Friday, February 08, 2008
La Traicion, Episodes 4, 5 and 6
H: (smiling at Soledad) Are you sure?
S: Let’s go!
H: Run away together?
S: My love, I am ready to do anything to keep me from being separated from you.
H: Soledad, I don’t want to be separated from you either but this is isn’t a good idea.
S: Why? Do you have doubts about what you feel for me?
H: Nothing has ever more sure in my feelings but if we run away, we will do a lot of damage to your family and you will be humiliated publicly.
S: I love my parents but they don’t understand. They know that I went after you last night.
H: I know. Úrsula is in my house. That’s the reason I came to speak with them. Soledad, don’t cry.
S: You saw how my mother treated you when you tried to save her life? Believe me, she will never listen to you, never.
H: I will find a way to have her accept our relationship.

S: My love, I admire your optimism but you are wrong.
Soledad goes back into the house but drops her handkerchief .
Hugo picks up Soledad’s handkerchief, gets in his carriage and leaves.
Lucas has heard this conversation from behind the door. He comes out and smiles
Arturo asks his henchmen why they tried to kill Soledad de Obragón. Fabio lies and says that the plan was to kill Hugo de Medina who was in the street but the plan went wrong when the horse bolted. [Well look who is playing Fabio’s partner in crime, Herman. It’s the actor who later shows up as Andres, Michele’s servant.]

Marina tries to get Alcides out of Hugo’s bedroom.

Arturo has shot Herman in the hand. Once again Arturo demands that Fabio tell him the truth or he’ll shoot him and not in the hand. Beatriz gets between them. She says that she can’t let him do something that would put him in jail and then what would she do? Arturo decides not to kill Fabio.
Lucas goes to see Ester. She asks where Soledad is. Lucas says that she is in her bedroom. Lucas says that maybe Hugo isn’t as bad as they thought he was. Ester is outraged. Lucas says that he overheard them talking. Ester says that she doesn’t care what he overheard. Soledad is leaving this house because Ester doesn’t want her near that libertine. Lucas angrily asks why Ester is so dead set against Hugo. Ester tells him not to dare speak to her that way. Lucas says that this time they aren’t going to do things her way. Soledad isn’t going anywhere.
Hugo and Boris in the carriage-
H: To run away with Soledad would confirm what her parents believe.
B: Why do the Obragóns hate you so much, sir?
H: The envy and ignorance of people, Boris. I have acquired the reputation as a womanizer that I don’t deserve. They have heard that my romances end badly and they don’t know why.
B: You hadn’t wanted to formalize your relationships with other women in order not to make them suffer because of your illness.
H: Catalepsy has taken away my right to be happy.
B: Until Soledad came along.
H: In this case, I am incapable of leaving her. (He looks at her handkerchief.)
B: It won’t be easy to get rid of your reputation. Everyone is talking about Beatriz de Linares’ fantasy of romance.
Lucas tells Soledad that he was listening when she was talking to Hugo. Soledad is alarmed that he heard her talking about running away but Lucas tells her that he was reassured by Hugo’s response. Lucas says that Hugo behaved decently and was concerned for Soledad as well as for him and Ester. Soledad says that Hugo is very different than the gossip. Lucas says that he will give Hugo a few days to speak to him and Ester and show his good intentions towards Soledad. Soledad is ecstatic. She says that she will send Hugo an invitation to her birthday party. That will be the perfect occasion. Lucas promises to what he can do about Soledad’s mother.
Guillermo comes home and looks for Helena. She startles him by appearing in a black veil and dress that she says are the latest style of the Italian court. Guillermo concludes correctly that she has blown her part of the money they got from Dr. Max on this outfit. He grabs the rest of the money and heads out the door to waste his share before Helena can.
H: (smiling) Then you should make it often.
Hugo leaves. Boris congratulates Úrsula on starting off on the right foot. He tells Marina that she should get some recipes from Úrsula. Marina leaves in a huff. Úrsula asks Boris if Marina has told him what happened yesterday afternoon. Boris says no. Úrsula tells Boris that she thought no one was supposed to go into Hugo’s bedroom but she saw Alcides coming out of it.
In the taverna, Alcides asks Guillermo if Hugo ever seemed to be involved in witchcraft [brujería]. Guillermo says that he wasn’t aware of any witchcraft but Hugo is capable of anything. Alcides says that he has a business proposition for Guillermo for which he will be paid very well.
“Why didn’t you tell me that Alcides was in Hugo’s bedroom?” Boris asks Marina angrily. Marina swears that it wasn’t her fault. She was instructing Úrsula and she saw that the door was open. “Your duty is watch out for Don Hugo!” says Boris angrily. Marina says that there is a skull in Hugo’s room that Alcides said is his father’s. Boris tells her not to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. He says that she has committed a very serious error and will have to assume the consequences.
In his room, Hugo is daydreaming about Soledad. He recalls their night of passion and smells her handkerchief. “I have never felt before what I am feeling now. No, I have never felt this before for anyone. (He gets up and speaks to his father’s skull.) “This time you will not prevent me from being happy… I will make my own destiny.” He kisses the cross he wears. “I swear it.”
In her bedroom in the Obragón house, Soledad is writing a note to Hugo: “Things are turning around for us. Thanks to my father, you have a few more days to speak to them. I know that when they understand the truth, they will change the way they think about you. The best moment would be during my birthday party that will be tomorrow in the club in the City. I will wait for you there, counting on your presence for an unforgettable night. I love you. Soledad.” She kisses the letter and starts to fold it up. Ester comes in, grabs it out of her hand, reads it and rips it into little pieces.
Ester: You are very wrong, Soledad. I have let you stay here until your birthday but I will not permit you to see that man again… least of all during the party at the club.
Soledad: Why are you so afraid to get to know him?
E: Because I know what kind of man he is.
S: You don’t know! Hugo is a marvelous person and I love him.
E: Don’t be ridiculous. What do you know about love? I will not permit you to ruin the dignity of this family over a stupid whim for a bad man.
S: That's what matters to you, your image. And me, my happiness doesn’t interest you.
E: No, it doesn’t interest me while you continue to be stubborn about the wrong man. Get this into your head - you will never be with Hugo de Medina! Never!
S: I don’t think you understand me, mama. You will never be able to separate me from him.
E: Last night… did something happen between you? (she looks to be about to cry.)
S: (lowers her head) Please...
E: You gave yourself to that man?
Soledad lowers her eyes.
In the taverna, Guillermo pretends to be shocked that Alcides wants him to break into Hugo’s house. Alcides tells him not to act like an imbecile. Alcides says that he knows Guillermo was fired for stealing. Alcides says that it shouldn’t be too hard to break in and get what he wants. Guillermo says that everyone knows Hugo’s ability with weapons. His wife would be a widow and his life is worth a lot of money. Alcides replies that he already said that he would pay Guillermo a lot of money. Guillermo doesn’t think Alcides has that kind of money. Alcides goes and gets some money from Arturo and brings it to Guillermo promising him double if he gets what Alcides wants. Guillermo leaves. Arturo sits down with Alcides. Alcides tells him that he has found the way to get rid of his brother.
Ester is crying.
E: How could you, Soledad! Betray our confidence. What example have we given you?
S: I’m sorry but understand me, what Hugo and I have between us is beautiful and dignified.
E: There is no dignity when you go secretly rolling around with a man you aren’t engaged to.
S: Because you don’t want to accept him but we love each other.
E: This isn’t love. It’s sin.
S: Whatever! But I don’t have anything to apologize for or be ashamed of.
Ester is about to hit Soledad when Lucas stops her, “Leave her alone,” he says.
E: Don’t defend her. Your daughter has been deceiving us and has shamed us. She gave herself to Hugo de Medina. The daughter that you defend so much.
Ester leaves crying. Lucas looks at Soledad with sadness.
Alcides tells Arturo that he has discovered that Hugo keeps their father’s skull and probably uses it in occult practices. “Witchcraft?” says Arturo. Alcides says that he has heard that such people have bones and altars to invoke the devil. Arturo isn’t convinced and hopes Alcides’ suspicions are true. “When I have the proof,” says Alcides, “I will denounce him to the authorities and Soledad will know the true face of my little brother [‘hermanito’] and despise him like a dog. [We learn much later that Alcides is three minutes older than Hugo.]
Hugo and Boris:
H: In these times of such ignorance, if people knew that I had the remains of my father, they would think horrible things about me but I keep them to remind me of the destiny to which I’m tied.
B: It must have been terrible what you saw your father suffer at your young age.
H: (looking out the window at the rain) We dug up his body a month after his supposed death in spite of the fact that mama had insisted and repeated since the day of the burial that he had been alive, but nobody paid any attention. (Flashback to Hugo’s father’s casket being opened in front of his mother and the twin boys.) The poor woman had lost her reason long before precisely because she had to keep the secret of my father’s catalepsy attacks. (Hugo sighs) Then a doctor suggested that she confront her fear, that she look at his corpse. But it was the worst possible idea. What we saw that day was horrible. (Hugo hears his mother screaming, “They didn’t believe me! Curse all of you! Forgive me! They wouldn’t listen!”) The body of my father was face down in the coffin with the lid scratched and stained with dried blood. When the poor man woke up, he surely made futile efforts to open the lid of the coffin. He screamed and begged for help but no one did anything, no one did anything to save him so little by little he ran out of air until the inevitable happened.
B: (looking around nervously) Don Hugo...
H: That day was truly horrible Boris! His hands were like claws and his face was contorted in agony as if he was giving a last scream for help.
B: Don’t invoke death, señor!
H: Please leave me alone. (Boris leaves.)
Hugo is alone with his ghosts. He holds Soledad’s handkerchief to his face.
Guillermo is in the taverna stuffing money into the ample bosom of Margot, the tavern wench. “I’ve come to make a deposit to my savings account,” he says. Helena comes in and fights with Guillermo and Margot and she drags Guillermo out of the tavern.
Hugo is on his way out the next morning. He tells Boris to get the carriage. Boris stops him and says that Marina has something important to tell him. Marina says that yesterday when Hugo was out, Alcides was waiting for Hugo and when she was distracted, Alcides got into his bedroom. “In my room?” says Hugo, “but you know that no one can enter my room, least of all my brother.” Marina says that she is sorry. “I don’t want apologies!” says Hugo angrily, “You can’t imagine the consequences of your negligence.” He turns and goes back to his room telling Boris not to let anyone interrupt him. He wants to rest for a while.
Marina tells Úrsula that she hopes she is happy. Úrsula asks why. Marina says that Hugo was furious when she told him about Alcides being in his room. Úrsula says that she didn’t intend to harm Marina. Marina responds that since she came to the house, the only thing Úrsula has wanted is to harm Marina. Marina also accuses Úrsula of going after Boris. Úrsula says that she isn’t doing what Marina accuses her of. Marina says that this is war and she isn’t going to stand around doing nothing.
In the Obragón house, Ester asks Lucas where he is going. Lucas says that he wants to give Soledad a present for her birthday. Ester asks if he wants to reward Soledad. She says that Soledad is behaving this way because he spoiled her. Lucas says that Ester is taking this too far. Ester says that she will take it upon herself to speak to Hugo. Even if it hurts her soul, she will make Hugo marry Soledad.
Fabio comes to see Beatriz. She thanks him for not opening his mouth in front of her brother. If he had done so, they would have been in serious trouble. Fabio says that Beatriz should forget about Soledad because from now on, Fabio is going to obey Arturo. Beatriz offers him money and jewels but Fabio says that he isn’t interested in anything of hers. He is going to kill Hugo de Medina this very day.
Ester is about to get in the carriage when Lucas comes out. Lucas tells Ester that as the head of the family, it is his obligation to speak with this man to oblige him to make amends for the dishonor that he caused. At this moment, Alcides arrives with his usual bouquet of flowers. “Dishonor?” says Alcides, “what dishonor?”
Guillermo and Helena are arguing about spending all the money they got for the cadaver they brought to Dr. Max. Guillermo astonishes Helena by producing his own money that he got for a job.
Lucas starts to tell Alcides what happened with Soledad when Ester interrupts thanking him for his concern and saying that this matter only concerns the family. Alcides asks Ester and Lucas to be honest with him. He says that he thinks he knows what this is about – his brother abused Soledad?
Soledad discovers that she her mother has locked her in her room. She calls for her father and bangs on the door.
Ester and Lucas are silent but Alcides can hear Soledad demanding that the door be opened. Alcides says that it is shameful that his own brother did such a thing to Soledad. Ester says that Alcides’ brother took advantage of the innocence of their daughter. Alcides says that he doesn’t want to make things worse but he knows his brother and he doubts that he will assume responsibility. Ester says that they will see about that. Alcides says that he will marry Soledad to free them from the shame. Lucas asks Alcides if he is sure about what he is saying? “Completely,” says Alcides, “my love for Soledad is strong enough for anything. Yes, I am ready to marry her even after what happened.”
Soledad is unsuccessful in picking the lock of her door. She opens the window and yells that her mother can’t keep her locked up for the rest of her life. Ester says yes that she can and to stop yelling. Ester tells Alcides that after what happened they can’t take the risk that she will do some other crazy thing. Alcides says that he understands. Inside her room, Soledad says that she will take the hard way. She jumps out the window, runs up to a horse and tries to do something [no way she was going to ride a horse in that gown]. The horse rears and Soledad hits her head and falls down unconscious.
At the same moment, Hugo sits up in his bed clutching his head and gasping in pain. Boris comes in.
B: How do you feel, señor?
H: So so. This is because my brother was here yesterday.
B: I’m very sorry that you are so upset, señor. Your water.
H: I have a feeling that I’m going to have another attack. If that’s the case, I want the medicines to be ready, please.
B: Doctor Max hasn’t send the medicines that you had him order from Germany.
H: Please go get them yourself, Boris. If I have an attack, they are the only thing that helps me to bear it.
B: We also have the thermal chamber [‘urna térmica’] treatment.
H: No, I don’t trust that cursed apparatus.
B: I’ve put you in it before.
H: Yes, but one bad calculation and I’ll never wake up.
B: You know how careful I am.
H: I need to recover. I need to go and speak with Soledad’s parents to resolve this. (Hugo tries to stand up but he can’t.) Please prepare the smelling salts for nausea.
Boris: Lie down again…
H: Please just get them ready. (Boris leaves. Hugo lies down.)
Alcides carries Soledad into her room and lays her on the bed.

A: I’ve wanted to have this time with you for a long time. I brought you flowers as evidence of my affection.
S: Thanks. Alcides, I think it’s better if I don’t receive any more gifts from you.
A: Soledad, I beg you to take a moment to think. I know that you have been seeing Hugo but there isn’t anyone who knows him better than I and he is not what he appears. He isn’t what you are hoping for, Soledad.
S: Thanks, Alcides. I don’t want to be rude but would you let me be alone?
Alcides leaves her room sadly and remembers having to say to his mother as a child that he wasn’t Hugo. He says that he will show Soledad that he is better than Hugo.
Arturo has sent his maid, Matilde, to keep an eye on Beatriz. Beatriz bribes her to go away by giving Matilde her earrings.
Ester asks Lucas what he thinks about Alcides’ offer to marry Soledad. Lucas says, while Alcides overhears, that he prefers to speak to Hugo first. Soledad is totally in love with him and Lucas doesn’t believe she would accept Alcides. Ester agrees reluctantly and says that she will stay and make sure that Soledad doesn’t do anything crazy. Alcides calls after Lucas. He says that he can see they are set on talking to Hugo. Ester thanks him for his offer but they are going to try and resolve this first with Hugo. He must respond for what he did. Alcides offers to go with Lucas but he declines the offer and asks Alcides to go ask Dr. Max to come and look at Soledad.
In the market, Helena accuses Guillermo of wasting his money on other women. She grabs a package he is carrying but it only contains black clothing and rope for climbing walls.
Beatriz gets into Hugo’s house by catching the front door before it closes behind Úrsula.
Alcides arrives at Dr. Max’s house just as he is going out. Alcides says that Dr. Max needs to come and check out Soledad de Obragón who fell from a horse and bumped her head. Dr. Max says that he will come but first he has to deliver the package of medicines he is carrying to Alcides’ brother, Hugo. Alcides is surprised. He says that he didn’t know Hugo was ill. Dr. Max says that Hugo isn’t his patient. He merely ordered these medicines from the eminent German doctor, Ernest von Chirac. Alcides makes a proposition to Dr. Max. He will deliver the medicines to Hugo while Dr. Max goes to see Soledad. “You will do this for me?” says Dr. Max. Alcides replies that he would do anything for his brother.
Hugo is lying on his bed when he hears the door open. He asks if Boris has gotten the medicines. Beatriz comes into the room and lifts the veil from her face.
Beatriz: It’s me, my love.

H: What are you doing here, Beatriz? Who let you in?
B: That’s not important. You know that nothing is impossible for love. And so you see, here I am. (She sits down next to Hugo on the bed.) Why are you so pale, my love? Are you ill?
Hugo moves away from her on the bed.
H: I want you to leave my house immediately.
B: Darling, I had to see you. It’s a question of life and death, my love.
H: Please don’t make crazy thing up. I was clear with you. (He tries to get farther away from her) I don’t want to see you anymore.
B: You aren’t interested in knowing that my brother wants to kill you?
Lucas arrives at Hugo’s house and knocks on the door. Úrsula opens the door. Lucas is surprised to find that she is working at Hugo’s house. Lucas says that he has come to speak to Hugo urgently. Úrsula says that she will announce him. Lucas follows her inside.
Hugo and Beatriz-
H: That your brother wants to kill me is nothing new.
B: I want to save you, my love. You don’t know all the things I’ve done to keep Arturo from hurting you.
H: (laughs) You want to save me? Beatriz, it’s you who have caused all these problems. Don’t make me laugh. With your made-up stories about a possible… (Hugo has a spasm of pain and pauses) …a possible relationship between us.
B: But we did have a relationship, my love. We did many things. I thought of you as my fiancé.
H: These things only happened in your head, Beatriz. Believe me. You got things mixed up and began to invent some things that never, ever happened.
B: That’s not true. We were engaged.
H: (desperately) You have to leave my house immediately, this minute. Get out of my house, Beatriz! Leave…
Hugo starts to pass out. Beatriz asks him what’s the matter and then she starts kissing Hugo and ends up on top of him on the bed just as Lucas comes through the door. “What is going on here?!” demands Lucas.
The credits roll.
“I don’t care what you are doing with this woman. You will have the courtesy to speak to me right now!” says Lucas, “You scum, it’s clear that you enjoy playing with women.” Hugo says that isn’t true. Beatriz pipes up and starts to agree with Lucas. “Please be quiet,” says Hugo supporting himself by holding onto Beatriz’ shoulder, “Don’t you realize that with every thing that you do and every thing you say you only do me more harm? Please leave my house.” Beatriz leaves and Boris comes into the room behind Lucas. “Don Lucas,” says Hugo, “For God’s sake, Don Lucas, please leave. I promise that later… that tomorrow…” Lucas demands that Hugo speak to him right now. Hugo asks Boris to accompany Lucas. Boris frog marches Lucas out the door of Hugo’s room and down the stairs. Lucas protests at this treatment but he is no match for Boris. Back in his room, Hugo falls back on the bed.
Alcides takes a vial of Hugo’s medicines to a pharmacy [botica]. He asks the pharmacist if he can tell from the appearance and smell of a vial what kind of medicine it is. The pharmacist says that his twenty years of experience have some use. Alcides gives him a vial of Hugo’s medicine and asks the pharmacist to tell him what it is and what it’s for.
Soledad is having a nightmare. She is in the woods in her wedding gown. Hugo calls her to her to help him. She turns and sees that Hugo is sliding into a grave. He holds out his arm to her. She runs over, kneels down, kisses Hugo’s forehead and tries to keep him from slipping into the grave but she can’t hold him. Soledad wakes up and cries out. Ester comes in and asks what is the matter. Soledad says that it is Hugo. Something bad is happening to him. “I have to go see him,” she says.
Hugo is on his bed with his eyes closed. A shadow falls over him. He opens his eyes to see someone holding a knife over his chest. He keeps the murderer, who we see is Fabio, from stabbing him. Then he manages to get off the bed and defend himself against Fabio, who, fortunately, seems to be a very poor knife fighter.
Soledad says that Hugo is in danger. Her mother tells her not to say stupid things. It was only a nightmare. Soledad says that it was so real. She knows something terrible is happening. Hugo is suffering. She wants to go help Hugo. Ester tells her to get back in bed. She won’t let Soledad do any more crazy things. Soledad says that they can’t keep her locked up. Ester says that she can until Lucas speaks to ‘that man.’ She tells Soledad that Lucas has gone to see Hugo to resolve the situation between them. Although it will pain her soul, Ester says that Soledad will have to marry Hugo. Soledad is impactada.
In the stairway of Hugo’s house, Marina is scolding Úrsula. She says that if Úrsula hadn’t let Beatriz and Lucas in, none of this would have happened. Úrsula asks how could she have known that Lucas would go up to Hugo’s room and she doesn’t know how Beatriz got into the house. They hear noises coming from Hugo’s room and run to see what is going on. Hugo and Fabio are fighting without the knife. Fabio slams Hugo against a wardrobe and leans over to pick up the knife from the floor. At this moment, Marina opens the door. When she enters, Hugo collapses to the floor unconscious and Fabio flees.

Boris sees Fabio climbing down the gate of the courtyard. He draws his gun but Fabio escapes.
Marina is leaning over Hugo begging him to wake up. Boris comes in and asks what happened. Marina says that she heard noises and when she came into the room, Hugo was fighting with someone and then he fainted. She says that Hugo is cold and asks if he is dead. Boris says of course not. He tells Marina to go to Dr. Max’s and ask him for Hugo’s medicines. He tells her not to say a word to anyone.
The newsboy hawks papers by telling people to read all about Hugo’s dramatic rescue of Ester. Lucas buys a paper and reads the story. It’s news to Lucas.
Helena does not want Guillermo to try and steal things from Hugo’s house. She lets it slip that she doesn’t want him to get killed because she loves him. Guillermo is moved and says that he will tell Alcides that he won’t work for him anymore.
Beatriz returns to her house. She tells her brother that she had a headache but he notices right away that she no longer has her earrings.
Dr. Max is examining Soledad when Lucas arrives home. Soledad wants to know how things went with Hugo but Dr. Max isn’t finished examining her. Lucas takes Ester out of the room.
Beatriz tells Arturo that she took off the earring when she was trying something on and forgot them. She asks if the interrogation is over and goes upstairs.
Ester reads the article in the paper. She says that it wasn’t like that – that man nearly killed her. She imagines what all their friends are saying. Lucas tells Ester that Hugo refuses to do the honorable thing by their daughter.
Hugo is on his bed. Boris is concerned that this catalepsy attack could last for hours and it could take days for Hugo to recover. He tells Hugo not to worry. He has sent Marina for the medicines so that Hugo can wake up without the terrible pains in his body.
Alcides is outside Dr. Max’s house reading the article in the paper about Hugo’s rescue of Ester. “What idiots!” he says. He hears Marina knocking on the door looking for Dr. Max. Alcides tells her that Dr. Max had an emergency. Alcides asks why she has come. Marina says that she can’t tell him. He holds up the box and asks if she is looking for this. Marina asks if they are Hugo’s medicines. Alcides says that Dr. Max asked him to deliver them to his brother. Marina asks Alcides to give her the box. It is urgent that she bring them. Alcides asks what is going on. He says that he is interested in knowing what has happened to his brother. Marina says that she only knows that a man got into the house and was fighting with Hugo and then he fainted and was very pale and very cold. “My God!” says Alcides, “was he injured?” Marina says that is what is strange. He was very pale and cold but there was no blood anywhere. Boris sent her to get the medicines because they would help Hugo recover. She asks again for Alcides to give the box to her. He makes as if to hand her the box but lets it fall on the ground and all the vials are broken. “How clumsy of me!” says Alcides.
Ester asks if Hugo told Lucas that he wouldn’t do the right thing by Soledad. Lucas says not exactly but after what he saw, what other conclusion could he draw. Lucas tells Ester that he found Hugo kissing Beatriz. Soledad overhears and asks Lucas what he said.
Alcides sits down with Arturo in the tavern. He says that just found out from one of Hugo’s employees that someone tried to kill Hugo. “I suppose it was you,” says Alcides. “You suppose correctly,” says Arturo, “but what do you mean by ‘tried to kill’? Didn’t he succeed?” Alcides tells Arturo that the fright from the attack gave Hugo a heart attack and he is dead or close to it. Arturo says that they have to find out what state Hugo’s in. Alcides says that Guillermo Burke can find out Hugo’s condition. Arturo says that if Hugo is still alive, he will have to visit him again.
Soledad demands an explanation from Lucas of why Beatriz was kissing Hugo. Ester says that right now it is more important to find out what Dr. Max has to say about Soledad’s health. Dr. Max says that it isn’t serious. Soledad should rest for a few hours. Ester goes to show Dr. Max out. Soledad asks Lucas if it true what he said. Lucas says unfortunately that is what he saw. Soledad says that she knows that Beatriz is obsessed with Hugo. Ester tells Soledad not to be naïve. “A betrayal requires two,” says Ester with satisfaction, “and you father didn’t say anything about Hugo resisting Beatriz’ kiss.” Lucas says that it all happened very quickly but Hugo did not want to face him and when he asked Hugo to talk to him to resolve the situation, Hugo practically threw him out of the house. Soledad starts to cry. Ester says that Hugo doesn’t deserve Soledad’s tears. He took advantage of her innocence. Lucas tells Ester that it’s Soledad’s birthday and Ester should be more tactful. Ester replies that Soledad has to wake up and realize that Hugo is a bastard.
Boris angrily asks Marina how the medicines got broken. They were important. Marina says that Alcides let them drop. Boris asks how the medicines got in Alcides’ hands in the first place. He thinks she has made the whole thing up. Asuming that Marina is telling the truth, says Boris, he supposes that Alicdes now knows what is going on with his brother? Marina denies it and is hurt that Boris has such little confidence in her. Úrsula offers to get more medicines. Boris thanks her but says that these medicines came from Germany and cannot be obtained easily. Boris says that Hugo will recover shortly and thanks her for her concern. Úrsula says to herself that she has to tell Soledad. Marina overhears.
Lucas tells Soledad that he doesn’t want to see her suffer like this. Soledad tells her father that she knows Hugo and there must be an explanation for what Lucas saw. Lucas says that he wants to believe that but it was very clear what he saw. Soledad flashes back to Hugo’s kisses. She says that she has to see Hugo. He has to explain what Lucas saw. Lucas says that it isn’t a good time. Today is her birthday and he doesn’t want her to be unhappy. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to see anyone. She doesn’t understand why this is happening. Lucas says that Hugo de Medina will pay dearly for the pain he has caused Soledad.
Úrsula is on her way out of Hugo’s house when Marina asks where she thinks she is going.
Arturo meets with his henchmen, Fabio and Herman around a nice campfire. Fabio tells Arturo that it was difficult because Hugo defended himself to the last moment. Fabio says that suddenly Hugo got very pale, stopped breathing and fainted. Herman asks what Arturo thinks happened. Arturo says that from what Fabio said, Hugo had a heart attack. Fabio says whatever. The job’s done and he wants the rest of his money. Arturo says that the job isn’t done until Hugo’s death is confirmed. If it isn’t, they will have to attack him again. Herman says that he’s run enough risks for Arturo and he’s out of there but Arturo shoots him dead.
Marina demands that Úrsula answer her question. Boris comes down and asks what all the fuss is about. Marina says that Úrsula was going to go and gossip at the Obragón house. Úrsula replies that she was going to wish Soledad a happy birthday. Boris says that it is late and orders both women to their room. Marina warns Boris that Úrsula will cause serious problems.
Lucas gives Soledad some perfume and says how much he loves her. Soledad thanks him. Ester comes in and asks why Soledad isn’t dressed for the party. Lucas tells Ester that after all that has happened, Soledad isn’t in the mood to go to a party. Ester asks if Lucas prefers that Soledad stay in her room crying. She says that she won’t permit Soledad to have her birthday spoiled because of someone who isn’t worth it. Soledad says again that she doesn’t want to go. Ester says that it’s too late for that. The invitations have been send out and even now people are arriving at the club. Soledad is the reason for this party and if she doesn’t show up, it will bring shame on everyone. Soledad asks her mother if what other people think is all she cares about. Ester says that she won’t give Hugo de Medina the satisfaction of seeing her daughter suffer. She tells Soledad to get herself readly immediately because they are already late. “As you wish, mother,” says Soledad, “I will get ready so you can display me to all the guests.”
Boris reads Hugo the notice on the Society page of the paper about Soledad’s birthday party.
B: I can imagine what you are feeling right now but don’t worry, señor, I will find a way to get you out of this state. But I have bad news. The medicines that you were waiting for somehow got into your brother’s hands and Don Alcides destroyed them. There is something I don’t understand. If you lived with your brother up until the death of your mother, how is it that your brother doesn’t know about your illness?
Still without being to move or speak, Hugo flashes back to when, as a child, he had his first catalepsy attack. The doctor tells his parents that Hugo suffers from the same disease as Armando. Hugo’s father asks why Alcides doesn’t have it. The doctor says that he can’t explain it. It’s possible that Alcides doesn’t have the disease in his blood. The child Alcides tries to comes into the room asking what is wrong with his brother, is he dead? He yells that he didn’t kill him. He didn’t do anything. The boys’ father has Alcides taken from the room.
Alcides is at the house of Los Burke. He is angry and asks why Guillermo has reneged on their agreement. Guillermo says that on reflection, he doesn’t want to get involved with Alcides’ brother. Alcides tells him that Hugo won’t be in any condition to stop him. He had an accident and is very ill. He needs Guillermo to get into Hugo’s house, find some evidence of witchcraft and also find out if Hugo is going to recover or whether he will die. When Guillermo hears that Hugo might die, he says that he definitely won’t do the job. Alcides asks if he thinks he can get out of it that easily and he reminds Burke that he was paid in advance. Helena offers Alcides a clock as recompense for the money that was advanced. Alcides drops it in disgust. He says that clock belonged to his father and Guillermo stole it from Hugo’s house. Alcides punches Guillermo and threatens to have him put in jail if he doesn’t do what he agreed.
Arturo tells his sister that he thought they had an agreement that she wouldn’t go to to see Hugo [Arturo’s part of the agreement was that he wouldn’t harm Hugo. Arturo has already broken his side of the agreement. Should he be surprised that Beatriz broke hers as well?] Beatriz says that she hasn’t gone to see Hugo. Arturo holds up her earrings and says that his mother didn’t care for her so much, he would throw Matilde, Beatriz’ maid, out of the house. Beatriz admits that she went to see Hugo but that he hates and pities her. Arturo says that he will kill Hugo and Beatriz says that she wants that too.
Soledad is still sad but she dresses for the party. Her father tries to convince her to get engaged to Alcides.
Guillermo gets ready to break into Hugo’s house. Helena tries to convince him not to go but Guillermo says that he has no alternative. He tells Helena that if anything happens to him, she should divide his inheritance between her and his children. Helena says that he doesn’t have any children. “You never know,” says Guillermo and leaves.
Boris looks at the clock and says to Hugo that it has been several hours and Hugo hasn’t woken up. Boris says that he imagines that Hugo must already be feeling the terrible pain in his muscles. Boris tells Hugo that he is going to take him to the basement and put him in the thermal chamber. Without the medicines, the thermal chamber is the only option available to maintain Hugo’s body temperature. He says that it’s the perfect time. The rest of the staff have gone to bed. He tells Hugo not to worry. Everything will be ok. Boris carries Hugo down to the basement and puts him a coffin-like thingy with windows. Boris adjusts various dials. Hissing sounds indicate that the chamber is powered by steam. “Don Hugo,” says Boris, “I know you don’t like to be in here but there is no alternative.”
At the Obragón house [where he background sound at night is always a lot of dogs barking], Soledad is dressed for the ball and is putting on some perfume. Lucas comes in and says that she is exquisite [preciosa]. Soledad says that she doesn’t feel that way but her mother doesn’t care about that. Lucas tells her not to be so hard on Ester. She is only trying to help Soledad get over all this. Lucas says that Soledad has to return to the way she was before: a happy young woman full of anticipation. Soledad asks what anticipation she can have if what he told her is true. Lucas says that he is sure a good man will come into her life and maybe she should consider Alcides. “Papa,” responds Soledad, “for the first time in my life, I’m in love and I believe in him totally. I don’t understand and I don’t accept that he could betray me with someone else, papa. There has to be an explanation. There has to be. I know it.”
Alcides [not in evening clothes] and Ester are having a drink. Ester has told Alcides that Lucas discovered Hugo kissing Beatriz. Alcides says that he didn’t think even Hugo could act so shamefully. Ester says that she was determined to have Soledad marry Hugo after he took advantage of her but now she believes that Hugo only wants to humiliate her daughter. Alcides puts forward his suit again and Ester says that tonight might be his opportunity. Soledad and Lucas come in and Alcides says how beautiful Soledad is tonight. “Alcides has asked my permission to be your escort at the party.” Ester says to Soledad, “What do you think about that?”
“Now you care what I think?” responds Soledad coldly and flounces off.
Arturo tells Beatriz that they should go to the party at the club. Beatriz says that they weren’t invited. Arturo responds that they are members of the club, they can go there whenever they want. There will be friends of Arturo there who might be candidates for Beatriz’ hand. Beatriz says that Hugo will be there with Soledad and she doesn’t want to meet them. Arturo assures her that Hugo won’t be there.
Boris is reading through books on catalepsy while Hugo is cooking away in the chamber. One book Boris looks at says that no external substances like alcohol or ammonia will make the cataleptic patient respond. Boris says that he has tried such things many times. Boris says that he doesn’t know what is driving him to continue to search but there must be something else. He consults another book.
A glum Soledad is escorted into the party by her parents. Ester tells her to smile – everyone is looking at her. Soledad gives a very artificial smile. All the guests applaud the guest of honor. A photographer for the society pages wants to take a photograph. Ester insists on Alcides being in it.

“Of course,” says Boris, “a stimulus is what Don Hugo needs to be able to wake up.” He leaves the basement.
Helena surprises Guillermo outside Hugo’s house. She says that she has come to take care of him.
Boris is rummaging around in Hugo’s room. He finds what he is looking for in a box. “Thank God,” he says, “I hope this works.”
Beatriz comes downstairs in a ball gown. Arturo says that she is more beautiful than Soledad. Beatriz says that she doesn’t think it is a good idea to go to the party. Arturo says that it is a good idea. He says that he wants everyone in the city to realize that Beatriz de Linares has overcome what Hugo de Medina did to her. “I promise you,” says Arturo, “that is it will be an unforgettable night.”
"I’m holding Soledad’s handkerchief in front of you," Boris says to Hugo,

Ester, Soledad, Lucas and Alcides are greeting guests. Alcides says that Ester seems worried about something. Ester says that she is worried about Hugo de Medina. He is brazen enough to show up here. Alcides tells her not to worry. Hugo is very, very ill. Ester says that she hopes so. She wants to leave Alcides alone with Soledad so she asks Lucas to dance. Alcides says to Soledad that he is happy to receive guests with her and Soledad says that it is her responsibility and Alcides can wait in the Salon. Rejected again, Alcides goes away. Soledad is talking to two women while we see Hugo arrive.

Episode 6
Hugo and Soledad at the party
S: (coldly)What are you doing here?
H: I only wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I suppose your father told you about what happened this morning at my house. I owe you an explanation and that’s why I’m here. It was all a misunderstanding.
Ester sees that Hugo has come to the party and wants to confront him but Lucas tells her not to make a scandal. She tells Lucas to let go of her and heads off towards Hugo.
H: (to Soledad) Give me the opportunity to clear up what happened.
Ester: You have nothing to clear up here. Please have the courtesy to leave this party.
S: Mother!
Judge: Look who we have here! The hero who saved the life of Ester de Obragón!
E: Judge, please.
Judge: The whole city already knows that Hugo saved you from being run down by a carriage. [While the judge is speaking, Hugo is looking at Soledad. He says ‘I love you’ (‘te amo’) silently and winks at her. Super cute wink.]
H: Judge, please, how embarrassing.
Judge: I personally believe that Don Hugo deserves a round of applause. Don’t you think? (Everyone applauds.)
Guillermo and Elena are breaking into Hugo’s house. Guillermo says that he has everything under control when a dog comes and bites his leg. However, the diminutive duo deal with the dog and get into the house. Helena wants to leave. She says that she feels that something bad will happen. Guillermo says that he isn’t leaving empty handed after getting past the dog. He can’t believe that Helena, who digs up corpses in the cemetery, is afraid of Hugo de Medina. “From experience,” says Elena, “I say that one should be more afraid of the living than of the dead and Hugo de Medina is at the top of my list.”
At Soledad’s party, Ester tells Soledad that she isn’t going to listen to the falsehoods [‘embustes’] of this man. She tells Hugo that if he has any decency, he will leave. “Precisely because I have decency, I’m not leaving until she listens to what I have to say. Soledad tells her mother that it is better if she and Hugo go and talk in the garden. Ester starts to go after them but Lucas tells her that everyone is looking at them. Whether she likes it or not, she is going to have to accept that Hugo is here at the party.
Los Burke are in Hugo’s bedroom. They find the skull of Hugo’s father and scream in terror.

Hugo and Soledad in the garden-
H: You are completely right. You have every right to think the worst of me. Please Soledad, I only want to assure you that what your father saw in my house is not what it appears.
S: You weren’t kissing Beatriz?
H: I could give you a thousand explanations, such as… (Soledad shakes her head in frustration) How much do you trust me?
S: I know that Beatriz has been pursuing you. When he found you… your response… Hugo, why didn’t you want to speak to him? Why? He wanted to talk about us.
H: I know but I couldn’t receive him. I couldn’t.
S: Tell me what happened, please. I don’t understand. What happened? Why did you have him thrown out that way? There was something. What was it that was so powerful that you weren’t capable of explaining about us? You promised me that you were going to do that. (Hugo looks at her.)
Guillermo and Helena help themselves to drinks from Hugo’s decanter. Guillermo says that Alcides told him about the skull. It is Armando, Hugo’s father. Helena says that she will take it with her but a psychic wind prevents her from touching it. The noise of the wind wakes Úrsula up.
Hugo and Soledad-
I had just had a very, very violent argument with Beatriz. My love, it wasn’t the best moment for meeting with your father.
S: You risked all that I feel for you. You incurred the opposition of my parents, defied society. I swear that after all of this, I don’t know what to think.
H: Does that mean you don’t trust me? (Soledad shakes her head.) Soledad, I want you to think about every kiss. I want you think about every word of love that we said to each other that night. Soledad, do you think they were lies?
S: Hugo…
H: For you, I overcame my fear of falling in love. For the first time in my life, I have given by body and soul to a woman. Today, tonight, I am more sure than ever that you are the woman with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. Soledad, I love you. I love you with all my soul.
S: I love you too.
H: Then… (They kiss.)

Ester says that Alcides assured her that Hugo wouldn’t show up. Alcides says that he doesn’t understand. Hugo’s servant told him that he was very, very ill. Ester suggests that maybe it was a trick to reassure them and enable Hugo to come to the club without any problems. Alcides tells Ester that he doesn’t know how much longer he can take what is happening. Ester and Lucas have to decide if they want him to save Soledad from Hugo’s clutches. Ester agrees that it is time to put an end to Soledad’s infatuation with Hugo. Ester says that his very night, publicly, he will ask for Soledad’s hand in marriage.
Hugo comes out of the club and speaks with Boris.
H: It will be best if you return to the house. I will stay a little longer.
B: I don’t think it is a good idea to leave you alone, sir. You just recovered from an attack of catalepsy. In addition, if any of your enemies tries to harm you, it could be very dangerous.
H: Don’t worry. Nothing will get in the way of the happiest night of my life.
B: You seem in very good spirits.
H: Soledad’s handkerchief succeeded in waking me up from an attack of catalepsy. This has a special significance.
Hugo flashes back to Boris holding the handkerchief over his face and asking him remember Soledad’s scent and to make an effort to wake up. Then we see one of Hugo’s fingers move.
H: (smiling) She is my salvation.
B: Then I suppose that you will tell her the truth about your illness.
H: At the right moment.
B: I am sure that Señorita Soledad will support you.
H: Return to the house, Boris.
B: I will leave right away.
All during this conversation, Hugo and Soledad are watching and smiling at each other.
Los Burke can’t get out of Hugo’s house. Elena claims it is enchanted.
Úrsula wakes up Marina and tells her that she heard noises and she thinks someone is in the house. Marina says that Hugo and Boris are in the house. Úrsula says that they left a while ago. Marina says that can’t be true – Hugo was very ill and couldn’t get up. Úrsula says that might be so but Hugo and Boris left the house together. Úrsula says that she thinks there are burglars in the house. Marina tells her to go check it out herself.
Hugo gives Soledad a locket and puts it on her. [This locket will have a lot of significance in the story.]

S: My love. It’s beautiful.
H: We have to return to the party. We’ve been here a long time. The guests must be asking about you.
S: Let them wait. The only guest who interests me is here with me now.
H: We have to talk to your parents. They have to know that you are going to marry me.
S: It won’t be easy but it doesn’t matter. After this, no one can separate us. They kiss.
Úrsula locks Los Burke in the cellar.
Hugo and Soledad encounter Arturo and Beatriz. Soledad asks what they are doing there. They weren’t invited. Beatriz responds that they don’t need an invitation to come to the club that her grandfather founded. Arturo says that they should leave. “You just arrived and now you want to leave, Linares?” says Hugo. Beatriz wants Arturo to tell Hugo that he’s the one who shouldn’t be here. Arturo says that is why they should leave but Beatriz says that she wants to show Hugo that Soledad doesn’t matter to her. Arturo is adamant that they leave but Ester comes over and pointedly asks them to stay. Soledad says that Arturo and Beatriz weren’t invited. Ester replies that she won’t be so discourteous as to make them leave, “After all,” she says to them, “You aren’t the only ones who came without an invitation.”
Úrsula tells Marina that she locked the robbers in the basement. Los Burke are trying to find a way out of the cellar when they find the metal door of the room where Hugo keeps the thermal chamber. Los Burke assume that it is a door to a safe where Hugo keeps his fortune and his secrets.
Lucas says that Ester is crazy for letting the Linares stay. Ester says this is their opportunity to expose Hugo. Lucas says that it appears that Soledad has forgiven Hugo and points them out dancing happily together to Ester.
Alcides watches his brother dance with Soledad with hatred and despair. Arturo says that he can’t believe that Hugo is here. His men assured him that Hugo collapsed like he was dead. Alcides tells Arturo that his men are useless and couldn’t finish Hugo off. Arturo says that he has already taken steps so that they won’t make the same error the next time. Alcides asks when the next time will be. When Soledad is married to Hugo and Alcides is an old man? Arturo says that Alcides bears part of the blame. Alcides told Arturo that Hugo was very ill and that is why he brought Beatriz to this stupid party. “You and I have an agreement, Arturo” says Alcides, “You take care of him and when I get control of his fortune, I will give you a large part of it. But it looks like you aren’t going to succeed.” Arturo assures Alcides that the next time, he won’t make any mistakes. “I hope so. [‘Eso espero.’]” says Alcides. Alcides leaves the ballroom passing Hugo and Soledad dancing with eyes only for each other. Beatriz follows him.
Úrsula, armed with a log and Marina with a candle, investigate the burglars. Marina says that Úrsula had better not be making this up. They hear a noise and conclude that the burglars have gotten out of the cellar and are coming for them. Steps approach. The women hide and knock Boris out.
Outside, Alcides, his eyes full of tears, looks up and says, “You have to help me God. Are you listening? You have to help me to win Soledad’s heart.” He closes his eyes. “Help me God, help me,” he says. Beatriz comes up behind him and says that it must be hard for him to see Soledad. Alcides wipes away his tears.
B: It must be frustrating for you to know that your brother always gets what he wants. As opposed to you.
A: (he turns to look at her) What makes you think I’m going to listen to a spoiled, little girl like you.
B: Of course, you prefer to stay in a corner lamenting while your brother takes your girlfriend.
A: Beatriz, have you heard the expression that flies don’t go into an open mouth?
B: You and Hugo are identical on the outside but on the inside you are like day and night. He is successful, rich, attractive, while you…
A: I am much better than he is and I can prove it. I can prove it right now. (He kisses her.)
B: We can be seen here. Let’s go somewhere else… (They kiss again) Hugo.. Hugo..
A: I’m Alcides, not Hugo.
Marina and Úrsula get the unconscious Boris onto his bed. Marina says that she will take care of Boris and she sends Úrsula to deal with the robbers.
Arturo comes looking for Beatriz. She says that she came out for some air and Alcides says that they were only talking. Arturo tells Beatriz to go back to the party. “For your own good,” says Arturo, don’t go near my sister.”
Boris wakes up. Marina tells him that Úrsula hit him because she thought he was one of the robbers that she supposedly heard. Boris wants to go investigate but Marina won’t let him. She tells him not to worry about Úrsula. Then she kisses him.
Úrsula goes to the basement. She wonders if she imagined hearing the noises. She opens the door of the cellar and asks if anyone is there. Nothing happens for a few seconds and then Los Burke knock her down as they try to escape. Úrsula goes after them.
Alcides comes back into the party. Hugo comes up to him.
H: Alcides, why do you hate me so much, brother?
A: Hate you? What are you talking about?
H: I know about what you did to my medicines. That doesn’t matter.
A: It was an accident, Hugo. But life is fragile above all when you are ill.. What is the matter with you?
H: Nothing. But when you have something to fight for, it makes you strong, invincible.
A: You are referring to Soledad? The last word hasn’t been spoken, it hasn’t been decided who will lead her to the altar.
H: Alcides, I know you, brother. Soledad is only a whim for you.
A: When you have something to fight for, you are strong and invincible and I am tired of losing to you.
H: Lose? But you and I aren’t in a competition!
A: No? Who, since we were children, received all the love of our family? To whom was given the major part of the fortune? Who has the respect of everyone because he has traveled all over the world? This time it won’t be me that everyone is pointing at with scorn. I will win Soledad’s heart whatever it costs.
H: You are confused. Soledad isn’t a trophy… I am not going to play your game.
Boris asks Marina why she kissed him. She says that since she came to the house, she has felt… Her confession of love for Boris is interrupted by the sound of a shot. Boris leaps up and goes downstairs to see Úrsula firing a gun as Los Burke run out of the house. The kick of the shotgun knocks Úrsula down. Boris helps her up and says that she shouldn’t have taken such a risk. Marina is jealous that Boris is helping Úrsula but Boris scolds Marina for not believing Úrsula when she said there were robbers in the house. He says that because of Marina’s negligence, there was almost a tragedy.
Ester sits down with Beatriz. Beatriz tells Ester that her relationship with Hugo isn’t over. She says that they are still lovers. Ester says that her daughter is young and inexperienced and she doesn’t want her to be deceived. She asks Beatriz to tell her the truth. Beatriz says that Hugo doesn’t want anything from Ester’s daughter. He sees her has silly girl he can show in Society. He wants to get rid of his reputation as a seducer that is harming his business. Ester says that she understands. Beatriz says that Hugo is a man with powerful appetites. She says that he is insatiable and only she can satisfy him. That is why they continue to be together. Beatriz says that she feels sorry for Soledad and for them, such a distinguished family. Hugo de Medina will bring them nothing but pain and shame.
Arturo says to Hugo that the war isn’t over and he swears to be rid of Hugo. He won’t stop until he is successful. Hugo says that it must be frustrating for Arturo to find him here. Arturo says that next time his men won’t fail. Hugo replies that if Arturo wants to kill him so much, why doesn’t he do it with his own hands instead of hiding behind worthless bandits. Hugo dares him to try and kill him with his own hands. Arturo smashes his glass on the floor and says that if Hugo thinks that Arturo is afraid to confront him in person, they can fight here and now.
Los Burke make good their escape from Hugo’s house. Helena says that it was the worst night of her life. Guillermo says now that they are familiar with the house, it will easier to break in the next time. Helena says that she isn’t going back there but Guillermo says that he has to find out what is in the safe. Hugo’s fortune could change their lives. Helena replies that all the gold in the world wouldn’t make her have anything to do with Hugo de Medina.
Arturo taunts Hugo and calls him a coward. Hugo just looks amused. Soledad, Ester and Beatriz come up. Ester tells Hugo to leave immediately. “What a shame, what a disgraceful incident,” says Hugo, “I beg your pardon.” Soledad tells her mother that it is her party and she will decide who stays. Looking at Arturo, she says it is clear who isn’t welcome here. Soledad and Hugo turn to walk away. Arturo says to Hugo that they will find an opportunity to resolve their differences. Hugo walks away without responding.
Lucas prevents Ester from going after Soledad and Hugo and asks the musicians to start playing again. Alcides comes up and tells Ester that he has had it up to here with the situation. Ester fumes that Hugo is doing exactly as he pleases and has no respect for them. Ester says that will change. She tells Lucas to have the headwaiter get everything ready for the toast [‘brindis’]. Ester says that during the toast, Alcides will announce publicly that he is engaged to Soledad. Lucas doesn’t agree. He says that Hugo is ready to marry Soledad. Ester says that will happen over her dead body. She will not let him near her daughter now that she has found out his true intentions from Beatriz.
Boris carries Úrsula to her bed. He says that her knee is bleeding. She says it must have happened when the robbers knocked her down but it’s nothing. Boris asks if she saw who the robbers were but Úrsula said it was too dark and it happened too fast. Boris asks Marina to get first aid stuff but she refuses. She says that the blow that Úrsula gave Boris should be looked at first. Boris gives Marina a look and leaves the room. Úrsula says that Boris is a gentleman. Marina tells Úrsula to be careful and not to think about going after Boris. Úrsula says not to threaten her. Boris will never be interested in Marina. Marina attacks Úrsula.
Soledad has her glove off and Hugo is kissing her hand.
H: I beg your pardon for what happened in there.
S: Don’t worry, my love. I know it was a misunderstanding by Beatriz
H: Arturo is a very violent man and he’s tried… but I don’t want to think about those things (he smiles). Forget them.
S: You realize that everyone is against us: my parents, Arturo, Beatriz. There has to be some way to be able to get away from them. (Hugo kisses her) Do you know what I would like to do right now?
H: What?
S: I would like us to run way and get married right now in a church.
H: That is a beautiful craziness but we have to do what is right. I will speak to your parents. Tonight I will speak to them.
S: I don’t care what they say. I am going to marry you, my love. Even if I have to go against them, I will do it. (he kisses her).
(Ester says that they are waiting for Soledad for the toast.)
S: (to Hugo) Let’s go!
Ester tells her that Hugo isn’t coming. She says that she recognizes his miserable game, that he never had good intentions towards her daughter. “Enough, mother!” says Soledad. Hugo tries to speak to Ester but she says that he is wrong if he thinks that her daughter is a toy for his filthy desires.
“My love, do you trust me?” ['Amor mío.. Confías en mí?'] says Hugo to Soledad. She smiles and they run back into the part with Ester in pursuit.
Boris separates Marina and Úrsula. Marina tells Boris that since Úrsula came to the house, he has been a different person and she won’t take it. Boris asks what she is talking about. Marina tells him that there isn’t room for both of them in this house, it’s Úrsula or her.
Hugo and Soledad come into the club. Ester looks desperately for Alcides. Hugo calls for attention and holds up a glass, “Ladies and gentlemen! I want to offer a toast to Soledad for her happiness on this special day, her birthday, and take advantage of the occasion to announce to all the distinguished society present here tonight that Soledad and I are engaged to be married.” The Judge offers a toast to the couple and all the guests toast and say, “Salud!”
Alcides pushes his way through the crowd and knocks Hugo down saying that this is a farce. Hugo has no right to announce anything because Soledad’s parents haven’t agreed. He tries to hit Hugo again but Hugo avoids the blow. Arturo grabs Hugo from behind, which lets Alcides punch Hugo again. Confusion reigns until the Judge fires his pistol in the air and threatens to drag everyone to the police station if they don’t behave properly. Alcides asks where Hugo is. Ester notices that Soledad is gone.
Hugo and Soledad are outside the club.

S: After what you told me, I don’t need anything more.
H: You are right. You are completely right.
[We see the famous ‘cabin in the forest’ ['cabaña en la bosque'] for the first time.

H: Welcome to your house, future Mrs. Medina.
S: Thank you, future husband of mine.
H: This is a cabin that my family owns. My father used it when he went on fishing trips. I use it occasionally when I need peace.
S: What a crazy thing we’re doing, my love!
H: A beautiful craziness that we will remember with a lot of love when we tell our grandchildren about it.
S: Promise me that it will always be like this.
H: I promise you.
They make love. [Get used to seeing these scenes. They will be shown as memories of both Soledad and Hugo many, many times in the troubled times that follow.]
Beatriz is wandering around outside somewhere crying, “You led me on, you lied to me,” she says, “I hate you, Hugo de Medina.” Alcides comes up to her with his hair pulled back like Hugo. She mistakes him for Hugo. She says that she knows he would never leave her, that the announcement of his engagement was part of a plan. She hugs him and says that she loves him and can’t live without him. Alcides kisses her and hurts her. She protests. Alcides pushes her to the ground. Beatriz asks why he is looking at her that way. “Because I am going to make you mine,” says Alcides, “because I am Hugo, your beloved Hugo. That’s why”
The credits roll.
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