Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fuego, Tues Nov. 18, 2008, - 'Til Death or SNAKE BUCKLES Do Us Part

Here is a stone SNAKE, sorry I did not have a SNAKE BUCKLE to show you tonight.
Dear Friends, I am in the middle of another Spanish immersion class in Santa Cruz, NM so will try to spin this dilly of an episode out asap. So we begin with a variety of characters say the following, match the phrase with the appropriate character and figure out which one I made up: "One of these babies is mine and I won't lose her again. I won't lose the money again. I won't lose my pants again, I won't lose my head again."
Sofia speculates just like Abuelo and we all have: Ruth pleased my Mama so, Mama would have preferred Ruth be her daughter more than me. Ruth will return for her hacienda and plans to avenge herself against the Reyes. But Sofia knows about the assassination of the Reyes' parents. Only Juan saw it and there was a belt buckle with a serpent that he remembered. Problems is Sofia tells Sarita at the bottom of the stairs where the sound carries throughout the house and Feo overhears all from his lair in the office, more people will die soon is my guess.
Abuelo corners Gabriela in the office. He wants to talk with her, you are egoistic and cruel but how bad are you capable of being? I am not a fool. We old folks learn from and have the advantage of experiences. You are responsible for the disapperance of Sofia's daughter. You know the girl is one of the three at the orphanage and only you know which one she is. You and Feo are involved in the kidnapping (secuestro) of your own granddaughter. How can you say that? asks Miss Butter Wouldn't Melt In Her Mouth, Gabi. That is exactly what I am going to investigate. She sneers, short life expectancy for someone here.
Sofia cuddles the three girls now in jammies. With nostalgia, Jimena wants a baby but with her distance from Oscar that is only a dream. If all those late night balcony visits, she shouldn't worry but just in case Sofia could share one of these. Sara looks on.
Oscar grumbles at Franco he can't see Jimena but Franco is going to see his young filly (potranca). Out at Hacienda RR, Juan enters the kitchen searching for his sombrero, perhaps among the pots and pans or under the large skillets. I have to go see Sofia I'll go every day for ever if need be. Where is the brat (escuincle)? Franco went to see his Sarita.
Franco swaggers into the bedroom proposing that Sarita not pound him again like a mule Sarita bristles at being called a mule. I am here to see my nieces not you. They rub by each other a few times, he past the pillows chanting about the little pieces of gold. Sarita's new blue red glasses are not too sexy but at least show change. He baits her with a fragrant red rose and she succumbs to his bearded charms. More full moon, how come it is full so often?
They ride out on horses and kiss and return to their fire side chat just like the time they, oh you remember. The Reyes boys sing in the background music. Oh Sofia sighs with the violins too and Juan comes through the door. We had babies together all day. Juan beams, I want to look to caress to kiss. I want to give you something very important. But you gave me already back the most important thing of all, my daughter. Juan gets down on knees and looks hither an yon finally finds it in yon and pulls out a bitty box with a sparkly diamond ring and stumbles though a proposal. She accepts his marriage proposal. He puts the ring on her finger: With this ring I promise to love you forever, one man for one woman and I promise to love you all my life. She completes the chant, I am also a one man woman for you and no one else. "Olvidemos...the now ominous lyrics play in the background urging us to forget the past, live in the present, I love you forever as they fade into a seduction scene with angel bells instead of sexy roses like in Pasión... el pasado y vivamos en presente. te amo para siempre. Trouble with a capital T.
Feo enters the bridal suite and pulls Gaby's hair playfully, she shirks him off no kissing. She wants to talk mean and wants him to come up with the way to separate Juan and Sofia meantime she banishes him from her room and her bed. He goes to the Ruthless room. He throws jacket down, practices yogic deep breathing, he speculates he will get rid of Sofia and Juan then Gabriela in more or less that order and no one will stop him and he will have all the money. Gabi is having a wet dream of sorts imagining again their nights of passion, she gets up enters his room and he is preening in front of his mirror naked. She approaches and he acts tough against the neck kissing, then he turns and gives her good nookie she climbs him like Root will later. Now tell me this is not genetic.
Padre Tad and Abuelo speak about their grave suspicions that Gabi is truly guilty of this child nabbing. You have always been a great gentlemen. We'll think of something. These two never think of anything really useful so do not hold your breath.
Gabi is already satisfied from the conjugal tumbling and is ready for her bed in her silk jammies suspiciously smelling the red presumably hot perfume that she thinks belongs to some other woman. This Gabi is jealous of her own shadow. He reminds her of Root having occupied the room most recently. Next she searches his chest of drawers and comes out with THE SERPENT BUCKLE. How did you get this? He off handedly says, Rachel gave it to him while still in her hacienda. She remembers that at the time when the Reyes parents were assassinated, Ricardo Uribe always liked wearing it. Just to add to the evidence, over in HRR, Juan has a terrible dream of the assassination. He feigns memory loss but Sofia recalls his telling her the whole story of witnessing his parents' death. He couldn't see the face of his parents killer(s). He repeats that he doesn't remember the face but does remember the SNAKE BUCKLE.
Ricardo Uribe killed the Reyes, concludes Feo. Gabi pretends she is not sure and she doesn't want the subject brought up any more. Stroking the SNAKE BUCKLE, while Feo suddenly says he has the perfect way to separate Juan and Sofia. Gabi lowers her eyelids in semi thrill as she continues to stroke the SNAKE BUCKLE.
Sofia comes down the stairs the smiling cheerily and is asked fairly civilly how the babies slept by Gabi. Very well. Gabi stumbles on the stairs in fake swoon and sends Sofia up the stairs to get some documents that Papa kept in a box in his old room. Sofia goes up to be helpful and Gabi looks pleased with herself. She swears the marriage of Sofia and Juan will never happen.
Juan tells his dreams to the brothers Reyes, of seeing the assassination again and the SNAKE BUCKLE.
Sofia opens the big chest in her father's room and discovers his old cowboy hat. She swoons papapapapapa a few times, how much I miss you. She continues taking things out of the chest, finding documents, clothes and pictures. One handsome one of her father particularly attracts her and she continues looking for the box of documents, takes out a belt whose buckle we can't see and then, and then, oh maigawd, the SNAKE BUCKLE comes out. Sofia says it is what Juan saw at the murder, it is is the one worn by the killer of Juan's parents. Oh it's not possible my father could have been the assassin of the Reyes parents? She drops it on the bed like it was really a squirmy rattler. Fill into your imagination several lines of "no puede ser" I'm going for a cold drink of water. HOLY SNAKE BUCKLES!
What should I do What should I do, She replays Juan's words swearing that he would always recognize that BUCKLE again. This will bring great suffering to our lives. Sofia hasn't cried and torn her hair this much since before the 3 babies were found. Oh no. She shows her Mama the SNAKE BUCKLE. Is his my father's, Yes of course, smirks Gabi. He wore it constantly until one day he came back very weird and never wore it again . He came back all bloody and ever after found the sight or mention of the SNAKE BUCKLE very disagreeable. Her serpentine smile makes me cringe.
Juan in manic mode checks out the crib which would be a federal violation for these big 3 baby girls, but he swear he will fill it with toys and then finds his dew rag and a bucket and just when we're thinking bucket bath. he begins to paint "vien venidas mis Ninas". then paints with purple in serious, apparently wasn't winner of any spelling bees.
Eva cries over Rosario Sofia comes in to ask her if she ever seen her father wear it . no but he really liked BUCKLES and collected so many of them But this is the one that the assassin wore of Reyes parents. She repeats Gabi's smiling story of how he came to hate seeing it . Sofia cries and then makes Eva swear not to tell anyone that she has shown this buckle most of all because it will hurt so many pole like Oscar and Franco. I have to go see Juan about this bad news BUCKLE
Gabi and Feo toast over the toasting of Juan and Sofia's love redo soon to be on the rocks. They embrace over hot brandy and go for hot sexy kisses.
Sofia shows up in the happy nursery with her sad rags on and her eyes averted. She opens her purse and shows Juan the SNAKE BUCKLE. He relives the murder scene and then Sofia tells him that this was in her father's things and therefore apparently belonged to her father. Feo and Gabi kneel before the altar and say pobrecitos de Juan and Sofia.
Juan immediately says, then it was your father who killed my parents. This could be someone else's he collected, says sobsister Sofia. He says it could be any other buckle and again sees his lovely parents shot, remembers the flight with his brothers afterward by the old oath swearing tree.
Juan sobs more convincingly than Sofia can weep, We have to separate. We can't be together, we can't marry. Sofia the sad now begs to be together. We will overcome this test as we have before. We have to pardon... then he remembers suddenly all that she and her sisters wouldn't forgive him and his brothers. I can't marry you I can't love you not the daughter of the murderer of my parents. It would be the same as becoming accepting that your father killed my parents. I promised on their grave to avenge their death and regain the hacienda. I understand but I am not to blame for any of this. Juan counters with, I am not blaming you but you and I are both victims of what your father did. damn him damn him Your father tricked my sister, impregnated her and then abandoned her. Sofia protests that he was honorable. Juan says not so much. Sofia doesn't want to lose him, but she wanted him to see the SNAKE UCKLE. I can't be married to the daughter of the assassins. I can't do anything against you because I love you but I should not, I cannot love you. Fade to Vale un buen amor (who has a buen amor here, inquiring minds want to know.)
NEXT the BoyZ and Girlz plan their cute matching outfits for the wedding. while Juan cries still in his dew rag.
Labels: Fuego
I thought Gabi said she gave the buckle to Ricardo U. Ack. Well, in my defense, the dishwasher was running and it was hard to hear.
Okay..... does Franco even know you can "do it" in a bed? First flour sacks, next the forest floor with Sarita, in the swimmin' hole with Rosario... where else? I don't think we've ever seen him between the sheets. Does he have a clue?
I thought Feo said he stole the belt buckle when he was at the Uribe mansion and that Gabi said she had given it to Ricardo(?) Uribe.
Anyway, I just about couldn't stand the last few minutes when both Sofia and Juan jump to conclusion about the belt buckle and then after telling her he loves her so many times, he tells her they have to separate and that they can't marry. What the Hell? Is this man bipolar? He swings like the biggest, dumbest pendulum in the world.
Ofelia took Luisito and left town per Rosario's request. She was supposed to have gone with them that very night but she was murdered before she could leave...
If you remmeber that fateful episode, They were all waiting for Rosario....
Ruth will definitely be back. They did not sneak her in for 3 episodes and then have her leave. Anselmo Cruz had the shortest stint, but he's not important.
I have a feelijng we will see all 3 family R's soon. When Raquel comes back, Ricardo will be with her.
Eugenia is the only known former servant of the Uribe's. And she was too young. Probably not even born yet when the Robles-Reyes parents were killed. Other former servants have presumably left and moved on.
The Character of Juan is most likely not the brightest bulb or the most educated out there. So the mis spelling was deliberate to emphasize that point.
I have a strong feeling we will be seeing more of Coyote and those Maldita Sea Maria sisters. Sorry those two just drive me nuts. Can't stand them.
i'm just thinking there might even be a third force out there, a hacienda owner richer and more powerful than Gabi and the Uribe's.
A la Victor Newman. What role he might play in this Mexidoon world. I don't know just a guess.
Where has our crazy, loveable Beckster gone! :-} I hope she comes back soon.
At this point, it looks as if the show will be like it was when Sofia kept looking for her hija for weeks - Juan will keep repeating the same lines about bad Bernardo, Sofia will say "but my father was incapaz....", over and over and over. Oh well, they did need some way of getting to 199 episodes.
Well, I was hoping Sofi would start wearing colors again, now that she's "happy," but Juan's all full of vengeance again. Yeah, sure, we've already been through this thing where they break up and be miserable for some stupid reason, but they still haven't learned their lesson yet, so we gotta suffer through it AGAIN.
It's just that I enjoy these things more when they deal with their problems together. If they're going to keep on being each others' worst problem, I'd rather they started meeting new people and got on with their lives.
Sophia is so stupid, like someone else said why does she continue to believe everything that her Mami says. Now I guess Jimena & Sarita will breakup with Oscar and Franco too.
Might be of interest to you...
Why would somone keep a belt from 25+ years ago? I mean we wear stuff then it gets old and we throw it out. And we wear new stuff. Also unless the belt is a custome made job, other guys could have that too.
Juan should note that the father of his wife is the possible murderer and grandfather of his and Sofia's child. Now how's that for complication?
i'm eagergly awaiting Ruth's return. Maybe we will see more action.
Just curious here and not a criticism, do most of you here have more than 1 tv set? I just assume in this day and age where most of us have more than 1 car, we would also have more than 1 tv set to watch different programs if other people in the house are watching something else.... I have 3 plus my laptop which makes it 4. I record stuff on the laptop if I'm watching something else on tv like Criminal minds. then there is also tivo. Just saying...
Was Crabi getting down right physical with that flippin' belt buckle or what? She was practically married to it last night, fondling & kissing & fantasizing about something really squicky with that thing. I think Feo was more jealous of the belt buckle than Coyote.
And yes, gang, the whole Juan/Slofia love/hate thing is so old. They're both stoooooopid & deserve each other so let's just let them ride off together. Hope they don't bonk their heads on the fake, perpetual full moon.
Beckster, put your beanie back on.
My father doesn't get as attached to his clothes, but he doesn't throw something out unless there's something wrong with it, and seldom wants anything new.
Still... point taken, except that I'm pretty sure the belt was a gift from Gabi (because when Gabi first discovered that belt in Feo's drawer, ages ago, she thought-bubbled something like "what is Feo doing with the belt I gave to Ricardo Uribe?").
So maybe Ricardo kept it because it had sentimental value. Maybe he had the hots for Gabi??
I agree, Ruth needs to come back. I miss Ruth. More bitchery, less crying. That's my motto.
I have more than one TV and more than one recording device (only one car), but there's a limit to how much time I can spend watching them. If two things are on at the same time, or if I have a phone meeting during prime time (grrr!) I can record the show, but I can't get back the hour that I already spent. It might be a while before I find an additional 40 minutes or so to watch the other thing.
If I didn't need my roll of foil for Thanksgiving, I'd add another layer to my hat.
La Paloma
I was somewhat surprised by Juan's reaction. All along it's been Juan who gave the unconditional love. And Sofía was right - even if Bernardo did off Juan's parents, it isn't Sofía's fault. But no, he did a complete personality change. Sigh.
Maybe next we will see him running to Gabi to find out what he should be thinking!
Lola, I agree with you; Juan was angry at Sufria for being totally unforgiving when she discovered why the three brothers came to the Hacienda S.A., but now she expects instant forgiveness from him? I think that's why he was angry and shouting.
Beckster, if you stay sweet too long, you may not be able to find your way back...and we'd miss you!
About the magazine gossip. It is against the rules of Caray Caray to repeat and spread gossip about the real actors. Only to the extent that some quality like voice or looks bring something to bear on the performance should we dwell on the private lives of the actors. Thanks for complying with these simple rules of courtesy.
Come home little Beckster!! All is forgiven. We can't really go on without you.
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