Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Guapos 08-26-08 "Two Homecomings, A death, A whole lot of RatBastardness & Still the kid is Nameless"

Mili & Luci arrive back at the House of Horrors. Hugo and Consti are indeed surprised to see them. Both AssHats try to pull the “Husband and you will answer to me” crap. Jeez you would think these two were related by more than marriage. Luci & Mili, tell the boys to basically STFU, those days are gone. Mili will get her divorce and Consti will give one to Luci as well. Consti offers Luci a drink, “Come on a Whiskey”. Luci says no, she doesn’t drink anymore. Consti presses hard, Mili tells him to leave Luci alone, he is the devil. They are standing together and they aren’t going to be pushed around anymore.
--See I don’t care what anyone says, Consti is basically a RatBastard through and through and outside of giving me all his money, there is nothing that could redeem him in my eyes—

The kids come in Val & Al & lil Nameless. Luci gives a fine display, of hurt eyes. The kids stand back, they don’t know what to make of Ma, in her fine cocktail dress. Luci takes the threesome to the study.
Al & Val don’t instantly rush in Mama’s arms..Once bitten twice shy.

Luci take little mewing Baby and never once does she say, “What is the kid’s name?” Maybe Mili clued her in that “We just don’t talk about it”.

Over in the Convent, Rosario is wailing and chastising, Mother Superior, all while wearing a scary cow dress. Mother through, deep breathes confirms that yes, the Hija is alive. She had to do what Don Belmonte told her. Mother Superior sucks in her last breath. Now Rosario is really angry. Here comes Padre Manuel and he manages to get to the Madre to give her a blessing. Personally I think she went to the light to escape the annoying BelMonte folks. Really Madre, trust me I feel the same way. Finally, Padre gets Rosario into his office and yes we would think that he would get the whole, story out of the wailing heifer (okay bad pun). He just knows that her baby was stolen and on that uplifting note, Rosario heads back to the barn.

Now over in the Mansion, to make a long, pink eyed story short, Val says they called Ma numerous times, but were told how she didn’t want to talk to them. Luci fills the kids in on her near death, how Mili and Rocky rescued her, how she owes them her life, how Mili paid all the bills. There is simply not a dry eye in the room (that being their room, not mine). She apologizes for screwing with their lives, she wants to help Val with her wedding, her dress, the drink list (okay I added that), she also wants to help Al with his (to Mili). She wants them all to be one big happy family. She must live for them and Nameless.

--Okay this is my take, I am happy with the Luci change and I will indeed give her a pass; and mostly cause I hope it will cause great pain to Consti. Granted, Luci was a bit of a shrew these past few years, but living with him was indeed painful. He one of those nasty males; reminds you each and everyday that you will never be good enough and how happy he would be if you were dead. As if, AssHat; no one forced you to marry Luci, you could have said no. –

Ramses (Damn this guy is such a Tool and I can’t help but believe if he was honest with himself, he’d be all over Brau in a heartbeat), anyway Consti is pacing and Brau is pretending he is listening. He reads Consti, the agenda for tomorrow. Big meeting with Perleta. Ramses gets up to go to bed with a quick breathe spray & another spray under his arm. In comes Andrea. She has finally found the shoes she was looking for, I guess they had them at CFM Amante Zapatos de Fino. Consti is distracted and Andrea asks if he is still mad that she tore up the picture of “The Dead Love of His Life”.
Consti announces that Luci is back. Andrea drops the shoe bag.

Luci goes out and Mili and Rocky are pacing the floor, she tells them it went well. Val & Al come out and thank their respective better halves for taking care of Ma. Rocky & Val not being to others and having no Nameless trophies to lug about are all romantic cheesy with each other. Mili and Al are a bit more restrained.

Brau comes up and he is in seventh heaven to see the real “Mistress of the House”, that would be the form of Mistress meaning Lady of the House, not cheap skanky Amante Mistress of the House. Oh egads all the clothes are gone and Andrea has redecorated the bedroom. Luci version 2, is fine with it. Just find her an empty room and she is good to go.
Rosario returns to her apartment. Pablo her assistant is there and she tells him that yes indeed her daughter is alive. The Madre went into the Great Unknown, before she could further berate her or smack any good information out of her. However, she knows it is all Don RatBastard Jr’s fault. See the Madre Superior was running on borrowed breathe and didn’t have enough to give a first name, so Rosario assumes that Consti is the RatBastard as opposed to his RatBastard father, which is okay as there is plenty of RatBastardness to go around.

Rosario has a totally swell idea, Pablo, run like a little girl and go get my agenda. He returns and she looks up a phone number.

The phone rings as Mili and the group are standing around wasting oxygen. “Is this the BeleMonte House”, Rosario inquires. Mili says “Yeah, who do you want to talk to”. Rosario says, “Consti BeleMonte?” Mile again affirms, “Do you want to speak with him?” “No is Brau there” Rosario answers. Mili says yes “Brau is the Majordomo, do you want to speak with him”. Rosario hangs up.

Brau walks up and it is time to move Luci, Andrea walks up and Luci says she would like a word alone with Andrea. Andrea is all up on it. Luci tells her she doesn’t want to fight with her, she will happily grant the divorce and Consti and Andrea can continue with their plans. She wants Consti and Andrea to hit the pavement, go make a happy new life for themselves and leave her in peace with her children. Andrea bitch that she is can never have enough, she wants Luci out. Luci begs to differ, you got my husband, now leave me the house.

Padre comes by and is just standing and staring off in space, Gloria and Mili tease him, he finally gets out that Mother Superior is dead.

Chunky Nun, who is now living in the back room of the bar, is sitting around lamenting her fate. Big Guy is doing some exercise with this big like rubber band thing. (I had one of those, but gave it up after taking it out of the box). He tell Chunky about how the kids called him names like Gulliver in school and Chunky says kids are mean. She tells him he has a good heart. The other guy, I think they called him Moreno, comes in to give Chunky the news that Mother Superior is dead. The other fake nun sister called with the news. Chunky breaks down and cries, Big Guy pets her head. He is a nice guy and I kinda wish they would hook-up, like it would be cool, if Torchy Sis & Sister Sis, decided to switch places, well except for the fact that Torchy Sis has been nailin Big Guy and that always kinda creeps me out when that whole sibling thing gets started.

Anyway back at the Mansion, Consti is sitting on the couch in the bedroom and Andrea starts ranting that he needs to get rid of Luci like now. Consti says “Leave him in peace and let her spend some time with the kids”. Andrea does what she does best, she starts rubbing Consti’s leg and though he tries to resist they are soon, all hot and heavy. Next they are in bed and post actual (or post the act). Now Andrea is starting in again. Sorry I missed what was said, but I’m sure if you go back and read any recap, it is pretty much the same crap. I can’t help but wonder, when Consti and Rosario get together, no spoiler..Please this is a TeleNovela you know they will if Consti will use his best Barry White voice and say “Soy un Perverto”? He is such a ladies man.

Next Day…
Karla is in the kitchen with Ma & Step Pa, Hugo comes in and says he wants to talk to her alone in the garden. Karla looks scared. Okay Hugo is telling her that he will give her the dinero, but she needs to lose the baby. Karla says No, it is your baby and she isn’t doing it. Hugo gets snippy and Luci has been standing a few feet away and listening. Yes the phenomenon of people standing in full view at the Mansion continues as people tell deep secrets never noticing the person is there.

Over at the office Perleta tells Consti, due to the interest of “Someone Dillona”; I forgot what name Rosario is traveling under, that looks like party presidency is back in Consti hands. This Dillona chick is the rich widow that has been living in Italy and she wants to put the dinero on Consti. Too bad for Damien, who now comes in and hears the news.

Perleta leaves and Consti gloats, takes the divorce papers Mili signed and tears them up. He asks if Damien knew Luci was back? Damien chokes, no he had no idea. How is she? Consti says, “Okay he knows Damien intervened and now once again as always he has Damien in his hands. Consti basically says that he owns Damien and Damien will do what ever Consti says. Which I guess means, Dude we are going to screw your sister over, yet again. Damien has that “What’s new?” look.

Brau answers the door---EEK it is long dead sister, he is scared, he hasn’t had time to realize that ghost probably don’t age. She says she is alive and holds out her hands to him. He says, “Where were you, I thought you were dead”.

Shhh we can’t talk here and they leave. Once again she is wearing a butt ugly suit thing. Jeez if you are going to live rich in Italy for 20 years, you should at least get a decent fashion sense.

Meanwhile Luci butts into the conversation between Hugo and Karla, “You are preggers?” Karla says yes. Luci goes down the list of “Whose the Daddy, Damien?”, Nope “Dead Fred (Fernando)?” Nope, it is Hugo’s. Hugo is like, “it is not mine”.
Luci looks pissed, but do not despair dear viewers, remember Mili bought Luci a new heart.

Over at the StarBucks, Brau & Rosario are having big heaping helpings of the coffee of the day, a rich roast called “United Siblings” hmmmmmm. Brau is still a bit put off. I can understand it, I mean he thought she was dead, but she didn’t so much as send a postcard of the leaning tower in Veinte Anos. Well, she was pretty depressed after she didn’t lose the baby, (now that the truth has come out), and RatBastard Belemonte Sr, paid for her to leave the county. Say that should be a TeleNovela unto itself, poor servant girl goes to Italy and becomes fabulously wealthy. She says she knows her baby is alive. Brau says yes.

Now then over at the Convent , Gloria and Mili are walking, Padre is in the middle and Al & Hugo bring up the back. In a totally Naco manner, Al & Hugo begin shoving each other over Mili. Padre almost says some bad word, tells the girls to go on ahead. Hugo & Al start fighting and the Padre is in the middle.

This is all I can remember,

Tomorrow looks like Karla confesses her preg to Ma & Step Pa…
Luci goes after Hugo, see fans I told you…
Mili overhears that Hugo has been indeed hiding the salami…

My advice is Hugo STFU, you only look worse each time you open your mouth, sign the papers and give it up. You can’t say, Jeez Mili, I told her to get an abortion.
Also I am thrilled that the same actors that were in La Madastra get to repeat the same tired line “Veinte Anos”
I can’t remember anymore as I don’t want to use any more braincells on this.
We are in the Ultima Semanas and I could literally do somersaults.


Ratbastardness...that's a helluva great word. Ten points from the Russian judge. (Oh wait, they're not supposed to do that anymore are they.)

A hoot as always, Beckster.

It was all about Rosario in this one. Here the MS is drawing her last breaths, and then actually dies and Rosario doesn’t care that someone has just left this life, or that maybe PM might be grief-stricken. I guess we should be happy that Rosario didn’t go over and shake her lifeless body.

Casa Belmonte has got to be the worst place for someone trying to get it back together. There’s some big honking drama going on in every room, in every garden nook, and not a shred of peace. I hope Luci hangs in there. I’m waiting for when someone finds out that Damien emptied her bank account so she ended up on the streets.

Count me among the teary-eyed at the mother and child reunion.

Always a good read, Beckster. Thank you. Especially enjoyed your quip about never using the exerccise band after you took it out of the box. I actually teach fitness classes but I can't tell you how much exercise equipment we have lying around the house than nobody (including me) uses. Need a barely used treadmill, anybody?

Thanks Beckster, really funny as always! Sorry you don't enjoy Guapos - I've surprised myself with how much I really do.

Maybe I'm missing something, but why did Damian go ahead and give Constancio the agreement Mili signed giving her inheritance to Hugo when he realized Constancio was back in as the candidate to lead the party? If he's no longer in line for the party leadership I wouldn't think Constancio's threat to reveal him (wrongly or rightly) as the father of Karla's baby would be worth it for him. I guess they needed to wrap that little plot line up quickly.

I'm really not liking Rosela/Rosario - I guess expectations for all of us are pretty high for a presumed dead, sainted mother. Of course a truly saintly Rosario wouldn't fit well with Constancio.

It looked like from the previews that Luciana actually takes Karla to Mili to reveal her pregnancy.

I'm looking forward to Andrea meeting Rosario and being dispatched.

Beckster: You have made my day. Funny as usual.

JudyB: I'll add an eliptical machine to the list of fitness equipment moved out of the house and into the tool shed.

Right, Beckster, if someone (Rosario/Rosela)had spent 20 years in Italy and married a millionaire, she would be wearing clothes that didn't look like thrift shop rejects. And the hairdo -- she looks like she's wearing Hugo's Mili wig.

From lower Ala

I never had room for a treadmill or elliptical machine, but I did have a step aerobics step set. I love step classes, but I hated doing it alone in front of the TV. Used it only once! Nina (who is on her way to a live step class).

Glad you're off to a real live step class Nina. Nothing says drudgery like a step parked in front of a TV video.....absolutely impossible to stick with it, in my opinion.

One of my students wanted to make a video of my class in case I perished on one of my many trips to Charlotte to help out my daughter with her two little ones (lovely thought...about the perishing, I mean) but frankly the exercise without the fun of an interactive, outspoken class is again, simply drudgery.

Glad for the quip about your elliptical machine, Pasofino...I can't even stand using one with lots of people around in a gym. Not for me!

Follow up: (we are really off topic today)

I didn't give the whole history, but this class was the first one I went to with a new instructor. Recently, a beloved instructor left our gym after 10 years. He taught a very challenging class that was a great workout. The new instructor went so slowly, I barely broke a sweat. Very disappointing, and I don't think I will go back. The instructor said she was going to tailor her class to beginners.

I would love to hear from you, Judy, on the issue of how people structure a class and develop a following. But you can write me off list.

Now back to Guapos: I can't believe Connie was not showing a shred of redeeming emotion upon Luciana's return. He never ceases to produce conflicting emotions in me!

Rosario is no saint, but I can totally understand why she would want to throttle MS and wouldn't be all sympathetic about her dying. The woman let her believe her child was dead for more than twenty years! I don't think any mom would take that well. Can't wait to see the Rosario/Andrea smackdown which must be imminent.

Beckster, your comments comparing Rosario to a cow cracked me up. That was one awful dress. Now, for full disclosure, I will admit that at one point in my life I thought cow-print shorts and whatnot were way cool, but I was like 10 and it was 1987.

Why would Luci even want to stay in that house? Run, Luci, run! It was living there that drove her to drink in the first place. Why doesn't she just stay at Mili's other place?

Now it is just getting ridiculous that they haven't named the baby. Maybe Al is like some of those old hippies I used to know, who didn't want to impose a name on their children and waited until they were old enough to choose their own (like a five-year-old is really going to choose a name they want to stick with for life).

Thanks for the laughs Beckster. I loved all your heifer references and explanation of the different meanings of "Mistress."

This was a great episode, and I'm loving the new Luci 2.0. Loved how after Andrea took her husband and now wants her house she simply said "Is your self-esteem so low that you don't want something new for once?" Way to tell her that she'll always be #2 ;)

In answer to Consti/Andrea's post-coitus conversation: Andrea told him to keep his promise to kick Luci out of the house, and Connie informed her he could not be held responsible for what he said in bed. Don't you just love to hate him?

Ah Judy, It's a pity you don't live in the Philly area, or I'd take the treadmill so I could walk while I watched all my TNs ;)

Beckster, I would like to say thank you for your noble and amusing recap of the last night’s episode.

I agree with you on couple of points. Point One: I agreed your statement, “Granted, Luciana was a bit of a shrew these past few years, but living with Constancio was indeed painful. He one of those nasty males; reminds you each and everyday that you will never be good enough and how happy he would be if you were dead. As if, AssHat; no one forced you to marry Luciana, you could have said no.” We need some like you, Beckster, to remind us of these small factors. I would not want to be in Luciana’s shoes for all those years and with Constancio’s constant verbal and physical abuse. This is what the bottom-line which it was. Not Luciana just wants to get out – I hope this new attitude of Luciana continues for herself and kids.

Point Two: I totally agreed and think that Constancio is Unredeemable. (For example, when Mili and Luciana come back to the homestead and stated their grounds. Constancio is already offering Luciana a drink and saying, “Come on a Whiskey”. Luciana says no, she doesn’t drink anymore. Constancio presses hard, Mili tells him to leave Luciana alone, and he is the devil. They are standing together and they aren’t going to be pushed around anymore. And I agree that “. . . . is basically a RatBastard through and through and outside of giving me all his money, there is nothing that could redeem him in my eyes—“)

Point Three: Braulio walks up to the group in the lounge and mentions it is time to move Luciana in. I wondered if Luciana has any remaining clothes at all in the house. Remember Andrea and with help of Karla burned her clothes that were in Constancio and Luciana’s old bedroom. I AGREE WITH YOU AND SAY THAT Andrea is a bitch. “Andrea walks up and Luciana says she would like a word alone with Andrea. Andrea is all up on it. Luci tells her she doesn’t want to fight with her, she will happily grant the divorce and Constancio and Andrea can continue with their plans. She wants Constancio and Andrea to hit the pavement, go make a happy new life for them and leave her in peace with her children. Andrea bitch that she is can never have enough, she wants Luci out. Luci begs to differ, you got my husband, now leave me the house.” Hooray for Luciana here!!!

All I can say is that Andrea, dear, you are on borrowed times. When will Constancio find out that you have been cheating on him with Damien of all people? Andrea, you will be kick to the curb or more. I bet all that Andrea you will not get anything especially not Constancio, marriage, or even Damien. Andrea, you will end up where you belong which I know the writers have already written in. I think they will have a creative exit for you.

All exciting new directions and changes for our characters it seems are coming looking at the previews and probably due to the fact we are in Ultima Semanas.

1. One of the big new is that Karla is pregnant with Hugo’s child. (I think it is, even though, Damien pouts on Karla in between her affair with Hugo. I thought it look like rape to me? She did say NO.) BIG LESSONS FOR: Hugo, Damien, and Karla. This one of their punishment I think.

2. Luciana is going to be fighting on behalf of her kids now. Maybe Luciana’s motherly instinct is going to be final kick into place. Now she will be there to protect her kids. BEWARE CONSTANCIO. Constancio is still messing around in Valeria/ Rocky’s life by pretending he is behind them in their upcoming wedding. The bottom-line he still doesn’t want Rocky as Valeria’s husband.
Another thing that I thought I heard from Constancio say to Hugo is he didn’t want the divorce between him and Hugo. I thought and said that this is like making a deal with the devil.

3. The Introduction of Rosario to the whole storyline and what it means to everyone involved. New exciting development and scenarios.

You know, Margarita, that's what Schoolmarm does on the first viewing on her recap night...walks the treadmill.

I absolutely cannot watch TV and do the treadmill at the same time (ADD? poor coordination?) but I did like listening to my aerobics tapes while on it.

Actually, the kids left the treadmill on for too long and the electrical system "died". Rather than getting it repaired, my son and I, with much heaving and wall bashing, lugged it down to the street for garbage pickup.

Unlike us, those men picked it up relatively easily and flung it into the truck. In my next life, by golly, I'm coming back as a mesomorph!

I would not be surprised if Consti dumps Andrea once Rosario, The Love Of His Life, reappears on the scene. That would be just desserts for Andrea.


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