Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fuego # 17, Tuesday May 20 - The brothers are actually WORKING

I caught the last few moments of Juan Querendon, wow the woman on that show is amazing, the dark haired lead actress. The 8:00 hour needs some of that!

I've been away from here for 2 weeks, CherylNewMex kindly filled in for me last week. Turns out I haven't missed much. Juan and Sofia are all lovey, otherwise not much has changed.

Crabiela comes to Sofia's room and wants to pray together, they quickly break out into the same old conversation about Feonando. Sofia wants to be free to find her own love, Crabi says no man will love her after finding out she was raped. Crabi swears Sofia will never be apart from Feo, she adds "over my dead body" as a teaser to get our hopes up.

Juan tells his brothers how he looooves Sofia.

Sofia tells Eva how she looooves Juan. Eva tries to rain on her parade, Sofia tells Eva that she and Feo have never consummated their marriage.

Franco, through his wooden mask of a face, says he loves Rosario. Juan, channeling Miranda from Heridas, says that it isn't the same, insinuating that she I mean he is the only one mature enough to have real problems or love. They all agree to keep working and complete their Blood Oath of Vengeance. A REALLY LOUD CRICKET CHIRPS THROUGH THE ENTIRE SCENE.

Eva echoes Crabi and her 'no man can love a rape victim' stance when the sisters bust in and tell Sofia how they were so worried about her, where was she? Hello ladies, she has been home long enough to take a shower and fight with her mother, I guess you weren't looking for her too hard.

Same conversation with Crabi and Feo, she loves him, he whines about not being appreciated. Melinama I am with you, the repeated conversations in this show drive me nuts. In fact this whole show drives me nuts. It's early, but I think it might be even dumber than Duelo de Pasiones. I really think I might hate this show. Anyway Feo has found a home to put Gramps in, Crabi is all for it, but they have to keep his location a secret. OF COURSE THEY DO.

Sofia lays in bed and moons about Juan.

Juan bakes bread and has a sex daydream about Sofia eating bread. He tells the kitchen how he loooooves Sofia. He sees a picture of Libia and goes back to work, leaning on the ledge of the obviously stone cold brick oven, yes the same one he took cooked bread out of a minute ago. He has his arms on the edge and his face stuck in there. It should have burned off his ugly beard, but no.

Bleah Franco is laying around in bed in too tight stripey boxers. He and Franco discuss the sisters. Oscar wants to make money to be worthy of girls like that, he isn't a dreamer like Franco and Juan. Oscar says the best way to complete the Blood Oath of Vengeance is to marry the girls and take advantage of their fortune. He isn't getting a reaction out of Franco (ha! good luck!) so he plays the Libia card - Francooooo.... for our sissssterrrrr...... THE LOUD CRICKET MAKES A REPEAT APPEARANCE IN THIS SCENE.

In the morning outside Eva tries to tell Juan to stay away from Sofia. Juan says he loves her, so sorry, no. He has his hair combed like Eddie Haskell going to kiss ass to Mrs. Cleaver, but he also has his shirt hanging open. He figures out that she hates Crabi too, that's why she helped them before. Eva stomps off, so obviously it's true.

Crabi whines to Jimena about Sofia. Again. Yawn. They find the damaged roses, Crabi sinks to her knees in anguish over her ruined flowers. Jimena looks guilty.

Sarita walks around outside reading poetry aloud. What, you've never done that? Yeah. Neither has anyone else, ever. Of course she bumps into Franco, gets bitchy with him without explaining why, and stomps off. Oscar laughs at Franco and says obviously she's jealous. Oscar, you are so insightful.

Eva prays in the chapel and remembers what Juan just said one minute ago. Aren't these flashbacks supposed to happen later, to remind us? How bad do they think our attention spans are? Then again, this show is making me more stupider by the second. Yes I said more stupider, that was to illustrate my point. Oops I mean 'uhhh duhhh' forget any of that intelligent sounding stuff. Eva admits to the cross on the wall that what Juan said is true. Sarita, crying, busts in.

Crabi yells at some poor worker wanting to know who ruined her flowers. Ok I think I am close to my limit. We are in the middle of a subplot about a RUINED ROSEBUSH. And we are still in the early part of this novela. This is not a good sign, people. Next week a ten day long subplot will begin all about who forgot to put the toilet seat down, that's before they even discover that someone used the rest of the toilet paper without putting on a new roll. Hold on to your hats, woo hoo! The worker says that they all know better than to even look in the direction of the roses, so it wasn't them. Must have been someone ELSE HINT HINT. Juan and Franco immediately deny involvement. Oscar tries to look casual, even though he is guilty of MURDER - wait no he isn't, he just mashed up some flowers. Cripes. He starts to admit that it was him but Jimena interrupts him and says she ruined the rosebush. OMG call the cops.

Sarita cries to Eva about Franco, then tells her that Oscar loves Jimena. Some ladies can gossip even when they are sad. What strength, to still deliver the chisme through a broken heart.

Inside, Crabi slaps Jimena and starts crying over her rosebush. Remember, she never cried when her husband died.

Eva tells Juan, the next morning I guess, to get lost and forget about the Blood Oath of Vengeance. She knows the plan is to hurt the girls and she won't permit the daughters of the super awesome wonderful best guy ever Bernardo to get hurt. Juan is so observant that he realizes that she liked Bernardo. Not that she drops hints to that effect or anything. He calls her out on it, she admits it. She says he'll have to kill her before she would allow the girls to get hurt. Everyone is so quick to throw that phrase out there, haven't they noticed how many people die here in novelaland? Juan says that if she loved Bernardo, then perhaps she is guilty of killing Libia, to get her out of the way.

The other brothers work (I know!) and wonder why Juan and Eva keep having these morning meetings. Oscar worries about Jimena, admits to Franco that he ruined the flowers. I swear, they better get to the bottom of this whole RosebushGate fiasco or I will lose all faith in these awesome writers. Oh wait the writing is awful. Never mind.

Jimena makes up a story about wanting to roll around in rose petals and she fights with Crabi. She says she needs passion and affection, doesn't Crabi remember being a woman? She leaves and slams the door, which being a prop door, sounds like it almost breaks. Crabi looks at a picture of the three sisters and almost squeezes out a tear. Yeah right. Like that would happen. Well at least a tear for something other than the death of her precious rosebush.

Juan tells the other brothers that maybe Eva had Libia killed.

Eva is praying again, this time to Bernardo at his crypt? It looks like one of those stones in the wall of an old church, where one of the priests was interred, I imagine that's what happened here, he got put into one of the walls somewhere. Maybe in the chapel. Eva sure does like her chapel and praying.

The other brothers tell Juan he is crazy. They have gotten over their temporary insanity and are back to laying around in the grass doing nothing.

Jimena whines to Gramps about Crabi. Sarita comes in and adds to the crying. She tells them about Franco and Rosario. Hey that reminds me. How is it that when reading other recaps I hear about Rosario with her boobs out here, Rosario wearing nothing with her ass hanging out there, and in this episode NOTHING? If I hadn't seen that goddess at the end of Juan Q I'd be batting .000 for the night. Jimena looks nice in her outfit from the "Understated Hoochie" collection but come on! Foul! Not fair! Anyway Gramps tells Sarita, who feels like she can't compete with Rosario on looks (depends, really. Sarita is hot when she wants and you can take her home to mother. Rosario, not so much on that second part. Mom: When did you start dating strippers?), the stories of David and Goliath and the Tortoise and the Hare. The nice thing would be to say that she was prettier than slutty looking Rosario, instead he basically tells her that her insecurity is right but she should sloooowly fight to win Franco over. Sarita says she deserves someone better, at that point Gramps wiggles his ears back and there is a loud 'BOING' sound effect. WTF? This show continues to confuse and amaze me.

Eva and Crabi have the where is my daughter? conversation again.

Juan and Sofia meet and sweet talk about how they can't stay away from each other. Juan says Bernardo was a danger to his family but won't say why. She asks if he is seeking a Blood Oath of Vengeance against her, he doesn't answer. There is some other song now going into commercial sometimes that isn't anything more than background sounds. I won't get tired of "Para Siempre" Univision, don't skimp on it.

Gramps says playing cards will make the girls feel better. Jimena leaves but Sarita stays. There's that 'BOING' sound again. It's either that or the cricket today.

Sofia apologizes for her accusation (if she only knew). Juan remembers the Blood Oath of Vengeance and gets all third grader on Sofia "no stay away from me! cooties! girls ewwww!" and stomps off. The other brothers are, yes you guessed it from that telltale look on Franco's face, confused. They see Sofia looking upset and figure out why Juan was also wound up. Oscar runs after and tries to convince her that Juan looooves her, really LOOOOOVES her. Sofia leaves anyway. Just then Oscar and Jimena see each other, Jimena smiles before remembering she's mad (typical woman, sorry ladies but it's true, you DECIDE to be mad. It doesn't just happen by itself) and tries to act aloof.

Sarita sees Franco out the window, working (I know! Again!). She spies on him. She says she's going to go find Crabi. Suuure you are.

Oscar sweet talks Jimena and gives her a kiss, she is all for it. Sarita pulls them apart (I thought she was looking for Crabi, hmmm?) and says she's going to tattle on them to mommy, then slaps Oscar. They all go towards the house.

Crabi has a flashback to Jimena asking if she remembers being a woman (another same episode flashback), looks at a picture of her and Bernardo when they were young, and again fails to squeeze out a tear.

Jimena and Oscar follow Sarita into the house and beg her not to tattle on them. They are in their THIRTIES and begging not to get tattled on because they kissed. This show is so stupid. The rosebush thing is still up in the air remember, the wrong person confessed! And we still don't know who left the seat up! From another room Crabi calls to Sarita and Jimena, they all try to figure out where to hide. Crabi enters and sees Oscar, Sarita decides to cover and makes up a story why he's there, Crabi kicks him out.

Juan is back to baking shirtless and goes to his favorite thinking spot, his head sticking into the magic oven that somehow bakes even though it is stone cold. He moons over Sofia and how much he looooves her. He says out loud "but I'm going to lose you," remember the Blood Oath of Vengeance.

Sofia is also mooning in her room, Juan continues to moon, this time Vicente Fernandez provides the music, with that I can almost get swept up in the moment... Not really but that song can really take you places.

Tomorrow - Sofia tells Juan she was raped. Since he is an overgrown 9 year old, I predict him acting like a complete and total ass about it, then quickly apologizing, then acting like an ass again later.


I can't figure out why the font is all messed up in the second half of the post, sorry about that.

LOL Brilliant recap!

But have to admit my Spanish is horrible so I appreciate the fact they repeat the same scene over and over and over again.

Loved Jiminy Cricket too!

Great recap! Nicely done. Lots of stuff to laugh at.

And who are the writers?! Maybe they are filling in as the sound people, too.

Ferro, thank you for your funny exasperated recap. I blame the LARGE print on the LOUD crickets. Or was it just a coincidence. I think not.

This novela is moving about a millimeter per episode. The next ice age will be here by the time it rounds up. They will show each Juan and Sofia encounter a minimum of 4 or 5 times. It's a good thing I'm a devout fan of hunky E Y.

Though it isn't evident in this episode, Pablo has moved up the scale in his acting abilities. We no longer see just the lines between his brows but a smile on his, at times, animated face. However, why doesn't he limp when he working? I think Santiago had a better more consistent limp too.

I laughed along with Ferro when the BOING in the music appeared at an inappropriate time in the dialogue and laughed when Crabi went ballistic over the roses. What a dramatic moment. I wonder if it is in the original script or we have the current writer to thank for this.

Anyway, this is a fun novela in that it's so far out there, there will always be something to mock.

I am getting so blase' that I hardly cringed at the double whammy of Franco and Oscar in their undies.

I just keep thinking of more funny Ferro comments. I, too, noticed that Juan found a perfect place for reflection.... a piping hot oven. He is mighty Joe Juan, for sure, as he had his head and arms about half way in. Why don't we all pitch in to buy Juan some oven mitts so he doesn't have to grab the hot pan and conchas with his bare hands.

Thank you ferro for the interesting and fun recap. I haven't been able to stomach watching even five minutes of this, so I appreciate your recap efforts a lot.

I have one request to you and everyone, please keep the nicknames of the characters to just those that shorten the actual names. It is really difficult to read along and keep up with what's happening when you start to use nicks that almost completely change the character name. For example, which characters are you talking about when you use the nicks "Crabi" and "Feo"?

Jody :)

Thanks, ferro!
Ya know, it might make for a better plot--scracth that, ANY plot-- if they could just explain away Juan's loonatic outbursts with Sofia as being schizo.

As for Grampa Aesop, I thought his toupee shifted, but I was being distracted from the screen and only caught the last second of that scene. Wiggling ears you say??????

Feo is short for Fer as in Feonando because of his ugly personality and Crabi is from the variant Crabi Gabi/Crabiela/Gabriela which is Big Momma's.

Ferro: Thanks for the unique recap. You are truly gifted.

Yup - the rosebush scene was just awful. How noble of Jimena to take the fall for her middle-aged novio. While on that subject, I'm also glad Oscar kept his shirt on after he removed his trousers because it hid body parts that we've already seen.

Anyway, Juan/Sofia, Sofia/Juan. Another case of he loves me, he loves me not. I love her, I can't love her, etc, etc.

Crabi becomes more despicable with each episode. Maybe in the roundup she'll end up in the manicomio instead of gramps.

From lower Ala

Thanks for the great recap! I also agree that the font may have conveniently changed because of the loud cricket noises.....which helped me a lot....didn't need my reading glasses! :)

Let's hang in there, everybody...this novela has to get a little better... eventually!

As for the underwear scenes....EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!

There are times lately when, even though there's no reason to believe that I've suddenly become unable to understand Spanish, I'm extra-grateful for the recap because (in addition to being funny, which is a MUST for this show) it confirms that I really did hear the stupid thing that I thought I heard.

Most of last night, I kept saying "wha-at??" because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now I know there are witnesses who heard the same crazy stuff.

I liked the comment the other day that the actors are directing themselves because there's nobody at the helm. I am now thinking of them mugging, thinking to themselves that this is utterly ludicrous but it's a paycheck, and I think I sometimes see cracks in the facade of "this is a real, actual show."

The brickwork they keep showing us is unbelievably bad. I certainly can believe that bakers built this wall. Why were they not instantly fired?

Marcia/Jimena dresses like the booby from Lil Abner. I will add her to your recap.

You can't hate this show, it's too ridiculous!

Ferro, MAN are you baCK! Hilarious!!! You not the show of course. Its failing to stand up to comedy standards but may have rating as farce. On that score, pun intended, I was waiting for the opening just to hear the theme! They are skimping on playing it!

I imagine the notes between Director and Ambient Sound Man:
Director: Its a comedy slash musical.
Ambient Sound Man at Sound Board Station: We'll use cricket button, Opera Bytes, followed by Elevator Soft Sounds, then Opera Bytes to Cricket button. Scene change will be Bong Hacienda.

I was thinking that Oscar might have been told to keep that shirt on because of its expensive cut, collarless and crisp fabric seamless shaping, you know, perhaps in the 300 dollar range.

Stay tuned Ferro en la sangre. Cierto Rosario will reappear in flagrant almost dressed. That is hilarious about 'upscale hoocie wear'.

You'd think bakers would build a house of gingerbread.

Julie, thanks for the tip on fixing the font, all better now. It was the loud cricket that caused the problem but I'm not sure how still. Whatever. Thank you all for your comments, it is what eases the pain of sitting through an episode of this show.

Ferro, Ferro, the king of snark, excellent, sarcastic recap. I hope that you we're complaining about the quality of the show, its writing, direction,editing, sound, production or anything else, it gives you much material to work your magic with...I'm not noticing the odd sounds that everyone else is mentioning, I think that I must be listening too intently to the snappy dialog and profound content. Juan truly is schitzoid, or at least passive/aggressive toward Sofia, curious to see how he reacts, then re-reacts to the rape news...

Im really sad my dog Daphne is missing,
Well...........Atleast this should be getting good within the next few weeks...I think
I dont know what to say..
Great recap
by the way i'll be getting my laptop in a few week so i'll get to watch some novelas online , Maybe you can all tell me what shows to look at.

The "boing" for grandpa was because someone forgot to tell the soundman it is a drama.You hear that krap in Mexican comedies. Even the good ones.

I think the sound editor is just as confused as everyone else! He must have to make some wild guesses based on the footage he's given.

"Was this terrible line supposed to sound serious? Or was it a joke that didn't work? I can't tell! Think I'll add a 'boing' and a loud cricket to distract people from this strange dialogue."

Thanks ferro94 for the recap! Running a little late this morning, and I'm going to get to it right now.

In the meantime, here are the Nielsen results for the week of 05/12-16/08.

We're still doing ok in the ratings; once again all five Fuegos made the Top 10.

Guapos's Friday episode did not make it into the Top 10, but assuming it were only slightly lower than 4.3 million, both Guapos and Fuegos would be pulling 23 million viewers each for the week total.

Top 10 TV Programs Among Hispanics for the week of May 12, 2008

1. Guapos THU 22.1 share 5.28 million
2. Guapos MON 22 share 5.009 million
3. Fuego WED 21.5 share 4.72 million
4. Guapos TUE 21.1 share 4.879 million
5. Fuego MON 20.9 share 4.793 million
6. Aqui Y Ahora TUE 20.7 share 4.451 million
7. Fuego TUE 20.6 share 4.683 million
8. Guapos WED 20.3 share 4.341 million
9. Fuego THU 20 share 4.508 million
10. Fuego FRI 19.6 share 4.359 million

Btw, there is a university professor who does novela research, and she claims on her website that novela music is not so much music as audio cues. I think we all knew that, but it bore saying out loud to make it official, LOL.

When the boing happened, it was when they cut back to grandpa's face, and he is the comic relief. I noticed it that way and remembered what she said. Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I saw her website now.

Excuse me for stepping back one day. I want to thank Anon 3:51 for the lyrics and translation to Para Siempre, Vicente Fernandez's song. So beautiful and he has such a beautiful voice. I hope this song will linger as did the theme Fernandez sang in La Mentira.

Bringing back the question of how could everybody not know Libia is the Reyes brothers sister. Well, Libia didn't know her lover was a wealthy married man with three children, all older than she. So this town has no nada zip grapevine. That's so convenient for this plot.

Food for thought. Sophia says that the marriage was no consummated. Therefore she can have an anulment. HOWEVER, I can see fer in the end, saying "hey" I raped you, so it was consummated". What happens then? Is an annulment invalid?

Did anyone notice the crumbs in Juan's beard?

Ferro - I actually laughed out loud at work reading this.

Wait a minute, now I'm mad! I just remembered what you said about us. Oh, you were talking about LADIES. Nevermind. ;)

I don't think you can consummate a marriage before the marriage even exists.

Is premarital sex still a sin in the eyes of the church? Rape certainly is... so that would be another strike against it being a consummation.

I'm thinking ...rape is a crime. It is not an consummation of an agreement. NO that's not a marriage! Therefore it can be annulled. But if Cribiella finds out she may tell Feo Nando to do it again and she will be witness.

Yes, anonymous, I noticed the crumbs in Juan's beard. Like Ferro said in the recap - too bad he didn't get the bear burned off when he stuck his head in the oven. But, no, that can't happen because it's not a real oven, just one of those 1950's kiddy oven that run on a light bulb.

Why does FELS flash back to such recent scenes? I believe it is necessary based on the "special charms" of FELS.

In a normal novela, the star finds out something significant and catastrophic, e.g. "your fiance' is your brother."
In FELS, the star finds out something mundane and .. more mundane, e.g. "he kissed me again."

In a normal novela, the star goes back to her room and is in emotional torment about the news. We know what news she is reacting to because:
A. The news was so catastrophic, we expect her to be tormented by it (it's usually a major plot development).
B. Her acting reveals what is upsetting her. We can read, in her face, the cause of her agony.
C. The dialogue (or monologue) reveals what is upsetting her. She falls to the floor and chokes out, "He was the only man who ever understood me."
In FELS, the star goes back to her room to cry, but we have no idea what is tormenting her because:
A. The news is so mundane, we've already forgotten it. (There are NO major plot developments. Ever.)
B. Her acting reveals.. nothing. Not a clue.
C. The script-writing reveals.. nothing. Script? Does somebody have a script?

Lacking all the usual clues, we NEED the flashback to the last scene so we know what is troubling her. In a normal novela we only need the flashback if the event was so long ago, that we need to be reminded and the newbies need to be brought up to date.
In FELS, we need flashbacks for everything. And the show eagerly provides them.

very good, you know seriously that there must have been unknown experiments done on the population of this town, hidden government testing, maybe Mexico gave us some kind of land lease back in the 60's and we left radition or lead or something, cause surely out of this whole freakin town, some one would have spawned a mutant kid that could figure things out. Maybe it is Rosarios kid and he is try to communicate Help Me to the viewing audience.

Polvarones you must be right! I frequently ask myself 'does that mean something? is this story going somewhere/anywhere yet?'

I think Polly and Bonney are onto something, there... I get way too excited about little subtleties. I see an unexpected expression on someone's face, or a strange tone in their voice, and I assume that it's significant.

It seems more and more likely that it's just indigestion.

When they want us to know something in this novela, they spell it out for us very clearly and explicitly. Like we all know that Franco's the "dreamer" because they keep telling us. We don't have to rely on his nuanced performance to figure it out. :)

I think I've figured out what this show needs: the complete gang of recappers to re-write the scripts because this is one lame-o novela. Ferro, you're hilarious...this is WAY better than anything they've broadcast so far. Hang in there. I'm sure Rosario's bazooooms will be back (I must admit, they are a bit freakish...I think she inflates them because I'm not sure silicone can be that perky) so you can get some satisfaction from this train wreck. It sure as heck won't be from the scintillating dialogue or intriguing plot developments!


OH - I know how Ninel Conde keeps her boobs all swollen up, she is in the latest issue of TV y Novelas giving her boob maintenance secret - ice! Yes she ices those babies down multiple times a day. And yes, she proudly shared that with a popular magazine.

Wait, wait, wait...she ICES them??? So are we to believe that if she didn't ice them, they'd be more swollen???? Yikes! All I can think of is the scene from that Woody Allen movie from the 70s (Bananas), when he makes the futuristic pudding that takes over the kitchen.


Oops...the Woody Allen movie was Sleeper.

Rosario's new movie: The Boobs that Ate New York.

Thanks for the recap Ferro. You were your usually witty self and with the material you have to work with (if you don't die from becoming brain dead with this bad plot first) is great stuff.

I'm still trying to figure out why Franco's cane is a sometime prop.

I would like for telenovelas to do up close shots of what is being eaten at meals. I clearly see the fruit bowls because of the colors. But whats on those dishes! Food could add interest to the episode for me. I believe that sharing of the bun between Sophi and Juan was suppose to be sexy but I guess my taste is all in my mouth.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets distracted by fictitious food. :)

I get distracted by fictitious flowers. I've been watching the bouquets in novelas for years now.

And I like to watch characters work in their gardens, when they do that.

Julie thanks for the info. I thought the rape was after the marriage and therefore, even it was rape, it was still sex and I thought this would mean that the marriage was consummated

Paula Polvorones I laughed out loud HAH HAH at your insightful analysis of this delightfully lame telenovela. I love that they are all so old and scuzzy looking and crumbs in their beards! And the acting so peculiar! Hah!

Oh, gotcha, 4:40! No, it was before they were married - in fact it's how he became a hero in Gabi's eyes when he "found" Sofi afterwards and brought her home.

That's the rape that happened at night and has only been seen in flashbacks.

There was also the attempted rape during the day (recently) when she went out on Bernardo's horse and he caught up with her and tried to nail her out in the field. Then she had a flashback to the original rape and remembered the tattoo (but she still doesn't realize WHO has the tattoo). Somehow she got away from him and took off on the horse.

(Uh, when I said "gotcha" I didn't mean "I fooled you, bwahahaha!" I meant "I understand.")

Attention recappers - Can anyone swap with me next week? I have a Monday recap (5/26) but an early appointment the next morning.

No big deal if no one can do it, but if someone's willing to swap any night, that would be great. Thanks!

If anyone knows the name of the telenovela researcher mentioned earlier, I would love to hear more about that. Thanks!

Thanks, Ferro, for that wonderful recap. I was cutting away to Dancing with the Stars and was afraid I had missed something. No need to worry, however. While I was reading on the library computer, I had to squeeze in my frequent laughter, which made tears run down my face .
Loved the description of Jimena's understated hoochie look. That's because she's from the upper class and so well educated and all, she can walk the fine line between understated and needing to ice it all down.
I was able to avert my eyes during the Oscar/Franco prancing in their undies scene.
Loved Paula's comment and the responses about flashbacks in this TN. The whole thing is so random and sloppy, it's hard to believe it's so popular. Maybe the presence of popular actors and the out-of-control emotions hit the right buttons?
During the scene with Crabi crying over her ruined rose bushes, I had flashbacks to "Mommy Dearest," where Joan Crawford goes out at night and hacks up all her roses. I could also see Crabi doing a "no wire hangers" scene. Not quite the same, but two angry, controlling mothers at work.
La Paloma

Great recap love your mocking. Have to run, but had to say thanks and also I can understand how even though this novela takes place in a small town, even small towns have seperation of the different classes. I grew up in a small town on the poor side of the railroad track so to speak. The society ladies on the other side of town didn't know and cared less who was boinking and dropping out of school to have babies on my side of the tracks. The rough around the edges Reyes brothers are definitely from a different class than Sofia's family.

Ferro in la sangre??? LOL!

This recap BROKE the Caray Snark-o-meter. Just demolished it. Please hang in there, ferro. I beg you. Losing you to Can't Take It Anymore-itis would be nothing less than tragic, man. ROFL

I love to watch telenovelas but in all honesty they are all dumb. Even La Fea had a weird Aurora storyline at the end. The problem with FELS is the age of the actors, they are too old for their characters. Men in their thirties should have more sense than these guys do. I keep watching because I love EY.

Anon 7:33

When people comment about the boing noise..Yep LaFea was the first thing I thought of and as much rehash as this one has, nothing was rehashed as much as LaFea, for me the day she returned to Mx DF, and it last in viewing time one month, seriously.

Took a peek at the commenters over at Pasion de Gavilanes (Telemundo FUEGO from 2003). Not too worried about spoilers, as we all know scripts change like a mofo when it comes to novela remakes. Anyhooo, it was interesting to see they too aren't buying the "no cell phones to be had anywhere" problem.

Some things do remain the same. :)

ROFL Ferro! If we can take it, you can take it. I think we'll make it...although Oscar is beginning to look pretty good to me. Probably because he's the only one who shaves and usually wears more clothes than the other 'boys'...

Julie, I can switch with you, so you'll do Thursday next week?

susana, not positive if this is the same website or not; but it is a telenovela researcher: Dr. Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, an Associate Professor in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She has a nice website. Click the link at my name.

Dear Jeri click my name: You are so talented. Thanks for all the fun and informative photos and links.

I think La Paloma hit it on the head. Crabi was having a Mommy Dearest "no more wire hangers moment." She is such an b*****(rhymes with witchy) control freak and basically can fly off the handle at the slightest thing and make everything into a major problem. She is not a warm loving person to her kids same as Joan Crawford. Maybe the Elizondo girls will have a book/movie deal in the future.

Anonymous at 8:37, LOL, I tried putting links in HTML here in the text, but couldn't get it to work, so -- next best thing! :-)

Thanks , Ferro, for taking one for the team and continuing to recap this very odd novela. Was Oscar channeling Tom Cruise in ''Risky Business'' with the white dress shirt, white socks, and no pants ??? I was waiting for him to mimic Tom's famous slide across the floor.

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