Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tontas (#7) Tuesday 12/9 - I'm not Candida, my name is Candi, Candida left us long ago...

Ahoy all, JudyB and I switched nights this week. I'm doing tonight and she's doing Thursday for me.

Scenes from last night, Santi behind a smiley face paper. Soledad approaches Patricio. Santi stares at Candi's breast mole, "you're alive!!"

Beto is sad. He tells Chava his dad isn't dead, he left because he doesn't love him any more. Poor little guy. Candi comes outside and tells the boys she's going shopping and Doña Cuca will watch them. (This Doña Cuca thing really cracks me up because years ago I used to work with some guys from Mexico and they were always singing "Cuanto por las nachas Doña Cuca?" I think Dona Cuca was supposed to be a whore or something but I was never quite sure.) Candi asks the boys for a big noisy kiss.

Santi chases Candi with a bouquet of flowers. She rejects him and yet again accuses him of only wanting to get her in bed. She stomps away and Santi gives himself a pep talk, in just six, seven or eight short years he'll succeed. His granny always told him to persevere.

Patricio calls his dad's business and asks the secretary to please send him the records of every employee who worked there for the past eight years. Apparently dad kept perfect records including pictures. Pato asks her please don't say a word to dad about this. Pato for some reason pulls a big photo of Candi out of his briefcase. He smiles and flirts with the picture. Frankly, I'm not sure what to say about this display. Maybe it's the anniversary of her death or something.

Santi follows Candi around the clothing store, helping her pick out clothes and asking her why she refuses to admit she was the woman at the wedding. He and all the other guests distinctly saw the beauty mark (lunar) on her...her...and he saw it again last night!

She escapes into the dressing room and he asks does she need help changing her cloooooothes? She puts on an act in front of the entire store pretending to be his pregnant girlfriend he's about to abandon. He says she's half crazy. "Great you call the mother of your child crazy! You're bad!" She goes into the dressing room and bawls loudly while he stands outside trying to save face in front of the other patrons. I'm not sure what this scene was supposed to accomplish but it was rather amusing.

Pato gets the email from Dad's secretary and finds ex-employee Soledad in the employee records. Alicia busts in and scares the hell out of him. She acts like she's on crank. He slams his laptop shut. Oh my but she's excited and bouncing off the walls. She starts snooping around his things and almost opens his laptop but he finally manages to shuffle her out of his office.

Candi pumps Santi for info on his personal life. What happened to Rocio's mother? Santi refuses to speak about this subject and Candy once again accuses him of chasing her to try to seduce her, he's a hunter who just wants meat in his bed. She says her body isn't his and she doesn't like men with girlfriends who go looking outside their house for what they have inside. She stomps off and he yells at her that they're not speaking albures*. He gives himself another pep talk, just 6, 7, 8 little years and she'll see!

*(Albures - this is a kind of punning game manifested in quick repartee where people try to out-pun each other; oftentimes using innocent words that have a sexual connotation. Candi and Santi may have been doing this but if they did I didn't get the puns.)

The short waiter Ole apologizes to Meño for asking Candi to undress. Meño tells him if he wants to see a woman undress he needs to get himself a girlfriend. Ole wants Candi to be his girlfriend. Meño tells him to give it up, Candi's not interested, he needs to find someone like himsef, a chaparrita (short and squat). The other waiter tries to be sympathetic and tells Ole he has a face like Pepe el Toro. Short, squat Ole says he was born a loser but tall Sven isn't paying attention any more.

Lucia hugs Eva and thanks her for arranging an appointment with a surgeon. Eva points out it's no guarantee Lucia will get new bubis, she's still under age. Lucia's not discouraged, she'll lie, she really wants big bubis. They celebrate in the arcade.

At home Candi admires her clothes. Her phone rings, "You again? I hate surprises." (I noticed tonight that Santi uses "tu" with her and she uses "usted" with him.) It's Santi and he's outside. He threatens to call his ex-client, what was her mother-in-law, the mother of what was her husband, and show her a picture of the dead woman that isn't Candi. If Candi wants him to keep quiet she must accept his proposal. He wants to go to the baseball field and throw a few balls. He tries to follow her inside the house and she shuts the door on his leg. However it looks like she's going to play ball.

In an oddly random scene Pato and Alicia have a mass for Candi. Pato weeps over Candi's picture and cries over his memories of their togetherness. Alicia just kind of bears it and Pato shakes her off. He's such a burro!

Santi's at the batting field (he looks hot, as in babalicious) and tells his friend Lalo that he knows Candi's the same woman, he'll never forget the look they shared at the wedding, when their gazes locked as she walked down the aisle. The ball is released and nails Santi in the nuts. That poor guy must have testicles of steel.

Ayyyy! he yells in anguish. OK, so maybe not steel. Candy strolls up to see him clutching his family jewels. She laughs and tells him he's finally on his knees (he had said at the mall that he wouldn't get on his knees for a woman). "I'm in pain!" he gasps, temporarily contralto.

Alicia runs after Pato and he has a tantrum. She says she's only trying to console him and he responds that she's annoying him, that's all she does is annoy him, she has no limits. She accuses him of being in love with her dead sister and he responds "You don't understand anything." She tells him it's not their fault Candi is dead and he ugly cries and says it's both their faults! She slaps him and says don't ever say that again! He tells her not to raise her hand to him again or he'll cut it off. Nice.

Santi's still on the ground suffering while Candi observes. He says he can't drive because of the pain and Lalo can't drive him because he Has Too Much To Do, right? Oh yeah yeah, Lalo agrees he's got to run. Santi tells Lalo to tell the girls that he loves them. He says Candi has to drive him home. "Candi, Candi, I see a white light..." pale wan hands upon the coverlet and all. She throws the bat on his balls.

Beto comes home and finds his mom crying. He asks is she crying for dad? He tells her he cries for dad too.

Isabel wanders around the big house trying to find a place to put her picture of The Beatles dressed like bullfighters. Donato asks for the day off tomorrow and Isabel grants it as long as he repeats 100 times "I like The Beatles." "Me gustan Los Biddles, me gustan Los Biddles," he chants.

Candi drives the injured Santiago home in his car. He wants her to dine with him at 10:00 and she refuses. OK then, he will just have to contact one of his clients who has a son whose wife left him at the altar... Candi starts to scold him and poke him in the head just as Marissa storms up to the car. "What are you doing with my boyfriend?! Why are you driving his car, or should I say OUR car?" she demands. "Would you believe I'm selling him insurance?" answers Candi. "Full coverage!" pipes up Santi.

Chava and Beto are doing their homework. Well, Chava is, apparently Beto gets into trouble for not doing his. Beto asks what's it like to not have a dad. Chava doesn't know the difference, he's never had one. Beto explains that dads are fun to play with. Chava recommends that Beto ask for a dog, they run more than dads and they don't get tired.

Candi and Santi are out of the car now and Marissa wants to know what in the heck Candi is doing with her boyfriend. Candi tries to bow out but Marissa grabs her, kind of like Candi grabbed Marissa the other day. Candi pushes Marissa and they get into it until Santi tries to break them up. He tells Marissa their kids are friends. For someone who is supposed to be pro-woman Candi's pretty mean to Marissa.

Marissa and Santi go inside his house and continue to argue. He stops to kiss Rocio in her little ballet costume. He says she looks marvelous as a dragonfly (libélula). "Dad, I'm a fairy (hada), not a dragonfly" she scolds. Santi and Mari have a long conversation where she tries to pin him down and he has excuses why he can't spend more time with her, he needs to spend time with Rocio, he has a ton of patients who need him, etc. She wants to see him later and he promises to call her.

Santi goes upstairs and sees Lucia. He wants to know what's up with her, her bra is stuffed! She pulls out some wonderbra inserts...oops and pulls out another layer. (That reminds me of one time when I was a bridesmaid we all had to wear purple wonderbras to match our hideous purple taffeta dresses; one of the other bridesmaids really pissed me off so when she was in the bathroom I pilfered her wonderbra inserts and stuck them into my wonderbra on top of my own inserts. I was worried because during the ceremony she kept staring at her chest, then mine, then hers; thank goodness she never figured out what I did. But I digress...)

Marissa watches while Rocio plays with her doll. Rocio tells her doll she knows she (the doll) misses her real mother but she (Rocio) would like to be her mother. Her doll's name is Rocio. Marissa looks sad for the child and volunteers to be a mama to Rocio and her dollies, they can all play together. Rocio doesn't want to play and she walks away. I felt kind of bad for Marissa except that she's a pest and can't take a hint.

Candi irons with a vengeance and tells Meño she's afraid that the plastic doctor will tell Pato's mother that she's alive. Meno says Santi's a good guy and wouldn't do that. Candi says good guys don't blackmail women. Meño knows something else is bugging her.

Santi asks Isabel to cover for him because Marissa is upstairs with Rocio and he has a ton of things to do. He has to see a dead woman who's passing for a live one. Isabel is baffled.

Meño is worried about Candi, she goes from one extreme to the other. She can't go through life wanting to be buried (or submissive? "sumisa") one minute and an independent woman the next. Candi says she wants to be Candi, not Candida. Meño and I both roll our eyes. Candi doesn't want to be the boss of anyone and she doesn't want anyone to be the boss of her. She wants to share her life with a man who understand she's a woman, not his mom. Well maybe she'd have more luck if she acted like a grownup instead of a schoolyard bully.

Soledad calls Pato to tell him he's the father of her child. She doesn't ask much, only ten minutes. He's muy impactado.

Lucia visits a shady-looking plastic doctor and tells him she wants big bubis. She admits she's only 15 but he doesn't care, he'll do it for 50 thousand pesos (3700 USD). Her face falls.

Santi is at the library researching the wedding he went to years ago. Luck! The headline reads "The bride said yes, but NO". "I found you!" Santi exclaims. For someone who's overloaded with patients he sure has a lot of free time.

Alicia calls her mother-in-law Margarita and begs her not to hang up on her. She knows Marg doesn't approve of their marriage but Pato is her only son and Alicia thinks it's bad that they're fighting. Alicia would like them to be close again. She's up to something.

Santi, Raul and some other guys sing loudly and celebrate Raul's birthday. They all chant "mordida" until he takes a bite right out of the cake and gets it all over his face.

The guys cover Raul's eyes and play sultry music. A sexy blonde comes in and, with Raul's prodding, they all chant "kiss her". Suddenly a cell phone rings, all the guys stop what they're doing to check their phones. Santi demands silence, "hello Marissa my love, how are you?"

Isabel visits Rocio in her room and wonders what's wrong? Does she have a fever, should she call the doctor? No, Rocio just wants her mama. She and her abuela share a tender hug.

Santi tells his mujer that he's with his friends including her brother. They're playing parcheesi, chess and Chinese checkers (damas chinas). Raul talks to her with cake all over his face and afterwards tells Santi that was the last time he lies to his sis for him. He gives Santi a cakey kiss on the cheek and runs back to his gift, the blonde. Raul seems much more upbeat in this episode.

Later that night Santi gets home and asks Donato for a very very important favor. Donato says it will cost. Santi holds up a menu and Donato reads "fooling a girlfriend, 200 pesos". Santi hands the money over and heads off for his date.

Tío Meño tells Chava he's going to make him something finger licking good for dinner. Chava asks how old does one have to be to have a girlfriend? Meño hems and haws and wonders why Chava asks, does Chava have a girlfriend? "Yes, my mama!" Candi hears and smothers cute little Chava with kisses. He asks why she's so dressed up, does she have a boyfriend? "She wishes," cracks uncle. Mom says Chava's her only boyfriend and kisses him goodbye.

Over at the big house Marissa knocks on the bedroom door and Donato jumps into bed and hides under the covers. "Are you sleeping? How about I stay a while and we sleep together?" Marissa coos.

Soledad insists to Pato that her child is his. She gives him the brief version of her situation, thought her husband was the kid's dad, turns out he's sterile, etc. Pato says his life isn't a telenovela where she can just show up and demand money from him. She tells him she was only with two men, her husband and him. She doesn't want his money she just wants him to believe her. He's mean to her, tells her to go into the church to beg forgiveness for lying. She tells him again she's not lying! Nevertheless he rejects her and walks away.

Candi meets Santi for a nice romantic dinner at a lovely outdoor cafe. Looks like it doesn't rain as much in Guadalajara as it does in the DF. She apologizes for being a little late and he quips that it's his hobby waiting 40 minutes for people to arrive, that's how it's done in Guadalajara. Uh oh, he shows her the newspaper article of her wedding. There she is in her undies, no denying it. She supposes he'll rat her out. He tells her his silence has a price.

As he tortures her a little she gets the hiccups and can't speak. He gives her a drink of water to get rid of the hiccups and chatters "Oh Candi Candi, I could make you very happy..." She spits the big stream of water out in his face (how uncouth!) and says the meal is over. Honestly, I would seriously have lost interest in her by now. She calls him a degenerate and pervert and tells him he knows where to stick his picture.

Marissa undresses seductively while the mountainous Donato quivers in bed. She crawls in and tickles him. He starts shrieking and they both sit up in bed, face each other and yell bloody murder. Isabel's meditation is ruined.

Candi strolls along a fountain while Santi follows in his car. He sits next to her and asks why the tears? She has a cold she says. Right. A short distance away a party of young people yells encouragement at them. He says they think he and Candi are novios and if they don't kiss then the kids won't believe in love. He wants to kiss Candi but unfortunately Candi doesn't feel the same way. Santi's phone rings while Candi escapes in a taxi. "What's wrong Donato??"

Back at the big house Donato's in a heap of trouble. He begs Santi to come home right away. The house is in an uproar, the kids are up, the maid is up, and Isabel tells Donato he has five minutes to pack his bag and leave. Marissa storms out of the room and tells Isabel to ask Santi what happened, he's the one that organized the whole fiasco. The women are impactadas. The maid scolds Donato and tells him he shouldn't be riding another man's bicycle! She slaps both his hands. (Again with the whacking of men.) Donato mutters that he wasn't on any bicycle but the boss's bicycle has a frame that's Mmmmmmm! He sinks to the floor in despair for getting fired.

Mexico City - Charly packs his bags with books and apples and is excited to travel to Guadalajara to find his dad. He asks his mom to tell him about his dad but she says she can't. She accepts that Charly's going to meet him but she doesn't want to remember him. Charly looks pensive while some strange cacaphonous sci-fi music plays. Que?

Tomorrow: One of the goofy waiters tries to kiss a blond but she bites his face and slaps him. Again with the violence. Charly arrives at the restaurant and says he's looking for his father Manuel Morales. Meño drops a pot of spaghetti on himself and Caras Impactadas all around. And will we get a Jaime Camil kiss?


Thanks put a lot of work in...the albures explanation, the link to Pedro Infante and all the unraveling of the rapid-fire antics and dialogue. But hey, my fav' was the purple bridesmaid dress/ purple wonderbra story....oh and the nachas de Doña Cuca tale as well. Was that when you worked in the restaurant? Wish I had your colorful background in the language, amiga.

Hope this baby slows down a little so we can catch our breaths when we recap...but hey, we love challenges, right? that's why we're doing this.

Thanks, partner, well done.

Wow, great one. My closed captions are still lousy (I get four or five words and then all the rest of the letters run on top of each other at the end of the line) so I'm watching without, and I'm missing an awful lot. This is what they used to call a "screwball comedy" in the B/W era of movies. Candi is supposed to be an admirable spitfire, not a nasty jerk. She should dial it back a little. Also, Patricio is making such nasty sneering faces. I get it he's supposed to be bad now but those scrunched up faces make me want to laugh. Santi's girlfriend's hair extensions are completely ridiculous. Like she's wearing the entire pelt of some prize pooch on her head.

Sylvia, I'm having a hard time following this so really appreciate your detailed, all-inclusive recap. Fantastic job!

"Beto is sad. He tells Chava his dad isn't dead, he left because he doesn't love him any more. Poor little guy." That dialog really rang true - way too many children grow up believing that - it's really pitiful.

I laughed out loud at your bridesmaid dress incident. Has anyone actually ever worn a pretty bridesmaid dress?? I never have - they've all been horrendous! One of my worst I wore sported a cape overly adorned with what could only be described as huge ostrich-like feathers. The bride had her heart set on that dress and didn't let our horrified faces deter her one bit. I felt as though I might take flight at any time walking down the aisle. I think the bride did herself a disservice as everyone was staring at our ugly dresses rather than her! Diana in MA

You're right Melinama, I need to keep reminding myself that these folks are supposed to be zany live wires. Camil does a good job of coming across as a good-natured boob but some of the others aren't quite at the same level. However I'm still liking Bracamontes a whole lot more in this one than in Heridas. Sometimes she reminds me of Lucille Ball but I'm not sure why. I would be absolutely lost without my closed caps. I've watched a couple episodes without them and I didn't get most of the conversation.

I agree about Marissa's hair. It's funny the way Candi keeps teasing her about it. And I remember now that at one point Santi accused her of glaring at him with her crazy cat eyes, so true!!

JudyB, yes, I heard that song when I used to work in the restaurant, however I was too stupid to pay attention to learning much Spanish at that time. Guess I'm trying to make up for lost time now.

Diana, thanks for commiserating with your tale of bridesmaid woe. I love it! The things we do for our girlfriends...

With regard to "sumisa," it does sort of make sense as buried=submissive when you think of it as burying your own life beneath someone else's. At least, that's my little trick for remembering it...

What is our Abuse Score by now? With Monday's cap it was 3. Tuesday's:
Closing door on foot/face: 4.
Do we count the spit in the face as abuse? How about the lies in the boutique designed to mortify him? Probably not abuse, just sadism.

I would name that as Candy's second big flaw: she's a sadist. Not only does she abuse Santi, she laughs while she's doing it. She laughed when he got hit by the baseball. That makes twice already, by Cap 7, that Santi's been hit in the jewels. Yeah, real funny. I think that Candy is not the only man-hater on this show; I think you'll find some more on the other side of the camera.

Melinama, thank you for pointing out the type: screwball comedy.

If Candy is no Hepburn (she's not strong and feisty; she's selfish and cruel), then Santiago is certainly no Spencer Tracy. He just stands there like a punching bag, never resists, never accuses, never puts his foot down. He just keeps coming back for more. In Novelaland, if any man did to a woman, the things Candy does to Santi (kick him then laugh), we'd know that man was the villian. Probably the villian who has a date with the piecart of scorpions, not the villian who repents in the end.

For that matter, any woman who would repeatedly accept smacks and kicks from a man, with not even a protest, .. would she be a hero?

I enjoy this show because it's funny and entertaining, and because it has Camil - I could watch him paint a fence. But geesh! Some of the themes - que asco!

Thanks for the detailed (and funny) recap. I missed a lot of little things (like that Rocio said she was dressed as a fairy, not a dragonfly - I didn't hear either one!), and your recap filled in all the blanks.

As bad as Candy is to Santiago, you have to realize that this is actually part of the attraction. Not the abuse, but the challenge. A lot of men like feisty women, and these little kicks and stomps aren't going to deter a real man like Santiago.

Great recap Sylvia, I'm a little nervous about doing Friday because day after day you are all capturing the endless dialog. Well I'll do my best.
I too like Jackie B much better here than in Heridas, it has to be the different character. I don't know how many times I said "stupid Miranda" during that other show. She has also dialed way back on the ugly crying, in fact not so much crying at all.
Marissa - I also like her better here than in Amar, again I guess it's the character, but something about her puts me off. She looks artificial I guess. But her body - wow. We never got to appreciate her this way as the evil queen in Amar!

Thanks Sylvia - my favorite was "she throws the bat on his balls". Tee hee. I guess I'm a ten year-old boy!

I finally got caught up on the tapes and have to say I'm loving this. I happened to see an episode months ago in Spain so have a pretty good idea of how things will go in the middle of this long novela and having seen the beginning a few things make more sense.

I detest the Patricio character, have from the first. He is a pig, pure and simple. I was amazed that Alicia didn't even notice that gigantic picture of Candi that he had near his desk. I'd have thought she have seen it and hit him over the head with it. There is something creepy about a guy having a picture of his dead novia/sister-in-law in such a prominent position.

I always look for themes in a novela and this one seems to be moving in the direction of all these abandoned or parent-less children. Only one of them is a true orphan. I foresee tear jerking scenes to come.

I'm also surprised to see Sabine a normal color not the orange she usually favors, Fabiola is not as cold and hard as usual or as bitchy but I suspect that will come. Valentin is still clueless as an actor, plays the same guy over and over. I'm withholding comment on Jackie for awhile but do hope she calms down a bit or I won't find her acceptable for the tan divino Jamie.

Welcome back, Decie. I was wondering if you would be watching. I guess you have not been following Cuidado.

Great recap of a nutcase of a show. I agree, the assaults are completely out of hand. Some writer watched too many Roadrunner cartoons as a kid, or something.

I did once wear a bridesmaid dress that WOULD have been pretty...except that it was long and dark green, and the wedding was outdoors and it was about 100 degrees F. We're meeeeelting, we're meeeeeeelting! At least there was no Wonderbra to go with it.

Sylvia: I'm in a state of denial about this novela. I really don't have time to watch it except for the last 15-30 minutes. So far what I've seen has been hilarious. I usually don't think spitting water at somebody is funny - but, it was just the way Candy did it that had me LOL. I've never seen Jaime Camil before, but I now see why so many people love him. Regards and thanks.


Nope I took on pass on Cuidado after the first 15 minutes. I guess I just had a problem with something that looked so close to what I had just seen and I'm not impressed with William Levy, nude model history or Hollywood going after him or not.

I hate that Tontos is on so early here 6 p.m. so have to tape it and then try to catch up. I think we are going to have fun with it slapstick tendancies or not and I suspect this is another big message novela. But it has JC so who cares LOL.

Sylvia, great job on the recap. How nice it was to sit back and read what you had deciphered instead of pausing the CC's every few seconds to wrestle with them, during the quick banter (you don't think that I can actually decipher it from hearing it, do you??? Ojala!).

Santiago was sure yanking her chain at the restaurant, when she asked the price of his silence. "Can't you guess what my price will be? Wouldn't you like to experience something "different" with me? Oh, the ways I could make you happy, Candy!"

Hombre de Misterio, is that what's going on? Is that why Santi is putting so much effort into his pursuit of Candy - because she's one of the few who doesn't come running when he whistles? The thrill of the chase? Because creeme, I can't see anything else that would make him want to be with her.

Pasofino, what did you mean about being in denial? Your comment about Camil, "I now see why so many people love him." You have to see him in action. You see his photo, and he's just another good-looking galan. What's the big deal? You don't see his talent, his exuberance, and his sensuality until you watch him perform. There is a magic that jumps out at you. At least it does at me.

I actually think Camil's greatest strength is his comedy, physical and verbal. When he tries to do emotion a lot of the time he looks like a pouty mail model to me, but when he's being a sassy backtalker, and falling over chairs, he's the best.

Or a table slide?

I totally agree - I know I'm a man so I'm not looking at Camil for dreaminess, but he is a natural comedian. When Candy was pulling the paper smiley faces down one by one to see who was behind them and he shouted out, with his eyes closed, 'Santiii!!' I laughed my ass off.

Melinama, I totally agree about falling over chairs. Now I'm laughing remembering the numerous scenes in Fea when Fernando and Omar would dive for the desk chair. Hilarious.

He usually has great body control, except the time he almost broke his hand - not the character, but Camil himself! Arana (Omar) blew his line so badly, Camil couldn't recover it. They stood, looking awkward. Then Camil fumbled the chair dive and injured his hand - see him try to hide the grimmace? When Omar says, "Donde lugar (where's our place)?" he points to the teleprompter! Fernando glances at the teleprompter, repeats the botched line that started the comedy of errors (says it totally flat, like he's reading it!), and they go from there. But he's still nursing his hand.

I think what I like best about him is the way he moves--he's not so appealing in still shots. He has a certain lightness and ease that is very appealing.

Paula, Paula, you are the god! Anyway, great to take that little dip back into the past.

And I enjoyed all the "soundtrack of our lives" chat yesterday. Music is so important to me and I love most of what they weave into these telenovelas.

Hombre de always love feisty women! Are you still wondering what happened to Monica? Maybe she'll turn up in this one at the restaurant.

Wasn't that Monica on the Cristina show with Gabriel Soto? No? I missed the beginning of the show when they were introduced, but I thought later I heard Cristina say that she had been in QE with him, then I thought - oh! She does look like Monica!

But I wasn't 100% sure it was her. She looked different.

(Sorry... not quite finished letting go of QE yet.)

Sotos' girlfriend is Geraldine Bazan and Monica was played by Mariana Avila. They have a similar look and they are both quite beautiful. I can't remember if Cristina said Geraldine Bazan was in QE. If she was in it she must have had a bit part.

Note to Ferro: I think I'm done trying to get so much dialoque. In fact last night there were two scenes that I just skipped altogether, one with Candi and Santi and the other with Pat and Soledad. They were just more of the same. I say give the recap as much or as little time as you want and be happy with it. I know we will be. As long as you rip on one or two of the characters I'll be satisfied.

Awesome job Capn’. Sorry you had to go through the horror of the ugly bridesmaid dress (with a matching wonder bra no less! Was the bride some sort of power hungry bridezilla?). Loved the links and the stories.

Diana, sounds like your dresses were pretty painful as well. Did you speak up? Horrified faces don’t always register and perhaps brutal honesty was necessary (though I could be wrong, there are some twisted people out there). I personally only had an MOH (the idea of having a bunch of women in the same dress feels wrong. There’s just no way to find both a color and a silhouette that will flatter everyone). Anywhoo, I went shopping with her when I was visiting mom for the holidays (we lived over a thousand miles away and this was before camera phones were as accessible and digital cameras were quite pricey at the time) to ok the dress (I love her dearly, but she wears Christmas sweaters and I don’t, and this concerned me...). Long story short, we agreed on a golden puffy dress that wasn’t what either of us envisioned, but was something attractive and flattering that we could both live with and everyone loved it (or at least said they did). It wasn’t until the day of the wedding she mentioned she HATED it. I asked her why she didn’t speak up, she could have gotten a different dress. She said it was my wedding day and I should get what I wanted! Just saying, sometimes they just don’t know unless you tell them.

This is the second time they steal a bit from “Frijolito”! This time it was the boyfriend sticking the butler in his bed to run off and see the woman we know he’ll eventually end up with, and the mutual scream as the girlfriend tries to get frisky with the wrong guy.

Julie and Sylvia, Geraldine Bazan was not on QE, just hanging out for a bit to be with her man and so Cristina could give them some baby pressies. She’d actually been in Columbia for a large portion of QE working on “Victoria.”

Thanks for the clarification on Soto's honey. They're a great-looking couple, that's for sure.

I'll bet every one of us women has a bridesmaid experience from hell story. Luckily they're usually hilarious in retrospect. My purple taffeta friend was a bit of a control freak and yes, we did call her bridezilla. She's still one of my best friends though.

Margarita, at the risk of sounding like a crabby old shrew, let me say how much I detest it when people say they like something when they don't. Or that they want to do something when they don't. Or that they don't mind if you do something, when they do.

ME TRAE LOCA!!! It drives me insane! Especially when you ask them, "Are you sure it's okay?" etc., since you don't want to be selfish or insensitive. And then, she decided to come clean on your wedding day??? Come to think of it, many times, the people who say, "No, I don't mind at all, honest!" hang on to it and throw it at you later - "You made me go bowling! I hate bowling!" Euch! My condolences.

...I am so glad I'm a guy.

Thanks for the sympathy Paula ;)

Yes Mike, there are definite advantages to being a guy, especially at weddings and other formal occasions. The same suit you already wear to the office (or the only one you own if you don't use suits often) or maybe a tuxedo you rent for the day and you're set. Your biggest risk is that you might be stuck with a fuschia cummerbund or something along those lines.

Was Tontas on last night, Wednesday? I got home late from school and there was nothing on my DVR!

Yes it was on, and Santiago and Candi...! Oops, I'd better not say.

Hey, Margarita, it was my one suit. Emilia bought a new dress at J.C. Penney and her matron of honor wore her best dress. We had, I think, 16 people plus the preacher's dog at our wedding, and the reception at her parents' house. Not a Cecil B. DeMille production but it seems to have done the trick.

Now our daughter has encountered everything you all have mentioned as a bridesmaid herself, though.

Ferro, que lastima! I'll e-mail you the YouTube link for last night's.

well thank you Paula! I have no idea what happened. I often wish you could scroll backwards on the channel guide on comcast, but no, only forward. Did they have the show listed wrong, as a repeat, or what? Arg.

Hysterical Dona Cuca tale....I can't wait to read more later....

Could not resist my own bridesmaid horror story. In my case my cousin decided to save her bridesmaids the cost of buying a dress they would only wear once. So we rented them. They were a pale pink with a short full skirt widened with a hoop. I looked like I was wearing an umbrella. Add to that i am extremely fair, the other girls weren't and I looked like a ghost drifting through everything. I still cringe whenIi see the pictures many, many year later.

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