Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guapos: Monday 7/14/08 - "There's a fine line between lust and hate".

This episode starts with an overlap from Friday. I won’t regurgitate it here, just go back and read Friday’s recap.

Mili and Hugo discuss going on a trip for their delayed honeymoon. Mili doesn’t care where they go, she leaves it up to Hugo. Hugo tells her he’s got a late meeting at the office and he leaves the mansion. Mili decides now would be a good time to offer condolences to Florinda. Mili knocks on the door and enters. Flo tells her that Alejandro isn’t there, as she assumes that’s what Mili came for. Mili insists she’s there because she wants to find out if there is anything that Flo needs. Flo says “yeah, for you to leave.” Mili again insists that she’s only there to offer help to Flo, it can’t be easy losing a parent. Flo retorts, “I thought I made myself clear, steer clear of me and of Alejandro……you act all nice, Al falls for it, but I really know how you are--- you are just interested in becoming his lover.” Mili denies, protests, and refuses. Flo isn’t buying it and neither am I (well OK, I’m sure that Mili doesn’t want to be Al’s lover, but she still wants him). Flo tells Mili that she won’t let her have Al, she’s going to take Al very far away from Mili. Al enters the room and asks what’s going on. Mili says nothing and Flo calls her a liar! Flo tells Al that Mili’s there to rub salt in her wounds and mock her pain at losing her dad. Mili wants to defend herself, but I’m sure she remembers how it all went down in the past when Andrea falsely accused her of stuff, so she says it is best that she leave. Al turns to go after her as she exits and Flo implores that he leave Mili alone.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Braulio and the servant staff are gathered and Brau is attempting to get Damian to confess that he is in fact NOT Braulio’s lover. Damian concedes and says that it was all a joke and there is nothing going on between him and Brau, in fact he’s marrying Karla. Why? Well because he’s so in love with her---and I’ve never heard a less convincing declaration of love before in my life. Karla eats this all up---once again proving that people hear only what they want to hear. Damian and Karla skip off and Braulio warns the rest of the staff that he forbids them from saying another word about this whole sordid affair (no pun intended). The staff then launch into complaints about having two mistresses of the house and how between Andrea and Luciana they are being driven crazy and overworked. They ask Braulio to speak up for them and he reluctantly agrees.

Out in the foyer, Andrea and Luci are once again back to bickering. Connie happens on the argument and joins in on Andrea’s side. Nestor wanders in and joins the fray, of course taking Luci’s side. Braulio comes out and tries to break it up, but he’s ignored, as these people obviously like the sound of their own shouting, because no one can possibly make out what any of the others are saying. Seeing that Brau is failing to get their attention, Lina drops an ugly vase and then points the finger at Brau and she hightails it out of there. Connie is incensed. That was an expensive vase. Andrea insists that Brau get canned and Luci launches in on how Andrea has no say in the hirings and firings of the household staff. Braulio demands an audience with Nestor and Connie and the men retreat to the study. Luci and Andrea continue to fling insults and my favorite is when Luci tells Andrea she’s only a concubine. In the study, Brau spells out the unhappiness of the staff and urges Connie to fix the situation. Connie and Nestor agree to work together.

Flo rants to Al about Mili---she knows he still loves her, blah, blah, the same old stuff, blah, blah, nothing new. Marisela interrupts and she and Flo cry on each other’s shoulders----woe is us, what will we do without our mob daddy (sob).

Connie and Nestor have a pow-wow with Luci and Andrea. Nestor tells Luci that she’s got to back off and let Andrea be the woman of the house. Connie tells Andrea that Luci will be retaining all of her privileges as long as she lives under the roof. The two women reluctantly agree to play nice together. Andrea tells Connie they’ll be talking later. Luci tells Nestor that they’ll be having a chat later, as well.

The Mafia princesses ask Al to take over running Daddy’s business. Al is hesitant, but he agrees.

Downstairs, Nestor admires the painting of Mili and her mother. Luci rips on both the women and Nestor doesn’t pay any attention to her vile jealousy. Luci takes off and Mili enters. She and Nestor discuss the painting and some how their conversation leads to Al. Nestor tells her that Al’s still rejecting him as his father and Mili assures him that it will all work out in time.

Damian comes upon the happy foursome and is surprised to find the women not having a cat fight. He mentions that there is some dinner that he’s going to need Connie to attend. Andrea gets excited, but Damian reminds her that Luci will have to be Connie’s escort, since outside the mansion, the world still thinks Luci and Connie are together. This does not sit well with Andrea.

Mateo is at Marisela’s. They have a rehash conversation about Bobby and then it leads into the MPs having asked Al about taking over the family business. Mateo is perturbed and then he asks MP2 if she’s going to have Al managing their money as well. MP2 asks Mateo’s opinion.

Mili’s hanging out with her posse and it comes out that she and Hugo have yet to consummate their marriage. Gloria knew already, but this is brand new info to Lina and she just can’t seem to wrap her mind around it. Mili retells how Hugo’s been such a gentleman and that he’s willing to wait till she’s ready. Lina reminds Mili that Hugo’s got some rights and this puts a fearful look into Mili’s eye.

Connie meets with Luci alone (this will be important by the end of this paragraph) in the study. He asks her to cut Andrea some slack and to lighten up. Luci agrees and says she’ll make no problems for Connie’s mujer. Connie says actually you are still my mujer, since we’ve not gotten a divorce. Connie gets a strange look in his eye and he starts to stumble over his words, as he tries to explain that weird feelings have been stirred up. Luci, feeling a tad awkward in this situation, makes for the door. Connie grabs her, pulls her into his arms and the two begin to make out!!!

In the kitchen, Lina still is trying to figure out what’s happening with Mili and Hugo. She and Gloria discuss it. Al overhears the conversation and he’s elated to realize that Mili’s not slept with Hugo. The girls leave the kitchen when Gloria accidentally spills something on Lina. Al walks into the room and Bobby arrives shortly there after. Al tells Bobby what he’s just heard and that he’s so happy to now know this. Bobby says that this changes nothing, but Al insists that it proves that Mili’s still in love with him (OK, he’s right, but it still sounds really narcissistic). After a commercial break, Lina and Gloria return to the kitchen. Bobby is stunned by Lina’s beauty and Gloria says they are waiting for Chamuco, who then arrives. They tell Al that they are heading out to Rodeo. Al asks if Mili and Hugo will be joining them. He’s told that they might come later, since Hugo had to work. The crowd leaves and Al, now alone in the kitchen, declares that he’s going to make sure that Hugo won’t touch Mili.

Luci mumbles, through kisses, that Connie should let her go…..someone might see. Connie says that danger excites him. Luci says it gets her excited too. She tells Connie that she doesn’t love him and can hardly stand him. They don’t care and they take it upstairs to the upper level of the study. They declare their mutual hatred for each other as they succumb to the passion.

Mateo tells Marisela that Al’s not the right man for the job of running the family business. He adds that the only reason he’s saying this is that he cares about MP2 and hopes to marry her someday, so he wants to look out for her. He says it would be risky to have Al in control of her money. Mari is impactada.

Val and Rocky are working at Taco Naco. He’s showing her how to make stuff and she’s proud she’s a fast learner. Chamuco and Gloria have a conversation across the restaurant. Could someone fill in what they said, because I had an interruption at this time and missed this portion of the show. I know that Mili and Hugo arrived. Any thing else happen here?

Nestor consoles Flo and says that he’s willing to be a fill in dad someday. She asks him about finding out that Al’s his son. He says he’s happy about that and also about the prospect of being a grandpa. He learns that Al’s going to be running the business and he tells Flo that he’s willing to help. Al comes into the room at this point and questions what Nestor’s doing there. Nestor makes his exit and Al presses Flo for info on what they talked about. Flo indicates that Nestor wants only to help and Al tells her that he doesn’t want Nestor’s help.

Andrea rants to Karla about Luci. She asks Karla to be another set of eyes and ears for her. Karla says she’s uncomfortable with that, since she and Luci will soon be family. Andrea says that will happen over Luci’s dead body. Karla says that Luci doesn’t seem to have a problem with her hooking up with Damian. Andrea says yeah, well Luci had an issue with Mili and Al. Are they together? She also had an issue with Val and the chauffer, are they together? So what makes you so special? Why doesn’t Luci have issues with you……oh yeah, that’s right, she probably does.

Luci and Connie rearrange their clothing and their hair. She says that they’ll forget about this come morning. They come up with a plan for leaving the study. She heads out and runs into Brau. He senses she’s up to something, but can’t put his finger on it. She heads upstairs and then Connie exits the study. Brau is putting two and two together, but I don’t think he’s quite added it up to four yet.

Upstairs, Luci tells Nestor “Not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache.” (Cliché I know, but I suppose it beats the alternative---“No need, I was fully serviced downstairs.”) END OF EPISODE


Cathy: Thanks for the recap. I missed the very first part of this episode and, sorry, I can't fill in the Naco Taco part.

Anyway, with the exception of the unreal and funny scene with Luci and Consti, this episode felt like deja vu. (Although I was curious about the final destination of the stairs in the library. So, they go nowhere. Just like this chapter.) The "discussion" between Flo and Mili - haven't we heard that before. And, haven't we heard Bobby giving the same advice to Al.

And, bad Al. What on earth are you thinking? OK, you're not thinking. Are we in for another kidnapping? Mili just won't go for it so think of something else.

Braulio - get that green stuff off your face. We've already seen it.

From lower Ala

Hey Cathy, how are things over here? So what is up with the producers changing the picture of Mili's mom? It looks nothing like the original.

Hey, you guys, can someone do Wednesday for me this week? I suddenly have to go out of town on an emergency.


I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but I think when Gloria and Chamuco were talking at Taco Naco, she told him about Mili & Hugo's lack of action but swore him to secrecy, and then when Mili and Hugo came in he was kind of looking at them funny. If there was more than that I missed it.

That upper level of the library has got to go somewhere. Braulio entered from up there one time. I'm thinking secret passage behind one of the bookcases.

Gloria and Chamuco were talking about Mili and Hugo and then Chamuco started to press Gloria about when he was going to get some happy, happy. Hasn't he waited long enough? She is still nervous and has a pact with Mili and Lina to tell each other when the deed is done.


At Taco Naco, Gloria & Chamuco were talking about going to the cinema to see a scary movie because last time they went, Gloria got scared from the movie and to "cure" that "scaredom", they did the happy happy. Gloria warns Chamuco not to tell anybody about that time, because she, Lina and Miligol promised to tell each other about their first times. Chamuco really wants to go see a scary movie because he wants to get some, and Gloria is hesitant. Just then Lina & Bobby walk in and talk about making plans to go see a movie, a scary movie, and then to top it all off the other 2 couples (Miligol & Hugo and Chiquita & Chiquito) walk in and they all agree to go to the cinema to see a scary movie. Gloria & Chamuco get disappointed looks on their faces.

Oh yeah, and not to give anything away, but if you look carefully at the opening credits, it reveals some interesting news about what's coming up next...

Yep the credits do add a list of new characters several of whom will have a major impact I'm sure. Anyway that Connie/Luci scene was sorta creepy. Reminds me of that scene early on when she practically attacked him. The dynamic between them is rather sick and I honestly hope they do not end up together at the end. Mili deserves better parents and Luci has to pay for all the harm she has caused.

Al is still in it's all about me mode while Mili is busy trying to do what it right. She may want him but she will do nothing to break up his marriage and have his child raised by a single mother ooops make that a single psycho wolf. Al on the other hand seems to have trouble getting his head around the fact that he is going to be a father which doesn't bode well for the baby.

I was surprised about the Gloria/Chamuco reveal although considering they have been together for over 3 years and he was pushing hard from the beginning I shouldn't have been. So now our happy little band is off to scary movies instead of dancing at Rodeo. I guess if Al and the MP's show up they'll be surprised to find no one there. Side note: would someone please wash the grease out of Bobby's hair.

Although I'm get antsy with the repetition of snark fests between Mili and Flor I genuinely enjoyed the "I hate you/I want you" tussle with Constancio and Lucinda. They played it well and it was darned funny.

Thanks for the recap Miss Cathy.

Was the Luci/Connie thing for real? I couldn't believe it!

I find Mili's behavior disturbing, as she is drawn to Al and drawn to taunt Floreenda, but she doesn't seem able to admit it to herself. It's good acting/writing, however, in that it's how a real person would behave--she's not a saint.

I don't think Mili is so much drawn to taunt Floreenda as driven into it by the older more experienced woman. I believe that Mili is genuinely concerned about Flo and feels for her having lost her father but the other woman is so hate filled she can't see it or accept it for what it is.

Thanks for the recap Cathy! I didn't pay much attention during this episode except to the fight between Mili & Flor & the not-fight between Constancio & Luciana.

I don't like Flor, but I wish Mili would accept that Flor doesn't want anything to do with her and leave her alone. She's pregnant and her father just died, even a hated character deserves a break once in awhile!

Call me crazy, but I've been waiting for Consti & Luci to show some feelings for each other, other than hate, for most of this telenovela. So I felt kind of like "aha, I knew it!" over their library liason. I don't know if they'll reunite or not, but I don't see Andrea ending up with Consti. All she brings to the table is sex, and I see him getting bored with her at some point, especially now that she's no longer a forbidden affair. And I don't believe Luciana's claims that Nestor is her true love. I think she'd rather be with Constancio, whether for love or for money & position I'm not sure.

Rhonda, I won't call you crazy--I agree with you too. There have been hints of something possible between Luci and Connie:

For example, when Damian told him to pretend he wanted her, she was into it. And also, months ago, there was a similar rapprochement.

Hee so funny. Yeah I wondered what the heck with the phot of Mili's Mom. What happened to Monika Sanchez? Two things, one, they had to keep paying her for each instance of use of her "likeness" or two, she's coming back from the dead and is being played by another actress because Sanchez had other commitments or something of that sort. The big painting (photo) just makes that the more probable scenario for me. I didn't pick up on the new credits, but I'll check them out next episode. Interesting, thanks for the tip!

And thanks for the recap. I've missed things, like I didn't know Chamuco and Gloria had done the happy happy already, and I didn't realize that Connie and what's her name actually got married! Wow.

Thank you Cathy!

I thought the Connie/Luci lustfest was a hoot too. But also I was remembering that when he was trying to fake that he still loved her she didn’t buy it and said she’d been fooled so many times before, yet now she got right into it. But who cares? The scene was great, particularly them telling each other how they hate each other while going at it.

The new Mili Ma is prettier and bosomier, seems like.

Thanks, Peinado, for the real scoop on Chamuco and Gloria. I guess I really do miss a lot when I crunch celery and read the mail while watching the show. Why wouldn't she have just told Lina and Mili, though, if they agreed to tell? It's not like she ever established herself as wanting to wait until she was married or anything.

Al needs some SERIOUS therapy. We may need another time lapse wherein Al spends 3 years on the shrink's couch and nothing changes for anyone else to get to where everyone can live happily ever after. Flor could trip and fall into some holy water or fall on a wooden stake, leaving her daughter for Mili to adopt.

Great Job Cathy ;)

In the previews for tomorrow, we see an unholy alliance between Connie and Mat to discredit Al with the MPs. Flo will want him in daddy's biz so she can cling some more, but Mari will probably fall for it.

Yup, one new character in particular makes me think that Flo doesn't have to die after all (and I had such hopes for death in childbirth, I know, I'm morbid).

I think Mili feels genuine sympathy for Flo, but once Flo starts railing on her, instinct kicks in and she needs to fight back. She should just stay away as grief and hormones are making Flo more insufferable than she already was.

Luci and Connie slay me. Actually it would be a fit punishment if Nestor catches them and kicks Luci to the curb. Staying married to Connie is a great punishment for her (and for Andrea who won't get him). Luci can then turn around and be her crazy drunken self to embarrass him, and occasionally walk by the painting and say something nasty about spilling the beans to Mili about him being her daddy (even though she already has).

Very good recap..
Hawt jungle monkey hate sex. Yeah that's what I'm talkin about. Consti is such a prick though I sure he gave himself the fist "nailed it" sign. He just so wants to be the Alpha Dawg.

Yeah I find myself annoyed with Al all up Mili's bedroom business, geez dude, you have nailed everything and anything that moved since this started..I get the feeling even if he and Mili don't end up together (as if this is a TeleNovela afterall), he would just be thrilled to be her first and let Hugo pick up the pieces.

Seriously afterall this crap, why hasn't he confronted his Mother? I mean except for a few nasty comments.

Al is, was and will always be a little boy.

I got to my hotel at 10 to 9, so I got to see the last few minutes of Tuesday. Weird!

Is anyone going to be able to do Wednesday? No one responded. If not, I will post a blank screen for comments.

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