Monday, January 26, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 1/23/09 "Where Amador plays the part of Ol' King Cole and Leopardo practices his Jedi Mind tricks"

Marichuy has gone to the television studio and is looking for Amador. He’s a little surprised to see her there, and even more so when she asks him to take her back as an actress. She’s willing to work for him again, if he’ll accept her.

Mayita seeks comfort from her abuelita in fantasyland. She cries about her mother and how she thinks she won’t be coming back this time. She cries about how she can’t tell her father about Marichuy returning because Rocío had her promise and she’s worried that Marichuy won’t keep her promise about bringing her a little sibling (that’s a lot for a child her age to deal with, thank goodness she’s got at least one sane grandparent to talk to, even if she’s just a ghost/apparition). Abuelita tells her that Rocío has her reasons and that Mayita must keep her promise, just as she is sure that Marichuy, who is honest, will keep her word to Mayita. Mayita it very happy to hear this and gives her abuelita a hug. She promises that she’ll guard the secret that Rocío wants her to keep until Rocío says it is okay to talk.

Padre Anselmo asks Ceci how she knew where to find MC and Ceci admits that she snooped a little and saw the telegram that PA got from Marichuy. She goes on to tell PA how when she got the hacienda she found out that MC had just left. This news shocks the priest and he asks for a little clarification. Ceci tells him how Mica told her that MC had just packed up and left, and Ceci doesn’t know where she could be and it is like she’s losing her all over again. Padre Anselmo questions if MC will return to the hacienda and Ceci indicates that she thinks it isn’t likely, based upon what Mica said. Ceci thinks that MC might have taken off for the US. PA says he doesn’t believe that for a second. Ceci tells PA that she needs to find MC, to get her forgiveness. She gets the priest to promise that if he finds out anything about Marichuy he’ll tell her.

Marichuy tells Amador that she didn’t marry Leo and that she came back to D.F. to find Juan Miguel. He scoffs a little at this news and she tells him that it didn’t go as planned. He asks about the baby and she says that the baby is in town with her and that’s why she’s come to see him about a job. She wants to provide for her son, she needs to work for him, to fight for him. Amador asks who all knows that MC is back in town. MC says that Rocío knows and she assumes by now that Juanmi’s been told. Amador asks if Rocío knows about the baby and that it’s JM’s son. Marichuy tells him she’s not said a word about the baby. Amador asks about Stefi and MC says she’s told no one and Amador says he’s not said a word either. Throughout this scene Amador demands his pages to bring them coffee and chairs—perhaps he does this to remind Marichuy how verrry important he is at the studio.

In the courtroom, Onelia is giving a total tell-all on the dirty secrets of the San Roman family (or at least her version of the dirty little secrets, lets face it, she's got to put her spin on it in order to get them to lock Juanmi up and to keep Blanca behind bars). She says that JM wanted to end the marriage, and that Viviana did not want a divorce. She wanted to keep the family intact for their daughter. She says that JM was upset when Viv got preggers and that’s why he most likely killed her, because he didn’t want that baby. Blanca is shocked to hear that Viv was expecting. The prosecutor asks all about the events that occurred the night of Viv’s murder. He tries to get the time line sorted out and Onelia says that she heard shouting while she was downstairs with Balbina. The shouts were between Viv and Blanca and came from the governess’s room. When Onelia went to find out what was going on, Rocío appeared agitated and upset, but wouldn’t let Onelia into the room. She says that the three of them – Rocío, Blanca and Juanmi--were hiding Viv’s dead body from her. She didn’t find out till much later that her daughter was dead.

Padre Anselmo questions what would cause Marichuy to leave the hacienda and Leopardo, when she was planning on marrying him. He leaves the church and runs into Casilda, curlers and all. Casilda is quick to let PA know that his little “angel” is back in town. PA lets Casilda know that his not appreciating her gossiping and he ends up walking away as Casilda says that PA needs to put a stop to MC’s wanton behavior.

Marichuy says that she and Cande are back living in the barrio. Amador is upset to hear this and says that he’s moving them out of there ASAP. Marichuy agrees to leave her neighborhood and heads out to get ready for the move. Amador hollers for his pipe like Ol’ King Cole.

Back at Cande’s, Olga admires the soft skin and sweet smell of the baby. Cande warns her to keep the existence of the baby a secret. Just then PA arrives and demands to know why MC left the hacienda and Leo. Cande says he knows how MC is, once she gets a bee in her bonnet. She lets him know that there was no wedding and that MC headed back to the capital because she heard about what was happening with Juan Miguel. Then Cande fills the priest in on what MC learned when she went to the San Roman home, that JM is planning on marrying the governess. Olga is still holding the baby, taking in all of this information.

Blanca’s attorney starts to question Onelia and he wants to know what she thinks of Juanmi. He asks her if she thinks of JM as a violent man. Onelia says no not violent, rather he’s a very cold person. The lawyer asks if JM is so cold, why is it she thinks he is capable of succumbing to his passions. Onelia says she can’t answer that, but perhaps Marichuy is the person they should speak to about this matter. Who is MC, the judge asks. Onelia fills the court in on how MC is JM’s wife. The judge asks questions to clear up the matter—JM’s a bigamist?-- and Onelia gives them a brief run down on the marriage and how it was annulled when Viv came back from the dead. Why would MC be someone to whom they should speak? Onelia says because JM hurt her when she was a young woman, when he tried to seduce her. Blanca’s lawyer objects, this has nothing to do with the case. The judge differs and thinks that Marichuy should be brought forth as a witness.

Ceci prays to the Virgin Mother for help in finding Marichuy.

MC returns and finds out from Cande that PA was there for a visit. They discuss how Olga and PA know that she is back and soon others in the neighborhood will find out too. MC tells Cande that they are leaving. Cande starts to do a happy dance, she thinks they are headed back to the hacienda. MC quickly lets her know that’s not her plan, but doesn’t launch into details. Instead she says they need to get ready and that she needs to talk to Padre Anselmo. Marichuy and Cande start to pack for their move.

Blanca’s attorney tells JM that the judge wants to hear testimony from Marichuy. Juanmi is muy impactado.

Leo finds PA and asks him where is MC/Lirio?

MC leaves the baby with Cande and heads out to find PA to talk to him. She wants to bring flowers for the Virgin’s altar. She struggles with the idea of stealing them from Casilda’s garden, but she ends up resisting the temptation and goes and purchases some flowers.

Padre Anselmo tells Leo that he had just learned that Marichuy left the hacienda. Leo says that he needs an explanation and he wants to hear it from Lirio’s lips. He demands that the priest help him find where Lirio went. PA says he hasn’t seen her (which is technically true). Leo says that he doesn’t believe the priest (doubting the honesty of a priest, that’s got to be some sort of sin, I’m sure it is written in the books somewhere). Leo is insistent, he needs to see her, they were going to get married and he needs to know why she left.

Casilda checks her flowers and warns them that MC is back in town.

MC makes it to the church, but when the bells chime, she realizes the time and that she needs to get home. Amador will be there soon for the big move. She gets home and fills Cande in on Amador being the person helping them move and find a new place to live. Cande’s facial expression indicates she’s none too happy to hear this. She questions why MC is accepting help from Amador and MC tells her that she’s going back to work at the television studio.

Leo tells PA he thinks that Lirio planned on leaving all along. PA says he’s sure that’s not the case. Leo asks for details, but PA says he can’t tell him what happened. Leo asks if she returned to her husband. PA says yes (so much for not telling him what happened). Leo goes on about how he needs to see her, how he was going to marry her and become a father to her child and she just up and left him. He at least deserves some answers. PA agrees. Leo asks if PA will take him to her, because he’s not leaving D.F. until he sees her. PA says you are right, “These aren’t the droids you are looking for and I’ll take you to see Jabba now”. (Because it’s obvious that Leo is using some sort of Jedi Mind trick on Padre Anselmo, why else would he cave so easily?).

Amador shows up and helps the women remove their meager belongings. He tells Marichuy that he’s there to help change her life. END OF EPISODE


Cathy, brilliant recap. I loved the Jedi mind tricks and Old King Cole. That Amador is a merry old soul, for sure...especially merry when he's ruining someone's life. I wonder what place he's moving them all into on like 2 hours' notice.

Blanca's stupid trial could end any time and make me happy; I don't even care whether she's found guilty or innocent. Those courtroom scenes are boring. We've already heard all this stuff many times! They should just skip to the dramatic scene where someone reveals previously unknown evidence.

I agree with you completely about Blanca's trial, but the scenes are pretty easy to recap, so I won't complain too much.

I just can't wait till JM and Marichuy finally see each other again. It should be interesting and I have no predictions on how it will play out. I'm sure it won't be the way I want it to go.

Leopardo (who I like) actually got on my nerves during this episode. He was really pushy with Padre Anselmo. And, his attitude gave me flashbacks to his character on Amar Sin Limites. I hope he isn't going to start infecting people with a virus in order to speed up the finding of a cure (I know, I know, I'm probably one of the very few who watched this show, so I should get over it, but having to endure it is probably what is causing me the flashbacks---post traumatic stress or something).

Cathy, I agree with Julia, that was such a clever recap. Thank you. I also agree with how tedious the trial is. I keep hoping Ivette will make an impromtu appearance, freaking everybody the heck out. At least it would liven things up.

By the way, I was one of the other people who watched ASL to the bitter end so I got a kick out of your comment here. Luckily I've seen Rene in a lot of roles and most of them have been closer to good old Leo than whatever-his-name was in ASL.

Or having his henchmen whack people and bury them in the backyard. Say, whatever happened to Piraña? ASL was one sick and twisted show, and the most annoying thing about it was the long long string of AMAZING coincidences and near-misses that kept everyone from finding out any information. Let's not have that here, please.

I hope Marichuy and JM see each other sooner rather than later. It will be annoying if, like, she just happens to walk by the church as JM and Blanca are leaving from their wedding or something.

Thanks for your great recap Cathy and your funny comments. I just don't understand Mari's continued trust of Amador in light of the times he tried to attack/rape in the past. I know someone commented earlier about how the writers seem to hope we'll forget that and Amador's blindness ploy.

And ITA with you Cathy that I'm sure when JM and Mari get together it will NOT be the way I want it to go either. Sigh.

GREAT recap, Cathy! I love your style.

Actually, I don’t mind the courtroom scenes because one of the few interesting things the writers do on this show is to create Onelia’s warped view of things. I was with Blanca, wide-eyed over what Onelia came up with.

Speaking of the writing, when this show started up I thought the grannyland scenes were just so that somebody’s relative who is an animator could have a gig. But now I’ve come to see how they fit in, and how they give us Mayita’s point of view and her reaction to everything that’s going on. Otherwise, she might just be some little girl in the background.

Cande sure fills the jovial side-kick part – whatever our heroine wants to do, Cande schlepps along with little complaint. She looked happy to be home again, but here she is following Mari to who-knows-where, and Mari just assumes that’s the way things should be.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing Cande stand up to Marichuy a little more. I mean, this is her home, where she graciously took Mari in, and now Amador's just decided it isn't good enough so they're leaving, without even seeing where he's taking them. And there's nothing wrong with Cande's place. It isn't luxurious by any means, but it has all the necessities.

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