Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Cuidado #49, Tues December 2. Time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions.

Marichuy, packed and ready to skip town, answers the door and finds Amador there, accompanied by the sound of angry bees. He wants to know her decision about doing the show. Marichuy and Cande exchange heavy looks.

Stef stands in the foyer and talks on the phone to Isabela, who is staying in some very white place with peeling walls which may or may not be the apartment she had before. Stef reports that they have won round one of Operation Desperation. Patricio bought the story, but she’s still waiting to see what Cecilia thinks. Isa tells her to grovel as much as necessary, but to stay in that house at any cost. Stef hears Ceci coming and has to hang up.

Hot docs Juan Miguel and Eduardo sit in JM’s office drinking coffee. I love that they use cups with saucers. I don’t know anyone who is that civilized while in an office. Ed tells JM he looks like hell (ummm…no. He looks as smokin’ as ever) and JM says he hardly slept. Ed tries to be helpful by pointing out that it’s a good thing he and Marichuy weren’t getting along; if they had been happy when Viv made her demon reappearance, it would have been much harder to say goodbye to her. Ed appears cheered up by this, but JM isn’t quite seeing things the same way. He says if he and Marichuy had been happy, he would have fought to keep things that way. Ornerylia bursts into the office and asks if it’s true. She can’t believe her daughter is alive! JM confirms it while jumping up and edging behind the furniture to get away from her.

Stef asks Ceci if they can talk; she wants to know what Ceci has decided to do about her. Ceci says she can’t waste any time on her (ha!); she is going to find Marichuy. Stef says, “please?” We know she is serious about acting inoffensive because she has opted for a simple small silver barrette instead of ridiculous hair bows.

Amador wants to talk to Marichuy, but she says she and Cande were just going out. Amador offers to drive them somewhere. They don’t want to say where they’re going, so they invite him in. Marichuy is acting nervous, and Amadork asks whether they’re expecting someone. She says no. She confirms that she is NOT going to be in any more television shows. Amador thinks she’s just wanting to get back together with Juan Miguel. Amador notices the packed bags and asks if they’re going somewhere.

Estafa tries to convince Ceci that she has changed her mind about Marichuy. Now that she knows Marichuy’s place in the family, they will be best friends. Ceci tells her that she intends to do everything she can to help Marichuy and Juan Miguel reconcile. Stef is impactada.

Marichuy tells Amador that, yes, they are going far away! “Where?! Tell me where!” he yells, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her. Cande yells at him to let her go; he’ll hurt the baby; she’s pregnant! Amador is muy, pero MUY impactado and Marichuy is angry at Cande.

Isa rummages through the meager supplies in her kitchen and moans that she has nothing. It will be just like before; she will be miserable; she only has enough money for a few days. She curses that orphan (not an orphan) Marichuy.

Amador says aha!, she doesn’t want to work because she is pregnant! Marichuy yells at Cande, but Cande says she couldn’t help it; he made her with his insistence and his jiggling her (zangolotearse = to jiggle). Amador shrewdly deduces that the hijo must be San Roman’s. Candelaria does an emphatic nonverbal DUH! He asks if that’s who they’re running away from, and Marichuy says he knows nothing about the baby and she doesn’t want him to, so keep your trap shut, got it? Cande tries to get him to promise to keep the secret and tells Mari that he won’t say anything, even though he did not actually agree to that, not that a promise from him would be worth anything anyway. Marichuy just rolls her eyes.

Ceci tells Stef that she has to leave the house. Ceci can’t forget that she helped to drive Marichuy out. Stef tries to sob a little and says it was Isab!tch, not her, but Ceci says it’s too painful for her, so buh-bye. She reasserts that she’s sure Juan Miguel and Marichuy will be able to make a go of it.

At the funny farm, Viv is still sitting on a bench when Onelia runs up and hugs her, crying. JM follows and stands there, looking pained. Viv just stares off into space.

Amador asks Marichuy if she’s worried that Juan Miguel will take her child away from her. Cande interjects something about the monkey returning to the dough, which must be idiomatic but I’m not really sure what she meant. Amadork goes on and on about how easy it would be for Juan Miguel, with all his money and connections, but if she had a good lawyer she could win and keep the baby. Marichuy insists that this will not be an issue, because Amador is NOT going to say anything. I love her optimism. It’s like she doesn’t even know him. I can’t see him passing up a chance to cause trouble.

Onelia wails and carries on and tries to get Viv to remember her mama. JM tells her to stop; Viviana has total amnesia. Onelia wants to take her home, but JM says they can’t yet. Onelia returns to the wailing while Juan Miguel does his hand-on-hip, other-hand-rubbing-forehead Pose of Pain. Viv just stares and turns away from Onelia.

Marichuy promises Amador that when she’s got it together, she’ll come back and they’ll work together again.

Padre Anselmo arrives and asks whether Marichuy and Cande are ready to go. He sees Amador there and says he thought they were leaving without anyone knowing. Cande says she only told Olga, and she won’t tell anyone, for sure. Mari glares at her some more. PA asks what Amador is doing there, and Mari says he knows that she is pregnant, but he is going to say NOTHING (naranjas, Marichuy’s favorite slang for nothing). Well, let’s go, says PA. Amador starts to pick up the baggage, but Marichuy says she can get them herself, so everyone walks out and leaves Marichuy to struggle with a suitcase and two boxes alone. She takes a long look at the little apartment before she leaves.

Stefi goes to Patricio’s office. She says she’s ready to leave, and tries to give him the keys to her car as she thanks him for it. Patricio offers to talk to Ceci again, but Stef says she was pretty definite about throwing Stef out, and besides, she has gone to find Marichuy.

Ceci walks through the apartment courtyard and asks a small child for directions to Marichuy’s place. She has to step over and around numerous peasants to get there. She knocks at the door.

Patricio tells Stef to come to his office tomorrow; he is going to try to help her. Then he leaves because he doesn’t want to be home when Marichuy arrives. What a great father. After he leaves, Stef takes back the car keys from his desk.

Ceci continues to knock on the door and call for Marichuy while the 20 or so people sitting around or hanging laundry say nothing.

Olga tells Purita she’s going out, and asks if she wants anything. Purita tells her to leave her alone, she just wants to get far away from her. Olga leaves, and Purita continues stirring her pot of tea or love potion or whatever while she remembers telling her mother that she’s ashamed of her.

Olga comes outside and tells Ceci that Mari and Cande have left the city and probably won’t be returning. She doesn’t know where they went; Cande asked her not to say anything about the trip until they were gone. Ceci looks dizzy and sits down heavily on the step. Olga asks her if she’s okay, and she says she’s fine. Olga looks skeptical.

JM calls Balbina (the captions continue to say “Malvina”, even though Marichuy clarified this) into his home office and says that Onelia may be around, but she is to have NOTHING to do with Mayita, and he is hiring a governess to help protect his daughter. If Balbina sees Onelia with Mayita, she is to tell him immediately. That is all.

In the sala, Juan Miguel talks to someone on the phone who confirms that the governess ad will be published today. Just as he’s about to try to relax a little, Stefi walks in and reports to him that the Velardes have thrown her out and she has no place to go. He is surprised that her parents would do such a thing, but she tells him they are not her parents. He is impactado. She tells him that Isabela deceived them all, and that Marichuy is the Velardes’ real child. He is shocked and confused. She says it’s a long story, but now that she’s been deprived of her home and family, sob, she only has him! She clutches his hand. Stef says she wants to stay with him until they are married. Were they actually engaged again? I forget, but I thought that train had definitely derailed when he realized she was into Israel, and only wanted him for the money. Anyway, he tells her they will not be marrying. You can almost hear the record scratch as she realizes Plan B is a no go. She thinks he’s getting back together with Marichuy, but he says not her, either. Vile Viv is back.

Marichuy rides in the back of an old truck with her bicycle and the baggage as they travel through the country. They stop somewhere and she sits by a tree and talks to the Virgencita, saying she knows she’ll never abandon them.

Cande, Marichuy, PA, and the guy with the truck stop for lunch. They have an inordinate number of beverages on the table. They continue on their way and pull into a gas station. Probably because they all drank three sodas or juices at lunch. No, they’re just getting gas and looking under the hood. Marichuy tries to pay for the gas, but PA won’t let her. They continue on, Marichuy looking glum.

Ceci tells Olga that someone must know where Marichuy has gone, and she is desperate to find her. Olga thinks they very definitely did not want anyone to know where they were going. Ceci introduces herself to Olga and Olga says, oh, yes, you’re the people Marichuy lived with who treated her so badly. Ceci cries and tells her how much she regrets that, and that she must find her and make it up to her, because Marichuy is her daughter.

Stef is amazed that Viviana has returned after all this time. JM says that she’s lost her memory. From the accident?, wonders Stef. JM thinks she must have had another accident, but it’s all very confusing and doesn’t make sense. Stef realizes that his marriage to Marichuy is null, and does not hide her delight at that fact. JM looks Very Annoyed. Stef tries to convince him that it was just a nervous laugh; she was thinking of someone else. Who? Cecilia, what a deception! Qué? Well, Marichuy is her daughter, and she had such high hopes that Marichuy and Juan Miguel would reconcile, ha ha! Now JM looks annoyed and thoughtful.

Some slow lady reads the governess ad out loud to herself. We don’t see her face, but she sounds too stupid to be a good governess.

In the back of the truck, driving slowly through the countryside, Marichuy clutches her belly and miraculously does not ever fall out of the truck.

Stef and Onelia chat at the castle. Stef says she’s so glad about Viv’s return (I’m sure it’s not a lie; she’s always happy when life sticks it to Marichuy) and then cries about her mean not-parents booting her out. Stef tells Onelia the whole story which I will not repeat again.

The truck arrives in some sheep-filled courtyard and stops. They have arrived. Somewhere. Two country-looking guys (hats, checked shirts, but no rooster shirts or silly lipstraps like on Fuego; these are normal, modern-looking country guys because this show does not take place in Mexidoom) come out to greet the new arrivals. PA asks for Micaela, who is his sister. The guys (the younger one is named Nacho) says she’s gone to the river, but she’ll be back soon. Then PA asks about los señores, but, whoever they are, the guys inform him that they died a year ago. Way to keep in touch, Padre.

Adrian looks for Marichuy, but a neighbor tells him she’s not around.

Los señores were apparently the owners of the colorful hacienda, may they rest in peace. They were good people. The son is now in charge of the hacienda.

Stef tells Onelia she doesn’t want to ruin her happiness, and Onelia is all simpery sweet to her. Who knew she could even fake it? The phone rings, and Onelia answers. It is someone calling about the governess position, but Onelia says they’ve already found someone and hangs up. Then the grinch gets a wonderful, awful idea. Stef will stay in the house. She can take care of Mayita, as long as she respects Viv’s position as Juan Miguel’s wife. Stef loves the idea. I’m sure JM will be thrilled as well.

PA, Cande, and Marichuy sit down in the freakish and cluttered hacienda sitting room. It contains taxidermified leopards and tigers, which Marichuy peers at warily. Cande worries that they won’t be able to stay there if the old owners aren’t there, but PA says they’ll wait for his sister and see what happens. Micaela arrives and is delighted to see PA and meet the others. PA says they need asylum for a few months; Micaela says she’ll have to ask; it’s not like when the old owners were alive. The new owner is El Leopardo. Marichuy looks at one of the leopards while we hear a foreboding growl.

Micaela tells them that El Leopardo was away for a long time, but returned a few months before his parents died and has never left since. They’ll wait for him and ask about Cande and Marichuy staying. She offers them something to eat, and Cande goes to help her fix it.

Stef tells Juan Miguel about the phone call, but in her version, Onelia told the woman to call back later. Stef suggests that she could fill the position, but JM doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Mayita needs someone experienced and capable. Stef pleads, and JM asks her not to insist, so she whines some more. He doesn’t give in, so she departs unhappily. Someone else calls about the position, and JM asks her to come for an interview. For some reason we only see the back of her head. She has blond hair, a large ring, and a vase of flowers on her table. What do those clues tell us?

PA tells Marichuy that the oldies totally would have let her stay, but she says, “ya chuparon faros.” Anyone want to interpret? They sucked floodlights? Does that mean “they died”? Okay, I looked it up and “chupar faros” does mean to die. Apparently Faros was an old brand of cheap unfiltered cigarettes, and a smoker’s last wish would be to smoke one last one. Okay, sure. He tells her to have faith; God will provide.

Ceci sits in the house and looks glum. Stef enters and says she still has things to do there. She asks Ceci what’s wrong, did Marichuy reject her and refuse to come back? Ceci says she disappeared.

The hacienda group sits in the dining room, which is not as scary as the sitting room, and exclaim over how much better the air is in the country. Marichuy isn’t hungry and excuses herself to go for a walk outside. She strolls down a dirt road and finds something on the ground. My recording cuts off there.


Great recap, Julia! I laughed all the way through. My favorite was “hot docs.” Oh, and Pose of Pain! Yes!

At the end, Mari has found what looks to be a white dove (we never see it in closeup) and she goes and sits with it under a tree and tosses a rock into the water (lake? river?) and wonders what’s to become of them (meaning herself and the dove, I think). And here, galloping up on a horse, comes El Leopardo looking plenty cranky. He says Que haces aqui?

I’m amazed how Stef made her super-secret call to her Tia standing right by the water wall. Why doesn’t she hide off in some corner?

I didn’t think Stef and JM had gotten re-engaged either. Maybe it’s all in Stef’s imagination.

I thought the actress playing Viv was wonderful tonight, but I must say she looks more like brain-damaged than demented, but then I’ve never seen any really demented people.

I guess they had a budget pinch, because as Mari rode on the back of the truck, they kept showing them passing the same hill over and over again.

I forgot to say thank you for looking up the vocab, and passing the info on to us. Great stuff.

Excellent recap, Julia.

I predict this: Leopardo is going to be Aldo Version 2.2.

I'm completely confused: Didn't Amador already know Marichuy was pregnant?

And just why does Onelia keep aligning herself with Stefi? What does she hope to gain with her?

Great recap, Julia! I enjoyed your humous comments and title.

I think the new setting that they choose surrounding the hacienda is beautiful and looks peaceful especially where Marichuy was sitting holding the dove or bird. I just love scenery like this. I am a country girl at heart. I take tree and scenery like this anytime compared to the city. Does anyone know where they film this part where the hacienda and the surrounding area is? It looks like it is several hours away from the capitol city of Mexico. I just wonder where it is.

I really hate it that it seems like Fakey(Estefania) is going to get away with all she and Isa(wicked witch of the west) done.
I been wondering why Fakey has gone and tell Juan Miguel and Onelia that she is no longer a Velarde. I thought she was ashamed of her background as a nobody and wanted to become part of the rich Mexican community. I don't get it.

I been waiting for El Leopard to make an appearance and it didn't disappoint the way they showed him galloping in on his horse. He looked mysterious and frightening. He is going to add lots of spice to the storyline. I always like Rene Strickler and his acting capabilities. I don't know if I like his longer hair, though, maybe it is part of the look for the character.

I look forward to the upcoming episodes when Marichuy is not in the city, but away in the country and maybe people will stop dragging her through the mud. This is what I thought. Marichuy needs a break from all of them hounding her especially now that there is new revelations about her being a Velarde and being pregnant which couldn't be hidden if she was in the city. I personally think it was a good idea that they removed her from the city.



Well done, amiga, you just keep getting better and better. On the other hand, just when I get my hopes up that Estefania is out of the picture, up she bobs again. Ugh. Looking forward to seeing how Marichuy heals the Leopard of his personality disorder. I imagine she'll turn out to be a more effective therapist than our handsome Juan Miguel.

And yes, while the truck scenes were repetitive, I loved that battered up old heap. My uncle had one like that when I was a child, and I loved riding in the back with my cousins and various assorted dogs. Good times. Pre-seat belt era.

Julia: Loved your recap and great sense of humor. You have brought a fresh perspective to this chapter.

I, too, couldn't figure out why Onelia likes Stefi so much. Maybe it's because she despises Marichuy and she thinks they have a common enemy.

Do you think JuanMi is finally seeing through Stefi's act. He wasn't giving her an opportunity to manipulate him again. The hysterical laughing really did it for me.

Oh the way, I saw your post last night and was so impressed that you spoke Spanish to the hotel clerk. Wow!

I finally got my courage up and asked the custodian at the school where I teach where she was from. When she said Dominican Republic, I told her I was studying Spanish and she graciously said I could speak Spanish anytime I wanted to with her. So I did....mangled and hesitant, to be sure...but I understood her answers well...and hopefully will get more opportunities.

Thanks Julia, the recap was great!

Cande's face when she was talking to Amador was hilarious. I'm glad that Marichuy has her and Padre Anselmo.

Viviana is really committed to playing the part! I've always been amazed at how Onelia seems to really love Viv yet is so awful with Mayita.

I rode in the back of a few old pickup trucks as a child, but not sitting up higher than the sides like Marichuy! Thankfully the truck seemed to be moving slowly.

Yes, Judy B, I was quite proud of myself muttering that one sentence to the hotel clerk! Good for you too for using Spanish at your school.

I thought the scene where Cande let it slip about Mari's pregnancy was a riot with Mari scolding her. We laughed so hard. I wish I knew what they were saying as they speak it, but someday....

Do you think Cande will stay with Mari in the country? I hope so!

Actually, I think Onelia loves Mayita--but in her sick, twisted way.

Funny recap, Julia.

Hmmmmm, not sure I want to see MC kiss or end up with anyone else but JM. I guess I have to wait and see how her chemistry is with this new guy before I judge. (It felt weird to me when Camilla first kissed Ricardo in Pasion but I got used to them). Leopard looks kinda scary and from what I've seen, MC prefers the clean cut/nice guys like JM and Adrian over the rough looking ones like Amador and Leopard (is that really his name?).

Why doesn't JM believe Mayita about the baby? He should know by now that she knows things. She said her mother was coming back and she's back.

It's sick how Pat is so willing to give Stefi the benefit of doubt but wouldn't think of doing the same for MC. I hope he gets what's coming to him.


NinaK, Marichuy had asked Amador about roles for pregnant women, but he didn't realize then that she is already pregnant. He thought she just meant some time in the future.

Thanks for adding the info about the ending, Maggie. I know there is some way to set the DVR to get the end if the show runs overtime, but I haven't figured out how to do it. son sets the videorecorder for me and times it for a few minutes before and after the needed shows just to be safe. Don't know if that's possible on a DVR or TiVo. I suppose you COULD record the whole preceding show and following show and then just delete them pronto when you saw what you needed to see.

Julia, thanks for that info about Amador--I knew something about pregnancy had been discussed before.

Most DVRs have a menu that allows you to program your regular shows to end with overtime (e.g. run 3 or 5 minutes over each day). But if you are watching and recording two shows in a row (e.g., you watch Tontas and Cuidado), you can't do that with the first show--you'd have to get the extra minutes by just watching the beginning of the second show. You can then set the second show to end 3 or 5 minutes over.

Julia, a terrific recap of an eventful episode. "Ed tells JM he looks like hell (ummm…no. He looks as smokin’ as ever)" Absolutely!

Rhonda, "I've always been amazed at how Onelia seems to really love Viv yet is so awful with Mayita." I agree - her devotion to Viv but cruelty to Mayita is puzzling. How anyone could treat their grandchild, especially one so young and precious like that is beyond me.

I thought Rene looked hawt. He did nothing for me in DA but really looks appealing here.

You have to give Stefi credit - she is relentless and is going to do whatever's necessary to hang in. I wondered how successful she will be without puppetmaster Isa pulling the strings but so far, she seems to be holding her own. Diana in MA.

Thanks. Most days I don't really care if I miss the last minute because I figure they'll replay it the next day, but on my recap night I usually program to record all three prime-time shows, just in case it runs early or late or the time is changed for some reason. I just forgot last night, and by the time I got to the end Fuego was over so I couldn't rewind through it, which I can do if it's still on even if I didn't record it.

Well, looks like we're probably in for a long spell of no Marichuy-Juan Miguel interaction. I can't wait to see what this Leopardo guy is like. I also thought Nacho is kind of a hottie...I'm a sucker for a capable farm boy.

I forgot to mention earlier that the way they made such a mystery of the nanny candidate made me think she is going to have a pivotal role. Usually it's something like a competitor for the affections of the main galan. But I think our yummy Juan Miguel has more women than he can handle already.

I'm sure the nanny will play a major role in the storyline. She will probably want JM (who doesn't!) and maybe her and Stef will be at each other's throats along with Viv. Should be interesting.

Why does JM let mom-in-law come back if he knows how mean she is to his daughter? One of the first episodes I saw of this show was when Mayita was sitting outside on the ground waiting for Viv to come back and Abuela came home and jumped out of the car and actually yanked Mayita's hair and was yelling at her and I thought Wow this is a bit cruel.

The Leopard does not do anything for me. Don't find him attractive at all, but I think because I'm all about JM!

Julia, thank you for your recap. "Amador shrewdly deduces..."Hah, nice understatement.

I hope Juan Miguel is not going to be involved in his wife's treatment. Not only would that be extremely unprofessional (like every other damn thing he's done in his "professional" capacity) but also unrealistic (again, like every other...). Most psychiatric hospitals have policy specifically against such a thing (don't ask me how I know). May I say that the Viviana actress is doing a great job depicting whatever is wrong with her. It's too bad JuanMi isn't as smart as he is good looking. I hope William Levy's acting continues to improve, because I could sure stand to watch him again and again.

On another note, I am not a Rene Strickler fan, but I will give him a chance because I'm in for the long haul with this novela, and we all know in whose arms Mari will end up.

Maybe Eduardo, the gynecologist, will take over Viv's mental health care!

She has blond hair, a large ring, and a vase of flowers on her table. What do those clues tell us?

Drag queen? Viv's long lost twin sister? Or at least her soul mate in matters of jewelry.

This is so weird, the recap had been posted for tonight's epi and I went ahead and tagged it, then went to read the DB recap and now it's gone =( Maybe Kris (I think it's her night) decided to pull it for some edits and I didn't do something to screw it up.

Anywhoo, wanted to thanks Julia for this fabu recap (and Eeyore for the one before that).

Is it me, or was having Omar (that's Leopardo's character's real name) ride up to Marichuy and grabbing his horse a little reminiscent of Rochester meeting Jane Eyre? Maybe I'm just imagining things.

Quick note, Isa was never in New York, what she told the Velarde's is that Stef had arrived from The States (probably New York as that's the city Stef has mentioned it) and then Isa came across Ceci's pic in the paper and came up with her scheme.

Interesting about animal imagery here. Amadork looks like his pet wolf and has a bee buzzing soundtrack, and Omar has a leopard nickname, collects stuffed felines (I imagine they can't be full grown 'cause I'm pretty sure tigers are larger than the ones he has) and has a growling soundtrack. Things don't bode well for a romance here, but I could be wrong.

just a few quick questions

1. Whats the whole story abuot cecilia taking stefi as a child and not marichuy?

2.And why or how did vivi lost her memory?

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