Friday, February 08, 2008

I Love Juan - Thurs 2/7 - In which Pastor decides to spit out the worms

Ahoy all! This recap will be in two parts. I succumbed to a rather nasty chest cold, had to take some cough medicine last night, and it conked me out halfway through the show. I'll finish the recap tonight, I promise!!

Pastor weeps to Ivonne that he's selling out the blood of his blood and his best friend, all for a guy and a woman who have always viewed him as just an old rag. He reveals that Anga, somehow aided by Juan, got the Japanese deal. Thanks to his mouth that eats worms they now want Juan's head. And the worst part is, he agreed to help them!

Pau and CL had their roll in the hay and now they're lolling in their scarlet bed. Pau is tepid and said it was 'lovely'. This kind of annoys CL, but he brushes it off, saying the boinking shows they are a couple and have a marriage. Odd logic coming from a player like him.

Ivonne tells Pastor he's a Judas, a traitor. He wails what could he do? The jefes threatened to fire him from the biz. With uncharacteristic lucidity she points out that things will never change and the jefes will never change. Wasn't Juan his pal in good times AND bad? And Pastor would betray his own bro? She says if he chooses Farell over his friend and bro then he'll live to regret it. She advises him to follow his ethics and clean conscience. Pastor weeps at the choice he must make.

Have y'all ever noticed that many of the props associated with CL are of a very, er, vertical nature? The next scene opens with the camera panning up up up his tall cylindrical apartment building to the tippy top of his penthouse. Pau is inside whining to Ana over the phone to help her lie to CL about her trip. She swears it will be the last time. Ha, what a joke. Ana wants no part but Pau ramps up the whining as CL walks in and catches her on the phone. She quickly concludes that she'll be over the pick her ma up. Cl somehow decides that he'll go with Pau and have his chauffeur follow him. Paula doesn't care for this idea but CL insists.

Juan, in short robe and cowboy boots, calls Juanito in Achichipico. While they talk they do the same little nervous habits at the same time...scratching their chins, tapping the chair, etc. Juanito tells his papi he's learning about Pancho Villa in school "and he's just like you dad!" No, not because all the ladies love him, but because he wanted to help the poor. Juanito concludes he's proud to have a papi like Juan.

Pastor and Ivonne are now at work and Pastor tells her he's decided to tell Anga and Juan the truth. Ivonne is afraid if Pastor loses his job it will be her fault. The background piano music that indicates True And Lasting Friendship starts to play. Pastor reassures Ivonne, takes her hand, and tells her that sometimes she is truly astonishing.

Just then the the skinny Julia replacement busts in to announce that the new computers have arrived! Farell is back in business. Time for the massages to stop and the work to begin. (My theory about Julia is that the actress was pregnant in real life and had to leave the show to have her baby, but I digress.)

Pau and CL, followed by his car and chauffeur, arrive at Ana's house. Pau tries to give CL the bum's rush but to her dismay he insists on going in to say hi to Ana.

There is an uncomfortable conversation inside where Ana plays along with Pau's story and CL tells her to take good care of his beloved Paula during their journey to research vegetable pigments. This is too much for Ana and she scoots upstairs to change. CL kisses Pau and tells her AGAIN how much last night meant to him. She can't wait to get him out of the house and shut the door behind him.

Over at Casa Cachón Juan has ants in his pants while Nidia tries to fan away her hot flash. He wants to know why they haven't heard from Pau. Nidia tells him to be patient.

Meanwhile Pau hustles Ana out of the house. Let the pilgrimage begin! Ana says this trip is madness. Pau answers that if she doesn't do this she'll have no peace.

In Achichipico Molo and Herli drive through the streets in a truck decorated with paper flowers. With a large speaker they advertise their beauty contest for the Anthurium Queen. She almost lets him kiss her but they are interrupted by a young beauty who wants to sign up. The swarthy truck driver leers at her.

CL and Moni have a meeting at work and make flirty eyes at each other.

In his office, Pastor adjusts his toupee and sighs that it's time to "hurry up with the bad steps" meaning he'd rather do the dirty deed now and get it over.

Moni asks CL if she can tell him something that will annoy him. He looks at her like "as if I could stop you". She doesn't think Pau told him the truth about her little trip with Ana; she thinks Pau has gone to look for Juan, not vegetable pigments. CL pretends that this doesn't bug him but as soon as Moni leaves she and the rest of the office hear him breaking glass. She smiles...mission accomplished!

Pastor strides up and tells Ivonne to announce him to CL but he changes his mind when CL barks through the phone "No Visitors!!"

Juan urges Nidia to call Paula at Ana's. She tries but gets no answer. Juan becomes agitated, what if Pau and Ana went to his pueblo? Nidia pooh-poohs this idea, Paula do something that emotional? Nah!! They try to call her cellular but it's out of the service area. What now? The light bulb goes on over Juan's head; maybe Pau told Marely her plans!

Nidia says no way will Marely break Paula's confidence. Juan struts and claims that around Achichipico he is known as Juan "The Forceful" (or maybe in this sense it means The Convincer). Nidia counters that Marely is known as Marely "The Incorruptable".

Pau drives and recalls sweet moments with Juan. The viewers will note that for a "common" man he says and does many uncommonly romantic things. Hmmmmph!

Juan and Nidia grab Mari who is suspicious and wants to know why they have been behind closed doors and acting odd since yesterday. Nidia asks why does Mari always have to be a bitter cucumber (sourpuss? suspicious?). Mari insists she'll not betray Pau, no favors, count her out of their plan!

CL goes home and steams. He answers the phone and it's Mari (with Juan the Forceful and Nidia the Persuader on either side). He tells her that Pau and Ana took a spur-of-the-moment trip and won't be back until tomorrow. He squints his eyes suspiciously.

Juan and Nidia clap triumphantly but Mari is mad that they coerced her into participating in their machinations. She stomps off but Juan doesn't notice. He now knows that Pau is headed for Achichipico!!

To be continued...

Mari berates herself to Yadi that she didn't have the courage to cross her arms when that twit (Juan) asked about his little Paula. Yadi cackles that Mari is probably just jealous. Mari denies it and says Juan could have just a little tact. Yadi laughs harder. Juan? He's a man; he doesn't know what tact means. She advises Mari to use her head. Juan won't change, he'll only get worse with time. Mari asks, what if she still loves him? Yadi strongly urges her to forget Juan. She has a new boyfriend, just what she asked for. "Mmmmm, Fer is very nice," agrees Mari, and she's tired of that stupid Juan. It's time to close her heart and start fresh. Yadi agrees, and if Mari follows that path then before she knows it she might find herself in a church on Fer's arm.

Juan tells Kike he needs to go to Achi to find out what's happening. Kike says it will be like always, Juan will end up like dog meat, half-masticated and abandoned. Anyway, what if they meet and Paula vows her undying love? She's married! They discuss some more and Kike sums it up: Pau is a flower and Juan is a cactus, she's a lady and Juan is an apache, she's velvet and Juan is polyester... Ya basta! Juan gets the idea. He claims he can turn himself into an English Lord is that's the game she wants to play.

Mari complains to Nidia that Juan used her, and for her own half sister! She says she wants Pau to be happy, just far away from her.

Since Pastor didn't get a chance to talk to CL earlier he is back to being conflicted. He tells Ivonne he doesn't want to leave Farell, where would he go? Who would have him? Who would hire an old dude like him? He regrets ever opening his big mouth. Ivonne advises him to go home, rest, and face tomorrow with a fresh head.

Juan and Kike are down at the station buying a ticket to Achichipico. Juan leaves tomorrow.

That night Juan dreams that Paula is in prison. It must be porno prison because she's wearing an incredibly sexy striped prison mini-dress and high heels. She breathily tells him she searched for him in every corner of the world. She needs him so very much. The camera in Juan's dream head stares at her cleavage, down to her shapely legs, then back up. She says she's trapped in this prison and only Juan can rescue her. She blows him a kiss.

We see Juan sleeping. Marely sits at his feet in the dark and thought bubbles that she's going to forget him. She's going to fall in love with Fer and start fresh. She almost touches his leg but she pulls back. "Adios Juan" she whispers as she leaves.

The next morning Juan tells Kike that he (Kike) was right last night. Juan could be more polished; Juan needs a hand. Kike laughs, "From me? I'm more naco than you!" Juan tells him there are people who specialize in that sort of thing. He's thinking of going to an Elegance Academy or Charm School and Kike should go too. Kike asks why should he go? He likes being naco. Naco is cool! Juan makes Kike look in the mirror at his bad posture and his oinky belly.

Pau and Ana arrive in Achi which they think is a very precious town. A passer-by offers to take them to Delfina's.

Juan thanks Nidia for all her help. He's off to find Paula. Nidia has a great idea! She'll go with Juan; she's just crazy about these love stories.

Las Davila arrive at Delfi's. Pau tells her they have a mutual friend, Juan Dominguez. She introduces herself and Delfi looks pleasantly impactada to meet Paula Davila.

At Farell, Pastor gives Mari a hard time for being late, but all he really wants to do is pump her for info on Juan. She tells him she and Juan didn't talk much, he was preoccupied with his business. Juan left and she doesn't know where but that's Juan for you; he just disappears. Pastor rubs his chin.

Delfi tells the ladies that Juan isn't around. Paula, her usual insulting self, doesn't believe her. Delfi offers to let her search around if she wants. Paula actually starts to get up until Ana pulls her back down. Delfi approves of Ana's manners but not Paula's. Delfi tells them that Juan left some days ago to visit friends. She doesn't know who; Juan is very enigmatic. Pau looks bothered and Delfi looks pleased.

Juan asks Nidia what if Paula is already in Achi asking around for him? Maybe they should call Delfi to warn her!

Delfi is in the Achi office confiding to Molondrón that she thought it was best not to say anything to Las Davila. The phone rings and it's Juan. Delfi tells him she has one of eight columns (Ocho Columnas), I think she means a news flash. A woman was looking for him. She was mysterious, beautiful face, with a body like a broomstick. (Hee hee! - ed.) Juan yells that Delfi has to detain them! Please don't let them leave!!!

Por esta boca que se han de comer los gusanos = to be an informer (lit. “this mouth that is going to be eaten by worms” )

efectivo = forceful, effective, also means cash

Al mal paso, darle prisa = No time like the present, do it now and get it over with (lit. hurry up with the bad steps)

Pepino amargoso = sourpuss, suspicious (lit. bitter cucumber)


Wow Sylvia...for someone who's feeling lousy and on meds, that's one heck of a recap. I missed the whole thing last night but if my recorder worked, I'm now motivated to go back and watch it, thanks to you.
Loved the "boca que coma gusanos" you suppose that's because informers are killed...buried and left to eat worms? Sure wouldn't be a motivator for me to rat someone out.

Super title, and fun first half, sure hope you are feeling better soon!

Even a vocabulary lesson to top off a great half recap. You are incredible, Super Sylvia!! Thanks for the superhuman effort in spite of being ill. Be better soon.

Wow, Sylvia, impressive for feeling lousy! I will give it more time after I finish my recap of Juan and get it posted....then I'll have time for more comments. For the moment, I'm just very impressed!


Sylvia, this was a very good beginning. I did no watch last night, did Pastor say "con esta boca que se han de comer los gusanos"? Because if that is the case, then he is emphasizing that it was his own mouth the one that betrayed his brother lit. means: “this mouth that is going to be eaten by worms” This phrase is used often when you want to add veracity to your statement. Let’s say that I heard something and I want you to believe that I heard it, I would say “Lo escuche con estos oidos que se han de comer los gusanos” or if I saw something “Lo vi con estos ojos que se han de comer los gusanos”

Maricruz, I think that may have been it! I'll listen again tonight to confirm. That would seem to link in with what JudyB says.

Thanks y'all. I can't wait to get home, unwind, and finish watching this episode!

Gracias, Sylvia! Nicely done.

Maricruz I left you a comment on your Monday post just now, so check that too...

I just commented on Susana's Tues post too if you want to look...

Whoops, thought I was posting on today's but I put them on MOnday. Here's a repeat...

I still have to go back to last week, but I'll get there eventually so keep checkign if you are interested, or maybe I'll just put them here after I read

This one too...ok so I'm still a little distracted obviously!! :)

PS...nice to see Willa, and well you too of course CHeryl back around these parts. Such adorable animal faces really do cheer me!!

Wow Maricruz...that IS a dramatic way of adding veracity to a statement. But I suppose we do the same thing in English when we say "May God strike me dead if what I say isn't true"....both ways of speaking invoke our mortality to add weight to what we're saying. Hmmmmm....we could really get into some philosophy here.

K, I thank you for your comment. Like I said before I'm ready to sub if anybody needs it. JudyB I think he is trying to convey that what he says is as true as the fact that one day he is going to die and his mouth will be eaten by worms

I finally finished the recap! Maricruz you were right. Pastor said "por esta boca que se han de comer los gusanos". I corrected it in the vocabulary. This will be a great phrase to add to the list. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS you are here to help us out!

I really enjoyed when Delfina was sweetly and rather smugly not giving info to Paula. heh heh

Wow, just wait until Juanito shows up!

Did anyone else find it funny that Yvonne's lingerie at the beginning of this episode was perhaps the most modest outfit that we've seen her wear?

Maybe that's part of getting us to see Yvonne in a new light. There she was without makeup, in a relatively modest negligee, counseling Pastor to do the right thing, be loyal to his brother and his friend, even if it was at the risk of his standing with Monica and Cesar Luis.
In other words, not just a gossipy, conniving skank of a secretary but a woman on her way to rehabilitation.
As Melinama says, these ARE morality plays, albeit with lots of cleavage and sexy romps betwixt and between.

Thank you, Sylvia! Get well soon. About Julia, I also thought the actress was probably pregnant because her clothes used to be uncharacteristically baggy for this show. Now she's dressing like the rest of them.

And yes, I thought it was funny that Ivonne didn't want to be seen in her nightgown, when she wears less clothes than that to the office!

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