Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Pasion March 4, 2008 Rico gets Lis to spill the beans; Rita gives birth to a baby girl

EPISODE 59: (ETAPA CULMINANTE! anyone have any idea what this means? Univision has now used it two days in a row.)

* Fran tells Fortunata and Sofia what happened between Jimena and Lis; Sofia and Fortunata are shocked. Fran says that she and Lis are thinking about returning to La Mariana, but need to find another place to stay in the meantime; Sofia asks if Rico knows about this; Fran says they want to get the plans in place first before telling him - ask about staying there or maybe at the posada. Sofia says they can stay at the mansion, no problem at all. Lis wonders about Ursula - after the last time they were at the mansion, she doesn't trust her. Sofia will talk with Ursula; Fortunata assures them they are welcome.

* Santo returns to shop and talks with Ascanio.

* Rita sits and fans herself as Ofelia works on the patio. Santo walks passed - Rita and Ofelia follow him to kitchen where Rita and Santo get into a huge blow-up argument over Santo refusing to be recognized at Jorge's son (spoiling Rita's perfect dream Cinderella story for herself and their child). They scream and yell so loud that Ascanio and the twins even hear them in the shop. The argument also includes mentions of Cami; Rita is so tired of Santo always having Cami on his mind - Santo says he turned down the recognition for the sake of his own pride, not because of Cami; Rita doesn't believe him; Ofelia tries to stop the argument; Rita is on a ranting roll and gets so worked up that she has birth pain right there and Ofelia has to go into "midwife mode" very quickly and sends Ascanio for help.

* Alberto and Jorge discuss Santo as his heir. Alberto then reports to Jorge about Rico and Gonzalo's confrontation at the saloon last night and how furious Rico was about Gonzalo's insults and remarks about Cami. They discuss being very cautious around Foreman. Jorge tells Alberto that he will be in charge of his part in the plan with Foreman.

* Mario stands in the doorway - making hand and mouth signs to someone in the street. Uriel walks up to Mario - they discuss how the market business is going; Uriel remarks how he's doing better than Justo; Mario replies about Jorge's opinion. They walk inside the market and Uriel apologizes to Mario for what happened with Gonzalo last night; they continue to discuss this matter outside the other door. Mario mentions "orma de sus zapatos" then looks around and offers to buy drinks.

* At the house, Rico and Justo walk through the yard to the garden area - they talk in private about Gonzalo's gossip about Cami last night at the saloon; also about Rico's secret job as a spy for the Spanish crown in investigating Jorge and Alberto's parts in the caravan assaults. Justo thinks that spy stuff is very dangerous; he then tells Rico information on Jorge's associates and friends.

* In the kitchen, Jimena is eating while Ines and Cami talk and cook. Paco runs in and shows them his picture of a tall ship like Tio Rico's ships. Cami remarks about Paco's haircut - Paco says Ines cut it. Cami tells him to go show the picture to Rico. Paco runs off.

* In the yard, Paco runs up to Tio Rico and shows him the picture, "just like yours, right?" "yes, that is indeed." Paco mentions that soon his dad will let him help work in the mill. Rico says that he will need to be much bigger to work on the ship with him. Paco asks how much bigger. Rico stands and puts his arms up to show Paco. They laugh. Paco leaves. Justo comments about Paco's enchantment with the ships, then his own delight on the new baby in the family.

* On the courtyard patio, Fortunata, Sofia and Ursula have a tea party - Ursula and Sofia discuss Sir John Lancaster - Ursula is very interested in the man; Sofia is skeptical. Jorge enters and walks by - he and Sofia discuss Lis and Fran's request to move to the mansion due to problems with Cami and Jimena; also what happened with Santo. Jorge says the lad is so stubborn and has rejected being recognized as his son. Ursula jumps in and asks, if he doesn't recognize Santo then will he allow her to marry, perhaps, Sir John? She likes him a lot. Jorge says NO! He would rather she end up like Fortunata or maybe he will just send her to the convent forever. Ursula is impactado.

* Cami, Jimena and Rico walk back along the road, discussing what to do about sending Jorge a letter (so he doesn't think last night was a lie). Mario meets up with them and tells them the information he got from Uriel at the market about Jorge and Foreman. Mario thinks they definitely need to convince Ascanio to help them as a spy. Just then Ascanio runs to them and tells them that Rita is giving birth at the house. Cami and Jimena are excited; Cami asks Rico if he will come too; Rico decides that he and Mario will stay there for awhile. Cami and Jimena leave. Rico and Mario walk and talk together.

* Cami finds Santo in the kitchen - she asks him about the birth. Jimena watches from nearby post.

* Jorge and Sofia are in the office discussing their marriage, his father's death; Sofia tries to convince him to talk with Rico and Cami for help in getting Santo to back down from his condition and accept being recognized as Jorge's son. Jorge has his doubts about the idea. Sofia is determined. Guard enters and says Lancaster is there. Guard leaves. Sofia remarks about Ursula's interest in Sir John Lancaster. Jorge knows and won't allow it. Lancaster enters the office; Sofia leaves.

* In the bedroom, with Ines and Ramona holding her hands tightly, Rita struggles to give birth - Ofelia is the midwife and coach. Rita is in pain and can't do it - Ofelia says yes, you can, keep pushing, keep pushing.

* Jorge talks with Foreman in the office; Alberto silently watching and staring. They discuss Foreman's ability to travel to far away places with his ships (especially if their deal turns sour) and he stuck right there on dry ground. Foreman realizes the point and agrees. Jorge then says that Alberto will be his representative on the plan. They continue to discuss Foreman and his business. Jorge asks Foreman if Rico is a pirate? Foreman replies that he doesn't know. Jorge wonders about Rico de Salamanca and Rico Lopez de Carvajal - could they really be two different people, who just happen to have the same godfather in the same town. Foreman says he only has done business with Lopez, never met de Salamanca. The subject changes to discussion of Foreman's ships that are docked in Veracruz; one of the ships mentioned is la Camila.

* As Ofelia's midwife crew continues to work with Rita, Cami knocks at the door. Ofelia reports in that there is a complication with the delivery. Ofelia asks Cami to go bring Justo to the house; Ofelia asks about Santo; Cami tells her how he's doing outside. Ofelia gives her a message for him. Cami leaves.

* Outside, Cami asks Ascanio and Jimena in the kitchen for Santo. They point her towards the shop. Cami finds Santo - he's depressed and guilty for the argument he just had with Rita - they argued first about him refusing to be recognized as Jorge's son, then about Cami and other things. Cami cries and explains how, why she's been trying desperately to stay away from him and Rita - for the sake of their little family. He knows and realizes it. She asks him why he refused Jorge's recognition. He replies his reasons. She gives her advice on the subject and walks away.

* In the front yard at the hacienda, the pirate crew is really bored and playing yard darts to pass the time. They are also arguing about when Antillano will plan another venture on the high seas - they're getting really bored around there. Mario is fed up with the grumbling and tells them they are to respect their captain at all times and walks towards the house. Pablo concurs with Mario 100 percent. Nico and Guerrero argue otherwise. Pablo walks over to the gate, Jorge has arrived and asks to speak with Rico. As they walk into the yard, the crew is still debating. Jorge asks who the men are? Pablo says they are employees of Rico. Pablo escorts Jorge up the stairs.

* In the salon, Rico is studying his maps and charts on the table; Mario is telling him how restless and bored the crew is becoming - they need to have some sort of adventure or at least a 2 to 3 week stay at La Iguana. Rico says he'll think about it. Pablo interrupts and announces Jorge is here - Rico quickly folds up his papers so Jorge can't see them. Mario takes the papers with him as he and Pablo leave. Rico and Jorge talk in private about Rico's business and his ships, also about pirates. Jorge is curious about everyone who enters and lives in his territory. They discuss Jorge being Santo's father, and that he has offered very generously to recognize Santo has his son, and believe it or not, Santo turned him down. Rico is well-aware of the story, Cami told him. Jorge says that Santo's condition to accepting is if Jorge public apologizes and announces that he lied about sleeping with Cami; Rico listens; Jorge says it was Sofia's idea that he come and talk with Rico about this. Rico and Jorge clink glasses.

* Cleo goes to Lis and Fran's bedroom to tell them the latest gossip about Cami and Rico in the house. Cleo leaves. Lis thinks the reason why Rico and Mario returned without Cami and Jimena is because they know he's a pirate. Lis and Fran argue over Lis' fantasy about Rico, as well as Alberto's help with the letter and getting the estate for them, as well as Cami and Rico. Fran cries that she's going crazy in that house and will become an alcoholic if something doesn't change quickly. Lis sits with her and says they can't make Rico mad and they need to keep hoping.

* In the salon, Rico tells Jorge that the person to convince is Cami, and she is the one who will ultimately make the decision. As they walk to the doorway, Rico mentions Jimena to Jorge. Jorge is curious. Rico says that she and Cami had been talking, and that Jimena was confused about the other night, Cami was mortified. Jimena sends her apologizes (I think that's what Rico and Jorge were saying anyway). Jorge then informs Rico about Lis and Fran's request to move back to the mansion or to the posada; Rico is surprised and asks why the request; Jorge says he's not sure, but he thinks it has something to do with Cami. Rico is impactado.

* Ascanio and Cami are stomping along the path to the house - She's really miffed that Ascanio kept Rico's real identity a secret from her - and she thought they were true friends. Ascanio explains his position and apologizes. She explains how much Rico and she want to get married for real, but life seems to get more and more complicated. Vasco comes over and interrupts.

* Rico waits in the salon. Lis enters. He asks her about her and Fran's request to move to the mansion or in town over staying there at the hacienda. He's a little offended that they would prefer living with strangers rather family. Lis calmly explains that it is mostly because of Jimena and her accusations and accosting Lis in the hallway about eavesdropping. Rico grits his teeth and asks her point blank for the truth - if she had anything to do with eavesdropping on him, Cami and Jimena, and then telling Alberto about the letter. Lis tries to use Fran's story about wanting to return to La Mariana. Rico is growing evermore angry with her and informs her how Alberto killed Bernie by slitting his throat and then taking the letter. Lis screams and yells about her own indignation over his marriage with Cami, and how her own father mistreated and deceived her by marrying Cami and letting her steal Lis' rights to the estate. She lets it slip about Alberto having the letter - then she pounds and points her cane and yells about exercising her own rights. Lis leaves. Rico thinks, "Santo Dios! Alberto has the letter!" (OH CRAP!)

* Lis returns to the other room, where Fran is impatiently waiting. Lis tells her she told Rico about Alberto and the letter. Rico walks in and makes a deal with Lis - if Alberto has the letter, and is only lacking turning it over to the authorities, he and Cami will return all the money in the estate to her. Lis tries to ask him how much money that is, but Rico barks, deal or no deal? Lis stands and says, deal. Rico leaves, exacerbated. Fran asks why? Lis stands and grumbles about wanting to see Cami in jail and then as her permanent slave forever.

* Cami and Justo walk and talk on the way to the house - Ascanio and Vasco carrying Paco follow behind. Santo greets them and says the birth is still going on inside. Santo escorts Justo to the kitchen where Jimena greets him. Vasco and Cami sit on the bench outside and talk with Paco about his little cousin. Paco looks up at Santo, standing at the railing above and says how concerned he is for his little cousin. Rico enters the patio. Paco runs over to him. Rico and Cami hug - Rico and Santo are cordial with one another - they all go to sit down around the kitchen table and wait. Justo is happily chattering away about his dreams of his new grandson.

* Alberto, Mateo and Uriel have a meeting in Alberto's office. They discuss Foreman and his pirate associates, their business plans, and how dangerous Gonzalo is becoming - Alberto thinks Gonzalo will need to be eliminated. (dun-dun-dun-dun)

* Rico, Ascanio and Vasco are walking around on the street in front of the house. They are discussing what Rico just found out from Lis about Alberto having the letter; Rico and Vasco argue over Vasco being part of the extortion scheme - Vasco sticks to his claim that Bernie deceived him also. Ascanio breaks the argument up. Rico grumbles about Lis and Fran.

* Mario wanders along the streets in the dark - from the other side of the shop, he spots Ascanio in a thought bubble; Mario leaves.

* Vasco is standing on the patio, Jimena rocks Paco to sleep in the rocking chair, Santo stands on the steps. In the kitchen, Justo asks Rico and Cami when they are going to have the big wedding celebration - Rico and Cami look at each other then Rico replies they will have it next week. Justo smiles. Santo is disgusted and goes inside.

* In the hallway, Santo listens through the keyhole and hears a baby cry from inside.

* He enters; Rita watches as Ofelia hands Santo his new baby daughter to hold. Ines and Ramona help to clean up the bed linens.


La Lis, what a gal. Doesn't Ric know that Cami already gave them a cask full of gold & now he's giving them the entire inheritance (which, if I have my details right, is really his) in exchange for the ED letter??? Not sure I'm following the logic here...what am I missing?

Nice to see Grita smile for something other than vengeance or money.


Oh crap is right Ric. You better be making plans to get Cami out of town & fast cuz it sounds like ole cuz is gonna stab you in the back (even though she agreed to the deal).

I hoping that since Grrita has had the baby, maybe her hormones will stabilize. Now that she has the baby to worry about she won't have time to worry so much about Santi & Cami (just wishful thinking).

Ursula will find a way to be with Foreman. The girl managed to do the mattress mambo w/ Vasco under Mommy & Daddy's nose.

Did anyone else notice Pablo's slip of the tongue to Jorge? He accidently called Rick "Capitan". He had the "oh crap" look on his face & did a quick cover up. Wonder if he had to go change his undies after that one?

Yes, I noticed Pablo's tongue slip and Ri-car-do covered that so well. (He's so 'smoothe')
I have a lot of questions about the business conversations last night but I'll just watch the comments and I'm sure answers will come in.
But my question which may have been covered already is this: What evidence do we have that the ED card actually still exhists? I have not seen anyone handle the physical letter.
My follow up questions is, Is it at all posible that the lawyer was talking with Whoreje about some other legal issue?

Was that a smile Grita had on her face after the baby was born? I think she will use the baby like a tool, to guilt Santiago and to lord it over Camilla.

And I see now what others saw in Liz. Her ability to hate as strongly and irrationally as her father. She is most afraid Ric will hate her but what she doesn't understand is that she may come to hate herself. That would probably lead her fate to suicide.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you Capitana jR. Another very talky episodio. I don't know how you people do it.

Capt. bonney, I had actually thought that the lawyer was discussing the legality of recognizing Santiago, but others (who actually understand Spanish) have put forth that it was about the ED carta and furthermore that Jorge was mad at Al for the whole thing. And didn't Lis fess up that Al had the letter now? It's clear as mud.

????? "Final stage"?!!! Say it isn't so...and tell me its just PR.

Mad Maggie - I don't think Ric does know that Cami gave Lis that little trunk full of gold. He suspects, but I'm not sure they've discussed it.

Capt. Bonney: Pressed for time, I've been FF'ing through a lot of episodes lately, but I think Lafont showed the ED letter to Lis. (Not that she could see it, but I thought we did.) Maybe I'm nuts. When the judge/lawyer/whatever spoke to Jorge about it, Jorge was annoyed that Lafont hadn't said anything about it to him; but they decided to hold off on further action until Foreman leaves town.

Then the judge/lawyer/whatever was was hinting around about it to Marcelino on Monday night, saying he had something that would show that Ric wasn't such a swell guy after all. (I guess because it proves he was taking Camila's side over Lis's, but who can blame him.)

AgnesNJ, o.oo.oh kay, although, Liz never saw the physical evidence either. And then too why would Whoreje be involved in this civil litigation anyway?!
But if the lawyer was seeing Whoreje about the Santiago thing, who else could have told him about Bouffant sending the letter to the judge.
Yeah, its clear as mud. ...and Vasco and Camilla still have such strong doubts about the letter still exhisting!

Re: Etapas culminantes:

I think this show is not going to run much more--and I can't say I'm sorry. I know I may be outvoted, but while I started out liking this a lot, I have become tired of the plot. I am now only watching sporadically.

This show has disintegrated into endless talky scenes among people looking for a letter or looking for a treasure, wondering if someone knows who knows if they know that he knows if she knows that they may have had the letter, or the treasure. The parts about whether someone knows if Ric A is also Ric B are not believable. How could anyone not know? I can't follow most of it, and I don't care.

Hmm, it is odd that the judge would have spoken to Jorge about what to do with the letter, but on the other hand that's what Jorge and Lafont were discussing afterwards.

I guess I didn't see the letter after all, but I know he sent a message to the women (via Clotilde) that he had given the letter to the judge. I don't think he would have lied to them about that - not that he isn't a liar, but it's not the kind of lie he could get away with, since it's very easy to disprove!

BUT if Cami gives the money directly to Lis, doesn't it default to Tim's favorite charity as stipulated in the will? If the women move back to La Mariana, Tim's lawyer will certainly find out where the money came from. I'm so confused! Perhaps they can complete the deal through a proxy (in which case why didn't Cami do that a long time ago?).

Also confusing, but unimportant: is that oddly-shaped table at Ric's place supposed to look like something in particular? Or is it just the natural shape of the tree trunk it got sliced out of?

I didn't realize that Uriel said he was doing better than Justo with the store. I thought he suggested that people weren't happy to do business with him instead of Justo. I don't suppose it matters, since he'll soon be offering bootlegged items for reasonable prices!

I only got one thing to say...How come there are many woman with all shades of lovely titan tresses, ranging from strawberry blonde, to deep chesnut. Now on the male side, we have dark, a couple of dirty blondes,the english albino guy and that covers it. How come there are no red head guys? Is it the Howdy Doody Syndrome or is it like cats, only females can be calico? Jes wondering

Beckster, I am still laughing about finding a howdy doody for this show. By the way do you mean titian as in reddish like the Italian painter used? Titan might suggest big, big hair like they used to wear in New Jersey where even the girls had dos that looked a lot like LaFont's amusing bangs. Someone suggested a few days back that his looked like a weasel had nested on his head. It's also like bringing Davey Crocket back but wearing the coonskin cap backwards.
Nice to see you are still poking around the show to help us keep our humor. The main humor I got last night was seeing GRita scream in pain the entire episode instead of screeching and giving me a pain.

About a week or so ago Lis showed Ric the trunk that had the gold in it and Ric remembered asking Camila about it where she lied very badly about giving the gold to Lis and Fran. The way Lis hates Camila she won't keep the agreement. She'll stab Ric in the back. And now that Ric knows that LaFont has the letter he knows that Camila is up the creek without a paddle. Man oh man it's getting good. I'll hate to see this show end I love it so much.

Alberto gave the letter to the Judge as per Lis request. That’s why Ric and Mario did not find it in Alberto’s house or on him. The Judge went to talks to Jorge about the letter since he is the Señor, he needed to know. Then Jorge was mad at Alberto because he went behind his back and presented the letter to the Judge. It was the agreed between Alberto and Jorge that they’ll wait until Foreman is gone before they send the citation and/or arrest Camila.

I seriously don't get Lis' motivation. The money will not go back to her. In the will it goes to the freemasons or whoever TioTim stated in the will. He seemed pretty clear she didn't get any thing besides the little she has already received. She will end with bupkus and a cousin who is even less fond of her than he is now. It's too late now and I think she has made her bed with LaFont and is stuck with him being her protector. Ric isn't going to keep indulging her at the cost of Cami. Heck, it has cost him enough to indulge Cami the he has.

Any why would Ric offer to give up Cami's inheritance (which is technically his) when he promised his dying mother he would get it back? Does our favorite pirate have a trick up his puffy sleeve?

Any way you look at it, Cami is in deep kimchee & probably has to leave town for a little while.

I hope this doesn't end soon...I'm enjoying it way too much to admit anywhere other than here!


MadMaggie said,"I hope this doesn't end soon...I'm enjoying it way too much to admit anywhere other than here!"
Mee to Mad Maggie..on both counts.

Was Sir Lancaster referring to the ship La Camilla as his own property or did he mean he has contractors, so to speak?

Thanks JR for another great recap. I enjoy the comments that discuss and clarify what's going on. Sometimes I think the so called mocking is a little on the mean side, but that I can tolerate.
what tee's me off is gripes and whinning from persons who are not enjoying the novela. If the plot is not deep enough, or if Cami can't act etc. there's nothing we can do about it and constant whinning about what's not right isn't going to change. Change the channel. Give us a break.

Did anyone notice how Grita's baby was crying from the moment she was born? She probably knew she was in for tough sailing with a mom like that.

In reading yesterday's recap, I notice that Foreman is going to have goods sent to Salvatierra. Isn't that where Claudio comes from? If so, I wonder if that is a way they will somehow get young Claudio back into the story, even though he's still hiding out in LaIguana.

Isn't the double standard the "bad guys" have about their daughters interesting? They don't want them involved with other "bad" men, regardless of the terrible way they treat women. Jorge would rather send Ursula to a convent (not a bad idea) than see her paired up with Foreman. Not that I think foreman would be interested in more than a roll in the hay with her.

There are so many loose strands and so many relationships that are not worked out (Jorge and Santi,Mario and Jimena, Ascanio and LaFont's daughter, LaFont and Lis, and Ursula and anyone she can sink her teeth into), and of course there's Ric and all his problems. And the missing Claudio. It seems to be like four months, rather than two would be needed. I hope the ending is not going to be one of those quickies where everything gets quickly resolved.

Anon 2:59 ITA. It's one thing to mock but it's totally another to talk about someone's looks and acting abilities. It takes away the enjoyment from those of us who don't have a problem with the story, writing, actor's etc. If you don't like it, don't watch it as simple as that.

Ninak, I know why you think the novela is dull and is only about the letter and the treasure. It's That's because you admitted you only watch sporadically and when you do watch don't understand what's going on and don't care that you don't understand. That attitude affects enjoyment big time.

Anon 03:07, I'm Anon 02:59. Your comment doesn't make sense to me because it is unrelated to my comment. Please reread my comment. I did not make fun on anyone's looks or acting ability. In fact, I said that at times even though the mocking borders on the mean side, I can accept that. In my opinion, that is not reason for you to suggest that I not watch the show. My suggestion to you is to make sure you understand a comment before you respond to it.

This has always been a pleasant blog with all viewpoints welcome. I hope we can keep it that way.

I had so much fun with plot alternatives the other day & I think I've found another one:

Foreman and Saintly meet at Whorehey's palace and discover a kinship neither expected. Foreman proceeds to help Saintly in ways totally unexpected by everyone.

And as a result, Saintly has shiny, tangle-free locks AND a lucrative product endorsement deal from Pantene.


I apologize for throwing water on anyone's parade, but the reason I watch sporadically is that I stopped being able to follow the plot, not the other way around. I started out watching this faithfully, but I just couldn't keep the threads of this plot straight, so I just gave up.

OK this is blog mom weighing in. Be nice everybody! No flame wars here!

Our rules: We allow mockery and complaining about what is seen and heard on screen. We do not allow real-life gossip about celebrities. We are not mean to each other.

I've given birth, so I know that it feels worse than being shot, and far be it from me to wish that kind of pain on another woman. Except GRita. It was a real pleasure to see her go through a good day's worth of labor, sun up to sun down, to where she had neither the time nor the inclination to get on anyone's nerves. And yes, it was nice to see a truly loving smile from the witch, but I'm sure she'll be back to her old self tomorrow (after the glow wears off) and wielding that poor baby like a club against Santi. *sigh*

It was great seeing Santi crying with joy for once. I'm not dumb enough to think it'll last.

Okay, Whorehey, you have lost it. It's okay for your daughter to have a bastid father, but out of the question for her to have a bastid husband?? Dude, that makes about as much sense as half a crutch.

"Final Stage"?? (Thanks, Melinama) Oh no!

Thanks for the recap, Capitana JR. :)

LMAO @ mad maggie!

Maybe what "Final Stage" means here is that Pasion is fixing to move to the next stage of it's story. Example: in plays there is Act 1, Act 2, etc. Maybe that is what is being alluded to here. Pasion is almost finished with Stage 1 and now it's on to Stage 2.

Just a thought for everyone to ponder.

Anon 02:59, I'm not Anon 03:07, but I think you may have misunderstood Anon 03:07. That person said "Anon 2:59 ITA", as in "I totally agree". So, they were agreeing with you and talking about others not liking the show.

Always happy to help my mates laugh their tushies off. I keep trying to get rid of mine that way!

Ninak, not everyone has to like every novela. I'm sorry you stopped enjoying this. It does have a lot more conversation than most. Personally, I can still enjoy it even if I don't understand every conversation. I also suspect that there is a lot more action coming up, which these conversations are setting up.

Cami Supporter

Thanks for the recap - as always!
I'm still hoping Lis gives up her evil scheming to hurt Cami and tries to salvage some connection to Ric. Doesn't look good, though. Tia would just take the money and run. Lis wants vengeance - like her father, and this will be her downfall.

I really like this novela, overall, and have been converted to a F. Colunga fan. He is just too too cute, guapo - his dimples -
OMG - (swoon) - holy cow!!

Is Foreman's hair real? It doesn't look like a wig, or extensions, altho the texture is suspiciously fake hair. Has this actor been in anything else of note? (Have this been discussed before and I missed it?).

Anya -- The only thing I have seen him in is "Lazos de Amor", the one where Lucero played triplets.

In my dictionary culminante mean "high point". I think it is just a pr move to get more viewership by getting people to think something big is going to happen.

I don't think it means the novela is going to end immediately. My understanding is that it will end sometime in late April or early May. Supposedly there are 96 chapters, and we are at about #60.

Thanks, JR, for being such a faithful recapper. I really appreciate these translations . Anya~~That was an interesting point about the hair. It seems to me that some of the men are sporting their own real hair [Ric, Mario, Lafont, Ascanio, the Twins, Vasco, Pablo, Jesus] . Foreman's long, straight locks look real to me. Some of the men and women are wearing elaborate wigs and extensions. As for Ric's deal with Lis, I think that he is frantically trying to save Camila anyway he can. Lis is more concerned with her hatred for Camila and her jealous obsession with Ric than she is about the money. She wants to ruin Camila and make her disappear from Ric's life so that Lis can have Ric. She wants Camila to be a slave again. She doesn't seem to understand that Ric will hate her for hurting Camila. By the way, it's sweet that Ines has taken Paco under her wing and given him a cute haircut !!! He looks neat and wellcared for now.

When Jorge and Sofia were having their discussion, after Sofia suggested he talk to Ric and Cami about Santi's refusal, Jorge said something to Sofia about how smart she was and how she should have been born a man. She agreed, and made a semi-derogatory comment back to him.
It's very interesting to me that he can appreciate her good qualities, yet somehow messed up their relationship early on. (Probably drinking and hanging out with loose women intead of being a good husband.)
La Paloma

Here I am again with my apologies too Anon 3:07 for totally misunderstanding her comment. I did notice those letters "ITA" but had no idea what they meant. I feel terrible now for my reply. Also, thanks to the person who wrote and cleared this up for me. I absolutely love this novela. Anon 02:59

NinaK, I just got home and read all the comments since this AM, and I gotta say, you make a good point. I keep watching because it is my custom, but this show is not as good as I would have hoped (IMO, people!) I don't get the same visceral kick as I did from Alborada or even Destilando. I've already made my opinions of SG's work in this role clear. And hot sex or not, she leaves me cold. I hope we can at least maintain a modicum of mockery here. I don't think I should be banished because I can't stand one aspect or another. There's still lots to appreciate, not the least of which is our valiant recappers and some very funny commenters and Melinama for starting the whole darn thing.

Final Stage .....Oh no! The writer's strike is over but there's still nothing better on TV.
I really hope there'll be another period piece coming up after this...and of course, without you bloggers I'd be lost - thanks

Beckster, we've missed your witty irreverence. As for the busload of red hair dye (or titian or whatever), check this out!

I don't know what Foreman's real locks are like, but I can vouch for the possibility. I have always been cursed with super-smooth, ultra-straight hair. It gets downright floppy if I condition it.

Yes, that probably sounds pretty good if you've never had it. A lot of curly-haired people say the same thing about their curls, though. Straight hair doesn't flatter my face the way it does Foreman's, and it's a lot more trouble than you might think - it tangles so easily it's not even funny. A gust of wind can snarl it up like you wouldn't believe.

If Foreman didn't have a squad of stylists standing by just out of frame, with hairbrushes at the ready, he'd surely have put it in braids or a ponytail or just chopped it all off by now, I promise you!

Was anyone else saddened when Camila asked Ofelia if Rita wanted to see her and Ofelia simply shook her head no?

I just sucks how their family has been torn apart. We don't get many details about Camila and Rita's relationship before Jorge "exercised his rights", but it seemed that Rita only sulked in the background. Now Camila can't see her sister, or fully enjoy the birth of her niece.

She told Santiago that her family used to be united, and now Rita hates her (openly) and Justo is mad @ Vasco for the letter ordeal.

Also, when Santiago told Camila he had personal reasons for turning down being recognized by Jorge, and she replied that he had always been "sensato" and that she trusts his judgment it made me ache for the couple. That's the kind of support Santiago needed, not Rita yelling about everything. When Santiago and Camila's song comes on, I just feel really bad for their story.

I think I would have been saddened if I hadn't expected it. :( The family's in rough shape.

Yes, hilda... very sad indeed. Just a shame. :(

That struck me, too - I've had my moments of not caring for Camila, but she really has the soul of a saint. Rita's been nothing but a bitch to her, and yet, she still manages to be happy about the birth of her sister's child (though I do wonder just how far her forgiveness can go once the truth comes out).

Even Ri-car-do has expressed regret over the family disharmony because of his and Santiago's clash. And it is sad. But it is sweet to watch Ricardo enjoying becomming part of the family. And if Santiago will EVER let go of his selfish desires he will be choosing to make the family whole again.

I agree that Lis does not give on hoot about the money. She only wants Ricardo for herself and away from Cami. I think there is plenty of money in that chest Cami secretly gave her. She'd be just fine with that and Ricardo's support. And of course, we all know that hatred and a need for revenge (specifically when person is as LOCA as Lis will end up backfiring big time. Because there the hatred in Lis' heart is so INTENSE and relentless, she's unable to make the necessary mental leap that Ric will end up despising her.

I have not followed this blog on a regular basis, so maybe this was already discussed, but I am very fascinated with Jorge's character in this novela. He is so totally in control, cool, cautious, etc. I find his character to be one of the most interesting ones I have seen in telenovela land. I love his appreciation of Sofia---how he consults her about everything, needing her opinion, not keeping anything secret (well.. accept his very shady business deals), never yells at her, always maintains his cool. AND, though he has some significant evil in him, I find it hard to hate him- much of the time. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Cara, I have some similar feelings toward Jorge, for which I credit the actor playing him.
He has somewhat of a love/hate relationship with Sofia. He respects her, yet somehow took her for granted or "done her wrong" much earlier in their marriage. He's also self-centered, it appears. A man of his time and place, without enough insight to change when it could have helped.
La Paloma

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