Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cuidado #54, Tues Dec 9. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.


Marichuy strolls down the wooded lane toward the river, while Omar/El Leopardo meanders alongside on his horse. He asks if she doesn’t think it’s dangerous; isn’t she afraid? Isn’t she afraid of him? She says she goes out alone all the time; she’s fine; probably everyone is a little afraid of him, but she isn’t. She takes off and he says come back whenever you want, he won’t be waiting.

At the river, Piraña lurks and watches Marichuy swim. He strokes something in his hand but I can’t tell what it is.

New stuff:

Juan Miguel enters the bedroom and greets Viviana. He says he got home very late the night before. Viviana says she can’t stay inside all the time with nothing to do, so he suggests that she go out with her mother or with Mayita. She suggests going out with him, to a party to dance. He says she seems to be regaining her former character, and asks if she really doesn’t remember anything. She says not. REALLY, NOTHING?, he asks, skeptically (good boy). She puts on her most innocent blank face and says really, nothing.

Marichuy climbs out of the river in her wet jeans, because apparently she has not yet found her way to the nearest village for a swimsuit or at least some shorts, and finds a selection of produce displayed on a rock. She realices Piraña must have brought it like he said he would, and sure enough, he steps out of his Lugar de Lurk to say hello. Then he gives her a sob story about how no one loves him, not Leopardo, not any friends, not the parents he never knew (wow…he’s good. Got her soft spot fast.), not a woman. But she is kind and loving to all things, so could she love a guy like him? Marichuy looks a little blindsided.

Mayita and her dowdy nanny Blanca are sitting on the patio working on writing letters (like the alphabet, not like chatty missives to friends) when JM walks out and says good morning. Mayita jumps up for a hug and kiss and Blanca stands up and hovers like she’d like some too. Take a number, sister. JM dismisses Mayita by telling her to go say good morning to her Mami and tell her something happy, then tells Blanca that he met someone the night before who reminded him of her. He flashes back with alternating images of Blanca and Ivette so that we can’t possibly miss that they look exactly alike. He tells her all about how this woman was flirting with him, then says no, they can’t be the same, Blanca is much more serious. Good diplomatic move, there, saying serious instead of frumpy. Blanca looks all innocent while JM continues to scrutinize her, like even he can’t believe that much of a coincidence. He also looks kind of embarrassed and bashful throughout the scene for some reason. Did something actually happen with the bar tramp?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Marichuy is backing away from Piraña as he says he didn’t mean to scare or offend her, he just thinks she’s such a pretty girl. She says she’s already in love with someone else. El Leopardo?, he asks. No, no, no, she overprotests. That ugly character? No way, ugh, pitooey. With someone else, far away. Then she asks for some fruit and he cuts up a papaya for her with a much larger knife than you’d think anyone would need to carry around with him. I guess that’s what he was fondling earlier, and surely it’s symbolic in some way. Take your pick. While she eats the papaya, he gazes at her menacingly. Actually he looks totally normal, but the music lets us know that he is menacing.

Mayita runs squealing in to see Viv, carrying Cuate with her. Mums is not an animal lover, and tells her to get that filthy animal out of here; it’s gross. Mayita tells her that Marichuy gave her the dog, and is also going to bring her a little sibling. Viv is impactada.

Marichuy is talking to Piraña about how he is also an orphan, when suddenly she feels so drowsy that she just slouches over onto the rock to sleep. Piraña smirks. See, that is why no one loves you, jerk! No one likes rape drugs in her lunch!

Viv interrogates her daughter about the hermanito. Yes, yes, Mayita says, Marichuy said she is going to come back, and she’s going to bring me a little sibling. She runs off with Cuate while Viv looks perplexed and peeved.

Piraña pokes Marichuy to see if she is really asleep. He strokes her arm and she wakes up. She gets alarmed and tries to get away from him while he follows, creeping over the rock like a feral cat. She is having trouble standing or keeping her eyes open, and we see him perching on the rock like a vulture and grinning maliciously through Marichuy’s Blur-o-Vision.

In the hacienda courtyard, O/L does something horsemanlike to his horse while he asks Micaela how long those women are staying. She says a few months, why, does it bother him? He says yes, that young one is always around. Mic asks why he resents women so much and pries into his past, asking what happened to make him so bitter. It must have been a woman; did she die? O/L says no, but he wishes she had.

Marichuy tells Pirañucky not to touch her and to be respectful. He says she is so pretty she makes him do it. They struggle.

Micaela gets O/L to sit down and tell her, the woman who raised him, what that woman did to him. “She destroyed me,” he says. He goes on a bit about it being heaven, then hell, and the doors of happiness are closed behind him forever, while she hugs him and they actually look sort of cozy and sweet so we see that he isn’t really as prickly and scary as his reputation would suggest. He says it would take a miracle for him to be happy again. Doña Mic likes that idea, but he says he doesn’t believe in miracles anymore. Good thing Marichuy is around! She knows how to make them happen, and in ways that are only somewhat illegal! Okay, totally illegal, but for a good cause! Omar departs on the horsie.

Marichuy and Piraña continue to struggle, and she yells at him to let her go, she doesn’t want to be with him, etc. Eventually she collapses on the ground and realizes he has drugged her. He throws a net over her. He tells her, “Te pesqué mojarrito del rio” which I think means he fished her soaking wet out of the river. And now he’s going to eat her. He teases her by tangling her up in the net.

Stefi visits with Viv and tells her the hot gossip (well, hottish and freshish to Viv) that JM left her (Stef) for Marichuy, but their marriage only lasted a day. Viv wants to hear all about it.

Piraña tells Marichuy that she’s the best fish he’s ever caught. She yells for help, and he yells at her to shut up. Suddenly, Leopardo rides up on his pretty brown horsie. He yells at Piraña, but P just pulls his knife out and challenges Leo to a fight. They have a ridiculous-looking scuffle, sliding all over the river bank, but Leo manages to disarm Piraña and deliver a solid gut kick and a few punches.

Estafa tells Viv that Marichuy left JM because of something that happened in the past, but she doesn’t know what. Viv says it must have been something shameful. She tells Estafa she always suspected it was another woman who had come between them, but she can’t believe it was that street rat! Actually she calls her “zarrapastrosa”, meaning dirty, slob, poorly dressed. Aha!, Stef says. You haven’t lost your memory; you are FAKING!!! Viv looks embarrassed to have been caught by such an idiot.

Leo knocks Piraña into the river, then jumps in after him to continue the fight, which was a poor move because P gains the upper hand and tries to drown him. Marichuy wakes up and gets out of the net and yells at them to stop.

Estafa tells Viv not to waste time trying to lie to her. Viv tells her she’s very sharp, and points out the irony that Juan Miguel, the shrink, suspects nothing. Stef says he’s very perceptive; who knows what he’s really thinking? Well, I don’t think he’s that bright, but maybe the writers finally realized they were making him unbelievably stupid so now we are going to get a little revisionist history whereby he really knew or suspected more about everyone and everything all along. I’m all for it; I hate idiot galáns. Don’t be an idiot, Juan Miguel, because I love you and don’t want to have to hate you.

Marichuy yells at Piraña not to kill Leo, then throws a rock at Piraña’s head, enabling Leo to win the fight. She passes out again.

Viv tells Stef that she is faking amnesia to be near JM and Mayita and to get to spend some time with her husband, so he will fall in love with her again. Nothing says seduction like brain damage and/or vicious lies. When Stef asks where she’s been all this time, she says just wandering around. Viv asks whether Stef is going to betray her. Before she can answer, JM walks in and Viv is overly affectionate. JM addresses his questions about Viv’s health and nervous state to Stef.

Leo wakes up Marichuy and asks her if she is pregnant.

JM asks what the ladies (ha! They are not ladies!) have been talking about, and Stef tells him that he needs to pay lots more attention to Viv. He looks as though he senses conspiracy and makes a hilarious grimace at Stef as she leaves to give them some privacy. JM asks Viv if she wants to go out that night, and she flips out like she’s a teenage girl getting asked to a dance for the very first time. She wants music and dancing and getting dressed up! JM stares at her like she’s an alien, and she asks why he’s looking at her like that. Oh, nothing, he says, flashing a smile more for our benefit than for hers.

Marichuy confirms that she is going to have a baby. Leo is disproportionately affected by this news, and she says, “What? Is this the first time you’ve seen a pregnant woman?” He says no, unfortunately it is not the first time, and looks intense. What did Ivette do???

Leo carries Marichuy to her bed as Micaela yells for Nacho and Cosme. He tells Cande to let her sleep, then tells Mica and Cande what happened down at the river, which was just what he feared would happen. “Why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant?,” he asks Mica. The ladies stare at each other.

Viv snoops through Blanca’s room.

Mica tells Leo they didn’t tell him because he doesn’t seem interested in such things. He says they must take good care of Marichuy and not let her go anywhere alone. “Who can stop her?,” asks Cande. Are there no police in this area? If this guy is stealing cattle, assaulting people, and attempting rape right and left, why is he not in jail?

Viv goes straight to Blanca, who is sitting in the garden and appears to be doing one of Mayita’s little-kid basic workbooks for her, and demands to know why she has such expensive perfume in her dressing table. Blanca says it was a gift from an admirer. Viv doesn’t believe her, and asks if JM is paying her that much for taking care of Mayita, or for “extra work.” Blanca won’t dignify that with an answer. Viv tells her to find work in some other house; Viv’s a lot better so they don’t need her anymore.

Viv and JM sway slowly to some stupefying music at a really dull-looking party or restaurant, JM looking bored silly. He thinks back to talking with Rocío about the calls to the house soon after the plane crash which they thought were from Viv. JM asks Viv about them, and about her showing up at Mayita’s school. She feigns cluelessness, like she can’t figure out why he would be interested in such a thing. She continues to insist that she understands nothing of what he’s talking about. Why does he keep asking? He tells her that he’s concluded that she hasn’t lost her memory. He recites the evidence.

Padre Anselmo is building a fort out of chairs in the church hallway, which comes in handy when Purita comes in and wants to sit and talk. I guess his own office was unavailable today. She says she’s ashamed of her mother and now everyone teases her in the street and assumes she’s the same way. PA tells her to show some respect for her mother. Everything she did, she did to help her daughter, and she’s been very penitent. Purita leaves in a huff.

Viv continues to deny, deny, deny. JM says she’d better tell him the truth. Why did she want to escape? Where has she been, doing what, with whom? She insists she remembers nothing and storms out of the restaurant.

Marichuy cuts out a tiny pair of pants and talks to her baby about how excited she is for him (her?) to be born.

Juan Miguel sits in front of his elaborate breakfast and remembers Mayita telling him that Marichuy was going to bring her a little brother or sister. Then he thinks to himself how much he would have loved to have a child with Marichuy and have them both with him forever.

Marichuy daydreams about being able to take her child to JM and telling him it is his, and they could all be together, but no puede ser.

Blanca enters the dining room and is all awkward and formal about wanting to talk to Juan Miguel. She tells him weird things are happening, like she found in her room two bottles of perfume which she did not buy. So is this a split personality thing where only the wild one is aware of the other personality? Or is she just trying to create a trail of evidence for her innocence?

The church hall now has a bench. PA comes in and puts some things in a bag which was already there on the floor. I have no idea what that scene was for, but I like the music with the church bells in it.

Amador, Estafa, and Isab!tch sit in the car and watch PA leave the church and get into the old truck. They note the bag he is carrying, so it must be important, and decide he must be going to visit Marichuy. They follow. They really need a better hobby.

JM asks Blanca who she thinks put the perfume there. She says maybe Viviana. JM says sure, she probably did it as payment for things you do in the house. I couldn’t tell if he meant like as a reward, for being helpful, or like to get even, because she’s suspicious of what Blanca is doing there.

Cande tells Marichuy she shouldn’t go down to the river again, and Mari says not to worry; she’s learned her lesson. Cande asks why she’s been so quiet lately, and she says she’s just been thinking how happy JM would be if he knew about the baby, and he’d do everything to find her. Then she has to reassure Cande that it’s just a dream; she knows it won’t happen with his wife back.

Viv dismisses Blanca, and JM tells her she should be more nice about it. He tells her about the mystery of the perfume and asks if she knows anything about it. She says they don’t need that woman, because she can take care of her home, daughter, and husband all by herself, with the help of the rest of the servants. She just says by herself.

Doña Mica tells the ladies the padre is on his way. Marichuy arranges flowers to make things nice in preparation. Cande hopes he’ll bring lots of good gossip and leans casually on the taxidermified leopard as she chats, then is freaked out when she realizes what she’s been leaning on. Our three least favorite creepy stalkers continue to follow the padre through the countryside. They arrive at the hacienda; Marichuy and the other ladies are delighted to see PA. Amador spies from behind the wall.

Avances: Skankybarwench Ivette ramps up her pursuit of Juan Miguel. The three dark lords ramp up their pursuit of Marichuy’s misery.


Hi Julia...nice recap...especially liked "get in line, sister" and Padre Anselmo "building a fort" in his hallway. Funny.

I kept wondering why nobody worried about the effects of a date rape drug on early pregnancy. Seems to me that would have a terrible effect on the fetus. Whoops...forgot. This is a telenovela.

Also, while I certainly didn't want Marichuy to be attacked, in real life Piraña would have moved much faster. A bit like those villains who spend so much time telling you how they're going to kill you that the police arrive and disarm them.

The actress playing Estefania is so good at being hateful I simply have to leave the room when she's in a scene. Ugh.

Thanks for staying up far too late to do this, Julia.

Thanks so much, Julia. I loved your comments on the revisionist history and the intelligence of JM and the others. I too wondered about the date rape drug and pregnancy.

Anyway, I still think William Levy's head is too small for his body.

Julia: Thanks for the great and early recap.

I thought Vivi was especially mean to Blanca. I thought she asked her if perhaps JuanMi had given her the perfume for doing "extras" and that Blanca should start looking for another job.

Also, that Estefi sure had her nerve telling JuanMi how he should treat his wife. Then she promises to come back tomorrow to see Vivi again.

The writers had to give JuanMi a little bit of shrewdness - but, not too shrewd because we'd all fall out of love with him - small head or not.

And, it makes no sense to me as to why Amador, Estefi and Isabela would take a day off to follow PA so that they could find out where Marichuy is located. They should be glad she's out of their way.

Thanks for the recap Julia. Loved your comment about wanting to love JM but the idiot factor for galans is a huge turn off...ITA, why do the writers often make these men soooo stupid. I do like your revisionist theory and hope both he and Eduardo make better decisions that reflect their doctor titles.

Not only is Stephe like a bad penny, she's insanely bold. She keeps showing up at houses where she isn't wanted. I guess it provides a good device for the writers but really... even decent people would be calling the police about this stalker by now.

First of all, you guys do a TERRIFIC job at this, and I applaud you all for your dedication and wit.
I've been following this novela since it's debut, as I did Al Diablo. My wife and I both watch it religiously.
I have to ask this; Where did Dr. San Roman get his MD, from the inside of a matchbook cover??
Not only does he surround himself with women who are either certifiably nuts (Viviana, Blanca), borderline neurotic (Onelia), or in his daughter's case, given to withdrawal into "Grannyland", but he seems, up to now, unable to recognize the signs of psychosis when they are right under his nose!!
Marichuy has her own issues, but is clearly the saner than all of the above!
That "Hospital Psiquiatrico" plaque we saw last week should really be hanging over the gateway to Chateau San Roman!
I'd really love to expound a bit more on this, but the voices in inside my head keep telling me to get back to work... and they usually win!

Can't believe the Padre's driver did not notice the car following them for miles. It must be a long drive as they had to stop for gas. The car even had the nerve to follow them into the driveway of the hacienda! I don't get why they want to know where MC is either. Shouldn't Stefi be sinking her claws in Blanca or Viv? I also have to turn the other way when scenes with Stefi and her aunt are on. I can't stand either of them.

Didn't Mari bounce back rather quickly from an almost attempt at rape? Next thing I knew she was thinking about making baby clothes. Our girl sure is resilient.

I don't like Amador's character, but I think he is kind of handsome....Has great teeth too!

Great Job on the recap, Julia. I also want to thank you for staying up late to doing the recap. I like your comments.

I agreed with you, Julia,. . . the writers finally realized they were making him unbelievably stupid so now we are going to get a little revisionist history whereby he really knew or suspected more about everyone and everything all along. I’m all for it; I hate idiot galáns. Don’t be an idiot, Juan Miguel. WE WILL SEE WHERE THE WRITER TAKE US NOW.

I, too, wondered why Amador, Estefania .aka. Fakey, and Isabela are ". . . . would take a day off to follow PA so that they could find out where Marichuy is located. They should be glad she's out of their way." When did they joined forces because I don't recalled. What is their motive? Are the writers just adding more to expand the series? I too am wondering what is going on with these creepy stalkers(like this comment too).

JudyB, I too make a point not to watch Estefania when she is on. I don't like her. She is like a recurring cold that doesn't seem to go away.

You get it right, Karen, when you said, "Not only is Stephe like a bad penny, she's insanely bold. She keeps showing up at houses where she isn't wanted. I guess it provides a good device for the writers but really... even decent people would be calling the police about this stalker by now."

Another part I wonder about is why is Vivana after Bianca. She thinks Juan Miguel is having a fling with her(Bianca). I wouldn't want to work there in Juan Miguel's house with his wife dugging through my stuff. Is she threatened by Bianca? I thought to myself - Vivana calls Marichuy a street rat. I think Vivana ia a bigger rat. She is psycho in disguise who killed her lover. She is bad news. POOR JUAN MIGUEL.

It seems to me that Juan Miguel attracts crazy, and psycho women.


Thanks for the laughs this morning,Julia, great recap.

I love the match-up between Stefi and Viv. They are worthy opponents. I would think Viv would be too busy watching her back with Stefi to worry about a mousy nanny like Blanca. It's not as if she has our inside info about the Ivette alter ego.

Does anyone else think this novela is top-heavy with female villains? Other than Amadour and Pirana, am I missing any bad-guy guys?

I can see why Juan Miguel is confused. He lives in a house with all women! I might have this wrong, because I haven't been watching every night, but don't Viviana, Estefania, Blanca, Onelia, and Mayita all live there? And the main housekeeper is Balbina. He needs some butlers or workmen, or somebody (besides Ed) for some male bonding!

Julia, thanks for the exceptional recap.

The Mari/Pirana scene was tough to watch: "She is having trouble standing or keeping her eyes open, and we see him perching on the rock like a vulture and grinning maliciously through Marichuy’s Blur-o-Vision." Thankfully, El Leopardo was in time to rescue her.

I also thought the JM and Blancha exchange the night after seemed
strained. I also wondered: "Did something actually happen with the bar tramp?"

Genevieve, I also don't understand why Steph, Isa and Amador wanted to find Marichuy. Now that they have, what are they going to do? I have never seen so many people hell bent on destroying someone else. At least Marichuy will have El Leopardo as her protector. Diana in MA.

Anyone out there: what is the word that Blanca is called? Tutelatriz?????

I remembered it - institutriz - governess. Thanks anyway.

Thanks Julia! My favorite quips were "lugar de lurk" and "three dark lords". So one show ended with Juan Miguel and Ivette staring at each other at the bar, and the next show was the next day, right? So what DID happen between them? I expected a flashback later to explain. Did someone slip ME a drug and I passed out and missed something?

Wonderful recap, Julia! I was laughing all the way through. My favorite: lugar de lurk. Oh, and the phrase “meanwhile, back at the ranch” – I haven’t heard that in years. Good use of it!

Violet, I’m with you… how come Mari wasn’t traumatized by her drugging and attack? Apparently what happened to her in the woods some years ago that gave her screaming nightmares was way less horrible than being drugged and netted. And yet there she is the next day humming and making little babyleg-shaped cutouts. The miracle of maternal hormones?

I also agree that Amador is very handsome. In fact, to me he’s much more attractive that JM, though I know technically speaking that JM is a handsomer guy. NinaK – maybe it’s that Levy’s body is too big for his head? Perhaps if he didn’t work out so much, things would get back in proportion..

I noticed that El L. uses an English saddle. Is this some sort of class thing? Also, he was holding his horse’s head close when he was divulging his secrets to Micaela, and yet when we backed up we could see the horse was tied. Maybe it’s in the horse’s contract to have a set amount of screen time.

Why is Micaela just now asking El L. about why he’s changed? If she’s his second mother, you’d think she would have asked a long time ago.

I agree that that place JM took Viv to dance looked like a morgue practically. Nothing says romance like having all the lights at full glare.

I like watching Stefi ‘cause the actress is so amazing.

I’m astonished that Viv would confess to Stefi. Viv is not dumb and it’s amazing that she even slipped up.

Why is JM suddenly hanging out in bars?

Finally getting caught up...thanks for all the re-caps!

Man there is a lot of craziness and maldad going on in this show.

I'm loving the new hacienda location. I love the colors and the tile etc.

I want to take a vacation there, ride some horses, but no milking cows please.

I think the symbolism of the animals is kind of fun, the predators: Leopard, Wolf, Pirana, and our MC as the white dove with the broken wing even ending up caught in a net.

Rene Strickler's entrance was very dramatic, I like the hair btw. I went through a flowing hair phase, but then I realized it was just getting to thin to pull it hoo.

Even though I like the actors and characters, a lot of the storylines are not making any sense to me, or coming together, for example where is the Purita and her Cualquera Mom thing going in relation to the bigger plot?

Or, even though a lot of time, energy and crying has gone into the Rocio-Vicente thing, and these characters are at least related to the main characters, I still haven't seen what it has to do with anything in a larger sense.

And Estephania seems to be a dead end right now. What does she have to gain by hanging around now? Unless she schemes to get rid of Viviana. Loved how she just shows up, like at the bank to spy Ernesto and Beatriz, well look who just happened to show up!!

Do I just need to hold on and wait for things to come together? Is it because we are in the early stages or is there something disjointed going on with the writing?

Randy, Sea.

Have I told you Recappers that I Love you? You just make my day.Your comments always make me laugh out loud. Thank you forever!!I was going to wait till the series was over and then order the tape so I can use close captions in English but now I can still enjoy the series and later get the tapes. You are all my new best friends. Thank you again.

I'm glad it made some sense and hope you all forgave the typos and whatnot; for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to start watching the show and writing the recap AFTER getting home from a 5-hour rock concert at midnight, AFTER a long day of heinous meetings. Oh, well, I was too wound up to sleep anyway.

I almost wouldn't blame Juan Miguel if he had some lapse into alcoholism to get away from all the horrible women in his house, but I think he should go with a better spending a lot of time at the gym with Eduardo. They could take Vicente with them, to build up his strength.

I, too, wondered about the Leo/Micaela scene. Before she had talked like he refused to discuss anything with her, but in this episode he seemed pretty open. Surely it is his falling in love with the lovely young maiden which is responsible for the change.

I'm grateful for the recappers also. I would have no clue what this show was all about without them. I'm so glad I found this site. So thank you for your recaps. I know it is time consuming, but it is very much appreciated.

Julia, I also appreciate your phrase "lugar de lurk," the zarrapastrosa definition, and humorous references to Padre Anselmo with obstructive furniture in the passageway.

Thanks for your recap.

Julia, Thanks for a great recap.

Blanca has Multiple Personality Disorder, and is in a "fugue' state when she's Ivette, which means she knows nothing of Blanca's existence, and vice versa when she's Ivette. That's why the perfume bottles would be a real mystery to her when she's Blanca. (Of course where she gets Ivette's clothes, etc. doesn't make sense --but hey this is a telenovela). And since O/L knows Juan Miguel and was "destroyed" by Ivette, we can all see where this is going to end up. (I also got a feeling that maybe she aborted/accidentally killed their child by something O/L alluded to). I like Rene Strickler and think he brings intensity and drama that the other men lack.

I think that Pirana (didn't the actor do a good job in physicalizing the animal he is??) is the same actor who played Lety's nemesis Roman in La Fea. Does anyone agree? I don't understand who he is in relation to O/L. At first I thought he worked at the hacienda, but that couldn't be. Where is he turning up from? Obviously he must do something to have the money to buy date rape drugs!!!
The TN world is so much simpler than real life.....
NJ Sue

Randy...trying to picture you with long flowing hair...and what happened to your picture by the way? I love it when people include theirs on their blog lines.

But anyway, to answer your question, I think Purita is there first of all so she can end up with Adrian. We don't want any leftover suitors. And then she'll be another story of learning acceptance and forgiveness of parents who , while not perfect, have loved their children and done their best for them.

It's often been said here...these are morality tales (with lots of cleavage and dreamy muscular torsos thrown in...thank you very much) so any story will be about courage, fighting for one's love and forgiving others of their sins...even outright baddies. Said baddies may come to a horrible end, but they will be forgiven by those they hurt neverthelss.

Rocio and Vicente are also here to illustrate that true love overcomes class differences and prejudices and various assorted injuries and handicaps.

Vive l'Amour!

I just wanted to add on that
"you, commenters, are great!" I enjoyed reading your comments. Thanks for the laugh. Keep Up the good work, recappers. Thanks a lot!

Love You, Guys.


Thanks for the love, everyone, and back at you. Writing these recaps is a lot of fun and I love to read everyone's comments every day. It is the spice of my workday life (don't tell!).

This multiple personality thing is intriguing. So does Ivette have any idea why she is now living at Chateau San Roman? Does she just go back to wherever she came from at the end of the night? Does Ivette just come out at night, and Blanca is always in control during the day, when she's in charge of Mayita? Didn't JM do a background check before hiring her?

Judy, I'm not signed in on my blogger account (at work..don't tell) thus no pic.

Just think of me looking like Renee Strickler ok?

I guess I got spoiled by the last few weeks of Enemiga which had all the story lines and characters tying up so neatly and making so much sense, really masterful, like a celtic knot design.

I guess this story has to start out somewhere, just keep those torso's coming!
Randy, Sea.

u know all these ppl letting stef stay around are stupid. Blanca hasn't done or seemingly done anything wrong with JM yet Viv is getting all nasty with her yet stef admitted to her face that she had a thing with JM uhhh shouldn't Viv see that Stef is always all over their house acting like she lives there? and Amador, Onelia, JM even Cece are still tolerating her being around. Her scenes are unbearable like other readers said. Someone needs to to tell the stalker to hit the bricks!

also the scne where Leopardo and Pirana were fighting...after MC threw the rock did anyone else notice how fakely she passed out again? i was like wait what? ;)

lol and i liked how u titled this after the beauty & the beast song. glad to see i wasn't the only one who saw the comparison :)

Awesome recap Julia ;) Don’t you just love that you could say “meanwhile back at the ranch” and have it mean exactly that? ;)

Quick add: JM thinks Viv might have put the perfume in Blanca’s room as an apology for her rudeness. In the Viv/Blanca scene, it is Viv that says Blanca must have gotten it from an admirer and then goes on her diatribe of how she must be servicing JM otherwise. Blanca spends the whole time assuring her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. My money’s on split personality. I figure Ivette must know something about Blanca since she knows where she’s living now, but I’m not sure Blanca knows about Ivette.

RE: the drugs - I don’t think O/L realized Mari had been drugged. He told Cande the fainting was due to the pregnancy, and Mari never told him she was drugged. I’m honestly not sure there’s anything they could have done for the drug except maybe pump her stomach, which would also incur all sorts of danger, so chances are the only they could have done was let her rest it off. Who knows? Maybe the stomach pumping would have been worthwhile. Maybe one of our medical folks can clear that up (or maybe they were on QE instead of this one...) The trauma was another story; she did recover from that waaaaay to quickly. Could it be that now that she’s been almost raped three times they’ve become commonplace? Pretty disturbing. JM lover, I too noticed that Mari faint after she threw the rock and wondered if she suddenly remembered “oh yeah, I’m supposed to faint now.” It almost looked like she was fainting for O/L’s benefit, rather than because she’d been drugged.

My guess on the creepy stalkers: Amador is probably protecting his “investment.” He can only get Mari back if he knows where she is. Stef and Isa are either making sure she’s not coming back, or planning to get some money out of Ceci or JM by telling them they know where Mari is, or maybe out of Viv to make sure they DON’T tell anyone where Mari is.

J.J. this one has more female than male villains, but that’s not necessarily weird. I’ve seen it go both ways.

Sue, I think Piraña used to work for O/L (at least that’s the impression I got from the talk of the farmhands) but got fired ‘cause they realized he was bad news. He gets his money from selling the stuff he steals, like O/L’s cattle.

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