Saturday, December 22, 2007

Amar Sin Limites: Thursday Dec. 20, 2007- "Diego cries over spilt milk & Silvana's web gets even more tangled"

The episode begins with overlap from yesterday’s ending. We again see Ceci being consoled by Clemi, Lydia, and Anibal; Diego and Silvana tucking Caty in bed; and Silvana spiking Diego’s drink & crawling on top of him in bed, while he says Azul’s name.

Next morning, Diego wakes up with Silvana in his bed and is shocked. He wonders what happened? What he did? He is in agony and angry with himself. I’m actually thinking that most likely, in true novela fashion, nothing actually happened. He was too doped up to do the deed and Silvana has no problem letting him think it was a fait acompli because what better way to trap a man. I could be wrong, after all back in the beginning when he was all in love with Azul (the future mother of his children), he had no problem sleeping with Silvana. However, if the writers are willing to fall back on the amnesia plot line, why not pull out all the stops and use the drunken almost-sleeping together device as well.

We see Flaquito and Azulcena cleaning the church. They are getting rid of the flowers from Azul’s memorial. They keep the sash from the flowers and drape it over the statue of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus.

Julio and Arnie are discussing all the changes with Alfredo—how he’s accepted their relationship and wants Arnie to be a part of the new baby’s life. They have a psychological discussion on the differences in parenting when you are young versus when you are more mature. Arnie’s just glad that he and his father are becoming friends.

Ceci visits with Caty and “cries” on her shoulder about her lack of luck with men. Ceci tells the moppet that she always cheers her up. Ceci asks Caty what she would like to do for the day and Caty decides to go see her abuelos.

Emilia and GSD discuss the future and their baby. She’s feeling a little nauseated this morning and has a call into her physician. They talk about how UNAM has a new investigation into childhood AIDS and GSD is interested in the project.

Coincidentally, Mario and Luis are discussing GSD’s work and their new investigation into curing childhood AIDS. Mario tells Luis that he’s actually Emilia’s obstetrician and how with her advanced age and being her first pregnancy, he might need Luis to be there when the baby is born.

Azulcena reports to MS about Flaquito’s progress.

Diego goes to the church and prays for forgiveness. He sees the sash on the Virgin Mary and takes it into his hands, then falls to his knees. He has some flashbacks to last night and the first time he and Azul slept together. I’m thinking that impure thoughts in church, not such a good thing---but if it is directly related to what you are seeking forgiveness for, perhaps it is allowed. While he’s on his knees at the front of the church, Azulcena steps into the open doorway at the back of the church. COMMERCIAL

Luis shows up and gives Azulcena a hug. She lets out a little giggle and Luis pulls her away as to not disturb the man praying at the front. Diego hears the giggle and looks spooked. He turns around and only catches sight of the back of Azulcena. He takes off in pursuit, but he doesn’t get a good look as Azulcena rides off with Luis & Mario in the truck. Diego goes to MS and asks her about the woman hanging around, the one in the gray dress (it looked more off-white/pinkish to me, but what do I know, I’m not a fashion designer). MS tells him that’s got to be Azulcena. She’s come to stay with them, but poor thing, she’s not quite right in the head. With almost Marcia(from La Fea)-like timing, Silvana calls on the cell phone at that exact moment. Diego, a product of the modern world and slave to technology, doesn’t ignore the call but takes it---because let’s treat the person who is present as if they are not as important as whomever it might possibly be calling (you see I have issues with this). Anyway, Silvana freaks when she hears that Diego is at the orphanage. She hangs up with him and calls to cancel all her plans for the day.

MS and Diego discuss Silvana. MS wasn’t so sure about Silvana in the beginning, but she seems like someone who really wants to help (at this, I say stick with your first instincts, they are usually right for a reason). MS tells Diego how Silvana wants to help Azulcena, blah, blah. MS thanks Diego for all he’s done to help the kids. Diego says he does it for Azul.

Back at la casa de Diego, Ceci is waiting for Caty in the salon and Silvana walks into the room. Ceci comments on Silvana’s early arrival and Silvana says no it is more like her leaving late. Oh yeah, by the way Diego and I are now a couple we made passionate love last night because I put a Mickey in his drink. OK, she only mentioned the couple part, but Ceci can read between the lines. Ceci tells Silvana that she’s been waiting for the first opportunity to slip into Diego’s bed. Silvana says that Diego knew what he was doing (lie!) and that he knows she’s in love with him. Ceci makes a crack about Silva’s trickery and that’s probably how she got ahead in the modeling world. Silva slaps Ceci and tells her that is none of her business. Ceci doesn’t get into a “Dynasty” type chick fight, but remains dignified and tells Silva that Diego and Caty are her business. Silvana says she doesn’t have time to waste on Ceci, she’s got important things to do. The moppet comes running out, ready to spend her day with Ceci. Silvana is jealous and tries to act like she’s Caty’s mom. She doesn’t think it is right that Caty is missing school to spend time with Ceci. Caty tells her that it is Saturday and she succeeds in making Silvana look stupid.

Mario shows up at Emilia’s and GSD lets her in, just missing sight of Azulcena in the truck with Luis.

Diego is at the boutique and Manuel is impactado to learn that Diego was at the orphanage that morning. He asks Diego if he saw her? And Diego wonders what his dad is talking about. Manuel does a bad job covering up---he meant Silvana, but Diego is clueless, so it works.

Silvana goes to the orphanage and grills MS on Diego’s visit. Did he see Azulcena? MS tells her no, but he was asking about her. Silvana feels sick.

Julio and Diego discuss what happened with Silvana, and Gloria listens from outside the door. Diego can’t believe what he did. Julio says there is no sense in crying over spilt milk—he did what he did and he can’t go back and change it. What he needs to do now is decide how he wants to proceed with Silvana in the future. Diego says that’s what’s got him upset. He doesn’t see a future with Silvana but knows that she’s going to take what happened as a sign that they are getting serious. He’s not prepared to get into a relationship. Julio says that she knows this. Diego says he doesn’t want to hurt her. Julio says well why don’t you go ahead and see in time if Silvana is someone he wants to be involved with. Julio speculates that once Diego sees how Silvana really is it won’t work. Diego looks confused, what’s wrong with Silvana he wonders. Gloria comes in the room at this point and breaks up the conversation.

Mario gives Emilia her prenatal vitamins and tells her that she needs to avoid alcohol, medications, and tobacco. Emilia emphasizes that last one to GSD, who then promises to not smoke anymore….in her presence (yes, the end of the show is near, plots are wrapping up and here is proof---GSD is working on quitting the nasty cigarette habit.) Mario mentions that he’d like his colleague and friend, Luis Pena, to be present at delivery because he’s a neonatal specialist. Just then, Caty and Ceci arrive. Mario eyes up Ceci (and just a note, I agree with Mr. 5ft. that these two would make quite the cute couple, so Ceci should go for it!). Ceci seems uncomfortable. Emilia learns that Mario and Ceci are acquainted via the aforementioned Luis Pena. What a small world. They discuss how the baby will be Caty’s tio or tia. Caty is a little confused about having a tio younger than her, but says hello to her new tio/a inside Emilia’s tummy.

Azulcena and Luis return to the orphanage and learn that Silvana is visiting. They show appropriate concern over Silvana’s health and Luis offers to give her a check up. MS and Luis leave Azulcena and Silva alone. Silva starts campaigning for Azulcena to hook up with Luis and forget about tracking down her past. Silvana thought bubbles that if she can get Azul to hook up with Luis, it will leave it open for her to be with Diego. Azulcena is thankful to have someone to talk to about Luis and she’s thankful for Silvana’s interest and friendship. Silvana just wants Azulcena to be happy and she thinks that Luis is the man for the job (what a crock).

Gloria worries to Chuco about what Silvana’s doing to Diego. She speculates that perhaps she wasn’t the best example to her daughter (You think?). Chuco pooh-poohs the notion that Gloria wasn’t mother of the year material. That man has blinders on when it comes to women in his life.

Ceci chats alone with Emilia and tells her what happened with Luis. How they met a couple times, Ceci wrote and nothing happened. Ceci admits that the relationship was pretty one-sided and Luis never promised anything to her. She just built up this fantasy and he’s gone and given his heart to another. Ceci tells Emilia that she’ll forget, but it will be harder with Mario hanging around reminding her of Luis. (I wonder, does Emilia ever get tired of playing psychologist to everyone w/o getting any billable hours).

Out in the living room, GSD tells Mario he’s interested in the AIDS project and Caty plays with her dolls. Ceci comes to collect Caty and leave. She gives GSD a kiss on the cheek and only offers Mario a handshake, although he went in for the kiss. Mario hurries and wraps up his conversation with GSD and heads out after Ceci & Caty. GSD looks a little confused with the brush off. He goes in and tells Emilia about his agreeing to work on the AIDS project. Emilia is happy for him and they talk about how happy he is to be staying in DF and being there for her and the baby.

Mario catches up to the girls and invites them to lunch. Ceci needs to be convinced by Caty, but the moppet’s cuteness is successful in getting her what she wants. At lunch, Caty plays matchmaker—pointing out how cute Ceci is. Mario agrees. Caty tells Mario that Ceci’s had her heart broken recently by a man who’s half stupid. Mario says if he broke Ceci’s heart, he’s got to be entirely stupid (way to flirt and get in a good dig at your best friend). Caty goes off to play and Ceci asks Mario to tell her about the new woman in Luis’s life.

Luis returns to the clinic and Azulcena, fortified by Silvana’s encouragement, tells him that she wants to forget the idea of finding her past. She’d rather concentrate on the now. She kisses him and he’s all for that. MS walks in and catches sight of the embrace. She breaks it up and orders Luis to come talk to her. She scolds him for what she witnessed and demands to know what kind of relationship he’s having with Azulcena.

Gloria tries to talk to Silvana about what happened with Diego. Silvana blows her off. She’s going to see Diego.

Diego tells Silvana last night shouldn’t have happened and he wonders what would have happened if Caty caught them. Silvana’s not worried, besides last night was so special. Diego says he feels badly about what happened and he takes full responsibility. Silvana says no need to feel bad or take responsibility because it was something they both wanted. Diego says no, he feels like he betrayed Azul. He tells Silvana he doesn’t want to hurt her or give her any false illusions about their relationship, but it was just lust not love. Silvana assures him that she’s aware of the situation, and she’s just glad to have the opportunity to express how much she loves him. He says he can’t offer her anything and she tells him that he needs to live his life, keep your memories of Azul, but live in the now. She kisses him and promises him that she’ll help him become happy. He needs to do it for Caty’s sake. After a commercial break, we are back to Diego and Silvana. He’s talking about the orphanage and Azulcena. Silvana tries to tell Diego that he doesn’t need to go to the orphanage anymore, she’ll take on that responsibility. He doesn’t want to stop going there, he does it because of Azul. Silvana starts to stress & thought bubbles---she better fess up now, because if he finds out that she knew Azul is alive and is currently running around as Azulcena, Diego will never forgive her. What should she do? END OF THE EPISODE. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!!


Excellent recap Cathy, thanks. I keep reading the recaps for this show because seeing all the near misses with Azul and everyone else makes me crazy, I can't watch it. It's maddening but I've invested too much time in this show to just bail on it. We're so close to the end and I can't wait to see Silvana get some kind of just desserts. I believe she will, the writers made sure to turn her into a complete bitch so nobody will feel sorry for her when she falls hard.
Does anyone know how many episodes are left?

I realized that I am just as capable as anyone else to go count episodes, I count 17 episodes remaining. So Friday's episode, three more full weeks, then a Monday grand finale on January 14, unless there is an episode pre-empted.

Also, I was sure that the Desperate Housewives show was going to follow this, but since then I've seen ads for another show starting Muy Pronto, El Diablo con los Guapos. So now I don't know what show is coming next.

Yay, excellent recap! Good point that Diego and Silvana may not have actually slept together--he was pretty out of it.

I'm with you on Diego answering his cell phone. Rude, rude, rude!

"I wonder, does Emilia ever get tired of playing psychologist to everyone w/o getting any billable hours"--thank you for that, it cracked me up!

I'm with you Chris. This teasing with near misses of somebody seeing Azul are just awful. The writers should end up however Silvana does for doing this to us.

Does anyone know if both Monday and Tuesday are off? I saw the end of Juan Querendon preview advertised as Wednesday. Christmas Eve is a big deal in a lot of Latin American countries (noche buena) so it wouldn't surprise me if they had special programming both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

if the writers are willing to fall back on the amnesia plot line, why not pull out all the stops and use the drunken almost-sleeping together device as well.

Exactly what I was thinking. We've watched way too many novelas to let this one slip.

I wonder, does Emilia ever get tired of playing psychologist to everyone w/o getting any billable hours

Hey, it's all in the family!

Great Recap!

Great job, Cathy, thanks for the recap. This show is currently sounding more like "doctors on the make." And Ceci posing as the naughty nurse just frosts the cake. Finally some of the smarter people are figuring out the latest schemes, like Ceci isn't fooled for one minute but poor Diego is just another pretty face. How Silvana could climb on him while he whines for Azul is just beyond me. The woman really has no scruples but she has found an ever flowing source of low cut cocktail dresses to wear to breakfast and where ever. I'm surprised MS hasn't busted her for that, but maybe she will be one of the smart ones. She's already on to Luis Felipe and his unprofessional behavior. We are running out of options here.

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