Friday, January 09, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, January 08, 2009: Piraña forgets to bring cement booties

Well, it’s my worst nightmare – no captions tonight, though I don’t know why. Fuego had ‘em. The sad truth about my skimpy Spanish has crawled out from under the rock where it was hiding and is blinking in the bright light of public display. I remember JudyB recounting that it happened to her once and – I loved the way she put it – she said something like “I almost climbed down their throats” trying to understand the actors. She said it took her hours and hours to do the recap. JudyB my hat’s off to you – you are a goddess. Even repeating viewings (listenings?) still didn’t tease all the dialog out for me. It was interesting to notice who had good diction. First prize goes to Stef. The booby prize goes to JM. He can put it on the shelf with all the other booby prizes he’s been getting in other categories.

So please jump in with corrections and expansions. What you read here constitutes my best guess.

Leftovers (which fortunately I remember from last night): The police have finally gotten around to questioning Balbina. They have scooped her up from Viv’s funeral and now she’s in the precinct office where they show her Ivette’s photo and ask if that’s who she saw in the garden that night. Although Balbina says she only could see the big, sparkly earrings since it was so dark, when she sees the photo she says yes! That’s her! For our bumbling police, that’s a good, solid identification.

Elsa tells Nelson off for being drunk/drugged. Leo suggests names for the kid and Mari pretends when he gets to Juan Something that it’s a great idea and she says Juan Miguel. Leo doesn’t say Hey, I have an old friend of that name! Drat.

New stuff: Although it’s daylight, Pirana is lurking in the trees with that fiendish look of his. Stabbing his big knife into a tree trunk, he says to himself that he’s just waiting for the right moment.

Viv’s burial. Everyone is there. The Velardes are wearing shades. The padre says the usual dust thou art words while Onelia crumples, sobbing, and Rocio supports her.

It’s a lovely day at the hacienda and lots of peons are out sweeping the grounds. Mica is inside with Leo telling him that the reason they ditched the newspaper is that the father of Mari’s baby is off to jail for many years after having murdered his wife and it was in the paper and they didn’t want Mari to see it. I think she said the kid will be without a father.

Everyone has left the burial except sobbing Onelia, who is clutching a big framed photo of Viv, and has a rosary hanging from her arm, and Rocio who is trying to be kind and to get her to come away. Onelia shakes her off angrily and says leave! Then she curses JM and promises the pile of dirt that is Viv that she will see him locked up for good. Finally Rocio can’t listen to any more of that and leaves.

The padre is visiting JM who is behind bars. I hadn’t realized how mushy-mouthed Wm Levy is until now – it must be those big lips. Anyway, after several replays I have no idea what he is saying. A jailer comes and tells them time’s up. JM tells the padre don’t worry about him, he’s there because it was his fault. The padre says good luck and JM calls him back and says if Mari finds out tell her I still love her.

It’s nighttime and Mari is in her room with the baby who is fussy. She thinks she hears something at the window and gets a little creeped out. It is now time to fire the writers and hire on the clever ones from Guapos. Astoundingly, Mari heads off the direction of the bathroom and stays gone long enough for Pirana to come in cautiously, take the baby and go out the window. We see him leap from the balcony without breaking a leg or dropping the baby.

Mari returns – the empty basinet! The open window! She yells for Cande. Downstairs in the stunning blue kitchen, Cande and Mica are happily discussing Cande’s favorite topic, food. Mari comes flying in, hysterical, and tells them the baby is missing.

Pirana is running across the grass and meets up with his bright co-conspirator who says Did you get him? even though Pirana has MiniJM in his arms. We did it! says Pirana. What next? asks the brainy guy. Pirana says we escape with him, then he says something that makes the other guy look worried and doubtful.

Onelia is back at Castle San Ramon, sitting on the couch with Stef and Isa. She weeps that everything in the house reminds her of Viv. They look sympathetic and try to comfort her. Onelia sends Balbina to get Rocio

Meantime, Rocio is with freaked-out Blanca in her room. She has Blanca by the wrists and seems to be trying to get her to focus and come to her senses. Balbina knocks. Rocio tries to reason with Blanca, shakes her and tells her to look her in the eyes and all of a sudden Blanca gets that Ivette look in her eyes.

Balbina tells Onelia that Rocio can’t come right now, she’s with Blanca. Onelia says that woman is still in the house? She, Stef and Isa go to see. Blanca is staring now. Onelia says what is she still doing here? Blanca gives them all a steady look.

Now Mica, frantic Mari and Cande are up in the room. Cande looks under the bassinet blankets as if she could find the child there. Mari points out the open window. Leo arrives to see what’s going on. Mari tells him and Cande wails.

Rocio tells Onelia that JM said Blanca was to stay. Onelia says she can’t. Rocio says JM is the head of the family. Onelia says he murdered his pregnant wife – he has no rights. He’s in jail and from now on whatever I say, goes. Rocio is defiant and says nobody can overrule him, not you, not me. Balbina pipes up and tells Onelia she doesn’t know what happened. It was another woman who killed Viv and the police are looking for her. Blanca/Ivette’s eyes widen.

Stef tells Onelia that Balbina is right and the woman’s name is Ivette Whatever. Blanca’s eyes really pop.

Back to Mari’s room. She points out the open window to Leo. He guesses that it’s Pirana, he’s seen him hanging around lately. Mari says but why? Leo has no idea. He swears he will find that baby and return him safe and sound to Mari’s arms.

Stef is telling Onelia I was trying to tell you, but you didn’t want to hear it. The police are almost positive it was Ivette. She tells Onelia to call the inspector. A phone materializes in Onelia’s hand.

Down in the hacienda living room, Leo is trying to head out but Mari is hanging on him saying she is going too. He forbids her and Cande and Mica hang on to her. He leaves, but Mari breaks away and runs out. Mica runs after her and Cande is frantic. This cannot be good for her ticker.

Pirana’s sidekick does not want to do whatever Pirana’s plan is that I can’t make out. He says something about the blood of an innocent and he bails out. More money for me, Pirana calls after him.

JM and Ceci are sitting in the inspector’s office. She mentions Mari and JM says so it’s true what Stef says – Mari is your daughter? Ceci says yes and says tell the authorities the truth, clear your name and tell them where they can find that woman. Do it for Marichuy.

Leo is sneaking up on Pirana by riding a horse with a white blaze through the underbrush – and he has on a bright white shirt. I think we hear the baby crying, but it’s hard to tell as the dramatic music is so loud. Leo changes direction and heads off.

Meantime Mari is in the hammock in the barn with the Cande and Mica who are trying to calm her and who promise Leo will bring her baby back. Nacho hovers in the background.

Pirana has arrived by the creek. MiniJM is still crying.

JM tells Ceci that it was Mari’s choice to disappear. Ceci says are you in love with the woman you’re protecting? JM says he has a moral obligation. I think Ceci says I realize she has liberated you from the torment of Viv. JM says he holds himself responsible for what happened. Ceci says she doesn’t understand and doesn’t think it’s right. JM says I know. I think she says that love can justify anything. JM says he’s sorry he can’t explain anything right now.

Pirana looks like he’s about to give MiniJM his baptism and last rites rolled into one when here comes Leo who slugs him and takes the baby. He holds Pirana down with his boot and curses him and says who set you up? Who sent you? Who?

Ceci says why are you protecting such a bad woman? JM says she doesn’t merit your hard words. Ceci rolls her eyes. She says what if Mari finds out? I think he says she’d never come back, it’s too late.

What a manly manly man! Leo now has Pirana by the throat pinned against a tree with one hand while in the other arm he holds MiniJM. He demands to know why Pirana did it. Pirana says for the money and Leo demands to know who paid him. Pirana says he doesn’t know his name. He breaks free and runs off. Dirt bag! Leo shouts after him. Let’s go home, he tells MiniJM and takes his horse by the reins and starts to walk off. Uh oh, we see the sidekick looking on from behind some trees.

At Casa Velarde, the judge is having tea with Stef and they are discussing how the police can’t find any record of the existence of Ivette. Ceci comes home. They want to know about how it went with JM. Ceci tells them about the moral obligation JM was talking about. Stef says tell him that woman needs to be locked up.

Elsa is looking at the two men who are in love with her, giving her a good opportunity for comparison. One of them, Nelson, is passed out on the bed. The other, Ed, is checking his pupils then giving him little slaps to get him to come to. Ed is going to take some blood samples – he gloves up.

Back at the hacienda barn, waiting for Leo, there are hysterics, pacing, weeping.

Rocio has Blanca in her arms and is comforting her. Blanca is weeping and squeaking and I can’t make out what she’s saying, but I think she’s asking Rocio to stay with her and do whatever is in her power, slap her, whatever, to keep her evil alter-ego away.

The sidekick has found a pay phone and he calls Amador who is at Televisa, working late I guess. He tells Amador what happened and Amador tells him they’re a couple of idiots. The sidekick then tells Amador something that makes the cellos buzz, I think that Leo was demanding a name.

At the barn, Mari is wiped out and is just staring. Cande is still weeping. Hoofbeats! It’s Leo with the baby (apparently he had mounted the horse – not an easy thing to do with a baby in one arm). Jubilation. Leo says he didn’t kill Pirana and Mari wonders why Pirana did it. Leo’s eyes dart back and forth.

Ed has a serious professional talk about Nelson’s condition with Elsa but I didn’t catch it. He says good night and leaves. Elsa studies the passed-out Nelson.

Mari asks again why Pirana did it and Leo tells her somebody paid him to. The cellos buzz. They retire to the hacienda. They are about to head off to bed and Mica tells Leo he did great, and Cande thanks him too. They leave. Mari and he chat and he tells her that she’ll have to separate from MiniJM and she says never. Leo laughs and says one day he’ll be a man and head out on his own. I think he then says you’ll need a companion and Mari demurs. He tell her that she’s young, pretty, and the main thing, she has a good heart. I think he says the right man will come along. Mari smiles and loves up MiniJM. Nobody thinks about security.

Maybe Rocio is going to try an exorcism or maybe she thinks that if the Virgin can’t cure Blanca, nobody can, because she’s bringing Blanca into the church. Padre Anselmo is there and she tells him Blanca needs somebody like him. He asks why Blanca is crying. What does she need? Blanca says I did it! I killed JM’s wife! The padre is impactadissimo.

Amador is in a café with Isa and Stef and he’s filling them in on the failed caper. He says Leo didn’t find out their names, and that it was the sidekick who called him to tell him about it. We’re doomed, says Isa.

Eduardo has stopped by Elsa’s. She reports that Nelson doesn’t want to get up, doesn’t want to eat. Ed hands her the envelope with the bloodwork results.

Rocio is telling the padre that it’s true, but it’s not Blanca’s fault because this other woman takes her over. Blanca weeps that it’s stronger than her, she can’t resist. The padre looks horrified. This is way worse than a neighborhood lady being stoned for being a prostitute.

In his jail cell JM is despondent. Here comes a dignified white-haired fellow who introduces himself as a lawyer. He says he’s familiarized himself with the details of the case and that the police think JM isn’t guilty. He wants JM to be completely honest with him. Are you guilty, or innocent?

Elsa says she can’t read the lab report. Ed informs her that Nelson is seriously ill, but I couldn’t make out the details. Maybe his liver is shot. Ed says she’ll have to decide if she wants to leave him or stick with him to the end, which apparently is imminent.

The lawyer asks JM again – guilty or innocent? Wm Levy’s diction is so bad I reran the same sentence about 8 times and still wasn’t sure if he said No soy cupable or Yo soy cupable. But he’s shaking his head and the lawyer beams, so it must be he said no.

Avances: JM gets out and now he wants to go looking for Mari.


Oh head hurts all over again just thinking what you went through! BUT YOU DID A STELLAR JOB!!! and as far as I'm concerned, saved us a lot of driveling dialogue.

Seems to me once, when Margarita was recapping Pasion, there was a scene where a character said either "no soy" or "yo soy" and she wasn't sure either...there was quite a discussion about it.

Anyway, loved your "miniJM" and your wry take on Padre Anselmo's horror (this is way worse than stoning the neighborhood prostitute).

You kept your sense of humor and you wrote a wonderful recap. YOU HAVE JUST GRADUATED SUMMA CUM LAUDE FROM RECAPPERS SCHOOL!

Congrats, amiga. If I had your address I send you a big jar of Advil. (and some cookies)

Wow, great job, Maggie. I know the feeling Judy describes of sitting on the edge of your seat and willing yourself to understand what they are saying.

I guess Stefi's brilliant deductive skills escaped her because she didn't realize that Blanca and Ivette are one and the same (although I'm not sure she ever saw a picture of Ivette). Of course, Balbina should have realized.

P.S. Thank God they found that baby right away. I couldn't take it. Now JudyB can start watching again.

thank you for the great recap Maggie. So glad they did not let the kidnapping go on forever. I can't get enough of Piranah's (did I spell that right?) evil looks! they always give me the chuckles.

"The sad truth about my skimpy Spanish has crawled out from under the rock where it was hiding and is blinking in the bright light of public display."

Maggie - I'm not even trying to keep up with CCEA but that line caught my eye. CCs or not, you do have a way with words. LOL!


Maggie, I'm not sure why you even mentioned: "The sad truth about my skimpy Spanish has crawled out from under the rock where it was hiding and is blinking in the bright light of public display." ??? I would never have known your captions weren't working as the recap was simply great!

Leo's failure to to provide proper security for "mini JM" was forgiven when he rescued the baby so quickly. Whatever happens (or doesn't) between he and Mari, she has a strong protector and ally.

Ella, welcome! I agree, Piranah's expressive scowls are simply sinister! Diana in MA

I think MC belongs on the hacienda with Leo. I would choose the good looking guy in jeans with a big heart over the GQ model with girly hair any day! ella

Oh and thank you for the welcome Diane

Ella: I was among the first to proclaim myself on "team Leo" and still am. Opinion seems to be divided on this as many feel she should be with JM as he is "mini JM's" father (an excellent point) and because they were (and are) truly in love.

I think JM has a good heart and do like him but he needs to mature and grow. However, he attracts a vast array of psychotic personalities (Viv, Ivette, Steffi) some of whom live(d) with him! His house (at least presently) is not the safe haven Mari deserves.

I think Leo offers security, comfort, compassion and is mature, willing and able to love Mari and min-JM. If he doesn't end up with Mari, I hope he ends up with someone special before this is over. Diana in MA

Diana you are right. Baby always comes first. So MC and JM should be together. but I still think he has girly hair! ella

Maggie, you are my hero! What a tour de force. It didn't seem as if you missed a thing and what's more, your writing style is absolutely delightful. More, more! I am still stuck on JM because I'm a sucker for cute-but-stupid, but I have to admit, his stupidity goes beyond the pale (way beyond). It's hardly plausible that a hookup with Marichuy would be the desired outcome anymore.

Welcome to Ella. Glad you're onboard this ship of fools with the rest of us.

And on another topic, apropos of previous discussions about the sets used in filming this show, here's an interesting link I found whilst cruising thru the artblogs [As an artist, I have to keep up; if you think CarayCaray is insane, try some artblogs].

Agnes: Thank you for providing the link, I enjoyed seeing things from a behind the scenes perspective. Diana in MA

Thanks for the recap Maggie and major kudos for not having your cc. It seems you got everything, nice work! And your line about PA not being able to handle Blanca's confession was priceless.

I'm so glad the kidnapping only lasted one episode. I think we've all grown so attached to miniJM that the kidnapping (already a horrible plot devise) become even more horrifying.

I hope Ed soon finds out and shares the info that Viv faked the pregnancy.

I posted late yesterday so in case you missed it welcome Ella.

And thanks for the link Agnes.


All I can say is OUTSTANDING! So impressed by your effort. (a little jealous too of your ability)!

When I first started watching this show a month or so ago, I found this site and was told by you and JudyB that some day I would understand what was being said and I thought "no way." I just took an intro to basic Spanish and felt I would never get past understand anything other than Hola and Gracias, etc. However, last night I actually understood the whole scene with Rocio and the padre (of course I had the captions on!) I was so proud of myself. I actually understood Spanish!! AND I think I got what Elsa/Ed were saying. She asked if Nelson had cirrhosis and Ed said, he probably has cancer of the liver. She asked if he was going to die soon and Ed said yes. Was I correct?? I was not sure about this because Elsa sure didn't look that upset that she was just told her husband had liver cancer!

The Spanish dictationary that I just bought is awful. A lot of the lingo used on CCEA and Tontas are not in this dictationary. So, I have ?'s I hope someone can help me with. I always see the words (verbs I believe) hizo, fue, and eso. What do these mean? Also, the word "claro" is used constantly. Does this mean clearly, or yeah, right?

I'm just waiting for someone to burst my bubble and say, ah, no, you're not even close with the Ed/Elsa conversation, so please tell me where I screwed up.

Thanks for anyone's help.


Terrific work Maggie! I think you're right about Nelson--I didn't have captions either but I thought Ed said Nelson had cirrhosis.

I too can never understand anything William Levy says--it was like that in "Pasion" too. I wonder if it's because he has a Cuban accent?

I'll be interested to see if Leo rescuing the baby will change Mari's feelings toward him. And I wonder if Amador et al. will try another kidnapping plan. I've never understood why he thinks getting rid of the baby is a good idea--he thinks that will free Mari up to return to TV work, but I seriously doubt she'd just say "oh well, the baby's gone, guess I'll go back to acting." She'd probably spend every waking moment searching for her baby, or be too depressed to even leave the house.

Violet, I think you're right about the Ed/Elsa conversation--I heard cirrhosis but since you had captions on, I'll defer to you!

Hizo is the past tense (3rd person) of the verb hacer (to do or to make), and if I remember correctly, fue is the past tense of both ser (to be) and ir (to go). Eso means "that".

Eduardo said "Alto probabilidad de cancer en su higado." (I just looked at the captions). So, I think he is saying he probably has liver cancer. Yes?? Of course, we have to remember the word "probably." Hopefully, Nelson doesn't have this horrible disease. Any liver disease is awful, just lost my brother to it.

Thank you Debbie for your Spanish lesson. I will now never forget fue, eso, or hizo!!

Thanks for the welcome Agnes and Karen. Everyone here is just so nice!!

Debbie I wondered too what Armador's reason for kidnapping the baby is. How would that work out to his advantag???? I don't think he loves her. He's a skunk! Like you said she would be too distraught to go back to work. If anything, she would need the work to support the baby (if she leaves the hacienda).

Oh Leo. Forget MC. I will come live with you on the hacienda! :)


In answer to your questions, Hizo is a past tense of "Hacer" so it means is "to make" for example " porque dios te hizo tan bella?" translates as "Why did god make you so pretty? Fue is the past tense of "Ser" or "to be" and it means was. Eso means "that". "fue eso" would mean "it was that" You were right about the word claro. Literally it means "clearly" but the sentiment of the word often means "yeah right". Think sarcastic or doubtful.

Beautiful job on the recap!! I really admire you folks who are brave enough to do one!! Thanks for keeping things interesting.

I am super happy that the kidnapping thing did not last long and that "Pirana" did not achive his goal. I was not happy that he was planning to "ahogarlo" drown him. Horrible. As stupid as JM can be I keep watching. He is so pretty it hurts.

Mauni in Wa

Well done, Maggie! I really don't think you missed much. Nothing Juan Miguel says is ever very vital anyhoo. Insert the idiotic and illogical sentences of your choice.

Ed did say that Nelson is very sick from cirrhosis and he doesn't expect him to live much longer. Elsa was conflicted because earlier, when Ed was drawing blood, she told him she was going to leave Nelson for good, but now she feels like she should stay with him since he's dying.

Leo's heroic rescue was ridiculous. Very welcome, but ridiculous. Why was he the only one out searching for the baby? That's a lot of ground to cover. I did like that he could beat up tough-guy Piraña one-armed while holding a baby and kicked him in the nuts three times for good measure. Cande just frustrates me, though. If the baby's not in the basket, how is staring at the basket going to help you find the baby. And why did no one think to increase the security, or at least move Marichuy to a different room to make her and the baby harder to find?

Regarding Amador's motivation...I think Stef wanted to do it to torment Marichuy and keep her away from Juan Miguel and the Velardes, and Amador went along with it just because he is mean.

Maggie: Great recap without captions. I've done two CCEA recaps and know I couldn't have done them without the captions. The worst character for me is Mari. I have the hardest time understanding anything she says.

Any, Pirana wanted to make the baby disappear -as in do away with it. Good thing Leo arrived before Pirana could throw that baby in the river.

Leo really is a superman. He held the baby and Pirana in a choke-hold with his boot and did get some informtion out of him. He described the woman as young (Estefi) and the man as strong (Amador). But, he lied because he did know who they were. His sidekick was too moral to get involved in a baby murder, but not too moral to call Amador and tell him what happened. His one sober moment.

Thanks again.

Julia. I agree Leo's rescue was silly, but that's what makes the show so is so cheesy!

Cande is hard to get mad at. She is my favorite.

I didn't realize Piranah was going to kill little JM?! Was that what Amador, Isa and Steffi wanted him to do? I thought they wanted the baby kidnapped not murdered. Diana in MA

Thanks for the recap, Maggie, great job without captions!

Add me to those relieved the kidnapping was wrapped up quickly. If anything could, I think having Leo/Omar rescue her child from danger and return him to her arms would give Marichuy reason to take a serious look at him. He's certainly winning ME over. But then again, I feel bad for the indescribably clueless Juan Miguel, Sr. for missing these fleeting moments of infancy with his son (especially since he was apparently born a 3 month old), even though he doesn't know he exists.

I hate to seem like a ninny but How do you guys get the English subtitles??

Thank you all very much for the kind words! Whew. You really cheered me up. Sounds like you all had captions. I had a one continuous caption which was the word Univision and beside it single letters whizzed by like the prices on a gas pump. Weird. When I saw that my heart sank.

Ella and Diana and others on Team Leo – count me in! Of course in these novelas there is one, predestined love, el amor de mi vida, and there’s nothing we mortals can do about it, so I’m sure Mari will end up with JM. Darn.

Ella - We're getting Spanish subtitles. A good way to learn!

Thank you for that cool link, Agnes!

I knew it would happen for you, Violet! Way to go on the Dr. Ed scene! Getting understanding is like having the fog clear slowly. Things just come into focus gradually. Look how fast it’s happening for you! Wow! And when you realize it, ah, it’s the major high of language learning. Our drug of choice.

Did anybody else think that Rocio using her native instincts was way more effective in dealing with Blanca and helping her than JM has been with his big deal degree?

It was amazing that JM and his lawyer had their private conference across the bars of his jail cell where other inmates who must be nearby could overhear.

Maggie. See I am a ninny! You guys are using spanish subtitles??? I am even more impressed with you guys now.
This is all new to me:(

Ella - you aren't a ninny! I watched these soaps for about a year before it dawned on me to put on the captions. Now THAT's a ninny!

Hi Ella...let me join everyone else in welcoming you...and the only reason we know about closed captions is because one of the original recappers told us about it...later we taught others about it. I can remember when Dorado Dave was sure he couldn't get it on his TV and we kept coaching him and voilá! (and the only reason I can type accents is because Sylvia recapper taught me. And my picture is here because Paula recapper taught me that. This is a wonderful learning center in all kinds of ways.
* * *

Diana, I know you're as soft-hearted as I...good thing you didn't know the conspirators asked Piraña to "disappear" the other words, kill it. I finally watched the recording after learning from Maggie's recap that the little bambino is safe and sound...for the moment!

Judy b. You are so kind!

BTW JudyB – I got lucky on this episode because there were a lot of action scenes, and a lot of wailing scenes that didn’t need translation.

Speaking of wailing for your lost child, when I was in college I dated a fellow who was on the search and rescue team. He took me along on a rescue and I spent 4 long hours in a mountain lodge witnessing the agony of a mother whose small child had wandered into the woods and gotten lost. Although they had given her a sedative, her wailing was more dramatic and more mournful that what we saw last night and it was a terrible thing to see. I’ll never forget it. The child was found, and her reunion just pulled my heart right out of my chest. It wasn’t the sunny relieved smiles like Mari had, but more wailing and hysterics and of course joy. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. And I didn’t want to repeat that experience – I never again went along, as I wasn’t a searcher, and I had to just sit there and wait like the mother did. Thank goodness for the happy ending that day.

Maggie...oh my...thank God that child was found. There is no sedative strong enough to calm a mother whose child is lost.

I too found Marichuy's reaction strange (yes, I actually went back and watched it after reading your recap)...she should have been crying with relief and joy, not just contentedly smiling.

When my daughter first told me she was pregnant, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. Didn't matter that I was at a table with her in-laws and other assorted guests.

Powerful moments like that bring tears in most, if not all women.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you for the recap, Maggie. This episode is stress inducing.

Is it written on a summary somewhere that JM and Mari will definitely end up together? I think the writers can change their minds anytime. Even as the leads have JM,Jr together, the writers can choose to be modern with this TN and have JM,Jr's parents end up only as "friends". I can see them marrying Mari to Leo and JM be solo since he does tragic so well.

Also (I hope I'm not being a spoiler because I don't really know how this is going to end but if I am being a spoiler, I'll apologize in advance) I heard from "Hoy" that Maite is leaving CCEA at the end of January. I thought this TN is supposed to last until March. Either Maite has already filmed all of her scenes or they're reducing the number of episodes or they might be killing her off.

Anyway my point is, I don't think it is decided yet that Mari ends up with JM. It could be a happy ending for Mari and Leo.


JT - Good grief! Why would she leave a show where she is the lead? Maybe you're right that something unexpected is going to happen!

Maggie, I'm not sure why Maite is leaving. All I understood was "Hoy: Maite deha CCEA Enero". She gave a reason but I couldn't understand. She did say something about "complicado". She didn't seem sad or worried so I think she fulfilled all of her committments to CCEA already.

I wish I hadn't read this tidbit of information.

The main reason I think Mari and JM are going to end up together is that they’re shown in the titles with her with her feather wings on leaning against him.

I agree that JM and Marichuy will probably (but not absolutely for sure!) get together in the end because that's just how telenovelas tend to go, but I don't think the actress's possibly leaving the show before it's over necessarily indicates anything. Maybe that storyline will for some reason wrap up early; maybe the character will continue but be played by a different actress, etc. The possibilities are infinite!

I checked the web and people are saying it's a Dia de los Innocentes joke. I gather that's like April Fools, but is in January..

Maggie, thank goodness. So it's not true? That's great. The show just would not have been the same without Marichuy!!!


First off, i must say Juan Miguel has been looking especially hot these past few episodes-- maybe it's for the best that I can't understand his idiotic confession which would ruin his appeal and just bask in the ambiance of his prettiness lol

I was thinking the same thing when Chuy named the cute baby Juan Miguel, I expected Leo to mention he had on old friend with that name, guess it's too early to break open that shocker

As much as I like Leo, I still cannot picture Mari and him together. It's just not there--at least from her end. She'll always only love Juan Miguel which wouldn't be fair to Leo. I think that the Leo/Blanca and Marichuy/Juan Miguel happy ending will happen and Leo won't feel any tragic heartbreak from him and Chuy not working out.

I know this is random but isn't it weird that Elsa and her family aren't more in Juan Miguel's life? I thought they were cousins and I remember the first episode where Viv asked Ed to meet his gf Elsa and I later realized that Elsa was JM's cousin, but Viv didn't know her... inconsistencies?

And I also agree with it being sad that JM is missing out on his son's infancy,I don't think it was good for Chuy to hide the pregnancy and birth of her baby from JM, she knows deep down he wouldn't take miniJM away from her like that, it's not fair to the hottie!

Amador knows about the baby which should've rang a bell to them when they found out Pirana was paid for the kidnapping.

The rescue scene was ridiculous and hilarious the kick in the nuts comment was hilarious.

I think that they probably finished filming CCEA, but I wonder what the news about Maite is? It wouldn't really be much of a show without her unless something totally unexpected happens.

*sigh* DA. CCEA. When is the Stef actress going to play someone I DON'T want to kick in the butt?

Thank you Maggie for the excellent recap of another CCEA crazy episode.

welcome ella and karen.

Jody :)

CCEA will not end this month in Mexico. It is scheduled to finish airing in March. In the USA it probably will end late June.
Maite Perroni is also not leaving. She made a joke on the Mexican show "Hoy" because it was "el dia de los inocentes" (sort of April Fool's Day).
Also if anyone gets the magazine "Entertainment Weekly", there is a spread this week on CCEA and they talk of the telenovela and the actors.

That kidnapping plot was just AWFUL to watch. I'm not a mother but just that is enough to make my stomach knot up. And then add to that Piraña trying to kill the baby! No, I can't take it. At least his partner had a twinge of conscience; he was also the one who was like, let's just take the money and be done with it, so he's clearly my favorite of the two, if there is such a thing. Glad Leopardo/the writers ended that nonsense quickly.

Apparently Rocio is a better at psychology than JuanMi, or at least better at know when she's in over her head. Her brother owes her big time.

For so many dark happenings this episode, this is a delightfully amusing recap.

Somebody please tell me the angel wings on Marichuy aren't some kind of foreshadowing that she and JuanMi won't be together until after death. They wouldn't have done that, would they?

That kidnapping plot was just AWFUL to watch. I'm not a mother but just that is enough to make my stomach knot up. And then add to that Piraña trying to kill the baby! No, I can't take it. At least his partner had a twinge of conscience; he was also the one who was like, let's just take the money and be done with it, so he's clearly my favorite of the two, if there is such a thing. Glad Leopardo/the writers ended that nonsense quickly.

Apparently Rocio is a better at psychology than JuanMi, or at least better at know when she's in over her head. Her brother owes her big time.

For so many dark happenings this episode, this is a delightfully amusing recap.

Somebody please tell me the angel wings on Marichuy aren't some kind of foreshadowing that she and JuanMi won't be together until after death. They wouldn't have done that, would they?

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