Thursday, October 25, 2007

Juan Q Wed 10/24 - Murphy's Law in the DF, and Moni's long road to revenge-classy?

Pau starts off in response to CL’s confession: Are you crazy? What about the consequences, especially for me? Why now? It doesn’t help anything now. He continues how he didn’t do it before because he couldn’t find the right moment. He says how in love he is, and he wants to demonstrate in actions not words. She tells him it’s the stupidest thing he’s ever done in his life and the most dangerous and she takes her leave.

Chelo consoles Moni. She says with time this pain will fade too and you might even look back on all this and laugh. She tells her the story of her own husband's betrayal when one of her sisters came to live with them and ended up stealing the husband. They moved out together. She said it was horrible and she even ended up in the hospital. But after a while she resigned herself to move on, and six months later her husband came back like a sorry dog because it turns out her sister had cleaned him out of all his money and ran off with someone else. Moni agrees this was divine justice, and Chelo says that God knows what to do with people, and he hands them what they deserve. Her grandmother always said: he who kills with the sword will die by it (essentially) (Quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere). This gets wheels rolling in Mon’s head as she decides she will give them what they deserve.

Juan tells the boys they are wrong, that he and Pau talked and came to the conclusion that they are not going to mix work with pleasure and are going to have a mature relationship, professional at work. Juan tells himself how wonderful that sounds and Juan tells himself he’s the best.

Alirio, pitying himself over his wound, reads off a list of legal charges he wants to send Juan’s way for the punch. Nid says that if someone doesn’t respect her, well, someone has to defend her, but he’s mad that it’s Juan.

Marely listens to Paula’s rant. Pau complains about CL being stupid for doing this and that he’s really not showing her anything about his feelings for her and that he’s wrong if he thinks this is going to make things better. Merely doesn’t get it because Pau was the one always pushing for him to tell the truth. Pau says now isn’t the time, and Marely asks her, well, if you still love him, why isn’t it the time? Mar continues, or is it because you are starting to have feelings for Juan? Pau flashes us her signature blank look.

In the kitchen, Chelo notes that Mon looks better and that the tea must have done her some good. Mon says it wasn’t the tea but what you said: "You gave me the key to making CL and Pau pay for what they did to me. Their lifetimes won’t even be enough to regret what they did to me and they will pay dearly. " Chelo looks a little freaked.

Mar asks Pau to tell the truth. Pau says one thing has nothing to do with the other. Mar says yeah right, and says she knows Pau left with Juan in front of everyone. Pau says she always leaves with Juan and Mar says don’t play me for a fool and forces Pau to admit she left with Juan to pick on CL. Mar says "and you made him jealous, but that did require sleeping with him, so why did you spend the night with Juan, and don’t deny that you did. Now see how one has to do with the other." Pau doesn’t know. Her feelings before were very clear that she loved CL and respected Juan, but now she’s confused. Mar says that’s how love is. Sometimes it’s not understood. It can’t be proven scientifically. Pau says something about maybe she’s supposed to look at herself and figure out if she really is supposed to deny being with CL or if she should accept what Juan can offer her.

Kike tells Juan of last night’s class, and that the profe was mad he wasn’t there, because he’s absent a lot. Juan tells himself in many adjectives all the virtues he has a student. Kike tells him he knows that’s not true but whatever. Juan wonders why happiness can’t be complete, that just when things are going well, that old flirts twists things up and tricks me. “Rabo = old flirt, like Nidia too” Kike reminds him that’s just Murphy’s Law. Juan, like the good village boy that he is, doesn’t seem to get it and says it’s his law with this woman not that Murphy.

CL is telling Pastor what a tragedy this is; he doesn’t know if he did the right thing. Moni doesn’t want to speak with him and Pau is furious that he told the truth. Pastor tells him this is just fine that both women reacted. If they were indifferent it would be worse. He says this is the best outcome because if Moni had discovered you with your hands in the masa you’d be lost, and besides you then wouldn’t even be able to offer your love to Pau. He tells him not to despair; he’ll see the fruits of his acts soon, just have patience.

Juan tries to get the scoop out of Fer as to where he went when he left the party last night. Fer plays him off and says, "well I didn’t go hang out with your madre postiza (like a substitute or unofficially adopted mother, a pseudo mother if you will)."

Monica marches past and the boys both give impactado looks as she addresses them only with a hand wave. Next she is up in Pau’s office and the two CL love bunnies are staring face to face at each other. I’m hearing the growling and hissing begin.

Moni says, sorry, she’s late but she had a little problem at home, but she’s a hard worker and they have a work arrangement, so she’s here. Pau says she owes her no explanation. Mon asks where they stopped and if they want to get a coffee. Pau looks quite confused at her.

Pastora is leaving her house. A neighbor runs over and says hello and Pastora bites off her head. She says she feels like her bilirubins are up because she thought it was an old lady killer after her. The lady says fine go off then. Pastora tells her she’s going to faint and smacks to the ground. The lady screams for help thinking she killed her.

CL, knowing Moni is in with Pau, wants to know what to do because he doesn’t hear even screaming. Pastor tells him to be calm that everything will be fine. The door cracks and they both look at it with fear. Just then Ivonne enters to tell Pastor he’s got an urgent call from home.

Pastor talks to the neighbor on the phone and complains to Ivonne that the neighbor doesn’t really know what’s wrong, but he has to go home. Just then Juan comes upon him and offers to take him home.

The neighbor is glad that Pastora wakes up. Pastora reacts to the neighbor with great disdain. She accuses her of stealing her shoes. She tells her to get out, but the neighbor tells her she’s in her own house. Pastora beats her repeatedly with pillows from the couch.

Juan tells Pau the news and she sends him off with her blessing to be with Pastor as long as needed. Moni asks why he still addresses her as Licenciada if they are dating. Pau blows it off, as that’s how it started, so they are used to it, plus, at work they respect their positions this way. Outside of work it’s different. Moni leans in and asks Pau very seriously how it’s going between them. Pau says that she thinks they need to talk and Mon asks if they aren’t doing that. Pau says you know what I mean; we need to clear some things up. Mon says she’s all ears.

Alirio wacks Fer as he passes by. He’s waiting for Gaitan and accosts him when he comes up with Juan. Juan is trying to fend off Alirio, but of course he is clueless and insists that Gaitan give him the time of day right now. Gaitan calls him a cheap clown and tells him to leave him alone. Alirio remarks, how about these filthy pigs!! (Guarros)

Ali runs into CL’s office and accidentally smacks him in the eye with the door becauseCL is trying to spy on the ladies. Ali is there to break the news about Pastor’s betrayal. CL already knows and tells him he doesn’t care, and basically tells him he’s a despicable opportunist that takes advantage of other’s misfortunes and gets mad that he calls him Cesarin, a term of endearment. They bleep a curse word that CL calls Ali. CL also calls him an imbecile and a miserable being and kicks him out. I swear during this whole exchange Roberto D’Amico is trying his damndest not to laugh. Something fell off the door when CL slammed it, cheap set.

Pau continues that she supposes that CL has discussed their relationship. Moni confirms yes, he told me everything. Pau starts with her sob story that she was new to the city, and CL treated her very well, and special, and little by little her attraction grew for him but she tried to fight against it because she knew he was married and the last thing she wanted was to come between the two of them. She says he kept pursuing her and her feelings kept growing until they were much bigger than she and she gave in. She knows it’s not an excuse, nor all the blame on him, but this whole thing has now turned into a painful memory for her and for him and now for Moni too. She says she’s really sorry and that hopefully one day she’ll forgive her. Pau says that she hopes Mon can understand and pardon her.

Pastor tells him Mom he’s taking her to the hospital. She argues and kvetches, of course. She refuses to go and gets stiff like a board.

Back in the office of doom, Mon says she appreciates Pau's sincerity but can’t give pardon when she doesn’t feel it. Mon takes the high road and says that they are human beings and they make mistakes but that she expected more from Pau, especially the way Pau treated her when she lost her baby. She says all three have their blame, but she says she never should have opened her home etc to her. Monica changes from “tu” to the more formal “su” when she says Pau’s friendship doesn’t interest her in the least bit. She says she never would have done anything like this to Pau. Pau says she understands that Mon sees things in this manner now, but… Mon cuts her off and says but nothing really. Except, they made a deal to work together, so that is what they will do. I expect nothing more than for us to work together to move this project forward.

By screams, Juan shoves Pastora into the car to go to the Hospital. Pastor is upset that she might die and yells at Juan to hurry.

Mon ends the Pau discussion with work issues and says ok fine, see you, and leaves. Mar runs in and asks Pau what happened and Pau says really she doesn’t know. She says that Mon is either the epitome of civilized or cold blooded and she doesn’t know how to interpret what happened, and is afraid something more is behind this. Mar says yes, it’s weird because Mon should have at least yelled at her, and that if this had happened to herself, Mar would have wanted to come right in there and kill her. Pau says she’s not sure what to do now and wonders if CL really has changed with all this. Ugh, here we go again.

The doc tells Gaitan he needs to do some studies on his Mom and asks if she’s been taking the anticoagulants. He says it’s a drama, but she ends up taking them. He wonders if she’s going to die and doc can’t say, she’s delicate right now and doc leaves to check her out. Pastor gets very upset. Juan consoles him. Juan tells him that he needs to throw heaps of his positive energy towards this, and that she’s a strong woman and all of this will turn out ok. Pastor just doesn’t want her to suffer; aside from her character he still loves her. Pastor tells Juan how much he appreciates that Juan is there to support him and comfort him and tell him such kind words. Juan tells him to be strong and cheer up. This was a great scene.

Yadi is in bed sprawled out with horrible nausea. She never knew it would be this difficult. Nid takes this opportunity to remind her what parents have suffered for their children. Yadi notes she’s dressed up and wonders donde the heck she’s going. She tells her she needs to stop by the market and do a few things out in the streets. Yadi tells her she’s sick, but not in the head so knows she’s up to no good. Nid tells her they’ll have this discussion later. As Nid is about to walk out, Alirio walks in and announces that he’s been fired. Nid and Yadi are impactada.

Moni goes in to see CL, tells him she talked to Pau and says she made a decision. She says she gave him all her love; everything to make him happy since she met him and even wanted to give him a baby. She says she’s made many errors but everyone knows what they do. She can’t make him love her so she will give him his freedom and give him a divorce.


By the usual rules of telenovelas, Paula cannot be the heroine of this story. She has slept with two men. of her own free will, one of whom is, further, married to a nice woman. But worst of all - she LIES to her MOTHER and I believe this is an unforgivable sin in telenovelaland.

By another rule (the heroine has to have been in the story from the beginning) I think Marely must be the leading lady. She's our Cinderella. This is speculation, not a spoiler.

Like Amar, this one does break a lot of rules. For one thing I think in both shows, the male lead is the central figure. What the females do is less important. In fact, in the traditional novela structure, the male lead does bad things--treats the female lead cruelly, sleeps around, etc. Somewhere along the line they have a watershead event, repent and change. I think we will see the same thing--just reverse the genders.

''I love you Moni,,Moni,,,Moni.'' [Shout out to whoever sand that song.] What an understanding gal. Most of us would have killed CL looong ago and run off with crazy Juanito.

Finally Monica gets a backbone. She has been noble but ever so naíve for sooooo long. Just the fact that her unspecific but determined threats are making CL and the wooden head Paula sweat bullets is making my day, thank you.
Mamma Pastora was so fun last night. Too bad, they have to use her sick spells as a vehicle. She would be a power house if she hung out at Farrell Inc. more. Sparks everywhere! I bet she would call people on their bull, before they even finished saying it.
I wonder how Nidia is going to like having Delirous Alirio around the house all day. I don't think Yadie works either so only the sweet deserving of hero sandwiches, Marely appears to be bringing in any money at all. I am not clear if the defunct Papa's fortune has been squandered by Alirio, or by all the excess consumer women in the family. Are they living on fumes of money gone by?

You know? The other day I was watching the introduction and I noticed something that made me think that maybe Melinama is right. In the beginning both Marely and Paula give roses to Juan, first Marely and then Paula, then all of them dance around. We see CL ditching his wife for Paula, Nidia chasing Juan, Kike chasing Yady etc; but at the end when Juan opens the door of the car for Paula to get in, the one that gets in is Marely, she smiles and that is that, the end, a big family picture. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but it just made me wonder.

Kris, thanks for the great recap! These episodes are getting packed with action and intrigue, aren’t they? Wild for recappers.

“Pau flashes us her signature blank look.” LOL! She does it to perfection, too. She “gives no face” as some of my deaf friends say.

I’d be really surprised if Chelo had revenge in mind when she comforted Moni by telling Moni about her own husband’s infidelity. Poor Chelo!

That Murphy’s Law discussion between Kike and Juan was goofy. What was the point of all that?

“I swear during this whole exchange Roberto D’Amico is trying his damndest not to laugh. Something fell off the door when CL slammed it, cheap set.” That’s funny! I didn’t notice so I’ll have to play it back. That was a wild scene. The two of them did it up royally.

All the comment were fascinating to read. I didn’t realize that the telenovela “rules” were so set throughout novelas, and this one is really going against the grain. Paula’s shallowness reminds me of Omar’s shallowness in La Fea Más Bella. She’s a female cad, and self-righteous to boot when she has no right to be. Or, maybe she’s like Fernando in LFMB. Whichever, she’s irritating as *bleep.*

Susanlynn, what a creative mind you have! You are too funny!

Cheryl NM, I have a strong feeling we won’t have any idea about what happened to Samuel’s money until the very end. Maybe it’s hidden in the walls and he knew Delirio was cooking the books or likely to.

Good point, Maricruz, about the intro scenes. I noticed that Marely sneaks in before Paula can some weeks ago, but never paid much attention. That could be predictive, all right.


Hi folks, the comments about Marely ending up with Juan instead of Paula interest me greatly, especially with Maricruz's astute observation in the mix. I would prefer the Marely ending. I am beginning to get concerned that our "heroine" has become so very odious. If Paula does a complete about face and we all end up liking her then JQ will have become more like an American soap opera.
Susanlynn, thanks to you that song is ringing in my head.

Great recap Kris, thanks!!

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