Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Aug. 6: Newlyweds beware: If you're going to have sex in your mommy's house, close the door.

Buenas noches a todos. Ok kiddies, here we go…

We start tonight’s episode with the ridiculously romantic Oscar preparing yet another bed of roses for Jimena and him to consummate their unofficial marriage. Nothing we haven’t seen: Oscar’s backside, Jimena’s strategically exposed upper body… Uh oh! Gabi is home early from Puebla and enters without knocking. Oscar can explain! No. Gabi doesn’t need explanations to determine that Jimena is a whore. Oscar comes to Jimena’s defense explaining that the two are married. Gabi examines the document that corroborates Oscars statement. Gabi rips the document into pieces, thus breaking the bond of marriage between the two. Jimena tells her mother that it’ll take more than destroying the marriage license to separate her from Oscar.

Over at the Reyes Home for Foster Children we see little Pablito (is that redundant?) with Peter and his auntie Quinti. Pablito explains that he is an orphan who now has three dads, and whattaya know; Peter’s a man and that automatically qualifies him to be Pablito’s fourth father. And they say the adoption process is extensive and arduous…

Why is it that every time we see Juan and Sofia they are in the same clothes, and Juan is always tucking-in Sofia? Juan has decided that he needs to rub water, which I’m sure was drawn from a questionable source, all over his pregnant girly-friend. Sofia thinks to herself; “The only thing that will separate the two of us are lies and deceit.” Wow. Now if that’s not the most random time for that statement, I don’t know when else would be. Simultaneously, and of course coincidentally, Juan considers what he would do if he ever lost Sofia. Well if loosing Libia was any indication whatsoever, I’m betting that he hurts himself or others in a crazy, Mighty-Joe-Juan way. Anyway, Sofia, who can never stay on the same topic for more than ten seconds, is concerned that Rosario isn’t her real half-sister, and wants to know what the deal is with her real half-sister. You know, it’s Sofia’s obligation to go find that illegitimate sister. But then again, she feels so responsible for Jimena and Sarita. And just what will Gabi do when she finds out that Oscar and Jimena are married? Well, to answer one of your questions; mommy knows, and all she did was rip-up the marriage license.

Then we see Gabi crying to Fernie that Jimena married Oscar. She calls Jimena every name in the FCC-approved-for-TV book, and then bends over from anxiety. Fernie proposes inviting the newlyweds to live in the mansion. That’s a horrible idea to Gabi. However Fernie reminds her that if they separate the Reyes bros. they will conquer. Whatever that is, I’m not sure.

Juan is talking with Sofia and tells her that they can make room for the newlyweds in their little shack. He must be thinking about digging them a room, because there is no way they can fit all those people in that fire hazard of a home. Sofia isn’t sure, and is more concerned about Sarita becoming a nun, and can’t see why she wants to do it. Well, let’s see; everyone around her has called her “la moja” ever since this TN started. In psychology we call this the self-fulfilling prophecy. In FELSLand we call it a pathetic ploy to add drama.

The nun-to-be comes barging in the room and wants to know what all the fuss is about. Jimena tells Sarita that the two got hitched in secret. In walks Fatima and tells them that Gabi wants to see the two downstairs. While there, mommy tells them that she initially wanted to kick ‘em out, but she’s an exemplary mother and therefore has invited them to live under the same roof with the rest of the clan. As we know, marriages don’t really have a good track record in this family; needless to say, the marriage is destined to fail.

Benito is talking to Aunt Raquel about her seeing Fernie and Gabi kissing. He knows she was jealous because she loves Fernie.

Gabi, too, is jealous because she suspects Fernie is having a fling with Raquel. She doesn’t want Fernie to touch her. And since Oscar is a man and lives in the mansion, she tells Fernie to get the hell out and go live with Raquel, that is, once he pays her the money she leant him. “I’m going to teach you a very valuable lesson, Gabi” says Fernie.

Raquel is having a heart-to-heart with Benito. Pretty much all her life she has been rejected or hurt by men, and this time wasn’t any different from the others.

Fernie is betting on some rather angry roosters at a cock fight. Don’t tell the PETA people. Armando approaches Fernie and makes fun of him for being kicked-out. Haha, but Fernie has the last laugh because Gramps made him power of attorney, or the equivalent in rural Mexico-if that’s even possible.

Gabi is painting and thinking about how much she loves Fernie, but she can’t have him around because she has to teach him a lesson. She also has to show everyone that Oscar isn’t worth anything.

Jimena is giving Oscar a pep talk about being a good rancher. Frankly, Oscar was surprised how Gabi invited them to stay. Jimena knows that her mother means well and will eventually get around to loving the couple. She really is in Lala Land. Oscar, miraculously, isn’t as convinced as she, but she tackles him on the bed while he thinks about being a rancher.

Juan and Sofia are so in love that they go to breakfast without acknowledging the other three people, or most importantly, the person who serves them their food. Talk about uppity.

Over at the ranch, Gabi is giving Oscar etiquette manners. Oh my God. He is a pig. Granted, I knew he had the equivalent of a second-grade education, but to put his spoon in the bowl of jelly and then lick it was something you would see on Animal Planet. And might I say, Jimena is looking a lot like a little stripper with her revealing tops. She looks like one of those Bratz dolls. And another thing, Sarita is looking more and more like a boy everyday. Oh, Nick, you’re so bad!

The first thing Oscar and Jimena do is go to Juan’s place to spread the news. Everyone is so happy that Gabi has recognized their marriage as legitimate, and that Jimena and Oscar are going to live at the ranch. Juan of course is sentimental that this brother is leaving the nest to live somewhere other than the bedroom he shares with his adult brothers.

So Sofia is trying to show Jimena how to cook. Jimena can’t cook, but it’s not like she’ll ever have to, seeing that she has Fatima and the other servants over at the mansion. Sofia is worried about Sarita because she doesn’t really have any skills, and only wants to be a nun because she couldn’t get lucky with Benito, or any other guy for that matter. The Superior Mother asks if Sarita is ready to become a nun, and she says yes. Oh look, its Quinti and she brought Peter to meet the nice people at the seminary. Yeah, that’s the first thing I would do too if my relatives were in town for the first time. Anyway he shakes the nun’s hand regularly, but when he shakes Sarita’s hand, you can tell that it’s one of those special hand shakes that indicate a long-lasting, but tumultuous relationship.

Franco is still in intensive care with a nasty infection. It’s times like these when I wonder if he were in a real hospital, not one that looks as if they modeled it from that scene in ET, if Franco would have been a mere out-patient.

Oscar and Jimena go to see Gramps, but he pretty much pisses on their parade when he tells them that Gabi has something up her sleeves, and that they should prepare themselves for what’s coming.

Oh wow. This is a shocking parallel. Sofia is paralleling the young Drew Barrymore in ET when she asks the dying, white-donut-complexion extraterrestrial to live to see the next day.
Juan, who is in a real hospital, is visiting Rosario. You can tell the Televisa writers pretty much copy-and-pasted Sofia’s lines to Juan’s, because he gives the unconscious Rosario the same pitch as Sofia gave to Franco. Notice they always give incentives and bribes for the person at risk to survive. Such as Sofia asking Franco to live for his future nephew, or Juan promising to never see Mara again if Rosie makes it through.

Fernie has come through for Gabi, and has presented her with the money he borrowed from her. Is it possible that he made all the money from that cock fight?! Well, regardless, Fernie says goodbye to Gabi and wishes her well. She can’t believe he’s leaving, or that somebody actually did what she told him to do, and starts to cry as she chases Fernie out the door and down the driveway. “FERNANDO! FERNANDO! Don’t leave me, please!” How tragic.

Fernie, who never misses a beat, has gone to meet with Raquel, and teary-eyed, tells her that he doesn’t love Gabi, and wants to be with her instead. She is confused because she saw the two kissing. No. Fernie explains that Raquel is the woman who he was looking for. Fernie goes for the kiss, but it’s all too painful for him. Raquel doesn’t really know what to do.

So my DVR got cut-off to this part, sorry:
Juan is talking to Padre Tadeo when Peter comes out to help with the plastering. It only makes sense that he takes off his shirt to expose himself. He has to confess to Juan that he likes Sarita. “You won’t look at Sarita until Franco is out of the, for lack of a better word, hospital!!!” roars Juan. Gee whiz…

Tomorrow: Gabi is desperate; folks, she’s on the floor, in the fetal position, crying. Now she is going to feel the same rejection Fernie felt when Juan sequestered Sofia. Uh oh! Fernie is on the war path and has put a pillow to ET/Franco’s head!!!


Oooh, Nick, you're so bad! You spread your own mantel of looniness over the proceedings, thanks for all the LOLs!
Doesn't anyone in that town know about credit cards or even money orders? They are always hauling big suitcases full of cash around. Why is it that they can find suitcases for haulin' cash, but use pillowcases for their nighties when they leave home?
Just wondering out here on the West Coast...

Hi there, Nic! Glad to see you're still on the job (we have lost a few FUEGO recappers as they were uncontrollably repulsed, after all), going strong, and witty and snarky as ever. Keep it up. We're loving it.

The image of Crabi dropping dead and certain people sure she's faking (i.e. stepping over her and telling her to get the hell up and stop playing) cracks me up. Uncontrollably. If only...

I've been out of circulation for about 2 and a half weeks (my cousin's MASSIVE wedding, maid of honor here; an unexpected crisis with my son, you know kids; a move to a new apartment, a GREAT decision; so on and so forth). But I kept my DVR going like crazy, and I'm almost caught up to this episode (I'm watching them first, then reading the recaps and comments after, and y'all are killing me. Killing me. Your comments are so freaking hilarious, sometimes I'm laughing and it just hurts. LOL!).

I thought I saw some new commenters-- welcome, all. The rest of you Caray-mates, I've missed terribly. Only four more episodes in my FUEGO marathon, including this one, and I'll finally be back up to speed. Whew.

Well, I truly missed everyone and wanted to chime in. See y'all in few days.

AND, for anyone interested, I interviewed our beloved recapper and amiga CheryNewMex for my blog readers. To mosey on over and take a gander, just click on my name. It turned out really well.

Carry on, me hardies. (Sorry. A little PASION sneaking in...)

Hi everyone...just finished watching Wednesday's episode...haven't even read tonight's recaps....will do so in a bit...Just had to log on to say this! WHAT THE heck is going on with cousin Peter's chest!!!!? I was oddly repulsed, yet could not stop staring at his massive hairy chest....Gross....yet couldn't stop staring!

Hi everyone...just finished watching Wednesday's episode...haven't even read tonight's recaps....will do so in a bit...Just had to log on to say this! WHAT THE heck is going on with cousin Peter's chest!!!!? I was oddly repulsed, yet could not stop staring at his massive hairy chest....Gross....yet couldn't stop staring!

Hi everyone...just finished watching Wednesday's episode...haven't even read tonight's recaps....will do so in a bit...Just had to log on to say this! WHAT THE heck is going on with cousin Peter's chest!!!!? I was oddly repulsed, yet could not stop staring at his massive hairy chest....Gross....yet couldn't stop staring!

Brenda I agree with you (3 times!) about Pedro's chest hair. Sure, why not have him kneading the bread dough shirtless? Everyone else does it. The only one who hasn't taken a crack at kneading that darn dough is Mariachi the dog, but I think he's got less hair than Pedro.

creemelo you crack me up -- why not have mariachi take a turn kneading dough -- oh wait he has less hair than primo pedro, ha ha ha!

Nicolas thanks for the recap done with flair in your personal style - ha ha ha!

I think maybe that suitcase full of money was the cash that Feo cleaned out of Don Agustin's bank account -- was it yesterday? -- that was a good touch, giving Gabi her dad's bucks and making it look like Feo was giving her something that didn't already belong to the Hacienda anyway. But maybe Feo won a matching amount at the chicken fights so he can afford to look like he's real and sincere??


oh, Nicolas --I forgot to mention -- Sofia was showing Jimena how wash dishes -- and she said that she had learned by watching Quintina first scraping them off and then scouring them. Jimena said that she would never get the hang of it, not washing dishes, not sweeping floors etc. Yipes, now what will she do, being married to an albanil muerto de hambre, where she'll have to learn to be a princesa who scrubs dishes and floors! That's the real reason she wants to stay in the Hacienda, have Oscar move in with her, and not have to move over to the Reyes dormitory.


ROFL at Creemelo! Lord, help me. The Mariachi comment. LOLOLOL

Someone mentioned it had been a while (a few episodes back). And there have been some new additions. So here we go...

Don “Casanova” Augie’s Hilarious Costumes & Personalities
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Emperor Napoleon
3. Pancho Villa
4. Greek hoplite
5. charro/gaucho/vaquero
6. St. Emiliano Zapata
7. The Devil (the point of whose tail always manages to be touching a woman's forehead or her breast
8. Fernando de Salamanca (Pasion)
9. The Muffin Man [pasofino]
10. Hans Christian Andersen [pasofino]
11. Cupid [connie]
12. El Matador (complete with sequins and red cape)
13. Bob the Builder (by the way, keep your hands off Gramps’ hard hat, you Crabby bitch)
14. Daddy Warbucks (with a wad of cash big enough to buy TWO cars and give one away, plus gold coins galore)
15. The Red Baron–Don Quixote combo (straight off our Augie wish list! Hoorayyy!)
16. Dr. Feel Good, M.D.
17. Hugh Hefner
18. Five-Star General

Augie's Hilarious Toys
1. spy telescope
2. war board and tin soldiers
3. semi-pornographic postcards
4. toilet plunger arrow and coat hanger bow
5. Sherlock's pipe
6. technicolor dream serape
7. big brass magnifying glass
8. money sock in a box
9. Bat-cycle with Robin-sidecar (minus the superhero logos)
10. space ray gun (instead of a revolver)
11. plastic red dragon with roaring action
12. plastic red T-Rex (we have yet to see any animation from the dino)
13. stuffed primates hanging inside his jungle-themed cabana (a lemur, a massive black gorilla that reminds me of General Orko of The Planet of the Apes, and a cool hand-Muppet with aviator glasses)
14. ear horn (for listening to conversations in other rooms)

How much more can there BE? :-)

Thanks for the recap...
--Whoa at my house we were howling when Fer left...ah the tension, ah the drama, ah the clouds of red dust. Shane, Shannnnnnneeeee
come back Shane.

Fer's got it goin on...
He makes women just want to drop their riches for him.
Are there no hawt, but silent landscapers, pool boys or stable stallions in that part of the world.

That tear from Franco's eye, was a I can't speak, but fer the Love of Gawd STFU tear.
Also I was horrified by the sponge bath in bed, WTH..Princess can prance all over town, but she can't take a shower? Jeez nothing like sleeping on wet sheets. Also I get that the girls, may have never done actual labor, or much of anything else, but how freakin hard is washing dishes?

Very witty as always, Nicolás. I especially loved it when you said Crabiela called Jimena "every name in the FCC approved book". You always come up with some gems.

Nic: you had my laughing all the way through! Great job!

However, one missed moment that had me rolling on the floor in laughter: when Oscar leaps out of bed after Crabi's inopportune interruption, he's stark, staring nekkid and Crabi is getting quite the eyeful. Her thought bubble was a mixture of horror and fascination. ("hmmmm...he's a low class bricklaying son-of-a-serf but man, he's well equipped!")

And, of course, Oscar chooses to cover himself with the sombrero. OMG...I thought I was going to die laughing.

Can we send Juan & Snofia off on a trip for a few episodes? I'm really sick of their routine. Oh, and the tension is building with the "lies and deceit" comments. I guess we're in for a few surprises there, eh?

But there was a pleasant surprise in the promos for Don Francisco: Sebastian Riulli's upcoming guest appearance. He looked MUY CALIENTE!!!! Way better than his sorry old Saintly in need of a bath.


Thanks Nick for the recap. I didn't get to watch lmuch of it last night because my dogs were going crazy.

Oscar needs to grow a set! Why can't he stand up to the witch? I was waiting for her to fly across the room on her broomstick and smack him a good one.

Thanks, Nic, for putting your special spin on things. I enjoyed the expression on Crabiella's face when Oscar jumped out of bed au naturel. I couldn't help but wonder if she was doing a mental comparison of her sons-in-law. And, I'll bet Oscar won that contest even if he would not win the etiquette contest. And I also enjoyed Crabby jogging after Fern sobbing , ''Don't leeeeave meeee , Fernandoooooo.'' Does Fern carry that briefcase full of money around with him ??? You can tell that the guy is high class because , unlike the pillowcases we have becaome used to seeing the Reyes's clan packing whenever they plan a little trip, Fern had a ROLLING SUITCASE....How 2ist century of him...This guy is on the cutting edge, no ???? I'm guessing that Fern never covered Abuelo's bouncing check , so Franco's equipment is bound to be repossessed very soon . Then, Juan and Pedro will have to build him one of those oxygen tents using plastic and dough or cement or something. Speaking of Pedro, in spite of the mass of chest hair, he is a sweetiepie...maybe not hawt like The Mighty One , but one of those guys who is always ready and willing to pitch in and help. I feel bad for him , and I'm glad that he has found a family. However, Juan certainly did jump all over poor Pedro when Pedro mentioned Sarita. It makes me think of a saying my Lebanese student told me. ''My cousin and I against the world, but my brother and I against our cousin.'' I guess they have the same feeling in Mexico. And, welcome back, Butter Biscuit...I missed you.

Thanks for the recap, Nico. CAn't wait to watch my recording.

Talking about symbolism...Oscar with the sombrero covering his 'manhood.' I won't spell it out for y' all.

Can wait (or can I?) to see Pedro's hairy chest. The descriptions sound like he's a clone of Austin Powers' chest hair.

I sincerely hope Fer dies a slow, agonizing, painful death by being forced to watch FELS. Twice.


Doris: HA!!!! Torture Fer with FELS...great idea!


great snark, Nick, thank you. Only a couple of things- didn't the doc remove the greenhouse from Frankie, saying that the danger of infection was past? The next scenes, there is the visqueen, all back in place for all to talk thru...and the briefcase of pesos (winnings,or Augie's?), I don'r remember Feo borrowing money from Crabi- can anyone enlighten me on that one? oh, that's right, she wrote hime a check a while back, never mind... When are they gonna get plowing that milpa (cornfield)? i'm really interested in what they will find there...

Now then you know that water is going straight into the pans, now the Sofie Pans will be extra sweet, the overwhelming power of Sofictose Wimp Syrup. Ummm Magically and Radioactivly delicious.

Also about Oscar jumping up and not covering real life that would so not happen. It is just an instinct, I read once that if a woman in the West is unexpectedly exposed she will cover her breast, (this cuts across all social, ethnic and age groups), but in Japan a women would cover her feet, wait maybe that was China, I can't remember..but you get the drift. A man will cover his nether regions, because it subconciously makes him vunerable. So there you have it.

Nic: Great recap. You're right about Jimena. She is beginning to look like a Bratz doll.

As far as Juan is concerned, I have a message: Juan, the longer you wait to tell Sofia your secret, the worse the outcome will be. She keeps repeating it over and over about honesty and truthfulness, and he keeps hearing it in his head. Writers, we've gotten the message. Get it out and over with. The torture is becoming unbearable.

Who cares if Pedro has hair. The rest of him sure looks good wearing it.

From lower Ala

Oscar sure had to use a big hat.
Funny that irreproachable Crabi just couldn't keep her eyes off of him. "Hey lady! My eyes are up here!"

Dorado Dave, did you miss the episode on Monday where Feo withdrew ALL of Grandpa's money in a briefcase?

Crabi also gave him a check which was converted into a briefcase full of money, but that went straight to the Coyote.

I missed Pedro's hair, so I'm not grossed out by him yet. So far I still think he's almost as hot as Oscar.

Loved the ET references, Nick.

Not to mention the Shaaaaaane reference (thank you Beckster!)

Very good observations Beckster. If it were me, and I would never be stupid enough to leave the door open, I would have stayed in bed.

Ibarramedia asked last night about a soundtrack of all the incidental music - if one exists, I haven't found it. I'd really like one. (It'd probably help if I knew the word for "soundtrack" in Spanish.)

The Destilando Amor soundtrack had four tracks of incidental music on it, all of which had really bland names something like "rural theme #3."

To heck with that, I make up my own names! For FELS, I call them "Kneadin' the Dough," "Spooky House" (there are two of these, the plucked string version and the Psycho version), "Feo's Horny Brass," "Grandpa's Toy Soldier March," etc.

And Julie you can't forget the "sneaky snake" music when Feo is lurking just outide the door or when he's sneaking up on somebody.

Beckster, You are so right about the covering up part.We all personally know that in the Reyes house the rule is 'We walk around in undies never nude' thus he would have covered up or felt vulnerable.
One of my pet peeves is movies where the actress doesn't use "I am scared" body language.Takes the creepiness right out of it for me.mhm

Thanks for the recap Nicholas. You are often funny but I found this one hilarious (Sarita looks more like a're so bad Nick and the ET references). I'm happy I wasn't drinking anything as I read this or it would be over.

I'll have to read the other comments later. Thanks again for many great chuckles.

Hi All! I've been gone so long, things have actually happened in Fuego! A wedding, a move to the convent, and the addition of a Reyes. Wow, three plot developments in three weeks. The pace is dizzying. (Remember back in the good ol' days of Pasion, when you would sometimes have three plot developments in one episode?)

I was in Mexico (DF & Puebla - yum!), and other stuff.

Regarding the natural tendency to cover onesself, I love the story of a female soldier taking a shower in the barracks at 10 AM (she worked graveyard), when she was surprised by the top brass doing inspection. All she had to cover herself was a washcloth. What part did she choose to cover? Her face!

dorado dave -- yeah, I thought the dr. took the greenhouse off of Franco too -- but actually he had the side lifted up so he could go in there and look at the styrofoam and bubble wrap on Franco's legs and check his diaper -- and then he put the side back down. But he did say that Franco is out of danger now, as you said...


paula polvorones -- while you were in Puebla -- did you go to Ciudad Serdan??? Did you see the Panaderia and the Malquerida and the Tumbao?
Did you?


OK you guys -- here's a comment off the ESMAS website about the Hermanos Singing Tour that's supposed to start in August (quote from Salvador Mejia) Además afirmó que ya está todo listo para que los 'hermanos Reyes' suban al escenario y muy pronto el público pueda verlos cantar.

"Empezamos con la gira en Estados Unidos porque así se dio las circunstancias con los empresarios, oficialmente arrancamos el 29 de agosto en McAllen, Texas, de ahí en adelante la única fecha que hay confirmada oficialmente es el 15 de septiembre en la plaza México", finalizó Salvador Mejía."

So now we know that previous info from ESMAS that the tour would start on Aug 15 in Chicago -- is Incorrect.
Looks like it will start Aug 29 in McAllen Texas.


I loved Ferni's line, the one men have used for centures, when he was grovelling & weaseling around with Raquel--- I'm just looking for a woman who understands me.

Pedro' chest didnt' gross me out as much as Austin Powers' chest rug. EC is such a cutie in this.

My theory, since the subtitle of this telenovela is "Three brothers for three sisters," is that the writers will tease us with a Sarita/Pedro thing but once Rosario wakes up, Rosi & Pedro will be the ticket and they'll both ride off into the sunset. I gather from the credits that Pedro won't be with us long.


Some other examples of Oscar's "lack of manners" were 1) he started cleaning up his own spilled orange juice, while Gabi said only servants do that and 2) at the stables, he was shirtless, and Gabi said now that you're in the upper class, of course you have to wear a shirt when you work.

More evidence for my theory that Sofia is Eva's daughter is that Sofia's good at cleaning, cooking, etc., whereas Jimena, Gabi's real daughter?, can't figure out the plate-scrubbing process.

NoooooOOOOOOOOooooooO! I want Pedro around para siempre!!!

Sofia's little lecture to Jimena about how housework is dignified, important stuff sounded like a Public Service Announcement film we used to get in Health class or something, back when dinosuars roamed the earth.

BTW .... um....julie....I think he'll leave ... para siempre. But maybe he'll take a shower or go swimming first. :-)


Actually, Sofie wet sponging a couple of plates is the first time I have ever seen her do anything around the house, I think either Juan or Quintana do the cooking, cleaning, bed tucking and so on, afterall it seems Sofie is too fragile to take a shower.

also Gabi getting all smart ass about the servents probably just guarenteed special little extras being put into her food by the servents. Never give the people who cook your food a hard time.

So will the See-And-Say and the record player call home before ET eats the big pillow?

Okay, so Juan works in the bakery, and the others sometimes help. Why is Juan so freak'n brown and gorgeous and Oscar so very pale?

Yes, Pedro is a hairy guy! It's a little distracting. He does seem very sweet and kind of confused as to if finding his relatives was such a good idea.

I just don't get the disgust over Pedro's hairy chest. I LOVE hairy chests. And he's very attractive. I think he'll get Sarita, not Franco.

I was amazed at the curls in Pedro's chest hairs... very distracting.

Goody-Two-Shoes, aka Sofia, blabby mouth led to Rosario and Franco's becoming toast and now she tells Juan she feels obligated to find and thus ruin the life of her true half sister. Please don't let Sofia out of the house.

Well, here I am again after a loooong day at work, sipping my lemonade as I read these comments...some funny, some insightful, all interesting. Nic, I , too, thought that your reference to Jimena resembling a Bratz doll was spot on. Why is she ALWAYS in a top that shows her midriff and sporting earrings that are as big as her...ears??? And, you're right, Sarita is starting to have a certain boyish charm. Beckster, you are so right about Sofia being only slightly less useless that Jimena.... but having Juan wash me, comb my hair, make me meals, make my bed, dress me, and carry me around everywhere I want or need to go...I have to say that I'm not hating the idea...I could live with it. Julie, I loved your titles for the incidental tunes of Fuego , and I'll add my ''NoooOOOoooOOOoooO'' to yours when it comes to Pedro leaving the show. I love a friendly kind of way . I think we should rate the guys on a hotness meter just to see where we all stand and get a hotness ranking....purely scientific , I mean. For me : 1] Juan 2] Pedro 3] Oscar 4] Pablo 5] Padre Tadeo 6] Abuelo 7] Ferd 8] Armando The guys can do likewise with the girls if they want. If I were a guy , my rankings would be : 1]Sofia 2]Jimena 3] Rosario 4] Eugenia 5] Sarita 6]Eva 7] Raquel ...Crabby would not even get a ranking.

P.S. Do you think that Sofia brushes her own teeth, or is that one of Juan's chores, too ???? This guy is a great worker....He bakes; he builds; he caretakes...WHATAGUY ...Can you imagine him as a male nurse ???? You could not get the women patients to leave the hospital. ***Susanlynn, ready for her spongebath

Madbunsbess - Love to rank those boys! One thing about Padre Tad, he kind of reminds me of Kevin Cline when he was younger. Something in the face is similar.

1)Oscar, really is that a surprise? 2)Franco, 3)Juan, 4)Padre Tadeo, 5) Pedro, 6)Benito, 7)Rosendo, the others I'm not interested in.

Okay, so I had to put Franco before Juan because Juan is great to look at, but he never shuts up and I don't ever want to take a bath in bed! Franco is young and free sprited, very charming. I have to give a nod to Padre, because what Catholic doesn't have a Fatherwhatawaste, and if he were a real Padre it would be a shame. Pedro just hasn't had time to establish himself yet. Benito is kind of cute, seems sweet, a little young for the moobs he is developing, but I like him. And I couldn't leave out Rosendo because he is turning out to be a really great guy.

PanQue, when I was in Puebla, alas, no detours to Berg Serdan, and no stops at the Tumbao. But I did go to a panaderia. Everyone wore shirts, and no one looked like Ed Yanez. Or even Jorge Salinas.

Click on my name to see a few pictures from there:
1. My first night in Puebla, someone in my hotel had hired mariachis to serenade his novia on the third floor. They played about an hour, and even played the VF theme from Fuego. When I left Puebla, the last song in the lobby music system was Alejandro F, "Te voy a perder." I love Puebla!
2. Puebla bakery. Note: shirts.
3. Beautiful tiled buildings of Puebla. Very common in historic district.
4. College student I met in the museum. We spent the afternoon together.
5. Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan. A sight I shall never forget.
6. Belles Artes (performing arts venue) in Mexico City. Does this building bring back sweet memories to anyone else?

Novelera...glad to know you like hairy chests. That's always been one (just one) of my favorite things about men. My kids think I'm gross. Their father has a hairy chest so that worries me.

On the hotness scale, sorry...I put Father Tadeo at no. 1. That's because I date from back when "dinosaurs roamed the earth" as Doris said. Also, the "forbidden fruit" thing really works for me.

For the women...hell's bell's..Rosario wins hands down (big boobs/hairy chest)...Primitive in your face sexual characteristics win for this woman.

I do think Jimena is cute even if it is in a Bratz doll sort of way. Waaaaay cuter than she was in La Fea Más Bella.

Hi Molly and wrote in while I was composing mine. Glad you thought of Father Tad too, Molly and love your Father Whatawaste quip.

Paula, haven't looked at the pictures yet, but given our current discussion, I saw the "college student, spent the afternoon together" and thought only one thing!

Sorry, I'm sure that wasn't how it was. But....too funny.

Mad Buns, I have to agree with you. 1. Juan, 2. Pedro, 3. Oscar, 4. Franco, 5. Pad Tad, 6. Capricho, 7. Mr. Ed, 8. Eeyore, 9. Mariachi...and somewhere way down the end of the line...Ferd (He gets a couple of points just for being a cool bad guy. Except for the cigars of course...and the fact that he keeps trying to kill people.);)

Molly, in the Mexico City airport, I saw the Father Whatawaste field trip. Six priests traveling together, so young they must've been fresh out of seminary, and every one of them looked like a menswear model.

OHHH...I forgot Benito. I really think he's a cutie. I think that he might actually be third !!!! Right after Juan and Pedro !!! ...But I've got to confess that Juan is waaaay ahead of anyone else in my rankings...way...really....way ahead.

JudyB, I didn't think I would ever have a fatherwhatwaste again, my first was college, but I have one now in my 40s. Father John ROCKS!

Connie, I totally forgot Capricho, that is one beautiful animal. I would ride him anytime!

Hairy chests are fine, as long as it doesn't move all the way around to the back! A man wearing a swearter when he takes his shirt off is just not appealing to me.

Paula, loved your pics, so pretty there! I've never been to Mexico.

Of the girls, yes, Rosario is lovely, but I'd like to see what she looked like before the surgery. I have to say, I really think Sarita is pretty and they work very hard to make her plain. Jimena is fine, but it is Brats/Barbie cute. My 15 year old likes her shirts though. Course, he likes Rosario's as well!

Ha, Paula...''The Father Whatawaste'' field trip...loved it !!!!...p.s. Do you think that we are all going to be together when we are burning for eternity ??Will we have to stand next to Fern and Crabby??

Wow - Stephe and Paula both coming back on the same day! I can't believe it!!

Here's my rankings:

1-Oscar; 2-Pedro; 3-Juan. The rest do nothing for me. Even Juan is a distant third place.

I'll rate the women based on who I'd be willing to hang out with:

1-Jimena; 2-Quintina; 3-Raquel. I think the rest of them would either be boring or unpleasant.

Well, if we all have to burn, look for me around a dead Sergio Sendel character, or maybe Francisco de la Vega.

Benito is cute, but he always looks vaguely confused. I'm not sure if he's figured out yet that he lives in another dimesion. He probably even owns a cell phone.

Now don't laugh but I kind of like Rigo (sp?). He is very sweet.

Paula, a whole field trip of them? Excellent! Really being forbidden just makes them hotter.

Julie, really, after Oscar whatelse matters? **sigh**

This is just so wrong...
My all time favorite was Cesor Evara as the one legged, one eyed, ratbastard, but he laughed everytime...(normally I hate him, also Omar from Feo, I like the bad ones)
But in Fels, I think I'd have to go with Franco, the ranch guy, Oscar (if he changed to boxers),
NO NO NO..he should tell all, get excommunicated and become an Angelican Priest. I still can't move on over the confession thing.
Gramps kinda creeps me out, but not as bad as Bernardo did.

Fer is too much of a perve.
Pedro isn't is like a freaking mat, he reminds me Steve Carvel in 40 year old Virgen.

I too could hang with Jimena, raquel & Quintana.

Now Sofie & Juan & Eva..Jeez a few drinks I would go all snarky on them and then everyone would think I was mean for saying the things everyone else was thinking

Maybe Pedro just needs a good waxing! :) Ouch

Geez...I forgot Rigo, too. He doesn't get much screentime, but he is another sweetie...good to his mamacita and Eugenia. I think that I will put him after Benito and maybe tied with Oscar [who really doesn't do much for matter how big his sombrero is.] To each his own...different strokes for different folks....otherwise, we would all be married to the same guy.

I don't like Rigo's brother much. He gives me a headache when he talks. I can't understand him very well (kind of like Oscar.)

What ever happened to them being "double naught spies?" (ok, who knows what show that phrase was from?)hmmm....I wonder...

Rigo has big, soulful eyes. That's definitely a plus.

Melinama, I'm going to be the sub recapper for Tuesday... can you email me? Cheryl has my email address...

Just got up to date with the last ten recaps, due to limited computer time. Thanks to every recapper and commenter for all the funny, funny stuff.
Pedro's a sweetie, but just a little on the hairy side. Also on the hair, was amazed at Crabi's carefree pony tail.
Ranking the guys? I like Oscar, Pedro, Rigo, then Juan, Capricho, Franco, Rosendo. (All the main horses are really nice.)
Women? Just to hang out with, Quintina and Hortensia, maybe Jimena. Sarita, ok if we could talk books and not complain.
We've seen quite a bit of Mother Superior lately, and she looks like she was very pretty in her earlier life. Don't know the actress who plays her, but I wondered if that's a role for over-the-hill beauties? Get old enough, reach the limit on face lifts, and you're stuck with playing the grandmother or a mother superior.
La Paloma

Connie? Would you by any chance be quoting Jethro Bodine? :-)

Bridget - just in case Melinama doesn't see your request, her email as posted on the main caray page is "caray [at]"

Yeah, Rigo is pretty sweet. I can never remember his brother's name! I think he's the one that sounds like "Hilario" but the captions say "Edario" or something like that.

Creemelo! LOLOLOL! I couldn't get past your post on chest hair and the bread dough without choking from laughter!

Hi Cakes and all--Thanks for the comments...I really have nothing against hairy men! It's just that the dough gets no respect.


La Paloma I notice Capricho is in this group.

"Juan, Capricho, Franco, Rosendo. (All the main horses are really nice.)"

So are Juan, Franco and Rosendo nice main horses too? LOL!

Hi, Paula -- thank you so much for posting your photos from Puebla -- looks like you had a really good time!!
It's been a couple years since I was there last and Popo was erupting in the night and throwing pumice all over everything like a gritty grey sheet, people were complaining about loss of paint on their cars.

Don't you think it would be fun for all of us to rent a really big bus or 2 and go to Puebla, Cd. Serdan and the 2 other places featured in FELS? I think the Libia cave is in Xochitlan, is what the fancy writing said once,and the other little town has a name that starts with a C and I forget what it is -- but have been suspecting that they use the church there as supposed to be the one in Cd. Serdan. More rustic looking.

Let's see, the guys I would hang out with might be 1)Juan because he's noisy and fun to look at; 2) Rosendo because he's reasonable and normal and very gentlemanly and nice; 3) Coyote because he's weird and I want to see how he gets those big suvs in & out of the mole holes in the ground; 4) Benito and Octavio and Bruno because they all seem rather normal too; 5) Pablito and Mariachi because they look like they are always thinking; 6) Capricho because we Know he's always thinking, more than his boss Juan; 7) Oscar because he seems sincere at least; 8) Pad Tad because he has a burro and I really like burros; 9) Don Agustin because he's always investigating, and has interesting thought process.

Franco seems too anguished, he alternates between being very sentimental and sweet and nice -- and then too rough and grabby -- and all that whole face sucking is icky! Besides, he never shaves ever.

Of the ladies, I really like 1)Eva, she's tougher than she seems; 2) Jimena, ditto! one of the Mexican blogs calls her la Weyvona, she has scruples; 3) Rosario, she is very sincere; 4) Sofia, though she seems kind of a nutcase sometimes.

I think the Mexican blogs all favor the Franco/Sarita couple, though I really don't know why, and Sarita has too much angst covered up by anger to be any fun to hang around with, yipes, you'd never know what she'd throw at you next.

Thanks again Paula for posting your great photos! Wish you'd post more!

ps-- I'm with you Beckster -- Don Bernardo creeps me out bigtime too.


oh, one more, should have mentioned that although I wouldn't like to hang out with Feo, I would like to be nearby when he appears -- I like his theme music -- and when he's going to do something bad the snake noise gives him away, it's really funny. Imagine shopping at the market and hearing dah dah dah lalalala dah dah dah and then seeing Feo with his black hat come strolling in...and then rattle rattle rattle -- what is he shoplifting now!
ha ha ha ha

Maybe Franco and Sarita are the least favorite characters in Mexico, and that's why everyone wants them to be together. :)

PanQue - that's hilarious. I'm glad we don't ALL have theme music because it could get pretty loud... but it'd be nice to have it just for the bad guys. That way they can never sneak up on you!

PanQue, you'll be glad to know, I saw lots of burros (or mules?) outside Puebla. Many farmers who were working in the fields had a burro or mule pulling a small two-wheeled flatbed cart. Unfortunately my camera was in my suitcase at that point. FYI, the fields outside Puebla looked healthier, better-tended, and more productive than those outside DF. I was raised in farm country; I look for things like that.

Personal theme music? I claim dibbs on the Bullwinkle theme.

Regarding different taste in men? A Scottsman once said, "If everyone had the same tastes, pretty soon we'd run out of oatmeal." One thing I think we can all agree upon, Fernado Colunga truly is TBLMOE.

Julie, you win the prize. It was indeed Jethro Bodine.

Molly, I guess my syntax did get a little mixed. Either that, or I was into the "save a horse, ride a cowboy" thing.
La Paloma

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