Thursday, November 15, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #86, Wednesday 11-14: People lie about stuff and kiss in inappropriate places. You know, the usual.

Last night's leftovers: Boris thought Ivan was dead, but he's willing to make him the "for realz" head of Latin American operations and have him report on Mauricio. Mauricio tells GSD and Emilia that they can't go public because there's a new head of Latin American operations. GSD may finally be getting suspicious. Azul and Diego make out in the sewing room (am I a bad person if I hope someone gets stuck by a stray pin?) and Diego tells Azul he's going to keep the half of the boutique bequeathed to him by Eva.

Room of Sewing Porn: Azul can't believe Diego would go this far in respecting someone's final wishes. She hates that Eva gave him this gift. Diego tells her not to be jealous and he needs to keep working there so that they'll have a love nest. He intends to "pay back" all the money Eva invested in getting him the shop. "Who are you going to pay back?" Azul wonders (as do I). He says he doesn't know yet, but maybe some family member or someone Eva cared about, or he'll give it to a charity. He tells her he's working undercover so Mauricio won't suspect. Azul thinks he can become a great designer, especially since she's seen his Project Beach Runway entries. I find Azul's hairstyle change refreshing. She doesn't have Emilia's level of curl, but I guess she got over her daily straightening addiction at the Love Shack. And really, when you're married to a murderer and having an affair, do you really have time for all that blow frying?

Casa Moron: Awwww, Gustavo (Efrain's mechanic buddy who's looking for the car Diego borrowed) has brought over food to Lidia because "las penas con pan son menos" ("sorrows are lessened with bread"; come on, you know how a little ice cream or chocolate or tequila make you feel better after a bad day--or all three if it's a really, really bad day). He says they can share their sorrows and some food. Lidia's upset that he did this without asking and says they're sooo different, they live in different worlds, he's a mechanic, she's married to an important executive (uh, not if you signed the papers, you're not). He says he's not like her rich exec, but he would never have left a girl as pretty as her. Wow, pretty words AND food? Lidia's an idiot if she doesn't realize this guy's a keeper. She bites her lip after he leaves and then starts digging into the food.

Boris and Mauricio teleconference: Boris is pissed that Mauricio lied and didn't tell him Ivan was still alive. Mauricio says he'll go ahead and kill Ivan now, but Boris says now Ivan is on alert, so they're going to have to keep him working with them.

Room of Sewing Porn: much kissing and discussing how this is such a great place to meet. At least until Gaspar comes in to tell Diego Silvana's looking for him. His response is to tell her to come in. Uh, why? You're not getting a threesome out of this, I don't care how handy you are with a needle and thread. Silvana is likewise surprised to find Diego making out with Azul. Azul leaves to go get on with the rest of her day as Silvana smiles uncomfortably.

Mansion Malicia v 2.0, Dining Room of Doom: Mauricio starts spinning his tales and tells Emilia and GSD that he just got off the phone with Ivan, who is the new head of Latin American operations, and that Ivan called to threaten Mauricio that "you can't do anything you'll be sorry for later." I swear, that's what Mauricio said, although, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to say it that way.

Ceci and Andres pedeconference: Andres wants to know what's up with Ceci, she's been acting strange. Ceci says there's nothing, but she plays with her hair to keep from holding his hand. Oh, like that's not suspicious. Sorry, Ceci, but you may just have to sleep with Andres to throw him off track. I know, it's going to be a tough sacrifice, but we're all counting on you. Andres says she was really serious at lunch. Ceci says she's started thinking about the future, assuming they have one. Andres says Ceci's the love of his life and if it were up to him, he'd say that tomorrow they'll be married, happy, loving each other. Ceci backs away from his kiss and says she'd like to believe him. Andres says soon they'll be married and have an even better wedding than Azul and Mauricio, because he and Ceci will be married in the church. Ceci backs away from another kiss and says that will have to wait because she's decided to be a model. What, models don't get married?

MM v 2.0, DRoD: Mauricio claims to have thrown Ivan off by saying they don't have a lab to work in. Julio arrives, having been invited by Mauricio, who apparently wants him to confirm that he really did fire Diego. Julio says he had to, with Azul visiting the boutique so often. GSD thanks him for the support and Julio says he simply won't have a delinquent working for him. Mauricio looks pleased. I must say, Mauricio may think he's a badass, but Julio is a much better liar. We could eventually find out that Julio is actually Boris' boss and I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Boutique: Azul is helping Gaspar hang some clothes on a rack when Tía Inés and Arnaldo walk in. Azul oohs and aahs over Inés' makeover, but we don't get to see the results yet.

Diego tells Silvana that Ivan's no white dove, but he's ready to leave the past behind. Silvana wonders why he'd do this "de buenas a primeras" (suddenly, all at once). Diego says he wants to get revenge for Eva's death. Diego offers Silvana an alliance again, and this time it looks like she accepts.

Now Gaspar and Arnaldo are fawning over Inés and holding up outfits. Silvana is on her way out of the boutique when Inés stops her to say hi. Silvana says she didn't recognize her, excuses herself, and leaves. Looks like Inés got some bangs, highlights, and is wearing a little more makeup than usual. I think what helps most is not having her hair pulled back the way she used to. Azul asks Silvana to wait while she asks Inés how she knows Silvana. Inés tells her about Silvana coming to visit Caty and getting in a fight with Emilia because she didn't know Emilia and Azul were friends. Azul tells Silvana she wants to talk.

Casa E&G: Gustavo is still looking for the car and tells Efrain he got fired. Apparently he was working on the car Diego borrowed on the side from his regular job and somehow that got him in even more trouble, which is why he got fired. Efrain offers him a job.

Boutique: Silvana tells Azul the same story about being mad that Emilia didn't tell her she was friends with Azul. Azul says they should go see Emilia, but Silvana refuses.

Arnaldo goes to check on Silvana and Azul, which Gaspar thinks is a good idea, lest they end up fighting. Azul says everything is fine, but she and Silvana have "something to do". Silvana agrees this time, and they're off.

Casa J&A: Julio invites Burgay in to talk about their deal. Since Burgay doesn't have a copy of the contract, Julio won't hand over any money. He tells Burgay he'd rather honor the contract with Diego than have to deal with bad publicity over legal issues. Since Burgay's got nothing, the meeting is over. Julio says something after he leaves to the effect that the business is getting away from Burgay.

Sewing Room: Gaspar comes in with some pink and blue sparkly fabric that would probably only be suitable for making another princess dress for Caty. Diego asks if Azul is still out there and Gaspar says she left with Silvana and he couldn't come tell Diego because Arnaldo was out there. Diego looks worried at the thought of Azul and Silvana going anywhere together. Or maybe he just doesn't want to miss the potential cat fight.

Street: Azul and Silvana are walking along when Azul's phone rings. It's Diego. Azul tells him everything's fine, she's with Silvana, and she's sorry she didn't tell him she was leaving. I guess they had arrived at Emilia's because she comes out to greet them and to assure them she didn't ever violate ethics (tomato/tomahto). Azul's like "yeah, we already know you didn't blab about us behind our backs, but we're here to talk about Caty."

Casa DC&D: Gloria comes over (run, Don Chucho, run…no man is safe!) to ask after Ivan. Don Chucho says Ivan's not there, but he is. Oh, please tell me Don Chucho's not flirting with Gloria. We need to find Don Chucho a girlfriend. Gloria says it's like when you're looking for wine and you find one that's "añejado" (mature). Don Chucho replies that older wines are better and now that they've gotten past "todo el parte médico" ("all the medical part"; what does he mean? ) she should sit and they'll have some of that wine she mentioned. Oh, please no, not Don Chucho! He can do so much better! We need more classy older babes on this show.

Casa E&G: Ivan tells Diego that Boris used Mauricio to ensure Eva's death and that Mauricio has now taken Eva's place.

Emilia's: The ladies have decided to work the Caty angle. Emilia will use her psych skills to help Caty remember the accident. Silvana can help because she's Nico's mother. And Azul gets to lie to Mauricio and/or sneak the kid out of the house. This is legally and ethically wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to parse it.

Casa E&G: Ivan tells Diego that he called a guy back in Prague who didn't know about Eva's death and had him denounce Boris to the cops on Eva's behalf. We see Boris handcuffed and taken away by two guys, after a third guy gives him "a message from his daughter" and kisses Boris on the cheek. Diego says this may have brought down the organization and Ivan agrees. Now, however they have lost access to the info that Boris had on Mauricio, so they're back at zero and are going to have to dig up the information themselves. Diego says he won't rest until Mauricio, like Boris, is behind bars.

MM v 2.0, Mauricio's Sinister Study: Mauricio wants Andres to get Ceci out of MM v 2.0 and back into her apartment. Andres mentions Ceci's sudden desire for a modeling career and says he's not going to let that happen. He'll start spending more and more time at the apartment until he ends up living with Ceci. Mauricio's like, whatever, just get her out of the house TODAY so I can have some alone time with my WIFE. I know it's just a language thing, but every time he calls her "mi mujer" all I can hear is "my woman" like he's going to drag her, caveman-style, into the bedroom. Which, to be fair, is probably his plan.

Efrain's Garage: Diego has returned the car, but Gustavo says the client doesn't want it anymore and he's now working for Efrain. Diego's got to pay for all the mileage he put on it, but the car's owner was hoping to get it back quickly so he could sell it. Efrain says all used cars end up needing money and work invested in them and the car may be slow, but it will get you where you're going and back. Diego says he has money from the boutique now and he probably can't afford to pay for it all at once, but if the owner will take it in payments, he'll buy the car. Quite a come down from the 'Stang.

Night falls in the DF.

Chez Swanky: Tía Inés v 2.0 sits nervously at a table with half her cleavage out and GSD gets shown to (or rather, pointed towards) her table. Sounds like Arnaldo called GSD to pick up Inés after their dinner together because he had to pull sommelier duty. GSD compliments Inés' new look. At length. Then he invites her to dance. She rests her forehead on his cheek. Well, at least GSD doesn't have a pet bunny, but he sure is sending some mixed signals there.

MM v 2.0, SS: Mauricio smarmily rubs Azul's shoulder while telling her they're not acting like newlyweds. Mauricio complains about Ceci running him out of Azul's room that morning "as if I didn't have rights over you." Okay, the caveman meter's definitely going up now. Now that Eva's dead, Ceci's not in danger, so Mauricio wants her to go back to the apartment. Azul begs him not to do this and he begs her not to do "this" to him (meaning sleeping in her old bedroom instead of with him). He wants her to move into his bedroom and she agrees to "sleep" together. He hugs her enthusiastically, but gets that flat, dead, serious face behind her back.

Back from commercials. Mauricio wants Azul's word that she'll tell him next time she's out of the house all day. Mauricio calls her on Emilia's lie that Azul was out looking for books. Azul says she didn't find the books she was looking for, but she does have some stuff that Emilia gave her out in the car. She goes to get it because she likes to read before bed. She leaves and Mauricio takes his frustrations out on the poor innocent chair. He crazies, "No, Azul, there's no way out when you have to be with your husband." Hm, I wonder what he means by that.

Casa S&I&G: Silvana tells Isela that, for the sake of Caty, she's united with Azul. Isela agrees that Caty needs help. Oh, I hadn't realized Isela had ever met Mauricio (snerk). Silvana says finally justice will come.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul calls Diego. Bad move. Lots of blah, blah, blah that doesn't warrant translation "This sucks, I miss you," etc. Diego says it will take longer than they thought to unmask Mauricio. Azul is disappointed. And pouty.

Casa DC&D: My eyes! My eyes! Don Chucho and Gloria are sharing a brandy. They joke about the good wine and Don Chucho compliments her on her beauty. Gloria shares her 2 secrets to keeping a youthful appearance: pleasure and laughter. Don Chucho says she certainly doesn't deprive herself…of the laughter. He laments that Silvana only got Gloria's looks and not her happiness. Gloria blames it on Isela, but Don Chucho says it's because of losing Nico and not being able to have Diego. This gives Gloria an idea. Gloria, idea--two words that should never be in the same sentence! Diego comes in and Don Chucho remembers he was supposed to bring over some fabric, but he got distracted. Diego tells Don Chucho not to worry about it, he sees that Chucho had company--and a good thing too, because Diego was starting to worry about that. Don Chucho is confused. Gloria tells Diego he could have called, which gives Diego the opportunity to scold Don Chucho for never charging his cell phone battery. He also discovers the apartment phone was off the hook. Gloria winks at Don Chucho that maybe they didn't want to be interrupted, which confuses Don Chucho even further.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul is packing while Ceci watches. Ceci is amazed that Azul agreed to move in with Mauricio. She's also worried about how to keep from having to marry Andres (don't fight it, Ceci, take one for the team!). Azul says it's a good thing Ceci hasn't accepted yet. Ceci agrees and says she couldn't accept until she knows for sure whether Andres is really the kind of guy Diego says he is.

Chez Swanky: GSD and Inés talk about how much better life is when you're doing what you love for a living. GSD wants to toast, but they've already drunk the whole bottle of wine at the table. Arnaldo comes over with another bottle, on the house. GSD accuses Arnaldo of trying to get them drunk, but Arnaldo says he just wants to add some "happiness" since it's been so long since he's seen either one of them so happy--he wants them to keep having a good time.

MM v 2.0, Azul's bedroom: Azul is telling Ceci she just had to call Diego, she couldn't take it anymore. Ceci says she needed strength before she had to go sleep with Mauricio. Andres walks up to the door and starts listening. Here's a little tip for the residents of MM v 2.0--check the damn doors before you start gossiping! He hears Azul say she doesn't know if she can stay with Mauricio, especially since she's starting to find out that what Diego said is true. Ceci says it's hard enough to be with a sick person, but especially one you don't love. Azul cries that she doesn't know what to do, if she'll be strong enough. Andres has heard enough now, and leaves. Azul swears that she was going to stay with Mauricio, but then everything changed. Ceci's like "yeah, cause he's a murderer." Azul says that's it. And also that she can't stop thinking of Diego for even an instant.

Casa S&I&G: Diego and Don Chucho brought Gloria home. Diego and Gloria fight over custody of Don Chucho. Gloria invites the guys to dinner and adds that "Isela's a great cook". She ain't your personal chef, woman!

MM v 2.0, SS: Andres comes to tell Mauricio that Diego already knows about Mauricio's illness and that the illness is the reason Azul married him. He says he overheard Ceci telling Azul it's difficult to be married to a sick person who you don't love. Mauricio says if GSD doesn't find the cure he and Azul will both die. Andres looks kind of worried about that.

MM v 2.0, Caty's bedroom: Azul asks why Caty didn't pray for her Mami when she said her prayers. Caty says it's because Azul is her only mommy. Azul asks who told Caty she couldn't talk about her other Mami and Caty's response is to put her hands over her ears and start chanting "I don't hear anyone. I only have fish ears. I don't hear anyone. I only have fish ears." Te lo juro, that's exactly what she says. Because fish don't have ears, I guess? Has anyone heard this one before?

GSD's apartment: Drunk!GSD and Drunk!Inés stumble in, laughing. Inés' dress is more sparkly and shorter than it looked at the restaurant. Emilia comes in and wishes them both good evening. Very loudly. And quite unexpectedly, I would imagine. It scared the hell out of me and Mr. 5ft, so I would imagine that GSD and Inés are ready to run. GSD realizes he's busted.

MM v 2.0: Azul sees a table set for 2 in some part of the house. With roses and a candle. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

GSD's apartment: GSD sounds like he's about to explain. Oh, no, never mind, he's scolding her for being at his house. Emilia says she just came over to give him some news and bring him dinner. Now Inés starts trying to explain, but Emilia will have none of it. She tries to give GSD back his keys. GSD says they have to talk and Inés says she's leaving. GSD tries to keep her from leaving alone and he complains that they weren't doing anything wrong, so she should stay. Emilia leaves. Inés can't manage to keep from smiling, although she only does it for a second.

MM v 2.0: I think the table is set near her bedroom. Azul stands in front of it with the scrap that remains of her wedding dress and inhales it. I SO don't want to know what it smells like. We get orange flashbacks, first to her and Diego kissing topless on the beach (did that actually happen?), then to Diego making Azul's beachwear. She packs the dress in her bag as Mauricio comes into the room and says "We're finally alone, my love." Oh, no, that wasn't creepy.

Tomorrow: Lots of ugly pajamas as Mauricio tells Ceci to get the hell out of his house. Azul defends her and Diego's affair to Clemencia. Piero compares Gustavo to Paco and gets told off for it by Lidia. Caty sees a picture of Paco and tells Azul she found his ID at her old house.


Dear 5ft, I love your recaps, always so detailed, accurate and belly-ache-laughs funny. This is a particularly good trick with Amar since so much of it is so dark. But, we are expert mockers, no?
My dos centavos: Azul is an idiot (well we knew that) about Diego giving up the inheritance. What does she think they will live on, Diego is basically unemployable except for doing some nice handiwork on beaches. And, oh, he bites off threads better than anyone else ever...
Boris in his dark inner sanctum reminded me suddenly of Jabba the Hut from StarWars. I half expected him to drool. But, I really liked Ivan's messengers later in the program. Ivan is really earning redeemed almost good boy points. I wouldn't mind helping to rehabilitate him with some private lessons on being sensitive...
I had not heard the fish ears phrase either, but it is a cute little kid concept and at last Caty had some good lines and wasn't simpering or whining.
They are building Julio into a more complex character. He may give us some unexpected turns down the line. Like maybe we will find out he really does think Diego is talented. If not, what are we going to do with our cute but very ineffective Diego??

Is it wrong that I thought Gloria and Chucho were cute together? It was hilarious. I realize she's a bit "advanced" for him and I wouldn't want her to give him a heart attack or anything, but she'd really rock his world, I'm sure. I look forward to Gloria's scenes in general.

I've always liked Ivan despite his menacing air and I've conveniently blocked out any memory of his having actually killed someone. His devotion to Eva was what won me over. He's not classically handsome in the Andres way, but sexier somehow. I'd chip in with the sensitivity lessons, Cheryl.

I never miss this show even though it's from my lonely perch as one of the few people in the universe that actually like it. It's just so unpredictable and unusual.

Cheryl, love your doggie!

Anyway, I haven't watched this in weeks, but when last I saw, Boris was just a hand. Has his face ever been revealed?

Thanks for the great was so much more interesting than the actual show. I love your sense of humor. Question : Have Annndresss and Ceci EVER slept together [not like Azul and Mauricio are ''sleeping together '', but REALLY sleeping together]???? If not, Annndresss is being very patient for a [say it with me]....tialoving abuelokiller. He may even be thinking that he killed the wrong mujer because he seemed to be getting lots of sex with tia Leonarda [weird, kinky sex, but...lots of weird, kinky sex].

We've seen Boris's face maybe twice. He looks sort of like GSD, with a ponytail. I'll miss his terrible fake accident.

No we don't know if Ceci and Andres have "done it." Ceci seemed like she would jump anything that moved at the beginning of this show. She actually tried to get Andres to slow down even before she thought he might be a murderer

Can anyone tell me what happened to Thursday's recap and today (Monday). I am on vacation from PA to Florida and I am trying to stay up with the recaps, since I don't always have access to tv.

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