Monday, December 08, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 12/5/08 "Mari doesn't heed the warnings of Cande and Leo and could find herself up to her neck in trouble"

In the hospital, Viviana’s freaking out and screaming doesn’t stop Juan Miguel from administering the electro-shock therapy, although unwise to have a husband administer this to his wife (tho I’m sure there are some husbands who’d love it, and wives as well) apparently there are some budget cuts at the mental hospital and JM has taken on the technician's responsibility……Onelia gets all hysterical ranting at JM that he’s hurt Viv and most likely killed her. JM tells her to knock it off with the hysteria. He says Onelia’s name and Viv weakly says “Mama?”. Juanmi puts on his puzzled face and starts to ask what happened, does she remember? Viv cries out that she doesn’t remember anything.

Marichuy is in her room sewing and Cande comes into the room. They discuss MC’s need for larger clothes soon, how to hide a pregnancy, how some women get so big it looks like they are carrying a 10 kilo watermelon, and how Leo will most likely fire MC when he finds out she’s pregnant.

Leo, meanwhile, is out on the steps and he’s crying. MC walks passed on her way to the kitchen and she doubles back. She asks her boss what happened and he flinches when he realizes she’s there. He goes on about having nightmares, but now they occur in the daytime and how it is something so terrible he can’t escape from it. MC can relate because of her nightmares about what happened years ago with JM. She tries to let Leo know she’s empathetic, but he tells her that he’s not interested in her problems and then he tries to deflect the attention off of himself. He asks MC why she is there and what is she running away from. MC says she wants to help him and he tells her to go. Once MC leaves he cries for Ivett.

Back at casa de San Roman, Blanca (the nanny) is digging through her suitcase. She finds something, but we can’t see it. Is it smaller than a bread box? Yes, it fits into the palm of her hand. Balbina knocks on the door and Blanca reacts like she's up to no good. She continues to hide whatever object is in her hands.

Mayita talks with her abuelita, they rehash and to be honest, if any major plot developments occurred in this scene, I missed it (tho I doubt they did).

Micaela is in the kitchen and MC starts to tell her what happened with Leo. Doña Mic (that’s what MC calls her, I like it) starts to give MC a little background about Leo (who’s real name is Omar), not a whole lot of detail to take away the air of mystery, but she does reveal that he used to be happy but a woman destroyed his life. Doña Mic speculates that something big must have happened between them, but Leo wouldn’t tell her exactly what happened (he’s keeping up the air of mystery, too).

JM's at the office and instead of working, he's asking no one in particular why MC left.

MC has flashbacks to all the romantic moments she shared with JM.

JM, now at home and taking off his shirt (drool), also has flashbacks (I think they could have just had him have "voice over" flashbacks so we could still admire his fine form some more, but no, they had prior scenes playing in the thought bubble-darn! Oh well we got to see the first kiss again). He mutters “Marichuy, mi amor” two times and then he takes off his wedding ring and sets it on the dresser.

MC mutters to the dove, that she can’t help but still loving Juanmi.

Elsa visits Rocio at the hospital (Vicente, who can’t walk has gone home, but Rocio with a couple of bandages on her face is still there, I hope this was authorized by her insurance company, because if this was in the US the hospital would end up owning the San Roman castle). The women gossip a bit about Viviana’s return and then Elsa fills Rocio in on MC disappearing.

Vicente is depressed and laying in his bed at home, with the wheelchair at the foot of his bed.

Leo's combing his horse and his hired hand, Cosme, comes in. Cosme offers up some advice, Leo can't be alone forever. Leo's not in the mood to hear this.

Elsa goes home, Nelson is attempting to write, but making little progress. She encourages her husband to keep writing. She knows someday she’ll be married to a great writer.

Little Bo Peep, I mean Marichuy chases after sheep.

Mercedes is now visiting Rocio and they talk about Vicente---he's depressed. JM comes into the room and Mercedes leaves. Juanmi introduces Rocio to her new (very cute) doctor, Humberto Tinoco (?). He’ll be operating tomorrow. The two shake hands and there is a long pause and a look passed between them (professional?-no, possible love triangle?- yes). The doctor leaves and Rocio asks JM if he’ll go and talk to Vicente. She then asks what’s going on with Viv and MC. JM says he knows nothing about MC. ***Rocio, if you’d get up and leave the hospital, you could find out some of this info for yourself and you could go visit Vicente yourself. Woman you are going to develop bed sores!

MC goes off with the dove and hangs out down by the river. Pirana(?) watches her from behind a tree---leering at her is more like it. No question, he’s bad news---Question: For people who watched La Fea, is the guy who's playing this part the same one who played Leti's neighbor- Roman(?), the one Fernando ended up punching out?

Juanmi tells Viviana that they are married. He tries to get her to remember more about the accident and what happened after. He tells her that they have a daughter, this brings a smile to her lips. JM asks if she’d like to go home, there they’ll work on getting her well.

MC gets a little lecture from Cande about wandering off. They discuss how MC needs to start concentrating on becoming a mother and forgetting her crazy ways.

Ed visits Beatriz at work (if she’s just started the job, it probably isn’t a good idea for friends to drop into her place of employment, even if it is the person responsible for her getting the job, I'm just saying....). It looks like it might be some financial place (a bank?), Ed talked about opening an account. They flirt a little. Beatriz asks Ed about Elsa, if he’s over her yet. Ed asks about Amador, if he came to Bea that day and asked to get married, what would she say? Bea says that’ll never happen, she’s resigned herself to knowing her child will be raised without a father. Ed offers up some sort of complement and holds her hand. Across the room, Stefi’s arrived and witnesses the exchange, she doesn’t look happy.

Leo cleans his gun and MC happens by. He warns MC about not going down to the river and straying too far from the house.

JM visits Vicente and tells him about Rocio’s operation tomorrow and how she needs him. Vicente gets upset and asks JM to leave, he doesn’t want to hear any more.

Stefi goes to the castle. She exchanges pleasantries with Blanca, like how’s the new job, etc. Stefi asks if Blanca is seeing to JM’s needs (double entendre--that Stefi sees a threat in every woman and apparently feels proprietary over every man).

Rocio and Vicente talk on the phone. She tells him that even though he can’t walk, he’s still strong. After she gets off the phone, cute doctor comes in and he offers her some comfort. After he gets off the phone, Vicente tries to get into the wheelchair, but ends up falling on the floor, crying out that he can’t do this.

“He’s bringing her home!” Onelia shouts to the household. She calls for Balbina to get stuff ready. Stefi (yep, she’s still there) acts like she’s excited and Blanca doesn’t know what to think.

MC is heading to the river to do her washing. Cande tries to talk her out of it, but MC is determined. The river is so peaceful and quiet, so different from the DF.

She’s down there alone (or so she thinks) and now has the clothes spread out over the rocks. MC decides it is a good time for a swim and she jumps into the water (with her denim capris on—that’s going to chafe). She’s doing a back float staring up at the beautiful sky, not realizing that Pirana is watching/leering again. What’s our heroine going to do? She’s got no chance of escaping……she’ll never be able to run away in those wet jeans!!! END OF EPISODE

alcanzar- to reach, to catch
chale- you're kidding
chapuzón-dip (darse un chapuzón- to have a dip)
chillar- to scream (persona=de dolor,miedo), to shout, to yell (colloq.); to screech (pájaro); to squeal (cerdo); to squeak (ratón)
darse una vuelta- take a walk
derrotista- defeated
desconchinflar- to wreak, to bust


Cathy: Thanks for the recap and the vocabulary. I've gotten lazy lately and haven't noted the words that I hear but do not know. So, your list really helps me.

This chapter presents another case of magic transportation. What the H*ll was Estefi doing in the bank when Eduardo was talking to Beatriz? Ed sure turns on the lights when he talks to B. Besides being drop-dead gorgeous, he's kind and sensitive. How on earth did he become a gynecologist?

Estefi just also happens to be at mansion San Roman. The writers leave us to puzzle as to how so many uninvited visitors can get past the massive gates. Maybe she has her own key. But, I didn't think she and JuanMi ever got that close.

Sorry - but, I cringe when I see Mari handling the bird. The sound of wings flapping is like fingernails scratching a blackboard to me. I must be a plot device - we are to think of Mari at the same time we think of St. Francis of Assisi who is often depicted with a bird on his shoulder, I think (please - no offense to any religious group). This is just a thought, and I'm sure there are others out there who have picked up on this.

Well, the presence of Estefi is like fingernails scratching a blackboard to me. Mostly when I see the dove, I just feel sorry for the creature. At first I thought it was a highly animated digital device but they seem to have a real, trained dove that will put up with being handled and dragged around on a bicycle. I think it's just the overall depiction of Marichuy as an open-hearted tenderly maternal person (her dog, the bird...and now Leopard) who reaches out spontaneously to vulneralbe people or creatures (lecherous men the exception of course).

I swore I wasn't going to get hooked on this and here I am, watching almost every episode. "Desconchiflar" was a totally new word for me, Cathy...thank you. And "chale" was one I learned somewhere along the way in this telenovela...Marichuy does say it a lot.

I've missed a couple of episodes, but I understand something very mysterious and murky is going on with Blanca...but do we know what?

Thanks as always, Cathy. Thought your "is it bigger than a breadbox" quip was very funny. I'd forgotten that game.

Thanks for the recap, Cathy, and a special thanks for the vocabulary!

We should have some interesting scenes coming up when Viv returns home. Juan Miguel's house is large, but not large enough for four unrelated (except for Viv & Onelia)women. Especially when those four women are Viv, Onelia, Stef and Blanca.

Chillar is more like to shriek.

Thanks for the wonderful recap :) I am really enjoying this novella and I like all the "personajes" with the exception of Estefania who can go jump off a bridge for all I care. God she's an idiot... I look forward to my nightly drool over Juanmi too... Could William Levy be any hotter??? Cande totally cracks me up. I love the comic relief that woman provides (She also reminds me of my Mexican host mama) Is it just me or did it seem to be counter-productive to set your pet bird on the clothes you just washed??
Thanks again recappers for all your hard work :) I love to come to this site and know I am not alone in my love for Novellas. (My friends all think I am nuts.)

Mauni in Wa

I really cracked up too at that gratuitous shirtless scene for William Levy.

Meanwhile, continuing a theme raised earlier . . . what is Marichuy doing washing clothes in the river? No washing machines at the hacienda?

Nina: We don't know if there are any washing machines at the hacienda. I think Mari said she wanted to go down to the river and wash clothes, even though the hacienda does have a wash area/laundry room. She likes the fresh air and flowing water. At least I think that's what she said.

Wonderful recap Cathy and thanks for the vocabulary, it's really appreciated.

It will be interesting to see how the relationship between Marichuy and Leo develops. She is so kind and loving, I'm sure he'll become besotted in no time. He'll be strong competition for JM. They are both very appealing for different reasons. Diana in MA

I think she just wanted an excuse to go down to the river. Obviously they're not doing all the hacienda laundry that way--the water wasn't exactly sparkling clean and spreading the stuff on a rock would defeat the purpose right away, even before the bird.

Pasofino, Eduardo is MINE! I called him straight away.

I think Stef just spends her days stalking every man she knows. She's probably got tracking devices on all of them. Then, in her downtime, she just drops by Castle San Roman to see what's shakin' there.

Thanks for the excellent recap, Cathy.

Thanks so much for your witty recap, Cathy. Love your asides.

So, is Viv still faking, or did the shock treatment really knock out some of her memory? And shouldn't she have had something in her mouth during the treatment?

I can hardly wait for Blanca's character to fully emerge. This is going to be fun. The actress, Maya Mishaskla, has real screen presence, and was great in Pasion.

Thanks for the awesome recap and vocab Cathy ;) Re: the Mayita/Mariana scene, Mayita tells her gran that Blanca’s a little weird and she thinks there’s something there, but gran assures her that it shouldn’t affect her (Mayita) and therefore she shouldn’t worry about it, but should listen to her dad and try to make friends with her nanny.

Quick add to the vocab, chillar = to cry, though it can certainly apply to screaming or shrieking, especially if there’s loud crying with it.

Hey Pasofino, there are some kind and sensitive male obs out there ;) I haven’t met any, but many of my friends have mentioned having them. One said that her ob treated her like she was his sister and was very respectful and sympathetic to her issues (she had fibroids) and occasionally got on her case (nicely off course) when she wouldn’t take her meds.

Re: washing at the house vs the river – I believe Cande said there were was a washing machine (or possibly the washing sinks designed for washing, it depends whether she said “lavadora” [washing machine] or “lavadero” [the sinks for washing clothes, usually with a washboard built in], but she might have said both) and encouraged Mari to use it, but she wanted to go to the river and get some fresh air, etc., so she went anyway. Either way I agree that putting your wet and recently washed clothes on a dirty rock to dry and they putting your pet on top of them is just and exercise in futility. At least she could have put her wet clothes in the basket and hung them to dry at the hacienda's clotheslines. And yes, going for a swim in jeans was not very practical either. She should at least have worn shorts or something like that. Sometimes our heroine is none to bright...

Viv did have a block in her mouth during the shock session.

I know it seems silly to focus on the laundry facilities, but they keep using the laundry as a way to set up Marichuy's meetings with various characters, and it always seems contrived.

Thanks, Anon. 2:49. I was watching this on Youtube and wondering how she was screaming if something was there.

I said to myself "wow, she has really bad teeth, then realized it was the mouthguard!

Sorry - but, I cringe when I see Mari handling the bird. The sound of wings flapping is like fingernails scratching a blackboard to me. I must be a plot device - we are to think of Mari at the same time we think of St. Francis of Assisi who is often depicted with a bird on his shoulder, I think (please - no offense to any religious group). This is just a thought, and I'm sure there are others out there who have picked up on this.

Actually, the dove is apparently a symbol of the tranquility that Marichuy has found at the hacienda. I know I sure feel tranquil around a grouch and a psycho stalker.

Anyhow, it's from this article about the animals used on the show -

The credits at the beginning of the show say "Blanca / Yvette". Does anyone think this one great actress will have the connection to El Leopardo?

Thanks for the recaps and the vocabulary. The vocab is especially helpful.

By the way, I am totally infatuated with JuanMi and Eduardo. The more scenes we get with them shirt less, the better!

Thanks for the recap and vocab list, Cathy. Man, oh man is Steph like a cockroach she keeps turning up and stalking these men. What's even more incredible to me is that none of these men call the police on her!!

Pobrecito Vicente needs to get some professional help and work through his depression quickly...we all know that exchange between Rocio and her new doctor wasn't just 'hey, how are you?'

ITA Sheryl, Juanmi and Eduardo are fun to watch especially shirtless.

Bijoux: Very interesting article. Thanks.

I was pretty sure that Blanca and Yvette are the same person, because when Leo said her name last night, they immediately switched scenes to her digging through her suitcase. Coinsidence? I thought, I guess not....never thought to check out the opening credits.

Thanks for the help with the Mayita scene, Margarita. I have to admit I'm a little sick of fantasyland so I don't pay much attention (and they mostly rehash there, anyway).

Yes, yes, we should be treated to more scenes with William w/o a shirt. I'll need to get a plate to catch my drool.

I have often thought the laundry facilities were quite antiquated on this show, or am I just not that culturally sensitive about clothes washing in the DF. Do they really have these common sinks to scrub clothes? Are there no laundromats? It just seems that if electricity is available, why would you use a scrubbing board? My other question is why someone with money, like the San Romans, well why wouldn't they send their clothes to the drycleaners or have the hired help use a washing machine in the house?

I can understand hanging clothes out to dry (I do it myself), but I run the load through the washer first.

Anyway, it does seem rather contrived.

I used to love Vicente but now he is just irritating me. The doctors never told him he would never walk again; they recommended therapy which he apparently refused. If he won't do the therapy for his legs, he should at least do the training where he learns how to get himself in and out of the wheelchair!

Cathy, the San Roman home does have laundry machines. We think they just sent the delicate hand-wash-only stuff to Cande.

Thank you for the great recap, Cathy! You have a wonderful knack for getting the gist of each scene dow. Also, many thanks for the vocab. I saw chido fly by for weeks now, but was too lazy to look it up.

Sheryl – sharp eyes on the cast credits. We were guessing Blanca was up to something, and this gives us an intriguing clue to think about.

I’m curious too to see whether Viv is still %100 faking, or whether the electroshock did mess up her memory.

My guess about Vicente's paralyzed legs is that we are meant to infer that other things below the waist don't function either and that Rocío won't want him if he can't make babies with her. So, yeah, whoever said he needs therapy was right on. He needs a lot of therapy

And thank you Cathy. I religiously copy and paste your vocabulario into a word file to study later

(What with Viviana's amazing "performances" of late far eclipsing Stupid Estephy, I had to change up a little.)

Muchas gracias for the recap, Cathy. Terrific job.

I say Viv got off easy. I'd have given her a few more volts. Not that I'm making light of electro-shock, but come on. She put herself directly into the situation with her own lies and machinations, and for what she's done to her little girl, she deserves way the hell more than that.

...and how it is something so terrible he can’t escape from it... he used to be happy but a woman destroyed his life. Doña Mic speculates that something big must have happened between them, but Leo wouldn’t tell her exactly what happened (he’s keeping up the air of mystery, too). Gee, who did that sound like? Pssst... his initials are J.M. Gah! Can we have a little more variety in our tortured men's backstories, please?

And speaking of JM--what kind of craziness is it where every woman who comes into a psychiatrist's life is a NUTJOB? Viv, Onery, Estephy, and now Blanca. Even Chuy and Mayita are a bit "tetched in the head." Rocio is the only female JM knows who isn't mental. Really tiring.

That's a well-trained little birdie Chuy's got. I have to wonder, though, how many times the thing crapped down her shirt during a scene. (Sure enough, I thought I saw a spot of caca this episode... :)

Dang--Rocio's new doctor is cuuuuuute. O_O

Oh yeah, Estephy is still a roach living in the castle walls and scurrying out when she smells drama. I suppose she has a nest at Ed's bank, too.

And now, gotta read everyone's comments. Laters!

Yep, if Chuy hadn't decided to wash laundry in the river, Pirana could not have gotten his obligatory wet T-shirt scene. CONtrived, sorry.

My brother came in to tell me something during the JM shirtless scene, glanced at the TV, and abruptly held his peace until it was over. He knows. You can get my attention during the most important plot point in the entire novela, but if JM or Ed are undressing, you are to WAIT until they're done. hahahahahaha

I'm still drooling over JM's shirtless scene. Spectacular! I only wish I spoke Spanish to know what he was saying and then what Mari was saying as she was dreaming of him.

We have birds at the office at work at and they poop constantly, so you know Mari is wearing some!

I admit, Stephe and Violet, I had to replay that scene a few times...just to get the full effect of his musings to grasp his thoughts and state of mind, you understand...

~that faking heifer (Viv) has my middle name~

Julia, LOL!

(Holy cow. The word verification for this comment is "aerse.") :D

Julia, I hear ya! I'm still replaying that scene over and over, and like you, just to learn the Spanish. Hmmm, hmmm....

Thanks Bijoux for the article on the animals. I think it's sweet that Maite Peroni wants to keep Sali (the dog who plays Cuate is a girl) after the show. I'm also not surprised that Chachita (Cande) asked to have her scenes with the wolf taped separately from the animal, though I can't say I remember her having any scenes with it.

Cathy, the lavaderos have been around for ages, and many folks simply can’t afford washing machines. Couldn’t tell you if they have laundromats as I never saw one in Matamoros where I grew up, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any, just that I never saw them. The San Romans have a washing machine (Balbina once used it on Mari’s clothes) and probably send some stuff to the cleaners, but as Julia and others have theorized, they probably send some hand-wash delicates (which they probably have more of than the rest of us that can’t afford to have other people wash our clothes for us) to Cande (though now that they’ve fired her, perhaps the responsibility went to a few of the maids).

Gotta say, after today's epi, I'm even more convinced that Ivette is Blanca's defense mechanism when she's scared or feels the need to defend herself. Again, it's a theory, but that's what it looks like to me after her tiff with Viv.

The scene in which Marichuy herds sheep is hilarious.

However, as with the dove (symbol of the Holy Spirit as well as peace) and her dog (loyalty), I suspect there is a reason for associating her with these creatures--perhaps to evoke the Good Shepherd...?

It was commented on way back when but man, poor JuanMi cannot seem to resist drama! He keeps bringing women with baggage - literal and emotional - into his house!

Gotta love the blatant fan-service...not that I'm complaining, mind you. I really need them not to make me feel sympathy for El L though. They'll have me questioning my loyalty to JuanMixChuy, and we can't have that.

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