Sunday, January 11, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon.-Tues., Jan. 5 & 6: Andrés is made to realize the truth about PJ/S and it doesn't do good things for his menal health
The killer that Andrés hired comes to get paid. Andrés isn't paying unless he can guarantee PJ/S is dead.

Walter decides to show Andrés the secret room and the safe. Andrés guesses that the mysterious pianist comes in and out through this room.

PJ/S is touched by Gaetana's and Lupe's concern about his safety.

Andrés is surprised to see PJ/S at the factory.

PJ/S takes off his jacket and grabs Andrés. He says that if Andrés wants to kill PJ/S, he should do it himself. Andrés says that he will wait for PJ/S tonight in the factory. I couldn't get a shot of them together but the light blue silk on the back if PJ/S's vest matches the lining of his jacket. PJ/S seems to dress a lot more formally (three piece suits) than the rest of the executives at the factory. I'm not complaining, mind you. I love those suits on Mario. It reminds me of what Hugo wore in LT.

Isabel confronts Andrés about trying to kill PJ/S and he confronts her about having PJ/S as her lover. He confesses that he has already tried to kill her three times. He tells Isabel that he will kill PJ/S tonight. Then he beats her unconscious. Her screams attract the rest of the household.

Tues., Jan. 6
PJ/S and Andrés are alone in the 'bodega' part of the factory. PJ/S tells Andrés that he is PJ, that he came back, that he is the man that he and Isabel murdered. PJ/S tells Andrés things about his earliest history that only PJ would know.

"I forgive you for having killed me," says PJ/S to Andrés, "but I will never forgive your for your immense ingratitude."

Andrés is face to face with PJ/S but he can't shoot him. PJ/S says that finally Andrés has recognized him.

Andrés lies down on the floor and cries like a child.

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