Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues, & Wed., Aug. 26 and 27 - RIP Raquel and Calixto - Herzog and Rubinsky, not so much

It's always jarring when characters on a novela who have been basically used for comic relief are brutally offed.
The car crash was less than convincing. I guess they weren't going to risk actually harming those two vintage cars. I didn't really understand why Raquel decided to play 'chicken' with H&R. Think of all the lives that could have been saved if these people had cell phones!
Libia's warning dreams to Ruth seem to work better for her relatives - she has saved Juan twice but her warnings about Grabiela and Raquel and Calixto were not as effective.
Benito and the nasty harpy 'friends' of Raquel hit a new low today. Who would make such remarks at a funeral?
Other than that, nothing much happened: Grabi's still in the basement; Feonando's still losing at cards; Martín is still in the sanatorium; the inhabitants of the Hacienda de los Reyes are still in the dark and Pepita and Rosario know a lot but don't tell anyone useful.
Labels: gavilanes
I think Melissa hit it on the head when she said Raquel wanted to go out in a blaze of glory (though she had no idea it was because Raquel knew there was no way she was getting out of this alive). It's not a pretty way to go, and you feel extra bad for the poor chauffeur still had a lot of living to do, but at least Calixto and Raquel got to die with a smile on their faces.
Those women truly are harpies. They obviously baited Benito so they could watch a confrontation. They'd probably like to watch "ultimate fighting" if it weren't considered low brow.
I think all Gabi has to do is bide her time and get the heck out of dodge when Fernando and Dinora finally blow up at each other. They may end up finishing each other up all on their own.
I admired Raquel for probing so deeply into what was going on at the Elizondo place, but with all the foreshadowing we’ve had, it was obvious it would cost her dearly. I am surprised she lost her cool so completely after finding out what was going on, though. I guess I figured Raquel was made of tougher stuff than that.
Poor Uribes. The whole scene was quite surreal, but I guess if she was faced with being shot down like a dog in the street or taking the situation into her own hands, it probably gave Raquel a sense of some control over the situation by doing what she did. I also felt particularly bad for their driver. Poor guy didn’t really deserve to be taken down in Raquel’s kamikaze plan and didn’t seem to be given a choice, but then again, he didn’t object either. It also would have helped to have a survivor remaining to tell the story.
I also can’t see Herzog & Rubinski playing into that crash scenario; they weren’t invested enough in the whole Dinora/Fernando situation to die for it. They surely would have had better control over their vehicle than Raquel and could have turned away at the last minute, avoiding the severity of a head-on collision. But then again, rocket scientists they weren’t…..
Hopefully this is near to the last we see of the Harpies, and Benito. We do have the issue of the Uribe’s will to deal with, but after that I hope it’s bye, bye, Benito. I was so glad to see Melissa finally pull him in line publicly. I sure hope the actor that plays Benito is actually a very nice person, because I’d hate to think he does such a good job playing him because he’s really that big a jerk.
Nice to see Juan home from the hospital. As I mentioned a while back, it’s kind of fun to see how much more convincingly Mario plays an injured Juan when he himself is, in fact, injured. ;-) He does a nice job on crutches, and just the nuances to his movements, the way he carries himself, the care taken around his foot, even extending almost to his breathing & speech patterns – all the details of his behavior just ring so much truer as opposed to his earlier injury scenes. I guess you could look at it as "accidental" method acting. It certainly works for minor injuries, but can’t say that I’d recommend it for death scenes. ;-)
Feonando and Dínorah are really falling apart as bad guys. It seems ridiculous that Feonando would continue to have gambling parties when he should be working on getting money together for a getaway.
The simplest way to get Grabiela to sign a power of attorney would be to have Dínorah threaten Don Martín or one of Grabi's daughters. Dínorah wouldn't even have to leave the Hacienda. Feo could easily get one of the girls to go to the Hacienda by saying Grabi was ill or something but Feo and Dínorah just bumble around fighting with each other.
On Friday, I couldn't help but to agree with Sara that Norma should have gone to get them. She said they would have done the same, but I don't think an extra 10 minutes to get reinforcements, especially to get the sister who's a better shot, should have been such a leap for her. No offense to Eva, but she's not much of a bodyguard. Furthermore, did she tell ANYONE to watch JD? Off course, if all three sisters had arrived, armed, and belligerent, they might have actually found Gabi and this would be over today instead of in two weeks (or is it one? I'll have to double check that from the other post...).
I had suspected that Arthur Klaus was Pepita's main squeeze, but I was hoping he would actually be a love interest for Gabi after she ditches Fernie.
Looking forward to Martin being reunited with his granddaughters as the previews hinted.
Quick note for the YouTube contingency, there will be no PdG on Monday due to the holiday. Sigh...Then again, Cantinflas is always fun to watch ;)
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