Wednesday, June 11, 2008
La Traición, Tues., June 10 - Hugo finds the baby; Boris finds a clue; Dr. Dan doesn't believe Eloisa and Antonia becomes George
Arturo watches Boris going into the cabaña. He says that he should leave. No one must suspect that he was involved in taking the baby. “You were lucky, Aurora,” says Arturo, “you will be saved but not you, Alcides.” He says that soon the baby will be discovered on Alcides’ property and everyone will think that Alcides kidnapped the baby. Outside the cabaña, Boris says that it is strange that a window has been broken.
Someone is banging on the door of the Hacienda. Marina opens the door. It’s Dr. Dan come to see Alcides and he’s angry. Marina tells him that Alcides isn’t home. Dr. Dan demands to know where he is. Marina replies that Alcides isn’t in the habit of telling her where he goes. “Tell Alcides de Medina that Daniel von Chirac is looking for him and wants him to face the consequences (‘que me de la cara’) .
At the Obragon house, Soledad is still dreaming old dreams that have nothing to with the story. She wakes up saying that she hoping that all this had just been a nightmare. Hugo says that now she is awake, he will go look for the baby. Lucas asks where he will look. Hugo says that he doesn’t know but he will find the baby whatever happens. Hugo kisses Soledad’s hand and promises that he will bring her the baby safe and sound (‘sana y salva’) and she should take care of herself. Hugo leaves. Soledad suffers.
In Rebeca’s house, Alcides searches for suitable material in Michelle’s diary. He finds the perfect entry. Eloisa wants to read it but Alcides says the less she knows the better. Eloisa asks Alcides when he is going to pay her for keeping Michelle from talking to the authorities. Alcides says that he can’t pay her right now. Eloisa doesn’t understand. Alcides has a huge treasure; why is he playing games with her? Alcides says that right now there are guards that are preventing him from getting access to the treasure. Eloisa asks what he is going to do. “I’ll think of something,” says Alcides, “have a little patience.” Dr. Dan is heard outside calling for Eloisa.
Boris goes inside the cabaña and leaves the luggage. He does not see the baby. “The cabin in the forest, what memories!” he says (probably remembering when he was trapped in the basement and escaped seconds before Alcides blew the place up with dynamite and it burned to the ground only to miraculously rise again from the ruins.) “What dust (polvo)!” he says. It needs new curtains (cortinas) too. (Being as observant as most men, he fails to notice a baby in the house.) The kid who helped him bring the luggage says that it is starting to rain and they should leave. Boris leaves without seeing the baby who is playing with what looks like a sprig from a pine tree.
Ursula asks Soledad to forgive her. If she hadn’t left the baby alone, this never would have happened. Soledad says that only the person who took the baby is to blame. She says that they have to find the baby before she has another catalepsy attack.
Dr. Dan says that he needs to talk to Eloisa about something important. Alcides tells Eloisa to distract the imbecile while he leaves. No one must know that he was here. Eloisa prepares herself and goes out to meet Dr. Dan. He says that it isn’t a social visit. He was looking for Alcides and didn’t find him so he has come here to tell her about some important things. Eloisa asks if the baby has been found. Dr. Dan says this isn’t about that. “I’ve come to tell you that I am not convinced by your story about the abrupt departure of Michelle,” says Dr. Dan. Eloisa asks what he means. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe that Michelle only said goodbye to Eloisa before leaving.
Hugo and Boris are in the cabaña. Boris says that he is glad Hugo got his telegram. Hugo says that when he got it, he returned on another train. He says that he went to Soledad’s house and she was in bad shape. Boris replies that he can imagine. Boris asks Hugo how he knew that Boris was in the cabaña? Hugo says that he doesn’t know anyone more efficient than Boris and he figured that Boris would have brought the luggage here after they left the hotel. Boris thanks Hugo and asks if he has any idea where the baby could be. Hugo says that he doesn’t have the slightest idea. He is going to change his clothes and go out looking for the baby. He needs Boris’ help. Of course, Boris says that Hugo can count on him. Hugo says that his search for Michelle will have to wait. Right now, nothing is more important that finding the baby. Just imagining that she might be in the hands of some unscrupulous person, hits him in the gut. At this moment, the baby makes a noise. “Do you hear what I hear?” asks Hugo. “Yes,” says Boris, “she’s here.” They get up and look and there’s the baby safe and sound. Hugo makes baby talk and Aurora holds his finger.
Hugo says that the baby is in perfect health. Boris says that when he brought the luggage in, he didn’t see her. He says that when the baby heard Hugo’s voice, she reacted. Hugo says to the baby, “That’s because you know that your papa loves you so much. You want to know a secret? Your mama is going to be the happiest woman in the world when she sees you safe and sound.”
Ester is worried that Soledad will faint again. Soledad says that she can’t just stay inside these four walls waiting for news. Ester asks her to be calm, torturing herself won’t help anything. Soledad asks her mother not to tell her to be calm. She should put herself in Soledad’s place. Ester agrees and says that if someone had taken Soledad from her, she wouldn’t have been able to stand it. Ester says that Soledad has to believe. The power of the mind is very strong. She says that something tells her that the baby will turn up very soon.
Then the Obragon witchiness appears. Ester says that after the baby is returned, she wants Soledad to organize her life. She can’t continue to live in limbo. She can’t be enslaved in the diabolic game of those two men. Soledad says that Hugo is Aurora’s father. “No, my love,” says the Obragon witch, “a father takes care of his family. Hugo and Alcides have only brought misfortune (desgracias) to your life.” Soledad says that she can’t separate Hugo from his daughter. It’s not fair and she won’t do it. Ester says that although it hurts her to say so, the best thing she can do when Aurora is found is go far away from the Medina brothers and make herself happy. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to think about her future. She only wants her baby back. Ester says that the baby will be found but if she doesn’t think about her future, things will only get worse. “Soledad,” says Ester, “listen to my advice. When Aurora is found, formalize your relationship with Daniel and go away from here.” (Soledad- you should know by now never to follow any advice that Ester gives you.)
Dr. Dan asks Eloisa to pardon him for speaking frankly. He doesn’t believe that Michelle would leave and only say goodbye to Eloisa. Eloisa says that Michelle was destroyed and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Dr. Dan is sure that she would have talked to him – they are best friends. Eloisa says that she and Michelle are best friends too and women understand problems of the heart better. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe in the friendship between Eloisa and Michelle or Soledad. Eloisa fakes shock that Dr. Dan could be so mean. Dr. Dan flashes back to Hugo’s trial when he heard Rebeca tell Eloisa how she got Lucas drunk to encourage him to testify against Hugo. He tells Eloisa that he can appear to be a little aloof but his senses are well developed. Just as he knows that Alcides wants to see him dead, he know that she isn’t sincere.
At the Hacienda, Alcides is eating nuts and giving instructions to Hercu-less. He has given Herc a letter and Herc asks if he should deliver it to Eloisa. Alcides, apropos of nothing, looks around says how beautiful the Hacienda is. He tells Herc that he has a special mission for him. He is to take the letter to Alcala (a nearby town) and bribe the postman there to postmark it yesterday (‘un sello con fecha de ayer’) and then he should put it into the mail so that it will arrive from Alcala postmarked yesterday. Herc doesn’t understand. He sees that the letter is addressed to Hugo. Alcides tells him not to ask questions and to go to Alcala on horseback, not by public transportation so that no one knows he went there. Herc leaves. “Con el tiempo y un ganchito,” Alcides uses his mantra of old: “ with time and a little luck.” Marina has overheard.
Arturo is hitting the bottle. Margot comes in and asks if he harmed Hercu-less. Arturo says that he just warned him not to come into his house much less to Margot’s room. Margot says that Herc did it because he missed her. Arturo responds that he did it because Herc is working for Arturo’s worst enemy and wants information. Margot asks if Arturo was involved in the kidnapping of Soledad’s baby. Is he capable of doing something so horrible?
Ester asks Soledad that when this nightmare (pesadilla) is over to think about what she has said. Ursula comes running in to say that Hugo has come and… Soledad jumps up, “What did he say? What has happened? Tell me …” Then Hugo comes into her room with the baby. “Here is our baby, Soledad,” says Hugo. Everyone is happy. Soledad says that no one can imagine how she feels. Boris comes in. Ester and Lucas ask Hugo where he found the baby. Hugo says that he found the baby in the cabaña in the woods. Ester asks what place that is and who lives there. Hugo says that no one lives there since his brother moved to the Hacienda. Lucas asks know Hugo knew that the baby was there. Hugo says that it was pure luck. After Michelle left town, he decided to move into the cabaña. Boris says that he didn’t realize the baby was there but when Hugo came and the baby heard his voice, she called out. She recognized his voice. Soledad asks who took the baby there, was it Alcides? Hugo says no. Boris says that a window had been broken and he assumes that someone broke in and left the baby there. Ester says that she doesn’t believe this story. It was he who took the baby there or worse, he did it in league with his brother. Hugo shakes his head in frustration.
Eloisa fakes outrage that Dr. Dan could accuse her of something like that to her face. After all she has done for him promoting his suit with Soledad. He will come on his knees begging forgiveness. “You know, Eloisa,” says Dr. Dan, “Behind every one of your words, I hear and feel a lie.” He says that if it happens that he is wrong, he will ask her forgiveness. Eloisa tells him to get out of her house. Dr. Dan says that when Michelle returns, we will see if she corroborates the story that Eloisa has invented. He leaves.
Alcides is meditating. Marina apologizes for disturbing him and asks what he wants her to do with the clothes that he bought for Aurora. He tells her to keep them. When the baby is found and Soledad is calmer, he will give them to her. Alcides asks if Marina knows the secret passages in the house. She says yes, of course. Alcides asks her to show them to him right away. He might need to make use of them.
Arturo denies having anything to do with the kidnapping of the baby. Margot asks why Alcides accused him of being involved. Arturo says that Alcides is his worst enemy and says that everything bad that happens in San Marino is his fault or doesn’t she understand that. Margot tells him not to treat her that way. She goes on to say that she knows that Arturo isn’t bad. He is the way he is because he was a soldier. Arturo doesn’t know what she means. She asks what he said to Hercu-less and Arturo repeats that he told Herc that his life had been saved by a miracle but it won’t happen again. Arturo asks Margot to leave him alone. Margot asks to leave. She misses Herc. Arturo says fine – get out of my house. He throws her out of the room.
Dr. Dan drives a gig to the Obragon house. He asks the guards if anything has happened. They say no. But a Medina went into the house. Dr. Dan asks which one, Hugo or Alcides. The guards aren’t sure. The twins are identical but the man said he was Hugo and he was accompanied by his servant, Boris. Dr. Dan doesn’t want the guards to let Alcides in so they shouldn’t let any Medina brother in unless they are sure it isn’t Alcides. The guard finally mentions that that Hugo came with the baby. Dr. Dan repeats his instructions that only authorized persons can come into the house.
Inside, Ester the Obragon witch starts in on Hugo. How can he guarantee that the disappearance of the baby wasn’t a dirty game to get points with Soledad? “Señora, I can’t do anything to convince you,” says Hugo. “It was as I said.” Soledad says that no one in her house knows Hugo better than her and she knows he is telling the truth. She says that they can say what they want about Hugo but he would never hurt his own daughter. Ester replies that they should tell the police and they will investigate and see who was responsible. Lucas makes an ineffectual attempt to restrain Ester. Hugo says that he understands this is an uncomfortable situation for everyone. It is better that he leaves. “At least my return meant that we found our baby,” says Hugo. Soledad thanks him. She asks if he going to look for Michelle. He says that he will leave again tomorrow morning.
Dr. Dan comes in and rushes over to see the baby. Soledad tells him that the baby was found in a house that belongs to Hugo’s family. Dr. Dan does a quick unnecessary checkup on the baby’s vital signs and say that she is ok. Hugo says goodbye and turns to leave but Dr. Dan wants him to stay and hear what he has to say. He says that if Lucas and Ester agree, they have to be much more strict about who enters the house so that the baby can’t be snatched again. Lucas agrees that only the family should be permitted to enter and certainly not Hugo’s brother, Alcides. Dr. Dan says that Hugo should not come in either. Hugo asks what he is saying. He has permission from the family to come see his daughter. Dr. Dan says it isn’t that but he and Alcides are identical ('dos gotas de agua,’ literally, ‘two drops of water’). The guards can’t tell them apart. Alcides could disguise himself as Hugo and gain entrance. Lucas agrees. Hugo tells Soledad that he needs to see his daughter. Soledad says that they need to find a solution. She understands the problem but Hugo needs to see his daughter. Dr. Dan suggests a solution. Whenever Hugo needs to see the baby, they can bring her to his house. A triumphant Ester asks Soledad what she thinks of this idea – neither of the Medina brothers would be permitted to come into the house.
Hugo does not let Ester force Soledad to decide. “Soledad, before you come to any decision,” says Hugo, “I think it is better that I don’t return to this house. I did it because any father needs to see his daughter but I prefer not to come to a place where I’m not welcome (‘no soy bien venido’).” Soledad asks Hugo not to look at it that way. Lucas and Ester think Hugo’s decision is fine. Hugo says that he lives in the cabin in the woods. Soledad can bring the baby there or to the workshop. She decides and he will obey (‘tu decidas y yo acataré’). Dr. Dan says to Hugo that he will help Soledad make sure that Hugo gets to see his daughter whenever it’s necessary. It’s not personal. On the contrary, he is simply avoiding the risk that Alcides could pretend to be him. “Yes,” pause, “of course,” says Hugo in a tone that indicates he does take it personally. He kisses the baby, “I understand perfectly,” he says and leaves. With a horrible smile that makes you just want to strangle her, Ester thanks Dr. Dan for all he has done for them. Soledad has the grace to look ashamed. Lucas asks where something that is garbled is but must be Antonia.
Paquito tells his girls that lacking a pianist, they will have to dance to a phonograph record. They don’t want to. Antonia is outside the bar and tells Paquito that she will play the piano for him provided that no one recognizes her. Paquito is ecstatic. He will transform her into his friend George.
Hercu-less has done what Alcides asked with a corrupt mailman in Alcala. The letter will be delivered tomorrow morning. Herc pays him.
Margot returns to her house. She can see that Herc hasn’t been there for a while. She flashes back to when Arturo defended her a decent person in front of his mother. She says to herself that in spite of everything, Arturo is a good man. He is the only person who has defended her. She wonders what is happening to her. Why does she miss Arturo. She is Herc’s woman. If she loves Herc, why isn’t she happy to be here?
Arturo is still drinking. His mother comes in and thanks him for getting Margot out of the house. She says that he still handsome and her greatest desire is that he marry a woman of noble lineage (‘de alcurnia’). Arturo tells her to go to bed and leave him alone.
Returning the to the cabaña, Hugo tells Boris that he would like to prove that his brother didn’t have anything to do with kidnapping Aurora. Hugo says he needs to talk to Alcides. Boris says that he will light a fire. Keen-eyed Boris now discovers a bunch of muddy footprints (pisadas) that are certainly those of whoever left the baby in the cabaña. Hugo says that they are the prints of someone who wore boots. It’s a good clue to discovering who kidnapped his daughter.
Antonia is dressed up like a man – she looks like Charlie Chaplin. Paquito congratulates himself. With these clothes, make up and the moustache, no one will recognize Antonia. Antonia ask God to forgive her for this sacrilege. She is only doing it to help her family. Paquito tells her that her public is waiting and Antonia swaggers into the tavern.
Hugo and Boris continue to look at the footprints. Hugo says that they were definitely made by a man wearing boots. Boris says that it rules out Michelle. Hugo says that was ridiculous. He has no idea how the police came to that conclusion. Boris says that the footprints weren’t from his helpers either.
Alcides is outside the Obragon house wondering how he can get to the treasure vault. He sees the judge show up and wonders if it is about the baby or the disappearance of Michelle.
Inside Soledad is thanking Dr. Dan for making them all feel more relaxed. Ester has to chime in that Dr. Dan is a man who cares about Soledad. Dr. Dan says that Ester took the words out of his mouth. He will do whatever it takes to make Soledad feel safe and happy. There’s a knock on the door. It’s the judge. He asks after Lucas, tells the family that he heard the baby was returned. However, his reason for coming is that he has received the annulment of Soledad’s marriage from the Vatican. She is a completely free woman. Happy looks all around. The credits roll.
Tomorrow: the fight for Soledad begins
Labels: la traicion
Alcides hadn't planned on bank holidays to foul up his plan. And speaking of "foul," not to put too fine a point on it, but in a tropical setting I would think that soon there won't be any mystery as to where Michelle is. JB, I see you thought of that, too.
I want to know who made Dr. Dan the new boss of the Obregon household. I'm getting very annoyed with him taking liberties like he is already married to Soledad. Look at her ring finger to get an indication of her true feelings, doctor. As usual, Ester has chosen the wrong mate for her daughter and is calling him "Danny." But I noticed that Soledad and Ursula aren't in the cheering section.
I may be duplicating some of your thoughts because I just drove 200 miles and then immediately got on to my friend's computer to see if the Tuesday episode was posted. So, here's my posting and then I'm going back and read the recap. Letting go is hard to do...
Concerning the annulment, I went back and looked. In the May 9 episode, this same judge gave Alcides and Soledad their civil divorce and then he agreed to request the annulment from the bishop. So now he's delivering it. Silly yes, but consistent.
I do have to say thanks to the writers for giving us some Hugo/Aurora scenes lately. Aurora is just the cutest thing going. Her scenes in the cabaña waiting to be rescued were so adorable (the non-crying ones, that is). And when Hugo was explaining how he found her, he flashed his blinding, wide-open smile that we've seen far too little of in this show. So lovely...
Alcides & his continued nut-eating are making me, well, nuts. I'd love to ask the writers if that's supposed to have some hidden meaning.
By forbidding Hugo to visit Aurora in the Obregon house, Dr. Dan has surely cooked his own goose. (He couldn't just have assigned a password to Hugo that he'd have to present to the guards to prove his identity?)
Now, Soledad (with Ursula in tow, no doubt) will have no choice but to bring Aurora to visit daddy at the Little Bachelor Cabaña in the Big Woods. (My apologies to Laura Ingalls Wilder.) Whatever will they do without the Obregon witches harping at them? All that privacy & tranquility will really be hard to take. ;-) Way to throw Brer Rabbit into that briar patch, Doc...
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