Sunday, November 16, 2008
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs. & Fri.,Nov. 13 & 14 - Antonio realizes the truth and can't deal with it; others are getting close
Angela goes to talk to Antonio but it doesn't go well. He is jealous because Angela spends so much time with PJ/S. Angela says that if she hasn't proved her love for him, maybe they should split up and then she caps it off by saying that PJ/S was right that Antonio is immature.
PJ/S tells Gaetana if PJ/S doesn't shape up, he'll be forced to separate him from his daughter. Gaetana warns him to be careful but PJ/S says that he didn't come back in vain. He is obligated to defend the rights of his daughter.
Antonio has more doubts about PJ/S when the handwriting expert tells him that the two book inscriptions were made by the same person.
Walter is having a drink with Rebeca and he has a long flashback to when PJ/S blackmailed him into confessing that he stole the bracelet. In fact, he flashes back to a lot more than we saw at the time it happened (Oct. 31). Maybe the scene was cut on the rebroadcast.
PJ/S takes a shower and changes after work before going down to the bar. He was just looking at himself in a full-length mirror. What is he looking at now? Another mirror? a clock?
Antonio decides that he needs to go see Gaetana and he borrows Simón's motorcycle. Who should he see when he arrives but PJ/S.
PJ/S talks to Antonio. Antonio says that the most logical explanation is that PJ/S and Gaetana are extortionists who are taking advantage of the situation at the Donoso house. PJ/S says that it is a good possibility and if he tells people that, they'll believe him. He asks if Antonio is going to tell everyone that.
Antonio says that he doesn't believe PJ/S and Gaetana are swindlers. He believes that there is no explanation other than that Salvador is PJ come back from the dead and he is terrified of him. Antonio runs out of the house, jumps on his motorcycle and roars off with PJ/S in pursuit in Gaetana's car. Chasing Antonio, PJ/S wonders what they are going to do now.
They say that people are more likely to get into auto accidents when they are mad or upset and so it happens with Antonio. Brooding about his problems, he veers into oncoming traffic and loses control of the motorcycle.
Antonio isn't badly hurt though and he gets rejects PJ/S's offer of help, gets back on the motorcyle and takes off with PJ/S following.
Antonio collapses when he gets back to the house and PJ/S tells the night watchman to take him to his room. PJ/S drives back to Gaetana's. He swears that he doesn't want to hurt Antonio.
Meanwhile Antonio has turned in a zombie who only says things like, "He's not dead" and "Salvador isn't Salvador. He's someone else."
Tio Felipe gets a lead on finding Cantalicia's husband.
PJ/S goes to see Antonio. He assures Antonio that he can give him an explanation for what happened the previous night. Antonio is semi conscious and he says that Salvador doesn't exist and that PJ/S is Pedro Jose. PJ/S begs him not to say that.
Andrés asks why Walter is so afraid of PJ/S. He asks if PJ/S is blackmailing him and encourages Walter to tell him everything. Walter spins a tale of how he mistakenly got involved in a jewel robbery and was arrested. PJ got him a lawyer and he wasn't convicted of the crime. Walter says that PJ/S has the newspaper articles about his arrest. Andrés asks when this happened and Walter says that it was 18 years ago. Andrés wonders how PJ/S found out about it. Andrés tells Walter not to let PJ/S out of his sight. They have to find why he knows so much.
Isabel tells PJ/S to come to her room. Walter observes PJ/S going into Isabel's room. Isabel tells PJ/S that she knows he came back to the house with Antonio the previous night and if he doesn't tell her what happened, she will tell Abigail.
Labels: cuerpo
To a large extent, all the younger characters in the show are very immature. Even Angela, who's supposed to be the sophisticated European chick. Then there's Valeria who's mooning over an old, dead guy, Simon who wants to bash heads together and Antonio who can't stop whining and running to hid behind his girlfriend.
Margarita: Dinora was a strong woman. I had to laugh when they would have her punch the men. I loved that Juan was not interested in her.
CC: I don't feel any chemistry between Angela and Antonio. I think the scenes between PJ/S and Angela are sweeter. (Then again, I am partial to Mario.)
All these characters continue to frustrate me, PJ/S included. So Antonio has guessed the truth & the jig is up with him...big deal. Why doesn't PJ/S just acknowledge it & count him as another ally? Beats the heck out of trying to stay one step ahead of everyone, which is impossible to do when PJ/S continues to oh so blithely trot out things that only Pedro would know. I don't get it.
Marie Celeste, I think the concern is that Antonio will freak out at having PJ back from the dead (and soon you will see why). For most normal folks, having a dead person walking around (even one you like and trust) is pretty creepy stuff.
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