Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tontas No van - Wed. 12-3 Old faces faces revealed and we learn caca is censored from US tv...

OK, we are treated to a montage of scenes past, so it doesn’t matter so much that I missed yesterday’s episode, even though like a million years passed by. We are now in Guadalajara and it turns out that Patricio along with everyone else who used to live in the DF but decided they would all rather be in Guad (or maybe it was that big controversial payment the government gave Televisa to film there....) is going to be working here and the novio stealing wench sis is sliming on her man when Papa Doom shows up and wonders que the heck.

On another side of town our plastic surgeon alias raison d’ show watching is shacking up also in Guad with his new curly headed chica and his now grown daughter.

Tio bueno is getting appreciated in an empty house for all he’s done for this "friend" Juan Alberto who is leaving town. He later tells the story to Cande about how close they are but they have only been friends. I think Televisa has just recently discovered hair extensions because it seems like all the shows lately when time has advanced or regressed has the women with much longer hair.

Santi is telling his daughter and (who is this other young girl?) that he’s going to like it in Guadalajara and so will they. Daughter agrees. He seals it with the famous mariachi song, Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Guadalajara!!!! You will soon find out that it is one of my favorite cities in Mexico as well. For those of you who didn’t happen to see my very late comment to Ferro, allow me to repeat....Viva las Chivas!!!!!!!!!

But I digress, so now we are walking through downtown and the girls are asked if there is anything else they would like and they say yes salchipulpos. these.....literally "sausage octopus" Really, it’s just a hot dog of sorts and they quarter half of it and when it’s fried up the "legs" curl up and it looks like an octopus. Sort of. Especially when it is served on a bed of thin french fries that kind of looks like seaweed and covered with like Valentina hot sauce or lime mayo.

Again I digress, I admit, I’m sort of hungry right about now.

I think Cande is late for meeting her son at soccer so she freaks out and goes running to get him.

Ok, so Papa meanie comes in and sees Whore sis writhing all over Patricio and gets the explanation she is his wife for like a year now. Hmmm, I’d probably be a little perturbed if my son had married for a year and I didn’t know, forget the fact that she’s a skank and it’s clearly an office location. Anyway, he tells him this is the worst mistake of his life (I thought marrying Cande was but I guess he’s moved on from that). Pat explains he cares for her, and she’s by his side and understands him. Note, he doesn’t say loooovee. Yeah, this doesn’t seem to persuade Pa, he thinks maybe it was because she looks like the dead one.

I swear Santi is driving the Tomas Mora car from Fea, the girlfriend will gladly take care of it for him today.

OK, this next scene makes no sense at all. Santi sees Cande and starts to talk to her. This must be what Judy was talking about edits. It looks like they argue about something and maybe it is the caca he stepped in? Apparently you tube has more on this so I’ll try to find it. Actually Paula sent me an e-mail with it, so here are scenes that make this more sensical....

Anyway, they go up and down in an elevator arguing about who should apologize to who and a bunch of extras are scared out the place by some sort of smell.

Once they get back down to the bottom, Tio shows up and breaks up the spat. Tio recognizes Santi as the surgeon to the stars. Santi wonders if Tio knows the girl and he tells she’s his niece and she’s starting a business here but won’t be competition for him. He then asks when he can have a "lift" and asks him what the price would be, and Santi tells him it will depend on whether or not he can get his niece to apologize and accept apologies.

Cande makes it to the soccer game only to get a red card for yelling at the ref. She hugs her son but encourages the team to have fun anyway.

In Santi’s office, he is giving a hands on consultation to a woman who wants "them" lifted and bigger. She wants a "deeper review" because she needs to get to know her doc better if he’s going to be cutting her and he apparently agrees owing it to his mother to making him so attractive. I swear the photo he looks at when saying this is Crabby from Fuego.

He calls out to none other than our Paula from Fea secretary that it’s "time out" time. She apparently knows that code and proclaims him incorrigible. Her name here is Horty well Hortensia. A guy walks up and also learns it’s time out time.

Pachulito is playing golf and thanking some Japanese guys when Santi’s mother recognizes him having not seen him for years. She reads off the family accomplishments, including that one of her sons died.

Soledad wonders why her husband made her miss her sons's soccer game. He comes in looking like death warmed over. Turns out he has just learned that he is sterile. Seems he always was, so their son simply couldn’t be his. Doh!!!! She swears she didn’t know. There is much crying about this.

Cande is yelling at the boys to go take a bath because they must always do so after playing soccer.

OK, now the revelations finally. Horty is surprised at the doc’s behavior because he never did this in the DF, and he says, yeah and he was married then, BUT NOW HE IS an abandoned man, a bachelor.

We then learn who the other little (well, younger) girl is, she is Lucia and she is the cousin, her parents, the brother of Santi and aforementioned son of Santi’s Ma died in an accident and that’s why she lives there. Lucia calls her Tio and wants to go out with her friends, she’s bored. He tells her no, she should study instead. She says her dad was better. Ouch.

We later see Lucia stealing (ok borrowing) one of the cars.

OK, so we also confirm that Soledad is a friend of Cande. She calls to talk to her about picking up the boy.

Tio tries to convince Cande that she should meet this surgeon because he might be able to help her. She reminds him there’s no way she would be interested her sister. Tio tells her sis died because she didn’t have money and wasn’t even operated on by a real doc, instead a charletan. Cande says she just wanted to be thinner and she ended up dead. Anyway they argue about this and she tells him there is no institute and will be none y punto. They continue to discus the virtues or not of platic surgery.

Our next blast from the past is Tomas Mora himself, only this time his name is Zamora, cute. He and the other waiter are chatting about their jefe.

Thanks for waiting for the rest. I managed to dodge a round of layoffs yesterday and I am just very thankful for that -but I still feel the pain of my colleagues who were less fortunate. Or maybe they are the lucky ones as they can enjoy the holidays without having to worry about taking time off or trying to get everything done. Well, you know I have to look for the brightside. My internet diversionary days are going to be severely limited going forward though. Definitely the time to be grinding away at the axe and not juegando con los recaps demasiado. You no soy Tonta, ni creo que voy a irme al Cielo, al menos todavia .... :)

Anyway, I digress yet again.

So the waiters are chatting to each other....wondering if their jefe is really as he seems. Zamora thinks the only woman he ever held in his arms was his Mommy. The other guy thinks maybe he has a secret novia. They bet on it and decide to go ask him. What they ask is funny, if he had the choice between essentially a banana smoothie or a bottle of tequila, which would he choose. He says the banana smoothie. Zamora makes a nod. The next question is what was the name of his first girlfriend. He responds Adela, his mother, because all little boys are in love with their mother first. Really? Is that true? Hmmmmm..... Now it's Tio's turn to ask the question and wants to know if he should throw them out now, or at the end of their shift. they of course think later is better and scram.

Doc Santi is telling Horty about the air conditioning not working in one of the recovery rooms when who shows up but Tio Meno. He wants to know about "lifting" and slyly asks Santi if he is still interested in Cande's forgiveness..... :)

Ok, turns out Lucia cracked up the beemer she uh, borrowed and with her luck, she hits a police officer. She's trying to reach Santi to bail her out of this mess. Good luck with that one chica.

Back at home, Santi's curly headed novia Marissa is looking for him and no one has seen him there. She calls Horty and learns he went to a restaurant. She is apparently going there to find him and takes the daughter. Ma takes this opportunity to tell us that she doesn't think Marissa is for her son. Just then they get the call that Lucia is in trouble.

At the restaurant, Cande is dressed as a waiter. Her Tio tells her that the magazine that writes his horoscopes called him and he gave them her article and if the director approves it she can get a column in it. She smiles but he is more enthusiastic than she is, she didn't give him permission. He says she can use her studies. So we get to learn that actually, she studied literature so she can write a book. He thinks that can wait and she can earn some money now. The cook is excited she might know someone famous but she is silenced and returned to her pozole cooking.

Next we see Santi on the phone with his Ma. Next thing we know he interrupts the mariachis singing Un Tiburon and begs Cande's forgiveness again.

In another part of the city, We see Patricio pulling out his old wedding ring and reminicing about Candi. Of course skanky sis comes upon this and doesn't like that she's competing with a dead chic. Who would? Anyway she throws some green his way and wonders why he married her if he can't forget her sis, well he basically says she's not coming back and he likes all that she gives. Hmmm...

Santi continues with his begging and Candi is about to throw him out when the girlfriend and daughter show up. They want to know why he is dressed this way. He thinks he looks great. Candi intervenes that he doesn't even know what to say to you lady with corn cob hair. She responds, "Well for your information Miss Skinny, this lady with corn cob hair is his girlfriend" Candi responds that this skinny has a name, Candi, and she is the girlfriend of no one. Santi is happily surprised and confirms that she's also not married. She sneezes and the whole band blesses her. Marissa wonders why he cares if she is married.

Candi continues to tell her that he came to offer his apologies and they launch into the whole dog sh** mess, again censoring the word for us. She keeps on sneezing and Mari asks her if she has the flu or allergies. Candi says she has allergies to men who seduce her. Mari wonders who that would be and Candi says duh, the plastic surgeon here. The daughter keeps interjecting and this time says yeah that's obvious. He denies it and says he's a one woman man blah blah, and she says yeah and cows fly. Little girl says cows don't fly, Papi.

He says he never lies but she says all men lie (Tio objects though and she quiets him) and says, yeah how is a man who never lies like the three kings? Simple, neither exist. (For those of you who don't know, if children exhibit good behavior, on the Feast of the Ephiphany in Mexico the three kings will bring them gifts.) Little girl interjects, the three kings exist Papi and he says of course they do along with Santa Claus and agrees it's time for them all to go. Little girl recognizes Candi as the Ma of her friend Chava. Tio suggests this man wants something to do with her. She says she already has something to do with him, allergies. As she walks away Tio agrees she's fallen for him too.

Outside, Santi has more 'splainin' to do about his actions he thinks he looks cute as a charro (I'd agree) but corn cob novia wants an apology for him visiting this place. he then gets the call that Lucia is in jail.

Patricio is getting a tour of the famous center for jewelry in Guadalajara and tells the woman his hope is to export to the whole world. She assures him he'll find the best here.

Anotherr couple is arguing about working and doing chores and the woman is going to find work outside of the home so they will have to split up doing the chores. Man is not so thrilled. Not sure who these people are yet....

Down at the jail, looks like Santi has to be responsible for the damage his niece did. He didn't know she took the car though because he was at a show. The guy asks if he is an artist and he says well actually I'm a plastic surgeon. The guy says lies aren't necessary and you'll have to get a good lawyer because you need to pay for all this. Lucia says she's sorry, but he doesn't believe it; he thinks if she was really sorry she would have obeyed him. And here is where we are left off with scenes for tonight.

Thanks again for waiting!!!


Good morning Fuego (actally I hope you're still's a little after 5 am here). In the video I saw on youtube, Candi, without realizing it is standing next to a little poodle (I think) and some poodle poop.

Santiago bends down, takes his handkershief, sccops it up and hands it to her, thinking it's her dog and she's bein rude and irresponsible to leave the caca there (he already stepped in poop earlier with the girls so he's on a mission!)
After the spat ensues and the s**t flies back and forth between them, the dog's owner shows up and Santiago is embarrased and chastened to learn Candi was just an innocent bystander.

Maybe I was just in a tired cranky mood myself last night but the supposedly cute rapid-fire repartee (think Hepburn/Tracy Latino style) just didn't amuse me AT ALL! The more they rushed around and yakked, the more annoyed I got.

Hopefully it will get better and so will I! your note this morning. Glad you and Kim understand. I still have the videotape of that "beso" (me muero de te besar, Lety!"). Not a moment I'm willing to record over. Too awesome.

Good morning everyone! Read you later. And wishing you a better day amiga Fuego.

Thank you for checking that out, Judy. I knew something was missing, and I was going to look too. Without that fill-in, I thought she was smelling the poop he stepped in earlier. Bad editing!

Why didn't he remember her from her wedding?

Why doesn't Soledad get a DNA test like on Maury Povich? They never get a DNA test on these shows, or that whole plot on Cuidado would not have happened.

Thanks, Fuego. I saw 2 familiar faces. Santi's girlfriend is the villian from Amar sin Limites who fell in love with Val Lanus's character. The cook at the restaurant was Count Diego's unfortunate bride in Alborada.

And the guy who just found out that he is sterile is the doctor from Duelo de Pasiones.

Hola Fuego! You are such a busy girl, how you manage to put out this lively and entertaining recap is beyond me, but well done! Papa are the best at coming up with snarky nicknames.

Thanks to JudyB's recommendation from last night I looked up the edited scenes on youtube which made sense of the caca de perro scene. Talk about confusing editing, sheesh!

Susanlynn bless you, I was going nuts trying to figure out where I'd seen Lulu before. And Tio Meño's friend, wasn't he the head of the military (Duhmilio's boss) from Duelo?

All these new faces are confusing the heck out of me. Paula's character list is a huge help, I know I will have to use it as a reference guide. Santi's girlfriend looks posessed with her weird cat eyes.

Thanks Fuego!

See the missing parts on YouTube. Some gross parts were censored out, and other parts of the scene were blurred out. So the US version makes no sense. When you see the YouTube version, it all becomes "clear."

P.S. I just tagged your recap for you.

Oh, and thank you for explaining salchipulpos. I thought they were talking about octopus sausage, not weenies that looked like an octopus.

I am SO glad to know I am not the only one who couldn't make sense of last night's show!!

Does anyone know about Sven & Ole jokes? I swear, when I see the two dumb waiters, all I can think about is Sven and Ole; the one is even dumber than the other.

Can someone post the You-Tube link on here, I have searched but can not find.....

I got lost when everyone was smelling something fowl, I guess that was edited out...

Boy, this show is just crazy enough to possibly be entertaining.

Judy B. - There seems to be plenty of low cut dresses, and tight jeans on this Telenova, so Lou Dobbs , and Judge Judy will have to go on the back burner.

Great job Fuego, and thanks for checking YouTube JudyB. Since my spanish is very sketchy, I was especially confused by all the banter back and forth between our two protagonists. Good to know there was a point to it (sort of). It's a shame they do that cutting from the Mexican to the US version. Those sausage things sound delicious! I think I'm going to have to try making them. Yum!!

In the soccer game, Candi's son didn't want to play, she encouraged him to try, and he scored a goal! He then took off his shirt (playera), and got a yellow card (or maybe a red card) for that. Candi yelled at the ref, and he gave her a yellow card. Later, she explained to her son that it's good to celebrate and scream all over the place, just don't take off your shirt.

I also can't understand why Candi and Santiago don't recognize each other. It's six or seven years later, but they were introduced at the wedding. Oh well, I guess it's better for the story.

I hate cutesy "repartee" too (in any language) and hope that was an isolated incident. And I was just as confused by the editing last night as the rest of you.

Univision really doesn't do us any favors when they edit "objectionable" material - especially since they are so lousy at it. I mean, seriously - dog poop? From a SMALL dog? They edited tiny dog poops?!?!?

In defense of Candi and Santiago, I wouldn't recognize someone I met once at a wedding 7 years ago either, even if they looked like Candi or Santiago. I think even 7 weeks would be pushing it.

Thanks for the great recap. Wouldn't Santiago's daughter and Cande's son be the same age?

Great recap Fuego - thank you. I'm floundering with the new characters and didn't follow things well. It went from great in episode one to cloudy and confusing in episode two. Hope it gets clearer. Glad to see I wasn't alone. Diana in MA

You are right, of course, Julie, about their remembering, but they made such a point of having the "thunderbolt" look. Oh, well, it's just part of the plot and it will all be revealed later I'm sure.

Speaking of censorship, they blanked out the baby's tushy on Tuesday's episode, they way they did on Guapos.

Fuego, I meant to add that I hope you are feeling better after your rough day yesterday. Diana in MA.

Thank you Fuego, for your lively recap! I was lost in some parts, too, so I appreciate everyone’s sleuthing. I also didn’t get the whole story about Tio’s departing friend Juan Alberto. Does Juan own the restaurant?

And thank you a day late JudyB for your recap yesterday. I didn’t read it until late in the afternoon, and since I’m in California, it’s too late to get in on the comments. Anyway, I really enjoyed it and I sure do appreciate all the detail.

NinaK – this is the first time for me to watch 2 shows too and I’ll see if I can keep it up. Like JudyB, I thought the repartee was too giddy last night and too much of that may dim my enthusiasm for this show.

I'm with you Julie regarding recognizing a stranger introduced as bride or guest after 7 years. When I speak the common phrase 'Have we met before' my voice does not rise on the end, anymore.

Is it just me or are the youtube episodes already out of sync with the actual show? I missed last night on TV and the beginning of cap 3 on youtube is where Santiago is picking up the dog poop. A whole bunch of stuff that I don't remember seeing Tuesday night is in parts 5 and 6 of cap 2 on youtube. Did I just turn the TV off too early on Tuesday?

I think Candi's child is at least a year younger than the doctor's little girl.
Was there anything indicating the doctor is offically divorced?

I think he's definitely officially married. He keeps saying he's "abandoned."

My wife and all her family are from Guadalajara, too bad she has decided not to watch this show. I think if there are any scenes out and around town I'll call her in to see where they are, if she recognizes the place. Her family are also Atlas fans (the other team from Guad besides Chivas) but they are bad year after year, so they grudgingly support Chivas during tournaments and the like. I never see Atlas on TV when they show Mexican League soccer, but Chivas is on all the time.

OK, so speakin' of Guadalajara, if one were to take one's initial trip ever to Mexico, would that be a better destination than Mexico City?

Cozumel & Cancun are off the table and Mexico City sounds like One More Big Homogenized City.

BTW, the US Army now requires a general officer to approve any travel to Mexico by active duty soldiers. This really pertains to keeping troops in the Southwest, e.g., Fort Bliss at El Paso out of the Juarez type places because of the narco scumbags turf wars.

Anon#1, the missing part is at this YouTube link.

The kids: Rocío tells her papa that Candy's son is in her class at school. (And she adds, "and he has no papa, and I have no mama." This kid's gears are turning already!) Paulina, Santiago's ex, looked about five months pregnant when she backed out of the trip to Acapulco for Candy's wedding, at which point Candy was recently pregnant. So Chava is about five months younger than Rocío. I can't quite imagine them going to the same school - nobody in my public school lived in a house like that!

I think Santiago is divorced, but the emphasis is on his abandonment. It shaped his identity. His conversation with his scty, Hortensia: I didn't chase hotties in DF because I was married. Now it's all different, I'm un hombre abandonado.

Recognizing each other? My husband and I had a very similar situation. We met at a reception, just long enough to exchange names, like Santiago and Candy. We met again only a year later. He remembered me; I didn't remember him. However, Candy & Santiago also met once before, at the Cine-Rent cocktail party, and she rejected his advances there, too. Oops! Wrong universe.

I just loved the exchange in the restaurant between Marissa, Candy, and Santiago, with Rocío throwing in her well-aimed darts (are they fighting over you, Papa?). Did you notice? Santiago stood himself beside Candy, until he tried to deny that he was making moves one her, at which point he moved to Marissa's side.

Mike - I don't think an entire vacation can be planned around it, but certainly a few days - Guanajuato. It is a few hours drive from Guadalajara. It is a very historical city, very central to the Mexican independence movement way back when. I have been there a couple times and have loved it. Lots of museums and historical sites to visit, as well as being a great town to walk around in with lots of other people. It is somewhat touristy in a lot of places but the oldness of the city isn't lost. Just talking about it makes me want to go again.

Chris, that sounds great. How do you go? You're in vic of Chicago, right? Fly to Phoenix or Dallas, then to Mexico City, then Guadalajara?

Main question: how's the chow?

PaulaH – thank you so much for the link! Now it all makes sense. No wonder we were all confused.

Hey there...getting there....I'll read the comments when I'm done...additions are in blue....

I didn't see the blue stuff before, Rosca - yikes!!! about what happened at work! Same thing happened where I work about 9 months ago... very upsetting day.

I also noticed the resemblance to Crabi in Santi's mom's picture. I could tell that it wasn't her, but now I'm wondering if they're related!

Mike - I drove with my wife from Guadalajara. First before we were married and we went on a little lovers trip there, then later after being married with her parents and our son. We flew from Chicago to Guadalajara direct, then drove to Guanajuato. There may be a closer airport than Guad, but like I said Guad was our main destination. I think it's waaay farther from Mexico City. Mexico has great buses, better than any greyhound I've been on, we took a 5 hour trip from Guad to Puerto Vallarta by bus and it was way better than your typical plane ride, big seats, movie, etc.

Yikes...wrote a long note and the site zapped it. Anyway Fuego I'll write you....
and Ferro...yeah, the Youtube episodes don't match the ones shown on TV...they're longer and include more...confusing.

Say what you will about Fuego en la Sangre [It's's been stretched out beyond its limits] least the Fuego writers have never done an episode featuring dog poop as part of the storyline . Now that was weird. Ferro~~~My daughter went to a wedding in San Miguel and loved that city. My boss [who is married to a Mexican guy] rented a house there for vacation and said it was very reasonable. I think it is an artists' community. Have you ever been there ????

Yes I have been to San Miguel, but only for a couple hours - we stopped by there on the way to somewhere else to walk around a bit and get some food. It was nice there, very peaceful.
Mike I forgot to answer about the food - everywhere that I have been in Mexico (admittedly either favorite places of locals or places that cater to tourists) has had excellent food. I'm sure there are plenty of run of the mill joints with subpar food, but in Guanajuato especially the food was great everywhere. And not expensive at all.

"Fuego writers have never done an episode featuring dog poop as part of the storyline." True, but they did an amnesia storyline, which is much worse.

Amnesia? Oh am I even more glad than ever now I gave up on that show. if I had invested 100+ capitulos to be treated to amnesia I might have completely lost it. I'm watching the dog poop saga on youtube right now, and it's actually pretty funny.

Thanks for the recap Fuego ;) I got to it after the blue stuff, so it worked for me. Just wanted to add that after doom dad asked Patricio if he was only with Alicia because he hadn't forgotten the dead one, Patricio's response was: "and what if it is?" Didn't even try to deny it.

Call me crazy or sophomoric, but I kinda liked the whole reparte after the dog poop.

Mike, there are plusses and minusses to the DF, and it all depends on what you want to do. There are tons on cultural things to do like museums and theatre, ballet, etc., and pretty decent zoo. OTOH the pollution is pretty bad, you should NEVER eat anything on the street and if your sinuses are like mine, the altitude will kill you. I think it's great to visit for about 2 or 3 days, then you can head off to Acapulco or Cuernavaca (not sure there is anything to do in Cuernavaca, but the weather is supposed to be beautiful 365 days out of the year. They call it the city of eternal Spring). If you go the more tropical route (Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Escondido, etc) I would make sure not to go in the summer. It is waaaaay to hot and humid to tolerate. Early March might be a better bet. For the DF, summer is better.

Ferro, I've never been to Guanajuato, but I heard it was nice. Did you check out the mummies?

Oh, in defense of SOME amnesia plots, they don't have to suck (though in fairness, they usually do). In Zorro, our hero had it for a little while, and it was quite funny to watch him try to relearn both of his personalities, ridding around wearing the mask (but different pants), and referring to his Diego persona as a "perfect imbecile." Over on "El Rostro de Analia," the whole thing is one big amnesia plot in which our heroine was in a coma for about a year (having the skin of your entire body burned off in different degrees will do that) and finally woke up having no memory of her past. To make life more interesting, there were two women in the accident and the other woman's purse landed next to her body, so they gave her the wrong face! Now she has mafioso drug dealers chasing her down while she falls in love all over again with her real husband and her kid and the doctor who saved her life is desperately backpedaling to figure out who the heck she really is. Don't hate the device, hate the crappy writers who can't make it work ;)

Thanks for your comments folks. I think I finally finished it. These beginning eps are so hard because there are so mnay details throw in designed to set you up for the plot and characters and man to cover all of them just takes way to long, so thanks to those of you who have added details that I didn't include in my quest to avoid carpal tunnel. There were quite a few continuing revelations in this episode.

I love the banter, I love the comedy, I love the familiar locations and all fo the familiar actors. I am just going to enjoy this one completely, even though recapping it will be tough with a lot of extra comedic lines thrown in. Fuego I can recap while watching, the storyline is not that complex and there is a LOT of singing. This one will be a lot of innuendos etc. Hoep you all enjoy as much as I do.

Margarita, you must be doing nothing but watching novelas. You are watching every one! I tried Rostro, but it was absurd. I wanted to see the actresses from Acorralada, but I just couldn't take the crazy story. It seems like Telemundo is trying to cultivate an edgy style to contrast with Univision/Televisa old-school style.

I'm enjoying this show so far too, I'm going to have to give Jaime Camil most of the credit for that so far. Once he showed up the show came alive.

Margarita - yes I saw the mummies! It was quite a strange thing to see, so many mummified people just laid out in cases to look at. They looked like they were made out of paper. If anyone goes, make sure to go up on the hill by the statue of El Pipila at night so you can see the whole town lit up below. El Pipila is a hero of the Mexican Independence -

Also in Guanajuato - a romantic spot if you go with your significant other: El Callejon Del Beso. An alley between two houses that is only a couple feet across, the legend is a romeo and juliet story where lovers would lean across the alley from their porches to kiss but the families hated each other. You can stand on the third step and kissy face for photos while the crowd yells at you to hurry up if you kiss too long. Yes that really happened.

That whole website is full of great stuff on the city.

I was in DF & Puebla in July, a great time to visit DF. Days in the 70s, nights in the 50s, Rain every afternoon at 2 or 3:00. The rain kept the air clean and not-too-dry. My sinus problems keep me out of Denver - too dry. But in DF, which is higher, I had no problems.

If you stay a few days in DF for the museums, etc., go to the pyramids at Teotihuacan. Me quedó con boca abierta (they made my jaw drop).

Kris, thanks so much for finishing your awesome recap! And whew, I'm glad you escaped the axe this time! Layoffs are tough times and a complete bummer. Hang in there amiga.

Mike, I have some friends who have a house in Guanajuato and they say there is a huitlacoche season there. Not sure about the months but it is the rainy season, whenever that is. My friend says there is a restaurant there (or was there) that only serves huitlacoche dishes and is only open during huitlacoche season. The pictures that she showed me of the town are fantastic. I've only seen the mummies in an old and fantastically campy El Santo movie. I hope to visit there one day.

Fuego - so glad you missed the getting a pink slip! Thanks for the recap and the explanation of the "not really octopus hot dog".

Still liking Tontas, despite silly "Cande is dead" subplot. THAT is tonto.

I don't like Santiago's novia. Why does he have one, anyhow, if he's a player? Just to have a stand-by?
That desk pic does look like Crabi from Fuego.

Bravo to Santi for picking up the perrito poop and putting it where he thought it belonged. I've wanted to do that soooo many times!

Mike - I was in D.F. for 6 days at end of Oct.,and the pollution wasn't bad at all (it's much worse in the winter Nov - March).
For me, DF wins over Guadalajara for all the reasons Margarita C. listed. Pueblo and Taxco nearby, too. Skip Guadalajara - it's a big city with not that much going on.

Or go to Oaxaca - old, lovely, walkable small city, safe, great zocalo, wonderful museum of Oaxacan culture, beautiful handicrafts in stores, streets and nearby villages, and very good inexpensive food. You can do short day trips to ruins (Monte Alban especially), market days in villages where indigenous languages are spoken, etc.
Loved every minute of being there. Continental flies direct, non stop to Oaxaca from Houston.

Yes NinaK, I watch waaay too many telenovelas. I don't watch Fuego and I don't watch Sin Senos no Hay Paraiso, but I watch the other 4 prime time ones. I keep thinking I will cut back, but then I get sucked in (except for Fuego and Paraiso. I watched Fuego for about a month and a half and could no longer stand it. I gave Paraiso three days and decided it was too real for my taste).

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