Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fuego 5/22: Stop sneaking up on them like that or they'll have heart attacks before their mother does!

  • We start with that great buildup of troops from the end of the last episode...

    ... Jimena staggering along under custody of her frosty sister Sarita [who's BTW gonna end up a spinster if she doesn't take off those glasses again!], it's a perp walk to Mommy -

    ... the Reyes brothers behind Eva, horrified eyes fixed upon the engineer who's been summoned by Gabriela (the one who designed the cabana but we never saw him again) -

    ... Mommy, clutching the envelope she got from the Doctor at the Asilo -

    ... and Sofia, determined to tell her Mom right this minute that she spurns precious yerno Furd [who never appears in this episode!! did he get a vacation?] in favor of the hairy baker who never wears a shirt...

    As Gramps watches through his telescope, all converge, and just as the engineer says he's never seen these bricklayers before in his life, Mommy "faints."

    Shirtless sweaty Juan picks her up and all troop into the house except for Oscar and Franco, frozen in a brief, pointless tableau staring blankly at the receding procession.

  • Cut to the crooked Doc at the Asilo, chuckling at what a wad of cash Gabriela gave him just to provide a false medical certificate...

    ... the very certificate Sofia reads with horror as Gabriela is laid on a couch. "Oh no, this cannot be, she has a heart lesion [this reminded me immediately of the "brain cloud" Tom Hanks was supposed to be dying of in 'Joe and the Volcano' --Ed.] and is in danger!" Gramps is chuckling, he doesn't buy it: "Nah, weeds never die."

  • Quintana goes to the market to gossip with her sister Hortensia, who fills her in on the Reyes' tragedy and is amused by Quintana referencing "mi don Juanito." They agree the widow is soulless. Quintana goes home and makes a little shrine for Libia at the bakery. When the boys arrive there are hugs all round and Juan is blank as he stands by the shrine. He kisses Libia's picture.

  • The engineer congratulates the Reyes Bros. on the modifications they made to his plans - "You've greatly improved on my design! Good work! If you ever need a job, call me!" They are impactados in a good way. Heh.

  • "Oh mother, why did you not tell us you were sick?" "I hide my troubles so as not to disturb you." "Please forgive my rebellion." "Do I have to die to get some obedience around here? I've been sick since your father betrayed me... [Gramps cannot stop grinning at this deluge of b-s] ... and you, Sofia! Oy, if I am not very careful I will die very soon! And who was it who hired those bricklayers?"

    Eva says she did it but Gramps busts in and says no, he hired them. "No, me!" "No, me!" Gabriela: "Well get rid of them!" Gramps: "No, don't run 'em off, you'll lose a lot of money and the work will stop and then you'll be stuck with me, don't forget, that's going to be my little house."

    Eva tells the Reyes boys about all this and how Gramps saved her butt with his false confession.

    The Reyes go see Gabriela, who frostily snaps: "I've been informed you aren't the real workers. How much of the job is left?" They mutter about the roof and the hardware. "Well, finish it fast! Now get out of here! Eva, you go too!"

    Gramps grins and asks to see the medical certificate but Gabriela grabs it very swiftly. "I just want to see if she needs an operation right away," he explains. Gab is indignant that he doubts her and cries, "My heart is not going to last much longer!"

    There are more miscellaneous scenes of the girls fussing over their mother, who says yet again, "I hope you realize everything I do is for your own good." When the last one leaves she smiles very happily and asks herself, "Why didn't I think of this before?"

  • Gramps presses Eva: "I know the first time these boys came here, they were carrying guns. Who are they? Why are they here?" She doesn't tell. He goes to Gabriela's room, in his Sherlock Holmes outfit, and shuffles papers in her drawers, but is thwarted by a locked door.

  • Father Bouffy visits the bakery to ask what's going down with the vengeance thing. Juan describes his dream of Libia appearing as an angel, giving him a flower, and his waking up with that very flower! And runs to get it and show it to Bouffy! Father Bouffy has been rolling his eyes a bit (I think) but he's not going to pass up whatever will keep Juan from hurting the Elizondo girls. He thanks God for sending Juan this flaky vision.

  • After promising Gabriela tender devoted care yet again, Eva begs for info about her long missing daughter, and yet again Gabriela says nothin doin. "You want her to suffer? You want her to be ashamed knowing you are her mother? And how can you just rag on and on about your own little things when I am at death's door?"

    Gab is having a little get-together next day to introduce Jimena and Sarita to their newly-selected future husbands, Octavio and Benito Uribe, just back from Europe, "They're good people, like us, of our social class. I'm sure there will soon be a double wedding."

  • I know Chris was disappointed on his night, so I hope he's enjoying Rosario's assets tonight. They are on display thrusting themselves way out of an odd jacket made from a shag rug.

    Franco sneaks up from behind and surprises her! How not cute! Then he takes her away from the Bad Love Bar for a nice picnic. He sings a little mariachi song, she sings a little pop song, "You sing nice," "No, you sing nice," him: "I want us to leave together and go where nobody knows us, where we can love each other freely," she says she can't go, she won't tell him her secret, he'll just have to trust her.

    Then they take off their clothes and go nekkid into the same body of water we have seen in many other novelas. And, whatever.

  • Back at the Bollweevil Bakery, Juan has lovey-dovey flashbacks and then kisses his bun. Sofia is having flashbacks too, but she doesn't have a bun. She puts her head down on a chessboard and doesn't knock over any of the pieces.

  • Jimena is loitering outside in the dark; Oscar sneaks up behind and surprises her. [I tell you, the Reyes think this is cute, they all do it, but myself, I hate it! A friend did this to me today and I jumped a yard in the air and shrieked as loud as an air raid siren! This will really give a person an infarto!!!] Jimena's moping because her unwanted suitor arrives tomorrow. Oscar says, "No, marry me!"

  • Oscar and Juan are waiting at the Bad Love Bar when Franco and Rosario return. The boys have tequila except Juan has milk for his ulcer. (Heh.) They toast and remind each other it's all for one and one for all. Franco says he's not a kid. Oscar says he proposed to Jimena.

  • Gabriela to Father Bouffy: "Oy, I don't know how much time I have left on this earth." The suitors arrive, at least they have shaved. They are wearing suits and ties. The Reyes commence hitting their thumbs with hammers etc as they watch. Gramps is observing the new arrivals through his telescope and is not impressed. "My daughter thinks the girls will marry these mamarrachos (defective, ridiculous, extravagant, not worthy of respect)??" Later he calls them mequetrefes (good-for-nothings).

    Peering around a corner, Sarita ventures that the Uribe Bros. are not bad looking, maybe even sexy, but Jimena says they don't compare to Oscar with his sweaty undershirt and perennial stubble. [OK I added that part.]

    Gabriela adulates the Uribes, they're just as wonderful as Furd! One of them says this pueblo seems awfully small after NYC and Europe, but they're back because their uncle Ricardo asked them to come, and they're considering starting a business. "Are you still bachelors?" "Yes! We don't want to give up our freedom! We're too young for responsibilities! We want to travel! Maybe live in Europe, where people are more liberal!" Franco hits his thumb again.

  • Juan sneaks up behind Sofia as she languishes languidly against a wall. She does not shriek! He gives her a flower and asks why she's sad. "Not just because of mother, but because she's marrying off my sisters without love, the way she did me." Again with the "I have never given myself to Furd" speech. Again with the no shirt on. They kiss and kiss. She pulls away to rejoin the party and, watching her leave, he slumps, looking like he might have an infarto himself. Heh.

  • Gramps observes his daughter, "Sister Storm," through the telescope as she gushes over the Uribe boys. He tells Eva he knows everything that goes on, and if he doesn't, he investigates. "Of course I know Sarita and Jimena love those bricklayers, everybody knows except my daughter." Eva thoughtbubbles, "It's good he doesn't know about Juan and Sofia."

    He approves of the lads, they have hearts of gold, and they're honest, they refused his doubloons when he offered them.

    Eva says Gab will never accept the lads, Gramps says "We need to develop a strategy." He reveals his cynical conviction that Gab is faking her illness, Eva is all ingenuous, no she couldn't, Gramps: "My daughter is capable of this and much more."

    Gramps asks Eva to find him a discreet locksmith so he can see what Gabriela is hiding. Eva is all for that - maybe there's information about her mysterious missing daughter in that cabinet!

  • Sarita and Jimena meet the Uribes, who give them some modest little compliments, but then one of them (they have that Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee quality, I bet we never figure out which is which) complains to Jimena that her clothes are unfashionable! The Padre chides him so he takes another tack: "But we love girls with character!"

    Oscar is ready to go break their fingers.

Monday: Eva watches muy impactada as Rosario tearfully wails that she never knew her mother, she was given up as a baby. Gee, does anything occur to us?

Also, the Uribe brothers more or less call the Reyes brothers nacos and here's an interesting definition of naco I just found:
The term may be a contraction of "Totanoca" although in reality it refers to "nacohatl" which means, "from around here" ... in modern times, the term is a bit ambiguous and confusing - even though it has been used disparagingly to mean indigenous people, most recently "nacos" are people who are short of culture, who do not have the urbanity of the upper classes. In general Mexican society uses this term indiscriminately in relation to economic status, social position, or even to signal a person who is different from others or has an unusual point of view.

UPDATE: I'm pulling Beckster's definition, found in the Urban Dictionary, up here into the post for your enjoyment:

Maybe from "Totonaca," a Mexican tribe of the Pre-Columbian era. Classless, pretentious, obtrusive, the Mexican version of white trash. Mostly blue-collar undereducated people, but can be applied even to a wealthier crowd (nouveaux riches, snob). They’re characterized for having no respect for others. Their only source of information is television. Males usually are truly soccer fans and females are telenovelas (soaps) fans. Most nacos like to name their sons with anglo-saxon names. It may be used as an adjective for both persons and objects.
"El Kevin cree que poniendole neon a su coche va a ser mas rapido, se ve bien naco."
"Kevin thinks that neon lights on his car will make it faster, it looks so naco."

Hmm, I guess our being telenovela fans makes us nacas! Nacas of the world, unite!


Thanks for the recap! Juan's bread-eating scene was another classic: hilarious and almost painful to watch. This novela is a sitting target for mockery!

Funny recap, thank you!

Just when you think Crabi couldn't be any more manipulative, she comes up with a fake Dr.'s note. The Dr.'s voice does remind me of Ornate as Julie mentioned.

Another good night for watching Juan without his shirt and finally a night for the male viewers. And what a night for them. To see the unedited version of Rosario's bon bons go to You Tube: Cap 19.3 FELS or Ninel Conde - Escena Candente
The cold water probably iced them down very well for you guys.

I keep wondering whether the actors know how ridiculous this all is. How do they keep from cracking up?

Melinama, I know you're looking for a Thursday recapper, but really it would be a shame to lose your trenchant (is that a word?) and very funny take on things.

As far as I know, most women hate being "jumped" from behind, and most men love doing it. In the olden days when we had our hands in the dishwater in the sink, this was a favorite approach for some reason.

I found this on Urban Dictionary quite a while back..

naco 189 up, 32 down

Mexico Maybe from “Totonaca”, a Mexican tribe of the Pre-Columbian era-
Classless, pretentious, obtrusive, the Mexican version of white trash. Mostly blue-collar undereducated people, but can be applied even to a wealthier crowd (nouveaux riches, snob). They’re characterized for having no respect for others. Their only source of information is television. Males usually are truly soccer fans and females are telenovelas (soaps) fans. Most nacos like to name their sons with anglo-saxon names. It may be used as an adjective for both persons and objects.
“El Kevin cree que poniendole neon a su coche va a ser mas rapido, se ve bien naco.”
“Kevin thinks that neon lights on his car will make it faster, it looks so naco.”

I asked my husband about this and he pretty much agreed with the description. Of course the other thing is that other people are Naco, you are never Naco.

It is a statement and there are Naco T-shirts that you can see on e-bay, that'll give you an idea.

Like drinking Pepsi out of a plastic bag with a straw, and no that is not an Urban Legend, I've seen it myself.

Thanks for the recap, very good, I was watching the Gray's big grande fin.

Melinama: Thanks for another wonderful recap.

Well, Crabi bribed the doc to falsify a letter about her own health - and, here I thought she was going to have Sofia locked up. Fortunately, Sofia never got to make her speech about loving Juan, having been derailed by the devious Crabi. But, that may be a good thing.

You know, when the "boys" were in the bar drinking tequila and Juan asked for milk, I thought he was going to turn around and face the camera wearing a milk moustache. That, along with the crumbs in his stubble, would have been a gagfest.
Good thing that didn't happen either.

As far as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are concerned, I can't remember their names either, one of them might just be in Sarita's future. We know she can't hook up with Franco because he loves Rosario of the wet-lips looks. Almost kinds looks like she's wearing Jell-O.

Eva - hire a detective. Crabi has sworn she'll never reveal the truth. But, then we have the Rosario speech about never having known her own mother. My, my, what a coincidence.

From lower Ala

Ah no, those good-for-nothing Uribe brothers who are "too young for responsibility" have been damned, Gramps doesn't like them. Franco will end up with Sarita, otherwise the perfect symmetry would be smirched.

I thought the Uribe brothers were going to be real prospects until they opened their mouths and started talking. I was impressed with how quickly they revealed themselves to be drips. Usually it takes a few minutes.

I love Abuela. He didn't even try to hide his contempt when Gabriela was putting on her sudden "oh, I'm dyyyyying" dramatics. Man, if he was just 400 years younger...

I can understand the girls being blind to their mother's act, but Eva should know better.

Excuse me... I love AbuelOOOOO.


great 'cap, Melinama, thank you. I missed the first few mins, on the phone, and kinda watched, so the cap helped fill in some blanks. Isn't Crabi a low-life; kinda reminds me of Karl Rove- her ends justify any means... The best line ever-"Mala yerba nunca muere" I hope that Gramps is wrong on that one. How is Rosario's bust confined by that flimsy carpet? Not that I'm complaining, just amazed at the definace of the laws of physics. I agree, all the Reyes bros end up with the Elizonda gals, but what then with BonBon? They wouldn't killer her off would they? Too obvious that she's Eva's love child, isn't it? Vamos a ver...

Indeed, it is too obvious -- they are making the segues from scene to scene between Eva and Rosario and the connection too obvious. It's too soon for us to know that, and I suspect a red herring.

Thanks for the recap, Melinama!

On the other hand, this show really couldn't be more obvious; perhaps it is what it is and Eva is Rosario's mother...

See I guessed right! What fire could happen in one hour! I think some things I saw on hoy are about to happen...
Bitterella's fakeing her health is one clip i saw.
As for rest I just have to wait and see.
I find it odd that Rosario could be one with the three sisters... she does fit right in when not wearing sexy clothes.
You know that bread is really brain bread... It gets Juan's brain running and thought
As for being sneaky
I happen to love sneaking up on my mother,
I'll rip open the shower curtin or shake it,Or hide under the bed and grab her leg and jumping out when she opens the door! She always screams and sometimes when i dont mean to she screams and makes me jump!
great recap,

I loved it when Juan told the Padre about how a miraculous flower actually appeared. A real write-this-one-down miracle and the Padre couldn't register surprise. Why? The actor can't raise his eyebrows.
I thought the taller Uribe was nice.The little one a piglet.
Anyone else think pushing 40 too young for responsibilities?

For a minute, I thought maybe Fr. Tadeo had snuck into the house at night and given Juan the flower.

Then I realized that was ridiculous.

Then I realized that being ridiculous wasn't enough to prevent it from happening on this show.

But I don't think that's what happened. It was just his lack of surprise that made me think of it. :)

Emilee, I notice your writing is getting better. Thank you for the extra effort; it shows.

Nicolás, you did a sensational job of recapping the other night! Perfect balance between detail and overview, and enough snark to be entertaining but not overpowering. If I ever recap, I'll remember your example.

Anon 11:24, lots of men think 40 is too young for responsibilities. A dog will run to the end of his leash; i.e. people will do precisely as much as they can get away with. A 40yo woman who feels that way? Not so much.

Paula, I totally agree. I just think that those guys are supposed to be "muchachos".
I remember back in the 80's there was a novella with Veronica Castro in which the Galan was obviously the same age as his "mother".It was like something out of an old Carol Burnett sketch.mhm

Rosario's jacket looked to be made out of that shag rug and an quilted satin bedspread. You'd think she could order online from Land's End for a properly fitting jacket since there are not sold in the pueblo. But since there is no cell phone service, there probably is no internet service as well. What a poor backward pueblo.

Susana, I too, think the bread/sex thing is hysterical.I started think of synonyms for bread."The Staff of Life."hehe

Have you noticed there are no segue ways or transitional scenes. Boom, all of a sudden Juan and Sofia are together again at the wall of fake flowers. And the director or whoever is in charge had the nerve to make Juan give Sofia a fake flower. Guess the budget is tight.

Hello all! Is anyone recapping tonight's two-hour episode? I think it is strictly a summary of all the episodes hitherto. But, it someone wants a recap I can help out.

OMG I am loving this novela my mother has been in love with Yanez since she first saw him years ago when he was younger. Now I am in love with him :P and yes I am loving his 10oclock shadow :P as long as it doesn't get more than that. My 2 year old sister has branded this novela pan and she calls Juan pan and she swoons just as much as me (i'm 20) lol loving the recaps you guys write i understand perfectly the spanish but you guys make it funnier :P

Oh, I thought they said clearly last night that the next episode was Monday!? If it's just rehash we can skip it.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. Abuelo was so much fun last night. From the moment Crabi started in with her fainting, he was laughing. I really hope he live to the end of the novela.

Hi Nicolás,

I have tonight's recap, so if there's anything new tonight I'll cover it.

I don't think there will be anything new, though, since last night's avance said "Lunes."

But I will probably post a "no episode tonight" thingie so that people who aren't around tonight or are looking through the archives a few months from now won't think they missed an episode or we skipped a recap.

Outstanding recap! You had me laughing out loud. As silly as this show seems "plot wise", I really love and look forward to it.

When Franco and Rosario started singing to each other, I was reminded of Danny Zuko and Sandy in "Grease"; Rosario in her "Pink Lady" jacket. Don't get me wrong; I thought they sounded really nice.

I was hoping at least one of the Uribe brothers would be handsome & intelligent, so that there would be real competition for the brothers, but "Alas"...

I hope everyone doesn't mind my barging into your group with my comments; I get such a thrill over reading the recaps. Thanks.

Thanks so much for the funny recap! Didn't get to see the show last night but can't wait to see the Uribe brothers! Guess we are all nacas....yay!

Melinama, Thank you for another fun recap. I missed the first half driving home from an El Grupo meeting where 20 or so very entertaining people telling stories in Spanish were too hard to pull away from in time for the 10:00 showing of Fuego.

Your "humour seco" is always such a treat. I need to go to youtube to see the "Garbriela pretends to have a heart, one that is damaged that is" portion of the episode. But I got more flavor from your retelling than the actual film, I bet.

Melinama~~~Thanks for the laughs. I keep falling asleep during this show, so I missed the 2 suitors, The Tall One and Piglet. I taped the show , so I'll get a look at them if I have the time to watch this weekend. I must write down that saying that Abuelo threw out there : ''Weeds never die.'' And I like his nickname for his daughter , Sistah Storm. It makes me think of Sister Sledge....Yes, ''We are a family-y-y-y-y...I've got my sisters and me-e-e. '' ~~~Mad Buns Bess, needing more

I love the nicknames "Tall One" and "Piglet"!

I couldn't tell whether Gabriela was disgusted with them or if she doesn't care about picky stuff like whether they insult their hosts or not as long as they come from fine families. So I don't know if they'll be invited back for a follow-up visit.

I wish Jimena had smacked him for making that comment about unfashionable clothing.

The split-screen bread orgy was hilarious. As for fashion, what's with those silly rooster shirts? They look like some kitchen curtains my mother had in 1967.

ok, sounds good!

I was planning to go fabric-shopping this weekend to make some curtains for the kitchen. Normally I go for cows... however, for some reason, I'm thinking maybe it will be roosters this time. :)

Is it two hours tonight? Is there no Guapos tonight?

It looks like Guapos is on for its usual 8:00 hour, and Fuego is on from 9-11!

Did you notice Abuelo was wearing a rooster shirt also?!

I think it's the Jalisco equivalent of a Hawaiian shirt, sort of.

Julie, if you make those curtains, you'll have to treat us to a photo. Make yourself a matching shirt!

Maybe we should all get rooster shirts. Maybe we could get a good deal on them if we buy in volume. We could wear them when we watch the show as a sign of being in a club or solidarity or the fact that we are all a little weird. It would be like when you see enormous groups of people at Disney World all in the same colored tee shirt so that they don't get lost from the group. Except that we'd each be wearing ours alone in our own homes with our friends and family mocking us...................nevermind.

CherylNewMex, can you tell me more about El Grupo, here or e-mail,

My Intercambio class is a mixture of Spanish and English learners, and the teacher pairs us up and we have directed converstion in class. Lots of 1:1 time. The class finished for the summer but several of us are meeting for coffee weekly over the summer. Maybe something your El Grupo does would translate well for our coffee klatch. Thanx!

I'm really warming to the idea of rooster shirts.

linda k, nice to see you again. :-)

ana, I like your take on it -- and that of your 2-year old sister -- LOL.

Your mother might like to know that "Dulce Desafío" (1988), the first novela of Eduardo and Adela together, is out on DVD. You'd probably like it, too.

Julie , When El Piglet said that, I immediately thought "Wait 'til this guy gets a look at Sister Sofia".

Hey, I wear extra grande shirts, and I'd like to get one of those horse shoe ones while we're at it...

About the Mexico City the people really dress like they do in the TeleNovela's, I mean you see lots of girls in jeans and hoodies and guys in saggers & hoodies, in the internet cafes, I saw alot of punk kids, dyed black hair with pink or purple stripes, I was seriously impressed, no really I was.
If you are born in Mexico City you are Chilangos, the Provincianos are everyone else. The Mexico City Natives have a very recognizable accent, if you watch Juan Q., Kike has it, If you watch Guapos, the grocery delivery kid is spot on. Way before I knew any of this I was in Mexico and we were way out in Guererro, my niece from Mx Cty was there and she spoke so fast and different, I asked and all the ranch people rolled their eyes and said it was cause she was from Mexico City. Personally I love Mexico City, except you can taste it in your mouth. Out in the other areas, not the big cities like Morelia, but the smaller cities, you see lots of cowboy dressed men.
Manly men, rooster shirts, though I never saw the sleeveless ones. Lots of Rooster, snake, toro belts those all masculine symbols down there. I never saw any men wearing Charro pants either. I also never saw any women wearing long skirts like lil Laura Sofia.

It reminds me of when I moved from St. Louis to West Tulsa, over twenty years ago...I went from a totally liberal, union city with big ethnic celebrations to the Bible Belt, I am still trying to recover.

Also about cell phones, the only place I could get reception was Mexico City. I never saw anyone using one in the rural areas, I know they couldn't cause those people love cell phones, there was no reception. I could only get one am radio station that played Ava Maria non stop. When you went to a city you could and they have satellite TV.

Thanks for more cultural cues, Beckster. It makes sense that the rooster is a masculine symbol. And I've seen Mexican movies where men are wearing cowboy garb in other areas. One movie everyone should try to catch (I saw it on Telemundo recently) is Una de Dos, about two twin sisters who are both going out with the same cowboy. They know, but he doesn't. It's a sweet story.

Susanlynn, you are too funny! I also like the idea of rooster shirts! I'll google and see if any turn up for sale! :)

Yep, it's reruns tonight. :(

I wish I had bookmarked the site I found that was selling them, because I can't find it now. D'oh!!

The prices were reasonable, but the shirts were in mens' sizes only and were 80% polyester (not my favorite). And I have no idea where I would wear such a thing anyway. :)

rooster shirts

Very funny recap, Melinama and thanks for the comments. I'll probably never get to Mexico (ok, that trip to Tijuana 40 years ago doesn't count), so I really enjoy the comments from Beckster and others with firsthand experience.
One of the local tiendas here sells rooster shirts, probably. They have a sign about clothing in their window.
La Paloma

Julie~~~You would wear your 80% polyester rooster shirt ONLY when you watched ''Fuego.'' Even then, you might not want to wear it if someone was with you. It would be kind of like dressing in pirate gear to watch ''Pasion'' or drinking tequila while watching DA. The rooster shirt could be the ultimate ''moodsetter'' for us as we fall into the rabbithole that is ''Fuego'' and enter the bizarre world of bricklaying bakers, crabby, frigid mothers, sisters trapped somewhere in another decade, crazy abuelos, flying monkey rapists, and female impersonators who ice down their ginormous faux boobalas. Now, that's entertainment. Beckster***I always enjoy your insights into life in cannot get that stuff from the encyclopedia.

Julie~~~You would wear your 80% polyester rooster shirt ONLY when you watched ''Fuego.'' Even then, you might not want to wear it if someone was with you. It would be kind of like dressing in pirate gear to watch ''Pasion'' or drinking tequila while watching DA. The rooster shirt could be the ultimate ''moodsetter'' for us as we fall into the rabbithole that is ''Fuego'' and enter the bizarre world of bricklaying bakers, crabby, frigid mothers, sisters trapped somewhere in another decade, crazy abuelos, flying monkey rapists, and female impersonators who ice down their ginormous faux boobalas. Now, that's entertainment. Beckster***I always enjoy your insights into life in cannot get that stuff from the encyclopedia.

Thanks, I enjoyed the recap and comments. I'm kinda confused about the clothes issue though. Are those rooster shirts and huge hats a joke to the Mexican viewers also? I say this because if they stand out that much for us, seems like the Mexicans would really object to being labeled with something that ridiculous. I think I understood Becksters hubby to say that the designs are acceptable in some parts of Mexico, just not Mexico City? Is Mexico city where these novelas are filmed?

Polyester washes good, doesn't wrinkle too much, and doesn't shrink, so there's that. But the ones I saw ("authentic," from Mexico) were $40 each, which seems reasonable if you're going somewhere that you're expected to wear a rooster shirt, but a little silly to wear alone in your living room.

Tequila, on the other hand, you can drink any time. :)

As for Beckster's "taste of Mexico city" I am now wondering what it tastes like. Enchilada sauce? Or diesel exhaust?

I can't believe it! I thought I was the only one ROTF about "Chicken Man's" shirts!! ;-)

I collect Rooster stuff for my French Country style kitchen, so the shirts really caught my eye--though not in a good way....

I was actually calling the guy "Chicken Man" to my friend who happened to be over last night and watched the show with me. She was so amused by the men's outfits. She also noticed "Singer Man's" striped TIGHT pants....LOL!

However, maybe those Sombreros would be good while gardening outside (I just have to make sure not to cut ANY ROSES)...! Heaven Forbid!

Great Recap as ususal! Loved it! Thanks so much!

Anon 2:08..........Heehee.. Who knew there could be 32,000 variations of a rooster design. We could cut off the sleeves of the rooster Tshirts and pretend we are wearing one of Juan's shirts. Thank you for the link to a fascinating and funny webstore.

A Juan & rooster fan

G in CA

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