Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. 8-5: Juan to the rescue!!

Finally Norma is out of the Hacienda and Juan practically had to drag her. It was fun to see Juan beating the snot out of Feonando. I liked how Malcom scuttled off like a bug to hide when Juan showed up. Juan seems to have no fear that Feonando will actually shoot him. He just walks right up and knocks the gun out of his hand. Of course, when Feonando told his version of what happened, he had to say that Juan took him by surprise and that was why he couldn't defend himself.

Norma hiding in the bathroom with Juan David

After his encounter with Juan, Malcom tells Feonando that he will protect him.

Juan tells Feonando to come out or he knows how to break down doors, too.

Feonando being ministered to by Malcom and Carmela. If I have to seem them smirking at each other one more time, I'll scream.

Abuelo and Sarita watch Norma and Juan David drive away with Juan, Óscar and Franco.

I peeked ahead and watched this on You Tube. Interestingly, the scene where Grabiela takes Armando and his friend on a tour of the hacienda was cut. In that scene, Armando tells Grabiela that Feonando has offered to sell land from the Hacienda. Grabiela says that they must be mistaken but Armando assures her that Feo has offered Hacienda property for sale and told them he was going to go live in Europe. So he's selling the Hacienda horse stock and now trying to sell land on the Hacienda.


Ugh, this show is way too violent for me. I don't like to see anyone beat up, no matter how much they deserve it. I spoke up on the Victoria board about one of the calm, gentle characters on that show who sluged a guy in the stomach for insulting his wife; people there were saying things like how they LOVED the punch, how that guy "deserved" it and "had it coming" and how he "got him where it hurts", and how now he'll think twice about ever insulting somebody's woman, etc. I was shocked! They all sounded like a bunch of bullies! I tried to tell them why this is wrong, how bad they were coming across, and apparently it did no good. They hate me over there. What makes it worse is that Victoria is meant to be a REALISTIC show, and for people to cheer on somebody for punching a guy in the stomach just made me sick. I can forgive some of the violence on PdG because I think this novela is not supposed to be so realistic--it is more far-fetched with rather extreme characters and situations, and people who are just soooo evil, and wacky violence (as with Memo and his attempts to kill Armando and ending up in the body cast, etc.). So I can put up with it more, be a little more forgiving or tolerant. But when someone on a normally serene, realistic show like Victoria slugs a guy in the stomach just because he insulted his wife, and all these people on the message forum cheer him on, it just stunned me. It scares me that we live in such a world that people enjoy SEEING violence and endorse this behavior. I don't know ANYBODY in real life who would do such a thing, punch a guy in the stomach. And what gets me is that at least one person over there said that wasn't violence! Well if punching a guy in the stomach isn't violence, what IS??? I just couldn't believe it.

You're right about Malcom and Carmela smirking at each other! Btw, I saw a woman in the checkout line at the grocery store this evening who reminded me of her. It kinda gave me the creeps! Lol.

As always, thanks for the recap and pictures!

Thanks for the post and the extra info Jean! So Gabi now knows that hubby is trying to basically dismantle her home/business, and she's doing nothing about it! Then again, if Feo truly runs it into the ground, she'll have no choice but to seek refuge with the Reyes boys, that'll show her who is to be trusted.

So what do we think about Klaus? It's possible he's another sleaze (he does hang out with Armando), but it's also possible he's a nice guy that could become Gabi's new love (she does know his brother, but then again, she knew Feo). Inquiring minds are curious. Those were some flirty smiles they exchanged.

Carmela must have gotten the maids to straighten Norma's room up nice and quick. When Gabi went into it, there was no evidence of how she had barricaded her door. Wouldn't it be nice if one of them came up to Gabi and told her they found Feo's gun? Then he'd have some 'splaining to do.

I just love baby JD. That little actress is so expressive, you can always see her frowning when the grownups are upset. Don't know how she held the tears in when Feo was at the bathroom door (she was on the verge a few times there). It was so bizarre when Norma tried to move the furniture with the baby in one arm. Thankfully, she figured it out during one of the commercial breaks.

(I re-watched the birthday party & I owe Juan an apology; he was much more gracious to Oscar & Jimena for their buying his gift for Juan David than I had remembered. Good job, Juan.)

Speaking of, he finally gets his shot at Fernando. Frankly, I expected him to blow a lot sooner than he did, so I think his patience and restraint (with Norma, actually) have been admirable. Frankly, I don’t know how Juan won’t be furious with Norma after finding out that she lied about Fernando’s “accident”. I’ll be curious to see if this comes up in a future conversation…

Cindy, I don't think it’s so much the violence that people on these boards are connecting with as it is the release of frustration that results when we see the oppressed party finally getting an upper hand over the oppressor. I personally don't appreciate violence for the sake of violence. In this case however, knowing the threat Fernando has been and continues to be, if Juan’s release of frustration on Fernando can’t be seen as laudable it’s at the very least understandable, so I don’t have a problem with it. In fact, given an understanding of how volatile Juan's personality is supposed to be, I think he was pretty calm given the fact that he’d just been told that days ago this man had attempted to rape his wife and was now attempting again to harm her AND his son. And, unfortunately, there also exists the regrettable circumstance that sometimes, the only way to fight fire is WITH fire. When faced with an immediate threat to the lives of the most important people in his life, that’s exactly what I’d expect Juan Reyes to do.

I was a little disappointed with Sara in that scene, though. Instead of just standing there watching Juan beat the stuffing out of Fernando, I’d have expected her to get Norma up to speed on what was going on & help her pack a suitcase for herself & Juan David. As a sister, that would’ve been my instinctive response. Once that was underway, I’d probably slip back to the fight & make sure it didn’t get too out of hand.

Margarita: I had your same observation about Norma moving the furniture while holding Juan David. A little silly, but she did figure it out eventually. I also have been just in awe over little Gabriela García (Juan David) in these last few episodes. What an amazing little trooper! All the appropriate looks & the wonderful interactions she comes up with are so fun to watch. Watching her face, my heart went out to her when JD & Norma were hiding in the bathroom. And her game of peek-a-boo with Gabriela the other day was priceless. In watching the birthday party a second time, I marveled at the scene I mentioned yesterday, where Juan was crouched next to JD on his new pony. There was a golden moment between the two of them where JD just fleetingly touched Juan’s cheek as they smiled at each other. It’s so heart-warming I’m sure I’ll go back & watch it again and again.

Great job as usual with the pictures, Jean! I'm having a hard time fitting this one in and staying caught up, but the pictures remind me that I should try harder.

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