Monday, March 24, 2008
La Traicion, Mon, March 24 - Lucas gets a spine, Hugo gets the Orchid elixir and Soledad's baby hangs in there
Guillermo is still rejecting Elena. After Elena has a dream that Guillermo takes up with Margot, she threatens to destroy his violin. He says that if she does, there will be consequences.
Omar, the bar owner tells Rebeca that she is responsible for the damage caused by the brawl since Hercu-less started it and won't give her any of the proceeds of the spectacular.
Eloisa and Paquito continue the same discussion. He is jealous of her relations with other men. She is doing what she has to get rich and she will always be Paquito's lover. Arturo finds Eloisa's earring in his carriage. He returns to her house to return it and finding the door open, walks in looking for her. Rebeca intercepts Paquito before he goes into Eloisa's room where Paquito is now under the bed. She takes the earring and asks him to leave. Once he his gone, she goes into Eloisa's room. Eloisa tells her that she and Arturo are engaged and commiserates with Rebeca's failure to get any money from the spectacular. Upon leaving, Rebeca notices Paquito's shoes. She intercepts Paquito on the way out of Eloisa's room.
It's surprising that it has taken this long for her to discover Eloisa and Paquito. They weren't very discreet but maybe Rebeca was less observant when she had Hercu-less warming her bed. Paquito confesses his secret of pretending to be effeminate to get the confidence of women and keep men from seeing him as a threat. Rebeca tells Paquito that he must help her get the money from the spectacular or she will betray his secret.
Now, the good parts.
Soledad refuses to accept that her baby is dead and will not let Dr. Max induce an abortion. Dr. Max suggests to Antonia that if Soledad will not agree to the procedure, she should be sedated
with ether and forced to submit to it. Ester tries to convince Soledad that her life is at stake if she continues to carry the dead fetus but Soledad is adamant. Ester leaves to consult with Dr. Max and he convinces her that sedating Soledad by force is their only choice. Lucas refuses to help.
Meanwhile, Enrico has snuck into where Ursula is and convinces her that to save Soledad, they must run away. They take off in a carriage with Ester, Lucas, Urusla, Dr. Max and Antonia in hot pursuit. Speed kills as they say and Enrico crashes the carriage throwing Soledad unconsious onto the road.
Hugo tells Boris and Marina that Dr. Chirac has confirmed that Soledad's baby could have catalepsy. "Imagine when they pronounce the baby dead, when it really isn't." Hugo vows that this tragedy must be avoided at all costs and to do so they will return to San Marino by the first train.
Marina is happy to return to San Marino to find out what Los Burque have been up to and to sell the Hacienda. Boris is not so happy. He is worried that someone will recognize Hugo and that in close proximity to Soledad, Hugo will be even more bitter. Marina says that she is sure Hugo will be careful not to be recognized and his bitterness is his problem. She just wants the money from the sale of the Hacienda. Boris seems to have reneged on what he ageed to before with Marina. He now says that he will only deduct the amount of money that he lent Soledad from the sale proceeds and give the rest to Hugo. Marina vows they will make good money from the sale of the Hacienda.
In spite of the fact that Hugo believes that Soledad and her baby are in imminent danger, he is going to let Dr. Chirac try the Orchid elixir on him when he having a catalepsy attack induced by the doctor. Marina express her doubts about he wisdom of this decision but Hugo says that he must test the elixir. It is the only hope for the baby. Hugo asks Boris to help Soledad and her baby if he doesn't survive this experiment. Boris says that he will be as loyal to Soledad and her baby as he is to Hugo. (Hugo doesn't say, 'I knew I could count on you' or 'thanks, my friend.' He says nothing and give Boris a long hard look. Does Hugo have some doubts about just how loyal Boris is???)
The injection of the orchid elixir seems to have no effect on Hugo. His heartbeat is barely perceptible but Dr. Chirac notices that he is having rapid eye movments as if he were dreaming. Hugo is off on another out of body experience. He gets down beside Soledad who is lying in the road. She is barely conscious but asks him to save her baby. He puts his hand on her abdomen and says that he will help her. Hugo's physical body goes into convulsions and Dr. Chirac injects something directly into his heart. Hugo wakes up. He says that he feels like he has just come back from a long journey but he is sure of one thing - Soledad's baby does have catalepsy.
Meanwhile, Ester et al have found Soledad's overturned carriage. Soledad is still unconscious and they take her back to the house. Dr. Max is about take advantage of her being unconscious to give Soledad the injection that will induce the abortion when Soledad wakes up and tries to resist. Ester and Antonia hold her down. Who comes to the rescue but Lucas! He punches Dr. Max out and redeems himself. Soledad feels her baby move and Dr. Max confirms that the baby's heart is beating again. Later, Soledad tells Lucas that Hugo was with her after the accident. She is sure that he is watching them from heaven and that they are not alone.
Ester recognizes that Ursula and Enrico saved Soledad and thanks them. Ester is also for telling Dr. Max that his services as Soledad's physician are no longer needed but Antonia gets her to change her mind. (The scenes from tomorrow indicate that these two will form an unholy alliance.) As we expected, the miraculous recovery of Soledad's baby convinces Dr. Max that it has inherited catalepsy. He wants the baby, once it is born, to continue his experiments that he hopes will reanimate, Eva, his dead wife who apparently is stored in a cupboard filled with weird green light.
Hugo is devastated to learn that the Orchid elixir did not work. Dr. Chirac says that more experimentation is necessary. Hugo wants the doctor to come to San Marino with him. The doctor is reluctant but Hugo insists that the life of the baby is in danger. He will bring all the equipment that the doctor needs.
It's going to take Team Hugo, now including Dr. Chirac, three months to get back to the city. The plan is that Hugo will hang out at the hotel while Boris and Marina get close to Soledad and offer Dr. Chirac's help. Boris confesses that he and Marina weren't very nice to Soledad the last time they met because of what she had done to Hugo and she might reject them. Hugo orders them to be nice to Soledad from now on and if they can't do the job, he'll do it himself.
Tomorrow - Hugo is in disguise with cute John Lennon style sunglasses.
Labels: la traicion
Lucas finally did something! Although I suspect it'll be a while before we see another sign of life from him.
It seems odd that Dr. Max would have his wife standing upright in an armoir. She's probably not uncomfortable, but with all that space, tables etc. Oh second thought, the way people wander through his house, she's probably safer where she is.
Luckily Hugo has that mind travel thing going on. Since he doesn't have a cell phone, it really helps out...
I was rather surprised that Soledad didn't say "save our baby" but save "her" baby.
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