Sunday, January 11, 2009

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. - Friday, Jan. 7-9: PJ/S breaks it off with Isabel and asks Valeria to marry him

Wed., Jan. 7

Andrés returns to the Donoso house but he's catatonic more or less.

PJ/S (now in a black suit with a black shirt and tie) goes to see Isabel in the hospital. She says that she is glad to see him. She was afraid that Andrés was going to kill him.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that Andres is in such a bad way mentally that he doesn't think Andrés will ever return to the factory.

Indiria, or whatever her name is, comes to see Andrés wearing something that looks like a martian costume on some low budget movie. Obviously, most of the money on wardrobe in this novela was spent on Mario once he got out of his peasant outfit. Anyway, Isabel calls whatever her name is a traitor and Rebeca overhears Isabel say that she has a lover. (If she only knew.)

PJ/S meets Valeria in the woods and asks her to marry him. She doesn't want to commit herself unless she tells Isabel. Naturally, PJ/S doesn't want her to do that.

Thurs., Jan. 8

Andrés is obviously a complete nutcase but Isabel refuses to put him a psychiatric hospital.

PJ/S tells Isabel that it's over between them. He doesn't want to be a lover in hiding and she has to take care of her crazy husband.

Naturally, Isabel can't believe PJ/S would do this to her.

If PJ/S hadn't f**ked enough with Andrés' head already, he lets Andrés into the study when he is playing the piano as PJ.

Andrés tries to kill PJ/S but he can't and when the rest of the household comes in, PJ/S is gone.

PJ/S tries to convince Valeria to make a choice about her life and come with him. She says that this isn't the right moment to make such a decision. Valeria says that she doesn't want to make such a decision without Isabel's approval. PJ/S tells her that she won't have Isabel's support. Valeria says that she will give him an answer tomorrow at the same time.

Fri., Jan. 9

Isabel decides to take Andrés to a place where he can rest. She has borrowed a country house from a business associate. She wants Valeria to go with her.
Isabel decides to bring a gun with her to the house she is going with Andres and Valeria.

Valeria can't reach PJ/S to tells him that she can't make their appointment.

Gaetana has doubts about PJ/S's relationship with Valeria but he tells her that he wants to forget about being PJ and live with Valeria as Salvador Cerinza. He says that what he feels for Valeria is more pure and intense than the passion he has with Isabel.

Gaetana suggests to PJ/S that Isabel might have decided to take Andrés to this remote place so that she could kill him to be with PJ/S. Valeria could be in danger from her or from Andrés, the lunatic. PJ/S says that he has to find out where they are even if it means spending time with Rebeca.

Andrés tells Isabel that she loved the old man and now she is getting involved with him again. "You know that Cerinza is the old know..." he tells her.

So we have two women and a crazy person in a remote house on a dangerous lagoon. What could possibly go wrong?


Jean, this group of pictures have to be my all-time favorite. PJ/S behind the piano is priceless. The yellow sweater and the suit with the white tie are pretty awesome too.

Although I love these shots I can't approve of what PJ/S is doing with Isabel and Valeria. Don't think telenovela justice will allow him to live happily ever after as he is planning to do with Valeria.


This is one part where I don't understand PJ/S. Valeria's too close to Isabel and obviously won't go without telling her. What does he think is going to happen then. Isabel's definitely not going to be giving her blessing.

Walter suspects something I think. I mean let's face it. Andres is loony and he's in the company of two women in a secluded place. That's not rational behaviour on Isabel's part.

Thanks for catching us all up Jean. The shots are awesome and your summaries get it all in ;) I'm with Gaetana, Isabel is hoping that Andres will try something so she has an excuse to kill him and say it was self defense. Heck, she may be trying to find ways to make it look like suicide (a deep lake, a gun that's probably registered in his name...) She knew full well that Walter would keep him at arms length and Rebeca would side with him, so Valeria was the only witness she could bring along.

I agree that PJ/S is wrong to be trying to marry Valeria. It's possible he's falling in love with her, but he sure took his sweet time dumping Isabel if that's the case. Most likely he's trying to have the romance with Val he once dreamed he could have with Isabel (back when he was PJ) and is in love with the idea of romance, not with Valeria herself. I just hope he figures this out before Val gets hurt.

The PJ/S-Isabel-Valeria situations suggests a Goldilocks and the 3 Bears analogy to me. Isabel is all passion and Valeria is all sort of intellectual love. Ideally you need someone who is 'just right' in the middle. The fact that there isn't such a person indicates to me that there is no 'happy ever after' in this novela.
I don't think Valeria is going to be hurt that much. She seems to have doubts about her relationship with PJ/S anyway.

LOVE the photos, Jean, and I LOVE these past few episodes! PJ/S's game of cat & mouse with Andres - while cruel- was scintillating. I thought Martin Karpan did an exceptional job. I'd like to have seen a little more energy from Mario, though.(How DID PJ/S manage to just keep popping here & there to stay out of Andres' way at the factory, and not even break a sweat? I suppose they were trying to emphasize the "otherworldly" aspect of PJ/S in that scene.)

Quite a knockout blow he delivered to Isabel with the "I'm outta this relationship" speech. If he seriously thinks she's going to just sit back & take that, he's loco. I'd have thought he'd make sure Valeria was wearing a wedding ring before he dropped that on Isa, but I guess even that doesn't necesarily guarantee anyone's safety. I guess it could actually put Valeria at greater risk, but I don't think he's thinking that deeply, anyway.

How did PJ/S manage to escape from the study without Andres seeing him? That must be one fast-moving secret door.

The marriage proposal scene between PJ/S & Valeria was sweet, but a little hasty, I'd say. But then, I guess this is all going to blow up in his face pretty quickly so time really isn't on his side. I can see her wanting to get Isabel's blessing, but she's obviously too unsure of her feelings for this marriage to be a foregone conclusion.

P.S. I remarked about PJ/S's ties a little while ago, so I giggled as I watched the "bloopers" disk from the official DVD this weekend. There was one scene with Mario trying to tie his tie while talking to Gaetana. He messed it up pretty bad & was trying to explain before they cut camera that he really did know how to do it... Pretty cute.

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