Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Novela recommendation - La Traición

I just want to make sure that anyone who might be interested knows about this great new novela, La Traición (The Betrayal) on at 8pm EST on Telemundo. (You can watch episodes on Telemundo’s website or on YouTube). The website is:

If there is enough interest , I would be willing to participate in recapping it. For me, half the fun of watching a novella, is chatting about it on Caray Caray!

Here is the Synopsis from Telemundo that I translated from the Telenovela-world website:

La Traición is a beautiful story set at the end of the 19th century, in an era where the double standard of appearances and secrets will determine the direction of the lives of two beings who will succeed in love from beyond another dimension. Hugo de Medina, one of the most attractive and rich men in the town has a secret; he suffers from catalepsy, a disease that caused the death of his father who was buried alive. Hugo is tormented by the fear that he will suffer the same fate. This man with an air of mystery seduces the most beautiful women in the area and then leaves them. He meets Soledad de Obragón, a beautiful young woman who puts true love before social conventions, and ends up falling deeply in love with her.

Soledad returns his love and knows that Hugo is the great love of her life and in spite of all the obstacles put before her, decides to fight for their love and unite their lives in marriage.

Soledad realizes that she is pregnant but decides to wait until after the marriage to tell Hugo. However, this doesn't happen because Hugo has an attack of catalepsy just before the wedding and, like his father, is buried alive, realizing his greatest fear.

Unexpectedly, Hugo is saved from death by the Burkes, a pair of amusing, petty criminals who make their living by robbing graves to sell cadavers to a scientist who uses them in his experiments.

Since Soledad is pregnant she is forced by her family to marry Alcides de Medina, Hugo's brother, who hides his resentful and envious personality and who has been in love with Soledad for a long time. Alcides, in spite of knowing about the disease that Hugo endures, does nothing and says nothing. On the contrary, he takes advantage of the situation and manages to be the one to marry Soledad by claiming to want to help save her from the dishonor of being an unwed mother.

When Hugo returns to town, he discovers that Soledad and his brother have married. Unaware of the pregnancy and not understanding her motive, he feels that he was betrayed. In that moment, carried away by pain and rage, he decides to revenge himself on those who have caused him such suffering.

As Hugo and Soledad go their separate ways down roads full of obstacles and conflicts, they are separate in the physical world but in reality united by a strong psychic connection between them that, without their realizing it, makes them appear to act in concert.

Only time will tell whether Hugo and Soledad will be reunited in the physical world as they are united in the mental and emotional world.

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My wife is watching this show, she likes it. I wanted to watch it too but I just can't fit more than one show into my schedule. I wish I could!

Thanks Jean! Once again another interesting show on a channel I can't get. I'll check out the online link. It sounds like something I might like.
Carrie L.

I thought this looked really good (sounds a bit like the Count of Monte Cristo), and the guys are really good looking. But it's hard to keep up with the two shows I'm already watching. If only I had time to do nothing but watch telenovelas!

Thanks Jean, It sounds great. I'm going to try it out. It's tough to keep up with one telenovela. But, maybe my learning will also double...

I have been watching, but I don't really feel the need for recaps since there are English captions. Is there some way to have a chat room about a telenovela on Caray Caray without having recaps?

Hi Jean, et al =)

Perhaps we should ask Melinama if there is a way to start a "bulletin board" like the others, but for the posts just say the date, a quickie title, and have a discussion without doing the summaries. I personally would love to discuss it, but know full well that I wouldn't have time to recap it.

Good luck =)

Hi Kay: I could set up a La Traicion blog where we could chat and maybe Melinama would put a link to it Caray so that others who are interested could find it.

JB- if your TV can get the English subtitles, it is easy to keep up with this novela. The English subtitles are on CC3. For learning purposes (and because I don't mind watching Mario Cimarro look tenderly at Danna Garcia and say "Confia en mi?" ["Do you trust me?'] several times, I watch it with the Spanish titles first and then watch it again with the English titles.

Hi all: I would prefer not to have folks try to do recaps for Traicion here because our peoplepower would be stretched so thin (this happened during Zorro and it was a headache for me) - but the idea of throwing up a headline and then having an informal free-for-all sounds fine. I'll put a list in the sidebar if you start this, and then y'all can tag them yourselves.

Thanks Melinama: I promise we won't do recaps of La Traicion (work) but only chat about it (fun). No hardship there! ;-) I'll kick off with tonight's episode.


La Traicion The Best Novella i ever Saw
good looking yumy yummy
Nore novela with Mario Cimarro


Hi. I just knew about this. Do you know where can i watch this with english subtitle?

where can i watch this with eng subs?

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