Wednesday, April 02, 2008

La Traición, Tue., April 1 - No fooling: Hugo finds the baby and Lucas gets lucky

Everybody is running around in the woods in tonight's episode but fortunately for those of us who don't want to see Soledad crying anymore, she gets her baby back. Here is how it went:

At gunpoint, Soledad demands that Alcides/Hugo return her baby. Hugo repeatedly denies that he took the baby. Finally, Soledad explains that the reason she is so sure that Alcides was involved is because Elena had the baby and she knows that Los Burque work for Alcides. In the middle of this standoff, Boris and Guillermo come into the room. Guillermo says that Elena and he have split and Elena works for Dr. Max.

Boris, Hugo and Guillermo are going to go Dr. Max's. They don't want to take Soledad but she insists on coming along. At this point, Ester and Antonia show up at the Hacienda. They don't want Soledad to go with Hugo either but she does anyway.

In town, two of Arturo's henchmen see Elena and Dr. Max with a baby and they suspect that this is the missing baby. Before they can act on their suspicions, they are called to a meeting of Arturo's henchmen. Arturo wants to find the baby and hold her for ransom to get the money that Alcides owes him. The two henchmen who saw Elena volunteer their information and the gang except for Hercu-less is off to Dr. Max's. Arturo sends Hercu-less to find out why Eloisa dumped him.

Meanwhile, Inspector Duarte and his Keystone cops are after Ursula and Enrico. The inspector says that they must be captured dead or alive. (Hey Inspector, since they don't have the baby on them, they can't tell you where the baby is if they're dead.) The cops decide to follow the trail of Enrico's blood but fortunately, Jeremias is out there leaving a false trail. Enrico and Ursula decide to hole up at the Hacienda where Enrico knows the secret passages, etc.

At his laboratory, Dr. Max has convinced Elena that he doesn't have bad intentions but just wants to cure the baby of a terrible illness and will give her back to her mother when she is cured. Elena is not so sure about why Dr. Max won't tell Soledad what he is doing. Dr. Max tells her that if Soledad knew her baby was ill, she would die of sorrow. Dr. Max and Elena pack up to take the baby to a safer place but Arturo and his gang enter Dr. Max's house, take the baby and tie up Elena and Dr. Max.

Hugo's carriage comes up on Arturo and his gang. Arturo opens fire. It's here that the liability of bringing Soledad along become clear. Hugo protects Soledad in the carriage and Guillermo isn' t a combatant so the whole burden of fighting off Arturo's gang falls on Boris.

In their hiding place at the Hacienda, Ursula is concerned that Enrico has lost a lot of blood and has a fever. Jeremias tells Enrico to send her for rose petals, rosemary and basil. Enrico passes out and Ursula decides to go for the herbs.

Back at the shootout, it's a stalemate. Arturo tells his men to stop shooting and let Alcides follow him. Soledad has been grazed by a bullet and Hugo sends her and Boris to Dr. Max to get it treated while he rides off alone after Arturo and his gang. He promises Soledad that he will return with the baby. Guillermo heads off to find Elena on his own. Naturally, Arturo gets the drop on Hugo and tells him that he has an hour to bring a large ransom to the fig tree in the forest and he can have the baby. Hugo agrees to pay.

Lucas is handing out the missing baby flyers at the Tavern (how convenient). He runs into Rebeca. Like the spineless sap that he is, Lucas lets Rebeca take him into her dressing room, ply him with liquor and finally, yeccch, have sex with her. Rebeca is looking for information and Lucas tells her that Enrico gave the baby a necklace that belonged to Jeremias. Rebeca wonders to herself it this is connected to the treasure. While pretending to give Lucas time to figure out what he wants, Rebeca makes him promise to keep her informed on everything that goes on in his life. He agrees. Unbeknownst to them, Hercu-less is a witness to this conversation. Ignoring his assignment to find out about Eloisa (hasn't Hercu-less learned that it's not smart to disobey Arturo?), Hercu-less thinks with his dick and decides that he has to kill Lucas.

Ursula is out in the woods looking for the plant material she needs. (Uh, Ursula honey, roses, rosemary and basil are in the garden, not the woods. Everything you need is probably within 10 feet of the Hacienda.) The cops see her and Jeremias has to divert them by knocking over a tree or something. (If he can do that, why couldn't he just bring Enrico some of the plants he needs?)

Guillermo gets to Dr. Max's before Boris. Dr. Max threatens Elena not to say anything about the baby. Guillermo unties Elena. He is going to leave Dr. Max tied up but at that point Boris and Soledad arrive. Elena denies having the baby. Since Soledad didn't actually see the baby, Dr. Max suggests that she is imagening things. Boris waits around while Dr. Max tends to Soledad who appears to have the tiniest little scratch while Hugo is all alone against a gang of bad guys. Of course, if he left Soledad on her own, she would just rush off and get into trouble.

Eloisa is off to see Alcides when she runs into Paquito. He tells her that she needs his help to win Alcides back and they can continue to be partners. All he asks is that when she gets the money, she splits it with him. Eloisa agrees but tells Paquito that they are just business associates, not lovers. Paquito says that he already got that message.

At the hacienda, Marina tells Ester and Antonia the canned story about why she and Boris are working for Alcides. Hugo comes back to get the ransom money. Hugo tells them about the kidnapping. While he goes to get the ransom (for which he fortunately has enough cash on hand), Ester and Antonia decide to go to the police. Hugo tells Marina that he is going to meet Arturo at the fig tree and that no one in the Obregon family is to know that Arturo de Linares is involved. It would be too dangerous for them. Marina agrees. Hugo leaves and who should pop out of the closet but Ursula. (I guess having your boss die and then come back to life has inured Marina to any weird happening because she barely seems surprised that Ursula suddenly appears in a closet in Hugo's bedroom and needs her to make an infusion for Enrico.) The herbal treatment does the trick and Enrico insists on getting up and going to look for Soledad after Marina tells him where Hugo is.

Lucas is on the way home slumped in his carriage when Hercu-less rides up behind and starts shooting. The coachman is hit, the horses bolt and Lucas is thrown or jumps from the carriage and is unconscious on the side of the road. (I hope he is dead but he probably isn't.)

Boris and Soledad leave Dr. Max's and run into Ursula and Enrico. Enrico tells Boris where Hugo is. Soledad and Ursula have a tearful (basically Soledad hasn't stopped crying the whole time the baby has been gone) reunion.

Hugo brings the ransom to Arturo. Hugo appears to be surprised that Arturo has no intention of fulfilling his promise. He is going to kill Hugo and the baby too. Hugo pleads for the baby and Arturo is surprised that that Alcides cares about the brat. 'Your brother would give his life for the baby, but not you,' he says. Hugo takes a different tack and suggests that he should fight for his life, one on one, unarmed with Arturo. 'Are you afraid of me?' he asks Arturo and fortunately for us, the nitwit falls for the macho challenge. Hugo doesn't even have to take his jacket off to get the better of Arturo and Arturo evens up the odds by producing a knife and cutting Hugo on his leg. Even thus handicapped, Hugo manages to vanquish Arturo, shoot a couple of his men and with the timely arrival of Boris to hold the rest at bay, he goes after the baby.

On their way to the Hacienda, Eloisa tells Paquito that her plan to get Alcides is to take advantage of his memory loss and tell him that he had agreed to leave Soledad for her. He will fee obligated to do so. Paquito suggests that she also tell Alcides that she lent him money and jewels when he was broke and now she wants to be repaid. Eloisa says that Paquito is always thinking about money. Eloisa and Paquito hear shooting and go to investigate.

Finally, Hugo brings Soledad the baby. She is overcome with joy and asks Hugo how she can repay him for what he has done. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: It appears that Beatriz goes completely bonkers and hurts Alcides sufficiently that Hugo picks it up and believes that his brother is still alive.


Excellent Jean...Hercu-less and Luc-ass are dicks ...LOL!

The little 'business' deal that Pacquito and Eloisa made is full of holes. Did they ever mention what the split would be?

If Antonia wants to cleanse the family and rid it of bad influences, then she needs to get rid of everyone - including herself, leaving only Soledad and the bebe...

I was afraid it was some sort of April Fool's joke when your posting for yesterday didn't appear until sometime today in the afternoon. Since I don't speak Spanish I would be completely lost without your recaps which I didn’t discover until several weeks ago.

I've been watching "LaTraicion" since January thanks to the promos which appeared on "Psych" on USA but was I clueless as to most of the subtexts of the show. Nevertheless, I became enthralled with this period piece and its gorgeous costuming (the women look like pouter pigeons with their low-cut gowns) and the exotic locale.

What is the name of the theme song (or songs) on the show and do you know where could I find the lyrics? Also, does Telemundo ever sell products to promote their telenovelas, such as T-shirts or tote bags? Thanks for any help you can give me and keep up the great work. nk

Hi NK- Glad I can help you enjoy this fabulous novela. I posted the summary this morning. Maybe there was some glitch on eblogger. I have never heard of a spanish novela advertised on American TV. You do know that it is subtitled in English on CC3? I know some people don't get them though.

Anyway, this is from the website of a novela watcher:

These are the words of the theme song of the novela. It doesn't appear to have a title:

Original Music
* Nicolas Uribe
* Oliver Camargo
* José Carlos Maria

* Alejandro Díaz

Theme Interpreters
* Salvatore Casandro
* Paola Vargas


Quisiera acercarme a ti,
pero me frena una razón
oculta en lo mas profundo de mi ser

quisiera devolver el tiempo a mi favor
y no dejar que nada se interponga entre tú y yo

Sálvame, despiértame otra vez
temo cerrar los ojos y no saber
si vas a estar conmigo al amanecer

no, no, no

bésame hasta enloquecer
quiero perderme en tus sentidos
para no saber quien soy
ni lo que temo ser

otra vez, despiértame
no te quiero perder

Here are the words to the various characters' themes:

Original Music
* Nicolas Uribe
* Oliver Camargo
* José Carlos Maria

* Alejandro Díaz

Theme Interpreters
* Salvatore Casandro
* Paola Vargas


Mi sufrimiento es estar
solo como el viento
y saber que asi grite
nadie me va a escuchar

y saber que si un día te tengo
será solo un momento
un instante fugaz
pero mi sufrimiento
será por toda la eternidad


Tu sombra no me deja respirar
Cuánto más tengo que esperar

Con sangre borraré mi dolor
y cuando había encontrado una ilusión
se llevan de mi vida

estoy cansado de suplicar
encontré el amor de una mujer
te la llevas de mi vida.

los dos pagarán, los dos sufrirán
los dos por igual
un poco de mi alma
que solo con su dolor sanara

el mundo me ha enseñado el dolor de vivir
la vida me ha obligado a recibir
por mí, con sangre borraré mi dolor
y cuando había encontrado una ilusión
se llevan de mi vida
los dos pagarán, los dos sufrirán
la vida que he llevado
de penas y oscuridad
los dos pagaran, los dos por igual


siempre estaré para ti
nunca olvides que siempre estaré para ti
una mágica flor de vida

Amor, lo que me tocó vivir
El momento que dejé partir.

Amor, perdona si alguna vez te herí
Preferiría morir que no estar junto a ti.

Y la vida se encargará de unirnos
Resiste un poco más
Pero nunca olvides que siempre seré
para ti, una mágica flor de fidelidad
siempre estaré para ti, siempre mi amor

nunca olvides que siempre estaré para ti
en la mágica flor de vida
siempre estaré para ti
siempre, mi amor.

Thank you so much for your quick response to my inquiry about the theme song(s) on the show.

I don't know if you're familiar with the detective show "Psych" on the USA Channel but in January they did a very quirky show in which the storyline featured the murder of a star on a hit Spanish soap opera. Then they cross-promoted this episode on Telemundo, this time replaying it in Spanish. I think it was on the Telemundo telecast that they advertised "LaTraicion."

I had noticed that English subtitles were available on CC3 but when I called our local cable company they were no help whatsoever. We checked our TV manual but we could only figure out how to get Spanish subtitles and thought if we activated that feature that it would appear on all of our shows. So when I found your site it was wonderful. I'll keep my future notes shorter but wanted you to know the history of my viewing. I'm hooked! nk

Excellent job once again, Jean. I truly admire the amazing work you recappers do. Perhaps you should look into the "Taller Telemundo" training class and think about becoming a telenovela screenwriter yourself!!! ;-) Thanks also for researching the theme music. I was also very intrigued by most of the songs very early on & am surprised to learn they aren't available for purchase. Maybe eventually...

I, too, am glad that poor Soledad finally got to stop crying. I have to say I thought Danna Garcia handled this kidnapping storyline really well. I tend to get nit-picky with actors' technique and she really impressed me here. My heart really ached for Soledad as the mother crazy with worry.

My one disappointment with this episode was that Lucas de Obregon didn't get shot. The man is a complete waste of space & I thought maybe we'd be spared any more of him after this episode, but that apparently wasn't to be. Oh well...many more bullets will fly before this is all over, so maybe we'll get lucky next time. ;-)

What NK said about seeing a promo for "LT" on USA makes sense to me now. The link below is to the one trailer for "LT" that I stumbled onto on youtube MONTHS before the show actually debuted. What I thought was curious then was, why was this promo - for a Spanish-language telenovela - done in English, with Spanish subtitles? Obviously, because it was intended to run on English-language channels! I really like this trailer. It's fun to see what the initial vision of the series was - the storyline, actors, etc. - and compare it with how the series has actually ended up.

Early trailer for La Tracion:

I thought I'd try translating the songs. I hope this is O.K.

The Betrayal

I would like to approach you
But a reason brakes me
It conceals in the deepest of my being

I would like to return the time in my favor
And not leave that anything
Intervenes between you and I

Save me, wake me up again
I am afraid to close the eyes and not know
If you are going to be with
Me at the dawn

Kiss me up to going mad
I want to get lost in your senses
Not to know who I am
Not what I am afraid to be

Again, wake me up
I do not want to lose you

Hugo’s Music

My suffering is to be
As the wind only
And to know that this way I shouted
Nobody is going to listen to me

And to know that one day I have you
A moment will be alone
A fleeting moment
My suffering it will be fort the whole eternity.

Alcides Music

Your shade does not allow me to breathe
The more I have to wait

With blood I will erase my pain
And when he had found an illusion
They take of my life

I am tired of begging
I found the love of a woman
You take her to yourself of my life.

The two will pay, the two will suffer
The two equally
A little of my soul
That only with this pain will recover.

The world has taught me the pain of living
The life has forced me to receive
For me, with blood I will erase my pain
And when he had found an illusion
They take of my life
The two will pay, the two will suffer
The life that I had taken
Of sorrow and darkness
The two will pay, the two equally.

Soledad’s Music

I will always be for you
Never forget that I will always be for you
A magic flower of life

Love through which it had me to live
The moment that I allowed it to divide

Love, he excuses if one day I hurt you
He would prefer dying if not be along with you

And the life will take charge joining us
It resists a little more
But never forget that I will always be
For you, a magic flower of loyalty
I will always be for you always my love

Never forget that I will always be for you
In the magic flower of life
I will always be for you

It's a rough translation but I thought it might be fun to do.

First, I want to thank Oriana for her translations of the various lyrics to the LT musical themes. I tried using an Internet translation site and ended up with some garbled nonsense. Your translation is lovely.

As to Marie Celeste's posting, I also wondered about some of the YouTube videos that featured a different Soledad and Alcides. The only thing that occurred to me was that Telemundo had made a previous LaTracion telenovela several years ago. nk

Thanks for translating the songs, Oriana. I didn't get a chance to do that.

There have been two earlier telenovelas based on the Colombian novel, El Caballero de Rauzán, that is the inspiration for La Traición. The first was in the in 1970's and the other in the 1990's. I haven't had a chance to see the trailer so I don't know if they were showing one of those or whether the initial casting for the novela changed. That does happen. Telemundo is trying to make a dent in the English speaking market by having their novelas subtitled in English. Their share of the US market is much less than that of the other spanish network, Univisión.

Don't hesitate to post, nk. Chatting about a novela on this blog is half the fun of watching it.

I saw the original teasers also. I checked around and they did replace Alcedis character and Soledad's character just before filming. Apparently, the promos are not done prior to the making of the show. A little backwards but then you get a surprise!

I read an interview with the producer of the novela and he said that Mario Cimarro wanted to play twins in a novela so maybe that is why they changed the casting when he came on board.

hello everyone..i really love this telenovela..and oh my,i think i so love hugo..anyhow,i missed the first few episodes,and when i checked on youtube,i was devastated when i saw there were no english subs.i read about getting subs on CC3.forgive me guys but what is CC3,ang how do i get in there?please i really need a lucid answer..i've been searching for la traicion with subs for ages..and by the way?who is mario cimmaro dating?oh i hope it's danna..thanks in advance guys

guys,help me get a eng sub for la traicion..this showe is my predilection..thanks again

do you have the song of beatriz, here one part of it, please tell me who is the singer, or the name of the song

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