Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Juan Q - 2-26 Wed - Fat night and Cat fights

Juanito asks if Mar is in love with his Pa. She emphatically denies it that she has a wonderful boyfriend named Fer, and what makes him thinks that anyway. Jito says because of the way she looks at him and the things she says. She tells him to forget the gossip and go to bed. He can't sleep until his Pa gets home so she agrees to stay with him as long as he is quiet and keeps his eyes closed. They fall asleep together and Juan gets home to find them. He covers and thanks her for being so sweet with him.

CL busts into Moni's apartment to yell at them for their little trick messing with Pau and Ma. They promise it was coincidence, but he doesn't believe them. He leaves warning them to leave her alone and he doesn't care what she does with her life.

Pau asks Consuelo why she came to work there. Con reminds her that she was recommended by a friend of CL. Pau says what friend. Con says someone from Farell. Pau says who maybe I know. Finally she asks if it was Mon. Chelo swears she knows no Mon. Finally she feigns being offended and says if Pau doesn't trust her maybe she should just resign. Pau chases her down and tells her not to do that that she'll believe her and she's sorry for questioning, but something happened that makes her distrust everyone.

Juan sleeps on the couch and dreams he's in the forest and Pau comes running up begging for him to take her to Achichipico and she wants to be his wife. Just then he is splashed with water. He awakes to Jito telling him to get up he wants to eat breakfast now!! Juan starts to tell him he was dreaming, and anyway, nevermind.

Delfi calls Nid to see when they can meet. Nid tells her she can't today because she's a hospital volunteer and her sick people are waiting for her. Delfi doesn't believe her and says fine call me when you have time and see if I'm still in the city!

At breakfast Yadi starts asking Juan some questions about what they did last night, and he said we did nothing bad, trust me, just spread some gossip. Yadi wonders if she was in the gossip. He says of course. Yadi gets up to answer the phone, and Juanito wonders why Juan is spreading gossip, he says his teacher said you shouldn't spread gossip and speak badly of others. Guess who is on the phone. Our favorite gloom spreader, Ivy. She says she's doing Yadi a favor as a woman. She pops the news that the boys were accompanied. Yadi changes her mood and starts asking more questions about the night, are you sure you were alone? He says of course, . She says well then who were those women dancing with you all!!! Busted. She yells at him for shamefully lying in front of his son and setting a bad example for him. Yels yells at him for doing this to them and even having them watch his boy while he did it. She leaves in a huff.

Jito wonders if they were telling lies and Juan tells him not even to ask because he doesn't understand what's happening either. Next Ivy spills the beans to Marely who tries really hard not to bite, that Ivy is trying to be a cizana ( spreader of discord) but in the end she's a bit miffed. Next we see Yadi yelling at Kike for the same thing.

Fer comes in with his ZZ Top look. He gets blasted by Marely who knows about the evenings exploits, he immediately unleashes his anger on Ivonne, yelling at the top of his lungs in the reception in front of all the lounge lizards. This time I think Ivy is right that he shouldn't take it out on her. Anyway, of course they disturb the sleeping lion who comes out of his lair. CL reminds them that personal problems belong far from the office.

Cl beckons Mar. She and Ivy exchange words before she goes in.

Cl makes some business remarks about this turning into a vegetable stand -Verduleria and CL remarks that since Pastor has been missing it is absolute chaos. He then reveals his true intention. He asks Mar where she's going to eat with Pau.

Mar is back outside and worrying about CL asking about Pau. She tries to reach Juan at home. Nid tells her he's gone, in fact all the guys are gone because the are in trouble and the chiles have been teased chile toreado (it's heated up around here).

Pau makes her first ob gyn appointment just when Mar tries to reach her to warn about CL.

Delfi calls the store to find Anga to find out that he's ill and at home. The clerk gives her his address. Kike observes this and yells at the guy that if someone called and said he wanted to kidnap Anga he wouldn't give the address would he? Well, if they are going to do that they won't say that so never do that again!!

At college, Maestra wife with VPL (thanks Sylvia) comes across Yadi and shares her view that Yadi should go home and be a Mom, and not waste her time in the school and let others have her space. Topete comes along and says she shouldn't give up and there will be people who are jealous of you and you are following a dream and should go for it. I actually thought this guy was pretty nice about this even if he has other motives.

The doorbell rings at Anga's and Delphi discovers the reason Nid couldn't see her. Nid tells her to leave, but she barges into the room and fawns over him. Nid follows in and tells her he's got someone to take care of him so off with you. Nid and Delphi screech at each other about who deserves more to be taking care of Anga. Will there be a female duelo? No. Anga tells them both to shut up "with Carambas." He tells Nid he wants to speak with Delphi alone. Nid is impactada, but graciously goes out of the room.

Profe is still laying it on thick over coffee and Yadi proclaims how wonder it is to chat with him because in a few minutes she feels so much better, that he listens to her and understands her. Just then Profesora Marga shows up frothing at the mouth over see them together. She accuses him of this being his motive for evading her, and asks if Yadi knows they are married, which Yadi didn't.

Anga breaks that there will never be anything between Delphi and him and he tells Delphi that he's in love with NId and no matter how hard he's tried, she just keeps showing up in his life and he's got to stop fighting it.

Nid tells her she'll give her Perafan, and even the wedding dress. Delphi stares blankly. Nid says ok, I'll even get you tickets for your honeymoon to Timbuktu then. But please leave Anga alone to be with me. Delphi tells her none of that is necessary. Anga doesn't want her, he only wants Nid.

Yadi and Profesora duke it out over el profe. I was waiting for tables to start flying and chairs too like old high school fights, but it's a bit more subdued, though Profe does get smacked. Yadi defends herself she didn't know he was married. She calls him Nacho and the wife of course takes offense that she uses his first name, and says her socks and says Yadi is the only nacha (butt cheek) around here.

Nid thanks Anga for what he did. He tells her he's tired and wants to rest. Nid worries maybe all this was a story and they are going to see each other behind her back. He tells her that's foolish and to please just let him in peace for now. She tells him she'll go. As soon as she leaves he calls Perafan. Perfan is cynical of course. Anga asks him to go over because this is something that concerns them both. He says he'll come but wants to know if he should bring his machete or if he's supplying the guns. Anga tells him just shut up and come.

Mar tries to call Pau again to find out she's already left. She decides she'll go directly there. She begins to walk out when CL sees her and tells her he'll take her to Pau. Doh!!!!!!!!!!!


Loved the ZZ top reference K. And thanks for the translation of "verdulero", I noted it but was too fagged out last night to look it up.
Now this is telenovela land I know, but if you were asleep and someone came in and turned on the light, wouldn't you wake up!!?? It always kills me when people do that...but I loved the tender scene with Marely and Juanito.

I haven't been addicted to this novela as previous ones,but do watch part of the show each night..Would someone be kind enough to let me know if CL is papa of Pau's bebe or Juan.?

Thank you for the recap,as always..Regards,Maureen

Hey Exportred, we've missed hearing from you. CL is the father of Paula's bebe. All she and Juan did when they met in Achichipico recently was kiss passionately. And their previous liaison was long long ago, before her wedding to CL
I knew I wasn't going to be as wild about this one as I was about Fea but I've become quite fond of all the characters (except Paula...gag) and the language is challenging and interesting. Always a good learning experience and often quite funny.

Hey Judy B..Thanks for the info..Much appreciated..There will never be, in my opinion, another show that kept most of us spellbound for more than a year like "Fea". Now out on DVD..At times, I go on Youtube and re-live some of the episodes from LFMB..As much as I liked Destilando Amor--no other compares to Fea..Possibly, in the very near future with Fuego en La Sangre on Univision..It brings back Eduardo Yanez(Rodrigo) and that is definitely a big plus..

Thanks again JudyB. My best to all...Jeanne, hope you're doing well?


K, Thanks for the recap. You did a wonderful job on some fun scenes. I like it when they minimize our exposure to Paula. I will never warm to this character but I hope I can be gracefully accepting when she continues to keep Juan's heart. Since his reputation as a Querendón is the central theme, I guess we have to accept that only one woman can actually curtail that tendency even though the writers have painted someone so undeserving to do it.

The Nidia/Anga/Delfina scene was quite sweet and tender. I do like all three characters and the able actors who portray them.

Yadira is getting her moment in the sun with characteristic humor and sex appeal wrapped in one package with butterfly hair clips on top like frosting on a cake. The action was hilarious among the student/professor/outraged wife. I too hope she gets more out of the experience in the end than being the object of lust for the handsome but silly Profe.

Man that Profa is a witch! I can't imagine a teacher saying those sorts of discouraging things to any student, even one she's jealous of. I was proud of Yadi sticking up for herself. Has the Profa forgotten that Yadi's favorite movie is Lola the Trucker? Did the Profa make a sarcastic remark calling her husband Coquete instead of Topete? The word is not in my dictionary although in French coquette means flirt. I completely missed her "Nacha" insult to Yadi; it's quite funny!

I just love Anga and Nidia. They simply must end up together. I'm glad Anga is taking the bull by the horns and will confront Delirio. Can't wait!!

Thanks for the excellent recap Kris! Even in the midst of your hectic life you manage to turn out a winner.

Kris, thanks for your great recap! Sorry I’m so late getting around to comments, but I’ve been both besieged at work and under the weather simultaneously. (Gee, I wonder how that dicho translates?) Thanks for the vocab (especially verduleria, which now makes perfect sense).

“Chelo swears she knows no Mon. Finally she feigns being offended and says if Pau doesn't trust her maybe she should just resign.” What a great ploy that’s guaranteed to make Paula feel guilty. Clearly, Chelo is getting to know what pushes Paula’s guilt switch.

“Fer comes in with his ZZ Top look.” LOL! Hungover just a little, you reckon?

“I actually thought this guy was pretty nice about this even if he has other motives.” Yeah, and he doesn’t deserve the fea (both personality-wise and looks-wise) Profa for a wife. She’s a pill!

Maureen, how wonderful to hear from you! See above, that’s what’s happening with me. I am reading all this Saturday because a) on Thursday we had a cool visit from five Russian school Principals/ Vice Principals and b) I spent Friday from 2:00 a.m. until about 5:30 a.m. in the Emergency Room. Thursday after the wonderful visit I went to see my doc for a routine visit, had a pneumonia shot, and in the middle of the night had a violent allergic reaction. The odds are extremely high for a reaction, and OF COURSE I am the one in 100,000 or whatever who reacts. The ER folks thought I was having a heart attack. The good news is my heart is in great shape.

Cap’n Sylvia, I assure there are very few teachers who are so ugly to students—sadly, there are a few. But thank heavens, there are FEW. Most of the, however, are at the college level. College Profes have all truth. Also, I think the Profa said “copete,” which means arrogance (one definition).


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