Monday, October 22, 2007

Juan Q Friday 10/19 Where Monica has a plan and Juan doesn't have a clue

Monica invites Juan to lunch. CL insinuates that maybe Juan is busy and can’t go. Juan says nope, not busy. Paula says that maybe Juan will be bored, since is a business lunch. Juan says nope, I’ll be ok. I’ll just sit there and won’t say a thing, unless you don’t want me to go?. Paula and CL have to concede defeat, and Juan enjoys his small victory with one of his silly sayings “Pica, pica y califica” (something like saying: “check mate”)

CL dismisses Fer and tells him he’ll take the car. Nidia is very happy and tells Fer that they (Nidia and Fer) don’t need the others to have fun. Fer just smiles remembering the kind of “fun” that Nidia likes.

In the office Yadi is tired of waiting for her mom to come back from the bathroom. –Where did she go, to Pachuca? Marely says that knowing their mother, it is a possibility, but right now she is even more upset at Yadi. She (Marely) did not like that Yadi and Kike asked Mr. And Mrs Farell to be their wedding godparents. Marely says that she is embarrassed because her family only goes to the office when they need something. Yadi doesn’t care; she only wants to know how big the Farrel’s wedding present will be, and since she is bored with their conversation, she’ll wait for her mother downstairs, in the garage.

In the garage Nidia and Fernando are remembering the good times, when Yadi sees them in a compromised position. Nidia tries to explain it by saying that she was just telling Fer that he needs to change dry cleaners. Yadi doesn’t buy what Nidia is selling. She wants to know where Kike is. Fer doesn’t know.

Juan, CL, Monica and Paula arrive to the restaurant. Juan refuses to open the door for CL. Today he is not his employee, he is his guest. He is happy making CL feel uncomfortable, but when they get to the restaurant is payback time. Juan doesn’t understand the menu (it is in French) and CL enjoys making him squirm. At the end Juan orders the same as Paula, just a lobster salad (?). Juan is not too happy with the selection, but decides to eat again later. He tells to CL it is good to eat little, that way he’ll be fit, not like so many old men that are all flabby, and he’ll be able to pose again for his mother in law when she comes back from her trip. CL clasps on to this info. –Trip? Is your mother in a trip Paula? Why didn’t you tell me before? Paula says, back off, it is none of your business. (Not really, but that was what she meant) Juan is happy with Paula’s answer.

On their way home, Yadi and Nidia talk. Yadi maybe a lot of things, but she is no dummy. She tells her mother to come clean. Does she like Fer? Nidia denies it. –Mom, tell me the true, Fernando drives you crazy right? Nidia gets offended and tells Yadi that a decent woman loves her husband. Yadi points out that she (Nidia) doesn’t love her husband. –At least I respect him! Yadi doesn’t believe it.

Juan narrates the rest of the day; he says that everything went as well as possible; Paula convinced Monica to make CL’s birthday party at the office, both women were doing their best to win CL. Juan also says that CL was very tense, because Paula and Monica were working together. He thought bubbles that CL deserved “pobar de su propia medicina” to have a taste of his own medicine (He deserved to suffer like they suffered because of him). The day came to an end and we see Juan dropping Paula at her house and apologizing for letting it slip that Paula’s mom wasn’t in the city. Paula forgives Juan and when he is about to leave, she asks him what kind of present would he want for his birthday (If it was his birthday). Juan, who doesn’t have a clue, thinks that Paula is trying to give him a present, and sheepishly tells her that a wristwatch would be nice. He is happy, and thinks that Paula wants to give him a present. He is, once more, setting himself for disappointment. Poor Juan!

Yadi tells Marely that their mother has a lover, Fernando! Marely doesn’t believe it. She thinks that Yadi is making it up, but Yadi insist that she saw them. She tells Marely that she is afraid that Fernando is going to hurt their mother the same way he hurt her. Yadi wants Marely to investigate. Marely refuses and tells Yadira to do her own investigating.

Alirio went to visit Guti at jail. Guti is worried because he is being taken to “el reclusorio” It seems that Guti is not allowed to post bail, because Alirio says: “I’m sorry I already had the money” Guti wants Alirio to find him a good lawyer because he is innocent. He doesn’t want Yadi to find out he is in jail. Alirio says not to worry he’ll take care of everything.

Monica goes in a fishing trip and tells CL that she realizes that CL was right, Paula needs a real man; somebody like… CL! Of course this is none of their business, and they should leave Paula to take her own decisions. CL makes a good impactado face.

At school Juan is telling kike his own version of what happened at the French restaurant. He tells him, that he even had to translate for CL. Kike is very gullible, but this fib is too big and not even gullible Kike can believe it. Juan tries to prove that he knows French by repeating a verse of a song he heard. Veut-il être couché avec moi ce soir? (I think this is what he said) Kike is very impressed. Their math teacher walks in and wants to hear Juan speaking French. Juan obliges and repeats the same phrase. The teacher thinks Juan wants to sleep with her.

Juan and Kike arrive to the Cachon residence. Nidia is waiting for Juan; she wants to talk to him about Fernando. She wants to ask him to be discrete and not to tell anybody about their (Fernando and Nidia’s) relationship. Juan says not to worry his lips are sealed “soy una tumba”

In the morning, Monica and Consuelo wake CL up with a “Happy Birthday!”, and a cake. CL is delighted and answers, when questioned abut his age that he is only 23, but he feels 15 when he sees Monica. Monica says that she has the perfect present for a 23 years old young man. She gives him a box and tells him to open it. It’s a wrist watch (I think we know what is going to happen) CL says he loves it, but he loves Monica more, and he is willing to show her. Monica says she is leaving, but she is coming back and won’t leave his side. He wants her at his side right now.

At the Cachon residence, Nidia is asking Alirio about Gutierrez. He says that he has taken care of him, he won’t bother them again. Alirio wants to know if Nidia slept well. “Like an angel” is her answer.

Juan went to pick up Paula and sees her coming with a little box. Juan thinks is a present for him. He decides he will forgive her, but he is going to play hard to get (just a little). She gets in the car and Juan wonders that maybe she didn’t give him his present because she wants to do it in a restaurant just like he did.

In the office Yvonne gives CL his present (three guesses of what the present is? yes girls and boys it is a ….wrist watch) Un reloj! CL thanks Yvonne and tells her it is very nice. She promises she’ll give him his other present in private. CL declines, he is busy today, he’ll take a rain check.

Juan and Paula arrive to the office. Paula, the ice queen, hardly talks to Juan. Juan wants to ask her about the present, but at the last minute stops himself. He is starting to suspect that maybe the present is not for him “aqui hay gato encerrado” (Something is wrong. Lit. There is a locked cat) Fer comes and asks Juan about “his” Licenciada. Juan remembers what Nidia told him and manhandles him. Fer wants to know what the promblem is. Juan tells him he knows what he did with Nidia and he is gone to far. Juan tells Fer to respect Nidia, because she is like a mother to him. If Fer hurts Nidia he’ll have to respond to him (Juan). Alirio comes to the garage and yells “I want to talk to you” Impactado face from Fern and Juan.

Monica asks Paula if the party is ready. Paula says yes and CL doesn’t suspect a thing!

Alirio yells at Juan –Do you think I’m an idiot or what! Juan doesn’t understand what is happening Alirio tells Juan he wants to challenge Juan to a duel, because his honor has been damaged. Juan thinks Alirio has finally gone completely crazy.

At the office, Yvonne asks pastor why Monica is doing a party for CL here in the office. Pastor thinks it is a set up. Yvonne wants Monica to find out about Paula. Pastor thinks that once Monica moves one of the cards the whole castle of lies will fall. Yvonne is worried; she doesn’t want to be discovered. Pastor doesn’t think that is going to happen. Pastor is also worried about his mom. We see Pastora in bed calling somebody, and telling him (or her) that she loves him (or her), and that she won’t be able to go today.

In the garage Alirio is still yelling at Juan. Juan is very patiently trying to explain to him that he doesn’t have anything to do with Nidia. He (Juan) tells him (Alirio), that Nidia is like a mother to him. Alirio suggests that Juan doesn’t respect his mother and that he is sure he is capable of “hacer cochinadas” do dirty things even with his mother. This is too much for Juan; he has to be restrained, because he has that crazy look that he gets when he is mad. Alirio tells him that he’ll wait for him in the back patio of the Cachon residence. Juan says he’ll be there.

Later Fernando tells Juan that they are expected upstairs. Juan is very happy he thinks that Paula is summoning him to give him his present. On his way to the office he sees Marely and asks her what the meaning of all the decorations is. Marely tells him that today is the big chief’s birthday. Juan demands from Paula the true. Did she ask for what he wanted so that she could give it to CL? Impactada face from Paula.


>Thanks Maricruz. Always great to have you do a recap. I'd have to rewatch the tape and Juan's accent was pretty mangled, but I imagine he said "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" or possibly "Veux-tu coucher avec moi ce soir?
But the "voulez-vous" version was in a song and it seems to be a phrase most folks (especially men!) know.
There are so many painful things happening (or about to happen) now in Juan, that I'm not enjoying the show as much anymore. Bring back the comedy, and ditch the angst please, writers!

Judy B.

My goodness but a lot of stuff happened in this episode! My favorite part was when Juan told CL he wanted to remain thin so he could pose again for Ana. Way to stick it to CL Juan!!
I also hope they don't start getting too dark here. It looks like Monica is starting to set up Paula and CL. Will we be introduced to a manipulative and devious Monica? Also, clearly Juan's journey from ingenuous and carefree ignoramus to a more enlightened and mature Juan has begun. Like most archetypal heroes I suppose the journey will be fraught with challenges that must be overcome before our hero emerged victorious but slightly the worse for wear. Ay amor!

P.S. Thanks Maricruz, excellent recap!!

Maricruz, Thanks for a great detailed recap. I enjoyed this episode with the gnat Arilio buzzing around Juan like he could do him some damage. Also liked the jabs, like Nidia is like a mother, and I want to stay thin for posing (in the nude, as CL has seen the picture), One-two punches! Paula is such a snobby drag these days, she deserves to get whacked by Monica. With my Literatura Mexicana class on Mondays and Wednesdays, I am grateful for the recaps to keep the flow of the story going so I can understand Tues, Thurs and Fri. But it is helpful to have a good analysis of the episodes I do see too.

Maricruz, you have my undying gratitude for subbing so often and doing such a marvelous job! I haven't read it all yet because of meetings and catching up from being gone for a week, but will later tonight. Thanks again!


Maricruz, thanks so much for the terrific recap—I finally had time to read it all. Wow, the dichos make so much more sense when you translate them for us!

It seems like Fernando is intrigued by Nidia in spite of himself. Very interesting! Not that I condone her messing around when she’s married, but after all, she IS married to Delirio. It’s not like that was her first choice.

I dunno why Juan wasn’t happy with a lobster salad. That’s every bit as good as red meat and better for you! ;-) I’m glad you caught what he said about posing for his mother-in-law when she returns; that one totally escaped me. It would have made that scene so much more amusing to understand it in the first place (when I’m not recapping, I don’t spend hours playing it back and figuring it out!)

When Juan spilled the beans about Ana’s trip, couldn’t you just see CL’s eyes light up with “Paula’s Home Alone!” thoughts. Libidinoso Viejo (old lecher)!

Pastora is a worry. It looks like she’s going to do harm to herself, which would be so sad for this novela. She’s a bright spot.

“This is too much for Juan; he has to be restrained, because he has that crazy look that he gets when he is mad.” He really has been getting out of control lately, hasn’t he? He’s been kind of scary when he’s manhandling Paula. Makes me shiver.

Thanks again, Maricruz!!


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