Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amar Oct 19 - Eva is losing her grip

Yesterday Morticia found one of the buttons from her son’s shirt in Katy’s toys. Today she is groaning to Diego at the billar about it.

Some other things from yesterday (Karen has unfortunately been unable to post the last couple weeks, hope all is well Karen) – Ivan was summoned to Prague and Boris demands that Ivan show his loyalty to Boris by killing Eva. Boris was convinced by Mo that Eva is acting outside the interests of their gang, and Ivan manages to slip up enough to confirm to Boris that Eva wants out. All due to her completely improbable love for Diego. Whatever. Azul tricked Arnaldo and GSD into Ines’s room at the same time so they can talk, they do start talking but accomplish nothing really. Leo cuts up one of Andres’s shirts, then goes to the boutique and tells Ceci that Katy did it trying to make doll clothes, she cozies up to Ceci and manages to make friends with her, just to stick around and be a pain later. Big dumb move by Ceci here, accepting Leo’s manipulations here. I’ll fill in anything else as it comes up, that’s all I remember at the moment.

Diego shows up at Azul’s place and they argue again, he tells her to get away from Mo. She gets all pissed off and tells Diego that in a couple days she is getting married to Mo. He begs for time to prove that Mo is a louse. She acts really bitchy and tells him to leave.

Boris tells Ivan that he can take over Eva’s place after he kills her. Ivan says that especially since Eva is Boris’s blood, she doesn’t deserve pardon.

Lidia is rolling around on her bed holding a little girl’s pillow covered with hearts, talking to Piero on the phone. He is back in the big empty white house. They are discussing their setup, Piero is talking in the biggest room of the house to make sure his voice carries throughout the house. He is telling her to be patient, she wants him to get some money in a hurry. Lucia walks close enough to hear him as he talks about taking her money, she gets all bug-eyed and impactada. Why should she be surprised?

Mo interrogates Katy about what Silvana was asking her about. He hints that she doesn’t have to keep seeing Silvana, but Katy wants to. Azul arrives and interrupts them, Katy runs off. She tells Mo that she told Diego that she and Mo were going to get married. Mo takes it as an invitation and gets all emotional. Azul says no, she just told Diego that, she didn’t mean for it to happen. Mo tries to talk her into it anyway. She balks, he backs off but at the same time wants her to say yes or no right now. She asks for time and he looks all grumpy about it.

Diego talks to Lidia and Manuel. They are talking in circles, they all repeat different lies and truths that they have heard or told or been told. Manuel thinks he’s about to go back to work. If Lidia and Piero are working it out, he’s getting his job back, right?

Lucia makes nice with Piero. They rehash his history and immigration options again. She finishes by saying that the only reason he isn’t still in jail is because she is helping him. She asks him to bring her a new coffee because this one is cold, like him. Oh, burn.

Diego tells Manuel to talk to his mom and straighten it out. Manuel says fine, when I see her. Diego reproaches him (since he’s such an expert on love) and says he has to go look for her to show proper interest. He left out that they should fight and break up and lie to each other, like he does.

Andres and Ceci show up at Mo’s to find Andres’s new room. Mo is very nice to Ceci and offers his hospitality. After the girls leave, Mo tells Andres that Diego says he has proof from Eva about Mo’s bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). Mo tells Andres that they are going to use Ceci to get rid of Eva. How? That will wait until later, says the background music.

Silvana tells Emilia the same deal about finding her son’s button in Katy’s toys and getting no information from Katy about it. Emilia, from her office and not having talked to the little girl, nevertheless manages to diagnose Katy with post traumatic shock. She tells Silvana that even if Katy can’t remember when she’s awake, she probably remembers in dreams. So… -

We immediately see Katy sleeping and having a bad dream. How convenient. She remembers her mother getting run off the road, lots of screaming. Then Mo shows up, the mama is still alive begging for Mo, he just gets Katy out of the car. Katy takes Nico’s button on the way out of the car. Leo and Andres are there to help Mo, they see that Nico is still alive but Mo just drives off with Katy anyway. Finally she makes enough noise in her dream, screaming for her mommy, that Azul comes in and wants to know what she dreamed about. She starts to tell Azul about it, then Mo walks in and Katy clam up. Mo asks what she dreamed about, Katy says nothing. I think Katy’s eyes have been opened a bit about her ‘loving’ father. She wants Azul to stay with her, Mo jumps in and says ‘we’ll both stay.” Neither girl looks thrilled at that.

Diego has told his mom the truth about Manuel’s excellent adventure at the billar, she doesn’t understand why he would act like such an ass. And if any of you out there say ‘because he’s a man’ then I will violently disagree. Because he’s an idiot, sure. Sorry, I hear my fair share of man bashing at work and it makes me crazy. I don’t pull any of that crap. Anyway. Clemencia agrees to talk to Manuel since they have been married for so long, etc etc. Diego tells her that Lidia and Piero are going to live together like they should. Yeah right. Being a Moran must make you a MorOn. They act like fools and believe anything anybody tells them. Not Clemencia, but she doesn’t have any of Manuel’s mentally challenged blood in her veins, just the kids.

Now that they are alone, Andres gets all over Ceci and wants some action. I’m guessing somebody is about to walk in without knocking. Ah yes, Leo drifts in through the open door. And I mean open, it wasn’t just unlocked, it was hanging wide open. The happy couple jumps off the bed like teenagers getting caught making out. Cripes this whole thing is going to get old fast, the ‘Let’s pretend to not be together around Leo so we don’t hurt her feelings’ or whatever it is.

Azul and Mo have already abandoned Katy, who they promised to stay with, as they are talking in another room. Azul says Katy needs some therapy, Mo says she doesn’t. Azul wants her to remember the accident to work through it, Mo angrily says he doesn’t want her to remember. Now we know why of course. He immediately starts badgering Azul to marry him so that he can die in peace and Katy can have a mom. How romantic, how can she say no to that? “Please commit to being someone’s mother for no reason other than giving me peace of mind while I die.” Wow how can you say no to that. Then he fakes falling down so that she will go help him and he can try and kiss her. She doesn’t let him. I’m sure that he’ll kiss her eventually, and it will happen where Diego can see it, and make the show another month longer. Dammit, wasn’t I the one defending this show a few weeks ago? I was saying how even if some of the people were dumb at least stuff HAPPENED? How wrong I was. They hired all the Heridas and Duelo writers that couldn’t get any other work after those shows went on the air and now we’re being treated to more of the same. If someone accidentally says ‘Bertha’ instead of ‘Eva’ or Azul yells at “Emilioooo” by accident, my theory will be proven correct. Now this show is a slowly dying dog and I couldn’t be more disappointed. I can see the ‘twists’ and ‘surprises’ before they happen because we’re falling into the same old routines as other shows. Bah. At least I have something to complain about.

Diego whines to his mom about Azul.

GSD is still NOT finding a cure, he comes to see Emilia. He wants to know about Diego and Azul and Silvana or whatever and Emilia says she can’t tell him. They agree that Diego is a loser and they were both wrong about him. She says she met Arny and she liked him. GSD harrumphs and says they talked today and didn’t kiss and make up but made some progress. He admits that Azul set it up, he didn’t go looking for him.

Andres and Ceci are alone again, eating the food that Leo brought them. They didn’t worry that it was poisoned? I wouldn’t eat anything that woman has touched. After begging her to not tell anyone and Ceci saying she is a tomb and nothing will be told to anyone ever, Andres tells Ceci that Mo hired Diego because he saved Mo’s life, Ceci knew that. Andres says Mo only has one enemy, Eva. So they think it was Eva that tried to shoot him and it was all a setup and Diego was in on it. All an elaborate scheme to trick Mo into hiring Diego. Suuuure. Well it makes sense in novelaland.

Ivan arrives in Mexico, calls Eva, and tells her he needs to see her alone, as per orders from Boris.

The next morning Ceci tells Azul the whole thing she talked about with Andres the night before. So much for being a tomb. They are eating breakfast, perhaps the key to her vault is cereal, the same way that Elaine from Seinfeld spills her guts after a few drinks. So Ceci spills the whole theory and Azul believes it, of course. She gets all weepy and dramatic. Now she thinks Diego was working for Eva the entire time he was after her. Azul has some orange flashbacks about dreamy Diego and gets even more weepy. The two girls can’t believe that Diego would play with her love that way. More crying. Azul swear she won’t be so stupid any more. Sure.

Andres walks into his room in a towel, you ladies are all pleased, Leo is sitting on a chair in the room admiring him. He yells at her for not giving him any privacy. I agree with him. She isn’t even dressed, she’s in a robe. He wants her to respect his relationship with Ceci, Leo says she deserves respect too, he shouldn’t bring Ceci here. He tells her to butt out. She says he’s taking his job, given to him by Mo, of being with Ceci just to get info very seriously. She pulls his towel off, he still tells her to get out. Finally someone does something I can agree with. If that scary woman tried putting the moves on me, I’d be screaming for help. She leaves, finally.

Diego is at his morning training, Efrain (that’s Gaspar’s dad, right?) sees the guy that was arrested for killing Abuelo and starts to freak out, Diego talks him down with the news that Eva sprung him, he wasn’t the killer. Diego explains that Mo is trying to exert control over him.

Eva yells at the sleazy lawyer. Something about proving to Diego that she isn’t as bad as Mo.

Andres comes back to Leo’s room to get his belt. He finds the cut up shirt. He blames her, jut like the bleached jacket. Leo says neither was her. She blames Katy. Andres yells at her that he’s young and doesn’t want to be with an old hag like her. Well that was the message, if not the actual words. After he leaves she gets an envelope out of the side table and takes a picture out of it, must be some old picture of Andres or something.

Azul is whining to Emilia about Diego and about the whole thing Ceci told her. Azul then says she wants to help Katy like a shrink. I’m sure that will work out well.

Isela and Silvana have dinner. Silvana was out walking and being morbid, Isela tries to comfort her. Isela tells her she’ll get married again, Silvana says maybe Isela will get married first? Isela says with who? Maybe Anibal, or maybe (she gets a goofy voice) one of Gloria’s hotline clients? Ha that was actually pretty funny. Silvana says she’s going to cancel the hotline. So, if that happens, the entire hotline story was pretty much all about nothing. Or did Gloria run off with a hotline customer? I can’t remember.

Clemencia tells Diego that she talked with Manuel. I guess we didn’t get to see that part. Oh, she just talked to him briefly and they agreed to talk later. Diego says he’s going to make her some special clothes.

Azul and Emilia now discuss GSD and Arny. These two are the biggest metiches I have ever seen. Cripes. They sit there and decide who is right and wrong, then decide what they are going to do about it. Azul starts crying about Ines still being in a coma.

GSD talks to a comatose Ines at the hospital, filling her in on current events. How’s that cure coming, doc? We go back and forth between Azul/Emilia and GSD/Ines. He is talking about Azul, she is talking about him and Ines. Then she goes on about Mo. Nothing new. Just weepy tortured BS.

Diego reports to Eva. Hasn’t Ivan arrived yet? Eva shows Diego the listening station where they can listen to Mo’s house. Just then, coincidentally, sleazy lawyer is talking to Mo about some bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). This is what she set up with the lawyer in that previous scene. Mo knows he is being listened to I guess, he claims to not know what the guy is talking about. He goes on about how Eva wants to control the Moran family, he completely flips it all around on Eva, who is quite impactada. He pulled that off quite well. Eva says Mo must suspect something, something is wrong. Diego says to quit lying to him. Eva makes excuses. Diego says when she has proof on paper to give him, call him, otherwise, leave him alone.

Eva is walking outside somewhere, maybe this is where she is supposed to meet Ivan. Ah yes, there he is. He says that they had to meet here and alone because Boris sent a bullet for her! He raises his gun and of course doesn’t just shoot her, he stands there and gives her a chance to act all impactada. Ivan’s hand gets shaky.

Julio leaves to see Arny, Ceci and Gaspar are happy. Andres shows up, Ceci is happy even more. Gaspar is jealous as Julio leaves happy and Ceci and Andres kiss, he says “don’t eat in front of someone on a diet!” Nice way to put it. Of course, leo shows up. She is all done up in younger looking clothes and her hair done like a younger woman. She tells Ceci to get what they were looking at yesterday. Going back to my rant earlier about borrowing Heridas and Duelo writers, doesn’t this smack of when Bertha went and got plastic surgery to look younger? Leo obviously has ALREADY had plenty of plastic surgery, but now she is trying the look younger part. Ceci starts to walk away and Leo trips her and acts like it was an accident. Leo tries to act all seductive to Andres. She is even scarier than before.

Eva gets all weepy and tells Ivan to get on with it. Ivan says no, he would never kill her. He couldn’t. He tells her he loves her. He only lives for her. She hugs him. I expect that she will just continue to completely use him and not return his feelings. She gives him a kiss but doesn’t look like she is enjoying it. Ivan sure is, though. Eva starts to get into it a little bit more but I still don’t believe anything has changed with her. People do strange things when they narrowly escape death.

Mo tells Azul he is going to send Katy to an orphanage to keep her away from Eva and her people. Azul says no, but Mo says that he knows that Azul doesn’t love him, he wants her away from him too, for her safety. Of course, she says no way, she is going to stay close to him, and she accepts his marriage proposal. Jeez Azul can’t you even make it difficult to manipulate you? I’m surprised Mo can contain his smug smile at how easily his plan worked.

Monday – Still in the woods, Eva is telling Ivan again to shoot her. She is half or more undressed, did they just get busy in the woods? She tells Ivan that after he kills her, he needs to take documents to Diego so he knows Eva never lied to him. That’s what I would want to hear after finally nailing the woman I have lusted after forever, how much she cares about some other dude. Also, Isela tells Silvana that she’s going to get all dolled up and go try and get Anibal back. GSD gets jumped by a bunch of guys in ski masks and taken away. That all looks like a lot of action, but I expect the other 99% of the show to be talking/crying/whining/lying. Enjoy.


Ferro94- Thanks, Chris for keeping me straightened out on the increasing switchback curves of this every more insidious plot. Your recaps are the only thing I can relie on to feel more or less sane after one of these episodes lately. I am at the same point with Destilando, where I don't much like any of these clowns anymore. For all the longing to see Andres the Adonis scantily clad, let's not forget it was he who so cruelly killed the dear sweet Abuelo. Isela doesn't deserve to get stuck with the manipulative, lazy and stupid Manuel, but neither does Clemencia. Diego and Azul do deserve each other for being such simpletons but poor murderous Mo keeps trying to get his wishes met too. I wonder what else we will find out about these dastardly people that will make this twisting plot seem more plausible. I can't figure out anyone's motives not even the purely evil Boris makes sense. Maybe Eva and Ivan will run off and spawn little multilingual monsters who will come back from a few years training in a fascist military school and mow the whole cast of characters down with uzis.
Thanks again for all your work. Hope you had a restful weekend to prepare for another week of murder and mayhem.

hanks, Ferro. Even the lovely Annndress in a towel [thank you] cannot save this show. And Leonardo is really creeping me out....your Anndress is running with the young crowd now,,,you have lost him..try to maintain a small shred of have your memories...I hope that you took a lot of photos . I fell asleep during this episode. I think that I wanted to fall asleep. Did Eva and Ivan that dynamic duo really do the horizontal mambo ??? Wow, Ivan has been waiting for that moment for a looong time, no ??? I don't know where this is all headed , but I wish that it would get there soon.

Post-makeover Leo was way too scary/desperate for me. I acually think the orignal look suited her better.

And what is with the button? I was confused as to how the button actually means anything significant.

Aaaaaahndres. *sigh* At least there are no more Abuelos to kill.

The button was significant because it gave them another excuse to torture poor Katy into having nightmares about the accident and for Silvana to have another entire episode staring into nothing while she remembers her poor dead son. I can't believe how I've flipped on this show. A month ago I liked it and now it makes me crazy. I'm too invested now to quit on it, though, maybe that's what they count on when they get to "stall for six weeks" territory in the middle of these shows.

Wasn't there an episode a week or two ago when the button showed up in Katy's special collection box. She showed it to Silvana, who impactada, remembered that she had sewn it on Nicholas' shirt and touched it as she kissed him the day he went off and was later killed in the accident. Then she began to question Katy about that day with more pressure since Katy should not have had that button. On with the torture! Poor lamb, Katy is the football now.

No, that episode was just this week! Thursday and Friday. See how time gets all messed up when they start dragging their heels on the action? Hopefully either Eva or Ivan will get killed on Monday to shake things up a bit. Peronally, I'd like for Mo to get the axe. Anything involving him has become completely and utterly uninteresting.

I'm excitd to see what they do tonight, since they've promised so much, but you'd think by now I'd know better. Maybe we're hitting another stretch of things actually happening instead of a bunch of people lying to each other.

Ferro I'm in total agreement with you on this show. I used to like it a lot, even more than Juan. Now it just feels like something I'm obligated to finish. Thank goodness Juan has gotten better (or perhaps it only seems that way in comparison).

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