Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pasion 01-15-2008 "Justo: A Man in Search of a Spine"

Before I begin, I must confess Oklahoma lost its Univision Digital Cable and after rebooting the cable box and trying to get it, I was forced to watch it on basic cable with no captions…So hold on we are in for a bumpy ride..

We rehash the Ines, Saintly & Ma debacle. Realizing that Ines is too enamored with Vasco, Saintly & Ma have arranged for Ines to jump the broom with Ascancio. Never, Never if she can’t have Vasco she doesn’t want anyone.
Give this girl a pink notebook, a pink feather sparkle pen & we’d have Vasco & Ines 4ever.

Anyhow, Saintly runs into ever drunk Vasco and threatens to smack the crap out of him, if he encourages Ines. Dude talk about closing the barn door after the cows got out.

The editing leaves much to be desired..we now see Ines flee to Vasco. He is home and asleep. The servant gets him and he comes down to see her. Geez Ines; I certainly hope this doesn’t affect his staying up all night whoring and puking.

Ines tells him about Saintly and he says okay…play it cool, pretend that you are going to marry Ascancio & meanwhile, I’ll write when I get work. Okay I added the last part, cause we all know Vasco isn’t going to work. Anyway Ines is horrified that Vasco isn’t ready to jump the broom.
Oh little girl…

Don Justo goes to see Sofia about the Cami/Gonzalos debacle. I’m sorry but could this guy be a bigger wuss? What is the problem in this town, why to all the men above the age of thirty suffer from a serious testosterone shortage? Just slap some lipstick and a fake mole on him and he can sit around with Fortuna chowing on bon bons. He fills Sofie in on the Cami/Gonzalos prenuptials.

Meanwhile in the den of sordid secrets..Whorehey & LaFont of the seven-inch widow’s peak hair, converse over the next caravan they plan to waylay. Sofia interrupts the conversation with a “Que the Hell, is up with you trying to marry off Cami to Gonzalos?” She proceeds to tell Jorge that Cami & Ric gotta a thing goin on. He is appalled, Ric could be a bad man.
Jorge…here is a shout-out from the audience, yeah a bad man in the best way, we are counting on it.

Sofie counters, well he was good enough for Ursula.
Jorge retorts, hah he dumped Ursula cause he had a girlfriend and now he is after Cami. Hmmmm Jorge thinks Ric is up to no good.

Mario moves his belongings into Cami house of unrelated ner do wells. Jimena is giving him the flirty look.

Jorge says that if Ric stands in his way, well death is a solution. Egads the heart or other organ wants what the heart or other organ wants. If only his heart would fail like his other organ. Now I am not sure he said Ric would die, but what the hell? Somebody is gonna die.

Sofia tells Justo that Gonzalos is as depraved as Jorge. Now normally this would enrage a father and he would send his daughter into hiding or a nunnery. However, I am sure Justo will simply keep a better eye on his goat flock.

Ofelia stops by with the poor motherless child Paco of the Mullethead to visit Cami, she is a bit nervous to see Mario there.

Justo comes by to tell Cami it is a no go with Jorge.
I’m sorry, but don’t widows pretty much get to do what they want? Think Scarlett. I mean seriously once you’ve been wed and the old virgin urgin thing is done.

Cami like all good TeleNovela heroines goes to the church and pray, where she lays out all the bad things that have happened to her.

Ric is on the ship and spots Gonzalos the Depraved chowing down. I guess that seasickness passed. Anyway Ric tries to make conversation with him, but Gonzalos blows him off. Ric has a pissed pirate look on his face.

Finally it is night and Jesus; no not that Jesus comes to see Mario. The gang is about an hour away.

Ofelia tells Saintly that Cami and Ric are an item. Saintly is enraged (well not enraged like normal people are, but he is a bit miffed for Saintly), how can this be? Ric could be a bandito for all they know. Yeah he is a regular Clyde Barrow and Bonnie is faking her blindness and they are traveling with Tia Barker.

Now Ines, the unchaste comes in and says she saw Vasco. He doesn’t want to marry.
At this point my picture frozen and I had zombie Saintly staring frozen on the screen.
Please I beg Saintly, I am sorry I have mocked you through two entire TeleNovelas, breathe. Alas my cries of anguish are in vain.

Okay…I missed some stuff.
When I turn on basic no captions cable…
Mario is with the pirates, he puts a pistol to Lazarus’s? head. I think this was the guy who was supposed to free Claudio, Angel, Cami & Jimena, but pocketed the dinero instead.

Next we see Ric and others departing the ship on Isle de Somewhere. He gives a boy money to follow Gonzalos the Depraved.

The sea journey has done Ric no harm, he is sporting a fine tan and the fresh sea air has brought the curl out in his hair. He is not disguised. I guess he figures no one will recognize him with out his trademark pirate doo-rag.

Justo the spineless and Sofia are visiting Ofelia’s family. Sofia is still trying to find out if WhoreHey is the father of Saintly. I for one certainly hope so. Vasco has done Ursula, the half sister of Saintly and Ines the other half sister of Saintly. Now the way Sofia was talking ol’ Whorehey had a boatload of bastard daughters. With any luck, Vasco could nail another one and he’d have a trifecta. Well country rube relative of Ofelia, gives up the 411, yes indeed, Ofelia was accosted by a rich important man before she was wed, but never gave up the name.

Ric goes to see his padrino, he is a religious guy. Actually it is Eric Castillo, I don’t know what his name is in this. Ric tells him the story of how his Tio & Tia framed him for the murder of the whore. Padrino looks weary and tired of life. Dude perk up, it is your job. He gets up and walks around. That is an awful wig and he is wearing like a religious fat suit. That is yards upon yards of billowing cloth. Somewhere in the TeleVista cafeteria a table (a very large table) is missing its cloth.

Now Ric is checking into a hotel.
Bad editing…he is bursting into a squalid room with dirty people and a fat guy with bad teeth. He accuses the fat guy of murder. Fat guy denies it. Ric pulls out a sword and goes all Guantanamo Bay on his ass. Yep a sword to the throat and people will confess to anything. I’m glad he confessed cause it would have taken Ric sometime to set the waterboarding up.
The soldiers come in and arrest fat guy. Ric gives the poor slaves money and just in case you were wondering, yes that is where Abe Lincoln got the idea.

Meanwhile Gonzalos has gone to the Clinica de Dysfuncional Penes, alas the doctor is dead.

Now Gonzalos is having dining with some local. Not only the local but everyone in this establishment have the worst wigs I have ever seen. They aren’t even on straight. Gonzalos the Depraved is like digging in his mouth for food that has wedged up around his gum line. This guy is quite the catch. The local tells Gonzalos that he doesn’t know Lopez de Carvajal, but Lisabeth has a pirate cuz, named Ricardo de Salamanca.
Funny he should mention that cause Ricardo is back with priest guy. He does his best young boy act and tells him that he is now in love with yes, Cami. Priest guy, is thrilled for Ric yet apprehensive too about the problems that may ensue. You would just think Godfather Priest guy would just be happy that Ric is not eternally damned for killing a whore, he just slept with her which is easily forgiven with a few hail Mary’s and a couple of Our Father’s.

Also at some point Ric mentioned he has been on the lam for 15 years for a crime he did not commit. So I guess that makes him about 34 and a fine specimen of a man.

So anyway…Stay tuned
Tomorrow Cami is talking to Jorge on the street, about what? Beats me.
But Cami I do have some advice for you. Jorge is shorter that you and staring right at you bountiful breasts. You may want to wear a shawl when he is lurking.

Thanks for reading my recaps..
I think this is my last one for Pasion
as next week I get to start mocking Cesar Evera, he has a kid that was dumped off at the Church and an Amante..No Puede Ser..


Muchisimas gracias! Cesar Evora better be ready for you. :)

Thanks for the great recap.

I too think that widows were supposed to have more freedom than unmarried women. So, does she have to take permission for her second marriage again?

Ric went after the guy who killed the whore (if I understood right). But why now? Didn 't he know that he was the murderer?

Beckster, I hope you 'll keep on sending your comments!

Beckster: Great recap as usual.What is the name of the telenovela you will be recapping?

Now that you have put this picture in perspective, I will be enjoying this novela more.

From lower Ala

I adore your sense of humor. I'm going to miss your recaps on pasión.

Ascanio confessed that Bermejo was the one who killed the whore and he was paid by Tim and Francisca. That was on Ferro's recap for Friday.

By the way Ferro's recap is not bookmarked on, so please can anyone post this bookmark?

Helen J.

Beckster: good recap! FYI, when your screen froze up, Ines was in tears over Vasco not being enthusiastic about marrying her, apologized to her mother, and went upstairs to cry herself to sleep.

The priest (a cardinal? he always wears red) is Don Gasparo, Ricardo's godfather (no, not THAT kind of godfather).

Also ... Saintly's been wearing that green scarf Cami gave him for a long time - shouldn't it have worn out by now? and after 4+ years of being worn by a blacksmith ... ick.


Ay Caray Ferro's recap is here!

I want to know the material of the green scarf.

Helen J.

And here is a video about the opening credits

Helen J.

Hilarious recap! I'm going to miss you, Beckster.
M from CT

Wah ! I don't want you to leave Pasion . I am always eager to read your funny recaps, Beckster. I noticed that Cesar will be teamed with the actress who played his longsuffering wife in Mundo. Anyhoo, maybe Ric should have given himself a new first name when he was making up the last name. If I were Camila, I would run for the hills rather than be wed to the creepy , uncouth Gonzo. Your suggestion on wearing a shawl to cover up her charms was a good one. Well, Ric has dispatched the ramerakiller. Ascanio o o may be the master of the stink eye, but nobody does pissed pirate like the Ric Ric Ric. Did Ascanio give up that guy's name to Mario ??? Now, sail back, Ric ... Jorge is buzzing around your girl and making evil plans for her. And gee, poor Ines has to marry the clean, sensitive, quiet,gentle, gorgeous Ascanio o o ...que lastima. If she's that dim, she deserves Vasco. But then , I'm sure we all have at least one friend with amazingly bad taste in men. [Hello, Mary Jane.]

Yeah, Ascanio gave him up. Would have been nice if he could have said something 15 years ago or whenever, huh??

I think that when Ric told his cousin and aunt about his fake name, he said he was keeping his first name to reduce the chance that they or Mario would slip up and make everyone suspicious. I.e. if he was going by "Frank" and one of them called him "Ric" out of habit, people would suspect he was using an assumed name.

Beckster, I am sorry to see you go. :( I'm just glad Evora's gotten rid of his evil-twin-combover.

Obviously there are going to be revelations about why Francisca is La Tia Amarga. Did she hate Mercedes because both brothers fell in love with her and it caused a rift? Did she hate Ricardo's father because he married Mercedes, lost the family fortune, and left her to the not-so-tender mercies of Timoteo? And passed the hate on to Ricardo? Did she hate Timoteo because he grabbed the family fortune but didn't provide her with a dowry so she could get married? or at least enough money to live independently, leaving her depending on him and taking care of spoiled Lisabeta?


Helen - thank you, again, as always you are so kind : )

I just remembered something... I think this was from last night, unless I'm losing my mind and it was Monday night:

At some point, there's a scene where Lafont is giving Manuela hell for not being more pushy about making friends with Lis. She says Lis and Fran wrote to her saying they'd like to see her, but they're too busy right now with the move to Ric's new place, so it will be a few days before they can get together.

Then she asks Lafont about his efforts to find her a husband, and he says Sofia is looking into it.

There was something else, I forget what, he makes as if to strike her and calls her a tonta (dingbat). He leaves, and she says a prayer, something like "he can call me a dope if he wants to, but please don't let him hit me again."

Corrections? Additions?

Thanks for another great recap. The thing I love most about the recaps is getting 5 different perspectives. Your style is going to be missed. Are you still going to watch Pasion? In any case, now that you have introduced us to your style, please don't hesitate to feel guilty if you don't keep in touch by writing your comments. Meanwhile, enjoy your new gig.

Hilarious recap. Ric needs to hurry back with that leech Jorge hanging around Camila and Saintly needs to lose the scarf. I mean give it up already and Justo really needs to grow a spine.

Julie, from what I understood from that scene is that she was talking about a potential husband that her Dad or Sofia might come up with. In other words, she could put up with a loser --just so long as he didn't HIT her (like she obviously has been used to all of her life from her dear old Daddy). Then she got this half hopeful look on her face and thought about going to see Sofia. She was evidently thinking that Sofia might be her salvation and have more mercy on her in the area of match making than "Daddy Dearest".
I guess Sofia is like the Fairy Gomother of the show to counteract Don Whorehey...

Thanks for clearing that up, 3:59. I guess if you have LaFont for a dad, your standards are going to be pretty low.

I really thought I saw some interest on her part when Ascanio came to visit. It's too bad he doesn't have any money. The only way those two could get married would be to elope. (She should probably run as far away from San Fernando as she can, anyway.)

Nooo! Beckster, don't go, I love your recaps. I wasn't going to watch guapos, but if you are recaping, I'll give it a try.

What LaFont said to Manuela was that he didn't know where he was going to find an idiot that wanted to marry her. Manuela then prayed to la Virgencita. She said that she didn't care if her future husband was an idiot, as long as he (the husband) didn't hit her.

I'm kind of worried for Ric. Gonzo is not as dummy as I thought he was, he has been asking the right questions, and now he has the local guy who is going to identify Ric. Oh! How is our hero going to come out of this one?

I’m coming with you, Beckster!

The only part of Pasion that I really can get into is the opening credits – that’s an amazing take when you think it was done all in one shot, and the leads had to do costume changes. I wonder how many takes it took. It’s pretty impressive.

We'll really miss you Beckster. I look forward to my breakfast laugh over your recaps, but there's no way I'm leaving Pasion for the new one.

However, there is a new one coming on Telemundo that looks promising. It's called La Tracion and stars Mario Cimarro and Danna Garcia. It's a period novela, which are my favorites. I'm going to give it a try in addition to Pasion (so hapefully I'll have another lined up after Pasion ends). I think it's taking the place of Madre Luna, which is in its ultimos capitulos. It will probably start in 3 weeks or so.

Beckster, I love your recaps and will miss them. I'll have to check out Guapos recaps now.
Julie's account of LaFont's conversation with Manuela is the way I recall it, as well.
Cami, as a widow, should be able to steer her own course without interference. However, she has the beauty, money, and hawt (lukewarm?) sexiness that makes men want to dictate her course to her. Justo is turning into the perfect bumbling sitcom dad, huh?
I guess the Virgen and Dona Sofia are the only two people who can help all the village girls sort out their romantic problems.
When Justo and Sofia went out to the country to see the woman in the house with the goats, etc.?? It reminded me of Melinama and her descriptions of life in the country with the animals.
La Paloma

Hey Beckster, wadda fine recap! I'll miss you out here on the high seas.

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