Thursday, January 08, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Jan. 8 - Melquíades finds DB and Marisela, Santos rides around uselessly and Meléndez has an encounter with a farm implement
Santos asks Melquíades how DB could have fallen into a trap and Melquíades explains about the soldier who came with the note. Melquíades says that has to leave. He has things to do. Santos replies that he needs Melquíades' help to find DB. Melquíades tells Santos that he has his skills (mañas) and they aren't like Santos' skills. Melquíades says that he will move heaven and earth but he will find them and bring them back safe and sound. If this doesn't happen, they will see him with feet first ("los pies por delante"), that is, dead. He rides off. Gonzalo says that he wouldn't want to be Melquíades' enemy. Santos replies that he is as loyal as he is macabre.
Antonio comes to see Mujiquita to get the Altamira vaqueros out of prison. Mujiquita says that the vaqueros broke the peace and damaged his bar. Antonio says that it is an emergency and explains about Marisela and DB being held by Meléndez. "Stop being a coward for once in your life," Antonio tells him, "Are you a friend of Santos, or not?" Mujiquita stands up straight and leads the way to the cells.
Mujiquita opens the cell and lets Carmelito, María Nieves and Pajarote out but not the El Miedo vaqueros. Guerrero pleads with Mujiquita to be let out also to find Meléndez but Mujiquita's fit of courage has passed.
Marisela: What should we do?
DB: Resist. That's what we are going to do. Follow me in every game and don't be afraid. Whatever the bastard does, don't give him the pleasure of seeing that you are weak. Fight. Fight, hija. We will fight.
M: All right. If you do it, I will do it.
DB: That's my girl.
Meléndez tells Sergeant Fierro that he is his personal assistant. He is to go to town and take charge of the troops. Then he is to return and make sure that no one follows. Meléndez says that he will take care of the two women.
Santos returns to Altamira and tells the vaqueros to split up and search the area. He tells Gonzalo to return to the hiding place. Gonzalo leaves meekly.
The Sargeant returns to Progresso and we see that Melquíades is watching. In the prison, Guerrero tells Fierro not to be an idiot and tell them where Meléndez is. Fierro says that Meléndez is on a special mission and has put him in charge of the soldiers. Guerrero says that Meléndez is involved in a very bad thing and will end up being court martialed and Fierro is his accomplice.
Meléndez comes back in the hut thingy and says that it is time to celebrate. DB tells him not to touch Marisela. "I already had you," he says, "Let me take the girl." DB tells Meléndez to kill her if he wants to but not touch her daughter. "I will kill you," says Meléndez, "don't you doubt it but I want you to see how I will celebrate." He rips open the top of Marisela's dress and the skirt.

Guerrero tries to order Fierro to release him and tell him where Meléndez is but he refuses. He says that Fierro knows where Meléndez is but he doesn't care. He tells Pernalete and Mujiquita that they are all going be accomplices in this disgrace.
Fierro tells the other soldiers that he is in charge and is going to get further orders from Melénde He gets back into the truck to return to Meléndez and we see that Melquíades is in the back.
DB tries to keep Meléndez from raping Marisela by inviting him to have her but he says that he has a taste for ("apetece") the girl. Desperately, DB says that he can't have Marisela because she is his daughter. She says that she made Lorenzo Barquero believe that Marisela was his but Marisela is the product of her rape. That is why she has always hated Marisela.

Neither Santos nor the vaqueros can find any trace of Marisela or DB.
Fierro is recalling Meléndez's instruction to make sure he isn't followed when Melquíades gets up from behind him and puts a knife to his throat and tells him to drive. He will tell him the way. "Where are we going?" asks Fierro. "To hell itself," replies Melquíades.

Pernalete paces back and forth while Guerrero and the El Miedo vaqueros look on.

Meléndez says that he doubts that Marisela is his daughter. He notes that DB doesn't hate her daughter, she is protecting her. He says that he thinks that DB is deceiving him to save her daughter but it won't work. "Nothing will save you from Nicolas Meléndez, little dove," says Meléndez. He tries to kiss Marisela but she bites his tongue. He hits Marisela and knocks her out.

The terneras come to Altamira and ask what they can do. "Pray," says Cecilia, so they all pray to their God.

Antonio brings Gonzalo back to the cellar. Gonzalo says that this is all his fault for asking Marisela to meet him at the well. Antonio tells him to stop tormenting himself. People in love do stupid things. Antonio tells the other rebels what is happening. They want to help but he tells them not make things more complicated.
Melquíades tell Fierro to stop the truck and turn off its lights. Fierro begs Melquíades not to kill him. He is only a soldier who doesn't have anything to do with anything. "Bad little soldier," says Melquíades. "We don't have much time."
Eustaquia and Juan Primito are praying to their gods.

Melquíades tells Fierro to tell him everything he knows.
Meléndez comes into the hut with a pail of water. DB dares Meléndez to try it with her or is he afraid? He tells her to be quiet. She says that she will tell him how she will kill him. She says that she will kill him like she killed the other three. Always trying to distract him from Marisela, DB describes how she killed the other three. She says that she has prepared a very special death for him. Would he like to hear about it? Meléndez says that she doesn't frighten him. He doesn't care if she killed the others. That's fewer people who know his history. He thanks her for having killed them. He says that if she likes stories about ugly deaths, he will tell her one that she will like a lot. He hits her. She tells him to hit her again. He can do what he wants with her but he must let her daughter go. "Beg for her," says Meléndez, "Beg. I like it. Do you know why you are here, Bárbara? To see what I am going to do to your daughter and so she can see what I'm going to do to you. "

Mujiquita continues to try and get Pernalete to do the right thing and release Guerrero.

Meléndez goes up to Marisela and then curses. "What happened, Meléndez?" says DB, "Dead already, cadaver? It's fear and drunkeness." Meléndez admits that he is drunk and can't do it now but he says that it will pass and both of them will know that he is a man. He lies down to sleep. DB tells Marisela not to cry, that scum like Meléndez like that but she can't control her fear. She sobs and cries out for her father.
At Altamira, Lorenzo wakes up and hears his daughter calling. He tells Cecilia that he had a nightmare. Something bad was happening to Marisela and she was callling him. He asks Cecilia whether Marisela has returned and Cecilia has to say that she is still missing but she is sure that she will return at any moment and the Virgin will protect her. (I was crying here.)
It is the next morning. Melquíades is at the hut thingy where Meléndez is holding Marisela and DB. He kills the soldier guarding the place and opens the door of the hut slowly. DB cries a warning but Meléndez shoots and Melquíades falls to the floor unconscious or dead. "You killed him, bastard!" cries DB, "You killed my brother." Meléndez tells her to be quiet.
Santos urges his men to continue the search even though they are tired and hungry and they agree. Santos says that he has a presentment that something bad is happening. Santos meets some soldiers and they recognize him as the man that Meléndez wants to arrest.
DB calls to Melquíades and says that he can't die now. Meléndez says that there isn't anything better for a hangover (resaca) than another drink. He says that he is functioning now and moves toward Marisela.
In the cellar, Gonzalo tells the other rebels that he has to go out and look for Marisela. They protest but he leaves.
Guerrero tells his men that this is an emergency situation. They are to look for Meléndez and the two women he kidnapped and bring them to the police headquarters.
DB tells Meléndez that he will regret what he has done. Waving Melquíades' bloody knife, Meléndez says that it is she who will have regrets. She has very little time left. She curses him and he hits her. She tells him to hit her again. He can only confront her when he has her at gunpoint or handcuffed. "Hit me while you can." Behind Marisela, Melquíades wakes up. He motions her to be quiet. DB keeps Meléndez' attention by saying that there aren't enough curses in the world for him. "Look at me in the eyes," she says, "You won't abuse my daughter. You won't touch her."

Melquíades is untying Marisela wrists one handed.

DB starts to put a curse on Meléndez invoking the Indian gods. He tells her to be quiet and calls her a witch. She tells him to look at her because she is the last thing he will see on this earth. Marisela's hands are free.
Santos tells the soldiers that he wants to be taken to see Meléndez. They lead him off while the vaqueros and Gonzalo watch from hiding.
Looking for Marisela around El Miedo, Juan Primito discovers "a blue man" ("un hombre azul"), the Sergeant's body, in a freezer. He runs for Eustaquia.

Meléndez says that her witchcraft doesn't scare hiim. It is she who will die. She and Santos Luzardo, that good for nothing shyster ("mequetrefe abogaducho"). He will invite Santos to the celebration. "He will go out with you," says Meléndez, "feet first." "No, not Santos," says Marisela and that unfortunately draws Meléndez' attention to Marisela and Melquíades. Melquíades pretends to be dead but he isn't in the same place where he fell. "The dead don't move," says Meléndez. He points his gun at Melquíades.
Guerrero finds Santos being escorted by two soldiers. He tells them to release Santos.
Melquíades attacks Meléndez and Meléndez hits him and knocks him out. DB yells at Meléndez to leave Melquíades alone. Meléndez says that he can't take any more. He is going to kill her right now. He cocks his gun and points it at DB. Marisela yells, no. She pushes Meléndez and he falls onto the straw and is impaled through the abdomen on the tines of some kind of farm implement.

Marisela and DB look at each other horrified.
Labels: barbara
If I were giving prizes for how well the characters handled the situation, first prize would go to DB. She was smart and did everything she could to keep Meléndez' attention on her and away from Marisela.
Second prize to Melquíades who actually found where they were being held. He did kill two people though.
Third prize to Mujiquita who worked so hard to convince Pernalete to let Guerrero out of prison.
No prize to Santos not because he couldn't find DB and Marisela. He wasn't going to be the rescuer in this story so even though he and his men know the area like the back of their hands, they couldn't find one isolated structure in cattle country where there aren't that many buildings. No, Santos loses points for getting distracted about whether DB knew Meléndez from before when he was talking to Eustaquia. That was not the time to start worrying about DB lying to him again.
Honorable mention to Marisela who held up pretty well considering what a horrific situation it was.
Interesting that she called him her brother. I wonder if the telenovela will go there, or if he's just a brother for all he's done for her. In the book DB is half Indian, her mother being from the same tribe as Eustachio (I posted once that in the book this character is male.) Conceivably before the mother died, and she was dead at the time of the rape, she could have had another child with an Indian man.
Guerrero has turned into quite the hero, kind of an abrupt turnaround as before he was hand in glove with Melendez with everything.
And, yes, DB was magnificent, almost like a mother lion protecting her cub. I also noticed that the fine actor who portrayed Melendez managed to get a look of fear on his face when she described what happened to the others, even though he managed to shrug it off.
I hope Marisela doesn't feel guilty. She accidentally put down a mad dog.
Is there any chance Lorenzo is NOT Marisela's father?
DB calling Melquíades 'brother' was interesting. Long ago, DB told Santos that she was mestizo, although she doesn't look it so he could be her half brother. To me, it's always seemed like Melquíades is in love with DB.
It will be intersesting to see how traumatized Marisela is after all this.
Marisela and Gonzalo both said that this turn of events was their fault. For once, they were right about something. I hope that Marisela will figure out that foot stamping, tantrums, and puppy-dog eyes are not always going to work in life.
I hope Gonzalo joins the Sergeant in the cooler. It would be a shame if those genes were passed on for even one more generation.
I'm failing to see just what Santos is going to do without any arms against the security forces.
I'm failing to see how he's going to sneak up on anyone when he goes thru the woods, braying like the jackass he is.
I'm failing to see just what his playing Perry Mason with Eustaquia does to find Marisela and DB.
Why any woman would be interested in Santos escapes me totally.
DB needs to feed Pernelete to the one-eyed croc after this is over. I'll bet that the one-eyed croc will think that his bald head will be like a bon bon.
Melendez is the devil of devils. (BTW, that's a pitchfork he fell on.) I'm glad he's going to live so that DB can give him a gentle send-off.
Finally, and not least of all, Melquiades rides to the rescue! How can one resist empathizing with him and hoping that he will dispatch the villians? I kept hollering at the TV for him to slit the sergeant's throat and quit fooling around. I guess that with all of the other so-called men in this show, I was in the mode to expect more shilly-shallying about.
But not Melquiades. Hopefully, after this episode is over, DB will have the governor to dinner with the one-eyed croc and Melquiades will become the new governor.
BTW, has the show said the governor's name yet? Perhaps it is Blagojovich?
(I must have my little joke!)
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