Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tontas no van, 12/22, Cap 16. I Vant to be Alone. No, I Changed My Mind.

For the third time, saco el gordo - I hit the jackpot. Two weeks ago, I got to recap Chapala Kisses (the wind knows). Last week, I got to recap The Circle of Truth. And tonight I hit the jackpot yet again.

Pat discovered Candy’s portrait at Chava’s house, and Chava told him, “That’s my mama.” Pat is impactadisimo squared. Meño walks in and tries to do damage control. If Horatio could hold the bridge, Meño can hold off the likes of Pato. He explains that he adopted Chava and told him Candy was his mama so the poor child would have an image of a mother. Pat is trying to make sense of it, and he’s too stunned to think clearly. Meño just wants to eject Pat ASAP, but Pat doesn’t want to leave without answers. So Meño pulls out the big guns - he starts pawing Pat, telling that his “amigo” will be jealous, and Pat is so handsome… that finally gets Pat out the door. I loved how they played out the scene.

Note, yesterday Candy had a near miss with Pat twice - at the soccer field, and again when Beto advised her that Pat was in the house. When Chava tells Pat that Candy is his mom, that makes three.

Santiago walks into his office and is mauled (in a very hungry mode) by a sexy model. She says, “Ooh, Doctor, you’re just like I always imagined you.” He tells her “Hold that thought” and goes to talk to Hortensia. Horti tells him they’ve been mobbed with women like that all morning. Didn’t he see all the copies of his picture down in the lobby? He runs out of the room in a panic.

Tío Meño gets to play a second fun scene. Candy calls, worried Pat discovered the truth. Meño starts in, “I gave a great performance. I missed my calling. I should’ve been an actor. What will I wear when they present my Oscar? Hollywood is clamoring for me. I’ll do Tootsie II because Dustin Hoffman is too old to play a woman.”

In the lobby, Santiago is trying to get rid of the photos. Marissa calls him a sicko and tells him to get some therapy because she doesn’t want to marry an exhibitionist. A woman asks Santi to autograph her picture, followed by a man.

A tarot card reader tells Alicia, “A dead one who returns. Your husband deceives you. There are children. Again the dead returns. As if the dead are alive.”

The kids talk about Rocío’s dog. Beto wonders how she knows it’s a girl dog. Chava, man of the world that he is, explains to Beto, the Philistine, “Of course she knows! Her father is a doctor.”

Arturo runs (yes, runs) into Pat’s office and tells his son that Mama’s not going to divorce him, she’s buying gifts for their grandson, and they insist on seeing el nieto at once. Pat tells him that’s not possible; Art tells Pat he’ll do what he pleases, with or without Pat’s permission.

At Candy’s house, Santiago is chewing her out for posting that photo. She tells him he did it to impress her, and she wasn’t moved in the slightest. He warns her that in war, nobody wins. They get nose to nose, and both try to pretend that they feel nothing. And is anybody in the market for a bridge? Meño tells her to stop fighting with that hombre. Bust him in the mouth if you want, but do it with kisses. I loved that little scene, for all the things I love about Camil’s acting - the faces, the gestures, the vocal expression, the comedy, the intensity, the movement, the way he never stops moving. It’s all there.

In surgery, thank goodness my CC’s worked this week. Behind the masks, I understand nothing! Santiago says Marissa refuses to go to the investors’ dinner with him because of the photo. Ed says Chayo is mad at him, and he’s afraid someone is putting ideas into her head.

Arturo is still strong-arming Pat to let him meet Beto. “I could die at any moment (work it, Pop!). Let me see my grandson before I die.” This is coming from the man who RAN into Pat’s office.

In a phone conversation of galloping stupid, Alicia is telling Gregoria about what the tarot reader said. Mama tells her, “Your sister is still alive. Oops! In Pat’s heart. She’s still alive. Oops! For him.” Ali gets sick of it (so do I) and hangs up on Mama.

In Candy’s office, Cece notes that the rose must be from someone who likes her very much. Candy says she doesn’t want to be involved with anyone. The music tells us Cece is sad.

Out on the street, Santiago tries to convince Marissa to accompany him to the investors’ dinner, but she’s still mad about the photo. She refuses and catches a taxi instead of riding with him. We see several random actions in this scene. They make a point of looking both ways before crossing the street, probably because people on TV never do. There are three men hanging around a pickup, and Santiago tells her to watch out for the drunks. She hails a taxi, and he says, “What magic! You raise your arm, and instantly a taxi appears! No one else in Guadalajara can find a taxi, only you.” As Marissa rides away, Santiago gets an idea that he is please with. Does anyone else notice that Camil looks thinner in this scene?

Santiago catches Candy leaving the office. He tells her that whatever she earns in the restaurant, he’ll pay her triple if she spends tonight with him. She decks him, and then she worries whether he’s okay. Rubbing his jaw, he explains that he needs her to play the role of his girlfriend for the investors’ dinner tonight since Mar is angry about the photo. She agrees, if he pays for uniforms and equipment for the soccer team. And no hugs, no pushing the limit, no kisses.

Soledad thanks Meño for taking care of Chava tonight.

Santiago is with the investors, waiting for Candy who is quite late, and the guests are getting tired of waiting. Just then she walks in and Santiago lights up. He’s so taken, he can’t even breath, much less talk straight. He introduces her to them as his novia and says, “Soon we will get married and be very happy together. And have many children and a family.”
Now the stars have fallen into Candy’s eyes, and all she sees is Santiago. “A family?”
This is the first open door Santiago has ever found with the woman who has stolen his heart. Damn the torpedoes (and the other guests), full speed ahead. “Are you serious?”
She says, “Don’t forget, you promised the uniforms, and I won’t let you quitarme (stop doing for me) that.”
He says, “You won’t let me quitarte (stop doing for you, or take off of you) the clothing?”
Candy: “Perhaps.”
Santiago: “Then what do you say? Do you want to be my wife?”
The rest of the world has disappeared for Candy. She whispers because Santiago is all she sees; she’s not putting on a show for the investors anymore. “Yes, I want to.”
Big kiss, interrupted by uncomfortable coughs from the investors. Music turns sour, foreshadowing us.

The men compliment Candy, their wives tell them to stop flattering her (echar flores). (What is regalar flores?). Candy tells one investor that he should be flirting with his own wife instead. And what does Santi say? “WAITER!”

Pat comes to see Beto and to bring money for whatever he needs. Soledad says, “Aw shucks, I forgot, he’s spending the night with a friend. But if you don’t have anywhere you have to be.. I was about to make dinner. You can join me si quieres (if you want to). Pat does want to, and he doesn’t waste time on small talk. Nor on dinner. He goes straight for dessert. Soledad will abandon all reason to get a man into her life. Candy will abandon all reason to keep men out. Both are tontas.

Rocío tells Luc she wants to call her mama to thank her for the puppy, but Papa won’t ever let her call. Lucía offers to help get the number so Roc can call. Ruh-roh.

Charly calls Luc after Roc falls asleep. They flirt some, and he asks what she told her mom about him. He tells her he’d like to be her novio, but then he backs off because the last time he said that, she ran away. They hang up, but all this talk of mamas makes Lucía wish she could call hers.

Meño comes down to chat with Charly, who says he was talking to an amiga who he likes. Meño stops himself before admitting that he’s glad his son likes girls, but he gives a PSA for using a condom. Charly admits that he hasn’t had an opportunity to use one yet. Meño is glad to have his son there with him, and Charly likewise.

Santi takes Candy home and scolds her for reverting to “usted.” She says that the play is over and they are back to normal (IOW she’s trying to sweep that proposal under the rug). It’s after midnight and Cinderella needs her sleep. He asks, “If I find your shoe, can I bring it tomorrow to see if it fits?” (Isn’t every novela a Cinderella story?)

Candy encores her favorite song, the one Santiago hates. “You have a girlfriend, and there is nothing between us.” Hey! Santi! Listen up! Maybe if you didn’t have a girlfriend, she wouldn’t sing that song anymore!

Despite all the protests, when they arrive at her door, they get close, make goo-goo eyes, magnets attract, and sparks fly until they both run back to home base with their hands in their pockets.

On the other end of both spectra, Pat is leaving Soledad’s. No warmth, no consolation, no sparks, because neither listened to the voice warning them, “Don’t do it, it’s not right.” Two starving mosquitoes trying to feed off each other and finding nothing. They separate as hungry as they were when they greeted. All that’s left is soledad.

In her kitchen, Candy is strengthening her resolve with a pep talk from Merengue. “I can be anything but a traitor.”

On the other side of the tracks, when Santiago gets home from their date, Isabel needs to talk to him. She’s worried about Lucía visiting websites she shouldn’t, and tells her son it’s time to talk to Luc about sex. Time for Santiago to talk to her. Like every TV dad, he goes into a panic. He says, “I am a doctor so it should be easy, but there are certain words I can’t say in front of my daughters.” He can‘t stand to hear his mother use those words either. Notice he thinks of Lucía as his daughter, not his niece? I know, I know, a 15 year old who hasn’t had “the talk” yet? Sometimes even on Tontas we need those Beanies de Cd. Serdán.

Pato arrives home late, and Ali asks where he’s been. He blows her off.

Candy is getting depressed, trying to answer the letters from her column. She asks Meño why men are so cruel to women. Meño reminds her that women are cruel too, and she should ask, “Why are people so cruel to their partners?”

Candy admits that she’s afraid. She’s feeling things, and she promised herself that she’d never fall in love again.

At breakfast, Candy tells Chava he can’t be friends with Pat. Because I’m the mom, that’s why. Charlie doesn’t think it’s macho to kiss his dad. At her breakfast, Rocío wants to know why she has to finish her breakfast, and why she can’t have a boyfriend.

At the office, Soledad tells Candy that she was with Beto’s dad last night, and it was even better than before. Does anyone else start her work day like that? “Good morning, Boss. Here are you phone messages, you have a 10 o’clock appointment, and last night I had incredible sex.”

Cece brings in coffee. Marissa comes in and introduces Chayo (Ed’s wife), who Marissa just hired because she’s so well qualified. She can do nothing, even better than the rest of them. Marissa notices the rose on Candy’s desk and asks who gave it to her. Cece speaks up and says that it was her. After Mar leaves, Candy thanks Cece for covering, but Soledad is confused - she thought it was Cece.

Does anyone else think that Soledad, Chaya, and Barbara look too much alike to be in the same show? Now that the Institute staff is gathered, keep those cast photos handy, friends. You can’t tell a thing without a program.

In the clinic office, Santiago is beside himself because Ed is touching Santi’s things, especially his computer. Remember his obsessive-compulsive tendencies regarding his sock drawer? He also can’t stand for anyone to touch the things on his desk, especially his computer. He gets nervous when someone takes a green pencil (!) from his desk, and he’s driven to distraction when Hortencia moves his stapler two inches. Some bosses just have a thing about staplers.

He’s also disturbed because he has to talk to Luc about sex. Ed understands - Santi thinks of Luc as his daughter, and he sees her as a child. “SHE IS A CHILD!” Santiago demands. Ed plays psychologist, complete with couch. Santi plays the OC patient, complete with nervous twitches.

On the playground, Rocío asks Chava if they’ll be novios. He’d rather play soccer than have a novia.

Candy tells Meño she knows Pat won’t show up at the soccer game today. Rojiblanca (her persona in chat) made a date with him for today, so he’ll go there instead of soccer.

Raúl comes to see Marissa’s new office, and she basks in his attention. “By the way,” he asks, “where is Candy?” So much for her brother’s attention. He starts to say, “She reminds me of..” but his sister stops him. “Let her rest in peace. You deserve to enjoy your life.”

Candy struts into Santiago’s office and shoves the pink rose in her face. He thanks her, but tells her roses are supposed to be red. She asks him if he is a taco de arrachera. Huh??

Pat taps out an e-mail to Rojiblanca, saying that he has to miss their date because he has an appointment he can’t get out of. So much for Candy’s fool-proof plot.

Pat leaves, and Art sneaks into his office to call Alicia. Then he calls Margarita. He has arranged for Ali to follow Patricio, to keep her away when he and Margarita go find Beto. He uses children’s names for grandparents, Abi and Bubi.

Santiago brings the pink rose back to Candy because he has nothing to do with it.
She asks, “You’re not the one who leaves a rose on my desk every day?”
He turns on his seductor’s voice and answers, “No, but I can if you want me to.” (Secretly leaving detalles on her desk every day? I thought he learned his lesson two years ago!)
On his way out, Santiago gives his business card to Candy’s staff until she walks in and he runs off.

Pat discovers Ali following him at the soccer field. Santiago and Candy were suddenly teleported to the soccer field as well, and the teleporter changed their clothing too. Candy still wonders if it was really Santi who gave her the roses, he still says he can if she wants him to, and she still says she wants nothing from him - no roses, no friendship, not even a greeting. ‘As you wish,’ he starts to leave without saying goodbye because that would be a greeting. Just then Candy sees Pat on the field. Candy lunges for Santiago (you remember, the one she didn’t want anything to do with?) and buries herself under his jacket. She tells him, “It’s an attack of love. So shut up and hug me.” Santiago is perdidamente confused, but always the gentleman, he is more than happy to oblige.

Tuesday: At their engagement dinner, Marissa puts on a puppet show. Guess who the puppet is?


When Pat discovers Candy's picture, Meño tells Pat about Chava, but I think he's actually talking about Pat, because Meño told Pat that Candy died.

1. I told him she died en al parto - in labor, but also in the split/separation.
2. I don’t know if I did right or wrong.
3. Now he feels guilty for her death.

I get it! They filmed most of Tontas at the Televisa studio, but they filmed many of the outdoor shots in Guadalajara. That’s why Camil looks thinner! He carried extra weight at the beginning of the show, and then shed it. The location shots must have been filmed later than the other scenes we see, so he has already thinned down.

I suspect that many references tonight are related to Guadalajara. They joke about the taxis, the drunks, and the traffic in Guad.

Paula H: A wonderful, really detailed recap. It's amazing that you just started recapping. Kudos for a job really well done.

"Does anyone else think that Soledad, Chaya, and Barbara look too much alike to be in the same show?" Yes, they are physically similar.

The Pat/Soledad coupling just left me sad. Soledad allows her loneliness to overcome good judgement and forges ahead, knowing Pat doesn't love her, they have no future and oh yes, that he is also married. It never occurs to Pat that he may be hurting Soledad (again) but selfishly presses on.

Paula you captured this perfectly: "On the other end of both spectra, Pat is leaving Soledad’s. No warmth, no consolation, no sparks, because neither listened to the voice warning them, “Don’t do it, it’s not right.” Two starving mosquitoes trying to feed off each other and finding nothing. They separate as hungry as they were when they greeted. All that’s left is soledad."

I want to wish all of the recappers and commenters a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. A special greeting to JudyB, Sylvia and Karen who were among those who were so gracious and welcoming to me when I first started commenting.

I will be reading all the recaps but won't be able to post a comment until I return to work after the new year. Chris, best wishes for your new family addition and Hombre, I'm sure your debut will be great.

Diana in MA

I love "echar flores" - it's like tossing flowers onto the stage after an opera - a great show of praise.

I don't know about "regalar flores." I would think it just means giving someone flowers, but perhaps it means something similar to "echar flores" depending on the context? Maybe even giving insults? Because I've heard an expression "devolver flores," which referred (sarcastically, I presume) to responding to someone's insults in kind.

I've also heard "tener flores" (or was it "hacer flores" or maybe "haber flores") meaning something like "making a scene" - having an argument.

Gee. Flowers sure get subjected to a lot of sarcasm, don't they?

Absolutely terrific recap Paula. That's funny, I also thought Camil looked thin last night. It didn't occur to me he was thinNER, I just thought "hmmm, I've never notice how slim the guy is." Duh.

Nice job on the "quitarme/quitarte", I didn't get the subtle nuance of that at all.

And yes, Sol, Chayo (and Barb) do look alike. I couldn't tell Sol and Chayo apart until Susanlynn reminded me that Chayo was Jaqui, the winner of Bailando. Now I always recognize her.

"Taco de arrachera", that one baffles me too. I don't know if it's a common phrase like "taco de ojo" (eye candy), "darse taco" (sho off), or if it's a play on the verb arrecharse which could mean to get over-excited emotionally (to blow one's stack) or sexually (to get horny). Whatever, tacos de arrachera are delicious. Maybe Margarita can help us out with this one. Sounds like both tacos and flores are subjects of plays on words.

I just dread Arturo and Mophead becoming involved in Beto's life. Little did Soledad know that by finding Beto's dad she'd also open a Pandora's box of familial plagues.

Taco can also mean plug, wad, or a cleat/heel on a shoe, but without knowing what "arrachera" is, it's hard to tell... if it really is "arrechera," maybe she's calling him a wad of lust?

LOL, Word Reference says that "soltar tacos" means to cuss.

There is a related flores phrase, "Me estas hechando flores, pero con todo y maceta." You're throwing me flowers, with the pot and everything. It's when someone is laying it on thick.

Another one that I noticed: Pat gets home and Ali grills him about being late. He says, "Seguir echar pulpa a la piñata?" Are you still hitting the piñata? I suspect it means she's beating a dead horse.

It really was a fantastic episode, wasn't it? The proposal, the Cinderella goodnight, the Pat/Soledad tragedy, Meño yanking Pat's chain, Santiago's neurosis with Ed, the soccer field "shut up and hug me." What a fun ride.

Really a packed episode but I was wrong when I though I couldn't destest Pat any more then I already did. He is a complete and total jerk and why Candi Ali and Soledad are so taken by him escapes me. Especially Candi, since she knows what a total cheat and liar he is. She needs to go to counseling and not stand around giving it.

Alicia knows he is a cheat and Soledad is so desperate she is willing to overlook the fact that he is a married man. If either one of them ends up with this pig it will serve them right. As for Pat it looks like he is itching to add to his little bastard brigade and won't Abi and Bubi love that.

Candi's mom certsinly seems to like stirring the pot but then backs off telling Alicia the truth. She obviously knows which side her bread is buttered on and isn't going risk rocking that boat.

Fifteen is way too late for the "sex talk" although the poor girl probably already knows everything but the idea of her tio giving her the facts makes me laugh. I can just at the picture their discomfort. I hope we don't have long to wait for that one.

I've been enjoying the scenes in Guadalajara having spend a month there. There are several very large plazas in the city, one near the cathedral with fabulous statuary that you can sit on and enjoy and the traffic is horrific.

Paula H, terrific recap! Thanks for joining this stellar team of recappers—you’re one marvelous addition to the group—you had me chuckling!

“So Meño pulls out the big guns - he starts pawing Pat, telling that his “amigo” will be jealous, and Pat is so handsome… that finally gets Pat out the door” LOL! That was a classic scene, played perfectly, I agree!

Boy, is Eduardo going to be Put Out when he finds out who’s putting ideas into Chayo’s head.

“Soledad will abandon all reason to get a man into her life. Candy will abandon all reason to keep men out. Both are tontas.” LOL—great point. They are extremes, aren’t they?

“Does anyone else start her work day like that? “Good morning, Boss. Here are you phone messages, you have a 10 o’clock appointment, and last night I had incredible sex.”” ROTFL!!! Not where I work, we don’t and I hope NO one ever comes to me to tell me this! Eeewwww.

Jeanne (back in action, sort of)

This show is mouth watering.

Arracheras (fajitas) - Beef cuts. In Old Mexico they're called arracheras, in the States they're called fajitas. Serve 'em up sizzlin' with peppers and onions. Comes with warm flour or corn tortillas and a side of guacamole, salsa cruda, sour cream and cheese.

:) jelc

Oh! Thanks, Jelc, I totally misunderstood Sylvia's comment, I didn't realize that "we" (i.e. everyone else) already knew what a taco de arrachera was. I had no idea what it was!

So, she's calling him a fajita, i.e., a sizzling heap of meat? Fair enough!

With PEPPERS! Aiyaiyai!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you, Diana, Sylvia, and Jeanne. My Freshman Comp prof used to say, "Write about what you love and you'll write well." I'm discovering that some recaps are easier to write than others. This one virtually cascaded out of my keyboard because I loved the episode so much, and so many parts were such fun to write. I'm a sucker for the mushy stuff. I guess that's why I'm learning my Spanish from telenovelas, not luchadores!

Thanks as always for the great recap.

By the by, it was Horatius at the bridge. ;)

Great recap! I totally missed the subtle references like quitarte with the clothing, and now I understand.

Also, I had no idea of the name of the possibly lesbian woman, but now I know it's Cece.

I think I can tell Soledad and Chayo apart. Chayo's way shorter (I think). But who's Barbara? Hopefully they'll all have different personalities, so we'll gradually get to know them.

And it's funny how Candi keeps trying to deny her attraction to Santi (with good reason, since he has a novia), but keeps being thrown together with him (such as what happened at the end of the episode where she had to hide herself against this big, handsome guy she doesn't want to love)!

HdM, check the character list (first post on the Tontas blog) for photos of the triplets. Barbara is a psychologist and she has a more sturdy build than Chayo and Soledad.

For me, the tough ones are Santiago's Club de Abandonados. They all look different (men are more differentiated than women), but we know them less so they all run together. There are descriptions on the character list to help you remember who's who.

Thank you, Corwin, for the correction. I'm often fuzzy on details.

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