Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. April 14, - Nearly Everyone Has Dug a Hole, Now How To Get Out Of Them?
Make that digging. Well make that clutching his shovel. Perafan cowers in his improbably deep hole dug with a childlike shovel as two guards approach, he yells not to shoot, don't kill me, help me out. They pull him out and once he realizes they are hired security guards on private land, not the police, he asserts his usual self pride throwing out a story of digging for buried treasure his grandfather left on this spot during the revolution. But, they ask him if he thinks they are sucking a finger, or stupid (tarados) and demand he produce identification.
Nidia admits that she doesn't understand the laws (ni un pepino), Marely wnders if he will be prosecuted, Nidia compares it to understanding Russian and doesn't know which laws prevail in this kind of mess. Nor does Marely. They don't even know where he is. Nidia has checked various prisons but no one has heard of him.
Yadira in her own dark hole, turns on the light in the middle of the night to find herself still in Nacho's dismal apartment. He wakes up with a start, she is depressed and can't sleep feeling she is in the wrong place, not in her nice home, nor with her family, overall she misses her daughter. Nacho tries his usual promises that it will get easier, she just has an uncontrolled anxiety. She is really down (bien gacha). She further rejects his suggestion that she breath deeply and calm down with telling him that he gives too much advice and should talk less and feel more. [Ed. Lessons in sensitivity from Yadira, here, not Yoda the Jedi sage]
The resourceful Alirio has been driven home by the security guards, who are no longer watching the property. Seems they want him to produce the ID, but he suddenly forgot his keys, but his wife and step daughters live there with him. They menace that they will just take him on to the authorities when he relents and says he doesn't want to wake them up so late but look, he pushes the doorbell.
This launches a dream sequence for Marely in which the bell is an elevator opening at Farell and a star speckled Juan emerges, rejects the eager Paula, strides to Marely's desk, offers her a red rose and calls her the love of his life forever as he sweeps her off her feet in a passionate kiss. Unfortunately, Juan's parallel dream is of him sweeping Paula off her feet first with his brilliance and business acumen then with telling her if he is the president he must have her as his first lady. Juanito's star flashing dream is of the lovely girl who helped him last week, dressed in colonial splendor, the nasty school mates approach, he saves the damsel with one well placed fist to disperse the ruffians, gets a kiss on the cheek as she calls him her hero. Switch to Nidia who is having a nightmare of the injustice of being a bag lady in the slums. The door rings again, the real life nightmare guards are disbelieving. NIdia saves him at the last moment by yelling out the upsstairs window.
Next hole, rather next bed, Ivonne awakes in pain searches for pain pills. Back at Casa Cachón, Nidia is now negotiating with the guards who back away while all make friendly thanks. She is still sweet tongued when she turns to Perafan and tells him she was worried about him, thinking he was cold and hungry in a jail protecting her. Now insues the first friendly conversation between Nidia and Alirio as she invites him into HIS house. Inside she repeats how she looked for him in all the jails and then tells him that Paula did not press charges after all. He exclaims, seriously? As we go to BREAK.
If front of the school, Doña Pepita Pomposa hands a food box to Juanito asking him to take it to Lorenzo who she imagines is eating junk food (comida chatarra). She leaves and the Juans discuss how sad she seemed as Lorenzo approaches. Juan needs to talk to him, Lorenzo tells Juanito to get into line so he won't be late for the bell.
Nidia in red suit and matching tam in the dining room has breakfast with Marely and Kike. She relates that Alirio came home in the wee hours from jail (or so she thinks). They seem to have reconciled and Kike congratulates her.
Lorenzo insists to Juan that Pepita is very mistaken if she thinks he will die of hunger without her. Juan takes the box back but gives Lorenzo a lesson about the food box meaning Pepita wants Lorenza back at her side. It's a mark of nobility. No, it's a mark of arrogance (soberbia) counters Lorenzo. The two hand the plastic box back and forth several more times with Juan insisting that Lorenzo really loves Pepita and she is showing with this food that she really loves him.
Nidia is telling Kike that there will be cold nights coming and he better be getting a house since this house is lost. Kike says the housing will be resolved easily but he doesn't believe that Yadira will come back to him. Yadira in sparkly sparse clothing comes in more cheerful than usual. Kike beams smiles at her, Marely looks puzzled.
Juan and Lorenzo continue, Juan needs a bit of counseling, Lorenzo looks at his watch
Nidia still in tam, talks to Yadira wrapped in a blanket in her old bedroom which NIdia takes as a sign that Yadi isn't sleeping well? Yadi says she misses the house, also mama, Marely, and even gorda, Kike. Yadi has been thinking of returning to the house, but Nidia has been thinking that Nacho may need to open a little camp for her, Nidia to stay in.
Juan asks for advice on his problem of standing up to Paula. Lorenzo reminds him of his half ownership in an important business, but Juan wants to know how to look like a big businessman with a command of the numbers, decision making and all. Juan feels like he is a gringo lost in the Zocalo. Lorenzo assures him that he doesn't have to conquer everything at once. And he needs to learn to delegate. He will then have capable people but he will learn to beg even a bigger businessman.
Yadira is informed that what NIdia has to do next is PACK. Yadira worries about the baby, but Nidia tells her that she will have to take over worrying about her, in fact each of them will have to plan out their own plans.
Lorenzo concludes his private business seminar with telling Juan he needs to learn and manage. There comes a time in every business that grows so large when the owner is a danger (nefasto). Juan gets it, he has to hire the intelligence in to help him.
Marely come into Juan's office to tell him that they all have to leave the house. Paula is seizing the house in exchange for letting Nidia and Alirio out of the charges she could make against them for theft of her inheritance. BREAK
A disbelieving Juan says Paula cannot leave you all without a roof PERIOD! Marely defends Paula's right to take the house and to deliver this lesson to her mother that she must grow up. Juan says little God will be sure they do not end up on the street and kisses Marely to seal the deal. She insists that Juan is the angel her father sent them to guard them. He thinks sinful thoughts at her shapely back side as she exits.
Kike discusses needing to find an apartment, he has the deposit and the rent but needs time to find a decent apartment appropriate for his daughter. Angarita is reluctant to give him the time off needed to find something..
Ivonne is explaining her lateness due to feeling sick all night. She asks to leave early to go to a doctor. He tells her to do whatever she needs and asks to see Fernando. Then he thinks about how could Paula make Nidia frightened about not having her home. It's not just.
Nidia and Yadira pack the office. Angarita calls, Nidia asks him if he called to offer help or another lawsuit (echar pleito). She is on her way to poverty (inopia). He insists he just called to offer his support. She asks if he will loan her money, when he says no, she says well that is the only kind of support she needs right now, Thanks for worrying himself about her she adds as she hangs up on him.
Juan and Fernando discuss that Juan is more confused than ever and his solution is to promote Fer to vice president for administration right now. Fer is left speechless. BREAK
Paula shows up asking Marely for Juan but Marely pulls her into Paula's old empty office for a talk. Across the hall Juan is telling Fer about his new post. Fer is worried about Paula's reaction and if he is ready but Juan assures him that he has everything to do well, he knows the business matters so well, he has worked at Farrell industries for centuries, and Juan has perfect confidence in him. Fer's job is to take over the business duties, Juan will take charge of handling Paula.
Perafan is finally up and sweet talking with Nidia wondering why she is so worried acting. She finally tells him the real deal that Paula's demand for dropping the charges is to take the house.
Marely, begs for clemency for Parafan and Paula says she won't put him back in jail but she is going to demand the repayment of all the money.
Paula asks Ivonne to announce her into Juan's office and digs at the obviously sick Ivonne that for once she doesn't have the energy to fight with her. Into Juan's office she goes. He says he is still not ready with a decision. She criticizes his hesitance as unprofessional. Asks if she is invited to sit down. I am thinking hard (echando coco) about all this.
Perafan and Nidia wax melodramatic over their fate and then talks about starting their new life. She is startled, he tries to assure her that their dark, difficult life will be clean and pure with a pure love. She assures him she is not going to wear second hand clothes. She would rather be dead than live poor.
Juan tries out all his new tough businessman lingo on Paula, they argue about who is more the usurper, despotic, etc. ad nauseum. Then he drops the bomb, Fernando Lara will be the new vice president of administration. Outside Marely is shocked, not that she doubts Fer's capabilities but she is sure Paula will pull a hissy fit. Which by the way, she is doing just that in the next office. They are now accusing each other of nepotism and getting back to who has the right to decide what they will do about the Campeoni deal. Phone rings again and Juan reluctantly answers then hears when it is Laura begins his bravado talking is loud and very flirty. Paula slowly realizes he is sweet talking someone else making plans to meet with someone that isn't her! -FIN-
Labels: Juan
No promises, but go to channel 2 on your TV. Then press the down-channel button (whatever it is called) a few times as if you're going to channel 1, channel 0, channel -1... Often the menu is located on a "channel" that's located somewhere after the highest regular channels, or somewhere before the lowest ones. Next, you need to figure out how to use the volume/channel buttons to scroll through the choices and change them.
If your TV is too old it won't have this, and if the reception you get from the rabbit ears is really bad your captions will probably be so garbled as to be useless. But I figure it's worth a shot!
Your title is spot on. It's hilarious how everyone is now dealing with bad decisions they have made in their recent past. I'm most tickled by Nacho Topete. Yadi won't even be affectionate with him, ha! He so deserves it. I love seeing him completely whipped.
I'm confused by Nidia's sudden softness toward Alirio. Why doesn't she still want to dump him and get together with Angarita?
Dorado Dave, good for you for hanging with the show without closed captioning! I'm not sure I could have done it. I hope you work it out.
Thanks Cheryl, you rock!
Paula needs to experience some real challenges. She's been so protected and spoiled she has no idea how real people live.
Paula's insensitive treatment of an obviously ill Yvonne was typical of her self-centeredness...she can't even see what's going on around her. Also, she's buddy buddy with Marely but thinks nothing of dumping her out on the street!!!??? when she has both an apartment and her mother's home to live in. Bleeeechhh.
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