Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Pasión 12-26: "What are we, white doves?"
Justo tells Ofelia, Saintly's mom: surely Saintly will give in to temptation. "Oh no, they're well brought up, they know what's proper, they'll just exchange a few words occasionally, after all, they're in-laws." "Ah, but when the blood boils..." muses Justo in an unhappy foreshadowing manner.
Ric crosses the square, where TWO MULES can be seen, and pays his respects to the regidor, our old failed satyr Don Jorge. Ursula, whom I would enjoy calling "Pinkie," likes the looks of our Ric and takes him in to see daddy. Like father, like daughter: they both think Ric would make a fine husband for her, he's rich, a gentleman, has good recommendations... she flirts on the way out and invites him to the party she's throwing on the coming weekend. "Party?" inquires her dad blankly. "I just thought of it," she says as she sweeps out.
Ric gives a weak story about being in town for business and then says he was a personal friend of the Salamanca family, that old Timoteo in his senility left his money to his young widow and left his daughter with (almost) nothing, he's here to do something about it. Jorge invites him, and the aunt and cousin, to stay at the palace as long as they like - life in the provinces is so boring and most who pass through are just merchants...
Ric tells Marcos the suckup regidor and his daughter are hypocrites - "like me." Marcos tells the story he learned from the codger at the inn and Ric is struck with pity for the widow - "I understand her attitude now, she wasn't arrogant, she was desperate!" - and now he doesn't want to take her money. He reiterates he has enough moolah for Lisa to live like a princess and have a good dowry. Marcos wonders who'll have her. Ric says she's pretty and well-bred, she'll have suitors "Not if they catch her sniffing YOU, she won't," Marcos sort of says, "you know she's madly in love with you." Ric says it's just affection. Marcos teases him for liking Camila. They discuss setting up a pirate refuge and going back to business stealing Spanish gold.
Doña Sofia is unimpressed with Jorge's story about the well-bred visitor being a good suitor - she doesn't trust in his credentials - but Ursula rejects the whole current list of suitors and insists Ric is the one for her.
In their new home Camila and Jimena are discussing the Antillano's lies - he'd said he'd buy freedom for Claudio and Angel, but he didn't... Jorge arrives, Camila doesn't want to let him in but she does anyway as the maid and Jimena melt away. He asks if she needs anything, she says no rather stiffly. "Hey, I know you're holding a grudge against me, but you and I both know nothing happened." "Nothing? Because of you Santiago almost died and I was kidnapped." "Well, he's ok now, married, he'll no doubt be a daddy soon, and you're not doing so badly, you rich widow you."
He gets down to it: there's a blind woman in town, with Timoteo's nephew, planning to get Timoteo's coffers back. Jorge says he'll help Camila thwart that. Camila says she heard Timoteo's nephew was a pirate. Jorge poo-poohs that.
He leaves and Jimena says Camila needs an important man (like Jorge) to help her. Camila says heaven forfend.
That mean old friend of Jorge's, is it La Font?, yells at his daughter who's supposed to be spying around town, especially on Ursula, but who hadn't told him about Camila being back in town. The daughter redeems herself with other gossip: Vasco is out - Ursula's mad he hasn't been in touch and plans to dump him - and Ric is in.
And what do you know, Vasco lets himself in to Ursula's bedroom that night but she says it's over, she wants her keys back, and she's gonna marry the rich out-of-towner. Vasco calls her a whore and stomps out sulking.
Ursula is mean to her cute daughter and derides her doll's singing. Grannie Sofia says don't be so hard on the kid, and besides you neglect her. Sofia reiterates that recommendations can be bought and she doesn't trust the stranger. Ursula: "I'm going to marry him." Mom: "What if he won't have you?" "He'd have to be a fool not to want the rich daughter of the regidor - and he's no fool. Besides, Daddy likes him."
Sofia mutters: "People my husband likes are never decent people."
Marcos goes to the blacksmith's shop and asks Saintly to take care of Ric's horseshoes. Then he peers over the wall at Camila's place and watches the four musketeers discussing the departure, next morning, of Ascanio and Claudio. He reports back to Ric, who's surprised to hear Camila bought Claudio -- he'd thought his own henchman Lazaro (the same one he reamed out for borrowing a boat for a joyride) had bought the two kids on Ric's order. They surmise Lazaro just said he bought the kids and kept the dough for himself. "I'll quarter him!"
Rita and Saintly are sitting in a deadly silence in Ofelia's kitchen. Santiago leaves. "He's going to see HER," Rita whinges; Ofelia says "You shouldn't doubt your husband, and I've told you to conceal your jealousy." "He's not the same since she's back, we don't talk, he doesn't fulfill his Marital Obligations, how long must I tolerate this?" Ofelia suggests she should go talk to her sweet, reasonable sister Camila.
Jorge explains his little plan to La Font: he'll help Camila against the outlanders, and then in gratitude she'll become his lover. La Font sides with Sofia: don't trust him, recommendations can be bought. "Well, what are we, white doves? And by the way, how's it going with Foreman the Pirate King?"
Saintly is moping at the bar. Vasco comes in with a mope of his own: Ursula threw him out, just like a hired hand. "You knew it would happen." "Not like that, though! But she'll be back, she'll get tired of the new guy, and if she's pregnant, they won't know who the dad is. That new guy doesn't know her, it must just be business."
Saintly leaves the bar and tries to knock on Camila's door. The town crier asks what he's doing, "oh nothing," he limps away.
Marcos sees Ric doesn't want to go with Lisa and Tia's program of wealth-extraction, but he doesn't want to fight with them either. He says he'll go to Camila in the morning after Claudio and Ascanio have left.
Labels: Pasion
I don't know much about gold coins in this era, but the chest full of coins that Camila had Ascanio leave for Lisabeta and her Tia a few episodes back looked like ALOT of money. What happened with that? I think I remember Tia saying something to Ric about it, thinking he'd left it for them. Surely he's noticed they are hauling it around and has to have some suspicion of its origin. My point being, the mujeres are not poor and destitute even if Tio Tim didn't intend to provide for them. I guess their view is it should ALL be theirs.
I cannot believe that Ric and Camila have still not interacted. It's really getting annoying, as their romance should be the center of the telenovela, shouldn't it?
I was surprised that Ric is still going to be in the pirate business. I thought he retired after doing so well in Africa. You can't teach an old pirate new tricks???
And how is it that he didn't know that Lazaro (or whatever his name is) didn't buy Claudio. Didn't he say that Camila, Jimena, Claudio and his cousin should all be bought and sent to his mother's house (i think) to help out?
I got the AMOR REAL DVD from Netflix (thanks for the recommendation Susanlynn) and Wow!! I am looking forward to more Fernando love scenes.
I think the fact that Lis and Tia Fran want Cami's money (in spite of their treasure chest gift) is to show how much they hate Cami in addition to their greed.
Anon 11:34 - Ric didn't know that Lazaro didn't buy Claudio and his brother is b/c Lazaro lied to Ric. He told Ric he bought the boys and he's been lying about them and other things as well. Ric has slowly been coming to a realization that Lazaro is not to be trusted.
Though Ric had intended to buy Jimena and Cami but they had been bought by others before he got to the auction.
I am disappointed in Ursula and her plan to marry Ric. I really want her to be with Vasco and I really don 't want her to play "Rico 's Pursuit".
Plus I am annoyed by the fact that in telenovelas everyone falls in love with the two main characters. I understand that vilains and rivals are supposed to make things worst but not to that extend. There is Liz, now Ursula (even though I am not sure that she is in love with him). Who is next?
Sophia from Greece
As a finance person, I'm still concerned with where's the money??!
With all the treachery and greed, they must have it stashed away safely. Do they make daily withdrawals for their needs, like an ATM? Do the trusted servants guard and haul it around for them? I guess it's like the bathroom issues, we know it has to be dealt with, but they're not talking about it...
jb--iron jack cash
Is Marcos=Mario?
I'm confused about the money too. It seems it's all just loose in a big trunk that's just exactly the right size for its contents, even though Cami gave Tim's relatives a big cut in a separate trunk.
I suppose it's possible they started out with two trunks to begin with and simply gave one to Lis and Tia, or transferred the remainder to a smaller trunk for easier transport, but it still struck me funny when Cami opened it up to make a withdrawal. Wouldn't you think the coins would at least have been packed into small bags of, say, 20 apiece for easier counting or something? But nooooo, that wouldn't have made for such a dazzling picture on TV.
My two cents on the two main characters not being together yet - Thank God! If they had already gotten together, we'd be in for MONTHS of them arguing/breaking up/getting together. Have we all forgotten so quickly how aggravating our past couples have been with that? Diego/Azul, Alina/Emiliooo, from what I gather the two leads in Destilando Amor had that problem, even Luis and Hipolita in Alborada annoyingly kept finding every stupid reason they could think of to keep getting pissy at each other before making up later. I am hoping that this show will bring them together slowly and just once. How refreshing that would be. All the interesting turmoil can be handled by the side characters.
Yes Julie, Marcos=Mario. I will assume that the tiredness of the holiday gave Melinama a little forgetfulness with that. And you know how it is, once someone at a party calls you the wrong name and you don't correct them, you get called that name over and over. So she called him Marcos over a cup of eggnog, he didn't correct her, so he was Marcos after that. (yes I realize that he can't correct her from the TV, but whatever.)
I had an acquaintance named Debbie in college. One day, after I had known her for about a year, someone else came along and kept calling her Karen. I tried to be polite and didn't embarrass her by correcting her. After the girl left, I joked with Debbie about it. That's when she told me that indeed, her name was Karen. Not Debbie.
So I can definitely understand the names getting a little jumbled. :)
I hadn 't even thought about the money. Thank you for bringing it up!
Anon 12:26
Did they lose their fancy house and don’t have anywhere to stay back home?
I thought the recap was great! And it sure cleared up a lot for me.
I am also a former director of finance and can't stand the little chests of gold being strewn about so carelessly. Very messy, very messy. And I can understand Lisabeta not tracking her gold while she clutches her doll, but Fran should know better after putting up with the miserly brother Tim for years. Interesting lie they are both telling and Ric isn't quick to correct them about where their handsome sum of gold might have come from.
I for one want to know whether we can substitute chopped liver for the white doves?
And, hey wasn't Jorge really smart when he decided that Ric could not possibly be the pirate nephew of dead Tim because hey, that isn't the right last name.
And, the more I see pictures of Willa, the more I am convinced that she belongs in the cast of Pasion.
V.V. who lacks the imagination to find a pirate moniker but who believes that Ricardo looked totally guapollo with the bad do-rag staring into the ocean, riding whatever the hell you call those rope-dealies.
"TWO MULES" --I wonder if we'll be lucky enough to see this as relative foreshadowing of the regidor appearing on screen regularly. Completely aprapo to the grand occasion.....
Mad Bess/Susanlynn: ITA about Fernando. I was thinking that he can definitely wear shiny silk duds to perfection, even makes them glow, I'd say.
Thu Dec 27, 06:12:00 PM EST
Poor Saintly Santiago - altho I cannot abide all his weeping and gnashing of teeth....I do feel sorry for him. He's a good guy who let his family guide him into marrying evil Sister, who complains too much about not getting enough. Now he has to suffer the rest of his life -not fair.
I love Ric sans pirate get up. He looks great with the short hair and brocade/embroidered waist coat. And dimples...gawd,his dimples drive me loca!
I think Cami will soon regret telling bad Jorge that Tim's nephew was a pirate, but it's great for the plot.
I hope tonight is as interesting as the preview, and Ric and Cami have a conversation, not just an exchange of glances.
“Lazaro (the same one he reamed out for borrowing a boat for a joyride) had bought the two kids on Ric's order. They surmise Lazaro just said he bought the kids and kept the dough for himself. "I'll quarter him!"” GOOD! That’s better than what Lazaro deserves.
“"He's not the same since she's back, we don't talk, he doesn't fulfill his Marital Obligations, how long must I tolerate this?" Ofelia suggests she should go talk to her sweet, reasonable sister Camila.” Hoo, boy, that’ll be one interesting conversation. Can you picture it? “Hey, sis, cut my hubby loose—you remember him, the guy I ripped off while you were in slavery? He’s stuck on you, so make him quit that, already.” Qué the heck is Ofelia thinking?
Susanlynn, you crack me up. All the time.
Ferro and Iron Jack Cash--you money guys are too funny, too. Who else would care so much about where the gold is? It's safe in some locked box, of course! ;-)
Julie-Captain Nickel Vane "I had an acquaintance named Debbie ...someone else came along and kept calling her Karen. ...the girl left, I joked with Debbie about it. That's when she told me that indeed, her name was Karen. Not Debbie." ROTFLLLL!!
It's always been a dangerous world - carrying dinero in a trunk or in your pocket is just asking to get clunked on the cabeza.
I liked lettie's father just because he sat there and counted the money every so often to make sure nobody was stealing it. (Too bad he was unable to spot the overspending.)
I realize I like to watch fantasy tv so I can spend an hour not worrying about the problem of keeping a roof-over, since few of the characters worry about that. (But one can't help but notice financial irresponsibility in the tv stories -- because in reality one spends one's life trying to just be lucky enough to break even, and when doing Without doesn't cut it anymore, one must move to a cheaper part of the country.)
I always wanted to use this Rex Stout phrase: it is the anthesis of rational progression [to drag your gold coins around in a trunk].
(I'm not a professional bean counter, just Cheap)
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