Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre - 13 May, Tues. - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold Not Hot From the Bakery

I'm not Chris Ferro here on his usual night, I am Cheryl just filling in for my buddy when he needed a hand.

We get quite a review tonight of love and hate scenes. The most poignant being the donkey braying near the end of the review to signify that the really, really important memory must be Juan and Sofia pledging their undying love. Each pleading love to an almost complete stranger. Egad they have lovely teeth and luminous eyes though, don't they? Two of the prettiest people in all of the televised world, who I think of as really good actors, but here they have feeble scripts to work with. No wonder they grin so much.

Padre Tadeo tells the three sisters he has planned a special mass for Sunday to honor their father and other persons. He hopes they will come. They are delighted with both the honor to their beloved father and another chance to get a Sunday get out of jail card. Tadeo expresses caution and worry to Sofia who doesn't understand what he is talking about. He thinks to himself at her back that he must protect the whole family and he wishes good for Sofia even if she has the devil Feonando in her very house.

Gabriela crabs amiable with FeoFerd who is extra feo in the back of the car, about how exasperating the Padre is. Feo hates how Padre encourages Sofia's rebelliousness. What to do, what to do, they discuss whether to change parishes or perhaps CrabiGabi can complain to the Bishop....Feo really smiles at this possibility.

More day dreaming by the dreamteam, Hermanos Reyes. They are all in a pickle with this promised revenge against these luscious lovelies they so want to make nice, nice with.

Sofia dreams and drives while she replays Juan's protestations of love. The sisters interrupt with pleas for her to reconcile with the dreamy brother-in-law FeoBoy. The dreamy way she closes her eyes makes me glad she isn't in Albuquerque, she would not live to get home.

The brothers watch Babybro Franco eat some gruel while they discuss that GabyCraby ran them off for not showing up for work. The cheap hospital bed is better than the fold up cot he started out on but this is a small room to hold these three strapping men for so many days.

The two dimwit sisters, Jemena and Sarita, flirt their way through the conversation with FeoBoy that Sofia has agreed to think about her relationship with him and she was very impressed with his going to confession and helping the poor Babybro Franco. Really, he grins at this promising news with the insincerity shining through his sallow skin.

Sofia cries in the chapel with her father's crypt for the loss of her beloved papa surrounded by pure white flowers. She is crying her feelings out to him of missing him so much and feeling so deserted and alone. I imagine he would counsel her to look out for the little Craby-Feo duet that seems omnipresent these days. FeoBoy joins her and the ominous music lets us know she doesn't like it any better than we do. He feigns missing her father too, he was like a father to him. They pray still kneeling.

Juan shows up for parallel grave weeping in the cave of our young Santa Libia. He says he sees her face everywhere, even in the bakery [hey wait a minute, those buns were channeling Sofia not Libia last time I noticed] He misses her so much. Juan continues Franco says you helped him when he almost died. Was it really you who helped him? Do we have to give up our vengeance pact?? What ever will we do with this hopeless plot without it? It's amazing how fresh and light the cave looks in daytime and Juan manages to avoid grasping the thorny cross so their isn't even blood for a change.

Feoboy has a one note song: "How long does he have to put up with her refusals, her rejections. He is ready to help her forget all her fears of that dreadful attack." They pray some more. The braying (rebuzna) of donkey adds suitable emotional comment.

Padre talks with the Oscar and Franco. They miss their work, they need to earn money and need to leave. But, but he will hire them to fix up the church, silo, dispensary, everything. Oh they beam their Happy Day look.

Abuelo is in bed being ministered to by Eva, and the younger two sisters. Eva announces that Gabi has fired the Abañiles ( the Reyes), those dirty boys. Sarita really wants to go back to the dispensary, she is so concerned about Franco. Jimena remembers she is mad at Oscar and says she has no interest in crossing Craby and further she doesn't even want to go back. She stomps out of the room while Gramps says, Do you believe her ?? [Here in the dark living room, Willa and I both shake our heads, NOoooo] Just to show he is right, Jemena enters her room with the big red heart on the bed and dreams of Oscar and looks longingly out the window at the feeble brick frame of the unfinished cabana. She was hoping her prince charming (principe azul) had arrived but no.

Oscar is parallel dreaming of her with Franco having his own parallel dreams. Men of action? I haven't seen it yet. Lots of dreams though.

Gramps scolds Craby for her unkind treatment of Sofia as FeoBoy serves her dinner officiously and she rebuffs Sofia's kindness. She asks to be left alone just this night and is on the point of doing or saying something much uglier, but Abuelo circles his white napkin calling for a truce but asking her to think about how she treats everyone. Then he has to humble himself to ask for a driver to complete some business in town. Crabi wants to know just what and why as she nearly seizes the advantage, but he demurs that this is his business.

We flash to the Badlove Bar to see as Rosario (Boobala-girl) sings a little love ditty to her missing son to the puzzlement of Armando and his greasy staff in large hats. They look like something isn't quite right, but what?? The men in the bar love the sexy dance that goes with this hot little ode to sonny boy.

Back at the dispensary Juan and Franco have a heart to heart about the dangers of dangerous love with perverse people.

Back at the Badlove, Boobala finishes her sad little song about lost love and lost heavens and the little lost son being a little piece of her. She is dressed in really motherly garb showing us most all of the other pieces of her since we can't see him.

Feoboy walks Sofia to her room, but she lets him know she doesn't plan to sleep with him. She wants to convince her of his undying love. She repeats for what, the 1000 time, that she will never love him. He promises until death, he will not give up pursuing her. [oh you sweet talkin' SOB].

Wow, Juan has a t-shirt on to make hot, furious love, err I mean bread. He dream talks to Sofia about his other promise that makes it hard for him to have time to love her. Oh this revenge promise is weighing heavier than unleavened bread. Oh, but wait, that good, that luscious hot bread comes out of the oven. Oscar comes in to grab a really hot one and burn his sensuous lips. Juan tells Oscar he is thinking so much about love and tears as tiny pictures of Sofia and then Libia appear in the screen. Sofia has parallel love thoughts kneeling down by the wheelbarrow of dirt and thinks of the first time she saw Juan. She profoundly compares the dust in this wheelbarrow with the wind carrying it away as having the same chance as their love which is being whisked away too.

Next morning the three still in the dispensary eat fruit and discuss their dim futures. Arriving with much marching music, it's ABUELO to the rescue. Not only is he dressed in an all white version of Saint Emiliano Zapata, he tells them not to forget their mission and hands out large peso notes. He has more where that came from and shortly Golden Coins twinkle magically on the sick bed where I am trying not to look too closely because Babybro has wrapped the sheet around his body to look like a big diaper with his bandaged hairy legs hanging out.

Crabi and Feoboy talk in front of Sofia like she is a child that they need to discuss this business of when to finish the cabana like God commands [or Feo and Sofia will live in it like God commands, I forget which]. Feoboy very feolike asks Sofia to decide if the Abañiles (Reyes) will be rehired or others or what. Sofia answers after a shocked moment - the cabana will not be constructed and the Abañiles will not return. The evil ones roll their eyes and cook their evil plans in their evil brains.

Next time: actually a scene appears of Sofia in a fetching black dress with a kerchief tied around her waist as she approaches a stone wall that separates her in a the verdant pasture from rock hard (muscular, I mean muscular) Juan standing in the river suspiciously near the place where Libia met her untimely end and Babybro Franco had his moment of salvation from his baby sister.


Thanks so much for your recap Cheryl. I understand your concern about looking at the gold coins (b/c of Franco's attire -- or lack thereof). There not many characters in this novela and I'm wondering if they will bring in characters just so the evil ones can kill them.

The brief summary at the opening of the episode featured our friend Mr. Donkey and I chuckled as I hoped Melinama saw him too.

Oh noes! If the three little piggies aren't going to build the house of brick, how are they supposed to meet up with the little red riding hoods?

I predict a lot of enthusiastic church visits.

Do you think the "other(s)" the padre mentioned for the memorial mass will include Libia?

I think the donkey should be given a name. And that he should narrate the show.

Maybe Franco (Pablo) needs a few more blows to the head. He looked more animated in this episode than he has for most of the telenovela. Maybe something got knocked back in place but I doubt it.

Pablo sitting bed with his legs spread wide open and thankfully covered by a sheet.... it was a very scary moment as I had just barely recuperated from the Oscar moment.

Padre Tadeo may be wearing a rug as someone mentioned.

To be positive I still luv E Y and all of his interesting shirts which are so nicely pressed.

G in CA

Where's the soundman? That fountain at the dispensario is always going full blast and with the theme music going as well, it was difficult to hear the dialogue.

Oh, he's probably out back with the director getting a smoke.

Will there be some action between Mighty Joe Juan and Sofia tomorrow at the river? Maybe it's too soon yet but I'm hoping for some luving.

G in CA

Thanks for the recap. I must have missed the Pablo in the diaper moment through shear luck while letting out my dog. Whew!

I jumped on this novela a little late so I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned La Madrastra, but I can't get the vision of Feonando as the cross dressing killer and Padre Tadeo as the pervy guy with make up out of my head. They played such weird roles in that (Madrastra) that they seem almost normal in this one.

Also, anyone else notice that Carlos Bracho has a credit at the end of the credits on the same page as the difunta Libia? Was the difunto esposo of Gaby the real life husband of Diana Bracho (Gaby)?

Thanks! Kate P. in MD

Very Good,
Hey yesterday someone asked about Juan's sleeveless horseshoe shirt. Yep, at my house that shirt brought guffaws of laughter.

No, men in Mexico don't wear shirts like that, I mean there may be some extremely fashion challenged Naco guy that does, but seeing a 40 something rural guy pull off that look. Not so much.

In fact you never see Mexican workers take off their shirts, they wear long sleeves when they work outside. It is like my Grandmother told me she wore gloves when she worked in the garden as a girl. The whole if you were tanned or dark, you were a labourer. They are very careful in Mexico about how dark they get and they cover up. It is an old classist/racist thing. When I was there my in-laws tried to get me to use an umbrella in the sun. They do. I made my husband explain in America it is really a good thing to be tanned really dark, but only if you are white and prone to skin cancer to start out. They just didn't get it...crazy huh?

Cheryl. Thanks. Beckster, thanks, too, for your explanation of the men's clothing. This must be low-budget wardrobe,and it sure looks silly.

Speaking of which, Sarita has yet to change her clothes. She's been in the same riding garb for two weeks. And Sofia, who is very attractive anyway, wears frumpy clothes. But, like Cheryl said, she has these luminious eyes that kind of make up for it.

From lower Ala

I think the Padre will soon be transferred.Gabby was going to have a word with the Bishop about him not supporting Sofia's marriage.I love when Juan answer Oscar's question about the what the bread was made of....."Amor and (pause) tears". Didn't Jimena look horrible crying?Beautiful actress ,repellent facial expression.
I think the grandfather found a cache of cash from the time of Pancho Villa. mhm

i think that the donkey IS narrating, at least he's commenting. Thta is not a fountain making the background noise, it's Feonando's caldron boiling away, but is is annoying. It seems that all these TN's have so much background noise, sometimes it drowns out the conversation..I agree about EY and AN being a couple of theprettiest people in the televised world. As i said before, they were a coupling couple a few years ago. EY is just a handsome devil, but that Adela just has some quality about her, a real, natural beauty, and has really captivated this grizzled viewer... What a twist for the evils to give Sofia the choice on the construction of the cabana, what a disappointment for mommy dearest and feo...got a question- why is Juan the only one that ever works in the bakery? Are Franco and Oscar intentionally being made to be slackers? Hmm, a scene at the cave, will Juan confess their intended vengance to Sofia? Or will it be just a unrequiting end to unreqited love?

For those of you that were wondering about the ratings, well...they've held steady. Looks like the folks that intially tuned in continue to do so. What actually surprises me is how well the show is doing in the 18-34 yr old bracket. It's actually beaten some enligh language shows.


I noticed that Juan is wearing a similar, blue shirt with horseshoes in a scene during the opening credits.

About once a week is all I have for viewing this novela..I can't get past Eduardo Yanez is not Rodrigo of Destilando-a great novela..Thanks for the recap to catch me up on what's going on..For myself, not the excitement of Rodrigo & Gaviota on DA...It was too soon after Destilando Amor to cast Eduardo Yanez as another shirtless,passionate screamer..

Where's SchoolMarm, Jeanne? I miss her comments,but like others comments too...Thanks again..Regards,Maureen

Wow, thanks, Marisol. The article says those ratings are just for the first week, though. I'm curious as to whether they'll lose viewers, or pick up more of them as the regular season ends on the other networks this month.

I think the show is actually getting a little better (or maybe I'm just getting used to it?) Even the actors seem to be getting better. Like G in CA said, Franco seemed a lot better last night. I guess he just needed a couple of days' sleep. :)

I've noticed that it sometimes takes actors a few weeks to really get into their roles. Until then, they seem disoriented. (The director is supposed to help with that.)

In this case I'm not sure if I can blame the actors or even the director - the writing was really uneven, especially the first week. It seems to be normalizing now, more or less.

Exportred, Jeanne is still around, over on Juan Querendon...

CherylNM I was able, barely, to smother my gawfues over your recap; especially remarks about the mother's garb. But then got outed by Julie's oh noes. And Franco's diaper? !!!Tee Hees!!!!
Names for the donkey: Writer. Last name Director! Put a don on the front of that, short for donkey.

LOL Bonney Churros! So he could be Don Key Xote!

Or whatever. :)

Cheryl, thanks for the great recap. I hope Willa is enjoying this tn too.

Beckster's comments about the shirts, are so funny. And it's true,,, everyone around the world uses umbrellas when it's sunny except for fair skinned people. In London, they rip of their clothes when there's any sunshine and bask in the sun.

Yes, Mr. Donkey, aka Don Donkey, could be the show narrator. His braying certainly summarizes my opinions.

G in CA

Many thanks for the excellent recap, Cheryl! :-) And I appreciate your admiration of Lalo and Adela; they are awesome.

(If anyone wants to see Lalo in a business suit and tie from Destilando Amor, click my name.

There are other pages of him from Destilando Amor and elsewhere at that page, too -- including the first novela of Lalo and Adela together, Dulce Desafío. Links are at the top of the page.)

Anyway, the thing that struck me with the coin scene was not Franco, but rather Oscar. I recall that in the initial days of this show, concerning Libia and Bernardo, Oscar was the one who strongly favored the pair on fiscal grounds.

You could see the wheels turning in his head -- and it was cash register, going cha-ching. The same thing happened in the scene last night.

A look passed over his face in connection with the coins. If there is a guy at the bakery with the head for business, Oscar is it.

Oh, yeah; I wanted to mention that family bakeries start work at like 3:00 a.m., and they are done by mid-afternoon; so plenty of time for part-time jobs.

Those three have a lot of energy, too, when they're not recovering from a beating. The way things are going, though, that might cause then considerable downtime.

Julie, thanks for the hilarious recap and pointing out all the parallels. So many good lines:
"with the insincerity shining through his sallow skin."
"parallel grave weeping"
"braying of the donkey adds suitable emotional comment"

One would think that the Reyes boys would know, being experienced bakers, that eating hot bread off the pan WILL BURN YOUR LIPS! (My daughter has a small scar on the corner of her mouth where she put it on the edge of a hot bread pan as a toddler.)

I was switching back and forth to Dancing w/ Stars, so thankfully missed Franco's bareness. Did see La Boobala's bareness, however.

One dimensional characters, here, in this part of telenovelaland. Easy to understand how Gramps prefers to spend his time in an imaginary and/or parallel universe.

Thanks for the comments and snarking, which keep me reading even if my watching is spotty.
La Paloma

Maybe the boys mill the flour so Juan can have it fresh at 3 in the morning?

Jeri, thank you for the D A Reunion photos. When Rod recognizes Gavi, for the first time at the Montalvo headquarters, under the scarf and her sunglasses was one of my favorite scenes in all of D A, along with the line "eres tu, mi amor?" It was a heart melting moment however short.

I think E Y looks good in this tn with his longer hair. What a galan!

G in CA

La Paloma - I wish I could take credit for this recap, but it was Cheryl!

Thanks Cheryl, great re-cap. Yeah BabyBro's diaper was like, totally disgusting. I think maybe that was supposed to be hot and sexy? Ho boy! And Babs, with her top and bottom boobs. Hope you guys are enjoying this. I totally did not realize she was singing about her son, her little lost angel. What? You 'sposed to sing hoochie mama songs in a hoochie joint! That is hilarious!! And I actually felt sorry for the donkey, he sounded as if he were crying, pobrecito!

Is it like totally unthinkable that a priest would leave the priesthood to like, wreak vengance on an evil, perverse, sicko former parishioner? Could he not then confess and be forgiven? FeoNando, NotFer, FerNasty, AssFern is the sho' nuff devil!

Thanks for all the wonderful and appreciative comments. It is so much fun to recap this Fuego trainwreck. Thanks to Chris for the opportunity. I had no idea it was such easy vocabulary but after Pasion and Yo Amo a Juan, it is easy as pie as we say down at the Hos. Reyes Bakery.

Jeri thanks for the website link. I looked at both the current and younger Eduardo and Adela. They may actually be getting even better looking. What lovely human beings. I also enjoyed your clouds and flower shows. Are you getting the TN shots off of a Tivo or other DVR recording? They are so sharp. I'd like to be able to do that.

Franco & bad etiquette (diaper scene) is on You Tube:
Capitulo 12_FELS_PARTE5(ultima)

^5 Cheryl!!
Recap was great as usual.
I'm loving these recaps more than
the actual story.

Anyway down to business.
Yes we do need to name our intrepid donkey.
Thinking in honor of Melinama and her Jethro (think that is his name) we should name him Jethrito or Jethrita. As she noted it was smaller than her donkey.
But didn't check under donkeys hood to see which name is appropriate.

So glad someone noticed that Rosario never names her child.
Maybe it's Voldemort (he who will not be named)? Just a thought.

Also think there should be some symbol that flashes on the screen before Oscar or Franco strip down and blind us. Would keep up viewership.

Thats all...keep up the super work!!

Great recap Cheryl. Don't you love Gramps? I sure do. I especially think its funny when he dresses up in his corky outfits or gives the three girls dating advice. It was funny when he called Sarita the "monja." Also, the director needs to learn that when you take hot, steaming bread out of the oven, you can't just throw it around in your hands and then pop it in your mouth-it would probably scald your mouth!

Oh Cheryl another thought.

Everyone is very concerned with
the animal scenes being shown.
Beating of Bernardo's horse.
Hefty padre on poor donkey quickstepping down the road.

Now forcing Willa to watch Franco in his diaper could be a case of
animal cruelty. I won't let my poor dog (Dingo) watch as it could scar her for life.

Fun recap! And funny comments about the donkey and Pablo's diaper. I've been wondering what the actors think of this novela, I know I would have a hard time not laughing!

Stankin'. That's what we call it where I come from. (Franco of the gapped legs). Plain ole stankin'.

G in CA, that was such a wonderful scene; I didn't realize until later that with all that emotion, he actually did not kiss her. They just touched foreheads in a big relief.

I think his hair was longer in the beginning of DA; but they kept it slicked back, like they did Jaime's in LFMB. His hair is pretty wild in this show; it's very thick and curly, and he still has a full head of it, thank goodness. You can see how it was in 1988 in the Dulce Desafío screen caps.

Cheryl, I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. :-) Those two look terrific, don't they. I record DVD's off the TiVo, then I play them in my computer and stop them when I get to something I want. I use a little AppleScript to mark and copy the picture, and then I open up Preview and save it through that.

I always use the "Best Quality" setting on the TiVo to get the sharpest picture on the DVD. Video is usually a little dark; I use Photoshop to lighten them anywhere from 5% to 20%. The nighttime shots are really dark.

So, I managed to find some ratings for last week. Fuego did pretty well in its second week; Guapos got the #1 share place, but Fuego had more viewers in the #2 spot.

All five Fuegos are listed. Friday doesn't seem to be a good evening for TV viewing, as that one is #10 -- and Guapos's Friday show didn't break the Top 10.

Nielsen Hispanic Primetime
Week of 05/05/08 - 05/11/08

1. Guapos MON 22.5 share 4.837 million
2. Fuego MON 22.3 share 5.099 mil
3. Fuego WED 21.9 share 4.675 mil
4. Fuego TUE 21.8 share 4.972 mil
5. Guapos TUE 21.4 share 4.448 mil
6. Fuego THU 21.4 share 4.726 mil
7. Guapos WED 21.3 share 4.919 mil
8. Guapos THU 20.2 share 4.204 mil
9. Cristina MON 18.3 share 3.442 mil
10. Fuego FRI 17.9 share 3.583 mil

Thanks, Jeri. I guess I was a little premature in thinking it would be a ratings dud.

I admit that it was partly wishful thinking, because I was hoping it'd get moved to an earlier time. But that doesn't seem very likely!

How come Franco hasn't even realized that he's sort of in love with two women? Oh, right, he's not the brainiest. Although he is supposed to be the bookworm, quoting poetry, etc. Hmmm.

Thanks so much for the recap! I was guilty of watching 'dancing with the stars' instead. Will definitely fo to youtube to see the diaper scene.....

The comments are awesome to read. Can't wait to see tonight's show!!! Hopefully no more diaper scenes!

Thanks, Cherylnewmex for your excellent recap of this very odd show. I am hanging in there and hoping to be rewarded for my fortitude by some hot love scenes between Adela and Eduardo. That's about all this novela has going for me. Help.***Mad Buns Bess, needing some respite from real life right now and not getting it from this show...Where is a pirate when you really need one ?????

Thanks for the recap, Cheryl. How did I miss the Franco diaper scene? Darn!
Loved your comment about Willa shaking her head "no". LOL. Smart doggie!
Padre is now the self appointed protector of Sofia - this does not bode well for his survival chances with Malonando around. Perhaps a spill from the donkey, a la Bernardo and the horse?

I did love the Juan and Sofia scene where they profess their love. Why were they using the Ud. form of pronouns(la/lo amo rather than te amo)? Seems to me that they're way past that formality now.

Jeri - your screen caps are so much fun. Felt a little sad looking at the La Fea/Don Fernando pictures - I miss him so much. :(
I think Jaime, Adela, and E Yanez have gotten better looking thru the years.

I'll be at the beach the rest of this week, using my SPF 45 - only to avoid skin cancer and wrinkles.
Despite best efforts, I always end up with a little tan. Can't entirely let go of old habits.

Hope I can watch FELS at la playa!
I'm guessing the Hermanos-Libia connection is revealed this week during the Mass.

I think that if the padre were to fall off his donkey, he'd only stub his toe. :)

I agree that his days seem to be numbered, though. Hopefully he gets transferred to another parish instead of getting murdered... but with the miserable luck of telenovela characters, it seems more likely that he'll get transferred AND murdered anyway.

A little Fuego chisme - I read the other day that Elizabeth Alvarez and Jorge Salinas are an item in real life and have been for quite some time. Perhaps that explained that smoldering scene the other night.

In some states in Mexico they use the usted form more, even amongst relatives. Some people never use the Tu form with their parents or grandparents.Also the script may be following pretty close to the original and those were more formal times.mhm

anya, that Makeover episode was one of the best. I especially liked Fernando's meeting with Mrs. Solis. Sort of an idea of things to come. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. :-)

Absolutely hilarious Cheryl, thanks!! My vote for a name: Tonkey-Donkey-Good-Little-Burro.

What a great recap Cheryl - I'm commenting a bit late - but I can't help but wonder why all of these people don't run Feonando out of town. Why does he have so much power besides being a major bully. They haven't addressed this at all and I gotta say it's bugging me. He's one note and that note is angry.
Let's recap his abuse (and this type of abuse is usually frowned on even by the most hardened)
an old man, a pregnant girl, a horse, a sweet young woman (Sofia), another old man, a rooster, and lastly, a priest. I guess we should be lucky there's not a dog around for him to kick.
Also, I think Bambi McBoobs should have way more power with that rockin' bod and use it to her advantage. Like get one of her fans to give him the Franco treatment. Stop being a victim woman and use your God-given? assets.

I have watched Juan and Sofia declare their love using "Lo amo" What does this mean? Why not "Te amo" What am I missing?? I have trouble with the spanish grammer at times. Any explanation will be very much appreciated. thank you. Elaine

Elaine , La amo or Lo amo fits the formal "You" in Spanish.When you use usted, you refer to the person in the 3rd person.You would aim all the verbs and the formal aura around them not to the person himself/herself. lol

Hello.can someone tell me what happen on fuego en la sangre from june 24 to july 7th?

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