Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday 7/14 - A surfeit of mother/daughter bonding as if we didn't get the point.

Ahoy all, I'm subbing for Ferro tonight, and guess what I just discovered, I don't have to recap Thursday night because the telenovelas are preempted by some star-studded thingie. So basically this worked out perfectly.

On with the show...
Sara tries to convince Chalo that he has to get rid of Lorena, make it look like an accident or something. Chalo is enthusiastic about doing the horizontal bop with Sara but the murder thing, not so much.

Jaime and shrill Barbara wait for Vasco at Happy House. Vasco and Diana finally arrive and Barbara shrieks that he must come home now! Vasco explains he can't go home because of dad and granny's lies. Omar arrives and Barbara shrieks with renewed vigor, it's all his fault!! Vasco shushes her and says if dad asks forgiveness from Omar he'll consider returning to Evil Acres. Dad recalls Snorty's words and strides out of the house.

Alonslow sadly tells Lorena that Bruno got promoted over him.

Maruja, Julian and Rosy watch a scary movie together. Julian and Maruja bond by ganging up on Rosy and comparing her face to a little monkey's.

Back home Barbara wails some more at Jaime. Snorty snaps at Jaime and he tells her it was for her sake that he didn't apologize to Omar. Later on Sara comes home and breaks the news to Snorty, Lorena discovered that her employers Zulema and Omar are Sara's parents! Snorty's face freezes into Impactada.

Snorty yells at Sara for opening her big mouth and blabbing to the little potato peeler. Sara says they have just a little bit of time to decide what to say, it's inevitable Omar will find out...unless they make Lorena disappear. Nice try but Snorty doesn't bite, perturbed, she says that's going too far. Sara says fine, maybe her parents will forgive Snorty. Snorty looks equally perturbed by this outcome.

Sara has a great idea for a way for Snorty to prove she's remorseful about separating Sara from her family, Snorty can include Sara in her will! Uh OK, that's not obvious or anything.

Back at Happy House Julian and Vasco play a video game. Diana feeds popcorn to them and Vasco gives her a long, sad puppy dog gaze.

Lorena lies in bed and happily comments that Sara will have the best mom in the world, and Sara will be the best daughter. (Lorena you dope, snap out of it!)

Sara lies in bed and snidely thanks Sara for the favor, now she will be an heir in Lorena's rich granny's will!

Next morning Alonslow questions Bruno's decision to go with a cheaper medical supplier, the quality will be compromised. Bruno smirks nastily, he's the boss and will do whatever he wants.

Lorena bugs Sara with an early morning phone call. She wants to know if Sara intends to meet her real parents today.

Zulema things she's fat with nothing to wear. She goes downstairs and Omar shows her the books, they can put a little aside each month to help Diana. Zulema strokes him strong arms and snuggles. Omar looks a little surprised but definitely interested.

Pesky Lorena arrives at Evil Acres. Dang she is like a terrier with a stinky sock. She calls Sara to let her in. She doesn't understand why Sara is denying her parents! Snorty shows up and yells at Lorena to leave. Lorena tells Snorty that she least of anyone can boss her around and the time will soon come when everyone will know the truth.

Snorty and Lorena argue some more. Finally Lorena snaps that Sara's parents deserve her love, not Snortensia.

Jaime wakes a pale and scary-looking Barbara to tell her what he and his conniving mum did lo those many years ago. Barbara is shocked, if his ma told him to kill someone would he do it? (Uh oh, do we have a premonition here?) Jaime brings her up to speed on the current situation. Babs thinks Sara's attitude is strange, could she be after Snorty's millions?

The answer is here...Sara presses Snorty further about including her in the will. Snorty calls her lawyer and Sara wants to go with.

Zulema calls Lorena and wants to rendezvous back at the house. Lorena is uncomfortable because she knows the big secret, all this is way too weird-trips-incorporated, but she reluctantly agrees to meet Zulema.

The lawyer reminds Snorty of her current will, 80% for Vasco, 10% for Jaime, and 10% for some minor legacy. Snorty adjusts it thusly, Sara will get 30% of Vasco's share. Sara very sweetly asks Snorty does she want 50% of her fortune to be wasted on environmental causes? Snorty reconsiders and announces that Vasco's share will be administered by Jaime. Oh goody, he's putty in Sara's hands so that's just fine with her.

Barbara continues her griping all the way to her tryst with Ickturo. He suggests Sara might have helped convince Vasco to leave so she can get her hands on his share of the pie.

Snorty tells Sara she is a grand manipulator; Snorty looks pretty pleased about it. The only thing she's worried about is the little potato peeler might open her big mouth to Omar.

Zulema shows Lorena her pretty new outfit. It's her anniversary and she wants Omar to see her as a woman, not a mother. Lorena tells Zulema to get prettied up because she'll cook the dinner. Zulema thinks of Lorena as more than a friend, she's like her own daughter.

Lorena calls Sara AGAIN and tells her not to come to her parents' house tonight, tomorrow would be better. Sara gets testy and tells Lorena to butt out, her meddling is making Sara crazy. She regains her composure and apologizes to Lorena, she's nervous and needs time.

Zulema gives Lorena a kiss goodbye, she's off to the salon, probably the only one in Mexico City just like in Juan Querendon. Zulema says she's so lucky to have Lorena by her side. Lorena looks like she might be sick.

Valeria gripes to Alonslow about Bruno being a complete jerk of a boss. Why did Alonslow have to fall asleep that night? Damn their luck!

Silly Betina admires her pictures of the slumber party she wasn't supposed to go to, she doesn't notice her insanely crabby mother peering over her shoulder. Paula blows a gasket and the conversation is so horrible that I don't think I care to repeat it here. Paula SO sucks as a mom, she accuses Betina of using her love as a prize. Horrid Mommy!

Zulema is dressed to the nines and her three kids (including Lorena) admire her effusively. Meanwhile Vasco detains Omar by blathering on about global warming, the polar icecaps and polar bears.

Lorena sets the table like an Italian cafe. The menu is Ensalada Caprese, Canneloni in Pomodoro Sauce, Escallop of Veal with mushrooms, and Tira Mi Su. She admits she got the recipes from a TV show. What a coincidence, Zulema saw the same show! More bonding.

The lead-in from the commercial is my favorite, stuffed roasted Poblano in a creamy walnut sauce sprinkled with pomegranite seeds, yum!! You can find the recipe in the book Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate).

Zulema tries to give Lorena a little money but Lorena refuses. They're friends, right? Family does this sort of thing to help out, not for money.

Shrill Harpy Paula bitches at Betina some more for wanting to spend the evening with her Papi instead of with her.

Julian, Diana and Vasco show up at Rosy's with sandwiches. They will spend the evening playing cards and staying out of the house. Rosy pairs up Vasco and Diana for the game. Diana says she's awful at cards. "Unlucky at cards lucky at love" titters Rosy, echoing her mother.

Lorena and Alonslow have some of the canneloni for dinner. Could they be a more boring pair? Are they as bad as Duhlina and Duhmilio? I can't decide. Alonslow is in a funk because Bruno is an ass. Lorena is down because she's heard nada from the nuns about her family. Alonslow presses her to marry him, they can have their own family. She thinks it's too soon but she loves him for his one track mind. Yawn.

The dinner at Evil Acres is a little more exciting. Barbara confronts Snorty about stealing Sara and giving her to the nuns. She tells Sara it's abnormal for her to choose Snorty over her own parents. The next thing they know Snorty will include Sara in her will. "I already did it," announces Snorty. Babs blows a fuse, accuses Sara of vile manipulation, and stomps off.

Zulema waits for Omar. He's late, has something happened to him?

Chalo calls Sara. She tells him the good news, Snorty put her in her will! Chalo thinks this deserves a celebration boink. Sara blows him off just as Barbara storms in. She accuses Sara of manipulating her way into Snorty's will, she's a deceiver! "The only deceiver here is you," Sara smirks, "should I tell your husband, mother-in-law and son that you have a lover?" For once Barbara has nothing to say, but she is muy, pero muy impactada.


For the record, it was the canneloni that made me depressed about my spinach salad. :-)

Hey Sylvia...I was thinking the same thing about Alonso/Lorena together. This is just nooooo heat.

On the other hand, when Vasco was gazing at Diana while she hand-feed him popcorn....mmmm...that had a lot more potential.

Hate the show but do enjoy Sara effectively bracing the bad guys. Her confrontation with Barbara was delicious.

Mmmm...yep, the canneloni sounded good. And did you notice how cheeeeezy it looked when Alonslow served it up?

Diana and Vasco, I'm liking their relationship too. It's interesting, he's not quite the stalker Alonslow is, they're more thoughtful and not so in-your-face.

Sara and Barbara, great potential for a true bitch-fest there.

I was surprised when I figured out that Diana and Vasco were a potential item. Going strictly by appearances, I had been thinking of Diana as more of an adult and Vasco as more of a kid.

On the other hand, I think of Vasco as more of a human being and Bruno as more of a jerk. In that sense, Vasco's perfect for Diana!

Thanks cap'n Sylvia for the recap!

It was a really boring episode.

The only excitement came in the very end - the confrontation between Barb and Sara.
By the way, I found too excessive Barb's problem with Vasco out of the house! He was in college for awhile, so it's not like he was always around.
Is it really this, forgot the name, "motherly love" complex?

By the way, Barb is one of the characters in this show that is not straight forwardly bad or good - and I like this about her. She actually stands to the Snortesia without hesitation, probably the only one, besides her son. Too bad she has a lover and now our little Sara can manipulate her.

I like the bonding between Maruja and Julian - this drives our Rosy crazy but it's also a good indicator for the future.

Thanks G-d, murderous Sara couldn't find an accomplice - Oh, wait, may be not that good - the boring show would have come to the end!

Thanks Sylvia! I donated blood and then had a 7:00 p.m. meeting, so I was both figuratively and literally drained. Glad it worked out on a week when your day is getting bumped!

I said last week that Barbara had some sort of milfy thing going on, I have changed my mind. Don't know what I was thinking. She must have been made up and dressed in a more flattering manner that day, now her face looks like a skeleton.

Luckily, Sara got the "give us more boob jiggling" memo.

Hee, my dress again. I told you we'd see it. In one scene where she was on the phone I think with Lorena for the first two views on her that little ribbon was hanging out again, but then on the third view they had tucked it back under. So weird. Obviously they cut it already on the one side in order for it to be hanging like that, so why the heck didn't they just cut it off completely!!

I admit, I did that with mine for a little while too, and then I was like, duh this is stupid. It's useless cut off on one side, I'm sure as heck never going to re-sew it for any reason so what the heck do I have it hanging on for, and I finally cut it off completely. BUT I'M NOT A PROFESSIONAL WARDROBE DEPARTMENTDRESSING STARS FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE! LOL!!!

These little production "goofs" are endearing to me though.Makes you see the human side to things. :)

PS Ferro, cutting of that ribbon makes the dress sink lower around the shoulders and neckline, and well, reveals more cleavage. I know this from personal experience, so be glad they finally wised up!

here's a link to a wailing scene of Pau's. It not "the one" I was thinking of, but it gives you a sense. I'll keep trying to find the one I was thinking of. this one is pretty classic whine too...


Thanks Sylvia for stepping in!!

Sylvia, that’s wonderful how it worked out, and thanks for the great recap! I didn’t see the first 20 minutes because my DVR had a recording error, but with your terrific recap I could picture it all. Looks like I didn’t miss much. Your asides are so much fun!

“Sara has a great idea for a way for Snorty to prove she's remorseful about separating Sara from her family, Snorty can include Sara in her will! Uh OK, that's not obvious or anything.” LOL! I chuckled like crazy at Snortensia confronting Sara about how calculating she is after the session with the lawyer and the will! And that makes her a girl after Snortensia’s own heart, folks. (Although Snorty won’t want her own methods used in her contra).

“Lorena lies in bed and happily comments that Sara will have the best mom in the world, and Sara will be the best daughter. (Lorena you dope, snap out of it!)” LOL! Sometimes this Pollyanna thing is a little much.

“Pesky Lorena arrives at Evil Acres. Dang she is like a terrier with a stinky sock.” ROTFLLLL!!! Exactly my thought! She’s going to drive Sara nuts. Which Sara richly deserves.

“Jaime wakes a pale and scary-looking Barbara” LOL! Looked vampire-ish if you ask me.

“if his ma told him to kill someone would he do it? (Uh oh, do we have a premonition here?)” Great question. It hadn’t occurred to me until you mentioned it, but that’d be a very TN-kind of thing to do.

“Babs thinks Sara's attitude is strange, could she be after Snorty's millions?” Ya think, honey?

“Valeria gripes to Alonslow about Bruno being a complete jerk of a boss. Why did Alonslow have to fall asleep that night? Damn their luck!” So, how long will it take for everyone to figure out he was drugged?

“Paula SO sucks as a mom, she accuses Betina of using her love as a prize. Horrid Mommy!” She sure is. I hope she gets some awful thing in the end, too.

“stuffed roasted Poblano in a creamy walnut sauce sprinkled with pomegranite seeds, yum!!” Is THAT what it is? I thought it looked pretty good, too, except that the poblano looked like raw liver to me but now I know why it looks like that to a novice like me.

“Lorena and Alonslow have some of the canneloni for dinner. Could they be a more boring pair?” No, they couldn’t. I agree, they’re right up there with Duhlina and Duhmilio.

I think I said a week ago it was only a matter of time before Sara had something on everyone in this show. Wonder what she’ll get on Alonso, Vasco, etc.?

Ferro, good for you for giving blood! They called me at my desk last week and so I figured if they knew where to find me I'd go. I still have the giant bruise, but I did my duty.


I don't know if Sara needs any dirt on Alonslow - he's so gullible that blackmailing him would be overkill!

Vasco will be tougher for her to deal with, I think. I don't think direct blackmail would work on him, but Sara could threaten to do something to Diana.

"I don't know if Sara needs any dirt on Alonslow - he's so gullible that blackmailing him would be overkill!" LOL! Great point! It's almost painful to watch how slow he is on the uptake. Makes you wonder how he got through Med School.

"don't think direct blackmail would work on him, but Sara could threaten to do something to Diana." Gee, you are so thinking like a telenovela writer!


Ahoy there, Cap'n Sylvia ^^^I always enjoy reading your recaps. I am really getting into Fuego en la Sangre, but I'm trying to stay with this novela . Anyhoo, the recaps are enjoyable. Sara is despicable. I agree that ending up in the meatgrinder would be poetic justice for her. I haven't really been paying attention to the food . I do not like to cook and avoid this activity as much as possible. It's summer, and Hub is king of the grill...YAY. Lorena kind of reminds me of Jodie Foster ...only younger and prettier. Pollyana is a good nickname for her. Sara and Lorena are absolutely classic opposites ...evil vs. good. I really hate that little smirk Sara gets on her face....here's hoping it disappears into that meatgrinder en fin. Remember ''Fried Green Tomatoes ''??? Bruno falling into that grinder next might make an interesting taste combination . So, how did you want your Sara/Bruno burger ???...rare..medium...or well done ??? Did you want fries with your order????

Thanks, Jeanne. Between QE and Fuego, I feel like I'm getting quite the Evil Genius education.

Susanlynn - "the secret is in the sauce". LOL!

Thanks for the recap Sylvia. While I'm glad the murder plot got stopped, the show is dragging. I'm usually in these TNs for the romance and poor Alonso and Lorena aren't grabbing me. But I do like Vasco and Diana. Though I'd like him to be more visually appealing, he is such a great character. I'm sure he will have a run in with Sara (and as Julie noted Sara will try to harm Diana).

Karen - I agree about the Lorena/Alonso romance - they are hardly even grabbing each other (figuratively or literally) so it's hard to get very invested in the relationship.

I still feel some tension about Sara temporarily stealing him, but that has more to do with not wanting Sara's plans to succeed... so it's kind of a contrived and predictable sort of tension.

OK now it's time to fix my mundane, non-gourmet dinner. :)

You know, usually when somebody talkes about protagonistas de telenovela the main argument is - "They have chemistry ( "quimica")".
Well, in our case - there is nothing even remotely reminding of "quimica" between protagonistas. Almost all other couples ( or future couples) have one, but Lorena with Alonslow - have something completely opposite - like "stay away from me".

"Fried Green Tomatoes" - it was pretty hilarious reference on the "food show" - oops, somebody might loose his appetite!

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"Pesky Lorena arrives at Evil Acres. Dang she is like a terrier with a stinky sock." Grrrrreat description, Cap'n Sylvia! (He-he-he!)

Yep, I'd say the Alonslow/Lorena duo is rather bland. None of these couples does much for me.

Poor Jaime, he cannot buy a break. He walks around the corporate offices and Evil Acres with such a houndog expression, taking whatever meatless bone Snortensia throws at him, always hoping for some kind of positive response or recognition from her. Sad indeed.

Agreed, there is absolutely no "quimica" between Alonslow and Lorena. It's sad really, I think she's acting her little heart out, but he is just...blah. It's like he's sleepwalking half the time. Too bad, he could be quite the babe with a little dab of charisma or if he even acted like he was trying a little. I guess that's the problem...the acting part. It's unfortunate because most everyone else in the show is pretty good.

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