Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tontas no van Cap. 18, Friday 12/26. All's Fair in Love and War

Hi, everybody. This is Hombre de Misterio, with my first recap. I already had a lot of respect and admiration for the recappers, but after doing this, I have way more! This show has lots of short scenes. My initial notes had about 40 little scenes (and the whole show is only about 50 minutes long, so many last only a minute). I looked at other recaps, wondering if they were really 40 paragraphs long. Yes they were. My challenge was at hand. And you know what? It was totally fun.

So here goes. This first time I'm just trying to get everything in.

Recap from last time: At the Institute, they're having the grand opening party, deciding who's going to do what. Also, we recap the scene where Margarita (Mophead) wants a divorce from Arturo, since Alicia told her that Beto was Arturo's kid. Pat says, okay, if you want the truth, the boy is mine.

And now for the new. At the big grand opening party going on at the Institute, Santi, Isabel and Rocío arrive. Santi doesn't want to be there, because he wants the place to fail in the first week. Rocío says, Papá, do you want things to go badly for Marissa? They're greeted by Marissa, then by Candi, who thanks Santi for coming. Santi says he didn't want to come. Isabel says he means he didn't want to come empty-handed, they sent a plant, did she receive it? Candi says yeah, I put it in the trash - just kidding, she says. The business partners come in (you may remember them from a dinner where Candi pretended to be Santi's novia). So they greet her as the novia, remarking that at the dinner, Santi asked Candi to marry him. Marissa says "Que!?" Candi says he actually did, and everyone says "Que?". Marissa says please explain, because up til now, I've been the novia. Business partner says, so the wedding was a lie? No, there's gonna be a wedding, says Mari, but with me. Business guy says Santi must be a professional liar.

Zamora and Toño (Sven and Ole) come in with mariachis. Zamora is playing the guitar, and little Toño is playing the big bajo. They're singing about "If they say bad things about you, cough and say it wasn't me!", Santi is getting more and more embarrassed, and says stop the music!

The business guy takes Candi aside, says the Doctor doesn't seem that trustworthy, but we like you. We're doing something in Miami. Here's our card. Santi's about to cry. Marissa is mad at Santi too, who says we were just having a whiskey, by the way, waiter, give me a whiskey. Marissa walks him into the next room as he's a little dizzy from the scandal. Isabel takes Candi aside, and says you seem nice, but I warn you, don't hurt my son.

Now we get the scene where Pat says, you want the truth, the boy is mine, but Soledad is not my lover. Alicia is impactada. Arturo admits he knew, but he had to cover for Pat, his son. Alicia asks Pat how the mother of the boy wouldn't be his lover. Does he think the stork brought the boy? They're going to have to teach him where babies come from. She stomps out of the office.

Back at the party, Santi and Marissa are dancing (badly) and arguing. He says it's partly Mari's fault about the dinner Candi went to, if Mari had gone, he wouldn't have had to do the trickery. She says, everything with you is muddles or confusions (enredos). He says but I had to do it for business. She says did you hear them offer Candi some business?

Raúl enters, gives flowers to Candi, she nervously sneezes. "Salud!" from the whole crowd. Raúl says these are for you. She says, and for Marissa, too, no? He says, they're for you, because you have a gift (a "don"). What gift? The gift of changing people. Since Mari entered this business, she's happier and when people get close to you, they become better. She sneezes again, and everyone yells
"salud" (bless you), again.

In the mall, we see chicken boy Charly being pestered by someone. It's Lucía (he couldn't see through the costume). Lucia wants to go out. She says she'll ask her tío. He says I thought your Mom wouldn't let you go out, what does your uncle have to do with this?. She fumbles a little, hesitant to tell him the truth, and they'll see each other in a bit.

At the party, Candi gives a speech about the purpose of the Institute. What are women like? What do we think, feel, what is our nature? We've discovered that every women has a natural, authentic side, and can be proud of herself. What is the feminine? What does it mean to coexist? (convivir) To live WITH your partner, not FOR him. Big applause, music starts again, congratulations and hugs all around.

Charly and Lucía are now in a mall coffee shop, talking about parents. He says he can understand if she doesn't live with her parents. He lived with his Mom in DF (Mexico City), but came to Guadalajara to find his Dad. His Mom always said his Dad was strange. He says his dad IS a little strange, but he's cool. She says strange, how? He says, I don't know, a little..., but what about your parents? She fumbles, says they live in Europe.

At the party, Santi tells Candi what she did with the businessmen was bad, making him look like a liar. But you are a liar, she says, I'm not your novia. Well, you were a good actress at that dinner, and I think you're playing a role now. She says "Never trust an actress." The mariachis join in with a few funny musical comments, and Santi is not amused.

Cut to Soledad on the phone with Pat. He says they don't have to hide anymore, since he told his parents, but they can't have a relationship, it's not right, I'm married, you understand. He hangs up and she's not happy.

Santi is reading the email Rocío sent to her mother. (Rocío now knows that Santi was pretending to be Paulina, but he doesn't know this). In the email, she thanks her mother for the doggie, and also says that although she loves her Mommy, her Daddy is the best ever (lo maximo de lo maximo). Santi is so relieved that this situation (he thinks) is now resolved.

Alicia is doing some exercises, but looks mad. It's like kickboxing. Pat comes in, again says Soledad's not his lover, he just recently found out about the boy. Alicia says she now feels the way Candi felt when she caught them kissing at the wedding. And you know what hurts the most, not the betrayal - but the lies. Yeah, I think Pat's told a few of those.

Meño is upset that no students have registered for his salsa class. Candi tells him not to worry, and by the way, she's called her mother a few times, but Gregoria didn't answer. What did Gregoria say to Meño? Nothing you'd want to know, he says.

Santi is telling Isabel he thinks Rocío might have realized Santi was writing the emails from Paulina. Rocío bounds in, asking if he caught the one who caught him. Isabel doesn't understand this at all. Rocío says I caught you, Daddy, but I know you did it so I wouldn't be sad. He says, how did you find out. She caught him by calling Mamá. But she's not upset, and she totally loves him. Isabel says I don't understand this whole thing, but it sounds happy, and that's the kind of gossip I like. Group hug.

Candi tells Marissa that to get clients they need to rob Santi's patients. His patients could be their clients. After all, all's fair in love and war. They get dressed for battle (Candi snaps jeans shut, Mari with heels, Candi with the jagged hairband, Mari with the tousled curls). They march off to the battleground (Santi's office). Their agenda is to get Santi's "agenda" (Spanish word for appointment book).

We see Cecelia leave another rose on Candi's desk. She is unaware that Bárbara, the psychologist, sees this from the background.

Candi and Mari decide on a sneak attack. First Mari comes into Hortensia's office, asks the one girl to get her some tea, and tells Hort that she can't find her appointment book. She just bought it yesterday, and there it is on the desk! No, says Hort, grabbing Santi's book, that's Santi's, and she locks it in the drawer. However, she leaves the key in a pencil cup. Candi then comes in, and says I'm so happy to see you, Hort. Hort says, why, Candi says, well, because we're all God's
children, right? Hort is a little befuddled, and when Mari says to look in the other room for Mari's book, Hort goes. Immediately our mischievous crooks get to work, opening the desk drawer with the key. Candi takes out the book and hides it under the back of her shirt. Hort comes back and they high-tail it out of there.

Lucía and Charly are still talking in the coffee shop. Lucía is still fibbing about her parents. She says they're in Paris, they always travel. She fumbles about their job. Charly says, I understand if you miss them, we're friends, you can cry about them if you want. Lucía breaks down, says I'm failing you, I'm lying, because my parents are dead. Embarrassed, she runs out.

Hortensia is nervously shaking her coffee cup, Santi asks Hortensia where his appointment book is. Hort says maybe Candi stole it, since she and Marissa were just there, acting strangely. Santi rushes upstairs to accuse Candi, who denies everything (while all the other ladies are comically listening in, but pretending to be busy doing whatever). Santi declares war.

We then see Gregoria in the restaurant. She sees a picture of Chava, and asks Zamora the name of the boy. Zamora says it's Chava, and starts to say more, but Meño tells him to go to the kitchen. Gregoria asks Meño who's the boy, he's not your son, not an employee? Meño says I'm not telling you anything. Gregoria says, this boy's my grandson, right? Meño doesn't say, but she knows.

Finally, we get the scene from the previews. Pat is writing (and we cut back and forth with Candi reading) an email to "Roja y Blanca". He says he was in love once. He loved her with his entire being, from the heart. She was his life. Her name was Candida. We see flashbacks of the good times they had at the beginning, the skydiving, the night of amor, the pledge to return each year to their special place. Candi is wearing her Chivas shirt, reading his words. Pat says if he could ask God for one thing, it is that for just one second he could hug her and say to her "te amo". Candi reads this and starts to cry.

After the commercial, Chava asks Candi who's she talking to, and why is she crying. Candi says she was talking to Merengue (the puppet). Chava wants to practice ventriloquism, and they have fun with his mispronunciation of the word. She says why are you up so late. He says he already made pipi, and hasn't had any accidents. She says even if you did, that would be okay, and I'm really proud of you. He says, but why were you crying. She says it's a cold, but he says no you were crying. Chava decides to give her kisses until she feels better, and where is that box for kisses? Candi says it's right next to the box of lies. Chava gets it and puts lots of kisses in the box.

It looks as if Santi has decided to take matters into his own hands. He's snuck into Candi's office in the dark, and is crashing into things. All of a sudden Marissa comes in, sits on the desk he's hiding under, and starts saying "make love to me right here, Eduardo" (and Santi can't move).

Meño and Gregoria are still talking. Gregoria again asks Meño if Chava isn't really her grandson. Meño says you're dreaming, maybe menopause has affected your brain. Gregoria says menopause affected everything except her brain, which is funcioning just fine, and sooner or later, she's going to find out the truth.

Then we have Chava and Candi with the kissing box. Candi says you're an angel. Chava says, no, I don't have wings, I'm a Chivas warrior! Then Chava asks his Mom, you know, I've never even seen a picture of my Dad, can't I see a photo of him? Candi gulps, thinks fast, and says she has one, but it's time for bed. She thought bubbles that she'll have to come up with someone's photo to show him. Who would be a good father?

Back in the office. Marissa turns on the light, and Santi is surprised to see there's no one else there. Mari knew he was there, and was just playing with him. she says she knew he'd come there to find the appointment book, and if he wants it back, she proposes a deal. If he'll just do one little thing, she'll help him, and even forgive him for attempted robbery. Make love to me on the desk right now! she coos. How can he refuse?

Little Rocío is having a dream. In her dream, A big bad robber (looks like Donato) has snatched her dog, saying he's the dog robber, and he (Snidely Whiplash - style) is tying her to the railroad tracks. Who will save her? It's Super Chava to the rescue! Chava, dressed in a superhero costume, complete with cape and SCH on his chest, saves her from the evil dog robber. Also, Rocío's Dad Santi runs out, asking who saved her. It was Super Chava. In her bed, Rocío thinks to herself, yes, Chava
is my friend and my novio. Very cute scene.

Gregoria arrives at Pat's apartment. She makes herself at home, lies down on the sofa, requests something to drink and eat. She'll wait for Alicia. I guess she's going to ask about her grandson (the one Pat doesn't know is his - Chava).

In a restaurant, we have a meeting between Alicia and Soledad. Alicia doesn't want to beat around the bush. She just says to Soledad, how much money do you want to get out of Pat's life?

It's the next morning and Lucía and Charly meet in the park for ice cream. She tells Charly that her parents died in a car accident. Her uncle Santi adopted her and treats her like a daughter. There's almost no difference between her and Rocío in the way they are treated by Santi. But then why couldn't you tell me, asks Charly? Because I'm embarrassed that I'm an orphan, she says. Charly understands, and they hug.

Back to the office where once again, Cece is leaving a secret flower for Candi. Once again she is observed by Barbara.

Breakfast with Pat, Alicia and Gregoria. Pat and Alicia are mad at each other, and are not talking. Alicia tells Gregoria why - Pat has a kid with other woman. And the kid is 7 years old. It occurs to me that Gregoria might think this is Chava, even though they're talking about Beto. Secrets are coming out!

Candi returns the appointment book to Santi, saying it was all her fault, not Marissa's. Santi's not too happy about this (or about the fact that Candi and Marissa are hugging each other in friendship), but he accepts the book, saying some people actually work in this building. After he leaves, we see that Cece has copied the whole thing. Candi and Cece agree to call the patients/clients, half each. Candi has a further plan, but she'll reveal it after they make the calls.

Rocío tells Chava and Donato about her dream. He was a super hero, with a cape and everything. She's a little mad at Donato, who was robbing her dog in the dream. Donato says okay, I'll take away the refreshments. The thirsty kids think maybe the bad guy wasn't Donato.

Victoria, the chubby girl who wants all sorts of surgery from Santi, so she can look good for her internet boyfriend (whose picture is Sebastian Rulli), is happy that Santi will do the surgery. She gives Santi a big hug, and says her Mom will help with the payments.

Candi, Lulu and Cece sneak into Santi's office. What are they looking for? Candi says they're going fishing (for clients). They run into Victoria, who is going to have all that work done. Candi says "Do you want to LOOK prettier, or BE prettier? They tell her about inner beauty. After she shows her "boyfriend's" picture, Candi, realizing how Victoria is being taken advantage of, says, come with us, we'll be your salvation.

Now Santi is talking to another patient. She thanks him for her nose job, saying he's a great doctor. Lucía comes in. She checks her email on his computer, he asks why she's there. She says to advise him she's going to go to a nightclub (an "antro"). Santi says no way, you're a child, well maybe a very very little teenager, and I'm not getting into any argument about this, because it always ends badly, so you can't go, period. Lucía tires of this, stalks out, and rings the big bell he has outside his office (isn't that normally his signal to Hortensia not to interrupt, because he's getting busy with a patient?).

Back in the Institute, the ladies (and Meño) are explaining everything to Victoria, about how she can change herself without surgery, pills, bruises, etc. They will help her with her inner beauty. She says but I still need to get rid of this fat. They say just give us a chance. She agrees.

Ed and Santi are apparently playing video games on the computer, trying to beat each other's score (Hortensia has the record), while discussing how great their business is, and also talking about the patient who thinks her boyfriend is Sebastian Rulli.

Soledad tells Pato that Alicia offered her money to get out of Pat's life. Pat laughs but she's not amused and says she doesn't want the money, and to tell Alicia not to mess with her.

Candi shows Victoria a calendar of activities just for her. Victoria says I only have two days. Victoria meets with Bárbara, the psychologist, who asks if she looks at herself in the mirror. No way, says Vicki, I'm ugly and fat. Bárbara says I'll teach you a new way to look at yourself in the mirror, where you'll be happy about yourself.

Meño is looking at pictures of famous guys with Candi. Candi wants to use one to show to Chava, who wants a picture of his father. They decide that Albert Einstein is too old, and of course he'd recognize Ricky Martin. The others (Hugo Sanchez, Sly Stallone, Alejandro Fernandez) all have problems, too. What are they going to do?

Gregoria is explaining the hard truth to Alicia. Forget what he did. Your father did that many times, and the only difference is that I never knew about any possible kids. Alicia says she offered money to the mother. Gregoria says that won't work. Just close your eyes and stay with Pat. Men are all the same. And they never change.

Previews: Candi emails Pat, let's meet right now!
Santi declares his amor. Do Candi and Pat finally meet?


Wow, Hombre d'M, what a great debut! You've been studying Spanish less than two years? No es justo! Your understanding is fantastic. You really covered it all!

Regarding the bell, yes you're right. It's Santiago's signal that he's having a more "personal" consultation with a patient. I think the scene is there because little Lucía is growing much faster than Santiago would like. Lucía... bells... NO!!!

Pat's e-mail, what he'd like to say to Candida: How about, "I'm sorry"?

For those who missed the first week, Candy's sneezes are because she is allergic to men who try to seduce her. She doesn't sneeze around Santiago anymore, and he uses that as evidence that she should trust him more. So when she sneezes twice at Raúl, this gets Santi's attention, to say the least. But hi can't protest any more than "Sí Señor!" because it's his novia's brother.

I loved the Santi/Raúl competition at the party, each trying to have the last hug. It reminded me of cuttlefish mating. After two cuttlefish mate, if a second male can get to the female soon enough, he can replace the first male's sperm with his own. So the one who gives the "last hug" wins.

Fantastic Hombre! And so nice to intersperse all that helpful vocabulary.

AND you explained a scene I just didn't get....when Santi and Eduardo were playing video games. That went right over me. Certain scenes I just blank out on...and that was one of them.

And yes, I DID think of you Friday night as one scene switched after another at a dizzying pace...I was saying," Sure glad Hombre has this instead of me!" (But it will probably be the same on my night. Crazy crazy crazy and zip zip zip).

PS Paula...will you please explain how you know about cuttlefish mating? I'm thinking we need to put you on Jeapoardy (sp?)

Hombre, Congratulations on your premier recap. It is fantastic not only because it is so accurately detailed but you even took time to add vocabulary words. What a terrific job. I am impressed that you are only two years into studying Spanish and have this great of a command of the lengua. Welcome to recappers' world, I am glad you said you also enjoyed it.

PaulaH, Thanks for that cuttlefish mating on youtube, so funny! Is it true that there is already a youtube on every subject. This one adds evidence that the answer is yes.

I am watching this with partial attention and though I enjoy it tremendously I get lost on some of the smaller side plots when I miss some episodes or scenes. So thanks to Hombre, Paula and Judy for tag teaming in the comments to fill in some of the details. You are worthy Tontas recappers as always!

Take a bow, Hombre-
You did just great on your first recap.
I admire and envy you because of your grasp of the beautiful language we all aspire to.
Keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward to next week.
Thank you for your time and effort.

Cheryl, I've noticed this show likes to carry recurring touchpoints that keep popping up:
* The bell for Santiago's personal consultations
* Candy's sneezes when someone tries to seduce her
* Meño's .. what's the word? Mariposa movements? With a quick switch to John Wayne immitations.
* Santiago teasing Meño about his uneven ears, and Meño getting embarrassed
* Chava's "Tio Abuelo" - "Solo Tio"
* Sven and Ole's banter.
* Santiago's obsessive-compulsive tendencies, especially regarding the things on his desk. I suspect that Camil invented that to add color to his character, because it's so independent of the plot.

The touchpoints add a cohesiveness to the show. They are all light and amusing without being ridiculous.

Judy, credit for my cuttlefish knowledge goes to David Attenborough. His nature shows are peerless.

Hombre, our well-deserved congrats to you for a job VERY well done! Especially, as you pointed out, given the way this show bounces all over the place with little in the way of transitions between scenes.

Good job!

Ditto about Hombre's great recap. This show is dizzying in the speed at which the scenes move, and the fast dialogue between the characters. You recappers are needed more than ever. Thanks!!

While it is not boring since it moves so quickly, this show still has failed to grab me. Although I like Santi's character, Meno, Isabel, and the kids, I don't like any of the main characters, including and especially Candi. I'm still waiting for her to grown on me...NJ Sue

Great Re-Cap, congrats on your first!

I like how things are moving along, looks like Candi will be confessing to Pat soon!

Thank you all for the comments. I have to admit I missed a lot of the nuances the first time, but when I watched the recording the second time (with Spanish captions, and lots of pausing), I could see what I missed. And the vocab - some of the words were ones I had to look up (such as enredos). I'm learning them along with all of you.

Paula: Thanks for reminding me about Candi's allergies.

JudyB: I didn't understand the video games the first time either!

And Randy: I agree, if Candi confesses to Pat, we'll finally get to the main (or one of the main) themes in this novela - the triangle with both Santi and Pat trying to win over Candi. And I have to admit, although most of us are rooting for Santi, don't the writers often try to unite the woman with the father of her hijo? (or maybe the one the girl has slept with?) I'm thinking, for example, of Alborada and Pasion, where the father of the hijo won out over the husband and the former fiance, respectively. And in Cuidado, there's a long way to go, but I'd be surprised if the natural father lost out. In Querida Enemiga, the guy Lorena slept with won out over the one with whom she didn't. And can someone remind me about LFMB? I know Lety slept with Don Fernando (the winner), but did she ever sleep with Aldo?

What this all means (if it even means anything at all), is that we should root for Santiago and Candi to sleep together at some point, to "even the playing field".

Hombre d'M, you'll soon learn I never refuse an invitation to talk about LFMB. Lety slept with Fernando twice. And almost a third time at Cuernavaca, but they opted for a spiritual union instead.

Lety and Aldo never did. He pressed very hard at San Miguel Regla but she dug in her heels. Things were certainly moving in that direction when he made her dinner at his house, until Carmina (Carmeniac) showed up.

Great job, Hombre d'M!

Thanks Hombre...I'm feeling a little less dopey now that I know you didn't get the video game the first time either. (or else you're just really a gentleman!). If it's not my night to recap, I usually like to just "coast" and not worry if I miss something. Especially since I have all you great team members to fill in the gaps.

Again, congrats on a great debut. The vocabulary words I put in are the ones that stumped me also. But that's why it's good to have folks new to the language. The old-timers might assume too much knowledge on the part of the reader and miss a chance to instruct.

Most excellent recap Hombre. Have you done some writing in your past? I haven't seen the episode yet but the scenes flowed very well as you describe them. I look forward to seeing the episode and Paula's youtube link when I get a better connection.

I hope I can post this comment, I tried several times last night but with my spotty mountain connection I had some trouble.

Anyway, great job Hombre and I'm very happy to be on your recapping team!

Glad to see you've made the jump into the proverbial pool. You've really done a great job with this recap. Keep 'em comin'!!

> 8 ? ))

Great recap, HdM! You survived your first and lived to tell about it. (grin) I had no time to watch this week but made a point to read your 'cap and cheer you on.


Well done, Hombre!
A lot has happened in the show so far, but I'm not "hooked", yet. If not for Santi, I wouldn't watch.
Some emotional something is missing, and maybe it's that no one has a deep connection with anyone else, as far as romance.
Oh well. It's pleasant and diverting enough.
Thanks for the recap, HdM!

Hombre, thanks for the wonderful first recap! Keep up the great work and thanks for recapping!

“She sneezes again, and everyone yells "salud" (bless you), again.” I chuckle every time this scene plays and wonder why they punctuate it with “Yes, Sir!”

“Alicia says she now feels the way Candi felt when she caught them kissing at the wedding. And you know what hurts the most, not the betrayal - but the lies.” If Alicia lives to be 100 she will never understand what Candi felt, no matter what she thinks she’ll feel. Alicia has no delicate sensibilities whatever.

“She thought bubbles that she'll have to come up with someone's photo to show him. Who would be a good father?” Maybe Victoria will let her borrow the pic of Sebastian Rulli.

Marissa really nailed Santiago when he sneaked into their office—she’s not the stupid brunette she acts like, which is exactly what Candi told her. I expect great things out of Marissa.

Thanks again, Hombre!


Did anyone catch the name of the soccer player that Candy claims is Chava's dad?

Felicidades Hombre! Your first recap was fantastic - it's like you've been doing this forever!

Again, thanks to all for the kind words of encouragement.

Paula: There might have been a soccer player, but I'd have to check the tape. However, they did have a picture of Hugo Sánchez, a great former star, who was the coach of the Mexican national soccer team for 16 months, until March 2008. He´s now going to coach in Europe. So that is one possible soccer connection.

Hombre - nice job especially with all those little cut away scenes.

I'm really enjoy the lightness of this novela. Way too many of them are overly heavy on death and evil. They often fall into such melodrama they become unwatchable i.e. Fels.

Anyway since we were mentioning LFMB I find it hilarious to watch Zamora because the actor is so different from his snorting Tomas in LFMB.

In that party scene i could not help noticing how many bad dancers there were. I've never seen so many Latinos together with such bad response to the music. Hilarious!

I have to laugh at the reference to borrowing the picture of Rulli to palm off as Chavo's dad. I thought the same thing. And I also thought at the breakfast scene Mama was talking about Chavo and not Beto so there are some big shocks in store all around.

Decie Girl, I am also very glad for this telenovela being light hearted. The only people who have died so far have done so politely and quietly off screen and we are told about it later. No violent murder scenes in sight either. I hope they keep it that way.

Oh and mostly what I wanted to add was how much I enjoyed the Rulli picture and wish she would use it but I suppose he is too blond to pull it off but all her friends would enjoy passing the bear skin rug photo around.

Thanks to Paula, Capn’ Sylvia, and Hombre for their recent recaps. Nice debut from Hombre and the awesome quality we’ve come to appreciate from Paula and Sylvia ;) I'm finally caught up on this one!

On to some Qs: “regalar flores” simply means to give flowers. The play on words came when the investors’ girlfriends (or wives, not sure) asked him to stop giving Candy compliments (echar flores as Paula and Julie mentioned) or they would embarrass her. He said he never gave flowers because he was a conservationist. Candy said that flowers die anyway, so he might as well give them to his woman. Obviously Candy is unaware that flowers live a lot longer on the ground than they do in a vase.

RE: Meño’s lie about Candy. He tells Pato that he adopted Chava and he kept asking about his mom, so he gave him an old picture of Candy and told him that she was his mom and had died in childbirth. Now he questioned the wisdom in that because he was afraid Chava felt guilty about causing his mother’s death, but he was going to send him to therapy to help him get better.

There was yet another Frijolito repeat in Friday’s epi (the one where the little boy turns into a superhero and rescues the little girl), although in Frijolito it was the boy and not the girl who usually dreamt of his superhero prowess. Still, this one actually made some sense in this storyline as we see our little Rocio is falling for Chava. Not sure why she dreamt Donato was the bad guy, but he was quite funny ;)

Cuttlefish Mating Paula??!! We get more educational every day ;)

JudyB – So you make Yorkshire pudding as a popover? Any chance you’d be into sharing the recipe? I’ve been hunting for one with some fillings, but the only recipes I found were plain bread (maybe in a savory flavor). Panera bread serves breakfast ones (they call them soufflés, but they’re really popovers) and there used to be a place in New York called the Popover Cafe that served dessert ones with fruit and strawberry butter. Ok, now I’m hungry...

Hey Margarita, I'd love to know JudyB's recipe too. Here's what I've done w/ Yorkshire pudding and it seems to be kind of a standard recipe.
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt

Mix till smooth and let stand a while (A "while" usually equals an hour or so, but I don't worry about that)

Put a spoon full of hot drippings (melted butter would probably work) in a heated muffin pan and twist it around to coat the sides of the cups.

Put two or three TBSPs worth of batter in each muffin cup
Back into a hot 375 deg or so oven (hotter is better, 400 deg would be good, too)
Bake for 20-25 mins

JudyB, is that anywhere close to the way you make it?

Thanks for the recipe Mike! That sounds yummy ;)

I agree, sounds delicious Mike, especially the hot drippings part.

Hombre, I finally got a chance to watch Friday's episode and frankly it was insane. So much hopping around from scene to scene and the inclusion of the little mindless bits, you have my utmost respect for your ability to make sense out of it all. It was fun to watch but hell to recap I'll bet.

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