinera!

I don't have a good feeling about SanWanna's future. I think Hilario will reject her, and send her away with less money than she thinks she deserves, and then she'll do something stupid.

Just a guess.

Rod - yeah, DTM. There's not a man

(Sorry about that, had to mark the moment)

There's not one man in this novela who deserves Gaviota - not that she's a saint or anything, but she's not evil and she should be able to do a lot better. I liked that guy who was her boss when she worked at the hotel. In fact, didn't he want to marry her? And he was sorta hot. I think she should give him a call.

Thanks, Jardinera for the great recap. I fell asleep during this one, too. I think I've been falling asleep during DA because 1] my life has been a little chaotic than usual lately 2] I am so weary of ALL of these people. I need some closure. I need this show to be over. I need me some PIRATES. I need a real hero...I need Fernandito. P.S. I AM REALLY STARTING TO HATE THESE FOLKS.

Thanks for the recap,Jardinera. AAARRRGGGHH !!!! Count me in as another one who is also sooooo tired of Rod. What happened to his brain???? It's totally gone!

At least we know Rod will suffer eventually for all the pain he has caused Gavi.

As for Sanwanna, well, her and Frankie actually would make a great pair...they are both so annoying!!!!

Thanks for the recap of another dull character hating episode...Shout out to Julie, yep I think the hotel guy was kinda hawt in an older, treat her real good kind of way.

Nope Gavi does not deserve this treatment, I haven't hated a galan this bad since my "Famous Cesar Evora" hate fest, of course poor little Susan Gonzales did have to live in a house made out of sticks. But even dumbass Cesar wasn't having that great a time..Rod is well just such a "Dick", he is pretty cocky for a guy with a weak Willy.

You know I find myself hoping evil Isa screws Rod over even more..I could learn to like her if she'd just get over swarmy Frankie.

I do like Basilo (the guy who helps Frankie) and only for shallow reasons..yes I think he is hawt.

James is a pushover. He'll help to raise Sophie and Frankie's kid.

And that baby along with Ricardito (his brother/cousin?) will be the next great generation of loving compassionate thoughtful Montalvo men.

Thanks Jardinera for a great recap. The comments are terrific. I feel as though I'm in a support group. I'm going to be really disappointed if Rod isn't made to do real penanse (sp?) before ending up with Gavi. So far, he's always had someone running interference for him. But I can feel it coming, just about the time Rod is brought to his senses, Gavi is going to be refusing his calls etc. Although he deserves it at this point, I just dread the thought of another cat and mouse game. But, if one or the other has to play hard to get, I'd rather it be Gavi. She doesn't do all the crazy, things that Rod does. We all dislike seeing Gavi in so much pain. So, I can understand some of you guys thinking she and Dr Coffee would make a great twosome. Not me, I can't stand that man for the way he's complicating Gavi's life. That seductive flirty smile is definitely out of place in that setting. I'd like to see The two doctors together (and out of sight). San J sure is irritating. I'd like to slap that giggle right off of her face. If Hillario gets excited about being a daddy, then I'll add him to my _hit list also. When will some guys learn that it's not the wisest thing in the world to have sex withsome one you claim you can't stand. Some women still see that as a way to hook a man. I can hardly wait until the countdown starts. I'm getting tired of the plot because nothings getting solved. Who wants to wait until the very end to see 20 some odd things climax in the same episode.

I am totally with you, while Rod certainly does not deserve Gavi, the good Doc, is just so frickin lame.
Not making excuses for Rod's bad behavior, but the doc set the whole series of events up.

Note to Gavi..if you don't feel the need to breed with the Doctor, it is never gonna happen. The chemistry isn't there and you'd find yourself bored out of your mind before he completed the first evening of coffee, classical music and reading about "coffee".

I hate Clarita too, cause poor mothers in TeleNovelas never go tell the rich are killing my kid..Rich parents horn in, but poor ones just pray.

You're right about the poor moms not sticking up for their daughters - I remember for a while both Julieta and RoboPop were giving Fern hell over Lety, but that was when they thought he was accusing her of stealing. Once that was cleared up, they were fine.

Then when Julieta found out that Fern had actually crushed and stomped on Lety's tiny little heart, she forgave him and even encouraged him to try to win her back. Sure he was in love with Lety, but still. Why give him another chance to hurt her again?

But at least she took Fern's side over Aldo. I think Clarita would be happy for Gavi to settle down with any rich guy at all, as long as she gets to rub it in her friend Dona Jose's face.

Well I'm back with another mouthful of venom and spite but if I don't get this out it might poison me and turn my tongue green or something worse. I went off to be with normal people to hear a screenplay reading/taping followed by a potluck dinner, how sane and calm can you get on a Saturday afternoon?
So, Rodrigo has a new religion [I think, therefore I must be GOD!!] Was there ever a character more ego-centric? You true veterans can probably answer, Hell yes, but I am newer to this so I am so aghast it takes my breath away. I agree with all the nasty things you all have been purging from your minds: good for you, you'll sleep better for it I bet. Why are the writers having such evil fun making us hate these beautiful but shallow and/or evil people so much. The poor should at least be noble and sage: Clarita, Hilario, and SanWhiney are all examples of that being my special halucinatory fantasy. The rich should at least be altruistic, sharing their riches and planning health, art and other charities to make the lives of all improve. The whole gang of Montalvo's except for Dani give the lie to that bit of my naiveté.
Julie, I lived in Boston for almost 30 years so I agree: I like the Red Sox mucho tambien.
But I really feel hateful toward all of these smarmy characters after last week's set of befuddling, by the besmirched bums; not bewitched, bothered nor bewildered am I. There I said it and I'm not taking it back! They better straighten up and redeem themselves like NOW! Where's precious little Acacia with her avenging spade when we really need her?

Oops, pardon! It was an avenging pitchfork wasn't it...

Jardinera, thanks. When the characters are "emoting" I really lose what they're saying. Your recap really helped. So Alonso lost it and told his boss he won't go to London without Gaviota? What does she have to say about that? Or doesn't she get a say?

Did the writers get a little confused? Alonso just returned from Tokyo and ROD has three mincing geishas show up at Erika's place with a Japanese meal???

Ditto about hating Rod, and I find the giddy, giggling Erika nauseating. Enough! It's been too long without a scene where Rod and Gavi come face to face. Let's have some forward movement and resolution...

Thanks Jardinera - I missed this episode and enjoyed your recap. I've decided that they are all too stupid to merit much time so I watched RAI. Terrible Mafia-like violence - so switched back to reading my guidebooks on Italy.

When does this novela end?

As the hubster was sayin', ain't it a damn shame when a telenovela gets to the point that you feel guilty for actually rootin' for the bad guys! Well, feel the...anger, folks! --Thanks for sticking in there cuz it was definitely a dullsville set-up episodio to write about. (Do you think the writers enjoyed it as much?) I guess the underlying anger and disgust I felt at having to describe these jerkwad characters doing what they do best on a day-to-day basis at least came through loud.and.clear......
Now then...

Isa had it only half right: both James and Sofia are dimwits. Both deserve each other and both deserve the unique emotional kick in the a$$ hell from Rod that's coming when the erwina pinas hit the fan --and make that not just an ordinary ol' fan, either. Try the size of a wind-tunnel!

And damn it! Just because a woman is pregnant shouldn't mean that the reasoning part of her brain immediately turns to absolute mush --except in Sofia's case, because she's part and parcel of that self-absorbed cretin crowd Lisa from Alpena is righteously ranting about. And San Juana? She never had more than mush for brains..... She's like a persistent little mosquito that got into the house in the middle of the night, buzzin' your ear in the dark. You keep tryin' to swat at it, but for the life of you, ya' just can't kill it. One of God's creatures you say? Then why are there swatters and pest control? Skin crawl alert! Hilario needs to fumigate his place.
As for Dr. Dud-as-a-Stud and dull Dr. Eureka! They would be a terrific yawn together. Double date alert! Now, if Rod brings Erika to the CRT event, then where does Isa sit?
lynne: Countdown is 6 weeks from this past Thursday.

TeleNovela rules:
The Galan is always, always stupid, self rightous, all most always very wealthy, with a heart of mis-guided gold.

The female role, is always good and true & viewed as the biggest whore evah for most of the TeleNovela. In reality she usually has only had sex with the Stud Galan or never had sex at all.

The Galan gets the girl in the end cause he usually has to save her from some fate worse than being with him. Which leads to a huge wedding & the wise poor parent or in some cases servent, has that knowing smile & little shake of the head. Think Ward Cleaver when the Beaver had to learn a hard lesson. Except Beaver was ten and never treated someone like crap for months.

The Galan always goes from accusing, jealous, crazed maniac to Mr. Right. Usually there is very little apology. The girl just realizing his awesomeness & trusting that they will be raising beautiful children in the huge family mansion just giddily jumps on board forgetting the eons of misery, starvation, taunting, name-calling and so on, she receieved from her also suffering, but eating good true love.

"I can hardly wait until the countdown starts. I'm getting tired of the plot because nothings getting solved. Who wants to wait until the very end to see 20 some odd things climax in the same episode." --LOL! Come to think of it, we've been spared scenes like that in this particular telenovela. Thank Gawd for small favors!
Speaking of Eureka facing off with Gavi, I got a feeling Gavi will use her services again and that award being in English AND with Rod's name on it AND sitting behind Eureka's desk will set off some real sparks. Just a thought since it otherwise could have just as easily been given to her at her apartment.....

I have been preparing myself for massive disappointment in terms of the wrapping up of this novela. I see no way where it can end satisfactorily for me. There would need to be a whole lot of violence, theraputic violence for me, directed at a number of characters in the novela, including the formerly hot Rod the Bod. I have already begun thinking up with my own alternative endings to the novela and some of its characters. Maybe we should start contest to see who can come up with the most well deserved endings for everyone. In my book, the only ones left standing are going to be Dani, Elvis, Avellenda and Videgary (however you spell those last two). Gavi can live if she promises not to hook up with Rod or Dr. Coffee...
Marg. in MN visiting CA

Marg in MN: How about Gavi becomes the P.R. delegate to Paris, meets and marries a wealthy, fabulously handsome and charming, bi-lingual diplomat/gentleman farmer from the south of France, near the Spanish border, who owns vineyards and manufactures champagne and various wines. She realizes that she was in lust with Rod and stayed that way only because he was the man she could never have and writes him a Dear Rod letter. Dr. Dud hooks up with Eureka after Rod brings her to a CRT event, it's love at first sight, and he marries and moves to London with her. Rod goes apesh!t crazy because Dudley Do-Right done him wrong again with his only other, second, love interest, his psychologist. Rod drinks himself into tequila oblivion and dies on the hacienda a few years from now from cirrhoses of the liver. Isa becomes a high-class hooker with Frankie as her pimp and they con money out of horny old men and widows, somewhere on the Spanish Riviera. Sofia divorces Frankie, has the kid but marries widowed James who takes over the hacienda duties and sells of Acacia's place to a major peanut farmer. Sofia turns into a harranguing hag with 6 kids and James becomes the henpecked husband we always knew he would be. Dani and Elvis open up a dance and painting school in Guadalajara so they'll be close by Sofia and James. Aaron and Patricio go to jail so Minnie ends up inheriting from the aunt in Spain and moves there to start her over to make people she meets miserable there then. Bruno dies from a heart attack because of the shame when the truth comes out. Fedra is left a lonely widow because the women of the CRT are shunning her due to her son's criminality. Hilario marries Nancy and takes his kid from SJ who becomes a hooker for Isa. Benni meets and marries Casandra. I guess that's it for now from me.

BTW: There are only 29 episodios/capítulos remaining. The gran final is 2 hours I believe.

breaks out and goes on an awesome crime spree.

I liked the thing about Gavi in Paris so I'll just combine French Kiss with she goes to Paris and meets the ever snarky, totally cool Kevin Kline in his "Luc" role. They end up on the family farm with awesome wine.

Yeah Dr. Dud & Erika do hook up and Rod goes nuts, sets her office on fire and goes to prison..
His cell mate happened to be wearing a heavy dose of Polo Blue, to cover up the scent of the meth that was being cooked.
Yep you got sniff & Rod is in love again only this time lil Rod is in love too..thus solving the mystery of his problem

Sofie does marry James and one day in Tequila she is accosted by a missionary group thinking she is one of them. After snubbing them they beat the crap out of her with bibles.

Elvis saves the doomed Hacienda & his new Tequila "Don Elvis de Negro" is a huge hit. Pilar just sips it & stays drunk.

Aaron too goes to prison for bad deeds, where he is forced to wear make-up (I saw it on HBO's OZ)

I like the Isa/Frankie whorehouse cause I think they could do very well with it. SanWanna goes to work & Hil due to the business is over aged by 27 and goes back to muck out stalls, save two years of pay all for one night of pleasure with a look-alike Isa at the bordello.

Hee, Hee!!! Jardinera and Beckster!!! Awesome alternate endings!! You two should be in the novela writing business! I was cracking up!!!!

Susanlynn: Cheer up. I found a site with all sorts of pirate songs from 1late 1500's through very early 19th cent. You're gonna love 'em!

Jardinera and Beckster,
You two finally put the smile back into this TN. Your alternate endings with such appropriate punishment/rewards are perfection. I just saw Russell Crowe in A Good Year, the wine country sooths the savage beastly investor works well in that. That set would be a good location for Gaviota and her French swain. Russell Crowe turns out well but acts too much like the rich cad of Rodrigo clan to be the one to get her.

I'm afraid that if Rodrigo, Aaron, and Patricio all end up in jail, they'll get together with Ricardo Duarte (who had BETTER end up in jail with broken kneecaps) will get together and form a jailhouse singing quartet or something.

Thanks for the excellent recap Jardinera!

I miss Ben Venutti, Gavi's Italian friend from Paris. Where did he disappear to?


Loved your recap, Jardinera!
Thanks for sticking with it through these trying times in novelaland.
I can't hate Rodrigo; he is so clueless, so childish. I believe his higher order brain centers have yet to develop, but the primitive brain is going strong!

I like all of the alternative endings, but I want real suffering for some of these people. Aaron would end up a kingpin in prison, so I think I'd like to see him spend his eternity trapped in the front seat of a Yugo taxi stuck forever in one of those roundabouts. Clarita is on his left, driving, and Sanwanna is on his right. Both are babbling incessantly and he has suffered debilitating rotator cuff injuries in both shoulders so he can´t throw anything. He just has to sit in between the two biggest nitwits the world has ever offered and listen to their insipid chatter. All the while, wafting above the noise is the cassette *Songs for My Rodrigo* as interpreted by Celine Dion. Pilar, for her never ending slights of Elvis, is condemned the spend the rest time dancing in one of those cages on Soul Train to Brick House by the Commodores, somewhere in the 1980's. She has to wear spandex, because that's what everyone wore and her hair is extra large and a drunken bead-dazzler has attacked her spandex with a ferocity rarely seen outside of a pack of hyenas.
Rodrigo will spend the rest of time chained to his bed, while Isa, who has changed to Gaviota's perfume since Sanwanna stole hers, comes and goes in various short, silky robes. His frustration builds as she continually comes on to him, until he finally figures *que the hell*, but as she draws near to him he realizes it's not Isa, it's Elvira. His repulsion is so great he can't stop shrieking. This cycle repeats itself for all eternity, thus leaving him frustrated for all time. Sophia, our demure debutante, too concerned with social status to consider right and wrong will spend the rest of time at a very high brow, black tie event. Frankie's mother, Jose, will yell from her waitress station *mi hijo* at random intervals toward Sophia and her beloved, drawing stares from all around. In addition Sofi will be flatulant. Undisguisably loud, unforgivably potent, catch you by surprise everytime, flatulance will plague her as she tries to impress somebody, anybody... That's the kind of pain I want to see. I can't think up anything wicked enough for Frankie...
Marg. in MN now in WA


You must eat a lot before going to bed. That's the only explanation I can think of for your imaginative, twisted punishment ideas. And that's also why I like them so much. :-)

Hey Marg in MN, how about Frankie, broke and disgraced, ending up as a 24 hr cabana boy to an old, rich, liberace type? In order to eat, he must dance on the old man's piano, and sing in french daily. The old man will also share him with his friends, who are instructed to think of new ways to degrade him while videotaping everything! Nah.....Frankie would probably like it!!!

Okay, I can't resist one last fantasy after reading this fabulous display of revenge. So Acacia's avenging pitchfork comes to life and begins to clone itself ala "Fantasia"'s brooms. The avenging pitchforks march out of the insane asylum with Acacia applauding happily in the rose garden. They continue on into the night and by morning each one has found an offensive character to purge from this sin soaked script. Puffff!! Out out damned spot!

cherylnewmex!!! YOu did an AWESOME TERRIFIC job recapping the novela last week!! I have to say I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, i literally snorted coffee out of my nose when i read about Rod and Ofelia's big white panties missing!!! It was painfully funny...literally LOL


Thanks for the recap and comments. They're much better than the show. Wish you guys were writing the script, any of those scenarios are better than what we have to look forward to...

this is soooo sick. Marg in MN, let's add a cell phone to Aaron's pants pocket shorting out (burn) and buzzing incessantly.

Frankie should become paralyzed in a horse jumping accident (borrowed Sofie's fashionable boots) and be eaten slowly by those erwina bugs or whatever the hell they are. That or maybe have some sexy and crazed jimadora hack him to pieces like an agave pina. This jimadora can then be Acacia's roommate in the bughouse.

Erika could break her fingernail and go back to pretty girl psychology land.

JR-- I kinda liked Ben too, but if memory serves, no one else on this blog did because they were too busy catering to the possessiveness of Caveman Montalvo.

But did you notice how all of the nice guys in novelaland are chefs or something foody?

Hat tip to Jardinera for staying awake to watch this whole show and making us laugh. Wonder who is staying up and paying attention tonight? You all are the best part of this my second novela experience.


Thanks for the recap and all the proposed alternate endings. I laughed, I cheered, I applauded. I can't believe how quickly Rod has turned away from Gavi. He is a total lame-brained tool. I want him to have some kind of bad surprise when his abuelo's will is read. He deserves a bad surprise.
As far as I'm concerned, most of the Montalvos can go up in smoke, when they are gathered at the hacienda and Acacia escapes and sets the place on fire.
Elvis and Dani can survive and run the corporation, in partnership with Gavi. James can survive and run the hacienda/agave fields, with Roman, Ofelia, and an eternally whining Sanjuana to provide kitchen and field help.

do any of you know what the outcome will be before the novela ends? I think I have the answer, anyone else?


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