Saturday, October 13, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #39-42 Missing Recaps 21-24, by Kim P.

Missing Recap 21: Panama is famous for hats - not cameras
Once again everyone's talking in Fern's office. Then it's "days later" again and they get the good news that the commercial's a hit.

Lola and Jazmin once again get into it.

Back to the meeting, Luigi is stroking the dead animal on his shoulder (ok, it's an animal skin wrap, but que the hell, looks like a dead animal to me!). Ricky Armstrong from Bella Life again says they're very happy with the commercial Luigi did and they want Conceptos to produce their entire international line. Fern is happy! Lety comes in and Fern tells her they need to get B.L. signed to a contract right away. Ricky continues to sing Conceptos' praises. He kisses Lety's hand goodbye and leaves. Once he's gone, Fernando crawls across the table to hug Luigi and dances with him. They stop as Ricky comes back in for Luigi. When they both leave, Fern slides back across the table to hug Marcia. Ok, I think Jaime Camil was having just a little too much fun with the table sliding thing ;o). Now we get a Fern/Omar sandwich with both Lety and Marcia as the filling, and I'm hating both actresses at the moment (yes, jealousy is an ugly thing). Marcia leaves and Lety jumps and squeals and Fern claps his hands and tells her to comport herself seriously.

Lola is on the phone to Saimon, asking him to join them at a cuartel meeting. She hangs up and calls the cuartel to a meeting in the usual place.

Back in Fern's office, Lety is working a calculator and based on her face it's not good. I'm guessing she's figuring out that the commercials will help, but not completely pull Conceptos out of its debt.

Back in the bathroom, the cuartel have come up with a trap for Jazmin and are trying to suck Saimon into their evil plot. They ask him to try to get Jaz interested in him. He says something really stupid like "but Jaz is practically married to El Cheque", which naturally puts Lola into full-on Psycho Mamma mode. I ignore most of it, sorry. Alicia walks in and wants to know what Saimon's doing in the Ladies' Room. They give her some smartassed answer and she leaves.

Back in Fern's office, Lety is explaining things. Marcia's making faces as Lety talks and decides she doesn't want to hear it any more. She asks Fern if he's coming to her house tonight and he makes some excuse, not telling her about his deal with Luigi. They kiss and she leaves, leaving just Fern, Omar and Lety to chat. They discuss the situation more and Lety crunches more numbers.

Back in Reception, the cuartel are still trying to drag Saimon down to their level. As always, he says something stupid to piss PM off with jealousy (remember, this is the same woman who was busted for trying to screw Omar in his office. I know, I know... I have to let it go, sorry). PM hits Saimon as she leaves.

They're still talking really fast in Fern's office about costs. Fern has been juggling metal balls and he and Omar start to cutely toss them back and forth to each other. Sorry, it was so cute I was distracted from the conversation. I still think they're trying to figure out how to make the Bella Life contract work to fix their situation. Lety continues to crunch numbers like a true accountant (former accountant here, so I know).

Saimon is practicing what he'll say to Jazmin, using his hairbrush as her. She comes in and sees him. They talk and he asks her out that night, or at least he asks her boobs out because that's where he's looking. I'm not sure what all he's saying but she likes hearing it. In the end, though, she tells him it's impossible to go out with him. He asks why as a car begins honking in the background. She says she'll see him tomorrow and they give gooey goodbyes.

I guess Lety came up with figures that Fern liked because he's happy happy joy joy dancing in his office. She comes in from her office and teases him and starts dancing too, and he gets impatient with her. As Fern starts to walk out he asks how Filmo Imagen is doing. She tells him fine and offers to show him some paperwork on it, but he says no he'll just leave it in her hands. He leaves and she gets that lovey look again where you KNOW she's thinking "tan divino" even if she isn't saying it out loud.

Erasmo and Tomas are talking at home about computers and phones, all stuff they bought and are setting up for F.I. Pop says something that makes Tomas nervous, still questioning the whole set up of F.I. The dvd skips and suddenly Lety's at home talking to her dad. He's still wondering what the connection is between F.I. and Conceptos and she tries to give an explanation. He then wants to know about the company's capital and Lety and Tomas give nervous laughs. Lety escapes the room by saying she's going to help her mom in the kitchen. There's some mushy conversation between mother and daughter. Mom then calls everyone into the kitchen to eat. Robopop tries to block Tomas from entering the kitchen, but you can't keep that man away from Julieta's cooking and he manages to get in anyway. Lety pulls him back out, however, to ask why her dad is asking so many questions. She then tells him about the Bella Life contract and how much it's for. I think she's telling Tomas it's an improvement but still not enough to fully save Conceptos.

Now we're at Marcia's where Fern and she are eating. She tells him she's proud that he's starting to act more responsibly (little does she know, huh?). They talk about the commercials and I'm not sure what else.

Tomas tells Lety that she's crazy for getting involved in all this (I think) and they talk more about the Bella Life contract and Conceptos's problems. Lety also tells him about Ariel and the trouble he's causing. Tomas then mentions Alicia and starts drooling all over her picture (ok, I know Chris was freaked by the fact that Tomas had laminated Ali's picture, but he HAD to. Can you imaging the shape it would be in with all that drool if he hadn't???). Lety gets pissed because she's continually asked him to not get hung up on that woman, so she tells her mom that Tomas isn't hungry and is leaving. Tomas protests but she tells him "mole or Alicia". Now, there's only one thing stronger than Little Tomas, and that's Big Tomas' stomach, so he chooses the mole for the time being.

Speaking of Alicia, she's home crying about the dress (and talking to it) that Marta copied. After the humiliation she received, she has no choice but to throw the dress away. Ariel calls just then and tells her she has to continue giving him information on Conceptos. She actually stands up to him for a minute and tells him she won't do it any more because she doesn't want to get fired and be unemployed, unless he can give her a job. He tells her he'll pay her to be his part-time lover. (Ok, don't you wonder what their backstory is? Was he in love with her before she got married and was convinced she only married the guy for money and now calls her whore all the time? Or is he just a creep? Talk amongst yourselves...). I believe he threatens her with the usual "you broke Lety's computer" crap.

Lola the Ever-Psycho catches Cheque and Jazmin kissing down in Reception and goes postal and Marta and PM have to hold her back (personally I say let her cut loose, what the heck!). Jaz says hi to everyone, ostentatiously kisses Cheque and leaves. Lola continues the psycho tirade on Cheque and demands that he pay more money to her for the kids. He remains calm, gives some lame excuse and leaves.

Fernando and Lety are in the conference room with Ricky and his accountant (or partner?) to verify the contract. They discuss Latin America and Europe. They reach and agreement and shake on it.

In the lobby, Saimon is drooling on Jazmin. She almost kisses him, but not quite, then leaves by the stairs as Lola, Marta and PM come off the elevator. I get the idea he still doesn't want to join their evil empire, because they all hit him.

Back in Fern's office, he and Lety are discussing the contract and are happy about it. Omar comes in with a brochure on 35 mm cameras and mentions how expensive they are. Lety and Fernando both say they can't afford that much. Omar then says he knows of a cheaper supplier, and comes up with a rather shady proposal to buy the stuff in Panama. Lety is convinced it's not a good idea because the stuff could be contraband merchandise. Fernando lets himself be swayed by the low price and tells Omar to go to Panama and see to the deal. Lety is really unhappy with this decision and tries to talk Fern out of it, but he just gives her his usual "tranquila", it'll all be fine.

Omar goes out into the lobby and says hi to Alicia. Based on the look on her face, I'd say she insults him. He just walks away, and she then gives crap to the cuartel while Marta eats. Nothing new here, move along people, nothing to see.

Lety looks over the camera catalogs and discusses them with Fernando. Omar comes back in with information on the Panamanian merchandise and hands it to Lety. Fern tries to take it from her but she refuses to let go of it, so he finally practically falls over trying to pry it from her unhappy hands. Side note, is it illegal to import stuff from Panama? Or is it just the cameras that are illegal? I'm totally confused as to what the problem is with this stuff. Anyway, Omar is still taking about his idea, Fern seems to like it, Lety is still an unhappy camper and totally not on board with the plot. The rest of the conversation is Fern and Omar trying to talk her into it. She goes back to her office as Fern and Omar continue to discuss.

Marcia walks into the lobby to talk to Alicia, who's not feeling well. I'm not positive of the conversation, but I think she tells Marcia she threw away her dress because of Marta. Marcia leaves to talk to Lola about something. Alicia then follows Marcia to her office, whining the whole way, about not having any money and her financial situation is grave. I THINK Alicia asks to be given a better paying job than Secretary to the President, after all she has six semesters blah blah. Marcia grabs her head like Alicia's giving her a headache. Whatever it is Alicia's asking for, she lays the guilt foundation by saying hey, you're supposed to be my friend, you're a woman, you're a professional, give me this chance. It sounds like Marcia uses Fernando as her excuse for why she can't. Luigi walks in and Marcia tells Alicia to go back to work.

Lety brings some information out to Fernando, I'm not sure what it is or what they talk about, but he gives it back to her. She mentions something about 4 million dollars and he replies with something about Ariel and the presidency. It sounds like they're worrying about the creditors and talking about the negotiations, and Lety's once again saying she doesn't much care for Omar's idea. Fernando tells Omar not to tell anyone what he's doing or where he's going, especially Marcia or Luigi. To cover the fact that it's not quite legit, they decide to tell everyone Omar's going to New York, not Panama. Fernando continues to talk to Lety, but she just continues to look worried.

Luigi is in Marcia's office and they talk about Bella Life and how much money the contract is for.

Omar and Fernando are still talking in Fern's office. Lety comes out and tells them something about Ricky Armstrong's contract and the bank. The rest of the conversation is something along the lines of how Omar needs to get back with Alicia, and "matrimonio" is mentioned. They're teasing Omar, and he doesn't look happy. He leaves and Fernando asks Lety what's up with the bank. She's worried, and he tells her not to be. Luigi and Marcia come in and Luigi does his usual crap when he sees Lety. Fernando tells them that Ricky will be coming in to sign the contract and they all clap. He takes them into the conference room, not really sure why because he just kisses Marcia, Luigi makes some smart comment, he and Fernando say something, Marcia and Fernando kiss again, and she leaves. No business done so why didn't they just stay in his office? Anyroad, Luigi tries to kiss Fernando and he pulls away. Luigi says he can't help it, he's excited because the Fiesta of the Queen of the Night is tonight. Fern tries to get out of it or get it postponed but Luigi is firm.

Missing Recap 22: Saimon's excellent lunch hour
Omar, Fernando and Lety are again talking about not telling anyone about Panama and how Omar should marry Alicia. Marcia and Luigi come in and clap about the contract again, and kiss in the conference room again. Luigi reminds Fernando that the party is tonight and he has to dress up as the Queen of the Night. Fern wants it postponed but Luigi squeals as only a gay tv stereotype can and remains firm. Fern says fine, what do I have to do? Luigi tells him nothing except... he has to wear a fuchsia dress, feather headgear, makeup, everything pink. Fern argues and I think he complains he'll look ridiculous, and Luigi says he'll be discreet and not tell anyone, and goes on to tell Fern how great he'll look.

Omar goes out and talks to Alicia, and whatever he's selling, she's not buying. He gives her one of his so-not-sexy snorts and she pretty much tells him to take a long walk off a short pier. He's laying it on thick and says they have to get together when he gets back from New York. As he leaves she gets a look on her face like she's not sure whether to believe him or not.

Saimon gets off the elevator and runs into Marta and Lola. He dances with Marta while Lola asks him how his fake romance with Jazmin is going. They discuss that it needs to be a secret.
Luigi, surrounded by models, is on the phone to Rulli making arrangements for Fernando's big evening. Saimon comes in and asks to talk to Jaz for just a minute. Luigi says no but then gets called to a meeting so they talk anyway. Saimon asks her out to lunch and I guess she agrees. He says he'll meet her in Reception.

Next Saimon's in the lobby talking to Lola, Marta and Sara. He tells them he's meeting Jaz in Reception. I think he claims he's broke so Lola gives him money to take her out.

Fernando, Lety, Luigi and Marcia are in the conference room with Ricky and his associate. Ricky signs the contract and Luigi claps. Everyone's happy.

Back in the lobby Lola, Marta and Sara are talking. Lola wants Marta to call Cheque and tell him about Jaz and Saimon's lunch date. Marta and Sara don't care for the idea, and personally I'm getting really sick of this Lola Psycho storyline and wish it would end. She finally talks Marta into it.

Cheque is in his office when Marta calls, disguising her voice, and tells him that Jaz is out with another man and what restaurant they're at. The cuartel are listening and start laughing maniacally into the phone before she hangs up. Cheque is immediately insanely jealous and wants to find out who she's stepping out with.

Lety gives a check to Fernando for his signature and they talk about the bank. Lola comes in and asks if Lety can go to lunch, and she tells her she can't go. When Lola leaves Fernando tells her she can go if she wants, heck they can even eat in his office. There's a tv so she can watch movies with her friend. Clueless Lety says "really Don Fernando?" and he says no and something along the lines of "get real!" Marcia and Luigi come in, Luigi doing his little happy dance. Marcia leaves and Luigi teases Fernando about the fiesta. He also leaves and Fernando tells Lety to order them some food so they can keep working.

In reception, PM is jealous and giving Saimon hell. The cuartel come in and chat and Irma is not happy with their plot. Sara threatens Saimon to get it right or else and PM hits him in the stomach, then they leave. Jazmin comes out of the elevator talking to Cheque on the phone. She's telling him she's having lunch with some of the other models. He wants to know where, but she doesn't answer him, just says he sounds funny, what's wrong? He says nothing as he's balling up all his papers in anger. He tells her he'll be eating in his office. She hangs up and Saimon drools and tries to eat his tie. The cuartel head over to the restaurant and wait so they can watch Efren catching Jazmin with Saimon.

The waiter brings lunch into the conference room where Lety has set the table with flowers, candles and champagne. The waiter leaves and Fernando comes in and says how romantic the table looks. He snaps his fingers and music plays, then he snaps again and they get nice mood lighting. He hands her a white tulip, saying "a pretty flower for a pretty woman". He holds her chair for her as she sits, and he's happy to see the champagne. They talk romantically, then toast with the champagne and drink. He puts his arm around her and pulls her tight and they both pucker up hideously for a kiss. He fades out because the real Fernando is telling her to snap out of it.

C'mon, y'all knew it was a fantasy, but it was a good one. She's leaning in for the non-existent kiss and almost falls out of her chair. Fern grabs her to keep her from falling and she tells him she got him his lunch. He points to the second lunch and asks who it's for. She says her, she thought she'd eat with him. She then apologizes and excuses herself, saying she'll eat in her office, but he tells her to stay and keep him company. But then he immediately orders her to go and get a file or something and while she's gone he starts picking disgustedly at the food she ordered him (while I hate the sushi he normally eats, I have to agree with him that this stuff looks pretty nasty). When she gets back he pushes his food away, so she pushes hers away too and he winds up telling her to just get rid of it.

Outside the restaurant, the cuartel (sans Irma) are cackling about their evil plot. We cut to Saimon and Jazmin, who are at a different restaurant altogether. Back to the cuartel who don't understand why Saimon and Jaz aren't there. Meanwhile, they see Cheque arrive and try to hide. They try to tell Lola to go talk to him, but she refuses. He comes out and sees them, though, and realizes it was all a trick to cause problems between him and Jaz. He yells and leaves. Back to Saimon and Jaz, I don't try to translate. They flirt, he falls off his chair, she laughs, I'm done.

The cuartel get back to Reception and talk smack about Saimon. PM gives a beating to his motorcycle helmet that's sitting there. Cheque is back at work and his phone rings. It's Lola, back at her desk, wanting more money from him. He tells her he can't afford it and hangs up on her, and of course she freaks as only Lola the Psycho Drama Queen from Hell can. Lety comes out and hands Lola some information.

In Reception, PM watches Saimon and Jazmin come in, Saimon is dropping rose petals in her path. PM freaks. Jaz gets on the elevator and PM freaks even more which makes Jazmin laugh. Saimon falls over while drooling over Jaz and she helps pick him up. She gets on the elevator and leaves and PM gives Saimon all manner of holy hell.

Up in the lobby Jazmin is asking Lola for her check. Lola tells her she can't have her check because Efren hasn't yet paid the kids' tuition (boy the cuartel sure have a lot of power getting to decide who gets their paychecks and who doesn't). She, Sara and Juana yell at her to leave, and Marta joins in. She calls Cheque, whining, but Lola just takes the phone and starts giving him hell. Jaz then runs off to complain to Lopez.

Lety hands a folder to Fernando. The phone rings, Lety answers, it's Omar. Lety's tone gets very chilly. She hands the phone to Fernando, who shakes his head at her attitude. Fernando is apparently happy with the terms of the deal Omar has made. Lety makes ugly faces while Fern tells her about it. He asks her what's wrong and she starts giving him a list, so he tells her yeah, yeah, tranquila, Omar's a smart man, and professional (how long have you known this guy Fern? Sounds to me like you don't know him at all). She says "yeah" and leaves.

Jaz is whining to Lopez. Alicia is giving Lola crap about Jaz's check, and I'm actually full-on with Alicia on this one. Fernando and Lety come out and Alicia tries to tell Fern what's going on, but he just tells her to answer the phones. He and Lety leave and Lopez and Jazmin come up. He tells Lola to give Jaz her check, but Lola refuses. Ok, I have to know what this woman has over Lopez that she can pull something like that and not get fired!) They argue back and forth as Luigi and Marcia come up and Jazmin fake-cries. Alicia tells them what's going on and Luigi says something about the cuartel being fea and Jazmin being bella and that's the difference. Marcia tells Lola she wants to talk to her in her office and Luigi tells Jazmin to quit crying and go to work (Jaz works???).

In Marcia's office Lola tries to justify what she did, telling her how Cheque isn't helping to fund the kids. She says Marcia should understand how Lola feels since women are always trying to steal Fernando from her. Macia says she understands more than anyone what Lola is going through, but that shouldn't make her stoop to Jaz's level, and they need to all try to get along at the office. I get the feeling Marcia doesn't like Jaz either. Lola agrees and goes back to her desk and gives the check to Jaz. Alicia gives the cuartel hell, then follows Marcia back to her office and wants to know what she said that made Lola give the check to Jaz. Marcia yells at her for butting in. Alicia defends herself saying she knows what it's like to need money. Marcia is not sympathetic and says something about being more responsible, or being less irresponsible, I'm not sure. She tells Alicia that she wants back all the money she owes her, and tells her she can go to a store where Conceptos has credit and buy some new dresses. Alicia thinks she's going to get this stuff as a present, but Marcia sets her straight and tells her she's going to deduct the cost from her monthly paychecks. She then kicks Alicia out of her office.

The cuartel are in the lobby and Saimon comes in. Lola's pissed because she gave him money and he went to the wrong restaurant. As always, the clueless dancing machine appears to be totally surprised that they're pissed by this.

Lety and Fernando are at the bank talking to someone, asking for a loan. The guy doesn't want to give it to them without a guarantee, which Fernando can't or won't give. (Julie says: Just a wild guess, but they are probably asking Conceptos to put up some collateral to secure the loand, because their credit is shaky.) Fern threatens to take his business to another bank but Lety talks to the guy and is able to convince him to float the loan.

That night, in reception, the cuartel are hanging around when Rulli comes in. Stuff gets said that I don't get, then he asks Irma where Luigi is. She tells him and he leaves.

Lety and Fernando are discussing what the plans are for tomorrow. He gives her his two cell phones and tells her to put her home numbers into them, which she does. Luigi comes in doing his little patented dance of happiness. Marcia comes in as well and talks about getting Isabella del Conde for the Bella Life commercial. Luigi and Fernando both agree she's beautiful and perfect for it. Marcia wants Fernando to go with her tonight to talk to Isabella, but Luigi says he can't because he's doing something with him. Marcia wants to know what's going on and Luigi starts to tell her but Fernando shuts him up. Luigi tells her there won't be any other women, he guarantees it (as he turns his back and smirks). Fern gives him a dirty look as she says fine, kisses Fernando, and leaves. Lety makes a rude face (honestly, it's no wonder Fernando lost his company, he's so damned clueless he can't even tell his assistant is in love with him despite her evil looks to other women and scary-dreamy faces she gives him. What a dolt! Adorable gorgeous dolt, but still a dolt. Anyroad...). Luigi also jokingly leans in for a kiss but Fern just ignores him. Lety butts in to hand his phones back and says good night. Luigi says good night and tells her to be careful going home. Fern wants to know why he's so concerned and Luigi makes some rude crack about her that I don't get, so we miss out on the punchline, sorry. Luigi drags Fernando off to his studio.

In the studio, Rulli, Luigi and two women are swooning over the fuchsia dress Fernando has to wear. Fern comes in and says hi and Rulli and Luigi hold up the dress while one of the girls holds up the boots. Fern says for me? Don't be ridiculous! He says something that shocks everyone and Luigi tells Rulli he's having a mimiski. Rulli explains that the outfit is for him, and I think he tells him the color will look good on him (I love this actor but he's very hard for me to understand). They finally make Fernando live up to his part of the bargain and he takes the costume and shoes. Luigi tells the two ladies, Selene and Lorena, to get Fernando made up. Fern doesn't want makeup but Rulli and Luigi tell him he needs it to complete the outfit. They go back and forth about it but finally Fern gives in and says something about the women. One goes and hugs him and Fern says something like this isn't so bad. Rulli laughs and Luigi tells Fern to be careful, he might be in for a surprise. Fern looks at the "women", impactada, and I shake my head and repeat that he's a dolt. Those are two of the fugliest "women" I've ever seen and it should have been obvious even to our dear clueless hero that they were transsexuals. Fernando screams as they all laugh.

Missing Recap 23: Fernando, Queen of the Night
This opening sequence went really far back! Once again Marcia tells Alicia to pay her back and tells her she has no dignity and will never know what good credit is. Alicia tells Marcia that Marcia has a lot of money while she's just a poor woman disguised (?) as rich. Marcia gets pissed and says she doesn't have enough money to take care of irresponsible friends and boots her out of her office again. Saimon's with the cuartel again, complaining to them that they're using him like "tube meat" (what??? Boy could I take that the wrong way if I wanted to! Hee hee!) just to get back at Cheque. Fern and Lety again convince the bank to give them a loan with just a promissory note instead of a guarantee. Rulli talks to the cuartel again.

New shot of Marcia on the phone, setting up a meeting with Isabella Del Conde (I'm guessing on the spelling). Alicia comes in and gives her a check, I guess to pay her back the money she borrowed. They start talking and Lola comes in to get a folder. I don't get any of the conversation, except Alicia mentions her "boyfriend" Omar. Alicia then finally leaves.

The cuartel are talking more stuff about Alicia and there is more evil cackling. Not sure, but it's possible they're talking about where Alicia will be buying her clothes and Marta is deciding to buy more from there too.

Fern's very happy they got the money from the bank. He and Lety talk about the embargo to F.I. and the loans. She's worried about it all and he's not. Omar calls, which earns more worried faces from Lety. Fernando tells Omar to pay in full for the equipment and Lety REALLY doesn't like this. She yells her objections, hoping Omar will also hear her, but Fern tells her to shut it and he's going to do it anyway.

Marcia tells Alicia she's leaving to go see Isabella. Alicia tries to convince Marcia to let her be the model for the commercial, and once again drops her 6-semesters bomb and says she's very photogenic. Lety, waiting for the elevator, makes faces in the background. Marcia tells Alicia to talk to Fernando about it. Alicia doesn't want to, knowing what Fernando will say. She whines about being a secretary for the rest of her life and Marcia breaks down and says she can come with her as her "assistant" to meet Isabella. Alicia is happy and they both leave with Lety. The cuartel are in the lobby and grab Lety when she comes by. They sit her down and talk to her stuff I don't get, but I think they're filling her in on their evil dress plot, or their evil Saimon/Jazmin plot, I'm not sure.

Now we're finally back to the final scene from last night, where Luigi and Rulli give Fernando the clothes he's to change into. They turn him over to Luigi's makeup artists, who Fern thinks are girls, and once again Fern is surprised by the revelation that they aren't. Luigi tells them to make Fernando look "guapissima" and gives Fernando directions to the party. He mentions "a bet is a bet" so I think he's making sure Fern won't run off and will be there as promised. He and Rulli leave as the women start working on Fernando. Fern looks very nervous.

The cuartel are still chatting in the lobby, not sure what about. Rulli and Luigi come off the elevator and Luigi says something rude. Lety gets a surprised look on her face, I'm not sure why unless it's because she though Fernando was going to be with Luigi. Anyway, the cuartel mention they're getting a taxi and Rulli offers to give them a ride. Luigi nixes the idea and Rulli makes a "stop being a jerk" face at him. Luigi says "I should introduce you to the cuartel of feas of Conceptos" and Rulli says "no, not feas, bellas". Luigi tells him he'll give him a mimiski. (If you're watching this on DVD, you HAVE to pause this when it shows the cuartel's reaction to Rulli's compliment. Lety's face is unreal! I guess she's supposed to be impactada at his kindness but instead she looks like she's done way too many drugs in the 60's, or she's been shot with an overdose of thorazine, with her vacant gaze and gawping mouth. I was just waiting for a little stream of drool to come stringing out. It's hilarious! Anyway...) Luigi says something else rude and Rulli says something else nice and Luigi laughs and says "lets go". The cuartel, who if you'll remember were mad at Rulli from the first time they met and he didn't tell them who he was and they were all over him, have decided that he's not so bad after all, and Lety points out that he's very handsome. I agree and think it's a shame they had to bring some stranger in at the end of the show instead of this guy. He must have moved on to bigger and better things by then. Oh well.

The ladies have gotten Fernando all dressed and made up. He's facing way from the mirror, and he does NOT look good, IMHO. He's in a pink pageboy wig and has very heavy tranny makeup on, as well as the pink clothes. He closes his eyes and turns to face the mirror while the ladies put the feathered headdress on him. It's actually not a headdress, it's a very large feathered collar, think Elizabeth the First but with feathers instead of lace. Once it's on they tell him to open his eyes. He does and screams in horror. The girls get upset that he doesn't like it. He thanks them angrily and slowly tries to leave, wobbling on the high heels. He enters his office to grab his cell phone and has trouble reaching across his desk because of the tight dress. He tries to slip the phone into a pocket that's not there and it falls to the floor. Funny moments ensue as he tries to bend down to get it. He winds up hiking the dress really high to show some SERIOUSLY hairy legs (but very cute!! Have I mentioned I'm prejudiced?) and struggles to get the phone. Finally, success, and it occurs to him to put the phone in his purse. He makes it to the lobby, still almost falling over on the heels. Suddenly Celso comes in and sees him and calls him Senorita. Fern runs onto the elevator and the door closes before Celso can catch him. Celso heads for the stairs. Fernando is now outside trying to make it to his car, still wobbly. Celso comes up from behind and when Fern turns to face him, doesn't recognize him and asks what he's doing there. Fern gives a high, falsetto giggle, then decides he can't carry it off and just tells Celso it's him. Celso's shocked and says something I don't get, at first using the female version, then changing it to the male. He says something else I don't understand but it makes Fern mad and he hits Celso several times with his purse, then tells him he's going to a party and not to say anything to anyone. He then hikes up his skirt and gets in his car and drives away.

At some photo shoot, Isabella the famous model (who happens to be none other than our own dear Jaime's sister Isabella Camil) is working. Marcia and Alicia walk up and talk to Isabella's representative. Marcia introduces Alicia as her assistant and Alicia immediately begins to make an ass of herself. Just as she starts to mention her six semesters, Marcia cuts her off (thank you Marcia!). Marcia says she wants to watch the photo shoot so the rep leaves and Marcia pretty much tells Alicia to keep her trap shut and sit.

Lety gets home and talks to Tomas. As usual she tells him everything she's been sworn by Fernando not to tell, including the Panama stuff. Tomas tells Lety he's worried that this business Fern is about to enter into (I think he means the cameras, but he could mean the embargo, I'm not sure) could involve them in legal problems. He also teases her about being in love with Fernando.

Speaking of, Fern gets to the club and asks around for Luigi and runs into Francis. I guess she's some kind of famous transvestite or tv personality or something, but sorry, I don't know who she is.

Isabella finishes her shoot and the rep brings her over to meet Marcia. Alicia practically attacks her before the intros are finished. Isabella asks about the internationally famous president Fernando Mendiola and Marcia gives her some answer I don't get. The rep starts to tell Isabella about what Conceptos is doing for Bella Life. Alicia starts talking her usual Alicia crap, but Marcia interrupts her, I think to ask Isabella to join them for dinner. Isa excuses herself to change and remove her makeup and Marcia's looking like she's pissed she ever brought Alicia. Alicia begins posing on the couch Isa had been posing on and I think she's probably saying something like "anything she can do I can do better". Marcia grabs her and tells her not to talk any more. Alicia says ok, sorry Marcia, but then goes back to posing. Marcia walks away in disgust.

Back at the drag party, there's a floor show going on up on a stage and that's where Fern finally finds Luigi. While Fern's trying very hard to get his attention, Luigi introduces tonight's special guests: First is Francis the #1 transvestite in Mexico, and she waves to everyone. He then introduces the newest transvestite, "Lilly". The lights turn onto Fern and everyone starts cheering for him and calling him "Lilly, the queen gay." Fern wants to run but Luigi tells him if he does he'll tell everyone he's Fernando Mendiola, president of Conceptos, so Fern agrees and Luigi pulls him up on stage. Fern tries to leave and everyone boo's. I'm not positive, but I think the rest of the conversation is that Fern says the bet says he has to wear the clothes and makeup to be Queen of the Night, but it doesn't say he has to be made a fool of on stage, and he leaves. People still boo and jeer him.

Isabella is having dinner with Marcia and Alicia at a restaurant while Marcia talks about the B.L. project. Isabella answers but looks bored. Marcia tells her she'll get to meet Fernando later.

Back to the party, Fern's still trying to leave and smacking people in the face with his feathers. He chats with Francis again. She wants a hug and Fern looks uncomfortable and sneaks past her. He's still edging toward the door when the phone rings. It's Marcia wanting to know where he is. He says he's out with Luigi, where is she? She says she's with Isabella. They arrange to all meet at his house later, I think he says "in an hour" but I'm not sure. He finally gets outside but he's unable to leave because several cars have blocked the exit. He asks the doorman to move the cars but he says he can't and Fern has to talk to the owners. Fern doesn't want to go back in there but the doorman refuses so Fern unhappily gives up and goes back in to find the owners.

Meanwhile, Ana Lety calls Marcia and invites herself and Ariel over to join the party at Fern's house. Ariel doesn't want to go but A.L. tries to talk him into it, mentioning the famous model.

Back at the party, Luigi is talking at a table and Fern sneaks up and tries to quietly get his attention, but of course Luigi makes a big production out of it. Fern tells him about the car problem and Luigi wants him to stay. Fern tells him about the meeting at his house and Luigi invites everyone at the table back to Fern's, but Fern tells them it's a work meeting so they decide they don't want to go. He tells Luigi about Isabella and how they have to get her to sign before she goes to Europe, but Luigi doesn't care and won't help. Fern then locates one of the owners, Bugambilia, and tries to get her to move her car but she doesn't want to and Fern nearly gets into a fight with her. Luigi comes and breaks it up but still no one will move their cars.

Marcia gets on the phone and also tries to get Ariel to come to Fern's house, but says he and Fern will have to get along tonight. Ariel agrees after she pouts and drops Isabella's name. Ana Lety says she's glad he's going and instead of heading to the front door, heads toward the bedroom. Ariel straightens her out, haha, non-funny blonde moment.

Back at the party, Fern is still trying to leave and runs into Francis one more time. For someone so famous she must not be liked very much because no one's ever talking to her, she's just drinking at the bar alone. Fern decides he'll move the cars out of the way himself, but the valet tells him if he tries it he'll call the cops, so poor Fernie winds up having to walk.

At Fernando's house, Marcia lets herself in along with Isabella and Alicia. She calls for Fernando, but of course he's not there yet. She offers Isa something to drink and tries calling Fern again.

He's walking down the street, bitching because he can't get a cab. He tries to flag one down, but they take one look at him and take off. A man walks by and Fernando tries to stop him, but the man runs away. His phone rings and natch it's Marcia wanting to know where he is and that they're at his house. He tells her something about Conceptos and a problem with Luigi and something about his car. She asks him to hold while she answers the door and he hears that it's A.L. and Ariel. He yells at Marcia about Ariel being there but she just has him wait as she introduces the two to Isabella. Ariel turns on what's supposed to be charm and surprisingly she isn't sickened by it. Marcia tells the group Fernando's car died and he's having trouble getting a taxi. Ariel suggests Marcia go and get him, but Fernando (rather nastily, I guess he's pissed she invited Ariel) turns her down and says he'll be there shortly, and hangs up on her.

He's still walking the streets as some men come up and chase him, laughing at him. They keep trying to touch him. Another man comes up and tells the others to leave him alone and chases them away. Fern walks toward him trying to explain what's happening, but the man gets frightened that Fern's trying to attack him and runs away. Next he hears a police siren and a cop car drives up, lights flashing.

Missing Recap 24: Whiskered corncake rescues damsel in distress
Once again Marcia and posse enter Fern's abode. Fern is still scaring away cabs and passersby, while he talks to Marcia again. A.L. and Ariel show up again , Fern's attacked again and scares away his savior again. The cops drive up again and Fernando hides behind a tree. The cops don't see him and drive off. What a night, he's bitching.

Fernando calls Lety and asks her to help him. He asks her to pick him up because otherwise he might wind up in jail. She offers to have his dad pick him up but he asks her to come, alone, in a cab because he isn't presentable.

Meanwhile back at Fernando's crib, Isabella is looking bored and Ariel is making his usual mean little mermaid digs. Nothing new here so I'll move on.

Lety tells Mom Fern's in trouble and needs her. Lety gets out quietly and gets a taxi to pick him up. When the taxi stops at the address Fern gave her, he runs up to the cab laughing with relief and she screams, not recognizing him. He finally tells her to recognize his voice and convinces her it's him. He tells her about the bet with Luigi and the crazy night he's had. Then he tells her about Isabella and how he has to get home. She finally opens the door to let him in and he has a lot of trouble because of the feathered collar. Don't ask why he didn't just take it off, you'd miss a lot of small car/big feather contraption humor if he did. He finally manages to squeeze in while the cab driver laughs.

Back at Fern's, Ariel is flirting with Isabella. She's not repulsed and is actually flirting back (ew!). More blonde humor from Ana Lety, who can't tell her own sister from Alicia. Fern calls and tells Marcia he's at Conceptos. She asks if they should leave and he tells her no, he'll be there in 20 minutes.

Lety and Fern are trying to get in through the gate but it's locked and they can't find Celso. While Lety's off looking for him, cops arrive and try to arrest Fern because he can't prove who he is. Lety shows up at the last minute, explains everything, shows her ID, and saves his hide.

Back at Casa Padilla, Robo's talking in his sleep while mom looks at the clock. In the cab, Lety & Fern are headed to her house so he can clean up and change into some of her dad's clothes. She asks him to be quiet, so of course his huge feathered collar hits stuff and makes a lot of noise. Lety FINALLY offers to remove the darned thing for him. He goes into the bathroom and she hides the collar in the kitchen and heads upstairs to get him some clothes. She talks to mom, who will get the clothes for him. Lety is trying to remove Fern's makeup with hand cream (I guess on her duty statement this falls under "other duties as required") as mom comes down with the clothes. She drops the clothes in shock (and let's face it, horror as well; Fern is one fugly woman!) when she sees him, but Lety and Fern offer some kind of explanation and she calms down.

Pop comes down and they tell Fern to hide because Pop will never understand if he see's Fern dressed like that. Instead of sending him into the kitchen or bathroom, for some reason mom tells him to hide under this very tiny coffee table. It's only about 4 foot long and Fern's 6 foot, so it's funny to see him try to scrunch up under there and obviously Pop's eyes are blinded by sleep if he can't see the horrible pink apparition sprawled under the furniture, but he doesn't. Fern hears Robo asking Lety if her boss still mistreats her and complaining about his bugging her this late, but she answers that her relationship with her boss is just fine. Just then, of course, Marcia calls but Fern can't answer and she gets pissed. Everyone's at his house waiting for him. Pop hears the phone and wants to know what it is, but Mom and Lety convince him it's just the tv upstairs, so he and Mom go back up to bed. With the hand cream not working, Lety finally smears avocado all over his face (she saw the idea on tv). Pop comes down again and Fern hides in the bathroom but once again pop goes clueless back up to bed.

Fern is dressed in Erasmo's clothes which are way too small for him, and he vaguely and strangely rather resembles Tomas except without the Mini-Me tie. He asks Lety if he can borrow some money for a taxi and promises to pay her back and return the clothes tomorrow. He worries about what her dad thinks of him as a boss, and promises not to shout at her any more. He leaves and Lety gets all dreamy and gives us a Don Fernando Tan Divino. She carries all his costume stuff up to her room and starts writing in her diary but Fern shouts at her from the street and she goes back downstairs and opens the door to him. He comes in and I don't get the whole conversation but basically he's telling her he loves her. They hug and just as they're about to kiss we hear pop calling her. As you've probably already figured out, it's another Fantasy Moment. Pop comes into her room proving my theory that he's blind because he doesn't even notice all this pink feathery stuff lying about. He tells her to go to bed and when he leaves, she gets all dreamy-faced again.

Fern finally gets home and surprises everyone being dressed the way he is. They're all just staring at him and he's nervously trying to act like everything's normal, and he even hugs Ariel in his nervousness and Ariel's reaction is pretty funny. He's making excuses, and rather than pass through Ana Lety and Isabella, who are blocking the stairs, he tries to climb over the railing and you can hear his pants rip. I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but seeing the look on Patty Navidad's face, there's a good chance it wasn't. Either way it's pretty funny as Fern finally manages to get upstairs.

Marcia follows him and wants to know the truth of what was going on. He tells her all about his night and the things he had to do because of Luigi. They go back downstairs and chat for a bit, but mostly Isabella says she's tired and doesn't want to talk about work. They agree to continue the conversation tomorrow and everyone gets ready to leave. Fernando is talking to Marcia and lets slip something about imports that will be arriving, and Ariel's ears immediately prick up. He tells Alicia to investigate further and to keep him informed, then he goes off with Isabella. Back upstairs, Marcia is upset because Fern called Lety for help instead of her.


I have to apologize to everyone for the scantiness of the cuartel conversations, which got even more scanty as time went on till I finished my portion. I developed a healthy dislike of the cuartel while the show was still on the air, and it has only gotten worse now that I've gone back to the beginning. I really reached a point where I could barely watch them, so I pretty much only got the basics of what they were talking about and moved on. I'm also sorry if they're very negative (especially in regards to their kids). I should have tried to be more objective, but I REALLY don't like those guys! Hopefully the officially-released dvd has cut only their scenes and nothing important like Lety and Fernando. Anway, apologies if there are any cuartel fans out there.
Kim P.

I also lost patience with the cuartel ages ago. I didn't mind the characters themselves and their storylines, but I would have appreciated them more if they'd taken up less time. But I HATED their hugely inflated filler scenes where they just stood around jawin' about nothing, gossiping, rehashing their own rehash, etc.

As far as I can tell, you covered all the cuartel plot points - that is, you got everything that a person would need to know to carry through to the next part of the story.

Thanks for the recaps, Kim.
Even this early in the story, the cuartel gets too much time. I don't mind you skip the details about them.
I'm just glad you're doing the recaps!

I meant to write "I don't mind if you skip the details."

Kim, you deserve a medal. The first three of those four episodes were just SO full of blither! Thank you for not tormenting us with it all!

Kim's four recaps cover episodes 39 - 42, June 15-20, 2006.

In episode 42, does anyone else think Isabella looks very stoned?

The last episode in this set (Missing Recap 24, Episode 42 [the answer to life, the universe, and everything]), is IMHO one of the three best of all the pre-kiss episodes. I love it! Two hilarious lines – they had me rolling! Some very tender non-dream moments. And the dream had actual content! Not just the usual Lety-goo-goo-eyes, Fernando-goo-goo-eyes, and he leans in for beso interrupto.

Cute scene
Mom tries to waken Lety to take Fernando’s phone call, “Lety, your boss is calling. It’s DonF.”
But Lety is still too groggy. “No, mama, I’m not dreaming about DonF. No, I never dream about him.”
Mama: No, Honey, wake up. DonF is on the phone.
Lety: For real?! (VERY excited) It’s not a dream, mama???!!!

Hilarious Line #1:
Lety & cabbie find Fern, and Fern convinces Lety it’s him. She swallows once, puts on a brave face, and says, “Don’t worry, Don Fernando, your secret is safe with me. That’s a very pretty gown.” (Can you just imagine her thoughts about her true love at this moment?)
Fern: Cut it out! Gowns?? Secrets?? Arggh!!! I’m dressed like this to pay a bet to that Luigi Lombardi.
Lety: It’s Luigi’s fault? Is that it?
Fern: Sí.
Lety glances heavenward and whispers emphatically “Gracias, Dios!”

Hilarious Line #2:
Mama comes down the steps and is shocked by DonF’s appearance. Remember, this is the first time she’s seen Lety’s boss. What she must be thinking?
Lety does the only thing she can: “Don Fernando, meet my mother.”
Mama composes herself and says, “Pleased to meet you. Somehow I imagined you quite differently.” She tries so hard to maintain her composure; I couldn’t stop laughing!

The rest of the exchange is cute too. Fern gathers himself to full height. He lowers his voice by a half octave and greets her with perfect manners. He apologizes for troubling her household like this. (Maybe its just the hairy cleavege, but Ay Caray! How can anyone in a pink wig, strapless gown, and eyelashes out to here still look so incredibly masculine???)
Mama: No se preocupe. It’s just that you look sooooo different from how your are in the magazines.

In her room. Notice how overwhelmed she is, that he was in her house. Likewise, when Fernando takes her to his house in a later episode, she is even more overwhelmed. Kim’s recap said, “I don't get the whole conversation.” Kim, mind if I fill it in? It’s so warm.

Lety with her diary: He was right here in my house. (Sigh.) Near this very spot where I always dream about him (that's a hint).
She hears a noise out on the street. Fernando returns to Lety’s house, and she lets him in.
L: Did you forget something?
F: Yes. I want you to know that your help tonight made a deep impression on me, Lety. Without it I would’ve been lost.
L: Don Farnando, I would do anything for you.
F: Yes, I know that. And that is why I want you to know … that I am inclined to be whatever [role] you want me to be, Lety. I’ve never felt… I don’t know how … I’m telling you that I am lost in love with you, Lety.
L: Do you really mean that seriously?
F: Yes, this is the most serious thing in my life, Lety. Everything, and even more (Toda, todavia y un poquito más). (Pls correct me if I got that wrong.)
L: Oh, that is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
F: Forgive me. I haven’t been able to say it. Thank you, my godmother. Lety… Lety…
Fernando leans in for the beso…
Once again, beso interrupto, as the voice changes to Erasmo’s, telling Lety to turn off the light and get to sleep.

Don't forget, over at Telenovela-World, , several of us are talking about Fea in a forum format. If you visit, be sure to read the bloopers (unscripted moments) thread.

Thanks so much Kim and Julie! Paula too, I love the additions!
Could there actually be any cuartel fans anywhere? To me they seemed more like spare time fillers.
I'm afraid I could have just watched an endless trail of Fern and Lety scenes and been very happy with my 8pm. hour for years to come. I miss them so much!!!!
Carrie L.

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 39 & 40 is at this link.

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 41 & 42 is at this link.

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