Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, May 26, Mon. - Looking for an Ideal Relationship? Sorry, Check One of the Other TN's

¡Chinches Bravas! Este cuento sigue desarrollar como si fuéramos todos en un manicomio, ¿no?

The opening scenario has become like a history of this very long TN. It's kind of fun to see back to the early days of Juan encountering this crazy family and the version of DF. We join Juan at the market telling Angarita that he should remove all his economic support from Yadira and eaveryone will be happy, while Anga shoots back that he can't do that. Further from this point Juan says they are no longer friends and he cancels their contract to do business together. Anga asks Juan not to be so drastic. Anga insists that he has his reasons for helping her but he can't speak about them. What a disgrace (vergüenza) yells Juan as he turns his back to exit. Wait, wait Anga breaks, I am going to tell you the truth [ed. finally, Anga boy, this delay is a vergüenza for us all]. "Because she is my daughter!" Juan probes about proofs and Anga answers that they have a certain characteristic in common and he loved her from the time he first saw her. He goes on to fill Juan in on his early love for Nidia who even though she married Samuel, she was involved with him first. Juan warns him that these hunches or impulsive acts (corazonados) are hurting the Cachon family. Angarita defends his right to give her money and help.

Pastor can't believe that Ivonne saw two Sandros but she insists that this means that Cesar Luis is not dead. She reveals that she followed Sandro and still has keys to CL's apartment. Pastor thinks perhaps Sandro came home, then changed clothes to go out again but Ivonne isn't giving up her discovery so easily. Then he posits that the sighting of two CL/Sandro's was because Sandro came back through the parking garage (estacionamiento). He warns her of her obsession about Sandro just as Fernando approaches to hear just that part of the conversation.

Juan and Anga continue their heart to heart confession and Anga tells Juan he doesn't want others to know about this or to have a joke made of it. Juan points out that while Yadira is a half slow (conchuda) by nature but she isn't an idiot by any means. What is Anga going to do when sooner or later she questions why he is being so generous? Anga supposes he will tell her the truth. Juan seizes the moment to urge him to save (ahorrar) time and money and tell her now. Anga fears doing that before she has learned to love and respect him. Anga thanks Juan for his advice but this time he is going to do it his way. Anga asks Juan only one thing, to defend his reputation against the stains of the gossips. Do what you can. Juan's concern is that Anga is supporting Yadira in her quest to take the baby from Kike.

Fernando finally faces Yvonne and tells her he has been thinking their relationship won't work, he was mistaken to start up something serious with her. She assures him this wasn't a game to her. In his hurt he adds that what he feels for her isn't love. Their relationship is just a farse. Ivonne may be realizing her sneakiness isn't paying off for her.

Back to the Juan and Anga conversation that Yadira has a right to leave a house and relationship where she isn't happy. But he also says both Yadira and Kike will have to give in (ceder) in the end. The life and well being of the baby, Anga seems to like saying granddaughter (nieta) is of utmost importance. He points out when Yadira went to live with that professor, Yadira realized the baby would be better with her father. Juan does his internal dialoging while listening and realizes that they both need to help with peace negotiations.

Fern is acting out his hurt and Yvonne takes offense that she never wanted his pity and so from now on they are nothing and have no relationship. She leaves in tears and Fern looks surprised by her reaction, like the spotlight somehow shined on his ignorance. [Well, really I think that, he doesn't have more than the merest clue]. Heri is sneering at his discomfort behind his back.

Juanito reacts with jealousy when the boys are challenging his exclusive relationship with Flor. He brings her a frozen treat (paleta) and the usual suspects poke fun and suggestions his way while flirting with Flor. [the micro-hombre who hasn't a clue].

Paula comes out to give proposals to Marely to send on to Sandro's, Marely in irritated fashion slams them into her in basket and excuses herself that she is preoccupied with work and school. Paula looks confused at Marely's abruptness but perhaps the writers are showing us that not having a clue is not a gender based flaw. When Marely hands CL ill disguised as Sandro the papers, he slaps them down with a rude thanks. She starts to leave but returns to slap an index card down when he asks what it is she lets loose with how he is two-timing her with Paula and he's a hypocrite. She begins to yell and refuses his request to lower his voice. He doesn't see why she has to create a scandal and she stomps out after calling him an imbecile and telling him to go to the devil and she wants nothing to do with him ever again. A pure CL evil grin spreads on "Sandro's" face. Break.

Pastor says he believed Fern's sincerity for once in his life when Yvonne tells him she figured out Fern was with her just for pity. She says at least she didn't have to tell him that she couldn't have children. But she vows that though she is dying on the inside, he will see nothing in her comportment on the outside or have the pleasure of seeing her suffer. Down in the garage Fern is talking to himself, when Juan drives up in the convertible and asks him what he his ruminations (rumias) are about. Fern tells him that he and Yvonne have broken it off and because of her going after Sandro. Juan leaps out of the care and says she is giving kisses or sweet stuff (dar guayabas) to the little short twin boy?? Fern pours out his jealousy telling how he saw Yvonne follow Sandro to his apartment and follow him inside and this is proof of her intent and he is not going to be the butt of a joke and games again. Juan consoles Fern and listens while he thinks his own thoughts that always lead to his undying love for Paula.

Yvonne listens while Pastor waxes poetic over his crush on Heri and how the spa workout and treatments were so painful but so worth it. Then he goes on about Toribio and his message and talent and how he made Pastor scream in pleasure/pain that surely Heri must have heard... Then he goes on to tell of his technique to reduce the crows feet lines around his eyes.

Meanwhile a stiff Kike approaches Anga and asks what deliveries (entregas) he has for him today. He only has one but then goes on to tell Kike that he is going with Yadira to the lawyer today. He feels it is better if Kike knows ahead of time so as not to be surprised. But then he softens to tell him that he thinks that he and Yadira need to come to a civilized arrangement and they share custody. Kike can't hear it at this moment and vows to fight for total control to the end.

Juan and Fern enter the L Lounge and as Juan encounters Paula he gives her a friendly but cursory hello then waves papers and flaunts his business then kisses the hand of Laura, on to the office while Paula looks green watching it all.

Anga tells Kike he needs a plan, Kike says he will have a great one. At least Anga has invited him to come along to the lawyer but if he doesn't cooperate the lawyer can make a salad of him.

Juan serves marshmallows and informs Fern that he knows that now is seeing the TWIN, Fern asks hopefully if Juan plans to fire him... Break

Laura approaches Marely to ask if she can see Juan, his secretary isn't at her desk. She begins to approach Juan's office as Paula exits the elevator. As Laura peers through the clear glass, Paula assaults her verbally about her protocol of not entering the president's office without being announced. When she tells Paula that Marely told her she could go in, Paula begins to tell her about Juan's important, rich girlfriend that she has to compete with. The usual spitting match is imminent. Inside Fern continues to advise Juan. Laura approaches Marely again to consult on the truth of this girlfriend story. Marely has snapped for the day by the look of her and spits out that their is a line of broken hearts around Juan for her information. Marely is interrupted by a call that is for her.

Yadira is with the baby in her fancy new apartment when the door bell rings and Anga AND Kike are at the door.

Sandro calls Yvonne into his office to ask her why she was spying on him at his home last night. She protests ignorance but he hands the telltale earring to her [notice she doesn't ask how he knows it is hers but perhaps she is in shock].

Paula asks Marely why she was shooting sparks earlier and now is smiling brilliantly. Marely tells her she is so happy she just got news that she received her grant and will be going to Spain!

And now when CL/Sandro asks her what she has to say for herself, Yvonne does ask him how he knows the earrings were hers, these are so common. They parry but he says he SAW her and she confesses that she was so in love with his brother, didn't he know? He sneers that he can't keep track of the lives of the secretaries of the company. Yvonne plays the love card a bit more how she just couldn't avoid being attracted to him he is so exactly like Cesar Luis, may he rest in peace. He caresses her shoulders in an intimate, old way but tells her if she comes to his building again, she will lose her job. That's it, you can go. She goes out, he looks worried.

Paula is amazed that Marely didn't tell her of this move but Marely shoots back, even though with her characteristic sweetness that Paula was too busy with Juan and Sandro and all so she hasn't had time. She excuses herself so she can advise Pastor to begin looking for her replacement but Paula asks why all the hurry? Well, she has to leave in one week! Break

Kike bounces the baby on his knee while he and Yadira trade insults, from the dining area, Anga tells them not to argue but Kike in mocking tones tells her how impressive this huge apartment is with all the light. She is certainly progressing from her days with the misery of that professor Topete. Anga tells him he isn't cooperating and Kike says he is just complimenting her for improving her lovers. Gasp says Yadira! Anga demands he respect Yadira. Yadira and Kike then have that ridiculous argument over who loves the baby Nidia Michela MORE....no me, no me..... The upshot is that Kike gets in all his resentment and ends saying the baby will be in better hands with him than in a jam (atrabancada) with her streetwalker (callejera) mother. He fears by 10 she will be trading favors for sweets as she learns from her mother's example. Anga intrudes yelling, the baby is crying and Y and K haven't stopped screaming. Anga tells Kike to go and he does saying he doesn't want to have Anga blow up (sulfurarse). He runs out the door with the baby in his arms while Yadira screams louder.

Paula and Marely have tea and discuss the promptness of this big event. Marely says she hasnt' told her mother yet and Paula is not to tell Ana or for sure the secret will be out.

Enrique drives off in the truck while Yadira sobs in Anga's arma. He'll bring her back.

Yvonne swoops into Pastor's office to tell him that Sandro acts and talks exactly like Cesar Luis now, there is no difference. Pastor says it's her imagination (figuraciónes). She goes on with the detail of the bracelet links. How would he know? Well he gave it to her when they were having an affair. [Yvonne has indeed broken the code, as one of our commenters noted recently] Pastor is astounded, Yvonne is worried about losing her job. There will be a complaint. - Break

Juan asks Sandro if he has money and then tells him he wants to sell him his shares in Farell. While Pastor and Yvonne discuss that CL is shark food lost in the sea unless his spirit came back in the form of another body. Juan pushes Sandro for his interest in buying or not. Sandro feigns the need to analyze the situation before he can make up his mind. But when Juan leaves the room, CL/Sandro gloats that he will get his company back! Back to Pastor who thinks they better buy amulets to neutralize this evil spirit. Yvonne, who rightly thinks that if this is reincarnation, CL has come back in the form of a poisonous (ponzoñoso) scorpion (alacrán). Pastor thinks about how Paula would feel learning that her husband is not only alive but living and working near her. Heriberto bursts into the room and makes more inappropriate, salacious remarks to Yvonne about her yummy hips (caderas), while Pastor tries to get him under control.

CL/barely Sandro calls really Sandro on the phone to tell him of Juan's offer to sell his shares. Sandro congratulates him for achieving what he has wanted but CL says the other thing really important is to destroy these wretches. And what happened with Yvonne? Well CL brags he handled her and put her in her place. They discuss who she might tell or who might guess. CL is so convinced that she is stupid that he has the upper hand. CL tells Sandro that Yvonne says she is attracted to Sandro because he reminds her so much of CL. Then Sandro is impactado that CL had an affair with his secretary and then with Paula. CL is prouder than embarrassed. Sandro labels CL a narcissist. Then CL drops the bomb that he has insulted Marely so much that she told him to go to the devil. Sandro looks doomed. Yeap. Surely this is more than a coincidence that it seems like real life. Tahtah for now amigos y amigas!

A bit of vocabulary:

Este cuento sigue desarrollar como si fuéramos todos en un manicomio = This story continues to develop as if we were all in an insane asylum
Vergüenza (f) = a disgrace, shame, embarrassment
Corazonados (m) = hunches or impulsive acts
Estacionamiento (m) = parking place or garage
Conchudo(a) = slow, also stubborn in Puerto Rico, but we aren't in PR here
Ahorrar = to save
Ceder = Give in, cede, back down
Rumias (f) = ruminations, meditations
Guayabas (f) = kisses or sweetness, also the fruit guava
Entregas (f) = deliveries
Atrabancada = a jam, a mess
Callejera (f) = steetwalker
Sulfurarse = to blow up, to get riled
Figuraciónes = imagination
Ponzoñoso(a) = poisonous
Alacrán (m) = scorpion
Caderas (f) = hips


Oh my...haven't had homemade ice cream in 40 years. What flavors? I'm sitting here imagining and driving myself crazy!

My Grandmother made homemade icecream, but it always tasted "funny"....I would rather go to the ice cream store....she may have been using goats milk?

Homemade Ice Cream!!! Wow! The recap can definitely wait.

Anon #1- LOL! gee, I can't imagine ice cream made out of goat's milk. I hate the taste of goat's milk (although I like goat's milk cheese) so I drink soy milk. Maybe she was using goat's milk, or maybe she was skimming the cream off the milk and what she was giving you was really ice milk, which might have tasted funny compared to regular ice cream. Either way, I'd prefer store-bought, too.


No worries. Glad you enjoyed your day...and ice cream!

Thanks for being understanding. I am just about to start writing as soon as I crank up the caffeine level a bit. The homemade ice cream was strawberry and was the most delicious I have ever tasted, it had tons of fresh strawberries and great tasting cream. This was actually made in an old fashioned hand crank machine so the guests could choose to have a turn at cranking the handle on the bucket with salt and ice. It is so old it malfunctioned at one point and we were all good sports and offered to drink it but it finally solidified into a delightful soft serve consistency.
Goat's milk for ice cream? eeewww, no thanks!

Why do I have the impression I'm not the only one who finds homemade ice cream vastly more interesting than Juan? Cheryl, take your time.

Speaking of alternative "leches", Emilia and I still laugh about a line from the old "Dharma and Greg" about whether "you can make cheese from cat's milk?"

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!

Mike, cat's milk? Ew. You probably can make it, but who would buy it? (Cats, maybe).


Yes, ice cream is a wonderful artery buster..Love it..I'd rather we talk about ice cream than "Juan"..Ha..

This show is rehash,rehash,and somewhere along the way in the last few weeks,since the reincarnation of CL/Sandro,it's gone south..

Hello amigas y amigo Jeanne,Sharkbait,JudyB,Anon#1...

For those who watch Fuego, the big boob Condi is going to Playboy...Just a little info...

Well finally it is posted. If anyone has the interest or energy to read it now. But enjoy the vocabulary which is a bit of review for most of you.

I'm just grateful I didn't have to deal with Nidia, Alirio and those others so much. I like Angarita starting to take responsibility to help Kike and Yadira act like adults. He is now being a good father instead of tormenting poor Kike needlessly.

Nice vocabulary Cheryl. I was writhing, (as usual) during this episode. Even though I know it will all work out, I was so upset when Fernando broke up with Yvonne.

Stupid!..I know, but the look on her face! It was just too real for me.

Mind you, it doesn't bother me at all that Paula thinks she's getting the shaft. Nor Laura...and Gawd! what WERE those awful red tights??!!! The navy suit looked professional but the tights were a diaster. She's has clearly riled the costumers as well.

Glad to know Marely has won the scholarship (without Sandro's help) and will be off to Spain. Our little sweetheart needs a fresh start.

Thanks again, I enjoyed the vocabulary mucho!

Huh? Ice cream? I guess maybe you were making it or something? Sounds wonderful. So is the recap. I, like our Guapos person, wasn't thinking about yesterday being Monday and completely missed Juan in favor of traffic cameras on my new digitally tuned DVD recorder.

Oh well, so I am super thankful to have the recap. I was quite mad when I was reminded by someone who hates that I watch telenovelas that my telenovelas were on. DOh!!!

Hello, Export Red, my friend, check your e-mail box for a message from me.....

I still like the show, but it is taking too long to settle this "mess". No one can be so stupid as to not see that CL, is Sandro. Why didn't Ivonne tell Paula, her new friend about her discovery, and even her relations with CL, while Paula was married to him.....

I guess the Telenovelas contract is through June 15....no need to rush things

Thanks Cheryl! I realized when I read your recap that I only saw half this episode. Guess I put it on pause and forgot it. Hooray for Marely! Thank goodness she is going to beat feet outta the DF. Nidia won't like it but that sweet girl needs to save herself.

Cheryl, what a great recap! Thanks so much—the title AND the vocabulary list are wonderful!

“It's kind of fun to see back to the early days of Juan encountering this crazy family and the version of DF.” Yes, it’s a nice reminder, isn’t it?

“not having a clue is not a gender based flaw” LOL! And Paula is the clueless Queen.

“Heriberto bursts into the room and makes more inappropriate, salacious remarks to Yvonne about her yummy hips (caderas), while Pastor tries to get him under control.” LOL! Poor Pastor, he always picks ‘em wrong!

“what WERE those awful red tights??!!! The navy suit looked professional but the tights were a diaster. She's has clearly riled the costumers as well.” ROTFL, Judy B!!!

Hey, there, Export Red!


You know I didn't really notice the red tights when I was recapping but saw them in review and again on Tuesday night. What gives, has the wardrobe department gone completely bonkers? Like Ferro says about some of Rosario's spangly pieces: Where do you buy stuff like this anyway? It is hard to realize that someone actually made something this silly.

Good Morning to all amigas y Mr. Luv,Anon#1..Anyone I left out yesterday, please forgive me..I see new commentators here,and sometimes can't remember names of all..Thanks always for the recaps and comments..Love them as always..

I'm compelled to make a comment this morning,after Yadira burst into Farell to take bebe from Kiki, about those yellow paratrooper,three sizes too small poly pants that Yadira had on..Had she walked a little too fast,she'd have gone up in a blaze of glory with all that polyester..

Just thrilled that Kiki is finally shedding himself of that dead weight and moving to beautiful what's her name (Julita)? Kiki is my favorite character of this show..Regards to all amigas y amigo..Yes, Mr. Luv got your new email address..Will respond later...All of us, who love the novelas will move onto the next one after Juan is over..

I'm not going to say how long I've been watching novelas,but happy two years ago, I found my novela home...I miss being able to read all comments,but most days I'm in my office from 6:00am to 8:00pm..A great day to all...

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