Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fuego 9/11: Forgive me, no I won't, forgive me, no I won't, and a miraculous non-leaking lunchbox.

So, no Spanish subtitles for me tonight, which made me understand why people have been complaining about the background noise of this show - loud chirping crickets, waterfalls, rain, miscellaneous scratching noises. Here's what I could glean:
  • Juan goes to see Unibrow, aka Pedro's father (and a terrible mumbler, but I'm not complaining, least we don't have to watch him kissing anybody in this telenovela). Unibrow shows Juan a picture of yore, with Juan's mom next to him (a younger version of Unibrow). Sister and brother. Unibrow says he'll do whatever he has to, to get Pedro to trust him.

  • At the Tumbao Rosario and Eva hug. They've decided even if Gabriela is telling the truth and they are not daughter and mother, they love each other as if they were. Margarita asks, "what if your real mother turns up?" "I don't think about it - I don't need anybody but Eva."

    Later Margarita reveals to Eva: "Rosario is my daughter." Eva is, like, impactada.

  • Pedro sulks, waiting for Juan. When Juan gets back and sez he's been to see Unibrow, Pedro the Hairy premieres the night's theme: "I will never pardon him, never!"

    Juan says, "Here's some advice: kids can't divorce their parents, he'll always be your dad, and you're lucky to have him, I dream about my parents but they're gone. Listen to your heart and then decide."

  • It's night, thunder and lightning, and as the storm rises the boys storm the hacienda. First, Oscar sneaks in on Jimena who, lying in bed wearing a cheesy white satin ribbon in her hair - the kind we wrap presents with - and hugging her red satin stuffed heart, says audibly: "Oscar, I miss you."

    But when Oscar-in-the-flesh comes around the corner, looking handsome and appealing, she says she doesn't want to see him, ever again, he betrayed her. He says he had to do it for his sister, but he fell in love, and he gives her excellent puppy-dog eyes (I would have melted), but she says go away and don't come back.

    She doesn't look happy when he leaves, via the balcony - it was hard for him to get down that rope with one arm, I bet - and rides away.

  • Sarita paces, prays, takes out her quill pen and starts a letter to Franco, then stops, paces, complains of the pain of life, she can't find peace, suddenly a voice is heard. Franco is serenading her, she melts and then refreezes, I have things like that in my refrigerator and they aren't a pretty sight.

    He sings but to no avail. He should have shaved if he wanted this tactic to succeed; she throws water on him and tells him to leave. He, too, goes out via the balcony on a rope and also rides away.

  • Sofia tosses in her bed. She dreams of Juan, they have a wonderful dreamy kiss, sigh. But it's a dream. She goes downstairs to put water in a flower vase and sees Fernando sneaking out of mom's bedroom. She comes back upstairs, perplexed by what she saw. "He's playing with mother, she'll suffer, I'm sure."

    She hears a whinny. It's Juan and his horse staring plaintively up at her window. "We have to talk." She says no, he says he and Capricho will stay all night. It starts to rain. He is like John Cusack (right) in "Say Anything," except he has a horse instead of a car. In the morning they're still there, both man and horse are drenched and shivering.

    (You note I feature the horse prominently. Poor thing, out in the rain, he didn't ask for it. On the other hand, my donkey does this too, of his own free will. He spends hours in the rain shivering when he has a perfectly nice house.)

    So Sofia finally agrees to talk. He takes her to Libia's tomb and kneels and asks her to forgive him. No dice. He gets mad, "You pardoned your father but not me? He lied to my sister!" No dice. She wants to walk home alone but he insists on taking her.

  • Pedro takes Unibrow to church because it's probably been several decades since he's said confession. So now he'll confess his sins to Father Bouffy. Bouffy says it's never too late. (A PSA in behalf of your local clergy.)

  • Ferd smokes a cigar at the bottom of the stairs. Gab shows up and asks why he's so nervous, is he worried that Sofia's out?

    And speak of the devil, at that VERY moment Sofia and Juan show up. And so does Don Augustin. But though the scene looks dramatic, nothing happens.

  • Quintina has painted a clown's mouth on herself with lipstick. She and the lawyer, who appears to be living in, have a real or fake kiss (I can't tell) and she gets a megaphone and very rapidly fills him in on the whole story. He falls asleep during the telling. She misses her "General."

  • Meanwhile her General, playing toy soldiers all alone, misses her too.

  • At the bakery, Juan (the only one who ever works) is thinking of the Sofia bread and, coincidentally at that VERY moment, so is Sofia! Kozmik Synkrony!

  • Gramps tells his daughter how Furd deceived him and will deceive her, too. Gab says complacently, "He has nothing, it's all in my hands." "No, he manipulates you in the name of 'helping' you." "No, it's mine, all mine, and don't come around here or I'll have you thrown out in the street."

    Then Gab gives Furd a massage in the study and says "Everything I have is yours." He smirks.

  • At the Bad Love Bar, Armando is handing Rosario a bill of goods, the line Furd sent him with, that is to say: "Make her trust you."

    But maybe Armando is a double agent and really means it? "Rosario, let's join forces, I'll protect you." "No, I can't move against Furd, he'll take my son and I'll never see Luisito again. Anyway, you're Furd's dog, why would you change sides?"

    "Because I hate him too, he humiliates me." "Wouldn't you betray me?" "No, because I'm tired of him and want him to pay."

  • Juan is still kneading dough, the other brothers come in, they're all despondent not to mention crabby because they've been rejected by their women, Oscar drops more rolls, Franco picks them up and puts them back on the tray (will they at least be sold at a discount?), the lawyer and all nag Juan to remember where his father put his will. Juan figures it out! It's under the tree!

  • Furd brings Luisito into the hacienda, Sofia is happy to see the boy but not happy to see who he's with. "You feel nothing for him, Furd, you're just trying to impress me. I know you were in my mother's bed."

    Furd says they have to talk: "Aww, sweetie, if you just say the word I'll come back to you." Sofia barfs (not really). Gabriela comes in and asks what's up. They don't tell.

  • The Reyes Bros. and the lawyer go to the tree and poke and dab at its roots with small, ineffective sticks (they remind me of those wimpy extras wielding agave pikes so unconvincingly in Destilando).

    Despite the inadequate toolage, the boys (or, probably, some hapless Televisa studio assistants) manage to make an impressive hole and pull out a banged up antique metal lunchbox and open it with a big knife and guess what, the will is in it, and it's not even water damaged in the slightest! And it names the boys as their dad's sole heirs. (Well, it names Libia too, but she won't be getting her share.)

Tomorrow: a visit to the tomb. Raquel and Gabriela are not happy campers.


"I have things like that in my refrigerator and they aren't a pretty sight." Hysterical.

I'm starting to wonder if Ferd and Gabby are into B&D.We know that they don't mind knocking down walls.

"Mommy, I've been a bad, bad boy"

Thank you for the recap.mhm

Thanks for the funny recap, Melinama. Fortunately you don't need subtitles or a good sound track and this plot is pretty simple minded so it all worked out just fine, right!

The bent lunch box with the perfectly dry and legible will that was the missing link in the boys getting to reclaim the hacienda was too, too Mexidoon. I can't wait until they get to run Gabi and Raquel and Feo off the hacienda. They get the good spring too which is where the parents were buried so just like El Manantial, it will be something to try to kill over later but will be the key to eternal riches. What a show!

These sorry ass girls really don't deserve all the romantic memories let alone the sweet begging for pardons. And Sofie looks fetching in her white dressing gown but certainly not 10 or 11 months pregnant. Like I said, what a show.

Thanks again for the work on the recap.

Melinama, I have things like that in my refrigerator too...great recap!

Okay, so where did Uncle pull the giant knife from? That

Oh, and Connie, yes I noticed the Franco backside shot again! Sarita needs to wake up and smell the bread and get her some Franco lovin!

When Juan opened the lunchbox, I thought the will would be wrapped up in wax paper, Saran wrap, a baggie, tinfoil or something but no it survived the elements in a MAGICAL lunchbox.

Oscar managed to climb up and down the balcony with a broken arm and whiplash with the help of a MAGICAL lasso.

Thanks for the fast and funny recap, Melinama. Just finished watching on tv. G in CA

Muchas gracias for the wonderful recap, Melinama blogmom. And the perfect title to boot.

I know they're on a shoestring budget, but Mr. Director could have gotten a whole box of 15 or 20 cheap sandwich baggies for a dollar and change, and wrapped that dang will up in some plastic. WTH. Or used a lunchbox/mini-cofre that at least LOOKED weatherproof. And surely someone on the set could have come up with a shovel or a spade to dig with? Arghhhh.

Of the three sisters, Sarita pisses me off the most. She acts like a two-year-old, and it ain't gettin' any better. So long as Franco is hurt, half-dead, comatose, or hanging with some other wench, she's pining and wanting him SO BAD. The second he recovers or looks at her, she hates his guts. If he's not touching her, she mentally begs him to, begs, begs, begs, touch me, take me, come get me; then when he finally does touch her, she slaps his hands away as if he's committed a cardinal sin. So there ya go, Franco--the solution to your Sarita problem. Just go comatose again, or simply die, and SaGRita will stay by your side loving you and stroking your forehead forev-vah.

Poor Capricho and Juan! LOL! Did you see that horse shaking his head as it started raining? As if to say, "Damn it, Juan, we're in for a long night. Dude--you deserve better than this broad."

When Quintina expected Vicente Jr. to kiss her with that Clara Bow/Betty Boop lipstick on, I cracked up. And she put the man to sleep. I like that actress, and Quintina. She's turned out to be good comic relief.

Snofia seems to have turned into a tigress, and tells Crabby and Feo off regularly. About damn time.

Is that PASION's "Vasco" I see in those upcoming ads for Cuidado Con El Angel, looking all Pitt-like? Hm.

NO MORE BEGGING THE GIRLS FOR ANOTHER CHANCE. Just get to taking care of your bidnez, boys. There's land to be reclaimed and villains to slay.

Franco back-shots. Mmmmmm...every bit as good as a Franco front-shot in tighty undies. :-)

Ha Ha very good,
Did three magic pens with one side pink one side purple sparkle glitter pens and matching hello kitty diaries appear? MEOW...

Was not that Alvin and the Chipmunks lunch box moment just the most contrived plot crap you ever saw? Digging with a stick..I've seen "Late Stone Age" Cro-Magnons do a better job on the is history channel. Now cross that with Juan's magic shirt of some futuristic material that never wrinkles and mysteriously appears fresh and clean even after scenes of huge sweat rings.

The sister, ugggg the sisters, flashforward 50 years, the three sisters living in the broken down hacienda, with like 300 cats. Think What ever happened to Baby Jane. Talking of the days when their beaus wooed them. Think Tennessee Williams, crazy ass dried up Southern Belles who can't get over the fact that Plantation Days are gone.

Melinama and bloggers: Your comments were all superb this morning. Now, as to the burro who won't get out of the rain and the man who won't get out of the rain - who is smarter or are they equal? I don't know what staying out in the rain does for the burro, but it sure didn't do a thing for Juan.

By the way - the man who has been following the boys around is one of their long-lost uncles. He is little uncle with the mustache.

From lower Ala

Ah yes, the backside shot really woke me up. Sarita just doesn't appreciate a good thing when she sees it (probably because she's never seen it!) :). Poor Capricho. I would have said, "See ya Dude. Have fun standing in the rain and walking home." That was pretty silly. And thanks Tio for pulling out the Rambo knife AFTER the hole was dug!

Do we have a word for the day?

Thanks for the recap Melinama!
By the way, does Franco's butt have a cone of invisibility over it or something, because am I the only one who's not seeing it? Where has it been, and why does everyone keep raving about it? Why can't I SEE IT?

Let's see, yesterday we got to see it when he climbed over the balcony and was walking into Sarita's room. He wears those stretchy charro pants so you can't miss it. Then the other night he was walking from the bakery into the house and also had on those stretchy pants.

Oh thanks Connie. Stretchy pants. I thought maybe I had missed a big scene at the waterfall with the blurred-out body parts.
Yep, those charro pants are a fashion staple that one never gets tired of!
Even Tio Vicente looks pretty dapper.

I wish we could see more of Juan and Pedro. Oscar definitely isn't shy about showing himself. I didn't like him at first but he has really grown on me. He's the only one with a sense of humor.

I wondered where that big knife came from too!

So does anyone else wonder if Quintina and Uncle Vicente could possibly get together? yeah, I know, he lets her fall when he kisses her, and she puts him to sleep when she talks. Some would think that means there's no hope. Others would say it's like they've already been married for a long time.

Ok I'll be the first to admit that I was enjoying this show a lot. Even though everyone here was bashing it. But now I can truly say I'm getting sick of this

"forgive me!!"
"forgive me!!"

Although I do enjoy when Juan finally tells off Sophia but then its the stupid forgive me crap.

Like someone said MOVE ON... this storyline is dragging... What's up with the Tio in the Charro suit all the time?

I'm gonna get me an old lunch box, paint it silvery and bury my important papers in it under a tree- perfectly preserves paper for decades! To go out to the tree- do we climb it?, or dig? oops, no shovel, we'll dig anyway..what was with the scene with Crabi, Sofia, Juan, and Augie that went nowhere?!? Augie sez to Juan that they need to talk, and the next thing ya know, Juan is in the bakery all pissed off..WTF? Did they forget to write it, forget to shoot it, or decide not to use it?... and the secens of the goils pining for the boys, then kicking them to the curb in the next moment all over again are getting tiresome. You would think that at least Franco would say enough of that, I'm going elsewhere. At least Franco isn't a father in waiting, nor married to a sister, and Rosario isn't spoken for. Tio Alejandro going to Pad Tad for confession as a condition of establishing a relationship with new-found son Pete- yeah, right. Next thing ya know, he's gone straight (from whatever he's been doing), and Coyote is at the unemployment office! No lo aguanto! No puede ser!

Thanks for the recap, melinama. The background noise was particularly annoying last night. I only caught 20 minutes of it,,, enough to see Juan out there in the rain. That is NOT good for the saddle.

Love the "Say Anything" reference and photo. I'm a big fan of John Cusak's early movies. All of them. ;o)


Thanks,'ve still got can bring the snark with the best of them. Let's see, Armando offers to protect Rosario when he can't even protect himself from Ferd. ''Ineffectual toolage''--I hope that this is not a reference to Omar's problems in ''Querida Enemiga.'' I think that Juan gets a lot of his sexual frustration out on the unsuspecting dough . [By the way...Have they been using the same dough ball over and over since the beginning of this show ??? ] Did you notice how they very pointedly showed both Oscar and Franco rolling up their ropes after descending from their balcony visits to the wives ?? I think that someone at this novela is monitering this site and read all the recent comments on ''How do those guys get up to those balconies all the time ???'' Last night, they showed us. I really cannot stand Sarita..what a cold witch. I am sick of her pining and whining for Franco and writing him letters with a quill [Que the hell is up with that??? Doesn't she own a Bic ????] and then screaming at him whenever he shows up. Throwing the water at Franco last night was the last straw for me. I think I'd prefer to spend time with Crabby. I hate Sarita's pinched up little face and her temper tantrums. Basta. WHY would Franco still want Sour Sister when Redhot Rosie is still in love with him ??? Behavior like Sarita's would only be tolerated by a guy from Mexidoon. In real life , she would be dropped like a hot [no....make that a cold] potato.

I'm real sick of Sarita too. I can't stand to look at her pinchy, ferret face. She makes what I call a "prune face." I used to say curse words in front of my exhusband just so I could watch him make that face. It was hilarious.

I think Augie actually wanted to talk to Juan and that is why he came to the house. But Juan said "see ya."

Julie***You are too funny. By the way, did the sudden appearance of Tio's Bowie knife bring back memories of Highlander and the way Duncan would be in his skivvies or wearing a nice, fitted suit and then suddenly he'd be wielding his katana and fighting an immortal villain ??? It's all about suspended disbelief, no ??? I am really getting tired of people in Fuego saying the SAME THING over and over and over... again. Another Groundhog Day dawns in Mexidoon. I hope the groundhog sees his shadow soon so that the plot starts moving along...starts moving along...starts moving along...starts moving along......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Susanlynn, I totally agree. I said that yesterday that it is time to move on. If the girls don't want to be with them then kick them to the curb.

I'm still trying to figure out how Oscar climbed up the rope with one arm.

Butterbiscuit, I to was making up dialog for Capricho. The kids and I were having a field day. "Dude, really, were going to stand here all night, waiting on this chick agian? Seriously, you need to get a grip, take me home and get me some nice alfalfa, none of that bread crap."

Okay, I am a Jorge fan, but Pablo/Franco has totally grown on me. He is so cute. Yes, back shots, front shots, just take his clothes off! Creemelo, how are you missing these? Maybe I have just become more vigilant about watching for them since no one swims or showers anymore. He fills out a pair of pants well. Okay, a pair of undies for that matter.

Oh, and thanks for Cusack reference, I love him and Say Anything is one of my all time favorite movies!

SO uncle reaches behind his back and pulls out the killer blade, so I'm guessing tucked into his pants? Whoa! How do you ride a horse with that thing? Holy cow!

And no undie line either! :-}

Maybe he is going Commando when he knows there are no swimming scenes! Okay, I'm completely distracted at work now!

One thing I noticed last night was some new music. One scene had what sounded like rock with an electric guitar. Don't remember what scene cause I was enjoying the new theme music. Hope they play it again. G in CA

G in CA, I noticed that two, but found in that particular scene for me it wasn't fitting. I think it was the scene with Juan and Pedro, go to your father moment. I've also noticed they have been using the song the three boys sang at the awards show that I saw on youtube.

I noticed that too. I thought I was going crazy. I kind of liked the new music.

Yeah, girls, kick the boys to the curb already. I'll swing by and pick all 3 of 'em up in my Suburban and take them to MY favorite swimmin' hole ;>)

Thanks for the cap, Melinama - good stuff

Jenna T

Well as much as I can't stand those snively sisters, I must say, I would have sent the three pinheads packing too. If those knuckleheads had shown up at the hacienda and three ugly ducklings had presented themselves, they would have been dead meat along with Ferd, Crabby, Eva and Don Aug. That would have shortened the telenovela considerable, wahoo! But still I watch.

... shortened the telenovela considerably (correction).

Dorado Dave, Franco is actually married to Sarita (although they were both drunk), so he can't just go after Rosario freely.

So Sofia said to Crabi that Ferd was going to take advantage of Crabi. Crabi didn't believe her. Later, Ferd said to Sofia, "just say the word and I'll come back to you and leave Crabi" (paraphrased). Then Crabi walks in. So now, one would think that Sofia can tell her mother, "Fernando just told me he would leave you if I asked", and that would prove to Crabi that Ferd is bad. But of course this won't happen. Either Sofia won't say anything, or if she does, Ferd will deny it and Crabi will believe Ferd.

Margarita was smart to tell Eva that she's Rosario's real mother, since Eva forgives everybody.

Molly--I don't know how I missed all those Franco shots...I was away Friday and Monday, then the last few nights have been somewhat distracted with doggie problems. However, I have noticed that wardrobe is supplying a lot of tight stretchy pants for the boyz...So I'll keep my eyes peeled!
When Juan et al arrived at the tree, he looked up into its branches and it sounded like he said "shall we look up there...or down?". Maybe that's why there was no shovel, they hadn't yet decided whether to dig or climb.
BTW, I thought Tio Vicente's knife looked alot like a French chef's knife.

I don't like the new music, at least not for this telenovela. It doesn't make much sense to have an electric guitar in a town where each building's service panel contains one rusty old fuse. (Except maybe at the Tumbao and the Malquerida. Priorities!)

I always seem to have my back turned during Franco's butt scenes.

Beckster, did you say you were going to be recapping this show after Guapos is done?

Regarding Highlander, yes, the whereabouts of all these swords was a subject of much speculation. :-)

Beckster is moving from the vapid world of classism teen drama to
Village of the Damned...
Leave us Alone...
Jeez I love that line from Village of the Damned...

That next one following Guapos is like Guapos 2.0, oh you little dark haired Naca secretly wealthy girl with a heart of gold.

Wm Levy is all shades of hawt, an usually I don't care for blondes, but dude is hawt...but another teen drama...uggggg

A masterful recap from the Master! Yes, I'm in agreement with everyone else. For God's sake would those guys stop showing up and begging those lame females to forgive them! At least Juan showed a little spirit last night and barked at Slofia. The best thing that could happen for us would be to see the retarded sisters' reaction if los hermanos STOPPED coming around and found some better candidates for the long-term Robles-Reyes gene pool.

At this point I'm way more interested in how they are going to recover their lands and get even with Feo and Crabi than whether they get back with the lobotomy sisters. I'm sick of their snotty attitude, their neon pink lipstick, and their stupidity.

Creemelo, Julie, when Franco is on, you need watch. He always seems to be the last through the door!

I still think the Franco/Sarita thing is going to come down to a Taming of the Shrew moment and it will be funny. Okay, at least it better be or I will be really annoyed! Franco can't keep that smile up forever while that little brat is throwing water in his face.

I agree Connie. As Juan mentioned, the girls forgave their Dad (a married codger who got his little teen girlfriend pregnant), but not the noble Reyes Broz. Huh! That is just so darn irritating!
(BTW, I peeked at Esmas, and you are going to be SHOCKED by the matching dresses coming up in a future episode, worse than anything Sofia has ever EVER worn, as in report a case of Fashion Rights Abuse.)
"Creemelo, part 2"

Molly, do you think they let Franco go through the door last on purpose, to give us a view? That is so sweet!!!
I looked at a Mexican FELS fan blog last night---one commenter says "you should see the horrible things people in other countries are saying about's embarassing! Do they think people in Mexico dress like Charros and wear those giant hats?"

It's just a show. They shouldn't take it so seriously and so personally. We sure don't.

This is what someone on a Mexican blog said about FELS:

5, Septiembre 2008 a las 3:12 pm
El peor fiasco del año en las novelas, muchos personajes, poca atencion a las otras dos parejas protagonicas. Sin mencionar los estupidos argumentos para separarse y juntarse continuamente (los Reyes y las Elizondo)…Si para mi gusto empezo muy bien a pesar de la edad de los actores (que la verdad si estan un poco vetarros para los papeles de jovencitos que interpretan) si actuaran bien ni quien se fije. Pero es increible que una buen comienzo de novela se haya convertido en un verdadero asco de mala organizacion y de un entrar y salir de personajes. Creo que la pobre de Diana Bracho es la unica que a pesar de una historia de asco ha seguido dando buenas actuaciones…El as triste reflejo de nuestra sociedad es que de seguro que este churro se lleva todos los premios mexicanos habidos y por haber.

New nickname for Coyote = Yul Bryner or Yul Bryner jr.


I forgot to mention in my recap how amusing it was that Juan, after wearing his huge hat on all sorts of unnecessary occasions, did not put it on when he was standing in the pouring rain.

I forgot to comment on how sexy Coyote looked last night. Anyone else in the Coyote Fan Club think so?

Speaking of annoying background sounds, what about the clunking of Juan's spurs in the beginning? Everytime he walked, it sounded like a jackhammer. (Or whatever the thing is that they use to break up city streets). Since we didn't see them did he really need to wear them?

Re Quintina and Tio Vin --I keep thinking she might end up with Mister Augs. They certainly do seem to miss each other. Nj Sue

Melinama, that was another great recap. Loved the image of leftovers in the refrigerator. The
digging with sticks scene was lame. Uncle Vincente's knife did look very much like my chef's knife.
Beckster--too funny, your picture of the girls as dried-up belles pining over the past.
Other times, Juan used the plastic rain cover for his sombrero. Where was it when he really needed it? Making Capricho stand out in the rain all night could be construed as animal cruelty. Enjoyed the suggested dialogs for Capricho with Juan.
Hate the girls' self-centered and irrational attitudes. Love Quintina's crazy yet commonsense character. Glad we've finally solved the mystery of Rosario's mother. Now can we get into gear and see some more action?
La Paloma

Creemelo, I sure hope so! I wonder if EY has it in his contract not to show as much skin as the other two, because we don't get to see as much of him hardly ever! Okay, except the swimming hole scene, which was fuzzed out here (that heavens for youtbue!).

Juan has a little shower cap for his sombrero, he should have brought it. Yes, it was silly that he didn't put the hat on. My daughter thought it was silly that he stood there instead of sitting on Capricho. I told I thought that was a smart move because the hourse might of tossed his sorry butt off!

Okay, it is Friday, there had better be a shower or a swim heading into the weekend!

beckster , Don't forget "Spunky" or "Sassy".

It's been such a long day. I sure need a swimming sceen also.

See how bad it is? I can't even spell.

Yes, I have noticed my spelling is poor as well today.

I don't care if it is a "Taming of the Shrew" moment, the shrew was at least a wit, Sarita is just all dried up and a man hater, she never tried to be nice to the guy her Mom wanted her to marry. She could at least be civil.

Seriously Mexico promotes these things all over the world and there has been a serious push lately..the cusine in more than one show, the tourist spas, the historical towns, the Tequila thing..and yet at the same time the rest is so cheesy. I mean in the rural areas the people are rather native looking and lots of the women wear those aprons smocks over their dresses and most wear dresses, the ladies have hair down to their butts, often in a braid..I have seen women wearing those old fashion long skirts, mostly Indian women and they are pretty old, but never in all those cheerful colors and never the cheerful ribbons in their hair, of course the ones I have seen are riding in the back of a pick-up, crammed in there, so maybe they don't have that much to be cheerful about.

At a fiesta I never saw a women look like a folklora dancer, hey they clean up real well for those big bailes. Which is pretty sad cause there I am in jeans and doc martens..I sleep in doc martens when we are in the country, what with the scopians, snakes and no-see-ums that bite you all day and night, oh yeah I nearly forgot about the bats that circle, they try to tell me that they don't bit people just cows & horses, yeah right. From now on when my husband goes to Mexico, I plan to meet him in Mexico City then on to Morelia then home, no more rural for me.

Okay, Beckster, I can't disagree at all, it was really just more my wishfull thinking that something smart and funny would all of a sudden happen on this show.

By the way, mates, you have another HIGHLANDER fan here--me (keep forgetting to mention it!). Hard-core, wouldn't miss a show, would have killed for Duncan FAN. LOL! What a great escape that show was back in the day.

I fondly remember the very first episode, the very first minute of that episode, where Duncan and Tessa were in the middle of an athletic round of sexual healing, and Duncan suddenly sat up with her in his lap and said, "I...feel something..." (another Immortal approaching). Tessa smiled like a satisfied cat and said, "Well I certainly hope so."


Good point, Connie. FUEGO is just a show. I don't take anything I see too seriously (with the exception of Crabby regularly striking people in their faces, and Feo raping Slofia and Rosy to degrade them). And I still think DUELO DE PASIONES was W-O-R-S-E in every sense of the word. Production, writing, acting, continuity, women and children being beaten down (not just slapped) and abused every week. Anyone remember Maldita Thelma starving a kid for a whole day while eating in front of her, then giving the kid to a scuzzball in the underground slave market? Gah.

I am watching the Alma Awards. It is on ABC. It just came on at 8:00

Angelica Vale is going to make an appearance if anyone is interested.
If you don't know, it's an awards show for Latino actors and actresses.

Oh God, I'm about to take Crabi's side and start trying to slap some sense into these girls!

Sarita does NOT deserve what Franco's got in those awesome pants. I don't know how long I can take this...

It's time for un uprising, Animal Farm style! Capricho! Mi General!

Thanks for the great re-caps and comments!
Randy in Seattle

Okay Randy, you may have something there. How about a novela made up entirely of animals? Capricho and all the other horses, the donkey, Mariachi, maybe the need for cel phones and other modern conveniences...of course they would still have to put up with the same lame writers, but at least they wouldn't be wearing nasty pink lipstick and wearing hideous ruffly outfits.
Or would they?

New Theme Song for The Girls

El me mintio
El me dijo que me amaba
Y no era verdad
El me mintio
No me amaba
Nunca me amo
El dejo que lo adorara
El me mintio
El me mintio
Era un juego y nada ms
Era solo un juego cruel de su vanidad
El me mintio
Con el corazn destrozado
Y el rostro mojado
Soy tan desdichada
Quisiera morirme
Mentiras todo era mentira
Palabras al viento
Tan solo un capricho que el nino tenia
El me mintio
El me dijo que me amaba
Y no era verdad
El me mintio
No me amaba
Nunca me amo
El dejo que lo adorara
El me mintio
El me mintio
Era un juego y nada mas
Era solo un juego cruel de su vanidad
El me mintio
De todo el amor que juraba
Jamas hubo nada
Yo fui simplemente otra mas que lo amaba
Mentiras todo era mentira
Los besos las rosas
Las falsas caricias que me estremecian
Senor tu que estas en los cielos
Y que eres tan bueno
Que no quede huella
En mi piel de sus dedos

Lots of versions on Youtube.mhm

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