Friday, February 08, 2008

Pasión Thursday Feb. 7--Confession isn't good for the soul

[Lots of dialog and action in this one, less detail. As always please correct or fill in the blanks since I don't have the advantage of caps!]

We start out with the bride and groom arriving at home and then the nice (long) romantic scene where they finally make love, with Camila obviously into it, more so than the last time. She pulls him to her. We get glimpses of them between all the red and white roses that Jimena has positioned in a million vases around the bedroom.

Quick cut to Ofelia, being dropped off at her house by Dona Sofia (who we don’t see).
Back to Camila and Ric—he’s asleep and she touches his face. He wakes up and they start to go at it again. (No words, just music).

Back at Ofelia’s Ascanio and Vasco are loading Don Justo into a coach. Justo appears to be his old self, except for his facial paralysis making it a little hard to understand him. Ofelia says she wished that she could go with him but she wants to see her son. Justo says that it’s not necessary. He tells her to tell her son to be strong and he wants her to thank him for defending Camila. Grita says she’ll be along later but Justo tells her that it’s not necessary and that he’ll be fine. They take off for Justo’s house.

Grita immediately starts pestering Ofelia to take her to see Santiago at the prison. Ofelia tells her no. Ofelia says they probably won’t let her in anyway. Grita starts complaining about her rights as his wife but Ofelia points out that she hasn’t been well of late and besides, what is she going to do there anyway, bicker with Santiago and nag him some more? Grita launches into her “Nobody likes me” speech. Ofelia shoots back that everybody is not against her but they are tired of her badmouthing her sister—“who hasn’t done anything to you.” Grita takes umbrage at this saying that her sister has ruined her life. Before, she and Santiago were happy. Ever since she came back, Santiago just isn’t the same. “Now he’s in jail, and it’s HER fault!” Ofelia shouts back that it wasn’t Camila’s fault and she’s tired of arguing. She walks away. Grita yells after her that she wants to see her husband. Ofelia yells back NO! I SAID NO! Grita stews.

Over at the Mancera Mansion, Ursula is dressed up with her red and white feathers, a servant in tow with a basket of food for Santiago. Fortunata shows up and asks her where she’s going and Ursula tells her. They exchange info about Dona Sofia. Fortunata says that the servants told her that she went out last night and came back in the wee hours of the morning. She didn’t go alone either. “You’re not going to believe it “ says Fortunata, “With Camila, Ofelia and Ricardo.” They went out and then came back according to the Coachman. Ursula asks why and Fortunata adds with excitement: “What else would a couple be doing at Mt. Carmelo in the middle of the night? Getting married!” Ursula is surprised but holds her comment when she sees the servant who had been lagging behind approach.

Back at Justo’s, Vasco and Ascanio are helping him into the house. He doesn’t want to be put back in his bedroom so they seat him at the table. He gathers the solicitous servants around and says he has an announcement to make. “Camila and Ricardo got married last night” he says. Vasco repeats the words but everybody is relieved and happy.

Over at the jailhouse, The jailer admits Ofelia, Ursula and the servant to Santiago’s cell. Santiago asks after Justo and Ofelia says he’s a little better and he’s been able to go home. Then he asks after Rita and Ofelia says she’s fine. Ofelia mentions that Ursula “intervened” with Don Jorge on his behalf. Ursula tells him the good news/bad news—he’ll be set free in a week but he’ll have to endure the public punishment of 20 lashes. Santiago takes the news with a stoic look and Ursula jumps in to say that she can try to get her father to reduce the punishment but Santiago cuts her off and says he’ll take his medicine. Ofelia turns to the contents of her basket which has food and other things “to make him stronger.” Ursula’s brought a basket full of oranges (?). Santiago smiles at Ursula and Ursula looks down demurely and has tears in her eyes, which she wipes away. [I haven’t been able to follow the discussion threads on this in the past couple of episodes—Do people think this is one of those blood—calling out to blood themes that are so popular in novleas? After all, he’s her half-brother right? Or is this Ursula just appreciating the man-flesh as usual?]

Back at Casa Camila, the newlyweds are eating breakfast with Jimena. Jimena is making a fuss over the ring and asks whether it was part of his pirate booty. Ric says no, it belonged to his mother. Jimena asks if she’s still alive but Ric says no, a little darkly, perhaps remembering suddenly how he made that deathbed promise to Mom to steal the family fortune back from that whore his uncle married (i.e. Camila). “You’ve never told me about her“chirps Camila, reaching for his hand. Rico says, “They’ll be time for that.” He changes the subject to the wedding dinner they are going to have. Camila is nervous that Don Jorge will find out and get mad. Ric says he’s going to get mad eventually. Camila says that she wants her Dad to be there. He suggests that they go visit him to see how he’s doing. Camila asks what they are going to do with the business and Ric says they might as well wait until the documents arrive. [I think this is in reference to the removal of the concession?] Camila jumps up to get her things. They both stand up as she goes. After she is some distance away, Jimena asks Ric if he really loves her. Ric sighs and replies, “More than anyone else on earth.“ Jimena says “how come I can’t find a hawt guy like you? Strong, decisive, adventurous and who loves me like crazy!” Rico suave pipes up “How ‘bout Mario?” Jimena makes a face and says he’s annoying [pesado]. He asks if she likes him and she says yes. [I think she says] why, does he like me? Ric responds non comittally, “I don’t know.”

Don Jorge is enquiring of an official if the marriage contract has been signed yet. The guy says no, nothing has shown up yet. Jorge says that’s strange. He understood that they already had done it. The guy tells him that as soon as he gets it, he’ll let him know. And “Have a nice day.” He says to Don Jorge’s departing backside.

Ric and Camila are promenading next to the river on the way to Justo’s house. Ric says he has to go back to his house to talk to Lis. Camila asks whether Lis will be angry. Ric says no, she’s been in a conciliatory mood. I couldn’t hear the next thing he said but suddenly he kisses her and she teases him by running away a short distance. He catches her and kisses her. He asks if she is coming to his house and Camila says she thought he was going to go to her house. He pretends to put his foot down that she should go to HIS house, because he’s the man. She assents and Ric says, and anyway, you be better protected from HIM—as Don Jorge walks up at that moment, with a squad of his personal guard. Don Jorge greets them regally and asks what’s up. Ric says that he’s happy and Don J asks after the stolen fortune. Ric smiles and says not yet, but he trusts he will. He then gallantly introduces Camila as HIS WIFE. Dona Camila Lopez de Carvajal. Don J stiffens and says “future wife?” Ric says nope, “we got married yesterday.” Don J points out that he didn’t give his permission. “But the monks of Mt. Carmelo did” says Ric. Don Jorge says OK, bids them goodbye and leaves very quickly, trailed by the guards. Over loud, dramatic music, Camila is panicked and is afraid that Don J is going to take out his anger on her Dad. Then she’s worried that he’ll do something to Ric. Ric comforts her and says that he can take care of himself and that she needs to have faith him. After all, he’s the dread pirate EL Antillano and he’s not going to let some Podunk lord beat him. This is an occasion for another kissing session.

When Don Jorge arrives home in a bad humor, Sofia is there to greet him with little Tita. She announces that Camila and Ric are married. When he asks how she knows, Sofia tells him that she was one of the witnesses. Don J is livid and says “How dare you?” “In the same manner that you dared to slap me…and in front of your daughter” says Sofia archly. She directs the servant to take Tita. “Is this war?” asks Don J. “An eye for an eye?” “and tooth for tooth” says Sofia. Don J sizes her up. Sofia stares right back at him.

Ursula and Ofelia are walking through the [NOISY!] Plaza after visiting Santiago in jail. Ofelia thanks Ursula and says that she shouldn’t risk it anymore since her dad will be angry when he finds out. Ursula says not to worry, and besides, she’s been remiss in not doing charitable work and it now seems like a good time to get more involved in the community. [Especially when a hunky guy is involved!] Ofelia says that she hasn’t thought of it that way and she’s glad that Ursula feels that way. Ursula takes the opportunity to ask Ofelia if the rumors are true that Camila and Ric got married at Mt. Carmelo. Ofelia says yes. Ursula continues “to avoid that my father sleep with her?” Ofelia replies again, yes. Ursula remarks on how there will be problems when her Dad finds out. Ofelia says there will be problems in any event. The two women bid eachother goodbye and Ursula takes off.

Camila and Ric have arrived at the store. Camila has already checked in with Ascanio to see how he’s doing with the accounts. Ines updates them on how things are going. Vasco is at the mill but he’s worried that they will take everything from them. Camila assures Ines that she still has money and that nobody is going to go hungry. Ines smiles gratefully. Ines suddenly says that she understands that if they lose the concession, they can sell the properties and start over. Ines seems very happy at the prospect. Camila smiles too but Ric gravely takes her aside and leads Camila out of the store.

Don J is now with Marcelino, the notary in his office. He wants him to write up the notice removing the concession for the mill and the store from Justo. Marcelino starts to whimper that the people will think... Don Jorge butts in that he doesn’t care—Here they will do as he says. Marcelino accedes to Don J’s wishes. Marcelino then asks if he wants him to write up a “for sale” notice for the mill and the store. Don J says no, he’s going to give him to his friends. Marcelino tries to interject that usually in these cases…Don J cuts him off again. He doesn’t want to hear anymore. This is personal. Either Marcelino will do what he says or he can look for another job. Marcelino backs down again. The notice should be delivered tomorrow sharp. Marcelino says of course.

Camila and Ric are now walking away from the store. Camila is thinking that maybe she could buy the concessions herself. Ric is still grim and she asks him if he is opposed to the idea. “It’s my father” says Camila. Ric says no, it’s not that. It’s just that this is a bad time. He doesn’t have any money. He’s sure that the ones who took it are LaFont and his buddies but he doesn’t have the proof he needs. Camila says that SHE has money and that she’ll spend every last dime to make sure that her father can keep his living. Ric says there is still a bit of a problem. He didn’t want to say because it would worry her but if she’s going to be throwing the big bucks around---the ED letter hasn’t been destroyed. It’s still out there somewhere with Bernabe. If he decides to sell it to Lis or Don Jorge, it will annul her marriage to Don Timmy. In that case, a judge could force her to return the entire fortune, including that she’s already spent, on the house, in the earthquake aid, on Bernabe’s blackmail. Camila is stricken. “In that case, I should have slept with Don Jorge!” she says. Ric doesn’t like the sound of that. “It’s the only solution” says Camila darkly. Ric says no, “there are others.” Ric says there are others. I only told you so that you didn’t take make any dramatic actions. Camila says that her Great Grandfather obtained the concessions to the store and the mill. If they take it away from her father, after so many generations, he will die. Ric urges her to wait and see how things develop. She looks at him and says that she’s gotten him involved in so many problems. Ric says she has him and he loves he, he’s already told her so a thousand ways. Over a barking dog, Ric tells her that he’s there to help and protect her, to share [her life with her]. They embrace and his look is worried, over her shoulder.

On a long boat, the pirate that Foreman sent to gather intelligence about El Antillano has returned to give Foreman a report. He disembarks and Foreman who is chatting up a servant girl turns to him and says “what have we got? (In English and then in Spanish) “What have you found out?” The pirate says that the people on Mariana Island talked. Foreman tells him to hurry up and tell him already. The pirate says that the mother of the Antillano died and his Uncle died too and left his fortune to a servant girl that he married. El Antillano went with his Aunt and a Cousin to Mexico to get the fortune back. “To Mexico?” asks Foreman. “To a town called San Fernando” says the Pirate. “How curious, says Foreman, that’s Alberto LaFont’s town. Is that a coincidence or not?” The pirate looks doubtful.

Ursula and Fortunata are with Sofia in the Zaguan. Ursula is remarking on her mother’s daring to not only take Ric and Camila to their wedding but to be a witness. Fortunata agrees that Don Jorge will be furious. Sofia, who is sewing a quilt with Fortunata, says he already knows. Ursula asks what he said but Sofia says nothing. She knows that he’ll eventually take it out on her but she doesn’t care. She changes the subject to ask Ursula if she went to see Santiago to give him the good news (about his release) Ursula says yes, and that he didn’t even flinch when she told him about the lashes and even said that he deserved them. “He’s a different kind of man” she says admiringly. Sofia says” he’s a good boy.” Ursula says she was thinking about asking her Dad to lower the number of lashes. Fortunata agrees. Sofia says that she can try but she doubts that Jorge will listen. Ursula says she’s going to try right now and leaves, shivering with excitement. Sofia remarks that she can’t understand this sudden interest in charity from Ursula. She’s never acted this way before to aid a prisoner or help anybody. Fortunata suggests that maybe she’s changing. Dona Sofia says she doubts it. She only hopes that she isn’t thinking up some plot. Sofia gets mad at Fortunata and says that if she has the LEAST SUSPICION, that she should tell her RIGHT AWAY. It would be ….an abbbberation!...she stutters from the horror of it. [I assume she is thinking that Ursula might try to get into Santiago’s pants and thereby unknowingly commit incest. ] Fortunata is taken aback and says sure she will tell her…but…how could you think that…. Ursula shoots her a look.

Back to Foreman and the other pirate. Foreman suggests that they head over to Mexico. The pirate says no, it would be very dangerous. Foreman smiles and says that the fortune smiles on the bold [the world belongs to the audacious] and he who doesn’t risk, doesn’t gain. “And what are we going to gain from that miserable little town?” asks the pirate. Foreman says he doesn’t know but he doesn’t like coincidences. And Juancho and the boys are too close by and he doesn’t like that. The pirate says, “what if the Antillano denounces them?” Foreman says no, he doesn’t think so, he’d be denouncing himself and he’s too smart for that. Foreman asks if he found out if El Antillano’s family had any important relationships. The pirate says yes, one—Don Gaspar de Valdez. Foreman asks who he is. The pirate says he’s a priest, but the person who told him mentioned him with much respect. Foreman says among the Catholics there are priests and then there are PRIESTS. Some are of the people and some are of Rome. Foreman raises his glass and as he and the pirate agree on this point.

Ric and Camila are finally meeting with Justo, who has moved inside. He is happy to see them married and he gives them his good wishes. He says he’s sorry that he had to push Ric to marry her so soon. Ric gallantly thanks him for giving him PERMISSION to marry his daughter. He gives her a little squeeze and kisses her cheek, which leads to more kissy face between the two of them. Justo continues that he doesn’t want Vasco’s marriage to be delayed either but Ofelia says that Santiago has to take her to the altar. Camila says she understands that he’ll be released soon and a few days more shouldn’t matter. Justo says he hopes so, and maybe he will be better then too. He says he’s happy about it and that her brother promised to change, but still…Camila cuts in to add, God willing. Ric reminds her that her father needs his rest. She gets up and kisses his hand. Tears roll down her cheeks as she says, I love you Dad! Justo smiles and says I love you too.

In the kitchen, Grita is yelling once again about Santiago getting 20 lashes. “It’s going to leave him like Jesus Christ!—ALL BECAUSE OF HER.” Just then Camila and Ric descend from the upper room where Justo was and overhear her diatribe. Ric speaks up to say that Santiago did what any man would do to defend a woman’s honor. Grita starts in on him to complain about how it was Ric’s job to defend Camila when Camila cuts in and says she won’t let Rita blame Ric. Besides, she and Ric are married now. Rita now complains that she married Ric only because she couldn’t have Santiago. Ric breaks in to say that she’s insulting HIM and her sister and that he won’t take it. And if her husband continues to think of Camila, it’s Rita and Santiago’s problem not his and Camila’s. They leave. Ines upbraids Rita for her unfounded jealousy. Rita says that she’s just saying that because Santiago’s her brother. Ines says no, Rita’s constant complaints and bad humor are driving him away. Rita laughs evilly. AS IF. Ines goes on to say that everybody is sick of her constantly running down Camila. Ines tells her that she married Santiago knowing full well that he had been in love with Camila and when she returned she never once complained about you. Rita says that that isn’t true, she did. Ines gets frustrated with the conversation and walks away.Grita turns to look in the direction of the departed Camila and Ric, scowling.

Rick and Camila are walking through town. Camila speculates whether Rita’s pregnancy has made her so uptight. Ric says he doesn’t really care. What he’d like to know is if Camila still feels something for Santiago. Camila pauses and says “I loved him a lot, you know.” Ric says “sure.” She continues “I endured…everything I had to…to be able to see him again. When I returned, I felt bad, really bad because he married my sister. It made me bitter, angry. You know that the first time you had me, I was not a virgin. But it wasn’t because of Santiago. And it wasn’t because of my husband. It was because of those evil men who took me. She turns around to face him and he puts his arms around her. You were the first time I made love. And that’s not why I love you…but for many other things. And now I’ve come to love you too much, because when someone loves someone that much, they suffer. Rick has a sharp intake of breath and whispers, “Me too.” “I’m afraid to fall madly in love with you because if something should separate us, I don’t think I could bear it.” They kiss and he puts his arms around her.
Over at Mansion Mancera, Ursula is begging her father to lighten up on the lashes for Santiago. Jorge shouts no, no! But Ursula points out that Santiago is a popular guy in the town and although she knows that the offense was grave, if he is merciful with Santiago, he will not be criticized as much for taking Justo’s concessions away. Don Jorge sighs and says that he will think about it. Ursula thanks him and scurries upstairs, where the servant and Tita are. She tells the servant to take a message to Santiago at the jail that her father will reduce the sentence because she asked. The servant agrees and Ursula hustles her along reminding her to include the part giving her the credit for the reprieve.

Over at Ric’s country estate Rick Mario and Pablo are trying to figure out how they can get back Ric’s loot from Don Jorge’s house. Pablo thinks they just do a raid but Ric points out that they have only 6 men . Pablo says they can get reinforcements from Pirate central. Ric doesn’t want a direct assault with a war in the town square. The guard s will start shooting at the townsfolk and there will be a massacre. Mario asks him if he wants his cash back or not. Ric says yes, but not at the cost of innocent lives. Ric says they could be Camila’s friends or relatives. Mario says CAMILA! He’s exasperated and gets up to walk out. Ric jumps up after him and says that they have to talk. “Whenever you want…RICARDO” says Mario pointedly. Ric gives him a look and says that tonight they are going to LaFont’s and he’d like him to be there. He thumps his chest and leaves. Pablo asks Mario what’s going on. Mario says that what’s going on is that El Antillano is no longer the same. Love has made him go soft in the head. Pablo looks worried. Mario looks thoughtful.

It’s evening and Camila and Jimena are lighting candles around Camila’s house. Camila confesses to Jimena that Ric told her about the ED letter’s continued existence. Jimena drops a candle. She asks what the bottom line is. Camila fills her in on the worse case scenario—she loses all the money and she has to come up with whatever she originally had. And she won’t go back to being a servant, she’ll be in debtor’s prison. Jimena is impactada. She says they must find the letter. She suggests that maybe Vasco has an idea of where his friend might be but is just pretending not to know. Camila says no, not after what happened with their father and he knows that we need the money. Jimena thinks that Vasco thinks that Ric can take care of her family, maybe she’d better tell him that Ric lost all his loot. Camila doesn’t want to tell him, Ricardo told her all that in confidence. Jimena thinks she should tell Vasco anyway. There’s a knock at the door Camila gets excited that maybe it is Ric. Instead, a servant girl brings a letter from Ric. She opens it and reads it to Jimena. He’s not coming. She’s worried. “Something must have happened to him.”

It’s evening at Don Jorge’s and Vasco is sneaking into Ursula’s bedroom. She’s asleep but wakes up. He says he’s come to talk. He leans over her on the bed. “About what? Your upcoming wedding?” She snarks. Vasco says that she knows why he’s getting married. “Because you can’t keep your pants zipped.” She cracks. He says that he’s not in love. Ursula complains that she doesn’t care and turns away. Vasco says he’s there for another reason. He gets off the bed and stands up. He tells her that he has heard that her Dad is going to take the concessions away from his dad. Ursula says that that’s true. Vasco says that his father is ill, he just had a stroke, if they take the concessions away he’ll die. He wants her to intervene to stop him. Ursula says sorry, she can’t. Vasco says yes she can. Ursula, who gets up to light a candle, says that her mother already tried. She got very angry with him. All she got for her trouble was a slap in the face that nearly knocked out her teeth. The only thing she did get was a partial reprieve for his brother in law Santiago, “who, by the way, is very handsome.” Vasco doesn’t like the sound of this. He asks what she got him. She tells him a week in jail and 20 lashes. Vasco thinks that that isn’t such a great deal. Ursula points out than a year or more in jail. Ursula giggles that Santiago’s a strong guy and he’ll recover soon. Vasco points out that she’s barking up the wrong tree with Santiago—he’s married and besides he’s a religious guy. Ursula doesn’t think those are obstacles. He’s a man. Vasco complains that she’s trying to make him jealous. Ursula says “of course not, you don’t interest me.” Vasco says that he had hoped that when she got over her anger, they could go back to their arrangement. Vasco compares his situation (getting married) and Santiago (being married and having a baby on the way). Ursula says that it’s different. He betrayed her and she’s just getting to know Santiago. Vasco complains again that she betrayed him with her affections for Ric and the Duke. Ursula says , yeah but I’m me and you’re you. She laughs him off. Vasco gets mad and leaves in a huff. She calls after him “the keys, the keys?” But he doesn’t leave them. She puts out the candle and says to herself “He’ll be back.”

Rick is eating dinner alone. He’s already changed into his black pirate outfit. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Lis. He helps her into the room. She asks him where he went last night. She tried to ask Mario but he wouldn’t say. Ric tells her. I went to get married. Lis is super-wide eyed—impactada. She gets all twitchy. “You got married to Camila…without telling me….WHY?” Tears roll down her cheeks. Ric explains that it was a hasty decision. If he didn’t marry her secretly and quickly, Don Jorge wouldn’t have given his permission without a roll in the hay. “You won’t believe it, but he insists on his Pernada rights even though the church has forbidden it.” Lis asks if he married her as Ricardo de Salamanca Ric says no, and he asks her if she is going to tell Camila. Lis says “no, I told you could trust me. “ Ric thanks her. She asks if Ric is going to move her in there. Yes, he says, one of these days. “To your room or should we prepare her a separate one?” “to mine, responds Ric.” Lis cries some more and chokes out “of course. “ Ric goes over to comfort her. He tells her that this won’t change anything between them. She is still under his protection and he won’t abandon her. Lis thinks that Camila hates her but Ric tries to dispel her of that notion. Lis says She hates me. We tried to take her inheritance away. The inheritance that my father took away from ME. And do you know why he did it? Because he knew that I would give it to YOU. Now it’s Ric’s turn to look surprised by this confession. Lis goes on to say that now he’s recovered the fortune by marrying his widow. Ric tells her that he doesn’t want to touch a penny of Camila’s fortune. Lis tells him what’s the big deal, he’s her husband, he has the right, (although the marriage isn’t valid since he didn’t use his real name.) Ric says even though he’s married her under a false name he still did it on the altar and it is true. He returns to the theme that Camila doesn’t hate her and there’s no reason for them not to get along. Ric says he has to go and talk to his guys about a thing. He helps her out the door and tells her not to be upset and to get some rest.

As soon as she’s out the door, she pounds her cane on the floor and swears that he will regret the stupid thing he’s done.
Next time: Rico tells Justo that he knows who is the head of a gang of thieves who have been robbing the caravans and money from the crown. Justo is impactado. Also: Santiago finds out that Camila is wed, Lis plots revenge against Camila who has stolen her dad and her boyfriend; Juancho participates in a stickup but on whose behalf?


Thanks for the great recap. Even with subtitles it's difficult to keep up and understand everything well as they are conversing so quickly lately.

Funny. "Over a barking dog, Ric tellls..." That dog really had a set of lungs or I swear it must have been five feet from the soundman. They keep rolling along because time is money as they say. Fernando is a great actor as he continued as if he heard nothing. Had me laughing.

Thanks for the recap. Great to have the show back after a night away.

I must make another pitch for Ladron Que Roba a Ladron, for anyone who hasn't seen it. I just finished watching the DVD, and I say--run, don't walk, to your Netflix list and order it. FC is really cute in modern dress--but in one scene he wears a do-rag like Ric the pirate.

It's a good plot, on the order of Ocean's Eleven.

Margaret: I missed this episode last night, and I thank you very much for all the details.

From lower Ala

Thanks, Margaret. In fact, I want to thank ALL the wonderful recappers . I would be lost with out your translations. I get some of the conversations, but I still miss so much of the dialogue. This was a very interesting episode. I guess this was the first time that Camila let Ric know that she had never slept with Santiago or Tim but she had been raped. To tell the truth, I was a little surprised that Ric wasn't more outraged by this information. If he knows the pirates who kidnapped her [Juancho , for one] won't he want to avenge her ??? I'm surprised that he took this news so calmly. This is quite a departure for telenovela canon. In Amor Real, Matilde never had sex with anyone other than Manuel even though Manuel accused her of sleeping with Aldofosolis. And in Alborada, Hippolita never slept with anyone but Luis even though she was married to Antonio. At the very least, the galan usually gets the heroine's virginity...but not in this case. I think that's pretty unusual for telenovelas, no ??? Also, I hate Lis more and more with each episode. Even more than Ursula [who is vapid and spoiled and amoral] or Grita who has such a severe JanBrady complex and no confidence. Lis is grating on my last nerve. She so deserves to end up with the twisted Lafont , who is even more reprenhensible than Jorge. Just looking at Lafont makes my skin crawl. He is such a sneaky snake and so jealous of Ric's good looks and charms. And, I guess we got our answer about Ursulaaaa...she has not suddenly warped into Angelina Jolie but rather Santiago has caught her wandering eye and she is on the hunt to replace Vasco in her curently vacant cama. I got a kick out of how kissy Ric has become, especially in front of Justo. My father would have been mortified and left the room at the speed of light. Also, I'm confused about Foremen . Is he Ric's friend or his foe ???? Great recap of a great episode.

Just wanted to clarify that Ricardo is so mad @ Mario that he tells him that they are going to Lafont's house, and Mario does NOT need to join them. Basically saying that if he's so annoyed by Camila, then Mario doesn't have to help Ricardo out.

Foreman has never been Ric's "friend." He's basically a high-ranking crime boss who's given Ric some jobs. He's also done some kind of business with LaFont and/or Jorge before. LaFont/Jorge don't know that Antillano was on the labor side of Foreman's business, and Ric doesn't know that LaFont/Jorge have been on the client side of it. So if (or WHEN) Foreman finally shows up in San Fernando, it's going to get very, very messy.

And he might be just a little bit hot. Kinda hard to tell with all that crazy flaxen hair. :)

I thought that in the sixth grader dialogue between Ric and Jimena, Ric said "he [Mario]likes you" to which Jimena responded "yeah, maybe for a romp"....

I love the scene with Don Jorge.He's one pissed off sucker...
Ursula not an Angelina.. mad bess you are too much! sure looks like mom's going to have to step in to save her from an incestuous slut act. I too thought Foreman was Ric's man friend-- but you know what they say about pirates.....

Thanks for the wonderful recap.


Susanlynn--Yeah, I was a little surprised by Ric's none reaction to the rape story. I thought of a couple of possibilities. He hid his reaction from her. He is hiding some stuff from her, first the ED letter and of course the whole business about his name. It may be that he thinks that a pledge to avenge her would just upset her at this point. She's already worried about him mixing it up with Don J and LaFont. Also, his to do list is getting pretty long. He needs to get his money back so he can help her family, he needs to get the ED letter back to protect her money and keep her from prison or servitude. Those matters seem a little more pressing than revenge for something that happened a couple of years ago. I wouldn't doubt it's on his list though.

The Ursula-Santiago matchup is still hard to figure. That may be the one thing that will cause Ofelia to spill the beans, if she sees Ursula hitting on Santiago.

Lis is just plain bad news. She's always been delusional but she knows too much and is dangerous.

Mario is also getting dangerous. He's gone from being Ric's loyal freind to be being another potential liability. These pirate freindships don't exactly seem written in stone. Mario is acting like he's thinking of ditching Ric soon, because he's likely to get him killed and for not acting boldly enough to get his fortune back. I got the distinct impression that Ric was forced into more rash action than he would have wanted to because Mario was ticked off at having to wait. There are a lot of layers here. Is Mario jealous of Camila (Like a guy whose best buddy gets married and no longer wants to party with him) or is he jealous of what Ric has, true love, not like the chick who used him and soured him on romance. In any event, Ric is conscious of the fact that he dosen't know Mario's mind anymore and thinks he may not be able to trust him.

I don't know what to make of the creepy Foreman. If this were Amar Sin Limites, I'd be thinking that Foreman had the hots for Ric or at least had some kind of man-crush. From the earlier episodes, he always treated Ric a little differently. Then again, maybe he's just looking out for number 1 and sees him as a likely rival or a spy. We already know that times are tough in the pirate biz so I doubt he's a friend.

Anon--Yeah you are right about Mario and Ric--you can come or no--I summarized that bit too hastily. Ric makes it clear that he's going with or without Mario, although obviously he'd like it if Mario were there.

VV, thanks for the fill in on the dialogue between Jimena and Ric. I thought I heard some form of "acostar" (to sleep with) in there but it didn't fit with what Ric said next. "I don't know." About Mario being a good roll in the hay? That would be kind of odd for him to say, wouldn't it? Although probably true...Man there are times I wish I had ccs.

I had to laugh at Ric and Camila talking while the dog is barking loudly in the background. Seems Mario is tired of hearing about Camila. Maybe he's worried that he's losing his best friend and he's not thinking straight LOL. Loved how Sophia rubbed it in that she witnessed the wedding and loved her standing her ground against horny Jorge. Rita needs to shut up. If anyone is to blame for her misery it's herself. She married Santi knowing he loved Camila and she's been driving him away with her constant nagging and she even got on Ric's nerves LOL. This show is so good. Camila is opening up more to Ric. It isn't easy to reveal something painful such as rape and now Ric has a better understanding of why she acted like she did especially the first time they made love.

Thanks SO much for the recap! I could only catch the last 5 minutes & I hate to miss anything, especially since every episode is crammed with intrigue, love, lust, and scorpion bait. Ursula: she's up to no good. Sophia: LOVE her! Vasco: coming around? not sure yet. Mario: a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. Cami & Ric: no smooth sailing yet for these two...rough seas ahead, matey! Whorehey: grrrrr. Lis & Grita: they are professional whiners.

I did check Amazon for Alborada & Amor Real (apparently, I've now developed a Fernando itch that needs scratching). Sounds like they've edited Amor to bits & Alborada not as badly.

Great recap! Thanks again.

M from CT :-)

Margaret, Wonderful Recap! Weren't they kind to indulge us with the love scene again. On rewatching it, I noticed how they focused in on the Ric's shirt coming slightly off, then NOT. What a tease that Monica Miguel is, what a great director! I think she knows her audience well.

NinaK, I'm with you on the Ladron Que Roba a Ladron, it is a super film and the people are a lot nobler than the Ocean's Eleven or Twenty gang. At least they think of more than themselves.

I'm liking the subtlety of character in Ric, the part is really well written. His quiet reaction to news like Camila's or his understated control in the scene with Jorge from Tuesday gives him more power than shoot-from-the-hip raging would. It's interesting that he has thoughtful conversations like the one with Jimena about his buddy Mario's love interests.

Margaret~~~I think that you are right on the money about Mario. He reminds me of the guys who tease their buds about being whipped when they fall in love, get married , and leave the longer available for the bar scene, parties, or pickup basketball games. [As you can see , I have first hand experience with these guys.] I also think you're correct about Mario perhaps envying Ric finding, commiting to, and marrying his onetruelove because for Mario...not so much. Mario is bitter due to his unfortunate experience in the past, so he paints all women with the same brush as his disloyal, deceitful lover. However, I really think that he is like a brother to Ric and that they both were very young when they ran away from trouble and fell into lives as pirates. I think they must be like guys who serve together in a war or cops or firemen...always protecting each other and watching the other guy's back. I have a friend married to a cop and another married to a firemen, and they refer to their coworkers as brothers. I think that Mario also thinks that Ric is too much in love with Camila and too concerned about protecting her to protect himself and his interests. As someone said, Ric's to-do list is getting long , and as most heroes and caregivers do, Ric is putting his own concerns way down at the bottom of that list. So Mario is trying to get Ric on track to protecting his own interests. If they were on a plane, he'd warn Ric to put on his oxygen mask before he helped Camila with hers. And then , of course, he does think that Ric is muy whipped and has become Pirate Lite. However, I don't think that Mario will ever betray Ric. I've noticed that all the galans in Carla's stories have very strong, devoted friends [i.e. Luis and Cristobal, Felipe, and Marcos in Alborada and Manuel and Sixto and Sylvano in Amor Real who would die before they'd betray the hero] I really still can't believe Ric's reaction [or lack thereof] to Camila telling him that the pirates raped her. The only explanation that I can imagine is that Ric just assumed from the very beginning when Camila and Jimena were first brought on his ship that the women had been raped by the pirates who kidnapped them because...well, they're pirates...bad pirates....and that's just what really bad pirates would do...especially that arrogant blowhard Juancho . So maybe Ric wasn't surprised by Camila's statement because he had just assumed that's what would have happened to any women kidnapped by pirates. Afterall, after all the things that have happened to him and all the things he's done , Ric is a definitely realist .

Thank you so much Margaret. All the conversation translation helps so much to put situations into context.
And I think the g for grating on one's nerves in gRita's name should include g for groanning because ..."She's moving her mouth again"...
send her to bed without desert please.
I now accept that Whorsela is not growing wings, she's growing horns to match her nature. Well won't SHE be surprised, and foiled again in her man search!

Julie, thanks so much for the explanation of how Foremann functions in the structure. I was getting so confused, and still no color-coded badges! as somebody had humoriously suggested. Now being of the brotherhood of pirates wouldn't Foremann be expected to back Antillano?

Mad Bess, I'm still LOL at "... muy whipped and pirate lite."

I too think MMM Mario is seeing come to pass what he TOLD Jimena before: Love weakens a man's senses, the senses he needs to survive danger. I think Mario's question will become "Is it worth it"?

Lis can look and sound very scary at times, with her grimaces and deep voice. She's twisted and vengeful and I'm convinced she's the most dangerous player in Ric's life at this time, a viper in the nest. She and Rita form a pair of diabolical bookends in their hatred and jealousy of Camila.

Marios's charismatic personality has brought a lot to the show and his loyalty to Ric has been endearing. But there's something violent, even cruel in him that is not at all like Ric. He is so threatened by Ric's relatiionship with Camila and yearning to be settled, that he could become a loose cannon.

Jimena was saying she wants a man with Ric's hot looks and noble character who will also "love her like crazy" the way Ric loves Camila. She asked Ric if he thought Mario was only interested in her for sex, and he replied honestly, "I don't know", and hastily changed the subject.

Margaret, I'm glad you've got a much wider appreciative audience for your wonderfully detailed recaps, after our lonely "Amar Sin Limites" days : )

I love the bigger audience too, writing for Amar got awfully lonely.

Margaret great recap - I totally lean on the subtitles, one day I will have to be as brave as you and go without.

I agree with everyone, we still don't know which problem Mario is having, jealousy of losing his buddy, or jealousy of his buddy having someone?

Whoever wrote "I love this show!" I'm with you - this is the best novela I've seen yet. I actually prefer it (so far) to Alborada, I remember there being sequences of days/weeks when not a lot happened on that show, we are having none of that here.

I agree that Mario is a much darker character, the more we know about him. Ric has said things on occasion about the cruelty and pain of pirate life and how he has made such an effort to keep his interior life free from that so that he can eventually escape. Mario was a lazy good for nothing (never bothered to learn how to read and write even when he had the opportunity--even Vasco the "disaster" boy can do this) who brought shame on his family by allowing himself to be seduced by some wench who was working a scam. Then it's like he turns to the dark side. He wasn't a good person to begin with and now really doesn't care about anybody. When he got annoyed that Ric cared about the innocent citizens being caught in the crossfire of a raid on Don Jorges' that was pretty chilling. Pirates don't care about that sort of thing.

The one redeeming thing about Mario (besides his sense of humor) is that he's been loyal to Ric. It could be that he's been loyal to Ric until now because he's been a successful pirate captain. But it also could be because Mario does have a good nature deep inside him and he recognizes the good in Ric. The fact that there is this major character wildcard in there makes this an even more appealing story.

re: Ladron. Be sure to check the "Making of this movie" in the Bonus Features. Clear case of what the Japanese call "fan service." In the background, best-looking man on earth doing push-ups. My, oh my!

On a more terrestrial subject, in the bonus features, did you notice how well Saul Lisazo (sp?) carries himself in the interview? He gives an impression of being very smart, very confident, very "together." He outshone everyone else.

I think the difference in action with Pasion and Alborado is that the action started in Alborado from the beginning and slowed a bit. This one was so slow in the beginning that I almost gave up on it.

Yes, Ursula's sudden case of the hots for Santiago is interesting. On one level I'm relieved because I expected the one-two punch of jealousy and revenge: Jorge against Ric for having Camila and Ursula against Camila for having Ric. But she didn't even turn a hair when she found out about the wedding. She's moved on.

In one area Ric appears to be as blind as his cousin. He doesn't seem to get at all that Lis chokes up with rage about the wedding because she wants him for herself. I agree with other posters that Lis is going to be the agent of problems for Ric and Camila, either by poisoning Camila's mind that Ric married her to regain his father's fortune, or by spilling the beans about his being a Salamanca or both.

And gRita sure got it between the eyes from Ric, didn't she. It reminded me of what Jimena said to her: basically, it's not Camila's fault if Santi keeps chasing her, but it might be gRita's own behavior. I can hardly wait for that moldy letter under the tree to get dug up. Somehow everyone in the family MUST learn what she did to her own sister.

Margaret, thanks for the recap and thanks to all for the comments analyzing and adding light to the Ric/Mario relationship.
I really liked the Jorge/Sofia confrontation--Is this war, then? An eye for an eye? and she came back with a tooth for a tooth. I'm putting my money on Sofia.
La Paloma

I can't wait for that letter either - GRita is the one character who makes me GRind my teeth when she comes on screen.

anonymous--I think that you are exactly right. Alborada started hot right out of the gate with Luis being the Myastery Boinker of Santa Rita and Hippolita beimg the boikee. Then, it had areas of slowness. However, this show stared a little slow but it has really picked speed.

I don't know, Ferro. Whiny Macwhinerstan [Grita] is a miserable, negative, pessimistic unhappy harpy, but Lis is quivering , salivating evil. Grita gives me a headache , but Lis gives me the creeps. She is as creepy in her own special way as that sneaky snake Lafont. It especially creeps me out when Lis salivates whenever Ric is near her. Ewwww.

I haven't watched Thurs episode yet, but have a couple of questions about Weds. Was Jorge aware that Sofia was going to be a witness to the nuptials - I noticed they went in the palace's mode of transportation and looked like the palace guard accompanied them to the monastery.

Also, why are Lis and mean auntie so worried about $$$$ - didn't Cami give them a chest full of it before they came over to their new digs? Yet, it's never mentioned.

Thanks for the great recap and all I have to say is Camilla is one lucky girl to have married her pirate booty!!Who cares if he has another name. I also appreciate all the info
re: FC DVD's avail. YUMMY!!

I'm with you Jazzee,
WHEN are Lis and Tia-dearest going to remember all that gold 'anonymous', (like they couldn't guess after Ricardo didn't know what they were talking about), placed in their backyard!?

Margaret, I'm amazed you can do such a thorough recap without captions.

Great nickname for Rita, Mad Bess - I've been calling her "Harpy McNaggington," myself. :)

I don't think Foreman would be considered part of the "brotherhood" of pirates. In fact I'm not even sure if he does any pirating himself. Obviously nobody's going to be eager to rat him out, knowing that he'd rat them out in turn; but in Foreman's case, that's got more to do with fear than brotherhood or professional courtesy, because the balance of power is so lopsided.

Think of him as a mob boss. If he messes with you, then your little gang of pirate friends can try to avenge you, but he's got more money and expertise at his disposal to fight back with. Your gang will be nothing but a dark smear in the road the next morning.

Thank you for a great recap Margaret.

Just so you know, I don't use the captions. Actually since 1999 and my first FC novela, La Ursurpadora, I have never had the luxury of captions at all. It has only been recently, after buying a new television, that I now have the option. But I find that it's really a distraction for me and I end up turning them off or not even bothering with them at all.

J.R. :)

Margaret, thanks for so many of the subtle details. I think this novela is written well, with lots of expressive and unusual words. It's been more challenging for me to follow precisely what they mean as opposed to what they say.

My recollection is that Ric knew early on about the rape, but maybe not that Juancho did it. To me Cami still hasn't started growing a spine. In spite of all she's been through and all the support she has, she still crys about everything, all the time and surrender basically. As Ric said, he's assured her a thousand times about his love for her and she questions it over and over. It's about her insecurities, but still, she's not grown much.

Does anyone know if those DVD's come with spanish subtitles?

And Mario, ahhh, Mario has lots of emotional conflict going on, but he'll be a loyal friend. There's probably more behind his story than were aware of at this point. He's jealous on many levels, denying his feelings for Jimena, and concerned about future job options...
jb--Iron Jack Cash

I agree that Camila's character has not grown much, and whenever Ric tells he he loves her because of her spirit, I snicker.

As an actress, Susanna seems limited. How hard is it to do a passionate scene with Fernando? I think she needs a coach. And Im sure Im not the only woman who would volunteer. If she buries her head in his neck once more....

Having spoiled myself on later scenes, I say be patient with Camila/Susana. They have her be more passionate later and she has some meatier acting scenes too. They seem to be developing her slowly.

Thanks Margaret for another of your terrific recaps. I love this novela. In fact I'm addicted. I feel fortunate many of the comments lead me to believe that a large number of viewers don't like the story or the characters too much. I won't continue to watch a novela if it's not my taste. But as the saying goes, "to each his own".

Thanks the great recap Margaret. And for those of you who recommended Ladron; it will be on my Netflix list quickly.

OK are the writers of this novela setting us up for Rita's death or some truly purgatory like experience? She's just beyond crazy jealous and she hid Cami's letter. Every time she complains I'm with all of you with the Grita but I keep thinking you married this man knowing he was in love with your sister and hid the letter.

I agree, Karen, that Rita's ever-escalating jealousy is its own punishment. Unfortunately, it's making everyone else miserable too. I'm surprised she hasn't accused Santi of flirting with Manuela's nana yet, but give her time. :)

BTW it looks as though I was wrong about my assessment of Foreman's relationship to LaFont. I thought that LaFont and Jorge had been funding pirate expeditions in exchange for a cut. The truth is that I was never 100% sure what those early scenes were about.

It appears that Foreman was maybe acting as a fence, helping the land-pirates dispose of their stolen goods. But he still has way more connections than the other pirates and seems to be operating on a much higher level, so I'd still hesitate to call him one of the brotherhood. He has too much power.

I thought LaBouffant was selling the silver they stole from the caravans to Foreman??

I think they're setting GRita up for a run in with the pie cart somewhere down the road...
jb-Iron Jack Cash

Yes, that's what a "fence" does. He sells stolen goods.

oh, I was focusing on the pirate expedition--thinking of the ship pirating rather than the land pirating! Thanks, Julie...

Mario's loyalty has been valuable; he's also valuable because of his fighting strength, skills, and experience. And, as Waylon Jennings used to sing "Ladies love outlaws."
La Paloma

There was a discussion on TNW last month about John Foreman. I may not be remembering it right, but I think he is a corsair or privateer working for the English government. Such people were prevalent during the many wars between the English, French and Spanish during this period. What they were doing was not considered illegal in their own country.

Foreman, I think, hired Ric and others to raid Spanish ships, and for this they got a cut of the profits. Ric is in danger of being caught because he was stealing from the Spanish crown.

LaFont et al are raiding caravans that are transporting goods from one place to another on land. Ric seems to think that he will be pardoned if he discovers who is doing this, because the goods being transported belong to the Spanish crown.

It looks like LaFont et al are doing the same thing on land that Ric was doing on sea. Does that make them "land pirates"?

I wouldn't be surprised if Rita dies or gets murdered as her punishment for her outrageous jealousy. Besides, the novelas seem to glorify single parent families and step parents. Married couples are always dipicted as miserable. Also, someone hinted that there may be some hot scenes of Cami later on. Those of you who are dissapointed with her pace should followup on this. We all say we don't like spoilers, but if looking ahead would ease your curiosity, I say go for it. I plan to wait since I'm enjoying more than just the love making scenes.

I think land pirates are called "highwaymen". there are many songs about them and they are usually referred to as "bold" (the highwaymen, not the songs). And, Foreman seems to be a character not unlike William (Captain) Kidd, a Scotsman who emigrated to New York, who, in around 1696 or so, joined in a syndicate to outfit a ship as a privateer under the British crown for the purpose of raiding the ships of other countries competing for trade in the New World as well as the Orient. This was legalized piracy (in the eyes of the British). All seafaring countries had some form of privateering to help fill their coffers and to establish dominance. The high seas were a very competitive arena in those days. Captain Kidd's charter stated his purpose was to "take prizes from the King's enemies and otherwise...annoy them." The syndicate bore the expense of outfitting the ship and divided the spoils among the partners. However, by 1698, Captain Kidd had decided to freelance and became a pirate, attacking British ships in the Atlantic, for which he was ultimately arrested and hanged.

For those of you trying not to be spoiled but curious about later love scenes, here is a link to one of the better love scenes. The clip has the love scene only, so is has no other spoilers except the episode number in the clip name. Just be careful not to look at related videos :-)

Patience, I hadn't considered that about married couples, but you're right. In Pasion, on one hand the married couples (except the leads) are widowed or miserable. Is that the norm in novelas? On the other hand, the climax of most novelas is usually the two leads, who have found true love, getting married, right? So they can live miserably ever after???

LFMB wasn't that way - it had several healthy marriages. But I guess that's not the norm, from what you're saying.

Anon 06:11, thanks for the great link. I watched several none were really spoilers.

Wow - thanks for that link. I wonder if Univision will cut out those last few seconds.

A friend of a friend has an extremely well-researched website about medieval highwaymen and outlaws. Most of them are British, but if you're interested in the subject, there's some great reading material here.

I've been thinking about marriages in other telenovelas I've seen, and I have to say they're not all bad. In Heridas de Amor, there were several happy couples; I think most were okay in La Fea; I'm not sure about Mundo (an awful lot of those couples seemed miserable).

In Destilando Amor (written by the same guy who wrote LFMB) there were some seriously dysfunctional marriages, but not all of them were unhappy. Bruno and Fedra seemed happy most of the time, mostly because Bruno didn't realize how evil his wife was. And Isadora's parents were happy together, much to my annoyance, despite Ricardo's severe compulsive gambling.

So I'm not sure if there is a norm for telenovelas. However, Pasion takes place during a harsh period when people typically just didn't live long (hence all the widows), and married very young - maybe too young to always make a good choice (when they were allowed a choice at all).

Julie, thanks for the link about the highwaymen. It seems that robbery had a certain cachet back then, especially among the well-to-do.

As much as I enjoy the romance, I'm not sure that Cami & Ric's smooching in the middle of town isn't an anachronism. Do you really think this sort of public display would have been acceptable in that time and culture?

And, as for the hot bedroom scenes, I think they have been fraught with tension. I never before gave him much credit as an actor, but Fernando is doing a bang-up job of conveying his conflict and anxiety over his predicament with the fake name and the rushed marriage which will surely create serious problems down the road. Susanna on the other hand, just doesn't have the chops for this role. I think it was a big casting mistake. She seems lifeless and wan and has the most annoying presence for the leading lady. (IMO)

Agnes, re:"Susanna on the other hand, just doesn't have the chops for this role. I think it was a big casting mistake. She seems lifeless and wan and has the most annoying presence for the leading lady". I repeat a comment I made earlier. I fail to understand how anyone sit through months of watching if they don't like the leading person or persons. I like Cami and think she's perfect for this role. She's definitely not annoying to me. Therefore, I don't think she was a casting mistake. The producers knows which names sells and cast accordingly. Also, the attitude that they are supposed to portray is written into the script. I think the experts would notice if she was not acting according to the written script. In any case, one or more of the casting experts needs to lose their job if they've miscalculated something that's so obvious to non experts. (IMO)

I'm not that crazy about Camilla but there's enough other people that I do like and that holds my interest. That said, people are going to continue to complain (for example, you're complaining about the complainers). My grandma used to say "you could give some people the sky and they would complain that it wasn't the right color. So, maybe it would be better if we all just stick to giving our opinions about the novela rather than reacting personally to someone's opinion. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it (big smiley face :-)

Well, I see no need to defend my critique of an actress' work; it is my opinion after all and I am interested in the opinion of others. But I like this novela and will continue to watch it.

I am very interested in 16th through 18th century life especially in the "New" world. I, like many others, am a second-generation american and it fascinates me. What happened to people when they left their homelands, how did the next generations react, what did people do when the ruling powers changed hands, etc.? I think Carla Estrada has done her homework in a big way and I am grateful for the slices of life she depicts. And while I am not one to carp on issues like zippers & machine-made lace in the costumes (because of budget constraints, I'm sure), I do wish to know about behaviors and customs and points of history which may be inaccurate. Commenters & recappers on this blog seem to me an inordinately intelligent and variously experienced group. It's terrific to get so much background info. Thanks to all again.

Julie, thanks for the lead to Outlaws and Highwaymen, what a great site you friend has created. One of her references was also the project which now has 1000's of books in the public domain on line. I keep forgetting about it so I just added it to my bookmarks bar which is almost entirely devoted to great research sites, many which have been suggested by our learned crowd here on Caray Caray. Besides being a great place to dish the dirt and snark, amiably we hope, about our likes and dislikes of the surface of the characters and plot, this site has become a virtual graduate seminar on the world as seen through telenovelas. The topics are boundless.

Yes, I appreciate all the great information that everyone on this blog has offered. It's a wealth of information on all sorts of subjects I didn't think I had much interest in until I took a closer look.

Ditto Agnes, not crazy about the actress who plays Cami. The storyline and all the other actors (especially Mario) easily offset that...
jb-Iron Jack Cash

I have to respectfully disagree about Susana. I think she is doing a fine job in this role and only improves as the story goes on. It's surprising how well she did given all the hard things that were going on in her life at the time (I hope it doesn't violate the rules to say that).

I have seen comments from lots of people who really love her and lots who don't, so I guess she is a type that doesn't appeal to everyone. Personally, I really like her.

Anon 4:57 ITA. I think Susana is doing a great job playing Camila and I just can't see anyone else playing this role. I think the producers knew what they were doing when they cast her for the part. Since I've never seen the other novelas such as Amor Real, I can only go by what I'm seeing now without comparing it to the other. I see Camila as going through a journey and slowly blossoming into her own person and discovering true love in the process.

Well, you say potayto and I say potahto. I am truly sorry if my assessment of Susana Gonzalez' acting was offensive to anybody; it was only my opinion. But I hope we can all agree to disagree en paz. That 's what I love about this blog.

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