Thursday, February 21, 2008

La Traicion, Episode 17

The judge is receiving persons in the courtroom. Alcides comes up to him. The judge looks up and says that he can't believe that Alcides has the nerve to appear before him. Alcides says that he doesn't understand. The judge says that Alcides can hardly expect his threats to be effective here where the judge is surrounded by police officers. Alcides says that he only came to ask for a date to be set... The judge interrupts and says that he knows why Alcides has come and he finds Alcides' haste to get his hands on his inheritance worrisome. Alcides asks what he means. The judge says that he will take all the time necessary to investigate Alcides' claim to the inheritence and if he finds anything suspicious, he will cancel the transfer of the property. Alcides says that the judge has no right to do this. The judge says that Alcides had no right to come and threaten him. If he does anything else, he will pay dearly. He calls for the next person in line. Poor Alcides has no idea what is going on. He walks slowly away from the judge and towards Arturo who is shaking his head.

At Hugo's townhouse, Rebeca tells Eloisa that Soledad's father, Lucas, may have some clues as to where Jeremias' treasure can be found. Hercules tells Eloisa that according to Manrique, Jeremias gave Lucas de Obragon a bunch of stuff, which would be very unusual for someone as stingy (tacaño) as Jeremias. Hercules says that he is sure that amongst that stuff, there is a clue to where the treasure is. Rebeca says that is why they are going to pay a visit to the Obragon house. Paquito staggers in out of breath to report that a visit won't be necessary. The Obragons have come to the townhouse to visit their daughter. Rebeca and Hercules leave. "Last night I saw Alcides leaving your room," Paquito says to Eloisa, "Congratulations. I see you haven't wasted any time." Eloisa says that he knows her and she has Alcides is eating out of her hand. Paquito tells her to be careful and not fall in love with him.

Soledad receives her parents in the courtyard of the house. Ursula has told them that about her trip to San Marino and they've come to say goodbye. Soledad says that she will miss them. She asks after her father's health. He says that he is better and is just starting to ask why Soledad is so sad when Rebeca shows up pretending to be all amazed to see him again. Lucas introduces her to Ester as the widow of his old friend Jeremias de Montenegro. Rebeca says that being in the city again brings back so many memories of her dead husband. She says that she wants to ask him a favor. Lucas is all gallant and has totally forgotten about his concern for Soledad. Rebeca says that she understands that her late husband gave Lucas some stuff and she would like it back. It has a sentimental value to her. "Yes," says Lucas, "he gave me some things and I never could understand why. They are in the house. Stop by whenever and get them." Ester is giving Lucas a look. Rebeca thanks Lucas and says that she has to go and finish packing. Lucas is waving goodbye when Ester pushes his hand down. "Widow," she says, "she really doesn't look like one to me."

Leaving the court building, Arturo asks Alcides if he can explain what the judge meant about threatening him. Alcides says that he didn't understand it at all. Arturo tells Alcides that he hopes this isn't one of his tricks to get out of paying what Alcides owes him. Alcides says that Arturo can come this afternoon and he will transfer the house to him. Arturo reminds him that that the house was to repay the money that Arturo lent Alcides to settle the debt and save the house of his inlaws. He te;;s Alcides that in return for helping him get rid of Hugo, Arturo was promised part of the inheritence. Alcides says that in Hugo's safe there are jewels and relics that Arturo can sell for a lot of money. "We'll see about that," says Arturo. Hugo and Boris are watching in their campesino disguises. "This pair of hyenas are already beginning to tear each other to pieces (despedezarse)," says Hugo.

Guillermo is drinking in the taverna when Margot comes up to him. She asks where he has been. Did he succeed in getting into the safe? Helena comes up behind Margot and asks what business that is of hers. Margot says that it is her business because she and fatso (gordo) were partners in that. Helena waves a diamond necklace in front of Margot and Margot turns furiously on Guillermo and asks if Helena got it from the safe.

Margot attacks Guillermo and he says that he and Helena have been together for many years and he had to respect her seniority is matters such as this. Helena scornfully sends Margot off to wait tables. The diminutive duo come out of the tavern talking about selling the necklace when Inspector Duarte snatches it away from them and asks where they got it. They reply that Hugo gave it to them before he died. Duarte say that he needs to look into the matter and has them taken to the police station. It turns out that it was Margot who ratted on Los Burke. Duarte thanks her.

Alcides is showing Arturo around the townhouse. He gives him the key. Arturo asks about the valuables in the safe. Alcides says that it is in the basement. They encounter Rebeca and Eloisa who are about to leave. It transpires that Rebeca knows Arturo because Jeremias was friends with his mother. Paquito appears and says that Rebeca's carriage is ready. They leave. Eloisa says goodbye to Alcides and looks forward to when they will be neighbors in San Marino. She tells Soledad that if she needs a friend, she can call on her. Soledad tells Alcides that she has had the household stuff loaded onto the carriage. Alcides compliments her efficiency. He tells her to get ready, they will be leaving soon. "For a newlywed, she doesn't look too happy," Arturo says to Alcides. Alcides asks what business it is of his.

At the cabaña in the forest, Dr. Max tells Hugo and Boris that Los Burke have been arrested trying to sell a necklace that appears to be stolen. Boris reminds Hugo that he told him that Los Burke were not to be trusted. Hugo says that it's too late for recriminations. They have to get Los Burke out of jail before they reveal his secret. Boris offers to go the polices station and pay their bail. Dr. Max doesn't think that is a good idea. It could appear that Boris is in league with Los Burke. Hugo agrees. He says that Los Burke have to be sprung from jail by more radical means.

Arturo tells Alcides that he hopes the stuff in the vault is as valuable as Alcides said it was. Alcides opens the door of the vault and it is empty, completely empty. Team Hugo even managed to get the thermal chamber out of there without anyone in the house hearing. "This can't be," says Alcides. Arturo asks if this is a joke.

Alcides pushes him aside and leaves the vault. Alcides calls Marina and asks what happened to the stuff in the cellar.

When she doesn't reply, he hits her and asks again what she did with the stuff in the cellar. Soledad and Úrsula come down the stairs and try to stop Alcides from hitting Marina. He tells her to butt out. He hits Marina again and she says that she doesn't know what he is talking about. She hasn't robbed anyone. Duarte comes in and asks what is going on. Alcides says that he is glad Duarte has come. The safe with all the treasure of the Medina family has been robbed and he says that Marina was involved. Alcides says that there were valuable objects in the cellar. "Like this?" says Duarte, dangling the necklace that he took from Los Burke in front of Alcides. He tells them how Los Burke were trying to sell it outside the taverna and claimed that Hugo had given it to them and now they are in custody. Alcides says that he has to talk to them. He, Duarte and Arturo leave.

Soledad tries to comfort a sobbing Marina. She points out the the police said that she wasn't involved. Marina tells Soledad that there is something she doesn't know - Boris was involved in the robbery. She tells Soledad that she saw Boris in the cellar the previous night with Los Burke and they were taking things but he said that he wasn't stealing them. Boris told her that they were Hugo's things and he was taking them before Alcides destroyed them. Soledad says that Boris has always been a very faithful employee. She can't believe that he would have bad intentions. Marina agrees but says that if the police arrest Los Burke, Boris will be accused and she will end up in jail. Soledad says that Boris would never get her involved but Úrsula says that she has no such confidence in Los Burke. Soledad reassures Marina. She says that she will take Marina to her parents' house and convince them to hire her. She can't allow Alcides to hurt Marina anymore. Soledad goes to leave Marina's room, opens the door and there is Paquito, listening. He says that he can't allow three women to travel alone. He insists on accompanying them.

In prison, Los Burke are exchanging recriminations about Guillermo's involvement with Margot that Helena believes led them to be arrested. Suddenly, a stone comes through the window of their cell. A note is wrapped around the stone and it says, "For your safety, stay away from the wall. We're getting you out."

Duarte ushers Alcides and Arturo into his office. Los Burke are crouched against the door of the cell.

There is a large explosion. Duarte and his visitors go to see what happened. Los Burke climb out of the hole in the wall of the cell. Guillermo thanks Hugo and says that he knew Hugo wouldn't abandon them. Hugo tells Guillermo that it was stupid to rob his things and this has created lots of problems for them. Boris says the police will be coming soon and they have to go. Hugo tells Boris to take Los Burke to the north side of the forest near his father's mine. He is going to divert pursuit and will meet them there in an hour. Hugo pulls a mask over his face and puts on his horrible hat.

Hugo holds up Soledad's carriage at gunpoint. Paquito tells him not to shoot; there are women in the carriage. Meanwhile, the police are in pursuit. Hugo jumps into the carriage and tells Paquito to drive on. There is a wild gunfight between the police and Hugo in the streets of the town. Hugo tells the women in the carriage to stay down and nothing will happen to them. Soledad recognizes Hugo's voice. "Who are you?" she asks. "This isn't the right time to answer your questions," replies Hugo. In pursuit, Alcides tells Duarte not to shoot. His wife is in the carriage.

At the cabaña in the forest, Boris scolds Los Burke for not listening to his instructions and stealing things. Hes calls them a pair of rats. Helena objects and says that they aren't rats but independent businessmen and not servants like him. Guillermo tells Helena not to be ungrateful to Boris. He got them out of prison. Helena says Boris didn't have anything to do with getting them out of jail. Boris tells them to thank Hugo. He says that if it were up to him, they would still be in jail. Beatrice and Dr. Max come out of the house. Beatrice says she has to find Hugo. Dr. Max says that she isn't going anywhere. Boris says he can't allow this to get more complicated they will have to tie Beatrice up.

Hugo in his bandido outfit succeeds in throwing off the pursuit. He tells Paquito to drive the carriage down the opposite street. Soledad says that if he isn't being followed, he should leave them there. Hugo apologizes and says that he doesn't want to harm them but he has to get out of the city and needs their help. Soledad offers to stay if he will let the others go. Hugo says that there isn't time to argue. He tells Paquito to drive on.

Los Burke tie Beatriz up. Boris apologizes to her but says that she has to stay tied up until Hugo returns. He can't risk her doing something crazy. Boris tells Dr. Max that he has to meet Hugo in the forest and in view of what happened, he can't leave Los Burke here alone. Dr. Max says that he will take care of them. Dr. Max stays that in her condition, Beatriz is a danger to them and they should get rid of her. Boris replies that Beatriz is under Hugo's protection and he'll decide what to do. Boris warns Dr. Max not to do anything to Beatriz until Hugo returns.

The carriage careens along. Soledad wonders who the masked man is. There is something about his voice and the way he looks at her. Úrsula tells her to be careful. The man looks dangerous. Soledad asks why the police are pursuing him. Hugo says that he doesn't have to answer her questions. "Do I know you from somewhere?" asks Soledad. "I don't think so," replies Hugo, "but even if that were so, they say that you never really know women." Not surprisingly, Soledad asks what he means by that and he tells her that if she doesn't shut up, he will prevent her from speaking. Soledad says that she won't say anything more.

Hercules, Rebeca and Eloisa are on their way back to San Marino. Hercules questions why Rebeca hasn't gone immediately to get the stuff from the Obragron house. Rebeca says that she doesn't want to appear too eager. Eloisa defends her. Hercules says that if they don't try and get the stuff now, they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Rebeca agrees but says that she will do the talking.

Alcides, the Inspector and Arturo reunite. An officer says that there is no trace of the carriage. Arturo offers his men to help search. Inspector Duarte is hestitent but Alcides insists since his wife is missing.

Ester receives Rebeca, Eloisa and Hercules with a marked lack of enthusiasm. She says that she didn't expect to see them again so soon. Rebeca says that they couldn't leave the city without visiting the home of such a prestigious family. She asks if Lucas is home. Ester says that he isn't available. Rebeca et all are about to leave when Lucas appears and invites them in.

In the secret basement room in the cabaña in the forest, Los Burke are guarding Beatriz, who is tied up. Dr. Max comes in and tells Los Burke to go get something to eat. Beatriz begs Dr. Max to let her go. She says that she isn't dangerous, she just wants to help Hugo. He needs her. [Right after Beatriz says, "El me necessita," we hear wild turkeys gobbling. I believe this is the first appearance of this sound effect that will be be heard all the time when the action in the novela shifts to the Hacienda Montenegro.] Dr. Max say that he will untie Beatriz. He does so and tells her to get out before he changes his mind. When she has gone, he takes a pistol out of his waistband and goes after her.

Rebeca tells Lucas and Ester how difficult it has been for her since Jeremias died. Good ol' Hercules comes right to the point. He asks to see the stuff that Jeremias gave to Lucas. Rebeca says that regaining the stuff would help with her grief.

In the carriage, Soledad tells Hugo-Bandido that he should let them go as he promised now that they are outside the city. Hugo says that he can't yet. They have to get closer to the mine. Hugo takes a watch out of his pocket and looks at it. Soledad looks at it and has has flashback to sitting by a noisy fountain in the courtyard of Hugo's house and giving him this watch as an engagement gift to symbolize that they will be together all the time. Úrsula asks why Soledad is pale all of a sudden. She says that the watch belongs to Hugo and the bandido's look... Soledad asks who he is and why does he have a watch that belongs to Hugo de Medina.

Lucas lays out all the junk that Jeremias gave him on the table.

Rebeca asks if he is sure that this is all the stuff? Lucas thinks of something he forgot. While he is gone, Rebeca is pessimistic that any of this stuff contains a clue. Hercules replies that they can't be sure. They had better take it all. Rebeca pretends that this stuff reminds her of the pleasant times she shared with her dead husband. Eloisa says that they should pack up the stuff and go when Ester announces that the stuff belongs to her and isn't going anywhere.

Beatriz heads off down the road saying that she has to find Hugo. Dr. Max follows and raises his pistol. Los Burke grab him to prevent him from shooting Beatriz. There is a struggle and Guillermo is shot.

Soledad demands to know where Hugo got the watch. Marina says that Hugo is clearly an accomplice of Los Burke who were in Hugo's house the previous night. Presumably, they stole it. Soledad says that it belongs to her and wants it back. "What is your interest, Señora?" asks Hugo, "I can't believe that it has a sentimental value for you." Soledad replies that she doesn't have to explain herself to him. Hugo goes on to say that he knows that she was engaged to Hugo de Medina. Soledad says that she wants the watch as a remembrance. Hugo says to himself that if she really wanted to remember him, she would be wearing the locket he gave her. Flashback to him giving her locket. [This is not the last time that the locket will fail to do its duty to make Hugo realize that Soledad still loves him.] Soledad asks why Hugo is looking at her that way. He says that he doesn't think she wants to keep a souvenir of Hugo de Medina. Soledad says how dare he give his opinion about her personal life. Hugo says that a woman who marries someone else two days after burying her fiance is a tramp. Soledad says that she doesn't care what he thinks. She wants the watch back now. Hugo flashes back to the kiss in the cabaña. Hugo says that he doesn't believe her but if she wants to hold on to it, she can. He takes that watch out and after dangling it in front of Soledad, he throws it out of the carriage onto the road. Soledad calls for Paquito to stop the carriage and she tries to jump out. Hugo tells Paquito not to dare stop and Úrsula and Marina prevent Soledad from jumping out. Hugo then holds his gun in such a way that Soledad can see that it has his name engraved on it.

Naturally, it turns out that Guillermo barely has a scratch from the bullet. Dr. Max tells Los Burke to go find Beatriz. He says that if she opens her mouth and tells anyone that she has seen Hugo de Medina, they'll all be in trouble.

Ester refused to let any of Jeremias' things out of the house and nothing that Rebeca, Hercules or Lucas says can change her mind.

Duarte, Alcides, Arturo and his men are following the trail of the carriage. Duarte splits the men into two groups and warns them not to shoot unless he says so. Alcides tells Arturo to tell his men to turn the hijacker in to the police if they find him. He wants to know who is behind this.

Hugo orders the carriage to stop and makes Paquito and the women get down. Paquito tells Hugo that he is a journalist and wants to know more about the robber's exciting life. Does he have a moniker - the Falcon? the Shadow? Hugo says that he is just a thief. Soledad says that she doesn't believe it and demands that Hugo show his face. At that moment, the pursuit arrives and Hugo starts shooting at them. Hugo escapes the pursuit on foot. Soledad has taken cover with the other women and Paquito. She says that the has to follow and and find out who the man is and goes after him. [This is a typical crazy stunt of Soledad.] She heads across a field ignoring a sign that says, "Danger - Mine."

Boris hears shots as he comes to meet Hugo. Paquito, Marina and Úrsula surrender to the police. Duarte asks where Soledad is and they tell him that she went towards the mine. Boris is watching. Duarte is angry that Arturo's men started shooting without his authorization. He tells Arturo and his men to leave.

Running through the forest looking for Hugo, Beatriz finds Alcides.

Hugo is out of breath and stops to rest behind some trees. He sees Soledad approach and then go into the mine. "What is she doing?" he asks, "Why did she go into the mine?"


Thanks Jean! You're right, the story sure took a sharp turn into the deep end. The Burk woman would be okay, and actually add humor, but she's overdone.

I was shocked at how hard Alcides hit Marina. I guess the moving people will keep busy with all these relos.

It must be pretty tough moving around in those dresses, even in low heels. Most of those dresses have a smaller circumference than say the ones in Pasion. I noticed Soledad was shuffling along last night in the woods...

Also, I forgot to ask... when was Lucas actually castrated???

Yep. My theory about Soledad's parentage went down the drain fast, didn't it?

Don't you hate it when characters are so clueless (like Soledad) when confronted with the obvious?
Unfortunately, too many telenovelas feature this.

Kay, your theory would've been more interesting!

The telenovelas seem to like distorted reality. Do the writers just lack creativity, or do they think we like that? At least they have good looking people...
jb ;-}

The look on Alcides' face when the judge ticked him off was priceless. He looked so clueless. I was pretty surprised when he whacked Marina. I don't think people went around hitting their servants, even if they suspected them of theft.

Beatriz and Alcides. Now that's going to be an interesting meeting. Assuming she recognises him that is.

Maybe it's just me but Hugo in his bandit get-up reminded me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. Anyone else get the same feeling?

As always, thank you so much for the recap. Don't keep us waiting too long for the next one please.

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